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Showing 51–100 of 163 results

  • Certain Risk : Living Your Faith At The Edge


    Author Paul Richardson draws on stories from his life as a missionary in Indonesia to explore what causes us to be deactivated-pinned down under hopelessness, apathy, and personal disappointment. In A Certain Risk, Richardson will inspire you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions-creativity that comes straight from the heart of God.

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  • Todo Le Es Posbile – (Spanish)


    Lo que Jesus explicaba y que hace posible la promesa de que todas las cosas son posibles, es una fe irreprimida y libre, y mientras mas sencilla pueda ser nuestra fe, mas podremos darnos cuenta de la promesa y el potencial que Dios nos tiene para cada uno en nuestras vidas. Todos necesitamos mas fe, y quien mejor en ensearnosla que los mismos heroes de la fe. Aprende de Noe, de Abraham, Moises, Debora y otros, y desarrolla la fe sencilla que hara que todas las cosas sean posibles para TI tambien.

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  • Faith At The Edge


    Call it existential doubt. Call it “the dark night of the soul.” However you term it, God-doubting is a spiritual phenomenon endemic to the Christian experience, suffered by saints from Mother Theresa, St. John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux to lesser-known Christians throughout history. In fact, there may be something of this God-doubting in nearly all of us.

    Faith at the Edge is for those doubters, believers struggling with their faith within the Christian tradition, not for the skeptics and seekers who lie outside it. It is for those who experience uncertainty about faiths to which they have been committed, but who now wonder whether it’s true. This doubt is very personal and deeply disturbing, exemplified when God seems remote, when he is experientially absent, when his very existence seems uncertain, when everything one believes as a Christian is called into serious question.

    Robert Wennberg here explores the important questions of existential doubt. What causes our sense of divine absence? Are we at fault, or is there some other explanation for our uncertainty? Why does God allow this to happen? How should we respond? Wennberg answers these and other provocative questions both through personal illustrations and through the wisdom and insight of such figures as Blaise Pascal, G. K. Chesterton, Simone Weil, C. S. Lewis, and Martin Marty. He lays out a credible theological account of what happens during doubt. He further helps us understand how we can cope with these dark episodes and how we can not only stand against them, but even profit from them spiritually.

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  • Holy Restlessness : Reflections On Faith And Learning


    Paul Dovre, consummate educator and churchman, speaks knowingly of the holy restlessness that is inherent in people of faith who wrestle with God’s call even whle heeding it. In this collection of chapel talks and homilies selected largely from his years as president of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, Dovre explores a “holy restlessness” that is at the very core of our being: A restlessness he describes as “unanswered and perhaps unanswerable questions…a restlessness that comes in trying to reconcile our need for unity as a people and the reality of our diversity…a restlessness found in the tension between suffering and hope.

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  • Con Fe – (Spanish)


    Mayte Prida ya era una reconocida presentadora de television con una prometedora carrera periodistica. Estaba recien divorciada, con dos hijos pequenos, vivia en el pais de las oportunidades y tenia grandes suenos. Repentinamente, a los 38 anos de edad, fue diagnosticada con cancer de seno en estado avanzado y sin contar con un seguro medico. Su vida cambio para siempre. Aprendio a transformar la adversidad en oportunidad. Conocio el significado de la perseverancia y la determinacion. No fue una victima de las circunstancias y se convirtio en una verdadera guerrera. Aprendio a oir la voz de su alma, a actuar por decision propia y a seguir su corazon. En Con Fe, el lector podra aprender de la manera en la cual Mayte enfrento adversidades y podra utilizar esas lecciones en su vida cotidiana aplicandolas a cualquier situacion dificil. Con Fe es un testimonio de lucha y crecimiento espiritual que enriquecera la vida de quienes lo lean.

