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Biblical History

Showing 51–100 of 218 results

  • 13 Apostles : The Men Who Journeyed With Jesus


    In this engaging book, Kalas reveals a portrait of each apostle as a servant in ministry, a human being, and a unique individual. He draws from Scripture as well as historical writings and traditions. A chapter is also devoted to Mathias, the successor to Judas Iscariot.

    Each chapter features a key passage of Scripture. At the end of the book is a 16-page discussion guide.

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  • Early Christian Worship


    Oscar Cullmann was born in Strasbourg and studied theology and classical philology there and in Paris. Since 1938 he has been Professor of New Testament and Early Church History in the Theological Faculty of the University of Basel and also, since 1949, Professor of Early Christianity at the Sorbonne, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, and the Faculte de Theologie Protestante in Paris. He has received honorary degrees from Lausanne, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Lund.

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  • Mission In The Old Testament (Expanded)


    Walter Kaiser questions the notion that the New Testament represents a deviation from God’s supposed intention to save only the Israelites. He argues that–contrary to popular opinion–the older Testament does not reinforce an exclusive redemptive plan. Instead, it emphasizes a common human condition and God’s original and continuing concern for all humanity. Kaiser shows that the Israelites’ mission was always to actively spread to gentiles the Good News of the promised Messiah. This new edition adds two new chapters, freshens material throughout, expands the bibliography, and adds study questions to the text.

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  • Rose Guide To The Temple


    In the late afternoon sunlight, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the most breathtaking places in the world. This was the site of Solomon’s great Temple, a “house of prayer for all people” – the center of worship and celebration.
    For centuries it stood, until the Babylonians captured Jerusalem and destroyed the Jewish temple. The devastation was both physical and spiritual: the Temple was an awesome structure, but it was also the place of the Lord’s presence with his people, the place of worship.

    About seventy years later, the people returned to Jerusalem and built a second temple. It wasn’t as spectacular as the original, and those who remembered Solomon’s golden pillars, wept over the difference. Yet it was the house of God to the exiles who came home.

    Some 300 years later, Herod the Great, one of the greatest builders in the ancient world, renovated and expanded the second Temple and made it famous, rivaling the finest monuments of that time. This is the temple where Jesus was dedicated as a baby, where he honored the widow for giving all she had, and where he threw out the money changers.

    The Temple is important, both as a historical and architectural masterpiece, and as a spiritual symbol of God’s desire to dwell with his people.

    This full-color book gives a complete easy-to-understand overview of the history of the Temple in Jerusalem. People who enjoy Bible study will love the fact that it answers many questions about how the Temple looked during biblical times. Bible scholars and professors will enjoy the well-annotated text. The author is archaeologist and professor Dr. Randall Price. He has spent more than 30 years exploring the Holy Land studying the Temple.

    This book has more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.

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  • Lives Of Ordinary People In Ancient Israel


    In this book Wiliam Dever addresses the question that must guide every good historian of ancient Israel: What was life really like in those days? He presents his answers in a book that is far from a run-of-the-mill “history of Israel.” Writing as an expert archaeologist who is also a secular humanist, Dever relies on archaeological data, over and above the Hebrew Bible, for primary source material. He focuses on the lives of ordinary people in the eighth century B.C.E. – not kings, priests, or prophets – people who left behind rich troves of archaeological information but who are practically invisible in “typical” histories of ancient Israel. Illustrated by photos, maps, charts, site plans, and specially commissioned drawings, Dever’s work brings vividly to life a world too long buried beneath dusty texts and stony landscapes.

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  • Stories From Ancient Canaan (Expanded)


    The texts from ancient Ugarit are among the most important modern discoveries for understanding the Bible. For more than thirty years, Stories from Ancient Canaan has been recognized as a highly authoritative and readable presentation of the principal Canaanite myths and epics discovered at Ugarit. This fully revised edition takes into account advances in the reading, understanding, and interpretation of these stories since 1978. It also includes two additional texts, expanded introductions, and illustrations. Coogan and Smith have collaborated to bring this classic up to date in order to provide accessible and accurate translations of these texts for a new generation of students.

