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    Social Issues

    • Restoring At Risk Communities (Reprinted)


      A comprehensive handbook to urban ministry introduces and shows how to implement a Christian community development program.

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    • You Have Stept Out Of Your Place


      This book fills an important gap in American women’s history. The author manages to discuss four centuries of women’s experience in the United States clearly, inclusively, and with both a sensitivity to feminist issues and a faithfullness to women’s own experience that ensures this book will have a wide readership. This book spans a broad range of geographic, ethnic, racial and denominational range of American women’s religious experiences and contributions and attempts to preverse the intregrity and diversity of their voices. In the absense of strong counterevidence, the author has assumed that American women were basically telling the truth about who they were, what they did, and why they did it.

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    • Christian Social Ethics In A Global Era


      In this challenging book, four highly respected think discuss the need for a renewal of Christian ethical reflection in a dramatically changed world and articulate their distinctive point of view on how this can responsibly be done. Christian Social Ethics in a Global Era is thus both a call for renewal in our thinking and acting, and an introduction to the issues that must be addressed by any meaningful response to our new global situation.

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    • Deadly Innocence


      Beginning with the story of Joe Arridy, certified as a “feeble-minded imbecile” who was executed in Colorado in 1939, Deadly Innocence? traces political and judicial handling of incidents involving persons with retardation; describes similar current cases; and offers suggestions for action on the part of the police, the courts, professionals who work in the field of developmental disabilities, and concerned citizens.

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    • Abandoned Generation A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

      This critical yet constructive assessment of the current state of higher education in America exposes the disconcerting causes and effects of failed campus life while posing real solutions for reforming today’s colleges and universities.

      Convinced that America’s institutions of higher learning now face a crisis – that they are not meeting the educational needs of their students, that faculty members can do better – William H. Willimon and Thomas H. Naylor here propose bold changes in the nation’s undergraduate educational system. By looking at academic life from the students’ point of view – the text is filled with real-life situations, reflections from students, and poignant illustrations – The Abandoned Generation evaluates American colleges and universities on the basis of the quality of the lives that they are now producing.

      Willimon and Naylor take an honest look at three realities of student life – substance abuse, indolence, and excessive careerism. They then evaluate the underlying causes – the sense of meaninglessness in student life and the absence of community. Finally, they build a provocative four-tier strategy for change – restructuring the academy, teachers who actually teach, curriculum reform, and the creation of learning communities.

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    • Sacramental Cocoa : And Other Stories From The Parish Of The Poor


      There will always be those among us who are unable to fully provide for themselves. In Sacramental Cocoa, Lynn Perry writes of her experiences with the marginalized and disenfranchised, who, not unlike their more prosperous counterparts, long for connection with others and with God. Sacramental Cocoa is a love story. The vignettes affirm the connectedness of all people and our place in God’s world.

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    • Not My Own A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely, tough-minded work examines the implications of the church’s distinctive characteristics in relation to the most heated moral crisis of our age. Writing from an ecumenical perspective, the authors explore the traditional “marks” of the church – the Word and the sacraments – and ask what difference the church can and should make in the lives of human beings affected by abortion. No other book has approached the issue of abortion from this perspective; no other book offers such sound practical help.

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    • I Am A Palestinian Christian


      A personal testimony of God and politics in the Holy Land. Mitri Raheb is a Palestinian Arab Lutheran Christian pastor who ministers in his hometown of Bethlehem. For many American Christians this combination of identities is incomprehensible. They assume that Palestinian Arabs are Muslims, not Christians, much less Lutherans. Raheb writes as a cultural mediator to the Western Christian world and as a local theologian for the Palestinian community. He grapples with how Palestinian Christians can develop a local theology that can be both truthful and helpful in mediating the conflicts between Israel and Palestine and among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Both are conflicts in which religion, politics, and collective identity intertwine.

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    • Welfare In America A Print On Demand Title


      This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable.

      Between 1992 and 1995, the Center for Public Justice, a Christian civic-education and public-policy think tank undertook an extended project named the Welfare Responsibility Inquiry. In May 1994, the project hosted a conference in Washington, DC, on “Public Justice and Welfare Reform.” The project involved, at its center, a group of scholars who met periodically to discuss the issues involved. Those scholars then wrote the papers which are collected in Welfare in America.

