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Love and Marriage

Showing 1–50 of 414 results

  • 3 2 1 Marriage Participant Guide Semester 1 (Student/Study Guide)


    God designed marriage as one of His greatest gifts to us.

    321 Marriage Ghelps couples discover the hidden gems awaiting them when they let God define how they walk out their marriages. Only when you follow His plan can you discover the true joy and fulfillment He had in mind. Whether you are just laying the early foundation as newlyweds or desiring fresh wind in the seasoned sails of your marriage, we want to encourage you on the journey and help you discover that God’s plan for a dynamic marriage is possible!

    Developed oby a couple for couples, this unique 12-week course is designed to encourage couples toward healthy and thriving God-honoring marriages. Session topics cover the foundational areas where most couples struggle, including:

    *Prayer–how to build your marriage on prayer togetherd
    *Kindness–what that really looks like in a marriage
    *Needs–how each partner is different
    *Love–how to provide security and connection to each other
    *Money–how to act as one while thinking individually
    *Family–how to prevent or navigate volatile dynamics

    The leader guide offers exclusive digital content, including supporting biblical commentary for each lesson. You can find it at

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • How To Build A Thriving Marriage As You Care For Children With Disabilities


    Building a vibrant and joyful marriage is always a challenge. When you add the stresses inherent in parenting children with disabilities, it becomes both more difficult and more critical.

    Once on the brink of divorce, Kristin and Todd Evans uncovered the unique set of skills critical for growing a fulfilling relationship amid the extraordinary challenges of caring for their two children with special needs. Now they are sharing their hard-won discoveries and inspiring marriage story with you. Weaving together insights from Scripture, research, and clinical and personal experience, Kristin and Todd offer you the practical relationship tools you need to save, strengthen, and enjoy your marriage. They help you:

    – identify your unique needs
    – assess your strengths and weaknesses
    – set your priorities
    – develop healthy stress management skills
    – deepen your communication and connection
    – tackle problems as a team
    – find ways to rest and recharge
    – nurture sexual intimacy
    – build a strong support network
    – and so much more

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  • Marriage Devotional : 52 Days To Strengthen The Soul Of Your Marriage


    Now available in trade paper!

    Great marriages are made, not born. In this devotional, Levi and Jennie Lusko take turns showcasing the highs and lows of marital relationships and how God uses them to foster a deeper love and a more solid foundation.

    God wants you to have a strong, thriving, and fun marriage. Even in the midst of mortgage payments, emotional baggage, drama, mistakes, and a whole lot of laundry, your marriage can not only survive, but be sweet, steady, and strong.

    Wherever you are right now, God wants to use your marriage to grow you in strength, kindness, tenderness, joy, and leave a legacy that will change the world.

    In these 52 devotions, Levi and Jennie will point you to God’s word and help you experience a depth and beauty you may have never thought possible. Whether your marriage needs fine tuning, or to be torn back to the studs and be rebuilt, this devotional will help you:

    *Unlock new joy and vibrancy by recognizing there is better beyond the honeymoon phase
    *Uncomplicate conflict as you learn to fight fairly as members on the same team
    *Access Godly wisdom by engaging and staying steady when your marriage doesn’t look the way you thought it would

    This unique devotional is power packed with questions to answer and discuss. You’ll find short prayers to pray over your spouse and a checklist of fun, thoughtful activities to do throughout the week.

    Perfect for newlyweds and even seasoned married couples, this devotional journey will be the encouragement your marriage–not just any marriage–needs to flourish.

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  • Love Busters : Protect Your Marriage By Replacing Love-Busting Patterns Wit


    End-Times Prophecy Does Not Need to Be Complicated Or Confusing… “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” –Matthew 24:42The words of Jesus remind Christians that–even though we do not

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  • Communication Sex And Money Workbook (Workbook)


    Three Essential Elements to Build Relationships that Last!

    Most men would do almost anything to overcome their three primary problems in relationships with women. This study guide to Communication, Sex & Money has solid solutions for all three. Filled with everyday examples, the book will teach readers how to defeat difficulties and create a satisfying, peace-filled, and long-lasting marriage. For years, men have called this Christian bestseller the “sex and money” book, while wives have bought it for husbands in hopes of improving communication. Whatever the motivation, thousands of men have turned their relationships around by applying these time-proven patterns and principles.

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  • Home Built From Love And Loss


    Grieving is part of every blended family.

    Sabrina and her new husband were both widowed when their families blended, so grieving was expected. They recognized the losses suffered in their families would take time to heal. What they have since learned is that every blended family experiences grieving whether you are widowed or divorced. And the process usually takes longer than expected.

    Sabrina vulnerably shares her personal experiences and struggles, revealing her mistakes and fears that she had early on in her new marriage and with her new family. In A Home Built from Love and Loss, you’ll learn to:

    *work through different parenting styles as a stepmother or stepfather;

    *parent kids in different ages and stages of development (hormones, personalities, and power dynamics);

    *compassionately address chaos and hurt feelings together and independently;

    *deal with feelings of guilt;

    *handle initial rejection from stepchildren;

    *glean biblical wisdom on how to do life together with grace;

    *connect better on an emotional level with your newly-formed family while keeping traditions that have grounded your family; and

    *honor the bereaved or divorced spouse.