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  • New Testament : A Literary History


    Part One: The Double Beginning Of Early Christian Literature
    1. The Charismatic Beginning Of The Gospel Literature: Jesus
    2. The “Charismatic Phase” Of Epistolary Literature: Paul
    Part Two: The Fictive Self-Exegesis Of Paul And Jesus
    3. The “Pseudepigraphic Phase”
    4. The Fictive Self-Exegesis Of Paul: The Deutero-Pauline Literature
    5. The Fictive Self-Exegesis Of Jesus: Tradition Redacted In The Synoptic Gospels
    6. The Jesus Tradition Transformed: The Gnostic Gospels
    7. The Synoptic Tradition Expanded: Jewish-Christian Gospels
    8. Harmonization Of The Jesus Tradition: Further Apocryphal Gospels
    Part Three: The Authority Of Independent Forms
    9. The “Functional Phase” (Acts, Revelation, Hebrews)
    Part Four: The New Testament Becoming World Religious Literature
    10. The “Canonical Phase”

    Additional Info
    Gerd Theissen takes up the problem of the emergence of the New Testament canon out of the wide variety of early Christian literature. Drawing from Max Weber’s discussion of the evolution of religious organizations, Theissen describes the development of early Christian literature as a series of phases in the life of the movement: the charismatic, the pseudepigraphic, the functional, and the canonical.

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  • Introducing Early Christianity


    Laurie Guy provides an illuminating, broad-brush survey of the early church in its first four centuries. Readers get to witness the emergence of Great Tradition Christianity as themes unfold over time regarding women, persecution and martyrdom, asceticism and monasticism, eucharist and baptism, doctrine and the ecumenical councils.

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  • Law Power And Justice In Ancient Israel


    From leading Old Testament scholar Douglas A. Knight comes the latest volume in WJK’s Library of Ancient Israel series. Using socio-anthropological theory and archaeological evidence, Knight argues that while the laws in the Hebrew Bible tend to reflect the interests of those in power, the majority of ancient Israelites-located in villages-developed their own unwritten customary laws to regulate behavior and resolve legal conflicts in their own communities. This book includes numerous examples from village, city, and cult.

    Volumes in the Library of Ancient Israel draw on multiple disciplines-such as archaeology, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, and literary criticism-to illuminate the everyday realities and social subtleties these ancient cultures experienced. This series employs sophisticated methods that depict the reality of the people behind the Hebrew Bible and interprets these insights for a wide variety of readers.

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  • Slavery As Moral Problem



    1. Jesus And Slavery
    2. The First Christian Slaveholders
    3. Slaves In The Household Of God
    4. Slavery In A Christian Empire

    Further Reading

    Additional Info
    Recent US and UN reports document the startling incidence of human trafficking in the world today. Yet the situation is hardly new.

    The fact that some early Christians were slaves does not present a moral problem for Christians today. The fact that some early Christians were slaveholders does. Jennifer Glancy tackles questions that continue to haunt contemporary men and women, inside and outside of the churches: Why didn’t Jesus speak out forcefully against slavery? Why didn’t the early church see slavery as fundamentally incompatible with the gospel? Were there any bright moments when some Christians in fact drew that conclusion, and why don’t we know more about them? Why didn’t Christianity have more of an impact on slaveholding in the Roman Empire? And what lessons can we learn as we face moral catastrophes in our own day?

    Though chapters discuss slavery in the first centuries of the church, Glancy’s focus is on the question of moral imagination: What does it take for people to take a clear stand against entrenched and accepted wrong? In an age when debt bondage, child labor, sex slavery, and human trafficking are increasing and increasingly integrated into economic globalization, what should our response be? And do early Christian writings provide any help at all?

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  • Religion And Resistance In Early Judaism


    Greek Text: 1 Maccabees 1:1-4:61
    Text Notes: 1 Maccabees
    Greek Text: Josephus Selections
    Text Notes: Josephus
    Credits And Acknowledgments

    Additional Info
    Religion and Resistance in Early Judaism prepares intermediate and advanced students of Greek to read and translate selections from 1 Maccabees and Josephus, with an emphasis on building knowledge of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. The book also describes the religious and cultural clash between the classical world and early Judaism. It includes:
    *Historical context from Alexander the Great to Josephus
    *Greek text of 1 Maccabees 1:1-4:61
    *Selections of Greek from Josephus’s life, Jewish War, and Antiquities of the Jews
    *Notes on the grammar and syntax of each selection of Greek text, including numerous cross references to Greek and biblical literature
    *A comprehensive glossary of Greek terms and a select bibliography
    *Foreword written by Dr. Paul Maier

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  • Living In Gods Kingdom


    This book has been written to help people harmonize their lives with God, the Creator of the vast Kingdom called heaven and earth. The book starts with the creation story and walks you through the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, with Satan lurking around to disrupt the lives of people today as he did to the first man, Adam. The victory of Jesus over Satan is aptly described. The book is directed to believers and other users for purposes of –

    * Counseling and in preaching the Word of God.
    * Understanding the tactics of Satan and his final end.
    * Understanding spiritual warfare and building a prayerful life.
    * Helping youths to discover the plan of God earlier in their lives.
    * Helping backsliders to rediscover the love of God and connect back to God.
    * Witnessing to agnostics and the unenlightened and re-directing them back to God.
    * Helping everyone to be accountable to God.

