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Showing 51–100 of 101 results

  • Prescriptions : Theraputic Poems For The Healing Of Depression


    “Prescriptions” is a self-help book which combines poems to help heal depression with a discussion of the causes of depression and how to overcome it. It can be read straight through to gain a broad-based understanding of treating depression or readers can select poems with specific therapeutic qualities. It is written for those who are or have been depressed in reaction to repeated disappointments, relationship demise, family discord, loss, spiritual warfare, aloneness, and overwhelming stress. The prescriptions may be used to help others or to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of depression. Each poem relates to a common experience of depression and suggests strategies and behaviors to quarantine and reverse various types of depression. Readers can do this by identifying with the subject of the poem or gaining inspiration by following the positive suggestions and internalizing the messages of hope nestled within each poem. Many are excellent daily affirmations.

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  • Hope And Healing For The Abused


    Many Christians carry the scars of their experiences of physical, verbal, racial, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse. As a consequence their life is controlled by confusion and shame, and they go through life feeling rejected and fearful of further rejection. For many, death can even become a preferable option to a life without hope. They have experiences which they are trying to forget or don’t want to talk about but which, nevertheless, still influence their lives and hold them back from living the abundant life that Jesus came to bring.

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  • Healed : Gods Promise To Heal


    Many Christians don’t realize that God desires for them to live in health. Author Bill Scheer is convinced from studying the Word that it is always God’s will to heal you and shares 15 short passages on God’s healing promises with brief teachings. Faith declarations are also included to help you remove all doubt about healing.

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  • Healing In Its Wings


    Cheryl Patterson is a Stage 4 cancer survivor. In this very personal book Cheryl invites you in for a glimpse of the devastation of the diagnosis, the choices she made, the challenges of living day to day, as well as finding joy in the journey. Cheryl includes practical tips for fellow patients and offers encouragement to anyone facing such a frightening health crisis. You’ll walk away feeling better prepared to face such a crisis or offer help to a loved one who does.

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  • Compassion As A Subversive Activity


    To Dr. David Urion’s question, How can I help you? the father of the young boy with autism responded in a small voice that choked back some tears, Be with us. Keep us company. This is so lonely.

    This book is part of Dr. Urion’s attempt to keep his promise, a promise which in fact we all made to this family and to many families on the day of their child’s baptism. Baptism by baptism, in each of our faith communities, we vow to do everything in our power to support them in their life in God.

    Urion beckons us to contemplate the miraculous healings in the Gospel of Mark as subversive political acts of power that provide examples of restoring the integrity and the wholeness of the community, not just for the persons who are overtly healed but for the community as well. The tales of power he invites us to consider in this book reflect upon the extraordinary and paradoxical power of the powerless.

    The kingdom of God that is at hand is just this: the poor, the sick, the outcast. Their integration into the community restores creation to the radical inclusiveness with which it began and that heals us all.

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  • Open My Heart Lord


    Gary Oates Ministries Inc Publication

    This book represents keys to opening up the supernatural realm through healing the brokenhearted. Included with the book, Kathi has provided a CD of just the ministry time, so anyone can read the book and then go through a live ministry time (on CD) to receive healing.

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  • Things Left Behind


    Provides a practical roadmap that leads to spiritual healing and intimacy with God.
    How to for dealing with unsettled issues in your life.

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  • Healing Is A Choice Workbook (Workbook)


    It is God’s choice to heal, when to heal, and how healing will occur. Sadly we often make choices that prevent God’s healing or interfere with His timing. Millions suffer from emotional, spiritual, and even physical wounds that God may choose to heal. Ten common lies prevent individuals from making those choices that bring about healing.

    Jesus once asked a man who had been sick for 38 years if he wanted to be healed. This workbook asks the reader the same question and enhances understanding by providing 10 choices to make on the path toward healing. This study is based on the promise of Psalm 147:3, “He heals the broken-hearted, binding up their wounds.

    Engage in the process of healing. Experience emotional, spiritual, and sometimes physical healing. Transform brokenness into new life mission. Identify the big lies that prevent experiencing emotional, spiritual, and even physical healing.