    For anyone facing the challenges of blended families, A Home Built from Love and Loss offers practical advice and spiritual guidance to find hope in the midst of grief.

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  • 4 Relationship Styles


    Whether we know it or not, relationship styles cause some people to naturally thrive in relationships and others to struggle. According to attachment theory, we tend to experience love in predictable ways–some of which are healthy and some of which are not–based on our style and that of our partner.

    The good news is, whatever relationship style you have naturally, you’re not stuck with it! Using the strategies found in this book, you can:

    – identify your relationship style (and your partner’s)
    – understand the strengths and challenges of that style
    – overcome feelings of rejection and failed relationships
    – recognize the patterns and behaviors that are affecting your relationships
    – develop better ways to express and receive love

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of unsatisfying relationships, discover how attachment theory can help you take the guesswork out of understanding why people behave the way they do–especially in times of stress–so you can find and sustain a love that lasts.

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  • 4 Relationship Styles


    Whether we know it or not, relationship styles cause some people to naturally thrive in relationships and others to struggle. According to attachment theory, we tend to experience love in predictable ways–some of which are healthy and some of which are not–based on our style and that of our partner.

    The good news is, whatever relationship style you have naturally, you’re not stuck with it! Using the strategies found in this book, you can:

    – identify your relationship style (and your partner’s)
    – understand the strengths and challenges of that style
    – overcome feelings of rejection and failed relationships
    – recognize the patterns and behaviors that are affecting your relationships
    – develop better ways to express and receive love

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of unsatisfying relationships, discover how attachment theory can help you take the guesswork out of understanding why people behave the way they do–especially in times of stress–so you can find and sustain a love that lasts.

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  • New Marriage Same Couple Workbook (Workbook)


    For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a workbook about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person-no matter how dire the circumstances-with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This accompanying workbook to New Marriage, Same Couple lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S-start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T-take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A-allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y-yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple Workbook will help establish hope in a couple’s marriage. And it will show them how to create a brand-new marriage, whether they’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • New Marriage Same Couple


    “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a book about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person–no matter how dire the circumstances–with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.

    Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This book lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S–start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T–take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A–allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y–yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple is a book about hope. It’s about how to create a brand-new marriage with your spouse, whether you’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • Como Tener Un Matrimonio Salud – (Spanish)


    Pocas personas como Sixto Porras logran interpretar los complejos acordes de una sinfonia matrimonial. Logramos trabajar como un extraordinario equipo cuando el matrimonio consigue cimentarse en tres puntos importantes: desarrollar un ambiente agradable en casa, reconocer las virtudes del otro y no dejar que el rencor nos distancie.

    La propuesta de este libro es hacer de nuestro hogar el mejor lugar para vivir; y para lograrlo, se necesita una convivencia saludable, algo dificil de lograr si caemos en la trampa de las relaciones conflictivas.

    Con su amplia trayectoria en temas de familia, Sixto Porras nos indica como seguir el camino correcto para un matrimonio saludable. !Un camino que tu tambien puedes transitar!

    Sixto nos plantea una ruta decididamente clara, con principios aplicables desde el enamoramiento, y nos plantea algunas preguntas directas y poderosas:

    *Como se que tengo un buen matrimonio?
    *Cuales son las caracteristicas del amor?
    *Como hacer crecer la armonia en el matrimonio?
    *Como tener el matrimonio que siempre he deseado tener?

    Haz de tu matrimonio una relacion inquebrantable y saludable.

    Few people like Sixto Porras get to interpret the complicated chords of a marriage symphony. We get to work as an amazing team when the marriage is based on three important points: developing a warm atmosphere at home, acknowledging our spouses virtues, and not letting bitterness drive us apart.

    This book suggests making our home the best place to live in. In order to achieve this, a healthy cohabitation is necessary, which is difficult to reach if we fall in the trap of difficult and troubled relationships.

    With a long career on family issues, Sixto Porras points out how to follow the right path towards a healthy marriage. A path you can also walk on!
    Sixto sets a definitely clear route, with principles to apply from the time of failing in love. He makes some straight and powerful questions like:

    *How do I know I have a good marriage?
    *What are the features of love?
    *How can I grow harmony in my marriage?
    *How can I have the marriage I always wanted?

    Make your marriage an unshakable and healthy relationship.

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  • Merge For Marriage


    Marriage can be surprisingly difficult when you’re first starting out.

    Newly married couples face a tremendous challenge that is seldom talked about. In our social media-driven world, it’s easy to think that everyone else has it together in their marriages and wonder if maybe you made a mistake. The truth is, most couples don’t enter marriage with the communication or attachment skills needed to deal with the integration of two lives.

    The Merge for Marriage helps answer the question newly married couples face: “Can we ever get on the same page?” Couples will learn:

    *what it means to “merge” and the damaging effects of not dealing with differences early in a marriage;

    *the seven predictable areas of conflict;

    *a practical, powerful plan for dealing with differences with one’s partner; and

    *how to help another couple walk through the merge process.