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  • Living In Gods Kingdom


    This book has been written to help people harmonize their lives with God, the Creator of the vast Kingdom called heaven and earth. The book starts with the creation story and walks you through the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, with Satan lurking around to disrupt the lives of people today as he did to the first man, Adam. The victory of Jesus over Satan is aptly described. The book is directed to believers and other users for purposes of –

    * Counseling and in preaching the Word of God.
    * Understanding the tactics of Satan and his final end.
    * Understanding spiritual warfare and building a prayerful life.
    * Helping youths to discover the plan of God earlier in their lives.
    * Helping backsliders to rediscover the love of God and connect back to God.
    * Witnessing to agnostics and the unenlightened and re-directing them back to God.
    * Helping everyone to be accountable to God.

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  • In A Mirror Dimly


    “They led me from our camp, and I turned once more to look at Abraham. What did I see in his eyes?… One thing I knew, I loved Abraham. Resigned, I turned toward my inevitable fate. The promise of Abraham’s God was not for me.”

    “It was an irretrievable moment. We all knew it. Isaac and I had, in a sense lost both our sons… Esau and Jacob had lost a father and mother and brother … and something had gone out of my relationship with Isaac that could not be restored. How could the broken pieces of our lives ever be put back together?”

    “My father’s deception and my physical beauty were factors in my life before I was old enough to assimilate them… These two ingredients were a deadly concoction in my life. No doubt, beauty brought me many advantages … but I would learn that beauty could not give me everything I wanted.”

    “In spite of the way Jacob treated me, I still loved him … I was willing to love, even if I was not loved in return. I asked myself why . . . that realization was the first whisper of a love that was not based on the worthiness of the one loved.”

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  • Historical Jesus : What We Can Know And How We Can Know It


    This provocative little book addresses two primary questions: What does “historical” mean? and How should we apply this to Jesus?

    Anthony Le Donne begins with the unusual step of considering human perception – how sensory data from sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell are interpreted from the outset by what we expect, what we’ve learned, and how we categorize the world. In this way Le Donne shows how historical memories are initially formed. He unpacks the nature of human memory and how it interacts with group memories. Finally he demonstrates how his definition and philosophy of history can be used to illuminate three dimensions of Jesus’ life: his dysfunctional family, his politics, and his final confrontation in Jerusalem.

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  • Gods Formula For Kingdom Living


    Pastor Eugene Hartley is a dynamic Bible Teacher with over 53 years of evangelizing and pastoring churches. He started 6 churches and built 15 buildings for Christ. He is currently the pastor of the CornerStone Church in Stapleton, Alabama. This is a church where Jesus is Lord and your Eternity has already begun!

    Trail of Satan
    The Missing Link
    Complaining Souls under the Alter
    3 People who told the Story of Creation for the first 2500 years
    Where have the Dead gone since Adam?
    What became New in 70 AD.
    Was All the Scriptures fulfilled by 70 AD?
    Does the Bible-History and Science Agree?
    Where did all the Races come from?
    Has The Great Tribulation already happened?
    Who is the Antichrist?
    Revelation Fulfilled by 70 AD 83 years in building the Jewish Temple
    The Sinless Conscience The Perfection of The Believers
    The Missing Signs of the Last Days. End of The World or End of an Age?

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  • Qumran And Jerusalem


    With the full publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls come major changes in our understanding of these fascinating texts and their significance for the study of the history of Judaism and Christianity. One of the most significant changes – that one cannot study Qumran without Jerusalem nor Jerusalem without Qumran – is explored in this important volume. / Although the Scrolls preserve the peculiar ideology of the Qumran sect, much of the material also represents the common beliefs and practices of the Judaism of the time. Here Lawrence Schiffman mines these incredible documents to reveal their significance for the reconstruction of the history of Judaism. His investigation brings to life a period of immense significance for the history of the Western world.

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  • Walking Where Jesus Walked


    Seeking to tell worship history in the same way it is usually experienced, Walking Where Jesus Walked is a document-rich snapshot of the church in Jerusalem in the late fourth century.

    Here the reader journeys with a woman visiting Jerusalem as the highlight of a Holy Land pilgrimage in the last part of the fourth century. As she marvels at the new churches built at so many sites associated with Jesus Christ, she notes how remembrance shaped by Scripture and fitting to the time and place serves as the bedrock for this church’s worship. Ruth helps today’s reader hear the preaching which caused shouts of delight at the tomb of Christ, know the readings which lead the congregation to weep in the shadow of Calvary, and see the new buildings which sought to manifest God’s glory at the places where Jesus had walked, died, and risen from the grave.

