Sun 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Tue-Thu 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat 3:30-6:30 p.m. | 630 E. University Dr. Granger, IN 46530 | (574) 243-2020




    Steve Harper

    • Upward : Wesleyan Formation In Three Movements


      A guide for new and longtime United Methodists. This book thorougly and methodically walks the reader through the distinctives of the Wesleyan way–the theology, practices, habits, and attitudes that characterize Methodist people. It is a book of both instruction and celebration, offering the equivalent of a course on Wesleyan living and a beautiful reminder of the ways that life is most gracious and lovely. Features:

      –Clear framework with small segments; easy for readers to follow

      –Practical Methodist theology for today, for real people

      –The content can easily be adapted for different formats, such as articles, single chapters, and key points for Ministry Matters Exchange


      –Helps readers correct misconceptions about Wesleyan theology-their own and those in their congregations

      –Helps readers clarify and reclaim Wesleyan theology-or to learn it for the first time

      –Gives readers the vocabulary and a helpful new framework for sharing Wesleyan theology with others

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    • Cinco Marcas De Un Metodista – (Spanish)


      Cinco marcas de un metodista confirman nuestra identidad como seguidores genuinos y fructiferos de Cristo: 1. Un metodista ama a Dios 2. Un metodista se regocija en Dios 3. Un metodista da gracias 4. Un metodista ora sin cesar 5. Un metodista ama a su projimo Este breve libro, disenado para ser compartido con otras personas, ofrece una meditacion sobre cada una de estas caracteristicas. Con oracion, apliquelos en su peregrinaje con Jesus. Si usted es parte de la familia metodista o wesleyana de todo el mundo, estas cinco marcas le otorgaran un mayor conocimiento y aprecio de por que y como seguir a Jesus. Si usted se encuentra en otra parte del cuerpo de Cristo, puede emerger con una base solida y fuerte para mantener su fundamento espiritual. Las personas cristianas que sigan estas cinco marcas, tienen caracter. Cada capitulo termina con preguntas para reflexion o discusion. Now available in Spanish! Five marks confirm our identity as genuine and fruitful followers of Christ: 1. A Methodist Loves God 2. A Methodist Rejoices in God 3. A Methodist Gives Thanks 4. A Methodist Prays Constantly 5. A Methodist Loves Others This brief book, suitable for sharing with others, provides a meditation on each of these characteristics. Prayerfully apply them to your journey with Jesus. If you are part of the worldwide Methodist or Wesleyan family, these five marks will grant a greater knowledge and appreciation for why and how you follow Jesus. If you are located in another part of the body of Christ, you can emerge with a solid foundation to keep your spiritual house standing strong. Christians marked by these five habits, when taken together have character. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion.

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    • Stepping Aside Moving Ahead


      Henri Nouwen’s statement that too many clergy are “lonely ministers practicing lonely ministry” can be amplified in the years leading up to and immediately following retirement. Although there are books about retirement in general, clergy have unique personal and professional dimensions to retiring. Stepping Aside, Moving Ahead provides a clergy-oriented context. The author begins with letters from clergy nearing retirement about the issues they are facing and structures the book in the following way: Opening Letters from clergy Foundations (the formative dynamics that create a good retirement) Movements (the formative transitions that lead to a good retirement) Actions (the specific behaviors that produce a good retirement) Outcomes (the attitudes which emerge from a good retirement)

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    • 5 Marks Of A Methodist Leader Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Character: The Marks Of A Methodist
      2. A Methodist Loves God
      3. A Methodist Rejoices In God
      4. A Methodist Gives Thanks
      5. A Methodist Prays Constantly
      6. A Methodist Loves Others

      Additional Info
      This small-group study is based on Steve Harper’s book Five Marks of a Methodist. Six sessions provide extended reflection for adults on the five identifiers that Wesley sets forth in “The Character of a Methodist,” which he published in 1742.

      In “The Character of a Methodist,” Wesley clearly stated that he did not want to distinguish Methodism from any “real Christian of whatsoever denomination.” At the same time, Wesley knew that if the Methodist movement was to be established and grow, it must rest upon the solid foundation of gospel characteristics. This study provides a focused strengthening of the world Wesleyan family, while written so that any Christian person or group could use it with blessing and benefit. The study consists of the book, Five Marks of a Methodist, a Participant Character Guide, a Leader Guide, DVD and streaming video sessions (6 brief videos).

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    • For The Sake Of The Bride


      The gown of the Bride of Christ is being shredded by sibling rivalry within the Christian community. The Church’s life is weakened and its witness compromised. This is nowhere more evident than the issue of homosexuality. Dr. Steve Harper laments this sad state of affairs and offers a way of love through the dilemma. His pastoral spirit and practical counsel offer guidance and hope for the future. “A dark picture is emerging-a contentiousness between professing Christians and a persecution of the homosexual community by professing Christians. In the season of Lent, the Holy Spirit broke my heart one morning by speaking into it these words, “My Bride, the Church, is being abused. Her gown is being torn to shreds by siblings who are trying to end up with the biggest piece of the cloth, and who would rather expose her nakedness than give up the fight. Enough is enough! “I was stunned- so much so that I kept the experience to myself. I’m old enough to know the difference between a passing feeling and a sacred impression.” Excerpted from the introduction.

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