    Full of practical stories, current research on connection and attachment, and enduring biblical principles, this book will help a couple learn how the different “merge points” in their marriage can actually strengthen their relationship so that they can enjoy a thriving marriage.

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  • Love And Respect Devotional


    In this couples’ devotional based on the classic bestseller, Eggerichs surveyed thousands of couples to develop 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect.

    Emerson Eggerichs has transformed marriages around the world with his biblically based approach to understanding the love that she most desires and the respect that he desperately needs. Now, in this long-awaited devotional based on Love & Respect, Emerson has created an experience for couples that is effective, flexible, and life changing.

    To build this couples devotional, Eggerichs has taken the top concerns that surfaced in a survey of thousands of couples and has developed 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect. On one occasion the couple will be talking about how to stop the Crazy Cycle or keep it at bay. The next devotional will discuss a concept built upon the Rewarded Cycle, which stresses the ultimate purpose for marriage. And the next may have both people talking about ways to use the Energizing Cycle in their efforts to love and respect each other.

    This long-awaited devotional:

    *Contains 52 devotions specifically guided to couples’ most common concerns
    *Can be done weekly or at your chosen pace
    *Is husband and wife friendly, written to ensure both are comfortable in the process
    *Supplemental video studies are also available for purchase

    With this wealth of new material and video devotionals available online, The Love & Respect Devotional will be indispensable to anyone wishing to improve their marital relationship.

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  • Real Good Life


    Where are you looking for joy, contentment, and purpose? Stevie and Sazan Hendrix show us that the good life we’re looking for won’t be found in our latest purchase, achievement, or dream vacation–it’s found by intentionally cultivating the simple, everyday moments that make up a real, good life.

    We say we want “the good life,” but that often leads us to constantly chase after the next thing, compare ourselves to others, and feel disconnected and unable to enjoy the good things that are right in front of us. Stevie and Sazan know what it’s like to search for the good life and, having achieved “success” at a young age, they know firsthand that the success we think we want isn’t what truly satisfies.

    Even as their careers and social media popularity grew, Stevie and Sazan were still searching for the good life, just like everyone else. What they discovered in that search completely changed how they lived their days–and by extension their lives. In A Real Good Life, you’ll join them on their journey

    *identifying how you can set yourself up for a good day by being intentional with all of your hours;

    *discovering your unique process for building faith and connection in yourself, your home, and your relationships;

    *rethinking your routines so you can establish life rhythms that are sustainable and unique;

    *recognizing that reflecting, focusing, gathering, and resting are crucial values; and

    *inspiring you to see life as a gift that should be cherished every single moment.

    Slow down and trade the endless cycle of striving and competing for real, good days filled with purposeful reflection, intentional focus, gathering with loved ones, and true rest.

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  • How To Put Love First


    Do you feel your relationships are lacking deep connections? Do you feel your time with God could be more rewarding? New York Times bestselling author Sadie Robertson Huff and her husband, Christian, invite you on a 90-day journey to embrace a life-giving relationship with God and experience authentic, healthy relationships with your people and your community.

    You are meant to be in relationships that bring joy and connection–that help you know soul-deep peace and leave you feeling loved instead of lonely. Instead, surface-level friendships, filtered social media feeds, unresolved conflicts, and unhealthy relationships can often seem to harm our self-worth, spiritual growth, and mental health–and keep us from the very relationships that could bring that true connection.

    How to Put Love First reminds you that prioritizing and deepening your love relationship with God is the key to growing healthy relationships in every area of life. Through personal stories of their own walks with God, their pitfalls and victories in relationships of all kinds, and biblical encouragement, Sadie and Christian will help you:

    *Find peace and connection in your relationship with God
    *Enjoy healthier, happier relationships with close friends and family
    *Learn how to resolve conflict, offer forgiveness, and endure loneliness
    *Reap the mental and spiritual health benefits of thriving in community

    As an added bonus, Dr. Josh Kirby, a psychologist and life coach, joins Sadie and Christian to speak into some of the key themes in the book to offer informed, practical counsel to further help you incorporate these important teachings into your life.

    If your relationships feel more frustrating than life-giving or if you feel like something deeply important is missing in your life, join Sadie and Christian on this 90-day challenge to discover the joy and freedom of being loved and loving well.

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  • Preparing For Marriage (Revised)


    Created by FamilyLife, one of America’s leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins–the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

    This third edition is again restructured and refreshed for today’s young couples, while still offering the solid, dependable information it has since first published.

    Centered around five essential conversations about God, finances, sex, and more, inside you’ll find a fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple or with a mentoring couple, pastor, or premarital counselor.

    Don’t just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

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  • 5 Love Languages Workbook (Workbook)


    The essential companion book for #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages(R)

    You want to be able to love effectively and truly feel loved in return. The 5 Love Languages(R) workbook provides the sure steps to meaningful, relational connection. This workbook provides lessons–designed for individuals, couples, or small groups–focused on the invaluable love languageTM content. It includes interactive questions, quizzes, charts, and diagrams–all aimed at helping you better express love and identify areas for development.