      “Welfare in America,” James Skillen writes, “argues that assistance to the needy does not, and should not, come primarily from government. Government, whether at federal or state levels, should help hold people accountable to their various institutional and personal responsibilities rather than fill in for every failure.” The range of topics addressed in Welfare in America is extensive. Though no reader will agree with everything here, those whose calling requires them to think through this issue with care will be wise to include Welfare in America in their list of books to be read.

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    • Reimagining God : The Case For Scriptural Diversity


      Can believers talk about God and to God in a way that is not exclusively male and is biblically responsible? Johanna van Wijk-Bos asks this question as she examines alternatives to the dominant male language associated with God in the Bible. Focusing primarily on the Hebrew Bible, van Wijk-Bos mines a rich source of God-imagery. Along the way, she also discusses alternative language associated with God that transcends the narrow confines of male/female imagery.

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    • God Beyond Gender


      144 Pages

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      God Beyond Gender is a feminist critique of the traditional language used for God and in the church. Can masculine pronouns for God be retained on the basis of bibical usage? Can Trinitarian language be gender inclusive? What should be the Christain understanding of the devine name of God (YHWH) in the Old Testament? What are the possibilities and what are the hazards of using human images (“judge,” “shepherd,” “father,” “mother,” “Sophia”) for God? Is all human language and possibly all human thought necessarily metaphorical?

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    • Morality And Beyond


      This work confronts the age-old question of how the moral is related to the religious. In particular, Tillich addresses the conflict between reason-determined ethics and faith-determined ethics and shows that neither is dependent on the other but that each alone is inadequate. Instead, Tillich reveals to us the gift that came with the arrival of Christ: a new reality that offers a power of being in which we can participate and out of which true thought and right action are possible. Paul Tillich (1886-1965) taught at several German universities before emigrating to the United States. In the United States, Tillich taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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    • Childs Song


      This book is about reconciliation and the healing of the child self–“the mutilated soul”–that all adults carry within themselves. Using the biblical image of the Garden, the author draws from the same biblical tradition that has contributed to the physical and emotional abuse of children to envision and initiate the healing process.

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    • Feminist Theological Ethics


      This reader documents ongoing feminist ethical and theological discussions on a wide range of issues including womanist, mujerista, and ecofeminist. Volume includes contributions from over twenty distinguished women scholars.

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    • Making Your Work Count For God


      Making Your Work Count for God leads you to a better understanding of your work, your associates, and yourself. It’s filled with thought-provoking exercises that explore a myriad of workplace questions, including how to determine the best way to share God’s love with your co-workers. And the workbook fits into your busy schedule: Each section is short enough to be completed in one sitting.

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    • Disabled God : Toward A Liberatory Theology Of A Disability


      “From the Publsher:” THE DISABLED GOD by Nancy L. Eiesland Integrating intellectual with personal, political and spiritual, Eiesland defines a liberatory theology for the disabled.

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    • Ending Auschwitz : The Future Of Jewish And Christian Life


      This book begins with Marc Ellis’s own journey to Auschwitz in 1992 and reflects back on his past, which includes his childhood experience as a Jew and his university years studying under Holocaust theologian Richard Rubenstein. Marc Ellis has taught and traveled among third-world peoples and has been outspoken on Middle Eastern issues. Based on this experience, Ellis has come to see that both Judaism and Christianity are locked in a static position. He shows that there is a continuity between the era of Christendom, exemplified by 1492, and Auschwitz and provides evidence to show that they are intimately linked. He sees the possibility of Jews and third-world Christians joining in a solidarity characterized by suffering and hope. He advocates what he calls “the ultimate religious act of contemporary Judaism and Christianity” to end Auschwitz and 1492 and to begin anew to create a world where all people can claim their own freedom and history.

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    • Survivor Prayers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664254353ISBN10: 0664254357Catherine FooteBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1994Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Vanishing Boundaries : The Religion Of Mainline Protestant Baby Boomers


      This in-depth survey provides a vivid overview of the religious world of the Baby Boomers. The authors worked with a national sample of persons confirmed in the Presbyterian Church, examining the religious faith of the Baby Boomers and exploring the reasons they gave for leaving or staying in the church. The authors identify eight types of young adults-half of them churched and the other half unchurched. Their findings provide some unexpected results.

