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Showing 1–50 of 143 results

  • Camino De La Fe – (Spanish)


    Ya somos bendecidos con toda bendicion en cielo y en la tierra, dice la Palabra de Dios en el libro de Deuteronomio. Y esa bendicion esta intimamente enlazada con una vida de fe inquebrantable que se afianza a cada paso de nuestra jornada. En La Biblia, ese viaje en el que nos embarcamos los cristianos fue iniciado por Abrahan, conocido como el Padre de la Fe. El camino de la fe es el libro que nos revela los misterios mas ocultos de la fe, el poder de Dios que estamos llamados a conocer y la autoridad y las bendiciones con las que fuimos investidos por El para vivir y a la vez bendecir nuestra generacion y las venideras.

    We are already blessed with every blessing in heaven and on earth, says the Word of God in the book of Deuteronomy. And that blessing is intimately linked with a life of unwavering faith that takes hold at every step of our journey. In the Bible, that journey on which we Christians embark was initiated by Abraham, known as the Father of Faith. The Journey of Faith is the book that reveals to us the most hidden mysteries of faith, the power of God that we are called to know, and the authority and blessings with which we have been invested by Him to live and at the same time bless our generation and those to come.

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  • Rooted In Wonder


    For a generation whose eyes are constantly trained on screens, encountering nature at all is increasingly difficult, much less seeing what is reveals about God. How can parents help children reengage with God’s world that is full of amazement, creativity, and love?

    Eryn Lynum is a certified master naturalist, Bible teacher, and mom of four who wants to help families encounter and understand the connection between God and creation. She shares her own story of putting her kids in front of nature, and invites other parents to consider a similar journey.

    With practical sections that look at nature through the lens of the Bible and activities to integrate faith and the natural world, Rooted in Wonder helps parents instill within their kids an unshakable faith. Through the art of play, the drive of discovery, and the awe of adventure, children will gain a sense of wonder in their Creator that will last a lifetime.

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  • Bible Doctrine Workbook (Workbook)


    A WORKBOOK to Help You Explore and Reflect on Life’s Most Important Theological Questions.

    How do we know the Bible is God’s Word? What is sin and where did it come from? How is Jesus fully God and fully man? What are spiritual gifts? When and how will Christ return?

    If you’ve asked questions like these, then systematic theology is no abstract term. It’s an approach to finding answers every Christian needs to know. The Bible Doctrine WORKBOOK accompanies Wayne Grudem’s highly regarded Bible Doctrine. Following the textbook’s structure, the WORKBOOK features review material and exercises for every chapter, and all major areas of Christian doctrine are covered, including:

    *The Word of God
    *Christ and the Holy Spirit
    *The Application of Redemption
    *The Church
    *The Future

    The WORKBOOK maintains the clear writing, friendly tone, and frequent applications to life found in the textbook. Students will benefit from this hands-on engagement with the important teachings in Bible Doctrine.

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  • Case For Faith Student Edition


    Why is there suffering? Doesn’t science disprove miracles? What about hell-and the millions who’ve never heard of Jesus? Is heaven for real? Is God unjust? Lee Strobel decided to use his award-winning journalistic skills to investigate the idea of faith, and prove that placing our trust in things we cannot see is a solid bet. This updated The Case for Faith Student Edition adapts Strobel’s bestselling The Case for Faith to present hard-hitting findings as well as interviews with believers and skeptics alike in an easy-to-follow manner so you can make a decision about Christian faith for yourself.

    The Case for Faith Student Edition:

    *Is written for readers ages twelve and older

    *Presents the arguments for and against having faith that teens and young adults often ask and encounter so they can see the real evidence and facts

    *Uses logic and solid information to examine why Christians believe what they do

    *Can also be used in the classroom, in group studies, or as part of a religious studies or comparisons class

    *Contains infographics and charts to make the facts clear

    *Pairs well with The Case for Christ Student Edition, The Case for a Creator Student Edition, The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition, and The Case for Miracles Student Edition

    Lee Strobel’s research provides:
    *Scientific data, expert testimonies, and interviews
    *Cross-religious comparisons
    *Historical and archeological proofs he discovered during his investigation

    Prepare yourself for an eye-opening, no-punches-pulled investigation into eight of the toughest objections to Christianity. The answers will prove whether or not Jesus is who he says he is and if heaven is for real, leading you to a life-changing decision in your current case for or against Christianity. Even if you’re an atheist or just aren’t sure about Jesus, these stories will turn your whole world upside down. If you’re already a Christian, you’ll gain powerful insights that will reshape your understanding of the Bible and affect your life of faith like never before.