    Loving well for the long haul is a challenge. How can we ensure deep, growing relationships amid the demands, conflicts, and even boredom of everyday life? Combine the insights of The 5 Love Languages(R) with this practical, interactive workbook for deeper levels of joy and intimacy!

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  • Greater Joy TWOgether


    Does your soul mate feel more like a roommate? This year-long devotional will help you and your spouse go deep in your faith, nurture your marriage, and make laughter a part of your everyday life.

    Each weekly devotion in Greater Joy TWOgether includes a short reading, a Scripture verse, thoughtful conversation prompts, ideas for putting the week’s theme into action, and prayer starters to draw you closer to God and each other.

    With his trademark blend of humor and inspiring biblical content, author Ted Cunningham helps you and your spouse:

    *Realize the importance of intentional little connections
    *Be more engaged with each other throughout the week
    *Encourage and equip other couples

    Whether you have been married a few weeks or several decades, Greater Joy TWOgether will add spark to your relationship as you prioritize faith, each other, and the lighter moments of your crazy life.

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  • How To Stay Married


    One gorgeous autumn day, Harrison discovers that his wife–the sweet, funny, loving mother of their three daughters, a woman “who’s spent just about every Sunday of her life in a church”–is having an affair with a family friend. This revelation propels the hysterical, heartbreaking events in How to Stay Married, casting our narrator onto “the factory floor of hell,” where his wife was now in love with a man who “wears cargo shorts, on purpose.” What will he do? Kick her out? Set fire to all her panties in the yard? Beat this man to death with a gardening implement? Ask God for help in winning her back?

    Armed only with a sense of humor and a hunger for the truth, Harrison embarks on a hellish journey into his past, seeking answers to the riddles of faith and forgiveness. Through an absurd series of escalating confessions and betrayals, Harrison reckons with his failure to love his wife in the ways she needed most, resolves to fight for his family, and in a climax almost too ridiculous to be believed, finally learns that love is no joke.

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  • Dear Future Husband


    Love letters spark within our hearts a sense of nostalgia, tender affection, and the blooming potential of the future to come. Imagine writing love letters to the man in the future whom you will one day marry but have yet to meet.

    Dear Future Husband embarks on a journey beginning in the transitional late teen years through the roaring twenties of life. Each letter encapsulates lessons learned along the way, as well as a deep sentiment of adoration for a man who would one day be called “husband.”

    Through the span of over a decade these letters mark milestones in the journey of a single woman who is still waiting for her future husband, but who finds the greatest love of all is that of knowing her Creator deeply and truly.

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Marriage


    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage equips you with powerful and life-changing prayers that will strengthen your marriage and help you discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

    God has good things planned for your marriage. He wants to fill you with joy in his presence. And he invites you to partner with him, through your prayers, to experience his richest blessings.

    Whether you’re newly engaged or celebrating a golden anniversary, navigating an exciting new season or just barely hanging on, brand new to prayer or have been talking to God your whole life, Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage helps you find ways to pray for every part of your most important relationship. From praying through a health crisis, parenting issues, job loss, a move, or simply daily love and communication, bestselling author Jodie Berndt covers some of the most common marriage struggles in this helpful, powerful, and thoughtful guide.

    Jodie vulnerably shares stories from her own marriage of almost forty years, as well as wisdom gleaned from teaching marriage courses and mentoring other couples, to guide you to:

    *Pray specifically and powerfully for the top struggles married couples face
    *Approach crisis situations with God’s promises and perspective
    *Discover simple and natural ways to support and pray with your spouse
    *Develop a more loving, joyful, and deeply connected marriage through scriptural prayers personalized for your own relationship

    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage is the latest addition to the bestselling Praying the Scriptures series. With short, easy-to-read chapters, this book invites you to read, reflect, and respond as you pray the Scriptures over every part of your marriage–whether you choose to do it individually or together with your spouse. Discover the provision and peace of God as you pray his Word over your marriage.

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Marriage


    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage equips you with powerful and life-changing prayers that will strengthen your marriage and help you discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

    God has good things planned for your marriage. He wants to fill you with joy in his presence. And he invites you to partner with him, through your prayers, to experience his richest blessings.

    Whether you’re newly engaged or celebrating a golden anniversary, navigating an exciting new season or just barely hanging on, brand new to prayer or have been talking to God your whole life, Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage helps you find ways to pray for every part of your most important relationship. From praying through a health crisis, parenting issues, job loss, a move, or simply daily love and communication, bestselling author Jodie Berndt covers some of the most common marriage struggles in this helpful, powerful, and thoughtful guide.

    Jodie vulnerably shares stories from her own marriage of almost forty years, as well as wisdom gleaned from teaching marriage courses and mentoring other couples, to guide you to:

    *Pray specifically and powerfully for the top struggles married couples face
    *Approach crisis situations with God’s promises and perspective
    *Discover simple and natural ways to support and pray with your spouse
    *Develop a more loving, joyful, and deeply connected marriage through scriptural prayers personalized for your own relationship

    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage is the latest addition to the bestselling Praying the Scriptures series. With short, easy-to-read chapters, this book invites you to read, reflect, and respond as you pray the Scriptures over every part of your marriage–whether you choose to do it individually or together with your spouse. Discover the provision and peace of God as you pray his Word over your marriage.