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  • Faith Will Keep You Afloat


    Feel like you’re sinking in today’s troubled times? In water over your head, without a life preserver, and wondering how you will stay afloat? Experience the adventures of people who walked by, sailed upon, and delved beneath the surface of the waters of the Bible. Be inspired by Bible characters who learned about God’s love and power as they encountered Him upon or beside lakes, streams, and fountains. Learn how He found them in the course of their daily lives and transformed ordinary people into heroes of the faith. Discover how faith can keep you afloat upon the stormy waters of today, rescue you from sinking and help you to navigate life’s sea.

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  • Faith : Tested By Fire


    Gold is a symbol of beauty and great value! But what process does it have to go through to become so valuable? It has to be heated in a refiner’s fire so that all the impurities rise to the top and the dross is taken away. Ouch! Like a refiner’s fire, life doesn’t give us comfort or the plans we expect; instead it is filled with trials. But what if these trials, instead of defeating us, are actually revealing in us something greater…the genuineness of our faith. In this book you will be inspired by how Dottie found her faith in God, how her faith affected her raising her children as a widow, why she chose to home school her children, and how her faith has sustained her through many valleys.

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  • Journey Of Faith


    This is a moving, inspiring true story of a healing miracle from God as well as two out-of-body spiritual experiences with Jesus. John Jones, a Christian Realtor in Macon, GA was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver-a terminal illness- in June 2006. He was told by his doctor he only had a few months to live, was prohibited from working, from driving a car, and from having any visitors in his home. In February 2007, he had a liver transplant, two heart attacks and kidney failure all within three weeks. Read about how God miraculously healed John and how God loves you and wants to save and heal you. You will be inspired and encouraged and your faith will grow as you read about John’s miraculous Journey of Faith.

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  • Believing Again : Doubt And Faith In A Secular Age


    In the Enlightenment’s wake, atheism became an intellectually and socially acceptable option in the 19th century. Ranging across disciplines, Lundin explores the works of literary thinkers—including Emily Dickinson, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Karl Barth—to show how the modern mind stood poised between faith and skepticism, and how it challenged unbelief with creative brilliance.

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  • Hope For Today


    Hope is beyond faith. Faith is conviction of truth, assurance in Christ Jesus, and total reliance upon Christ for salvation (Ephesians 2:8). “Faith is the substance [confidence, being sure] of things hoped for and the evidence [certain] of [what we do not see] things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is having confidence in God’s plan while hope anticipates, expects, ponders, and yearns for it.

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  • In Search Of A Confident Faith


    There are many obstacles that can get in the way of having a healthy Christian faith. J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler team up in this book to helpfully clear away the barriers to faith by helping you gain a clear grasp of what faith is, identifying the various obstacles to it and providing guidance for growing in your trust in God through Jesus Christ.

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  • When You Find Yourself In The Belly Of A Whale


    What is it like being in the belly of a whale? Well, it’s downright scary. And the surroundings are rather depressing. However, it is quiet. You have time to think-and pray. Singing sounds really good, much like being in the shower. You begin to explore the possibility of climbing out and taming the very thing that has consumed you. Beth Cantrell Whittington used humor, honesty, a battle with cancer, criminal justice career experiences, and down-to-earth devotional thoughts to focus on the big picture-looking at the surprising blows and storms of life through God’s eyes. Jesus was never diagnosed with a life threatening disease. He was never laid off because his company was downsizing. He never had family problems or experienced a mid-life crisis. But he was falsely accused, mocked, spat upon, beaten, and left to die on a cross. He can relate!

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  • Extravagant Gift


    Product Description
    If you died tomorrow, where would you go? If your answer is to heaven, do you know that for sure? If you are seeking a way to God and to his house, then the message within these covers is seeking you. Salvation – the forgiveness of your sins and your eternal life in heaven – is waiting for you. The path to get there has been cleared. God has made sure of that. Your heavenly father wants desperately to give you his EXTRAVAGANT GIFT!

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  • Grace Eventually : Thoughts On Faith


    The sharp, funny, and heartfelt follow-up to her bestselling Plan B, Anne Lamott’s newest collection is a personal exploration of the faith and grace all around us.