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  • Case For Faith For Kids (Revised)


    Why does God allow bad things to happen? Can you have doubts and still be a Christian? Kids ages 8-12 can join in this incredible search for the truth about faith in this book based on the bestselling The Case for Faith by award-winning author Lee Strobel, written in kid-friendly language that helps young readers explore their own beliefs decide for themselves why believing in Jesus and Christianity makes good sense.

    Here’s a book that finally tackles the most important questions about the toughest questions surrounding faith kids often ask and wonder. This updated version of The Case for Faith for Kids is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations Lee conducted to test why people believe in Jesus, and the truths that support those beliefs. Throughout, Strobel uses his skills as an award-winning legal journalist to examine the historical records, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific evidence for faith, including Jesus’s resurrection and miracles.

    Like Strobel, will you be convinced by the evidence? What will your verdict be in The Case for Faith? The Case for Faith for Kids:

    *Is written specifically for readers ages 8-12, presented in a way that is logical and easy to understand

    *Is perfect for encouraging a child’s faith development, and is also ideal for homeschool use or as a first communion gift for boys or girls

    *Is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations of some of the toughest questions kids have about faith and Christianity

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  • Tears In The Desert


    Eleven-year-old Raine Hunter’s family moves from the town of Blackheart Bay, Nova Scotia to Desolation Creek in the Australian Outback, where her father will begin pastoring a small church. But not long after they begin their new lives, a tragedy befalls the family.

    Devastated, Raine’s parents leave the ministry and move their family back to Blackheart Bay. There, Raine grows into a young woman but is haunted by the guilt she lives with because of the tragedy, and the accusation and anger she sees in her father’s eyes whenever she looks at him. At eighteen, after an ugly quarrel with her father, Raine leaves home and moves to Halifax.

    Years later, Raine’s father has suffered a heart attack, and her brother, a widowed youth pastor with two young daughters, has vanished under suspicious circumstances. Raine reluctantly returns to her hometown, struggling with bitterness for her father, fear for her missing brother, and the responsibility of caring for her nieces.

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  • Leaving Faith Behind


    Leaving Faith Behind gives voice to women and men who were born into Muslim families and communities, but who have made the decision to leave Islam or to dissent against some of the most significant aspects of Islamic doctrine.

    Aliyah, who realized as a young woman that she did not have to live by rigid rules and concepts that suffocated her true self.

    Hassan, who became a practicing Muslim in his teens, but for whom doubts led him to leave the faith in his fifties.

    Jimmy, banished from his home and family when he was discovered to be gay.

    Marwa, who keeps secret from her community the fact that she can no longer practice a religion that she believes degrades and denies basic rights to women.

    Aisha, for whom the journey from belief to disbelief was a gradual process involving personal challenge and confrontations with friends and family.

    As increasing numbers of people in Western society choose to turn away from organized religion, this book allows the stories of some of them to be heard: the reasons for their decisions to leave, the challenges of leaving, and the effects on their lives and relationships. It also captures portraits of life and culture within Muslim communities in our fast-changing world, and how they are reacting and responding to migration, secularization, more inclusive attitudes to gender and sexuality, and other trends of modern society.

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  • Faith For This Moment (Reprinted)


    For three generations, God’s chosen people were exiles in the land of Babylon. Today, many Christians in America feel like exiles within their own country, and there is growing disagreement regarding how to live faithfully in this complex cultural moment. Some desire to conquer our Babylon and return to a type of Christendom they believe existed in an idealized past. Others seek to assimilate the values of our culture into the church. And in between are those who are uncomfortable with either extreme, who feel spiritually homeless. These exiles are looking for a new way of understanding what faith looks like in a polarized, pluralistic, post-Christian culture. They want to know: What does it mean to be the people of God now?

    That’s the question Rick McKinley seeks to answer. He shows exiled Christians how people of faith from other times and places discovered how to live faithfully, prophetically, and imaginatively, neither compromising their principles nor their compassion, and never giving in to despair.

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  • Learning To Speak God From Scratch


    In a rapidly changing culture, many of us struggle to talk about faith. We can no longer assume our friends understand words such as grace or gospel. Others, like lost and sin, have become so negative they are nearly conversation-enders.

    Jonathan Merritt knows this frustration well. After moving from the Bible Belt to New York City, he discovered that the sacred terms he used to describe his spiritual life didn’t connect as they had in the past. This launched him into an exploration of an increasing American reluctance to talk about faith-and the data he uncovered revealed a quiet crisis of affecting millions.