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  • Moments With God For Couples


    Strengthen your marriage with this 100-day devotional that guides you and your spouse through everyday moments of pride, misunderstandings, and life circumstances. Couples will learn to make space to reflect Christ in their relationship through relatable stories, relevant Bible verses, and practical applications. Whether it’s been one year or fifty, draw closer to God and each other. 

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  • Fight For Us


    Fight for Us takes couples on an inspiring journey into the challenges of battling for their marriage, through gut-wrenching times of despair, and then finally to the victory of a renewed relationship grounded in Jesus.

    Fight for Us delivers a compelling marriage challenge of “five rounds” that teach readers how to develop the never-give-up, never-quit mentality every relationship needs in order to combat the enemy’s constant attacks.

    Utilizing narrative elements from the real-life story of Chad and Kathy Robichaux, readers will learn how Chad’s deployments to Afghanistan as a Marine–and subsequent career as an MMA fighter–allowed him to disengage from his emotions, his marriage, and his children. Then, when his crippling PTSD brought him to brink of suicide, Kathy’s pastor taught him the “five rounds” of fighting that are necessary in the battle for any marriage:

    1. Believe that God loves you and has a purpose for your life.
    2. Take responsibility for your actions.
    3. Accept that you can’t change the evils that you’ve encountered.
    4. Access God’s power.
    5. Put yourself second.

    At the end of the rounds, readers will discover God’s design for marriage, which saved Chad and Kathy’s relationship. Today, they aim to pay it forward and share what they’ve learned with other couples. Fight for Us features application sections, discussion prompts, affirmations, and Bible verses, all designed to help readers apply the book’s key marriage principles.

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  • Happily Even After


    Is happily-ever-after a myth-or can you experience something even better?

    Couples don’t ride off into the sunset after their honeymoon. The truth is marriage is hard. Maybe you’re in place where you’re feeling that. You might even feel like this is the end.

    Bob and Dannah Gresh have been there. But they decided to participate in God’s redemption story. Together they discovered something better than romance: a love that endures.

    Whether your relationship is suffering from pornography, addiction, an affair, or just years of unhappiness, Jesus Christ can help you redeem the broken places of your marriage. In Happily Even After, Dannah is a friend who walks beside you and helps you:

    *stop pretending everything is okay
    *strengthen yourself in the Lord
    *fight for your husband instead of with him
    *discover 7 essential beliefs every marriage needs to survive broken places
    *participate in your husband’s redemption story

    Dannah demonstrates how to forgive, live with joy, and hold your head high while you participate in His redemption story for your husband. You may feel like your story is over, but no one writes better-or happier-endings than Jesus.

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  • Somos Uno – (Spanish)


    El hombre y la mujer no fueron creados para competir, sino para complementarse.

    Este libro, con la narrativa unica que caracteriza a los autores, de una manera divertida, sencilla y honesta, llevara al lector en un viaje excepcional descubriendo principios practicos para lograr un matrimonio fuerte e hijos felices. El resultado? !Una familia unida!

    Cuantos hombres y mujeres desean comprender totalmente a su pareja? !Parece imposible! Pero en Somos uno, usted aprendera que si es posible comprenderse, comunicarse y complementarse.

    Sin importar la etapa por la cual su matrimonio este pasando, Somos Uno es la valiosa ayuda que usted esta buscando. Si siente que su matrimonio se esta cayendo a pedazos, en este libro recibira esperanzas y encontrara soluciones.

    Si cree que todo esta bien, aprendera como llevar su matrimonio hacia la excelencia y disfrutar de su conyuge a plenitud. En verdad desea mejorar su matrimonio? Lea Somos uno y disfrute a traves de sus paginas, como lo han hecho miles de personas.

    Men and women were not created to compete, but to complement each other.
    With the unique narrative that characterizes the authors, in a fun, simple and honest way, this book will take the reader on an exceptional journey discovering practical principles for a strong marriage and happy children. The result? A united family!

    How many men and women want to fully understand their partner? It seems impossible! But in Somos Uno, you will learn that it is possible to understand, communicate and complement each other.

    Regardless of the stage your marriage is going through, Somos Uno is the valuable help you are looking for. If you feel like your marriage is falling apart, this book will give you hope and solutions.

    If you believe that everything is fine, you will learn how to lead your marriage to excellence and enjoy your spouse to the fullest. Do you really want to improve your marriage? Read Somos Uno and enjoy through its pages, as thousands of people have done.

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  • 101 Prayers For Mr And Mrs


    Spending time together with God in prayer is vital to a strong and happy marriage, and 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book pairs rich passages of Scripture with unique prayers to encourage every Christ-centered marriage.

    The prayer book is covered in soft gold-toned faux leather that is slightly textured. The gold-foiled title on the front page is sandwiched between two ornate filigree designs.

    101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs.