    In Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith, Lamott examines the ways we’re caught in life’s most daunting predicaments: love, mothering, work, politics, and maybe toughest of all, evolving from who we are to who we were meant to be. This is a complicated process for most of us, and Lamott turns her wit and honesty inward to describe her own intimate, bumpy, and unconventional road to grace and faith.

    “I wish grace and healing were more abracadabra kinds of things,” she writes in one of her essays, “that delicate silver bells would ring to announce grace’s arrival. But no, it’s clog and slog and scootch, on the floor, in silence, in the dark.”

    Whether she’s writing about her unsuccessful efforts to get her money back from an obstinate carpet salesman, grappling with the tectonic shifts in her relationship with her son as he matures, trying to maintain her faith and humor during politically challenging times, or helping a close friend die with dignity, Lamott seeks out both the divinity and the humanity in herself and everything around her. Throughout these essays, she writes of her struggle to find the essence of her faith, which she uncovers in the unlikeliest places. By turns insightful and hilarious, pointed and poignant, Grace (Eventually) is Anne Lamott at her perceptive and irreverent best.

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  • Fe Que Mueve La Mano De Dios – (Spanish)


    In his fourth book, La fe que mueve la mano de Dios, pastor Josue Yrion guides readers to developing their potential and their spiritual growth through a faith that will strengthen every area of their lives. Through personal experiences, anecdotal illustrations, and principally the Word of God, his writing lays the foundation for an invincible, Christ-centered faith. He leads readers to experience divine salvation, freedom, healing, prosperity, guidance, strength, peace, answers, victory, and miracles.

    En su cuarto libro, La fe que mueve la mano de Dios, el pastor Josue Yrion guia al lector a desarrollar su potencial y su crecimiento espiritual por medio de una fe que fortalecera cada area de su vida. A traves de experiencias personales, ilustraciones anecdoticas y principalmente la Palabra de Dios, esta obra establece el fundamento para una fe cristocentrica invencible. Le guiara a experimentar salvacion divina, libertad, sanidad, prosperidad, guia, fortaleza, paz, respuestas, victoria y milagros.

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  • Building Dynamic Faith


    Though perhaps better known for political activism through his creation of the Moral Majority, the late Dr. Jerry Falwell’s personal activities confirmed his passion for being a pastor and a Christian educator. Out of this desire to teach and lead, he wrote Building Dynamic Faith so that readers would know God better and see their lives radically changed for Him. Divided into 31 chapters, Building Dynamic Faith is perfect for a month of daily readings, but it is more than simply a devotional. Readers will progress from a simple understanding of faith, to practicing the skills needed to exercise their faith, and finally to experiencing the blessing of God through answered prayer.

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  • Tracing The Footsteps Of God


    A process for readers to come to their own answers about what they believe

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  • Faith Reason And Compassion


    Chapter 1: Matters Of The Mind

    Chapter 2: Re-enfranchising The Mind

    Chapter 3: Belief In God’s Existence

    Chapter 4: Belief In God’s Goodness

    Chapter 5: Belief In God’s Miracles

    Chapter 6: Christian Faith And Other Faiths

    Faith And Society

    Additional Info
    What is the relationship between faith and reason? How should faith and reason situate themselves in relation to each other? These are the chief questions that James Gilman seeks to address in Faith, Reason, and Compassion: A Philosophy of the Christian Faith. An innovative new book in philosophy of religion, it treats the problems typical of the discipline in an untypical way, with a methodology that presupposes a particular religious tradition, in this case Christianity, and that reenfranchises emotions (e.g., compassion) as crucial to shaping solutions to philosophical problems.

    Developing a methodology on the basis of three principles: the principle of symmetry, asymmetry, and supersymmetry, Gilman confiscates these three terms from physics and deploys them collectively as a metaphor in service to a method whereby the problems belonging to philosophy of religion can be critically and constructively treated. While ideal for courses in philosophy of religion, this book stretches across disciplines and is also ideal for use in Christian ethics and theology courses.