    By pairing contemporary descriptions, artistic portrayals, and worship texts with various commentaries to guide readers, this first in a series of case studies of particular worshiping communities from around the world and throughout Christian liturgical history aims to allow a worshiper today to think concretely and contextually about some of the continually important issues for Christian worship.

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  • Everyday Law In Biblical Israel


    Authors Raymond Westbrook and Bruce Wells examine Old Testament legal materials that illustrate how ancient Israelites settled their grievances. This textbook is unique in exploring these legal materials as they relate to everyday life, addressing issues of family, property, contracts, and crimes. Westbrook and Wells explain these elements of Israelite life and law in the context of other laws from throughout the ancient Near East, providing readers with a broad understanding of their legal and social foundations.

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  • Jesus The Final Days


    What do history and archaeology have to say about Jesus death, burial, and resurrection? In this superb general reader book, two of the worlds most celebrated writers on the historical Jesus share their greatest findings. Together, Craig A. Evans and N. T. Wright concisely and compellingly convey the drama and the world-shattering significance of Jesus final days on earth. Certain to be a best seller during the Lent/Easter season and beyond!

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  • Then And Now Bible Maps Insert


    Rose Bible Map Insert–An ultra-thin Bible atlas that fits in the back of your Bible.
    This incredible full color Bible atlas has clear plastic overlays of modern-day cities and countries. Now you can have “Then and Now” Bible maps inside your Bible. Includes 44 pages; 8 plastic overlays; all maps in full color; larger print than other Bible map inserts; every major city in the Bible; a Bible time line; index; separate maps for each of Paul’s Journeys.

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  • Paul The Missionary


    Eckhard J. Schnabel, author of the monumental scholarly study Early Christian Mission (2 volumes), gives us an overview of Paul’s missionary practices, strategies and methods, and then weighs contemporary evangelical missiology and practice in light of Paul.

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  • Memories Of Ancient Israel


    Recent years have seen an explosion of writing on the history of Israel, prompted largely by definitive archaeological surveys and attempts to write a genuine archaeological history of ancient Israel and Judah. The scholarly world has also witnessed an intense confrontation between so-called minimalists and maximalists over the correct approach to the historicity of the Bible. Memories of Ancient Israel looks at the issues at stake in doing biblical historythe ideologies involved, the changing role of archaeology, and the influence of cultural contexts, both ancient and modern. Davies suggests a different way of defining the problem of reliability and historicity by employing the theory of cultural memory. In doing so, he provides a better explanation of how ancient societies constructed their past but also a penetrating insight into the ideological underpinnings of today’s scholarly debates.

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  • Christ And Caesar


    The slogan “Paul and the Empire” is much in vogue in New Testament scholarship today. But did Paul truly formulate his gospel in antithesis to the Roman imperial cult and ideology and seek to subvert the Empire? In Christ and Caesar Seyoon Kim first examines five epistles of Paul exegetically and shows how the dominant anti-imperial interpretation is actually difficult to sustain.

    Next he examines the Lukan writings (Luke-Acts) to see how Luke talks about the encounters of Paul and other gospel preachers with Roman imperialism. Kim explores why it is that Luke makes no effort to present Christ’s redemption as materialized in terms of political liberation. Finally, Kim compares the exaltation Christologies of Luke, Revelation, Paul, and Hebrews and inquires about the hermeneutical possibility of developing a political Christology in our present-day context.

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  • Old Testament Between Theology And History


    From its inception at the time of the Enlightenment until the mid-twentieth century, the historical-critical method constituted the dominant paradigm in Old Testament studies. In this magisterial overview, Niels Peter Lemche surveys the development of the historical-critical method and the way it changed the scholarly perception of the Old Testament. In part 1 he describes the rise and influence of historical-critical approaches, while in part 2 he traces their decline and fall. Then, in part 3, he discusses the identity of the authors of the Old Testament, based on the content of the literature they wrote, demonstrating that the collapse of history does not preclude critical study. Part 4 investigates the theological consequences of this collapse and surveys Old Testament and biblical theology in its various manifestations in the twentieth century. An appendix includes a history of Palestine from the Stone Age to modern times, constructed without recourse to the Old Testament.

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  • Q The Earliest Gospel


    Did the lost gospel known as “Q” exist? What is its significance to modern Christianity? In this thought-provoking study, Kloppenborg contends that this “sayings gospel” predated the Synoptic accounts and focused not on Jesus’ salvific death but on his nature as a prophetic critic of unbelief and his vision for a just society.