    The title also appears on the spine in gold-foiled lettering. Topstitching along the edges and gilt-edged pages create a crisp and finished look, and a gold-toned satin ribbon marker is included to mark your progress through the book.

    The interior pages are printed in two colors. An encouraging Scripture verse complements each prayer to help guide couples into a deeper relationship with God and each other. Prayer themes include faithful love, God’s comfort, forgiving each other, mutual respect, peace and patience, unity in marriage, sharing God’s blessings, together in faith, and more.

    The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book is part of the Mr. & Mrs. Collection designed to celebrate couples young and old. This collection includes faux leather devotionals, a hardcover devotional couple’s pen set, and a faux leather guest book.

    Best-selling husband and wife team Rob and Joanna Teigen have been married for over 30 years and are the parents of five kids. They founded Growing Home Together to create resources that help families grow closer to God and each other.

    Give the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as a first-anniversary gift to your children, or wrap a copy of the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as an anniversary gift for your grandparents. The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book will help any couple grow closer through prayer.

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  • Joyful Hearts : Prayers And Promises For Couples


    Spending quality time together as a couple can be difficult, but it’s incredibly important for maintaining a healthy relationship! One of the best ways to strengthen your relationship is to spend time together with God.

    Joyful Hearts: Prayers & Promises for Couples incorporates more than 70 themes to help you receive inspiration found in the promises of God’s Word. Uplifting prayers offer the opportunity for deeper reflection.

    By staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, you can live a fulfilling, blessed life in close relationship with each other and with your heavenly Father.

    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *High-quality sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *This matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

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  • Together For A Purpose


    A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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  • Together For A Purpose


    A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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  • Elige Sabiamente En El Amor – (Spanish)


    El amor es un arte que se aprende, de manera que un noviazgo no puede nacer de un encuentro casual, porque no debe ser solo una emocion pasajera. Debe guiarnos a una amistad que podria conducirnos al matrimonio y, por lo tanto, debe verse como el fundamento de una relacion para toda la vida. En el amor no se improvisa, ni tampoco nos aventuramos a una experiencia a ciegas. El amor crece cuando nos damos el espacio necesario para conocernos. En su nuevo libro, Sixto Porras analiza el desarrollo apropiado de una relacion amorosa conducente al noviazgo y luego al matrimonio, explicando las etapas que esta relacion necesita tener, y las conductas recomendadas y no permisibles en cada etapa. La obra resulta ser una guia para evaluar nuestras posibles relaciones con objetividad, y elegir la pareja que en realidad nos conviene.

    Love is an art that is learned, so that a courtship cannot be born from a casual encounter, because it should not be just a passing emotion. It should lead us to a friendship that could lead to marriage, and should therefore be seen as the foundation of a lifelong relationship. In love we do not improvise, nor do we venture into an experience blindly. Love grows when we give each other the necessary space to get to know each other. In his new book, Sixto Porras analyzes the appropriate development of a love relationship leading to dating and then marriage, explaining the stages that this relationship needs to have, and the recommended and not permissible behaviors at each stage. The work turns out to be a guide to evaluate our possible relationships objectively, and choose the partner who really suits us.

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  • Hope Is Where The Heart Is


    In Hope Is Where the Heart Is, Jim Pourteau shares the story of how he and his wife, Shannon, found healing and restoration in their marriage after betrayal and brokenness.
    Have you made mistakes, wrong choices, or foolish decisions that have negatively affected your life and the people you love?

    Jim Pourteau has you beat.

    Jim was the guy who did everything “right.” He was a spiritual leader in one of the largest congregations in the Northeast, the go-to guy when others needed advice. Yet he nearly destroyed his marriage by having an affair with one of his wife’s best friends.

    But Hope Is Where the Heart Is is about much more than the demise of Jim’s marriage and how he and his wife, Shannon, discovered how to put it back together. It is a roadmap for overcoming hardships, for finding strength to face another day–or to make it through the long, dark night of your soul–forging ahead in faith, and persevering despite the circumstances or opinions of others.

    This story will cause you to ask, “What would I do in a similar situation? How can I better handle betrayal and rejection?” Most of all, it will evoke the question, “What really matters?”

    Whether you have a great marriage, or your relationship is in trouble, Hope Is Where the Heart Is offers a different approach to facing your challenges. Within these pages, you will find one of life’s most valuable assets– hope!

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  • Loving Your Husband Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your husband’s Loving Your Wife Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Loving Your Husband Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your husband’s Loving Your Wife Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Loving Your Wife Well


    Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your wife were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?

    That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the 52 weekly devotions in Loving Your Wife Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, a prayer, thoughts for further reflection, and practical ideas, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the woman who shares life’s journey with you.

    Perfect when read alongside your wife’s Loving Your Husband Well, this devotional will still transform your relationship even if you work through it on your own.

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  • Why Marriage Counseling Fails


    Like life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.

    Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.

    “Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”

    Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:

    *Offers wise instruction
    *Takes an active interest in the couple
    *Offers insight into why problems recur
    *Is willing to work intensively
    *Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutions

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.