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  • Faith Reason And Compassion


    Chapter 1: Matters Of The Mind

    Chapter 2: Re-enfranchising The Mind

    Chapter 3: Belief In God’s Existence

    Chapter 4: Belief In God’s Goodness

    Chapter 5: Belief In God’s Miracles

    Chapter 6: Christian Faith And Other Faiths

    Faith And Society

    Additional Info
    What is the relationship between faith and reason? How should faith and reason situate themselves in relation to each other? These are the chief questions that James Gilman seeks to address in Faith, Reason, and Compassion: A Philosophy of the Christian Faith. An innovative new book in philosophy of religion, it treats the problems typical of the discipline in an untypical way, with a methodology that presupposes a particular religious tradition, in this case Christianity, and that reenfranchises emotions (e.g., compassion) as crucial to shaping solutions to philosophical problems.

    Developing a methodology on the basis of three principles: the principle of symmetry, asymmetry, and supersymmetry, Gilman confiscates these three terms from physics and deploys them collectively as a metaphor in service to a method whereby the problems belonging to philosophy of religion can be critically and constructively treated. While ideal for courses in philosophy of religion, this book stretches across disciplines and is also ideal for use in Christian ethics and theology courses.

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  • Taking The Plunge


    You’ve chosen the godparents, dressed the baby in yards of white, and headed to church for the christening. Now what? What does the sacrament of baptism mean in your child’s life – and yours? In Taking the Plunge, parents explore how the Baptismal Covenant helps to shape the experience of raising children. What are you promising when you baptize your child? Why are “please” and “thank you” theological words, not simply polite things to say? Anne Kitch writes with a light touch and includes plenty of real-life stories.

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  • More Than Serving Tea


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830833719ISBN10: 0830833714Editor: Nikki Toyama | Editor: Tracey Gee | Editor: Jeanette YepBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2006Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Faith Styles : Ways People Believe


    A noted spiritual director suggests new ways of looking at how different people understand and relate to the divine. Explores the many styles of faith that characterize believers in all religions, examines the various modes of believing, and offers ways for spiritual directors to use this knowledge as they work with their clients. Includes illustrative case studies and practical suggestions for offering spiritual direction.

    The Spiritual Directors International Series – This book is part of a special series produced by Morehouse Publishing in cooperation with Spiritual Directors International (SDI), a global network of some 6,000 spiritual directors and members.

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  • Dynamic Of Faith Words And The Miracle Power Of God


    The subject of faith is by far one of the most preached and taught of all our Christian doctrines in the church today. Yet despite God’s mandate for his children to walk by faith, it is widely acknowledged among both clergy and layman that too many of God’s children still have difficulty mastering this fundamental concept, which by default leaves them falling short of the victory, blessings, and benefits pledged to them by God through Christ and the New Covenant. This book, The Dynamic of Faith, Words, and the Miracle Power of God was born out of this need in the body of Christ. Here, the subject of faith is revisited to present a simple, comprehensive study with fresh revelation to give every believer a clearer concept of how faith works and how the word of faith can be confidently implemented in their everyday lives to bring abundant success in every area of life.

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  • Best Days Are Ahead


    Although it may appear that the forces of darkness are prevailing over the people of God, the Word declares that the very gates of hell shall not overtake the Church of the Living God. Jesus said, “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:18-19). The Church has been marching victoriously for over two thousand years, despite periods of bitter struggle, divisions, and persecution.As the struggles continue, many believers succumb to a spirit of defeat. But if we trust God, we can be confident that the best days are ahead. Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Once more … I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory. … The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine. … The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former. … And in this place, I will give peace” (Haggai 2:6-9)

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  • At Home In The World


    From informal version of the Rule of St. Benedict to Twelve-Step groups and Weight Watchers, the basic human need for guidance and structure in the quest for wholeness is palpable and real. Out of her long experience as a spiritual director, mentor, and teacher, Margaret Guenther offers a warm and sensible guide for the “rest of us” – singles, couples, parents, extended families, members of churches – to create a helpful and balanced rule of life to help us in our search for faith.