    In this groundbreaking book, Jonathan revives ancient expressions through incisive cultural commentary, vulnerable personal narratives, and surprising biblical insights. Both provocative and liberating, Learning to Speak God from Scratch will breathe new life into your spiritual conversations and invite you into the embrace of the God who inhabits them.

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  • Landscape Of Faith


    Taking a nondenominational approach similar to the “mere Christianity” advocated by C. S. Lewis, Alister McGrath uses the creeds as framework with which to explore the teachings of the Christian doctrines and what it means to live a life of faith.

    In this new book, he tells of his discovery of Christianity while a student at Oxford University and takes readers on a panoramic tour of the landscape of the Christian faith. Using the story of his own crisis of faith, he looks at why Christians believe what they do, how we can best understand these ideas, and the difference they make to the way we think about ourselves and our world so that readers can find their own map to navigate the landscape of faith.

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  • Quantum Faith


    How does quantum physics relate to the Bible? Can words move mountains? How did Jesus supersede the laws of physics?

    There are amazing similarities between the teachings of Jesus and the discoveries of the new physics, quantum theory. The concept of speaking to mountains and trees may not be religious metaphor, but laws of a new physics that have not been fully understood.

    Jesus taught that our words are powerful enough to move physical matter. Quantum physics has discovered that subatomic particles respond to the observer.

    In this book, you will discover that your words and your faith (beliefs) are unseen forces that affect everything in your world. You are the one giving substance to your world through words!

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  • Nexus : Understanding Faith And Modern Culture


    The Nexus,” so-named because of the operational intersection or “Nexus” of faith and culture, is an alphabetized manual of cultural artifacts of significance to Christians.

    In “The Nexus,” Jon Widener observes how Christianity has lost many battles over the years and how the evangelical community has been fraught with endemic anti-intellectualism. He sees an evangelical insularity taking the form of retreat and retrenchment from the comings and goings of the larger society.

    Dr. Widener proposes that modern Christian believers correct these deficits by exercising the exhortation of I Pet 3:15 (KJV) to always be prepared “to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” Believers should educate themselves on culturally relevant issues where there are questions of Christian morality. This is the burden and purpose of the book. Accordingly, the standard for inclusion is straight-forward. If the topic is culturally encountered and has moral implications, then it meets the threshold standard for inclusion in the work.

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  • Trusting Gods Timing


    Be encouraged and don’t let a thing called time destroy you before you even start. God is for you, and what He’s promised He will bring to pass.

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  • Beauty And The Riches Of Redemption


    “The Beauty and the Riches of Redemption” presents to us the drama of humanity from the Garden of Eden – where the curtain opened and the stage was set – to the Garden of Gethsemane – where the curtain was not only drawn, but cut: End of drama. Is Jesus really the only way to God and so, the only hope of salvation? How could Jesus, born of the Jewish people, be the Savior of the whole world? How could the son of Mary, an Israelite woman be said to be the Son of God? Can Jesus really save me and guarantee me entrance/eternity in heaven? In about 180 pages, the author, with the help of the Holy Spirit answers all these questions and explains to us with clarity and simplicity what we need to know from creation to redemption. You need this book…This book clearly brings out the difference between religion and salvation. Jesus came to redeem mankind back to his Creator. Man through sin was cut off from God, but now there is no “salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved…”

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  • How To Release Your Faith


    This book will help you to grow in your faith and hold on to it. But, more importantly, it teaches you how to release your faith and see God move in a mighty way.

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  • 4th Dimension Combined Edition


    In this new combined version of The Fourth Dimension – Volumes One and Two, Dr. David (Paul) Yonggi Cho’s comprehensive spiritual philosophy on the power of dynamic faith is brought together in one place for completeness and ease of reference.

    A Senior Pastor Emeritus of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea, Dr. Cho grounds his belief in his experiences following his conversion to Christianity as a young man and while suffering from tuberculosis. By developing the idea of the spiritual being as the fourth dimension, he ultimately demonstrates how this can, through faith and prayer, influence and effect change in the physical being leading to personal growth and renewal. In these pages you’ll discover:
    *A World of Answered Prayer
    *A Creative Way of Life
    *Dynamic Faith
    *True Communion with God
    *Secrets of a Successful Faith Life

    Dr. David Yonggi Cho has also authored such best-sellers as Successful Home Cell Groups, Unleashing the Power of Faith, Solving Life’s Problems, Suffering… Why Me?, A Leap of Faith, and 4th Dimensional Living in a 3 Dimensional World.

