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    Robin Lovin

    • What Do We Do When Nobody Is Listening


      A trusted senior statesman in Christian ethics and ministry addresses the crisis of political polarization threatening the existence of the church.

      Polarization and political gridlock have been the norm in the United States for decades. As that reality seeps into every aspect of our society, churches find themselves not only affected, but often at the very center of the conflict. Rather than remaining places of inclusive community and generous dialogue, our sanctuaries have too often become ground zero of the culture wars.

      What can pastors do to restore the church’s witness to the unity of all things in God-especially when it feels like members of the congregation would rather position the church’s identity firmly on one side of the political spectrum or the other? And how can church leaders maintain peace while speaking the truth on important social issues-without either alienating parishioners who disagree or resorting to inane bothsiderism?

      Widely respected pastor and ethicist Robin Lovin offers sage counsel in this helpful book, arguing that to resist the trend of polarization in our church we must rediscover how the gospel teaches us to understand ourselves, our neighbors, and the purpose of politics. In part one, Lovin provides an overview of the situation in which we find ourselves, showing how polarization developed over recent decades and how, in both our society and our churches, we have adapted to division as the norm. In part two, he considers how Christians can shape a different response by learning to listen-to the Word of God, to the world, and to those who are not usually heard. With questions for discussion and reflection aligned with the content of each chapter, What Do We Do When Nobody Is Listening? provides an accessible roadmap for navigating out of the morass of polarization into a brighter future of church unity, during election seasons and beyond.

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    • Theology As Interdisciplinary Inquiry


      Can a neuroscientist help a theologian interpret a medieval mystical text? Can a historian of religion help an anthropologist understand the effects of social cooperation on human evolution? Can a legal scholar and a theologian help each other think about how fear of God relates to respect for the law?

      In this volume leading scholars in ethics, theology, and social science sum up three years of study and conversation regarding the value of interdisciplinary theological inquiry. This is an essential and challenging collection for all who set out to think, write, teach, and preach theologically in the contemporary world.

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    • Introduction To Christian Ethics


      A few years ago, the first distinction that ethicists drew was the line between Christian ethics and philosophical ethics. However, in our global context, Christian ethicists must now, in addition, compare and contrast various ethics. Christian ethics has become increasingly multivocal not only because of a plurality of faiths but also because of a plurality of Christianities.

      In light of these new realities, this book will introduce Christian ethics. It will lay out history, methods, and basic principles every student must know. The author also will include case studies for further explanation and application.

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    • Reinhold Niebuhr


      Examines the influence of the founder of Christian realism

      Reinhold Niebuhr understood the tensions and complexities of the Christian life. His approach to theology became known as Christian realism.

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    • Christian Ethics


      1. Choices
      2. Goals
      3. Rules
      4. Virtues
      5. Church
      6. Society
      Conclusion: Faith And Ethics

      Additional Info
      In this excellent outline of Christian ethics, Robin W. Lovin achieves a balance between the questions and issues which form the core of the study of ethics, and the life situations from which those questions arise.

      Eschewing a sectarian approach which dismisses other understandings of the moral life, Lovin nonetheless lays claim to a specifically Christian understanding of ethics. He begins with basic Christian convictions about the reality of God and human redemption and weaves these convictions into the fabric of moral concerns that are widely shared in contemporary society. He takes note of the problems that arise when Christians try to act on or enforce their convictions in a pluralistic society and recognizes the variety of theological and moral beliefs that are held within the Christian community, as well as in the wider society.

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    • Responsible Self : An Essay In Christian Moral Philosophy


      The Responsible Self was H. Richard Niebuhr’s most important work in Christian ethics, and it remains a landmark contribution to the field.
      Here Niebuhr probes the fundamental character of the moral life. He finds the key in the concept of responsibility, which implies not only the freedom and flexibility of responsiveness to others but also a guiding ideal of unlimited concern that goes beyond vague norms and narrow codes.
      The book is based on lectures delivered by Niebuhr at Glasgow University. James M. Gustafson, who was Niebuhr’s colleague at Yale Divinity School, provides a brilliant introduction.

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    • Conscience And Its Problems


      Originally published in 1927, this book stands as a pertinent, original, and insightful contribution to contemporary ethics. Kirk addresses the rationale for moral thought, the role of the church as a moral community, and the handling of problematic moral situations through a case-by case analysis (an approach known as casuistry). What is the church to make of Jack Kevorkian? Kirk provides a framework for responding to such issues.

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    • Theology For The Social Gospel


      This book is udoubtedly the author’s most enduring work. It is here that the author, the father of the social gospel in the United States, articulates the theolgoical roots of the social activism that surged forth from mainline Protestant churches in the early part of this century. Skillfully examining the great theological issues of the Christian faith–sin, evil, salvation, the kingdom of God–the author offers a powerful justification for the chuuch to fully engage society.

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    • Situation Ethics : The New Morality


      Igniting a firestorm of controversy upon its publication in 1966, Fletcher’s work was hailed by many as a much needed reformation of morality and as an invitation to anarchy by others. Proposing an ethic of “loving concerns” Fletcher suggests that certain acts, such as lying, adultery, and killing, may be morally right, depending on the circumstances. Fletcher’s provocative thesis remains a powerful force in contemporary discussions of morality.