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  • Shouts And Whispers


    Flannery O’Connor once wrote that “to the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost-blind you draw large and startling figures.” Some of the twenty-one well-known writers included in this book prefer to “shout,” as O’Connor did, while others offer what Doris Betts calls “whispering hope.”

    Shouts and Whispers contains a fascinating array of reflections on topics surrounding the often-perilous intersection of writing and faith. The authors all agree that literature can help us to be more faithful, yet they approach the subject in ways as diverse as their biographies. Some, like Katherine Paterson and Frederick Buechner, propose models of how literature and belief can fruitfully intersect. Several authors offer insightful metaphors for the experience of doing faith-filled writing, while others speak of writing as finding hope in the midst of brokenness. Finally, in essays by Madeleine L’Engle, Thomas Lynch, and others, readers are encouraged to make the connection between writing and embodiment, translating words into actions.

    While the essays, addresses, and interviews in Shouts and Whispers are by no means the final word, they will provoke rich and nuanced reflection on the dynamic relationship between faith and writing.

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  • Principles And Power Of Vision (Student/Study Guide)


    In this study guide companion to Myles Munroe’s eye-opening book, The Principles and Power of Vision, you will explore deeper insights into your purpose and thought-provoking questions for personal application to your life. Designed for either individual or group study, this guide will help you to find out the most important thing you can about yourself–the purpose for your existence. As you progress through the time-tested truths and principles of vision in these pages, you will come to understand your life’s purpose, discover how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality, and find a new passion for living.

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  • Long Shadowed Grief


    In the aftermath of suicide, friends and family face a long road of grief and reflection. With a sympathetic eye and a firm hand, Harold Ivan Smith searches for the place of the spirit in the wake of suicide. He asks how one may live a spiritual life as a survivor, and he addresses the way faith is permanently altered by “the residue of stigma” that attaches to suicide.

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  • Dream Of God


    Re-awaken your sense of calling and your desire for truth.
    A classic book by this contemporary prophet who has touched lives and transformed hearts with her books, preaching, teaching, and lay group work. Through adept storytelling and Bible study, she reawakens our sense of calling, reminding us of God’s dream for us: not merely to worship Jesus but to follow Him.

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  • Christian Beliefs


    A basic guide to twenty Christian beliefs that is solid, yet readable, and not intimidating for new believers and Christians in general. Includes chapter review questions.

    About the Author
    Elliot Grudem holds a degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kacey, live in New Orleans with their daughter.

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  • Praying : The Rituals Of Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596270169ISBN10: 1596270160Lucinda MoserBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2005Faith In The Neighborhood # 2Publisher: Seabury Books Print On Demand Product

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  • Interfaith Families : Personal Stories Of Jewish Christian Intermarriage


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596270114ISBN10: 159627011XJane KaplanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2005Publisher: Seabury Books Print On Demand Product

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  • Doctors Who Followed Christ


    Learning how other believers have struggled and persevered, often against great opposition, to achieve noteworthy success in their labors provides incentive for our own walk with the Lord. This new companion book to Scientists of Faith provides the interesting and encouraging personal stories of 32 doctors and their faith in God. Along with illustrations is a brief overview of each person’s contribution in their field.

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  • I Believed And Therefore I Spoke


    Tim Black, Jr. was jolted into reality when he learned his son was involved in the occult and oppressed by demons. But do demons really oppress people today? And does God work miracles today? Does the Holy Spirit dwell in Christians today and bestow upon them His gifts? In this gripping, true story discover how Tim came to believe for the first time in his life that the answer to all of these questions is “yes!” Read how our merciful God transformed his family’s losing battle against Satan into a stunning victory. In this book, Tim describes how he learned to accept Christ’s authority to cast out demons in His name. Then he explains how this led to a new understanding of the Holy Spirit. I Believed and Therefore I Spoke will either challenge or confirm what you believe, but it will not leave you unaffected.