    “The imminence of my death had brought me to the realization that I needed something greater than a religion, greater than a philosophy, and even greater than sympathy for the trials of human existence. I needed someone who could share my struggles and sufferings, someone who could give me victory. Through reading the Bible I discovered that someone to be the Lord Jesus Christ.”
    – Dr. David (Paul) Yonggi Cho

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  • Taking Pascals Wager


    14 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Since we can’t know with absolute certainty that God exists, each of us in a sense makes a bet. If we believe in God and are right, the benefits include eternal life. If we are wrong, the downside is limited. On the other hand, we might not believe in God. If we are right, then we will have lived in line with reality. If we are wrong, however, the consequences could be eternally disastrous. This was the challenge posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal over three hundred years ago. But Michael Rota contends that Pascal’s argument is still compelling today. Since there is much to gain (for ourselves as well as for others) and relatively little to lose, the wise decision is to seek a relationship with God and live a Christian life. Rota considers Pascal’s wager and the roles of uncertainty, evidence and faith in making a commitment to God. By engaging with themes such as decision theory, the fine-tuning of the universe, divine hiddenness, the problem of evil, the historicity of the resurrection and the nature of miracles, he probes the many dynamics at work in embracing the Christian faith. In addition, Rota takes a turn not found in many books of philosophy. He looks at the actual effects of such a commitment in three recent, vivid, gripping examples?Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jean Vanier and Immaculee Ilibagiza. Like Pascal, Rota leaves us with a question: What wager will we make?

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  • Faithing It : Bringing Purpose Back To Your Life


    Your Secret to Facing the Impossible with Confidence!

    What is the size of your storm? If it’s a big storm; then you have a big call, and a big promise. More importantly, you have the ability to get through it! Get ready to hit refresh on your story, your journey, and your life. Turn your storm into an unshakable relationship with God and a ministry that touches people’s lives.
    -from the Introduction by Cora Jakes

    Cora Jakes shares her inspirational story of spiritual growth to set the stage for this life-changing message. Faithing It is not about pretending away your problems-it’s about facing circumstances with confidence because you see them measured next to the chain-breaking, miracleworking power of God.

    Your storms may seem big, but God is bigger.

    Your season may feel dark, but God’s light is shining through.

    Your circumstance may appear hopeless, but nothing is impossible for God!

    By Faithing It, you will discover how to take the very storms that tried to destroy you and turn them into pathways to promotion and divine purpose!

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  • Human Development And Faith (Reprinted)


    This book, now in its second edition, brings together the best available understandings of human development from a multidisciplinary perspective. Uniquely inclusive of the moral and faith dimensions of context and life-cycle development, Human Development and Faith examines the interplay of mind, body, family, community, and soul at every stage of development. It addresses two central questions: What are the “good-enough” conditions of parenting, family, and community in each phase of life, from birth to death, that support growth and development? What gives life adequate meaning as development proceeds? If human development describes the normative and hoped-for passages of life, then faith provides the necessary component of meaning. Throughout the various perspectives offered in this volume is the premise that faith is that quality of living that makes it possible to fully live.

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  • Faith : The Abyss We All Face


    “Why is God killing my child?”

    The Russian mother asked as she looked into my eyes. I didn’t know what to say. Another mother asked, “Why does God allow innocent babies to suffer and die?”

    My heart broke as I listened to these mothers sobbing.

    “FAITH: The Abyss We All Face” is a true story of one man’s journey to the literal “Ends of the Earth” where time after time, he heard these and similar questions.

    Dr. Bill Becknell has wrestled with the tragic cries of brokenness, pain and suffering in himself and others. They are everywhere, and they challenge our faith. There are no cliches or trite answers to these difficult questions. But despite extreme hardships, pain, brokenness, sacrifices, miracles and even near-death experiences along this road, he found an unexpected treasure… JOY!

    No matter how difficult the circumstances, the pain, and the brokenness, God has an unfailing Love that is beyond comprehension.

    Brokenness and sorrow are a part of living, and no one can change that. What we do about tragedy in our lives is an issue of faith. “FAITH” is written to encourage all believers not to be afraid to step out into the unknown “abyss of faith.” Non-Believers may also find the stories apply to their lives, because “faith” is something everyone has.

    There is no greater JOY than following Jesus, even if He leads you to the “Ends of the Earth.”

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  • Confronting Cancer With Faith


    EweRBlessed Ministries
    Written by a cancer survivor, this award-winning interactive Bible study combines personal experience, biblical references, and thought-provoking questions to help readers confront cancer with faith, not fear. Useful for individual study or for small groups, the message is clear: God is bigger than cancer.

