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Sharlene MacLaren

Showing all 11 results

  • Mercy Tree : A Novel


    It’s 1955, when scandalous affairs are never talked about, divorce is rare, a wife is a “homemaker” more often than not, and every Christian home displays its family Bible front and center. Certainly, a well-respected pastor in the conservative city of Muskegon, Michigan, would never be caught in the middle of a heinous secret that could ruin his career and break up his beautiful marriage and family. Or would he?

    When Henry Griffin was stationed in occupied Japan in the mid-1940s, he met Rina Hamada, a Japanese woman who fell head over heels for him. Despite having a young wife and baby daughter waiting at home in the States, Henry had too much to drink one night, and one thing led to another… He knew it was wrong. He struggled with guilt and expressed his resistance, but she professed her love and continued to pursue him.

    Now, ten years later, a letter from Japan arrives and threatens to upend Henry’s world. What to do and how to tell his wife are just the beginning of his troubles. Tough questions about faith, redemption, and preserving his reputation bring us here, under the shade of The Mercy Tree.

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  • Her Guarded Heart


    At age twenty-one, Anna Hansen has had more than her share of hardship. Her mother died when she was eleven and her father just passed away under mysterious circumstances, leaving her to care for her ten-year-old brother, Billy Ray. She struggles to hang onto the family farm but it’s facing foreclosure and things are looking grim. Next door, Jesse Fuller’s drive, work ethic, and skill ensure that his family’s farm is a growing success. His brothers think he should marry Anna to help out her and her kid brother…while also enabling the Fullers to expand their operation. But Jesse has never had romantic feelings for Anna and the idea doesn’t appeal to him. In the meantime, Horace Blackthorn is hell-bent on acquiring the Hansen farm for reasons of his own. And he’ll do whatever it takes to get it-lie, cheat, steal…even murder.

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  • Her Steadfast Heart


    Joey Fuller is still mourning three years after his wife’s death, so much so that he leaves his four rambunctious young children to throw himself into the Civil War as a Union captain. But his kids are so ill-behaved that nannies keep quitting-and now, his mother has a broken leg and can’t handle them either. In desperation, Joey decides to advertise for a wife.

    Faith Haviland is in a different kind of mourning. Not long ago, her fiance left her to marry her best friend. Her customers at the diner where she works keep reminding her of that humiliating event and one of them, an older man, has been making aggressive advances. She’s desperate to flee the city-and Joey Fuller’s “Wife Needed” ad seems to be the answer to a prayer.

    Will Faith live up to her name when Joey’s kids torment her with their mischief? Can she surrender this strange marriage to God while her new aloof husband is off fighting? And will a string of buttons convince her that he truly loves her?

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  • Her Rebel Heart


    Christina Stiles is left to fend for herself and her two young children while her husband Orville goes off to fight in the Confederate army. She also has to deal with two rogue Union soldiers who ransacked her house, stole her food, beat her, and left her for dead–and keep coming back to cause more trouble.

    Jack Fuller is a God-fearing Christian fighting for the Union. When a Confederate he’s critically wounded asks him to deliver a letter to his wife, Jack agrees. But when Christina sees Jack, she assumes he’s one of the Union trouble-makers and shoots him. After he explains the purpose of his visit, she decides to take him into her house and nurse him back to health.

    What will happen when Christina discovers Jack is the one who made her a widow? Will her rebel heart forgive him–or finish him off?

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  • Christmas Comes To Little Hickman Creek


    Two years ago this Christmas, Sadie Bennett’s beloved husband was killed in a tragic accident at the local sawmill. What was once her favorite time of year now haunts her, with its cheerful trappings a cruel reminder of the love she lost. The young widow would like nothing more than to hibernate until the festivities are over. When she finds herself assigned to the committee tasked with picking a Christmas tree for the town square of Little Hickman Creek, she begrudgingly agrees but determines to fulfill her duties to the bare minimum.

    As the search for a suitable tree gets under way, Sadie is dismayed to learn that one of her fellow committee members is a man she’s worked hard to avoid. Reed Harris owns the local livery, and while he’s friendly enough-good-looking, too-Sadie isn’t ready to invest in another relationship. In fact, she may never be ready, unless a Christmas miracle manages to thaw her frozen heart.

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  • Sofias Secret


    Scandal surrounds Sofia Rogers, a woman in her early twenties, when it becomes obvious she is pregnant and unmarried. Yet nobody knows the real story. And Sofia isn’t about to share it; she would rather bear the shame than face the threat of consequences. When Eli Trent, the new doctor in town, gets involved, the trouble escalates in the form of thievery, arson, and death threats. Nevertheless, Eli is determined to break down the wall of silence behind which Sofia hides her deep, dark secret. He is out to convince her she is not alone and to make her realize that trusting him-and her heavenly Father is the only thing that makes sense.

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  • Ellies Haven


    A courageous young woman seeking refuge…

    Ellie Booth was never the type to run away. But she’d witnessed her stepfather commit a heartless crime, and, knowing he’ll stop at nothing to keep her quiet, she has no choice but to flee. Soon, she finds herself in Wabash, Indiana, scrambling for a cover identity to evade her stepfather. For lack of a better option, she answers an ad for a wife/housekeeper/nanny, praying that her lack of experience won’t be obvious.