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  • Ordering Of Love


    “In a brilliant marriage of myth and manner, histories sacred and profane, prayers of petition and of praise, these poems both articulate and illumine the trouble in the gap in which we live-the gap between human affections and Divine Love. L’Engle is unfailing in her willingness to see through-not around-human suffering, and in so doing announces no final severing of spirit and flesh but an enduring vision of resurrection in that crux, in the cross, in the One in Whom all things meet, continuing.”
    -Scott Cairns, author of Slow Pilgrim and Philokalia: New and Selected Poems

    “I love L’Engle’s poetry for the way it incarnates not only the great Truths of the faith, but all the little truths of our ordinary existence-our working and playing and loving and fighting and dreaming and idling and all the rest of it-and for the way it shows us that those big and little truths should not, cannot, be separated.”
    -Carolyn Arends, recording artist and author

    “Why is L’Engle one of the defining poets of our time? Because when life hurts, she does not shrink from the wounds. She clarifies the murk with hope as we feel the lift of grace.”
    -Calvin Miller, Beeson Divinity School
    Birmingham, Alabama

    “We are, all of us, the richer for this carefully crafted and prayerfully rendered collection.”
    -Phyllis Tickle, Author, The Divine Hours

    “Poetry, at least the kind I write, is written out of immediate need; it is written out of pain, joy, and experience too great to be borne until it is ordered into words. And then it is written to be shared.”
    -Madeleine L’Engle

    Madeleine L’Engle’s writing has always translated the invisible and intricate qualities of love into the patterns and rhythms of visible life. Now, with compelling language and open-hearted vulnerability, The Ordering of Love brings together the exhaustive collection of L’Engle’s poetry for the first time.

    This volume collects nearly 200 of L’Engle’s original poems, including eighteen that have never before been published. Reflecting on themes of love, loss, faith, and beauty, The Ordering of Love gives vivid and compelling insight into the language of the heart.

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  • Beliefs : Mennonite Faith And Practice


    Ask any person randomly on the sidewalk what they know about the Mennonites and chances are their answer will include Mormons, black clothes and buggies, or general confusion. This short, engaging book gives a brief account of what Mennonites believe. From the beginnings of the Anabaptist (or Mennonite) movement in the 16th-century, to biblical interpretation, baptism, understandings of the church, ethics, and the complex question of denominationalism, John D. Roth provides a solid framework for on-going conversations about faithful discipleship in the Mennonite church today.

    John Roth has written a wonderful introduction to Mennonite life and theology. With admirable candor he exposes the controverted and undecided aspects of Mennonite ecclesial practices and theology. This book will serve not only to introduce Mennonite life to Mennonites but to anyone wanting to know what makes Mennonites Mennonites.

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  • Walking The Straight And Narrow


    Over many years in his walk with God on the wire and in his life, Tino has developed more than 30 lessons in faith. Set against a backdrop of sawdust and trained tigers, attepted murder and trials by fire, betrayal and triumph, Tino Wallenda invites the reader behind the scenes, into the world of circus, and into a close, personal relationship with God.

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  • Loving Jesus


    In this biblical spirituality for today, Powells earnest plea is for Christians to revisit their faith not by blazing in religious enthusiasm but by harboring a steadier flame and deeper commitment. Living at the poetic heart of faith, he argues, entails seeing the coordinates of religious life–love, understanding, truth, hope, and especially devotion–in a new way. Powell espouses the old fashioned idea of piety. Drawing on his wide knowledge of the Bible and Christian tradition, as well as insights from his own journey, he shows how simple religious practices move us beyond the old certitudes of a naive and youthful faith into the less certain but more bracing terrain of a second naivete, a closer walk with Jesus.