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  • On Earth As It Is In Heaven


    Fiesta Publishing
    In her book, On Earth as It Is in Heaven, Julie Castro shares the personal experiences she encountered while waiting for the man God called to be her husband. Whether a believer in Jesus or not, this intimate book will give the reader insight into how God (Yahweh) moves in one’s life. The author uses personal circumstances to help each person grow and come into the fullness to which they are called. Julie shares her lessons learned, processes, revelations, and instructions with candor and transparency. The book is a personal allegory of Jesus, the One True Husband.

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  • My Faith My Life Leaders Guide (Revised)


    In addition to a book for teens, My Faith, My Life is a curriculum. With this guide, leaders can create short, intermediate, and longer programs, including confirmation sequences of six, nine, or twelve-sessions, a retreat or similar short program, or a longer study that is integrated with other current programs over the entire academic year. Filled with prayers to begin and end each session, plus a variety of activities that tap into multiple learning styles and ways to interact with the congregation, this will be a primary go-to resource for any youth leader. New material includes how to select, train, and support mentors, as well as how leaders can strengthen their own spiritual life. With this Leader’s Guide, My Faith, My Life will continue as a trusted Confirmation curriculum for the Episcopal Church. Newly available in print and eBook editions Supports a foundational book for youth in the Episcopal Church Releases along with the revised edition of primary text

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  • Kierkegaards Concept Of Faith


    In this book renowned philosopher Merold Westphal unpacks the writings of nineteenth-century thinker Soren Kierkegaard on biblical, Christian faith and its relation to reason.

    Across five books – Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments, Concluding Unscientific Postscript, Sickness Unto Death, and Practice in Christianity – and three pseudonyms, Kierkegaard sought to articulate a biblical concept of faith by approaching it from a variety of perspectives in relation to one another. Westphal offers a careful textual reading of these major discussions to present an overarching analysis of Kierkegaard’s conception of the true meaning of biblical faith.

    Though Kierkegaard presents a complex picture of faith through his pseudonyms, Westphal argues that his perspective is a faithful and illuminating one, making claims that are important for philosophy of religion, for theology, and most of all for Christian life as it might be lived by faithful people.

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  • Greater Revelation Of Jesus And The Power Of The Work Of The Cross


    This book is about a greater revelation of what Jesus did on the cross for those who believe in him and as our faith increases in his finished works we will receive the fullness of what he provided for us on the cross.

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  • Help Lord : Why Isnt My Faith Working


    Do you desire to have great faith?
    Have you ever believed God for something and wondered why you haven’t received it yet? You’ve read the Bible and found scriptures pertaining to your situation. You’ve stood on the word. You’ve confessed scriptures over and over and over again. You’ve read books and listened to teaching tapes pertaining to faith and still haven’t seen or experienced the manifestation of what you’ve believed God for. After all is said and done, you’re back to square one. You’re left frustrated, thinking and wondering, “What in the world am I doing wrong? I’ve prayed. I’ve believed God and still nothing!” I’m sure you’ve heard the saying in Christendom: “The word will work when you work it, and you’ve thought, “Hmmm. The word will work when you work it. If the word works when you work it, well, how do I get the word to work for me?”

    Sit back and relax as you begin your journey on how to get faith to work for you.

    This book explains in detail step-by-step how to have great faith.

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  • Prospering In Hard Times By Applying Your Faith


    Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith: Receiving the Object of Your Faith by Wallace Frazier Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith explores the truth and knowledge imparted by religion from sources beyond that of the traditional reference Bible. In this analysis of faith, Wallace W. Frazier breaks down and reviews the hierarchy of the multitude of celestial figures. He describes a revelation of Christ Jesus of Nazareth unknown-or at least unrevealed- in traditional religious or sacred books. In exploring lesser-known spiritual personalities, he de-conditions the enlightnened reader and truth seeker from the limited, primitive, and traditional concepts of faith and fills the void with a process of applying your faith that produces both spiritual and material fruit. In this philosophical breakdown of faith and its history, the author seeks to encourage, enlighten, and inspire the people–brothers and sisters of humankind–to receive the Spirit of Truth, who is Christ Jesus (since His ascension, no longer one-in-the-same with Christ Jesus of Nazareth). Furthermore, Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith exposes truths to be found and received outside the Bible and traditional religious organizations

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  • Faith The Link With Gods Power


    Some believe that simply having faith is an entitlement to blessing and prosperity. Others believe that faith in oneself is all that is needed in life. Still others contend that faith is a cosmic force that breeds superhuman, super-spiritual, invincible power. It is none of these.