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  • Gods Medicine Cabinet (Reprinted)


    OVER 1400 HEALING SCRIPTURES! Introducing, the most exhaustive source of healing Scriptures ever compiled. Now you can have easy access to your God-given healing provision – for all your health issues. This powerful new manual contains over fourteen hundred medicinal Scriptures to minister to your every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing need. Eight hundred of these antidotal Scriptures provide for your physical healing alone. Also included are Scriptures on How to Receive the Promise of Healing; Pain and Suffering Free; How to Live a Long Life; You Are Protected From Sickness and Harm; You Are Called to Heal the Sick and Raise the Dead; and Possible Obstacles to Receiving Healing. This book comes complete with Hebrew and Greek translations, study notes and much, much more. God paid an enormous price for your healing. He sent forth His Word to heal you and He is watching to see that His Word is fulfilled. Commit yourself to praying and having faith in the “living and active” Word. All these healing promises are “‘Yes’ in Christ” to you and your family today. “Next to your Bible, this book will become ragged.” -Sid Roth, Messianic Vision,It’s Supernatural

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  • Stretch And Pray


    In this book, Finck provides a step-by-step guide to forty stretches, movements, and postures to improve physical and spiritual well-being. The book features photographs and devotional reflections for individuals to use to create their own routines.

    While on a pilgrimage trek through Thailand, Finck discovered the benefits of daily stretching and quiet prayer. On the physical level, after only one week, the chronic back pain that had plagued him for twenty years disappeared. On a spiritual level, the poses deepened his prayer experiences.

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  • Breaking Eves Curse


    In Breaking Eve’s Curse, Dr. Frank Hultgren presents a biblical perspective of healing, particularly in the area of women’s illnesses. The book addresses healing for the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses that women encounter. Dr. Hultgren identifies techniques for overcoming problems in women’s cycles and childbirth. Using the Genesis account of the creation, the fall, and the curse, he provides a unique perspective on the role of women in following biblical teaching to break free from a perceived curse on them for generations. The book traces the traditional teaching of the curse through the Old and New Testaments, and it presents a fresh understanding of the abilities of men and women to break the strongholds off of their lives through a belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Breaking Eves Curse


    In Breaking Eve’s Curse, Dr. Frank Hultgren presents a biblical perspective of healing, particularly in the area of women’s illnesses. The book addresses healing for the mental, physical, and emotional illnesses that women encounter. Dr. Hultgren identifies techniques for overcoming problems in women’s cycles and childbirth. Using the Genesis account of the creation, the fall, and the curse, he provides a unique perspective on the role of women in following biblical teaching to break free from a perceived curse on them for generations. The book traces the traditional teaching of the curse through the Old and New Testaments, and it presents a fresh understanding of the abilities of men and women to break the strongholds off of their lives through a belief in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Mind Does Matter


    This book is about healing, hope, deliverance, and whatever else your need is spiritually. You can have it by being not only a hearer but also a doer of the Word of God.

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  • Mind Does Matter


    This book is about healing, hope, deliverance, and whatever else your need is spiritually. You can have it by being not only a hearer but also a doer of the Word of God.

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  • Highway To Healing


    This book is a personal testimonial of the awesome and miraculous healing power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Cyndy was a married working mother of three sons, and was in perfect health. After suffering with frequent severe headaches and later distorted vision, she found that the symptoms were caused from a brain tumor on the optical nerve. Following emergency surgery, her “Highway to Healing” began. Cyndy came out of surgery blind, paralyzed, and partially deaf. This book is most inspiring because it touches the most inner part within your emotions. At one given moment you can go from laughing to crying. You will even rejoice to see how remarkable our God truly is as He shows His divine healing powers. To date, Cyndy is FULLY HEALED. She says, “I am so blessed and I am a witness that God is a healer, therapist, counselor, comforter, and deliverer.”

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  • No More Pain


    Vicki F. Duffy breaks the silence of self-injury by revealing its cause and effect. This book is a great resource for anyone supporting a loved one who intentionally harms his or her own body. It is also for those who are convinced that overcoming self-inflicted violence is impossible. Through personal experience, Vicki explains how true freedom can be attained. You will find help in understanding what you or your loved one is facing and in discerning the root of the problem. You will then be able to go forward victoriously, living the life intended for you! No More Pain! Breaking the Silence of Self-Injury will point out: How to overcome self-injury Creative alternatives to harming How to overcome negative thoughts How to break free from your past Recovery is possible Awareness, information, and support Coping skills for family and friends No More Pain! Breaking the Silence of Self-Injury will reveal that all things really are possible!