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  • Preparing For Marriage (Revised)


    Created by FamilyLife, one of America’s leading marriage and family ministries, Preparing for Marriage is a dynamic, comprehensive program designed to help you prepare for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins–the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage!

    This third edition is again restructured and refreshed for today’s young couples, while still offering the solid, dependable information it has since first published.

    Centered around five essential conversations about God, finances, sex, and more, inside you’ll find a fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through Preparing for Marriage as a couple or with a mentoring couple, pastor, or premarital counselor.

    Don’t just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage!

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  • His Needs Her Needs (Revised)


    Time after time, His Needs, Her Needs has topped the charts as the bestselling marriage book available. In this classic book, Willard F. Harley, Jr., identifies the ten most vital needs of men and women and shows husbands and wives how to make their marriage sizzle by satisfying those needs in their spouses. He provides guidance for becoming irresistible to your spouse and for loving more creatively and sensitively, thereby eliminating the problems that often lead to conflict and even extramarital affairs.Join those who have seen spectacular changes in their marriages by following Dr. Harley’s tried-and-proven counsel. You will discover that an outstanding marriage can be more than a dream–it can be your reality.

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  • 5 Steps To Romantic Love (Workbook)


    Five Steps to Romantic Love will help you and your spouse to know and meet each other’s needs and overcome the habits that destroy your love. This workbook takes the proven concepts found in Dr. Harley’s His Needs, Her Needs and Love Busters and helps you make them a reality in your marriage. All of the worksheets, inventories, and questionnaires that Dr. Harley recommends in these two bestsellers are available here in a full-sized and easily reproducible format. Fall in love again and enjoy an intimate, passionate marriage that lasts.

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  • Intended For Pleasure


    God gave humankind the gift of sex. But many couples don’t experience the kind of joy and fulfillment God intended. If you’ve ever been frustrated with a lack of intimacy in your marriage, or if you just want to know more about how you can get the most out of your relationship, Intended for Pleasure is for you. This honest and frank resource will answer your questions about sex and sexuality, improving sexual response, sex techniques for pregnancy, birth control, sex at any age, solutions for sexual problems, and much more. All of the questions you’ve been afraid to ask (or didn’t even know to ask!) are answered right here.

    A perfect gift for newlyweds and a trusted resource for pastors and marriage counselors, this classic book has helped more than a million people understand and enjoy the gift God intended for pleasure.

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  • No I Cant Make Your Wife Disappear


    Your marriage can be magical.

    World-renowned illusionist Danny Ray pulls back the curtain and shares the biblical truths he has discovered in his career to expose the secrets of a successful marriage. Drawing from his own experiences of building an enduring, magical marriage, Danny, together with his wife Kimberly, will help you unlock the secrets to:

    *Experience effective communication
    *Overcome impossible situations
    *Thrive in your marriage

    No, I Can’t Make Your Wife Disappear is a lighthearted, practical, and sometimes hard-hitting guide to building a stronger relationship with your spouse. So don’t ask the magician to make your spouse vanish! Instead embrace his secrets for a magical marriage and enjoy a lifelong, loving, fun-filled relationship.

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  • Rhythm Of Us


    Are you feeling stuck in your marriage? Do you long to enjoy your spouse over a lifetime but you don’t know how to get there?

    Chris and Jenni Graebe want you to know that every marriage can thrive. Using thoughtful, accessible stories and practical guidance, the Graebes provide an “anyone can do it” vision for healthy marriage, leaning into life-giving, universal rhythms that guide our deepest passions and priorities. For marriage partners, Chris and Jenni show how the classic spiritual practice of the rule of life can create a dynamic and lifelong “rhythm of us.”

    Together and individually, you will learn how to create space in your busy lives to spend time with Jesus and become more like Jesus. Instead of reacting to the pull of life into a thousand meaningless directions, you will learn how to craft an intentional rhythm to guide you toward a life and marriage of significance.

    What profound yet seemingly ordinary everyday rhythms can bring you closer to God and each other? What core rhythms are key to every healthy couple? You will answer these questions in unique ways to your relationship and situation. The Rhythm of Us also includes exercises to evaluate your personal habits, values, and vision inventories.

    Leave behind the busy life of chaos and hurry and develop your unique Rhythm of Us. Change your marriage for the better. Start living intentionally and fully now.

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  • Mr And Mrs 365 Devotions For Couples


    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional is a great starting point for a new marriage and the perfect way to get into the habit of sharing your devotional time as a couple.

    Husband and wife team Rob and Joanna Teigen draw from their own experience to bring you 366 devotions to move you into a deeper relationship with God on a personal level but also as a couple.

    This beautiful pearlized white cover faux leather devotional for couples is heat-debossed with a delicate floral design and gold foiled lettering sandwiched between two ornate filigree accents.

    366 Devotions for Couples

    Mr & Mrs

    The back cover features gold foiled flourishes and is beautifully inscribed and gold foiled with a verse from the Song of Songs.

    I have found the one that my soul loves. Song of Songs 3:4

    The small size of the devotional makes it easy to pack in a bag for the honeymoon, leave out on a nightstand, or store on a coffee table. The text is printed in dark blue and accented in gold, and a satin ribbon marker is included for your convenience. Gilt-edged pages add a final touch of elegance to the design.