    A widowed father with no domestic skills to speak of…

    Gage Cooper is reaching the end of his rope. With four children between the ages of three and ten, he needs a reliable nanny, yet each one he’s hired has thrown up her hands and deserted her post. When an attractive, spirited young woman applies for the “job,” he knows he should pray about the matter, but his desperation for help propels him headlong into a marriage of convenience.

    A trial by fire of their wedding vows…

    Ellie immediately falls in love with the Cooper children, and, not long after, with their father. Soon, the “marriage of convenience” becomes less of a business arrangement as husband and wife yield to an attraction neither one had expected. When secrets of the past and dangers of the present arise in their lives, their marriage is put to the test, and God alone knows what will become of their union.

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  • Livvies Song


    Life is far from a breeze for Olivia Beckman, owner of Livvie’s Kitchen, a favorite of locals in Wabash, Indiana. The widowed mother of two is struggling to make ends meet-no simple feat, especially when her cook turns in his resignation. Yet she’s determined to pull through on her own, just as she did when God failed to save her beloved Frank.

    Newly released from a ten-year prison sentence, Will Taylor is ready for a fresh start. With harmonica in hand-the only possession he values, aside from his Bible-he makes his way to Wabash, where a late-night meal at Livvie’s Kitchen turns into a job opportunity when the outgoing cook learns about his restaurant experience. What he doesn’t know is that the “restaurant” was a prison cafeteria.

    But Will became a new man behind bars, thanks to a Christian friend, and he credits God’s providence with landing him a job he loves. Soon, he cooks and bakes his way into the stomachs of his customers-and the heart of his employer. Both are hesitant, though, still healing from past hurts. A recipe for love between them will require sharing secrets, braving dangers, and believing God for a bright future.

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  • En Medio De Tormenta – (Spanish)


    Struggling through the tragic loss of their child, Jose and Mady Arquero experience the immense pain and grief caused by a broken heart and a marriage so severly strained that a divorce seems imminent. Will life ever be normal again? But together they may find a joy and happiness that they had never known before.

    Cuando la tragedia azota, puede sobrevivir el amor? Luchando en medio de la tragica perdida de su hija, Josue y Mady Arquero experimentan inmenso dolor y pena causados por un corazon roto y un matrimonio tan severamente tirante que el divorcio parece inminente. Volvera la vida a ser normal nuevamente? Mientras todavia se sienten sobrecogidos con sentimientos de pura desesperanza y soledad, ellos se enfrentan ademas con el tener que cuidar a un nio demasiado precoz. Entonces, Mady lentamente comenzo a comprender como permitir que Dios tuviera el control de todo. El amor que ella descubre le da fortaleza y esperanza para seguir adelante. Josue y Mady deben aprender a sobrellevar sus propios problemas. Pero juntos podrian hallar el gozo y la felicidad que nunca antes hayan conocido.

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  • Largo Camino A Casa – (Spanish)


    Newly divorced mom Clara is still nursing the scars from her abusive marriage—so she’s less than thrilled when Dan, a handsome but brooding ex-pastor, moves in across the hall. He’s reeling from the tragic loss of his wife, his child, and his faith. When friendship unexpectedly blooms, could it lead to healing for them both?

    Despues de divorciarse de su abusivo esposo, la madre soltera Clara Mendez todavia esta alimentando las cicatrices de un pasado doloroso. Lo ultimo que ella necesita en su vida es otro hombre, asi que no esta impresionada para nada cuando un hombre buen mozo, pero a la vez desconocido y extrao, se muda al departamento del otro lado del pasillo.
    Daniel Morales podra ser atractivo, pero no sus circunstancias: un ex pastor que abandono su rebao en Michigan y huyo a los suburbios de Chicago despues de la muerte tragica de su amada esposa y su bebita en un accidente automovilistico. Amargado por la perdida le da la espalda a Dios. Clara no confiaba en los hombres, y el agresivo Daniel le da razones para ello. Ambos estaban caidos por las heridas y decepciones de su pasado. Cuando el ex esposo de Clara se aparece para causarle mas caos en su vida, Daniel se encuentra a si mismo defendiendola y enfrentandose en el proceso cara a cara con sus propios demonios. Podran Daniel y Clara dejar su pasado atras y darle otra oportunidad al amor? Podran ver las aparentes tragedias de la vida como el plan perfecto de Dios? Podra el poder de Dios cambiar sus corazones y enmendar sus heridas?

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  • Hannah Grace


    Growing up in the west Michigan resort town of Sandy Shores in the early 1900s, Hannah Grace, the eldest of Jacob Kane’s three daughters, is feisty and strong-willed, yet practical. Between working at her father’s general store and courting the town’s physician, Ralston Van Huff, Hannah has her life planned out in an orderly, meaningful way. Or so she thinks.
    Hannah’s world turns upside down when the new sheriff comes to town. Gabriel Devlin is strong, outspoken, and a Christian, to boot-but he’s sworn off women, having met ones mostly interested in money and apathetic about God.

    Determined to ignore the newcomer’s handsome looks, Hannah is drawn to him nonetheless by a shy, runaway orphan boy named Jesse. While Hannah works to befriend the shy vagabond, who’s living with Gabriel until other arrangements can be made, God works in her heart. What plans does He have in store for this young woman who thought she had it all together?

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