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  • Rose Guide To The Tabernacle


    Full color, reproducible book on the The Tabernacle, with clear plastic overlays of the coverings of the “tent of meeting.” The Tabernacle was the place where the Israelites worshiped God after the Exodus. Learn how the sacrifices, utensils, and even the structure of the tabernacle were designed to show us something about God. See the parallels between the Old Testament sacrifices and priests’ duties, and Jesus’ service as the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. See how: * The Tabernacle was built and moved * The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ * The design of the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God * The Ark of the Covenant was at the center of worship.

    See how: * The Tabernacle was built * The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ * The design of the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God * The Ark of the Covenant was at the center of worship.

    Contains illustrations, charts, and diagrams not available elsewhere.

    128 pages, full color with 8 clear plastic overlays showing inside/outside of the tabernacle; plus dozens of reproducible charts. You may reproduce up to 300 copies of any chart free of charge for your classroom.

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  • Kingdom Of Priests (Reprinted)


    From the origins and exodus to the restoration and new hope, Kingdom of Priests offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of Old Testament Israel. Merrill explores the history of ancient Israel not only from Old Testament texts but also from the literary and archeological sources of the ancient Near East. After selling more than 30,000 copies, the book has now been updated and revised. The second edition addresses and interacts with current debates in the history of ancient Israel, offering an up-to-date articulation of a conservative evangelical position on historical matters. The text is accented with nearly twenty maps and charts.

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  • Historical Reliability Of The Gospels (Reprinted)


    Are the Gospels trustworthy as history? Dr. Blomberg describes this century’s ”search for the historical Jesus” and the faulty presuppositions that led to mistaken conclusions about Him. He discusses problems in the miracle stories and alleged inconsistencies. And he provides scholarly criteria for evaluating the Gospels.

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  • Dead Sea Scrolls


    An essential guide to the most significant discovery in the history of biblical studies — the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd literally stumbled upon a cave near the Dead Sea, a settlement now called Qumran, to the east of Jerusalem. This cave, along with the others located nearby, contained jars holding hundreds of scrolls and fragments of scrolls of texts both biblical and nonbiblical-in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The biblical scrolls would be the earliest evidence of the Hebrew Scriptures, or Old Testament, by hundreds of years; and the nonbiblical texts would shed dramatic light on one of the least-known periods of Jewish history-the Second Temple period. This find is, quite simply, the most important archaeological event in two thousand years of biblical studies. The scrolls provide information on nearly every aspect of biblical studies, including the Old Testament, text criticism, Second Temple Judaism, the New Testament, and Christian origins.

    It took more than 50 years for the scrolls to be completely and officially published, and there is no comparable brief, introductory resource that brings this astounding body of information up to date.

    Peter Flint, world-renowned scholar, will address all areas of the Dead Sea Scrolls: the many texts involved; the context of Jewish history; impact on the canon, text, and modern translations of the Old Testament; theological significance; connections between Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls; and the Scrolls and other New Testament writings

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  • Christ In The Old Testament Pamphlet


    History is about Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God setting up history for the coming of Christ, not simply by speaking prophetic words, but by arranging the lives of human beings. “Typology” deals with significant historical people that have symbols or events in their lives that correspond to symbols and events in the life of Christ. In quick reference chart format, this pamphlet highlights the lives of people who “prefigure” that central Life who is the Life of the World Himself. Includes Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and more.

    * 12 Old Testament people who foreshadowed Jesus
    * Types and Illustrations of Jesus
    * Actions and events that anticipate Jesus

    Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside most Bible covers. Unfolds to 38″ long.

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  • Scribes Visionaries And The Politics Of Second Temple Judea


    Judaism and Christianity both arose in times of empire, with roots in Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman periods. In order to understand these religious movements, we must first understand the history and society of these imperial cultures. In these formative years, wisdom and apocalyptic traditions flourished as two significant religious forms. In Scribes, Visionaries, and the Politics of Second Temple Judea, distinguished New Testament scholar Richard A. Horsley analyzes the function and meaning of these religious movements within their social context, providing essential background for the development of early Judaism and early Christianity. It is an ideal textbook for classes on the rise of Judaism or the Second Temple period, as well as Dead Sea Scrolls and Apocrypha.

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  • Apostles Creed For Today


    This book explains the familiar Apostles’ Creed in easy, accessible language. Gonzalez explores not only what the Creed meant in the early centuries but also its ongoing importance and relevance for Christian faith and practice today.

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  • When Christians Were Jews That Is Now


    When Christians Were Jews tells the story of identity rediscovered. Narrating recent biblical scholarship as a story of family strife, Berard recounts how early Christians dissociated from their Jewish origins and reflects on the spiritual loss suffered by Christianity because of this division. He calls Christians to explore with open mind and heart . . . the Jewishness not only of Jesus but of themselves.