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  • Healing The Wounded Soul 4


    In this volume, the author continues the theme that Jesus came to carry our griefs and sorrows to the cross. Our relationships are in crisis.We have unresolved, painful relationships in our churches, with our neighbors and friends, and in places of work.Homes break up. Friendships come and go. Marriages, the closest of relationships, are crumbling. Why, when God Himself has made us to live in communities and instituted marriage as an expression of human togetherness, love, and wholeness, are these relationships so difficult? Why, when He made male and female as opposites, but fully complementary, is it so difficult to live together in a complementary way? Transition periods between the stages of life bring vulnerable times into relationships. If these transition periods are not successfully completed, all future stages in our relationships will be jeopardized. Yet, letting go of one stage to enter into the next produces a sense of loss because of what is left behind. These losses must be grieved in order to move on to what lies ahead. Jesus came to carry the pain of our losses-whether originating from childhood or youth, from friendships or marriages, or from separations, divorces, or deaths. This book will help you discover and bring your pain to Jesus for healing. He wants to break your bondage to the problems and sins that have passed to you from generation to generation and show you how to bring healing and a new beginning to your relationships. Healing the Wounded Soul is a four-volume set. Healing Wounded Relationships is the fourth volume. Although the books can be read separately, each volume addresses healing in a specific area of life. The series was first published in Spanish and German.

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  • Healing The Wounded Soul 3


    Many people are plagued with thoughts they cannot control. Some people repent time and again for the same wrongs they confessed for years, trying to feel more repentant with each confession. Other people’s thoughts condemn them for the most insignificant errors. Others continually repeat certain rituals. How can we know if what we are thinking comes from God, or if we are simply listening to our own thoughts and desires? Or, worse yet, could this be a temptation coming from the enemy, appearing as an angel of light? How can we distinguish between God convicting us of sin and the temptation to get down on ourselves and become depressed? We know that God wants to communicate with us. Yet many people have little idea of how God communicates with us as individuals.We know that He speaks through His Word, but how can we know what He is trying to tell us as individuals when faced with hard decisions? How can we know that we’re not imagining what we think He is saying? Examining our thought life involves distinguishing three kinds of voices. We use our minds to think our own thoughts.When God communicates with us, His thoughts must register in our minds if we are to understand what He is saying. Our temptations must also register in our minds if they are to become real temptations. In this volume of Healing the Wounded Soul, Dr.Westmeier helps readers to sort out their thoughts and gives biblical steps to become free from obsessive thinking. Healing the Wounded Soul is a four-volume set. Taking Every Thought Captive is the third volume. Although they can be read separately, each volume addresses healing in a specific area of life. The series was first published in Spanish and German.

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  • Healing The Wounded Soul 2


    On reading the first volume of the Healing the Wounded Soul series, many people found deep healing for their inner pain. The concept that Jesus carried our emotional wounds to the cross was completely new to many of them. What a relief they experienced when they realized they could express their deepest emotions without fear of sinning and being condemned or of making God angry. Yet for some, the pain continued. For others, their memory of what happened remained as frightening as before they had brought it to Jesus for healing.Why were some healed and others weren’t? In this volume, the author deals with these “hard” and “difficult” cases. Other difficult areas dealt with include such questions as, Why is it so hard to live victoriously in some areas of life and not in others? Why is it so difficult to control one’s anger, while the thought of robbing a bank may be no temptation at all? What can we do about these “weak spots” in our character? How can we close these “open doors” that give room to the enemy in our lives? How can we deal with the praise given to us without becoming proud? How can we feel happy about the way God uses us without taking His glory to ourselves? In this volume, the author speaks from her counseling practice to these and many other difficult questions. Healing the Wounded Soul is a four-volume set. Closing Open Doors is the second volume. Although each volume addresses healing in a specific area of life, each book is self-contained and can be read separately. The series was first published in Spanish and German.

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  • Healing The Wounded Soul 1


    Through illustrations from her counseling practice, Arline Westmeier shows that Jesus died to heal our psychological wounds just as He died to forgive our sins and to heal our sicknesses. The book addresses questions such as: If I am a Christian, why do I still suffer from my painful memories? If God has forgiven me for everything, why do I still feel depressed and inferior to others? How can I forgive someone who has hurt me so much? Part of a four-volume set.

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  • Healed Restored Forgiven


    SKU (ISBN): 9781853115875ISBN10: 1853115878John GunstoneBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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  • Healed Without Scars


    Have you been hurt by past disappointment, fear, rejection, abandonment, or failure? If so, you’ve probably learned that time doesn’t necessarily heal all wounds. When pain from the past lingers in your life and causes emotional scars, you need to understand that God is always ready to help you be healed without scars! Filled with contemporary and biblical accounts of those who have emerged victorious from life’s tests and trials, this book will show you how to: overcome depression, anger, fear, and hopelessness; discover the path to personal wholeness; find peace in the midst of life’s storms; renew you hopes and dreams; experience a life of freedom and joy. For years, author David Evans has helped people from all walks of life learn how to live in victory. Let him guide you to a joyful life of wholeness in Christ as you learn that…you can be Healed Without Scars!