    Faith is not something requiring you to believe in what you know is not true, nor is it believing something for which there is no evidence. The Bible-a book all about faith-provides the evidence that makes faith so vital, so important, and so astounding.

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  • Upheld In The Battle


    What does it take to live in heroic faith? Dependence on God’s power to lift us, preserve us, go before us, defend us, guard us, teach us; in short, bowing before Him in all aspects of our lives is how we live in heroic faith.
    The American Dream was never God’s goal for us. Knowing Him and His glory and becoming like Him is at the forefront of the plans God has for us. This is our great discovery when we give up our hopes and dreams for Him to fashion a new life for us. We struggle with this, but His rewards for us are limitless.

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  • My Faith Confessions


    My faith Confession is a colourfully illustrated confession book for children. It’s filled with Bible based confessions that will help children learn the importance of the principle of saying what God has said about them.
    It’s a one-stop resource material that will inspire, sustain and build in children the culture of confession faith-filled words that would launch them into a glorious future.

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  • Gods Story Our Story (Revised)


    This revised edition explores the elements of Christian faith and life for those considering baptism or church membership. God’s Story, Our Story addresses all the essential issues of faith through an engaging survey of the biblical story and how God continues to work among us.

    Author Michele Hershberger invites readers into the conversation and asks them to consider how their own stories connect with God’s story. Includes helpful definitions and background material. Suitable for group and individual study. Leaders use with Making Disciples.

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  • Discover The Mystery Of Faith


    What if the way we worship isn’t just an expression of our faith, but is what shapes our faith? The Church has believed this about the way we worship and pray together for centuries: The way we worship becomes the way we believe. But if this is true, it’s time to take a closer look at what we say and sing and do each week. Drawing from his own discovery of ancient worship practices, Glenn Packiam helps us understand why the Church made creedal proclamations and Psalm-praying a regular part of their worship. He shares about why the Eucharist was the climactic point of their corporate “re-telling of the salvation story.” When our worship becomes a rich feast, our faith is nourished and no longer anemic. The more our worship speaks of Christ, the more we enter into the mystery of faith.

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  • Faith : From Apostolic Into True Hope


    This book shows every reader that life is full of challenges, but the spirit of God allows positive changes and healing to occur. Scriptures, strong personal examples and touching songs connect the content to the reader and teach everyone ways to stay spiritually grounded during various tribulations.

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  • Faith And Creeds


    * The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds begin with “I believe,” but what does that phrase mean? Providing a compelling defense of Christian doctrine, McGrath examines the nature of faith to reveal how our beliefs affect our understanding of God’s world and our place in it. A wonderful introduction to “mere Christianity” for a new generation!

    In this book–the first in a series of short, accessible guides–noted author Alister McGrath examines the nature of faith. Offering an extended reflection on the opening words of the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed–“I believe”–McGrath provides a compelling defense of core Christian beliefs. In his usual learned yet accessible style, McGrath demonstrates how these enduring Christian beliefs help explain God’s world and our place in it. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Christianity” to a new generation for years to come. Ideal for group study and personal devotion.

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  • Delighting In The Trinity


    In this brief and winsome book, Michael Reeves presents an introduction to the Christian faith that is rooted in the Triune God. He takes cues from preachers and teachers down through the ages, setting key doctrines of creation, the person and work of Christ, and life in the Spirit into a simple framework of the Christian life.

    A rich and enjoyable read on the basic beliefs of Christianity that avoids dumbing down its profound and life changing truths.

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  • Story Matters : True Stories Of Radical Faith Courage Struggles And Surviva


    How could a pair of blue stilettos change someone else’s story?
    Why would that story even matter?
    Everyone has a story….
    the beautician at the beauty salon….
    the homeless pregnant woman found sleeping in the park….
    a pharmaceutical sales rep that appears as if her life is perfect….
    the successful owner of a local waterline company….
    or even a shallow-faced teen ravaged by the effects of drugs….
    All of them have stories….
    ….stories that matter.

    Inside this book there are countless real stories. Your faith will be encouraged as you read about how God speaks by sending butterflies after a night of sorrow, through catching fish, a timely delivery and the faith it took to build a ministry for those who didn’t think their stories mattered.

    Join the courage of many that have found where their
    and Freedom
    truly come from.

    After reading these amazing stories you will be encouraged and uplifted knowing that God hears and answers prayer.

    He desires to become the Author of your story as well
    ….because your story matters.

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  • Faith Factor : The Art And Science Of Faith


    Faith is a universal principle, simple as perhaps it is complex. In life we unknowingly interact with delicate laws. We plant a seed and expect a tree. Although much science is involved in the transformation, life has ‘user friendly’ packages ready for implementation. A computer’s designer allows man to communicate with machine through the coordination of complex subsystems – anyone who presses the power button gets the same result!