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  • Creation And Chaos In The Primeval Era And The Eschaton


    Foreword by Peter Machinist

    Hermann Gunkel’s groundbreaking Schopfung und Chaos, originally published in German in 1895, is here translated in its entirety into English for the first time. Even though available only in German, this work by Gunkel has had a profound influence on modern biblical scholarship.

    Discovering a number of parallels between the biblical creation accounts and a Babylonian creation account, the Enuma Elish, Gunkel argues that ancient Babylonian traditions shaped the Hebrew people’s perceptions both of God’s creative activity at the beginning of time and of God’s re-creative activity at the end of time.

    Including illuminating introductory pieces by eminent scholar Peter Machinist and by translator K. William Whitney, Gunkel’s Creation and Chaos will appeal to serious students and scholars in the area of biblical studies.

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  • Temples Tithes And Taxes


    SKU (ISBN): 9780801047770ISBN10: 0801047773Marty StevensBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2006Publisher: Baker Academic

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  • Whose Bible Is It


    Introduction: The Bible, The While Bible, And Nothing But The Bible?
    1: The God Who Speaks
    2: The Truth In Hebrew
    3: Moses Speaking Greek
    4: Beyond Written Torah: Talmud And Continuing Revelation
    5: The LAw And The Prophets Fulfilled
    6: Formation Of A Second Testament
    7: The Peoples Of The Book
    8: Back To The Sources
    9: The Bible Only
    10: The Canon And The Critics
    11: A Message For The While Human Race
    12: The Strange Ne World Within The Bible
    Appendix I: Alternative Canons Of The Tanakh/Old Testament
    Appendix II: New Testament
    Notes And Further Reading

    Additional Info
    Jaroslav Pelikan, widely regarded as one of the most distinguished historians of our day, now provides a clear and engaging account of the Bible’s journey from oral narrative to Hebrew and Greek text to today’s countless editions. Pelikan explores the evolution of the Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic versions and the development of the printing press and its effect on the Reformation, the translation into modern languages, and varying schools of critical scholarship. Whose Bible Is It? is a triumph of scholarship that is also a pleasure to read.

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  • Bible After Babel


    Biblical scholars today often sound as if they are caught in the aftermath of Babel – a clamor of voices unable to reach common agreement. Yet is this confusion necessarily a bad thing? Many postmodern critics see the recent profusion of critical approaches as a welcome opportunity for the emergence of diverse new techniques. In The Bible after Babel noted biblical scholar John J. Collins considers the effect of the postmodern situation on biblical, primarily Old Testament, criticism over the last three decades. Engaging and even-handed, Collins examines the quest of historical criticism to objectively establish a text’s basic meaning. Accepting that the Bible may no longer provide secure “foundations” for faith, Collins still highlights its ethical challenge to be concerned for “the other” – a challenge central both to Old Testament ethics and to the teaching of Jesus.

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  • In Search Of Paul


    John Dominic Crossan, the eminent historical Jesus scholar, and Jonathan L. Reed, an expert in biblical archaeology, reveal through archaeology and textual scholarship that Paul, like Jesus, focused on championing the Kingdom of God–a realm of justice and equality–against the dominant, worldly powers of the Roman empire.

    Many theories exist about who Paul was, what he believed, and what role he played in the origins of Christianity. Using archaeological and textual evidence and taking advantage of recent major discoveries, eminent New Testament scholar John Dominic Crossan and biblical archaeologist Jonathan L. Reed discover the real Paul as a dedicated successor of Jesus, carrying on Jesus’s mission of inaugurating the Kingdom of God on earth against the reign of Rome.

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  • Cave Of John The Baptist


    The first archaeological evidence of the historical reality of the Gospel story.

    From a historical point of view, the uniqueness of this cave is that it contains archaeological evidence that comes to us from the very time of the personalities and events described in the Gospels. For here is the largest ritual bathing pool ever found in the Jerusalem area, and found in the village where John the Baptist was born, showing unmistakable signs of ritual use in the first century AD. Also in the cave is the earliest ever Christian art, depicting John the Baptist as well as the three crosses of the crucifixion.

    By using the forensic techniques available to the modern archaeologist, Gibson and his international team have been able to draw information from the drawings, pottery, coins, bones, remains of ritual fire and pieces of cloth found in the cave and match these up with the contemporary literary sources. This is a unique opportunity to build up a picture of the very first Christians, how they lived and even what they believed.