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  • His Hammock In The Shade


    COME UNTO ME Come rest, My child, let Me cover thee As the shade beneath the magnolia tree Let Me revive thy weary soul For I thy Father will make thee whole Ye look about thee with great concern For abiding peace thy heart does yearn Come draw from Me all that ye need For I thy Lord holds the answer seed Within My love there will be found The strength to help thee stand thy ground Climb up and nestle in My garment’s folds And be restored by the love My heart holds So, come sit, My child, at thy Father’s feet There stay and rest till My work is complete Coni “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

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  • Sons Of Issachar For The 21st Century


    “What is happening to the world?” The astounding events we witness in our nation and around the world are part of a much larger picture with momentous implications. Discover the historical themes and spiritual threads behind today’s current events, which point to the agenda on God’s heart for our generation: Does God have a unique purpose for America? Could President George W. Bush have a divine calling for this hour? Why should I care about Israel and the Jewish people? What is the goal of resurgent, militant Islam? Do Muslims worship the same God we do? Does it matter? What can history tell us about the clash of civilizations and worldviews looming before us? Can our prayers really make a difference? Take an eye-opening walk through the pages of history and the Bible with Bill Lewis, a passionate and articulate prayer warrior. You’ll gain surprising and powerful insights into the events of our generation. Sons of Issachar for the 21st Century is a stirring call to faith and an illuminating journey that you’ll never forget. For more information, please visit

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  • Praying With All Kinds Of Prayer


    In our modern world, the concept of prayer is misunderstood. In Praying with All Kinds of Prayer, Pastor Henry explains that Christians need to fully understand and apply these principles of prayer. This book will motivate, show, and inspire you to stand in the arena of faith until you see the manifestation of your prayer request. God is ever faithful. However, you cannot convincingly say that until you have had an experience with Him. In this book, you will learn: HOW TO PRESENT YOUR REQUEST TO THE HEAVENLY FATHER HOW TO RECEIVE THE ANSWER TO THAT PARTICULAR REQUEST DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRAYER

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  • Recapturing The Wesleys Vision


    From horseback, pulpit, and choir loft, the Wesleys helped transform the Christian church of their day—and since. Now explore the message that sparked the Methodist revolution. Skillfully gleaning from John’s voluminous writings and Charles’s timeless hymns, Chilcote introduces their innovative synthesis of faith and works; Word and Spirit; individual and community; head and heart.

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  • Mustard Seed Of Faith


    Longfellow Press
    I have known Donna Warren all of my life (which is most of hers). In the early years, I found her to be very headstrong, mean, determined, and slightly vain. She often tried to take an authoritative role with everyone, which resulted in major conflict. To put it in simple terms, I didn’t like her. You see-she’s my oldest sister. About seven years ago, quite by default, my husband and I went to Galveston, Texas, to visit Donna and her husband. We had booked flights to attend her daughter’s wedding a few weeks earlier but were unable to make the trip. With two roundtrip tickets to Texas that we had to use, I had no choice but to pay her a visit. It was during this visit that, for the first time, I MET DONNA WARREN! I found her to be very self-assured, yet humble; very stern, yet compassionate; and very opinionated, yet understanding. The woman I met is truly chosen and anointed by God, and I love her. You see, she’s my friend, mentor, confidante, and prayer partner, and since our mother went on to be with God, she’s been my mother. This book, A Mustard Seed of Faith, is Donna’s testimony. Throughout her life, she has held on to her faith to make it through the trails, tribulations, and triumphs of this world. As you read each poem and inspirational writing, and look into the heart and soul of Donna Warren, I know that you will feel God’s power, wisdom, guidance, and comfort, and will be richly blessed. When you’ve been blessed, pass it on by planting another Mustard Seed of Faith, the way Donna has. -Denese Artis

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  • Truth Unplugged For Girls