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  • Baby Hunger : Biblical Encouragement For Those Struggling With Infertility


    The silence of infertility is deafening! It has been estimated that one of six American couples will face difficulty getting pregnant, yet their cries go unheard. The ungranted desire for a child can be all-consuming. New babies and pregnant women are constant reminders of what you cannot have, but have longed for all your life. The hurt is constant. The struggle is hard. The answers are unclear. What is clear is that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and understands our pain. Throughout Scripture we see people just like you and me who have, on bended knee, begged God for a child. There is so much we can glean from these precious, sacred words to heal the hurt and give encouragement that the world simply cannot give. Baby Hunger is an invaluable tool for those struggling with infertility and for loved ones touched by their pain.

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  • Health And Healing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591609315ISBN10: 1591609313Alina PattersonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 2003Silver Trumpets Collection # 1Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Wounds That Heal


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832255ISBN10: 0830832254Stephen SeamandsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Broken Body Healing Spirit


    In the summer of 1995 Mary Earle returned from a vacation feeling refreshed and restored from her time away. A few days later, all that changed, when she was rushed to the emergency room with a case of acute and life-threatening pancreatitis. Being ill, she discovered, forces you to learn to live in whole new ways, ones often marked by limitation and fragility.

    As a priest and spiritual director, Earle began to explore ways in which her own prayer life might help her build a different relationship with her illness. Using the Benedictine practice of lectio divina, or sacred reading, she began to “read” her own illness, and discovered a way of befriending and helping to heal–if not cure–her body and her life.

    In Broken Body, Healing Spirit, Earle introduces this strategy to others who are hungry to find ways of living more fully despite chronic or serious illness or pain. Her practical, step-by-step approach to “reading the text of our illnesses,” and learning to listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us will be of help to those who are currently suffering with disease or limitations, as well as to those who are caregivers and counselors.

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  • God Of Our Silent Tears


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591608561ISBN10: 1591608562David HodgeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Where Are The Sheep


    The Ministry Of Reconciliation & Restoration Within The Body Of Christ Where are the Sheep addresses perhaps the most neglected and ignored area of ministry within the Body of Christ today. This area is the scriptural responsibility that spiritual Shepherds (pastors) and members within the church have to seek, pursue, and find those Sheep (people) who have wandered from the church spiritually wounded and defeated. Written from personal experience, the author identifies the primary cause of why so many spiritually wounded Sheep are straying from the church. He also identifies each of Satan’s Modern Day Beasts of the Fields that they tragically fall prey to. This book is intended to encourage the spiritual Shepherds throughout the Body of Christ as well as those within their care. It helps them to fulfill their scriptural responsibility to find those who have left their churches spiritually defeated and offer them the healing ministry of reconciliation and restoration. The spirit of this message of healing is applicable and intended for all denominations throughout the Body of Christ. It is the desire of my heart to stop the slaughter of these pitifully wounded and wandering Sheep and restore them into fellowship. Please, I humbly ask of you, together we can stop the slaughter.

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  • In The Midst Of My Tears


    In the Midst of My Tears is the second book in a journey. God has established Dr. David Hodge has clear thinker, writer, teacher, and preacher. Even though he has seen many painful days in his life, he is neither ashamed nor afraid to be transparent. He understands that through the testimony of others, healing will occur in the lives of those who are hurting. What better testimonies to use than those in the Word of God? In God of Our Silent Tears: Women of the Bible Healing Women of Today, David Hodge uses women to heal women. In In the Midst of My Tears, he uses the interaction of men and women to bring healing to anyone who knows what it is like to cry until no more tears will come. “This work by Dr. Hodge is a cogent, concise, and critical chronicle of the perplexity of the human situation. He deals with the issue of pain biblically, theologically, and practically. Those who read this work will be challenged to think and to continue on the journey home.” Dr. Mack King Carter, Senior Pastor New Mount Olive Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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  • Released From Shame


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823345ISBN10: 0830823344Sandra WilsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2002Publisher: InterVarsity Press

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  • Journeying Toward Renewal


    Sabbatical leaves are becoming an increasingly common part of pastoral life, as both pastors and congregations recognize the renewed vitality that these times away can bring to their common ministry. Yet many pastors are still wary of seeking the opportunity for renewal leave, often due to a fear of the unknown-potential negative effects, an unexpected transformation of their call, anxiety of finding out they are not indispensable, or simply the uncertainty that comes ith “letting go.”