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    • Fall Of The Prison A Print On Demand Title


      Even as America’s prison system is expanding at an unprecedented rate, Lee Griffith makes a startling proposal in this book: abolish prisons. To make his case, Griffith thoroughly examines prisons from the perspectives of sociology, theology, history, and biblical exegesis. Bolstered with extensive documentation as well as lively anecdotal evidence, this compelling, radical book is bound to stir up serious discussion.

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    • Using Gods Resources Wisely


      New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the environmental crisis and how it relates to social relations, especially in urban settings. Walter Brueggemann explores readings from Isaiah and how they relate to the environment and urban crisis. He approaches the readings as an artistic-theological history of the city of Jerusalem–a case study of urban environmental crisis that resulted from a lost sense of covenantal neighborliness. Reflecting on Jerusalem, its failure, demise, and prospect, Brueggemann uncovers some alarming parallels in today’s urban cities, and offers a demanding but hopeful challenge to faith.

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    • Beyond Charity : Reformation Initiatives For The Poor


      The common stereotype is that the Reformers separate public and private morality and were indifferent to the ethical import of social structures and institutions. Beyond Charity calls this understanding into question by providing an analysis of the historical situation and translationof primary documents. The medieval point of view, formed by piety of achievement, idealized poverty — either as voluntary renunciation or as almsgiving. In either case the material effects on actual poverty were slight, and the religious endorsement of poverty precluded urban efforts to address this growing problem. The Reformers impelledby their theology, developed and passed new legislative structures for addressing social welfare needs. The key to their undertakings was the conviction that social ethics is the continuation of community worship. In the first half, this book sets forth the medieval context, details Luther’s critique of the profit economy of his day, and analyzes the actual social welfare programs that issued from his theology. The second half provides translations of selected legislative programs from the church orders of the Reformation.

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    • American Hour : A Time Of Reckoning And The Once And Future Role Of Faith


      An internationally known writer and speaker on religion and public life brilliantly ananlyzes the causes of our current moral malaise. Guinness examines how perilously close we have come to losing the shared beliefs, traditions and ideals that have helped shape America and sets forth a compelling view of a new role for religion.

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    • Islam And War


      This book explores questions regarding the justice of war and addresses the lack of comparative perspectives on the ethics of war, particularly with respect to Islam. John Kelsay begins with the war in the Persian Gulf, focusing on the role of Islamic symbols in the rhetoric of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He provides an overview of the Islamic tradition in regards to war and peace, and then focuses on the notion of religion as a just cause for war.

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    • Depleted Self : Sin In A Narcissistic Age


      Don Capps challenges the church, its theologians, and its pastors to address seriously-and without moralism – the malaise that afflicts us, the mood of “wrongness” and incompleteness of self, of victimization, hunger, alienation, bitterness, the melancholic form that sin takes so prevailing in our day. This book is an effective example of the postive mirroring, more empathy, or acceptance, that Capps recommends as the means of empowering the depleted self.

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    • Passion For Justice


      By focusing on the idea of justice in the words of three important American Christian social thinkers, Beckley has achieved several worthy ends. He refines the systematic issues in Christian thinking about justice and elates them some current discussions and proposals of his own. The reader is informed and illumined by this insightful analysis.

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    • Culture Wars : The Struggle To Define America


      A riveting account of how Christian fundamentalists, Orthodox Jews, and conservative Catholics have joined forces in a battle against their progressive counterparts for control of American secular culture.

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    • Bible And The Moral Life


      The Bible helps to shape our understanding of Christian responsibility. However, different church bodies and individuals who claim scripture as an authority on ethics often reach different conclusions about moral life. In this book, C. Freeman Sleeper describes how the Bible can be used as a guide to moral life. He shows how various church bodies use the Bible to speak to specific contemporary ethical issues and deals directly with the question of the authority of the Bible by taking up the teaching of four basic styles of moral reflection–law, prophecy, apocalypse, and wisdom. Sleeper reviews the way that church bodies developed and used social policy and draws a distinction between the way churches speak to their own constituency and the way they speak to the world. He considers in detail the ethics of nuclear war and abortion. Practical exercises are also provided throughout the book.