    This powerful book is filled with true-to-life stories of girls just like you, trying to figure out what’s right, what’s wrong, and how life should be lived. It addresses real-life situations like: What it means to have a good self-image; learning to be “you” and not some counterfeit, what happens when you really like a guy and the hormones kick in; being a good friend; the teen pregnancy trap; getting along with parents; winning over fear and anger; dealing with suicide; finding peace, love, and forgiveness; healing a broken heart; and letting God help you become the person He created you to be. Each story also comes with life insights–DOWNL0AD tells you what God has to soy about the situation in the story–TRUTH UNPLUGGED is a simple rule of thumb to help you stay on track and make good choices–POWER UP holds you accountable for your decisions and helps you see beyond the obvious–TRUTH LINK helps you start communicating with God honestly and clearly. TRUTH UNPLUGGED. Honest. In your face. Unfiltered. The Real Truth about Life. It’s important to know . . . and it’s waiting for you in the pages of this book!

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  • In A Dark Wood


    This book features a diverse group of voices describing unlikely and often moving journeys toward or away from faith – Protestants, Catholics, and Jews; laypeople and professionally religious activists, poets, politicians, and ordinary folk. In dozens of readings, poems, and prayers, the Psalmists, medieval saints, and other poets reflect on belief and doubt, on the loss of faith and its rediscovery.

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  • Faithful Learning And The Christian Scholarly Vocation


    Christian scholars and teachers everywhere are exploring ever more fully the relationship between Christian faith and the various academic disciplines. “Faithful Learning and the Christian Scholarly Vocation” makes a singular contribution to this ongoing endeavor. Leading voices in the Christian academy here provide a solid theological foundation for understanding the aims and practice of faith-and-learning integration, especially within church-related institutions, and also pointedly discuss some major challenges and opportunities facing Christian higher education in the twenty-first century.

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  • Living The Story


    This instructive, practical book explores the meaning of “biblical spirituality,” a spirituality rooted in the Scriptures, in the grand story of God.
    Writing to promote genuine discipleship and an everyday sense of God’s presence, R. Paul Stevens and Michael Green show that biblical spirituality is based on down-to-earth principles meant to foster righteous living at home, at work, wherever one is. They highlight the importance of our being in relationship with the Triune God and discuss how we can be worshipers of Abba God, disciples of Jesus, and temples of the Holy Spirit. The book proceeds through the Old and New Testaments, engaging readers with the discoveries and struggles of people of faith from Adam and Eve to those gathered around the Lamb in the new Jerusalem. Stevens and Green focus throughout on how we can truly live the Word of God so that our own stories become part of God’s great story of love.

    Filled with biblical wisdom and a pleasure to read, “Living the Story” is a winsome invitation to follow God wholeheartedly in every dimension of life.

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  • Faith To Remember


    “A Faith To Remember” is great to keep a permanent record of a child’s journey of their faith. The verses are inspirational and there is lots of room to record the parent’s and children’s thoughts, memories and spiritual growth. It can be a life long keepsake, easily moving from childhood through adulthood.

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  • Faith : Depending On God


    Why don’t I get what I pray for?

    Do I wait in faith for God to change a bad situation, or do I step out in faith to look for change?

    Why don’t I feel more confident that God will help me?

    If you ever struggle with uncertainties about faith, you’ll find good company in the pages of the Bible. Dale and Sandy Larsen lead you through nine Bible studies on people who struggled with faith to encourage you in your journey to deeper trust.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • Musings Of An Immigrant Seeker


    Musings of an Immigrant Seeker is my journey toward and in God as reflected in poems, devotions, and songs. Whether inspired by circumstances, relationships, pictures, or the Bible, these writings have been gifts from my heavenly Father, the Giver of all good gifts. As He has touched me in allowing me to write them, I hope others will also feel and meet Him as they read through them, and discover as I did that He has been with them on their journey all along: The Search and Meeting God The Journey, My Discoveries in Him Life Lessons in Christ Finding Rest in Daily Life, because of rest with Him and others

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