    Melissa Bane Sevier has used her own sabbatical leave time to create a spiritually nourishing resource that helps to shepherd pastors through the unknowns of renewal leave. Drawing on her own journal entries and her own and others’ experiences of sabbatical, Journeying toward Renewal is a deeply personal guide that demonstrates powerful insight into the joys and stresses of pastoral ministry. Sevier provides not only engaging reflections on the experience of being on sabbatical, but also includes numerous thought-provoking exercises, activities, ideas, and other resources to help readers get the most out of their renewal leave. Foreword by William F. Brosend, Associate Director of the Louisville Institute.

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  • Gods Prescription For Health And Healing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232456ISBN10: 1931232458Don ClowersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Restoring The Christian Soul (Reprinted)


    15 Chapters

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    In this award-winning book, Leanne Payne reveals how to overcome the three great barriers that keep us from becoming whole persons: inability to receive God’s forgiveness, inability to forgive others, and inability to accept ourselves.

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  • Lord I Want To Be Whole


    When Stormie Omartian was a child, her mother would lock her in a closet and say, “You are worthless, and you’ll never amount to anything.” How did a young girl who grew up in an abusive home learn to overcome her past pain to find emotional wholeness as an adult? Lord, I Want to Be Whole offers seven steps that helped Stormie overcome clinical depression and live a more fulfilling life. She shows readers how prayer and the encouragement of Scripture can help them come to terms with their past. She also tells how to find deliverance from spiritual oppression and negative influences, learn to receive God’s gifts and believe the good things God says about us, become aware of deceptions and misconceptions, and maintain emotional health by taking care of our bodies and being sensitive to what is happening inside us. Lord, I Want to Be Who helps those who are troubled by depression find emotional wholeness and become all God made them to be.

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  • Letters To A Devastated Christian


    Damaged by the domination of an overly authoritative Christian group, Ken finds himself a troubled young man with many questions. Ken’s experience is representative of the large number of individuals who have been hurt by different Christian movements during the last decade.
    In Letters to a Devastated Christian, Gene Edwards explores the different techniques practiced by Christian groups who demand extreme submission and passivity from their members.
    The book’s final chapters include some very personal and practical letters to those who have left such groups only to be faced with the difficult tasks of dealing with bitterness and resentment and rebuilding their faith and trust.

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  • Redeeming Memories : A Theology Of Healing And Transformation


    Redeeming Memories seeks to develop remembering as a theme and construct for understanding the work of salvation. It begins with the conviction that if Christian faith is to be effective in responding to contemporary challenges, particularly from those who suffer the consequences of evil, abuse, and oppression, it must take such challenges seriously and develop a fully historical understanding of memory and salvation which seems to empower those who suffer. In doing so, Christianity will find not only challenge, but resources for understanding the dynamics of remembering, transformation, and salvation.

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  • Healing Journey For Adult Children Of Alcoholics


    Children of alcoholic parents have suffered wounds that affect their lives for years to come. They learn to protect themselves from the pattern of hurt that they have come to expect in life. The results of such constant vigilance against pain can range from ulcers, sleeplessness, addictions, depression and anger to a string of broken relationships. But adult children of alcoholics can go through a healing journey that will help them recover from their painful past and be set free to live as God intended. Daryl Quick takes readers step by step through new ways of feeling, thinking and acting that will replace the ineffective patterns they have been locked into for years. With moving stories and helpful exercises, Quick shows how adult children of alcoholics can find hope and healing.

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  • Facing Cancer Together


    Written by a cancer survivor, it helps others understand the person with cancer. -Filled with simple, practical ideas on what to say and do to support a loved one who has cancer -Nearly everyone knows someone with cancer, which strikes one of three Americans -Includes prayers and Bible verses for support and comfort

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  • It Was A Miracle


    An inspiring book: Once you begin reading, you never want to put it down. Kamila Blessing shares her personal and pastoral experiences of God’s power to heal through prayer. I cannot imagine a better way to explain how God overcomes evil.

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  • All Will Be Well


    Here are more than 200 prayers for healing from physical and mental illness, healing of relationships, recovery from addiction, healing of communities, healing of society, and healing of the earth. The prayers are from a wide variety of writers from around the world and through the centuries, including Henri Nouwen, Mother Teresa, Ruth Bell Graham, and Martin Luther King Jr. The book includes a general introduction and a topical index.