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    • Nature And Destiny Of Man 1


      Reissue of Niebuhr’s immensely influential masterpiece. Anthropology was Niebuhr’s strongest suit, and this powerful overview highlights creation, the fall, the tension between finis and telos, pride and sensuality, hence the ambiguity of all social institutions.

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    • Economic Justice : Selections From Distributive Justice And A Living Wage


      During the first half of the twentieth century, John A. Ryan advocated minimum wage legislation and child labor restrictions and was very much involved in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. More closely connected with the makers of national economic policy as a Catholic moral theologian than his better-known Protestant contemporaries. Walter Rauschenbusch and Reinhold Niebuhr, his influence has been extensive in American public policy. This volume brings to readers pertinent selections from Ryan’s classic works. It will be particularly relevant to today’s readers concerned about the place of religious faith in economic policy.

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    • Reconstructing Christian Ethics


      One of the major British theologians and ethicists of the nineteenth century, F. D. Maurice was a forerunner of the contemporary ecumenical movement. His writings and work were an articulation of his theology, which emphasizes the inclusiveness of Christianity despite ideological divisions within the Christian community. Maurice proposed a primary unifying principle, based on the dynamic love of God for humankind in all its diversity, that would bring the various Christian traditions into a catholic whole. This volume brings to readers a selection of Maurice’s moral writings based on his theological worldview. It is the only anthology of his ethical writings currently available.

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    • Morality And Beyond


      This work confronts the age-old question of how the moral is related to the religious. In particular, Tillich addresses the conflict between reason-determined ethics and faith-determined ethics and shows that neither is dependent on the other but that each alone is inadequate. Instead, Tillich reveals to us the gift that came with the arrival of Christ: a new reality that offers a power of being in which we can participate and out of which true thought and right action are possible. Paul Tillich (1886-1965) taught at several German universities before emigrating to the United States. In the United States, Tillich taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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    • Feminist Theological Ethics


      This reader documents ongoing feminist ethical and theological discussions on a wide range of issues including womanist, mujerista, and ecofeminist. Volume includes contributions from over twenty distinguished women scholars.

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    • Holy Spirit And The Christian Life


      This rare volume provides a concise statement of the major ideas of one of the greatest Protestant thinkers of the twen tieth century, Karl Barth. Divided into three parts, it presents Barth’s lecture ” The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life”. Discussion begins with the unity of the persons of the Trinity and the implications this unity has for human conduct This volume emphasizes Barth’s focus on the trinitarian char acter of God’s self-revelation. Barth insists there is no way to get behind or beyond the fact that God is revealed to us in three distinct ways, yet with a unity that cannot be divided. He claims that we can finally look only to God’s self-disclosure as the reliable basis for Christian ethics.

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    • Radical Monotheism And Western Culture


      This classic work of H. RICHARD NIEBUHR, one of the most influential theological ethicists of the 20th century, anticipates the substance of his mature thinking. NIEBUHR provides a thorough analysis of faith as confidence and loyalty and the forms as henotheism, polytheism, and radical monotheism. He answers directly the question “How is faith in God possible?”

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    • Basic Christian Ethics


      This series focuses on what it means to think theologically and ethically. It presents a selection of important, otherwise unavailable texts – English – language texts and translations that have fallen out of print, new translations, and collections of significant statements about problems and themes of special importance – in an easily accessible form. With these volumes scholars and teachers will be able to use classic texts more extensively as they train new generations of theolgians, ethicists, and ministers.

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    • Religious Liberty : Catholic Struggles With Pluralism


      Includes Murray’s most important statements on religious freedom and two essays. One on religious freedom, originally suppressed by the Vatican and published here for the first time. The second is a discussion on human dignity – how it is defined and how it functions as the phiolsophical foundation of religious freedom, newly translated into English. This fascinating collection will help readers look back at past struggles over religious liberty and forward to dilemnas presently facing the church

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    • War In The 20th Century


      This timely anthology of important statements by Christian ethicists and ecclesial groups who draw upon the just-war tradition reviews the rationale for war in the twentieth century. Included are writings from Niebuhrs, the Calhoun Commission, John Ford, Elizabeth Anscombe, Paul Ramsey, Ralph Potter, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and the U.S. Methodist Bishops. These authors, whose ideas reflect diverse trends in Roman Catholic and Protestant ethics spanning the period from the Manchurian crisis in the early 1930s to the Persian Gulf War in 1991, have sought to sharpen our moral literacy about the ethics of war. They address issues relevanct to modern warfare – obliteration bombing, selective conscientious objection, and nuclear deterrence.

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    • Love And Justice


      The relationship between Christian love and justice was, for Reinhold Niebuhr, the most important issue in the modern world. In this book, there are 64 essays written by Niebuhr on a variety of social issues: democracy, race relations, socialized medicine, international relations, the atomic bomb, pacifism, and many others. Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was the best-known spokesman for American Neoorthodoxy. Niebuhr served as a pastor in Detroit before becoming Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Niebuhr’s theological work is characterized by a deep concern for the impact of the Christ- ian message upon society and politics. Niebuhr called his view Christian Realism.

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    • Christianity And The Social Crisis


      Walter Rauschenbusch was the primary architect of the Social Gospel, a movement that responded to the changing social and industrial conditions in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He presents, in this book, his path-breaking and prophetic interpretation of Jesus and the kingdom, and his understanding of troubling conditions that call the church to faithful witness and work toward meaningful political and economic reforms.

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