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  • How The Bible Was Built


    The Bible continues to be the world’s runaway best-seller. But very few people could say just how its seemingly disparate jumble of writings – stories, letters, poems, collections of laws, religious visions – got there. Filling this knowledge gap, How the Bible Was Built clearly tells the story of how the Bible came to be.

    Penned by Charles Merrill Smith in response to his teenage granddaughter’s questions, the manuscript was discovered after Smith’s death and has been reworked by his friend James Bennett for a wider audience. Free of theological or sectarian slant, this little volume provides a concise, factual overview of the Bible’s construction throughout history, outlining how its various books were written and collected and later canonized and translated.

    Written in an easy conversational style and enhanced by two helpful appendixes (of biblical terms and dates), How the Bible Was Built will give a more informed understanding of the Bible to people of virtually any reading level and any religious persuasion.

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  • Lord Jesus Christ


    This outstanding book provides an in-depth historical study of the place of Jesus in the religious life, beliefs, and worship of Christians from the beginnings of the Christian movement down to the late second century.

    Lord Jesus Christ is a monumental work on earliest Christian devotion to Jesus, sure to replace Wilhelm Bousset’s Kyrios Christos (1913) as the standard work on the subject. Larry Hurtado, widely respected for his previous contributions to the study of the New Testament and Christian origins, offers the best view to date of how the first Christians saw and reverenced Jesus as divine. In assembling this compelling picture, Hurtado draws on a wide body of ancient sources, from Scripture and the writings of such figures as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin to apocryphal texts such as the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Truth.

    Hurtado considers such themes as early beliefs about Jesus’ divine status and significance, but he also explores telling devotional practices of the time, including prayer and worship, the use of Jesus’ name in exorcism, baptism and healing, ritual invocation of Jesus as “Lord,” martyrdom, and lesser-known phenomena such as prayer postures and the curious scribal practice known today as the nomina sacra.

    The revealing portrait that emerges from Hurtado’s comprehensive study yields definitive answers to questions like these: How important was this formative period to later Christian tradition? When did the divinization of Jesus first occur? Was early Christianity influenced by neighboring religions? How did the idea of Jesus’ divinity change old views of God? And why did the powerful dynamics of early beliefs and practices encourage people to make the costly move of becoming a Christian?

    Boasting an unprecedented breadth and depth of coverage – the book speaks authoritatively on everything from early Christian history to themes in biblical studies to New Testament Christology – Hurtado’s Lord Jesus Christ is at once significant enough that a wide range of scholars will want to read it and accessible enough that general readers interested at all in Christian origins will also profit greatly from it.

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  • Walking The Bible


    Both a heart-racing adventure and an uplifting quest, Walking the Bible describes one man’s epic odyssey-by foot, jeep, rowboat, and camel-through the greatest stories every told. From crossing the Red Sea to climbing Mount Sinai to touching the burning bush, Bruce Feiler’s inspiring journey will forever change your view of some of history’s most storied events.

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  • Enoch And Qumran Origins


    The rediscovery of Enochic Judaism as an ancient movement of dissent within Second Temple Judaism, a movement centered on neither temple nor torah, is a major achievement of contemporary research. After being marginalized, ancient Enoch texts have reemerged as a significant component of the Dead Sea Scrolls library unearthed at Qumran.

    Enoch and Qumran Origins is the first comprehensive treatment of the complex and forgotten relations between the Qumran community and the Jewish group behind the pseudepigraphal literature of Enoch. The contributors demonstrate that the roots of the Qumran community are to be found in the tradition of the Enoch group rather than that of the Jerusalem priesthood.

    Framed by Gabriele Boccaccini’s introduction and James Charlesworth’s conclusion, this book examines the hypotheses of five particularly eminent scholars, resulting in an engaging and substantive discussion among forty-seven specialists from nine countries. The exceptional array of essays from leading international scholars in Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins makes Enoch and Qumran Origins a sine qua non for serious students of this period.

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  • Remembering Abraham : Culture Memory And History In The Hebrew Bible