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  • To Forgive Is Human


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Forgiving can be one of the hardest things we’ll ever do. We sense deep down that it will be good for us and others to put the past in the past. But sometimes no matter what we do, we just can’t seem to forgive and get on with life. We still feel hurt, bitter and angry. How can we break the cycle? Grounding their analysis and advice in the latest psychological research, the authors of To Forgive Is Human reveal how we can forgive and begin to repair broken relationships

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  • Music As Medicine


    Deforia Lane shares the healing power of music. Once a budding opera singer, Lane has dedicated her talent to treating hospital patients with music therapy. The results are astonishing. In the presence of Deforia’s musical gifts, seriously ill people find new joy and hope. Lane is the first music therapist to receive a grant to study music’s therapeutic effects on cancer patients. Thousands of patients have been inspired by her, and her success has spurred hospitals across the nation to launch music therapy programs. “Music and healing are often matters of the human spirit,” says Deforia. “because of the nature of my job, I have witnessed more than a few miracles, miracles worth telling and retelling.” Music as Medicine is a window into Deforia Lane’s world of miracles, where the melody of one person’s life has brought healing and strength to many.

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  • Healing And Christianity


    Reissue! “Of inestimable value to those who wish to understand the historical roots of the present attitudes toward healing. Prophetic and timely,”—Union Seminary Quarterly. The role of healing in western Christianity from N.T. to modern times.

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  • Prayers For Help And Healing


    For people in crisis and for their caregivers, William Barclay has written these simple, practical, and comforting prayers. Barclay’s understanding of our predicaments is matched by his certainty that God will help us – even in the Shadow of Death.

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  • Healing After Loss


    Meditation For Every Day Of The Year

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    For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, here are strength and thoughtful words to inspire and comfort.

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  • Healing Of Soul Healing Of Body


    A source of solace and a healing resource for those who are facing illness, as well as those who care for them.
    For centuries, people have turned to the Book of Psalms for solace, comfort, and catharsis, seeking guidance, meaning, hope, and reassurance-in short, spiritual healing.
    This book is intended to help you-struggling with illness or helping someone who is-derive spiritual healing from Psalms. In the late 18th century, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov designated ten of the 150 entries in the Book of Psalms as “healing psalms,” and we present these ten to you, newly translated, for your personal exploration and expression.
    “Acknowledging that the Biblical Psalms can be somewhat alien to many people, we asked ten spiritual leaders to provide a bridge, a form of access, to these ancient poems of pain and praise, of humility and hope.”
    -from the Introduction

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  • Healers Harmed And Harmful


    “At a time when clergy misconduct is broadly reported, Conrad Weiser offers a straightforward, theoretically orthodox, and practical way of both understanding and addressing the issues. Leadership, laity, and clergy would be served well by reading and reflecting on Weiser’s wisdom.”

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  • Healing : For Christians Who Have Been Crucified By Christians


    Exquisite Agony, formerly titled Crucified By Christians, is a beautiful and wholly unique book which points the wounded Christian to healing and to full restoration, even to triumph and ascension. If you have ever experienced unjust treatment from another believer, this monumental literary work is for you. From exquisite agony your life can enter into that of resurrection.

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  • Up And Down Mountain


    “Don’s sermons provide enlightenment for this neglected ministry of healing in congregations. This guide illumines areas of evil and suffering, prayer, isolation of illness, therapy of forgiveness, faith and the power of immortality and the risen Christ. It is a call to be healed and to heal.”
    George W. Bashore, Resident Bishop
    United Methodist Church
    The Pittsburgh Area

    “I recommend this book to those who are ready to begin more intentional healing ministries, as well as to those who are looking for ways to be more effective in the church: God’s healing community.”
    James K. Wagner
    Director, Prayer And Healing Ministries
    The Upper Room, Nashville, Tennessee

    Up And Down The Mountain is about healing. It includes seven sermons on healing, a chapter on how to begin a healing ministry, a suggested order of worship service with hymns and a valuable bibliography.
    Foreword by J. Robert Nelson, director, Institute of Religion, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas.

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  • Your Healing Is Within You


    This book is divided into two parts. Part I is devoted to various pastoral aspects of the healing ministry and is liberally illustrated by real-life case histories. Part II is a scriptural exposition of the healing ministry. This is the first time that both a pastoral and scriptural presentation of this ministry has been offered in just one book.

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