    Faith is the law God created by which man accesses sources and resources outside of himself. To every crisis God has programmed a solution. We simply start the process.
    Let the seed show you how!

    A textbook on how faith works:

    * Looking behind the scenes of visible miracles
    * Perfecting faith at the point of greatest weakness
    * Interfaces – God’s supernatural solutions to our problems
    * Miracle faith requires miracle ‘hearing’
    * Booting your faith from the ground up

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  • What You Need To Know About Defending Your Faith


    Today believers encounter a dizzying array of religious options. What You Need to Know About Defending Your Faith gives every believer seeking answers complete training that will firm up their faith and provide confidence in sharing the gospel. The Max Anders What You Need to Know About series is made up of ten 12-lesson study guides covering the fundamentals of Christianity. The ten books in the series together form a “Basic Knowledge” program for seekers, new believers, and veteran believers who want a stronger foundation in the Christian faith.

    Features include:
    12 lessons that can be completed in under 1 hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on every topic
    Easy-to-teach lessons, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion

    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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  • Who Am I


    Jerry Bridges is a longtime staff member of the Navigators and currently serves with their collegiate ministry. In addition to his international speaking ministry, he has authored ten books and three devotionals including The Pursuit of Holiness, which has sold well over a million copies, and the award-winning The Discipline of Grace and I Will Follow You, O God. While Jerry Bridges is a prolific author, he currently spends much of his time touring the country to preach the truths explored in his books and encouraging younger disciples of Christ in their pursuit of God. Jerry Bridges gift for simple but deep spiritual communication is fully displayed in this warm-hearted, Biblical spelling out of the Christian’s true identity in Christ.

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  • Powerful Faith


    Powerful Evidence

    R. A. Torrey provides absolute proof that the Bible is true. Some of the questions he clearly answers include:
    *Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
    *What proofs are there that what Jesus said are true?
    *Does the Bible contradict itself?
    *How did Jesus affect history after His death?
    *What Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled?
    *What proof is there that the Bible is God’s Word?

    Find the answers to life’s most important questions, and learn how to share those life-changing answers with others.

    “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” –Hebrews 11:6

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  • After Shock : Searching For Honest Faith When Your World Is Shaken


    In the wake of a historic earthquake in the fragile country of Haiti, Kent Annan considers suffering–from the epic to the everyday–as a problem for faith.

    Less than two weeks after the release of Kent’s book about his work with Haiti Partners, he heard the news.

    Friends trapped under the rubble of buildings. Friends sprinting across the city looking for family. Churches–including one Kent often attended–turned to rubble. Suddenly Kent and his friends were part of an uncomfortable fellowship: people whose faith is shaken by crisis. Taking courage from the psalmists of old and the company of his grieving neighbors, Kent has found that there is solidarity in suffering. Others have followed life to the edge of meaning and have heard God even there, calling for honest faith.

    Are there questions or realities your faith can’t handle?

    Kent wrote After Shock to help you find out.

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  • Great Is The Mystery Of Faith


    Liturgical texts, repeated week after week by hundreds of thousands of people, are an ideal starting-point for exploring deep matters of faith. Their rich theological content, their themes and their familiarity, can help us develop a more mature, informed faith and spirituality. Assuming no specialist knowledge but convinced that a good theological understanding is within everyone’s grasp, Paul Ferguson takes often repeated words from the Eucharist, morning and evening prayer, and the baptism, marriage and funeral rites to explore core Christian belief. Ideal for confirmation courses, study groups and individual reading, this will take readers to new places of understanding via familiar, loved texts.

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  • Faith Has No Feelings


    One way to obtain God’s mighty healing power is believing in James 5:14-15. Norvel Hayes explains how you must confess and believe that you are healed regardless of whether you feel anything or not.

    Norvel recounts what happened when he traveled to Alabama by himself for a two-day meeting. He explains the special instructions the Lord gave him on the way and what happened during the first service when he followed the Lord’s instructions.

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  • Everything Is Possible With God Study Guide


    Would you like your faith to be stronger? Like exercise strengthens and develops a muscle, this six-session video study with participant’s guide from Pastor Rick Warren helps you recognize, understand, and cooperate in the predictable patterns and processes God uses to strengthen your faith and develop your character.

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  • Rumbustious Faith : Uncontrollably Excuberant Unruly


    Rumbustious faith is a book to encourage, provoke, motivate and inspire others to push pass their fears. Do not be afraid to confront your giants. One must realize that within each of us we have the power to triumph over our fears. There are many examples in this book of others who took the challenge and defeated their Giants (Goliaths).