    Each daily reading offers a Scripture verse, a short inspiring devotion, and a powerful prayer. Whether it’s 5 or 30 minutes, the Mr. & Mrs. Devotions for Couples will give you a chance to grow in your faith and to draw from the LORD’s strength.

    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional is part of the Mr. & Mrs. – Better Together Collection designed to celebrate the union of a new couple and includes decorative throw pillows, a trinket tray set, a two-piece mug set, a three-piece acacia wood spoon set, a photo frame, and a wall plaque.

    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional will be a blessing to a newly married couple but will also bless a mature couple as an anniversary gift. The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional will draw its readers into greater intimacy with each other and God.

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  • Married Sex : A Christian Couple’s Guide To Reimagining Your Love Life


    A unique, comprehensive guide to sexual intimacy for Christian couples in every season of marriage.

    A great sex life is something you make, not something you find. If you feel confused or frustrated about your sex life–or simply wonder, Is there more to it than this?–Married Sex is exactly what you need to make your marriage stronger, in and out of the bedroom.

    Including the stories of real-life couples, research results from hundreds of comprehensive surveys, and professional perspective from a bestselling spiritual writer and a licensed counselor, Married Sex will:

    *Help you understand why married sex is one of God’s best ideas
    *Teach you the inner workings of your body and your spouse’s body in order to achieve optimal pleasure
    *Guide you through the most common sexual problems couples have and what to do about them
    *Help you see how your past experiences and expectations influence your present sex life
    *Give you practical suggestions and techniques to enhance your sexual experience
    *Encourage you to take ownership in the process of making love, seeing a great sex life as a beautiful opportunity to honor both God and your spouse

    Psychology, theology, research, story, and let’s-get-started ideas combine to make Married Sex a resource for you and your spouse like no other book you’ve read before. Discover practical, biblically informed answers to your questions about intimacy as you find more satisfaction in your marriage than ever.

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  • Dating With Discernment


    Done with dating? Don’t know where to start? Wondering if your date is the one to marry? Pastor-scholar Sam Andreades brings single Christians in that vulnerable life moment the practical, theological help to make the dangerous decision confidently. Bringing the Bible’s wisdom on relationships to bear on the dating scene, he helps you lay a foundation for a love that lasts.

    This book will teach you how to:

    *Confidently say good-bye to ill-suited suitors

    *Deepen your relationship with God as you date

    *Find, and make a lifelong commitment to, a worthy, compatible mate

    *Understand the role of gender in developing intimacy

    *Form a strong foundation for marriage in your dating as you grow into what marriage is about

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  • Marriage Aint For Punks


    Here is the reality of marriage: there are no secrets to making it work. In fact, marriage is not the thing that is supposed to work. People are supposed to work!

    Beloved star of Lifetime’s “Married at First Sight,” Pastor Cal Roberson captivates millions of viewers with his eccentric personality and unabashed yet effective marriage advice–and Marriage Ain’t for Punks is no different.

    This book is a relationship gamechanger. It’s a straightforward and unapologetic dive into why people fail or struggle at one of the most popular and sought-after unions in society. But this is more than a book about marriage–it’s a book about how to manage life with another person. The principles and methods Roberson provides are not theoretical or hearsay but tested and proven. The book will methodically probe into the hearts of readers and force them to confront themselves and be accountable for their own emotions and actions.

    Even though some marriages look like a hot mess, transparency, honesty, and downright fearlessness are the traits that make a great marriage. A great marriage is about refusing to allow pettiness to destroy the loving connection couples share. These people are not weaklings. They are not quitters. They know that Marriage Ain’t for Punks!

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  • Grace-filled Marriage : Strengthened And Transformed Through God’s Redempti


    Marriage is a beautiful expression of love. Yet it can also sometimes cause us pain. We need God’s help and grace to navigate this most precious of relationships well.

    Interwoven with biblical teaching and practical application, Claire and Steve Musters honestly share their own story of rebuilding a marriage after loneliness, betrayal and separation as well as telling the stories of other couples who have faced specific challenges such as infertility, physical and mental ill health.

    Whether you want to lay good foundations in your marriage, or feel you are struggling and need help, Grace-Filled Marriage will encourage you that God has a new portion of grace and mercy for you each day.

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  • Marriage Youve Always Wanted


    From America’s favorite marriage expert and author of the New York Times #1 bestseller, The 5 Love Languages(R)

    Respected marriage counselor Gary Chapman looks at the key issues that will help you build the marriage you’ve always wanted, answering such real-life questions as . . .

    *Why won’t they change?
    *Why do we always fight about tasks and responsibilities?
    *Why should we have to work at sex?

    In the warm, practical style that has endeared him to audiences worldwide, Dr. Chapman delivers advice on all the “big issues,” like:

    *Decision making
    *and much more

    Each chapter includes a “Your Turn” opportunity for reflection and interaction between spouses.

    Discover the “joy potential” in your marriage and your “ministry potential” for Go

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