    According to an old tradition preserved in the Palestinian Targums, the Hebrew Bible is “the Book of Memories.” The sacred past recalled in the Bible serves as a model and wellspring for the present. The remembered past, says Ronald Hendel, is the material with which biblical Israel constructed its identity as a people, a religion, and a culture. It is a mixture of history, collective memory, folklore, and literary brilliance, and is often colored by political and religious interests. In Israel’s formative years, these memories circulated orally in the context of family and tribe. Over time they came to be crystallized in various written texts. The Hebrew Bible is a vast compendium of writings, spanning a thousand-year period from roughly the twelfth to the second century BCE, and representing perhaps a small slice of the writings of that period. The texts are often overwritten by later texts, creating a complex pastiche of text, reinterpretation, and commentary. The religion and culture of ancient Israel are expressed by these texts, and in no small part also created by them, as they formulate new or altered conceptions of the sacred past. Remembering Abraham explores the interplay of culture, history, and memory in the Hebrew Bible. Hendel examines the Hebrew Bible’s portrayal of Israel and its history, and correlates the biblical past with our own sense of the past. He addresses the ways that culture, memory, and history interweave in the self-fashioning of Israel’s identity, and in the biblical portrayals of the patriarchs, the Exodus, and King Solomon. A concluding chapter explores the broad horizons of the biblical sense of the past. This accessibly written book represents the mature thought of one of our leading scholars of the Hebrew Bible.

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  • Presumed Guilty : How The Jews Were Blamed For The Death Of Jesus


    A premier New Testament scholar explores how Jesus’ trial and execution are portrayed in the New Testament and how that portrayal has affected biblical studies, Christian theology, and Jewish-Christian relations through history. Tomson has written an accessible, responsible analysis of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death, demonstrating how, through compounded misunderstandings, they contributed to anti-Jewish sentiment in the early church and later history. Tomson’s question of how Jesus is to be understood in his first-century Judean context is a critical one not only for biblical scholars, but for anyone concerned about human rights and interreligious dialogue today.

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  • Black And Tan


    Regenerate But Unreconstructed
    Black And Tan
    Scripture And Slavery
    Southern Slavery And Our Culture Wars
    Plowing The Same Ground
    Black Confederates
    Dabney In Full
    Fragments From The Controversy

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    If we want to understand culture wars on the contemporary American scene, we must first come to grips with the American culture wars of the nineteenth century. That our nation did not remove slavery in a biblical way helps explain many of our contemporary social evils. But who is qualified to talk about such things? What is a biblical view of racism? Why do the biblical answers to such questions so infuriate the radical left and the radical right? This collection of essays lays out some of the answers from a view unashamed of historic biblical absolutism.

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  • Love Supreme : A History Of The Johannine Tradition



    1.Root Conflict
    2.Disciples Of The Beloved Community
    3.The Spiritual Gospel
    4.In Those Parts
    5.Love In Extremis
    6.A King Of Shreds And Patches

    Index Of Ancient Sources

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    Callahan suggests that scholars have wrongly placed the sequence and therefore the importance of the works collectively known as the Johannine tradition – the Gospel of John and the Johannine Epistles. His proposal includes literary, theological, and historical analysis as he argues for the reevaluation of a significant part of the biblical canon.

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  • Related Strangers : Jews And Christians 70-170 CE



    The Jewish Revolts And Their Consequences
    Jews, Christians, And Roman Politics
    The Jews In Roman Society
    The Christians In Roman Society


    Mark: The Shadow Of War – Apocalypse And Crisis
    Matthew: The Shadow Of Yavneh – Authority And Praxis
    Luke-Acts: The Shadow Of Rome – Synagogue And State
    John: The Shadow Of Orthodoxy – From Messianism To Ditheism


    Christian Apocrypha
    Christian Adaptations Of Jewish Apocrypha


    The Epistle To The Hebrews
    The Epistle Of Barnabas


    Jewish Christians
    Gentile Judaizers


    Jewish Persecution Of Christians
    The Yavnean Sagas
    Jewish Allusions To Jesus And Christians




    Dependence And Independence In Early Christian Worship
    From Sabbath To Sunday
    From Passover To Easter
    Melito’s Paschal Homily


    Main Themes
    Background And Sources
    Justin’s Trypho And Celsus’ Jew


    Modern Author Index
    Subject Index
    Ancient Sources Index

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    This book examines Jewish-Christian relations during one of the most formative but also most obscure centuries, when many of the features that have characterized the interaction of Jews and Christians down to this day were first formulated. Starting from incisive description of canonical and noncanonical literature of this period, Wilson clarifies perceptions of the different groups that were in dialogue and dispute.

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  • Future Of Biblical Archaelogy


    Biblical archaeology has long been a discipline in crisis. “Biblical minimalists,” who believe that the Bible contains little of actual historical fact, today are challenging those who accept the historicity of Scripture. In this volume Jewish and evangelical Christian archaeologists, historians, and biblical scholars confront the minimalist critique and offer positive alternatives.

    Bringing a needed scientific approach to biblical archaeology, the contributors construct a new paradigm that reads the Bible critically but sympathetically. Their work covers the full range of subjects relevant to understanding the context of the Bible, including proper approaches to scriptural interpretation, recent archaeological evidence, and new studies of Near Eastern texts and inscriptions.

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