    Faith is an action word. Rumbustious faith is an unruly and uncontrollably act, it’s an aggressive step toward victory. A faith that will not give up. It will prevail at whatever cost. We can allow our fears to dominate us or conquer them with the help of the Lord.

    My prayer is that you will pursue your greatest dreams and destiny in life. May God bless you to charge forward and accomplish your goals and conquer all fears.

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  • Faith : A Way Of Life


    Like individuals in the Bible who lived their lives with purpose and conviction, who walked with God, believed His Word and experienced outstanding breakthroughs and experienced tremendous victories, our life also is to be a wonderful adventure in faith where the strategies of the enemy are defeated, the will of God is accomplished, and promises are obtained. Smith Wigglesworth said, “God has designed that the just shall live by faith.” Discover the power that is released when someone believes God and what it actually means for faith to become a way of life. Sherry Jones travels extensively ministering the Word of God. Her message is positive, powerful, and practical – bringing strength and encouragement to everyone. Sherry ministers the Word in churches, at conferences, Bible schools, and at weekly meetings. Sherry’s teachings are being broadcast on radio and throughout the world via the internet. Her liberating message of faith, redemption, the authority of the believer, and who the believer is in Christ continue to bless and benefit people on both a local and a worldwide basis.

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  • Certain Risk : Living Your Faith At The Edge


    Author Paul Richardson draws on stories from his life as a missionary in Indonesia to explore what causes us to be deactivated-pinned down under hopelessness, apathy, and personal disappointment. In A Certain Risk, Richardson will inspire you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions-creativity that comes straight from the heart of God.

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  • Todo Le Es Posbile – (Spanish)


    Lo que Jesus explicaba y que hace posible la promesa de que todas las cosas son posibles, es una fe irreprimida y libre, y mientras mas sencilla pueda ser nuestra fe, mas podremos darnos cuenta de la promesa y el potencial que Dios nos tiene para cada uno en nuestras vidas. Todos necesitamos mas fe, y quien mejor en ensearnosla que los mismos heroes de la fe. Aprende de Noe, de Abraham, Moises, Debora y otros, y desarrolla la fe sencilla que hara que todas las cosas sean posibles para TI tambien.

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  • Faith At The Edge


    Call it existential doubt. Call it “the dark night of the soul.” However you term it, God-doubting is a spiritual phenomenon endemic to the Christian experience, suffered by saints from Mother Theresa, St. John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux to lesser-known Christians throughout history. In fact, there may be something of this God-doubting in nearly all of us.

    Faith at the Edge is for those doubters, believers struggling with their faith within the Christian tradition, not for the skeptics and seekers who lie outside it. It is for those who experience uncertainty about faiths to which they have been committed, but who now wonder whether it’s true. This doubt is very personal and deeply disturbing, exemplified when God seems remote, when he is experientially absent, when his very existence seems uncertain, when everything one believes as a Christian is called into serious question.

    Robert Wennberg here explores the important questions of existential doubt. What causes our sense of divine absence? Are we at fault, or is there some other explanation for our uncertainty? Why does God allow this to happen? How should we respond? Wennberg answers these and other provocative questions both through personal illustrations and through the wisdom and insight of such figures as Blaise Pascal, G. K. Chesterton, Simone Weil, C. S. Lewis, and Martin Marty. He lays out a credible theological account of what happens during doubt. He further helps us understand how we can cope with these dark episodes and how we can not only stand against them, but even profit from them spiritually.

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  • Con Fe – (Spanish)


    Mayte Prida ya era una reconocida presentadora de television con una prometedora carrera periodistica. Estaba recien divorciada, con dos hijos pequenos, vivia en el pais de las oportunidades y tenia grandes suenos. Repentinamente, a los 38 anos de edad, fue diagnosticada con cancer de seno en estado avanzado y sin contar con un seguro medico. Su vida cambio para siempre. Aprendio a transformar la adversidad en oportunidad. Conocio el significado de la perseverancia y la determinacion. No fue una victima de las circunstancias y se convirtio en una verdadera guerrera. Aprendio a oir la voz de su alma, a actuar por decision propia y a seguir su corazon. En Con Fe, el lector podra aprender de la manera en la cual Mayte enfrento adversidades y podra utilizar esas lecciones en su vida cotidiana aplicandolas a cualquier situacion dificil. Con Fe es un testimonio de lucha y crecimiento espiritual que enriquecera la vida de quienes lo lean.

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