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    • 6 Billion And More


      Susan Power Bratton draws on information from demographers, economists, ecologists, and sociologists to argue that individuals should use Christian values when dealing with the regulation of human population. In this easy-to-read analysis, the author reviews a number of issues and provides case studies and discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

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    • Aids And The Church (Revised)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664252021ISBN10: 0664252028Ronald Sunderland | Earl ShelpBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1992Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • John Wesleys Social Ethics


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687204946ISBN10: 0687204941Manfred Marquardt | Translator: John Steeley | Translator: W. Stephen GunterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1992Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Gospel Of Peace


      Ulrich Mauser uses the Bible, especially the New Testament, as a guide for present-day peace efforts. He explores the meaning of peace, and throughout the book he interlaces the New Testament experience of peace with elements of the Old Testament idea of shalom, not overlooking the wars of Yahweh.

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    • Lines In The Sands


      Based on the debates of bishops, church councils, and scholars who reflected on policy alternatives and invoked theological and ethical perspectives on the Gulf crisis, Lines in the Sand focuses on moral issues surrounding the Persian Gulf War. Alan Geyer and Barbara Green present a penetrating case study of foreign policy, military policy, moral argument, and religious discourse, while arguing that the “just war” tradition offers only partial aid for Christian reflection in matters of war and peace.

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    • Just Peacemaking : Transforming Initiatives For Justice And Peace


      Glen Stassen believes Christians should direct their energies toward finding a set of criteria and a model for a “just peace” instead of “just war.” He bases his just peace theory on the new reality of our world, on recent biblical interpretation, and on the experiences of people who lived in the face of oppression and nuclear threat, and who – together with political scientists, Christian ethicists, and activists – fashioned realistic steps of peacemaking. He addresses real-life issues and especially uses the Sermon on the Mount and the book of Romans as models for establishing just peace in the face of conflict.

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    • Christianity And The Social Crisis


      Walter Rauschenbusch was the primary architect of the Social Gospel, a movement that responded to the changing social and industrial conditions in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He presents, in this book, his path-breaking and prophetic interpretation of Jesus and the kingdom, and his understanding of troubling conditions that call the church to faithful witness and work toward meaningful political and economic reforms.

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    • Co-Dependence


      The explosive bestseller that revolutionized our understanding of the addictive process. With a new introduction addressing the backlash to the co-dependency movement.

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    • Abuse Of Power


      Chapter Titles Are:
      1. Hearing The Silenced Voices
      2. Power And Abuse Of Power
      3. “Karen”: Survivor Of Sexual Violence
      4. Stories Of Recovering Perpetrators
      5. The Schreber Case: Methods Of Analysis
      6. The Search For Self
      7. The Search For Community
      8. The Search For God
      9. Ministry Practice And Practical Theology

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      Pastoral care instruction and observation from a therapist of survivors of sexual abuse.

      “The Abuse of Power is ‘must’ reading for clergy and denominational officials…. Weaving case stories with theory, Poling demonstrates that sexual abuse of children is not a private matter, but very much a matter for society and church–a question of structure and ideology, not just of individual character. He is not afraid to tackle the tough question: Does the image of God sacrificing Jesus on the cross contribute to abusive parent-child relationships?…If pastors and church officials read this book the church will change.” –Karen Lebacqz, Pacific School of Religion

      “For the exploitation of women and children to stop, men must be willing to break ranks with all forms of privilege that sanction male dominance. James Poling does so by deconstructing his own sense of male entitlement, by refusing to distance himself from perpetrators, by allowing survivors of sexual and domestic violence to speak with their own voices, by giving us profound words of hope, and by articulating a powerfully healing theology wrought through the depths of his own struggle with one of the worst evils in our society. His courageous and compassionate work reveals the love and hope that is born of solidarity across the boundaries of gender, sexual orientation, race, and economics….The psychological, political, spiritual, and theological power of this book is such that all educators, ministers, therapists, and Christians must read it.” –Rita Nakashima Brock, Hamline University

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    • Womens Reality : An Emerging Female System


      Defines the Female System as an emerging reality–a system in which women are valued, first-class citizens. Now with a new foreword by Carol S. Pearson.

