Ama Como Si Nunca Te Hubieran – (Spanish)
El corazon humano fue creado con una gran capacidad para amar. Pero con eso viene una gran capacidad para sentir dolor. No hay que negar que aquellos que nos aman, los que estan mas cerca de nosotros, son quienes pueden herirnos mas profundamente. Esa clase de dolor puede ser dificil, si no imposible de superar. Y puede sentirse aun mas imposible seguir amando frente a el. Y eso es exactamente lo que estamos llamados a hacer.
Compartiendo su propia historia de dolor personal, el Pastor Jentezen Franklin nos muestra como encontrar la fuerza, el valor y la motivacion para poner a un lado la herida, ver a otros como Dios los ve, y acercarnos en amor. A traves de historias biblicas y actuales, el discute diferentes tipos de decepciones y angustias en las relaciones, y responde a preguntas como: Por que debo confiar otra vez? Como podre alguna vez perdonar realmente?
Las paredes que edificamos alrededor de nuestros corazones para cerrarnos al dolor son las mismas paredes que nos impiden ver la esperanza, recibir sanidad, y sentir amor. Aqui estan las herramientas que necesitas para derribar esas paredes, trabajar en tus heridas, reparar relaciones maltrechas, y aprender a amar como si nunca te hubieran herido.
The human heart was created with a great capacity to love. But along with that comes a great capacity to feel pain. There is no denying that those who love us, who are closest to us, can wound us the most profoundly. That kind of pain can be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome. And it can feel even more impossible to continue loving in the face of it. Yet that is exactly what we are called to do.
Sharing his own story of personal pain, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin shows us how to find the strength, courage, and motivation to set aside the hurt, see others as God sees them, and reach out in love. Through biblical and modern-day stories, he discusses different types of relational disappointment and heartache, and answers questions such as Why should I trust again? and How can I ever really forgive?
The walls we build around our hearts to cut us off from pain are the very walls that block us from seeing hope, receiving healing, and feeling love. Here are the tools and inspiration you need to tear down those walls, work through your wounds, repair damaged relationships, and learn to love like you’ve never been hurt.
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SKU (ISBN): 9781641230117
ISBN10: 1641230118
Language: Spanish
Jentezen Franklin
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: August 2017
Publisher: Whitaker House Publishers
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