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  • Camino De La Fe – (Spanish)


    Ya somos bendecidos con toda bendicion en cielo y en la tierra, dice la Palabra de Dios en el libro de Deuteronomio. Y esa bendicion esta intimamente enlazada con una vida de fe inquebrantable que se afianza a cada paso de nuestra jornada. En La Biblia, ese viaje en el que nos embarcamos los cristianos fue iniciado por Abrahan, conocido como el Padre de la Fe. El camino de la fe es el libro que nos revela los misterios mas ocultos de la fe, el poder de Dios que estamos llamados a conocer y la autoridad y las bendiciones con las que fuimos investidos por El para vivir y a la vez bendecir nuestra generacion y las venideras.

    We are already blessed with every blessing in heaven and on earth, says the Word of God in the book of Deuteronomy. And that blessing is intimately linked with a life of unwavering faith that takes hold at every step of our journey. In the Bible, that journey on which we Christians embark was initiated by Abraham, known as the Father of Faith. The Journey of Faith is the book that reveals to us the most hidden mysteries of faith, the power of God that we are called to know, and the authority and blessings with which we have been invested by Him to live and at the same time bless our generation and those to come.

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  • Crianza Y Fe – (Spanish)


    Give your children the greatest gift of all–pass on your faith. In Passing It On, Kara Lassen Oliver provides a practical guide to help parents, grandparents, and other concerned adults nurture their children’s faith. For four weeks at a time, she offers easy-to-follow suggestions for families during the seasons of Advent, Lent, summer, and back to school. This book features plans for weekly Family Gatherings with age-appropriate activities symbols to remind family members of the week’s spiritual emphasis a suggested daily practice and prayer for each week a Leader’s Guide for parent groups studying this book together The most valuable legacy we can pass to our children, grandchildren, and other children is a spiritual heritage. Kara Oliver shows us how to do just that.

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  • Dios Ciencia Y Conciencia – (Spanish)


    Este libro responde, en tres capitulos, a los grandes cuestionamientos actuales respecto a la realidad divina:

    El primero trata las preguntas procedentes del ambito de la cosmologia contemporanea, y analiza si los modelos cientificos que se proponen socavan la necesidad del Dios Creador o, por el contrario, la refuerzan.

    El segundo presenta el misterio del origen de la vida, asi como de la informacion biologica que la sustenta, como inexplicables desde una cosmovision puramente naturalista.

    El tercero y ultimo se adentra en el analisis de la conciencia humana para concluir que solo puede proceder de una mente inteligente y consciente, como la del Dios que se revela en las Escrituras.

    An ideal evangelistic tool for Christian parents of school age children.

    This book answers, in three chapters, to the current pressing questions about divine reality:

    The first deals with questions coming from the field of contemporary cosmology, and analyzes if the proposed scientific models undermine the need for the God of Creation or, on the contrary, strengthen it.

    The second one presents the mystery of the origin of life, as well as the biological information that supports it, as unexplainable from the purely naturalistic worldview.

    The third and last goes deeper into the analysis of the human conscience, concluding that it could only come from an intelligent and conscious mind, the mind of God who reveals Himself in Scripture.

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  • Sentado A Los Pies Del Maestro – (Spanish)


    Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes readers on a fascinating journey, helping them discover how learning about the Jewish world of Jesus can enrich their own faith. By exploring the land, culture, customs, prayers, and feasts, Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg help readers to perceive Jesus through the eyes and ears of first-century Jews.

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  • Todo Le Es Posbile – (Spanish)


    Lo que Jesus explicaba y que hace posible la promesa de que todas las cosas son posibles, es una fe irreprimida y libre, y mientras mas sencilla pueda ser nuestra fe, mas podremos darnos cuenta de la promesa y el potencial que Dios nos tiene para cada uno en nuestras vidas. Todos necesitamos mas fe, y quien mejor en ensearnosla que los mismos heroes de la fe. Aprende de Noe, de Abraham, Moises, Debora y otros, y desarrolla la fe sencilla que hara que todas las cosas sean posibles para TI tambien.

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  • Con Fe – (Spanish)


    Mayte Prida ya era una reconocida presentadora de television con una prometedora carrera periodistica. Estaba recien divorciada, con dos hijos pequenos, vivia en el pais de las oportunidades y tenia grandes suenos. Repentinamente, a los 38 anos de edad, fue diagnosticada con cancer de seno en estado avanzado y sin contar con un seguro medico. Su vida cambio para siempre. Aprendio a transformar la adversidad en oportunidad. Conocio el significado de la perseverancia y la determinacion. No fue una victima de las circunstancias y se convirtio en una verdadera guerrera. Aprendio a oir la voz de su alma, a actuar por decision propia y a seguir su corazon. En Con Fe, el lector podra aprender de la manera en la cual Mayte enfrento adversidades y podra utilizar esas lecciones en su vida cotidiana aplicandolas a cualquier situacion dificil. Con Fe es un testimonio de lucha y crecimiento espiritual que enriquecera la vida de quienes lo lean.

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  • Fe Que Mueve La Mano De Dios – (Spanish)


    In his fourth book, La fe que mueve la mano de Dios, pastor Josue Yrion guides readers to developing their potential and their spiritual growth through a faith that will strengthen every area of their lives. Through personal experiences, anecdotal illustrations, and principally the Word of God, his writing lays the foundation for an invincible, Christ-centered faith. He leads readers to experience divine salvation, freedom, healing, prosperity, guidance, strength, peace, answers, victory, and miracles.

    En su cuarto libro, La fe que mueve la mano de Dios, el pastor Josue Yrion guia al lector a desarrollar su potencial y su crecimiento espiritual por medio de una fe que fortalecera cada area de su vida. A traves de experiencias personales, ilustraciones anecdoticas y principalmente la Palabra de Dios, esta obra establece el fundamento para una fe cristocentrica invencible. Le guiara a experimentar salvacion divina, libertad, sanidad, prosperidad, guia, fortaleza, paz, respuestas, victoria y milagros.

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  • Caso De La Fe – (Spanish)


    In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his tenacious investigative skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief – the eight “heart” barriers to faith. The Case for Faith is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with formidable intellectual barriers standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. In The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel probes the most thorny of questions, what he calls “The Big Eight”, including: If there is a loving God, why does this world groan under so much suffering and evil? If God really created the universe, why does science compel so many to conclude that evolution account for life? If God is the ultimate overseer of the church, why has it been rife with hypocrisy and brutality through the ages? If God truly cares about the people he created, how could he consign so many of them to an eternity of torture in hell just because they didn’t believe the right things about him? As a seasoned journalist with Yale Law background, Strobel methodically tracks sown his leads and asks the gritty, gut-wrenching questions you would want to ask questions that can make or break the Christian faith. He refuses to patronize or offer cliched, glib answers. Instead, he pieces together heard facts trough interviews with nine of the country’s top scholars and experts. The result? Solid, persuasive, engrossing, and smart answers to your deepest questions. The Case for Faith will set you on the path to belief, renewed, restored – or discovered for the very first time.

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  • Fe Que Perdura – (Spanish)


    Explores the book of Hebrews and its relevance for believers today.

    Explora el libro de los Hebreos y su relevancia para los creyentes hoy dia.

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  • Como Vencer El Temor – (Spanish)


    Fear can produce misery, slavery, and destruction. It is overwhelming to find out how many from all social classes live in fear. Read this book with the expectation that all the fear that you have is going to disappear. Along the way you will reach faith, confidence, courage and true mental peace. Find how to overcome fear!

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