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    • Loving Nature : Ecological Integrity And Christian Responsibility


      The ecological crisis is a serious challenge to Christian theology and ethics because the crisis is rooted partly in flawed convictions about the rights and powers of humankind in relation to the rest of the natural world. James A. Nash argues that Christianity can draw on a rich theological and ethical tradition with which to confront this challenge.

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    • Witness For Peace


      In this graphic, thought-provoking book, Ed Griffin-Nolan depicts the experiences of Witness for Peace (WFP), a group of Americans who bore witness to the war in Nicaragua–an event that resulted in the killing and wounding of many innocent Central American civilians. Griffin-Nolan explains how WFP participants spent weeks in the war zones in order to understand the impact of U.S. policy on simple people living, as one member of the group phrased it, “at the end of a gun barrel.” He describes how WFP participants labored to bring stories of war back to the United States, and how many of them lost their jobs and even their marriages in the process. He concludes by showing that the efforts of WFP saved lives and possibly prevented “another Vietnam” from developing in Central America.

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    • Matters Of Life And Death


      Using a bioethical approach, John Cobb Jr. tackles some of the most controversial issues facing society and the church today–something theologians have often failed to do in the past. His four major topics are animal well-being, death with dignity, the moral status of the fetus, and sexual activity outside of marriage.

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    • City Of God City Of Satan


      Why is the city a battleground of hostile principalities and powers? What is the mission of the church in the city? How can the church be supported in accomplishing that mission? These are the questions that Robert Linthicum treats in his comprehensive and probing biblical theology of the city. In the Bible the city is depicted both as a dwelling place of God and his people and as a center of power for Satan and his minions. The city is one primary stage on which the drama of salvation is played out. And that is no less the case at the end of this pivotal century as megacities become the focal point of most human activity and aspirations around the world. This is a timely theology of the city that weaves the theological images of the Bible and the social realities of the contemporary world into a revealing tapestry of truths about the urban experience. Its purpose is to define clearly the mission of the church in the midst of the urban realities and to support well the work of the church in the urban world.

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    • Conflict At Rome


      Utilizing archeological evidence and an analysis of two early Christian texts related to the church at Rome, James S. Jeffers offers a penetrating glimpse into the economic, social, and theological tensions of early Roman Christianity. Clement and the Shepherd of Hermas are shown to represent two decidedly conflicting conceptions of Christianity and hierarchy: Clement represents the social elite and a more structured approach to church organization, and Hermas displays a tendency toward sectarianism. Photographs and line drawings illustrate archeological evidence.

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    • Social Ministry (Revised)


      This work challenges pastors, seminarians, and active members of the laity to rethink the social character of their ministry. Dieter Hessel calls on parish communities to “meet human need with good Samaritan love while acting for justice with prophetic boldness.” In this updated edition, Hessel assesses major new developments that have occurred in both church and society since the first publication of Social Ministry. He gives special attention to the uncertainty that churches face today in regard to their public role.

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    • Good News To The Poor


      This provocative volume illuminates a dimension of John Wesley’s theology that has received insufficient attention: his deep and abiding commitment to the poor. By focusing on the radical nature of Wesley’s “evangelical economics,” Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., provides an important corrective to the view that Wesley was concerned with the salvation of souls only, and not also with the social conditions of human beings.

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    • Church With Aids


      This book looks at the experiences of people with AIDS as a means of examining the way Christianity views the problem and deals with it on both personal and community levels. This book begins by sharing the experience and ministry of those living with AIDS. Also presented is a series of theological reflections on what living with AIDS means for the renewal of the church. Russell also asks how the traditional church might be seen differently by those struggling with AIDS. The final section, is designed as a tool for study and discussion groups.

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    • Addictive Organization


      Schaef and Fassel show how managers, workers, and organization members exhibit the classic symptoms of addiction: denying and avoiding problems, assuming that there is no other way of acting, and manipulating events to maintain the status quo.

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    • Escape From Intimacy


      Schaef applies the addictions of sex, love, romance, and relationships to her broader addiction theory and clearly defines and contrasts the relationship addictions.

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    • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


      Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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    • US Lifestyles And Mainline Churches


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250997ISBN10: 0664250998Tex SampleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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