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Showing 51–94 of 94 results

  • Psychology Of Selling


    Brian Tracy, one of the top professional speakers and sales trainers in the world today, found that his most important breakthrough in selling was the discovery that it is the “Psychology of Selling” that is more important than the techniques and methods of selling.
    Tracy’s classic audio program, The Psychology of Selling, is the best-selling sales training program in history and is now available in expanded and updated book format for the first time. Salespeople will learn:

    “the inner game of selling”
    how to eliminate the fear of rejection
    how to build unshakeable self-confidence
    Salespeople, says Tracy, must learn to control their thoughts, feelings, and actions to make themselves more effective.

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  • Transforming Spirituality : Integrating Theology And Psychology (Reprinted)


    This theory-driven, interdisciplinary text explores the concept of spiritual transformation through the lenses of theology and psychology.

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  • Psicologia De Ventas – (Spanish)


    Brian Tracy, uno de los conferencistas profesionales e instructor de ventas mas destacado del mundo hoy en dia, se dio cuenta que su logro o adelanto mas importante en las ventas fue el descubrimiento de que “la Psicologia de Ventas” es mas importante que las tecnicas y los metodos de venta.El reconocido programa de Tracy, La Psicologia de ventas, es el programa de entrenamiento en ventas mas vendido de la historia. Los agentes de ventas aprenderan: El “juego interno” de las ventas Como eliminar el temor al rechazo Como construir una autoestima inquebrantable Los vendedores, dice Tracy, deben aprender a controlar sus pensamientos, sus sentimientos, y sus acciones si desean ser mas efectivos.

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  • Survival Guide For Working With Bad Bosses


    Being saddled with a terrible supervisor can turn even the best job into a nightmare. Unfortunately, not every boss is the great symbol of managerial perfection one would hope for. In fact, more people than not consider themselves stuck with a “bad boss.” But short of remaining miserable or quitting a job, what can be done about it? A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses provides readers with savvy, practical advice for coping with managers and supervisors who are mean, incompetent, unethical, and worse. The book includes powerful strategies for not only working with — but thriving under — such bad boss types as: * The Great Betrayers — how to defend yourself against a corporate backstabber * The Know-Nothing Bosses — what to do when a boss is clueless * The Bad Communicators — how to respond when a boss is consistently unclear Whether a boss is high-strung, incompetent, or a power-mad tyrant, this book has the solution.

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  • Experiencing Healing Prayer


    One restless night Rick Richardson was disturbed throughout his sleep by an image of a man coming at him with a knife. Taking that image seriously set Rick on a profound journey of healing and prayer around issues of masculinity and relationships.

    Sometimes we feel spiritually numb, find ourselves emotionally dependent, struggle with addictive behavior, or see a trail of broken relationships behind us. These can be signs that we are in need of God’s healing touch in our lives through prayer–prayer that we can learn and practice in community. In this biblical and very human book, Richardson walks us through the steps we need to receive this gift of healing from God as well as to begin praying for others in their pain.

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  • Travelers Gift : Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success


    A unique blend of fiction, history, allegory, and inspiration, The Traveler’s Gift has motivated tens of thousands since its release in late 2002. Now this wildly successful parable is available in an affordable trade paper edition.

    David Ponder’s lost his job, his confidence, and his will to live. And just when it seems that things can’t get any worse, they do: his only child falls ill, and he’s involved in a serious car accident. But a divine adventure that includes encounters with seven of history’s most inspirational characters, among them Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus, leaves him with a glimpse of life’s big picture, and seven bits of wisdom with which to confront his future.

    This thought-provoking book encourages readers of all ages to reach their full potential using these simple keys to success.

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  • Overcoming Depression (Reprinted)


    Overcoming Depression can provide healing and freedom for millions of Christians who suffer silently from depression. This Christ-centered road map to recovery balances spiritual and physical symptoms, leading those with depression, and those in the church who must help them, to both a thorough understanding and a comprehensive treatment. Now is the time to get Overcoming Depression into the hands of Christians everywhere, helping those who are desperately in need of its powerful and life-changing message.

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  • Spiritual Direction And The Care Of Souls


    Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner, along with a team of expert contributors, provide a comprehensive survey of spiritual direction in its myriad Christian forms. Specific chapters offer careful historical perspective and contemporary analysis of how Christians from various backgrounds have practiced spiritual direction, with particular attention to each tradition’s definition of spiritual direction, the process of authentic transformation, the role of the spiritual direction, indicators of mature spirituality and other aspects of the spiritual direction process. Chapters also provide psychological and clinical insight into how spiritual direction is similar to, different from and can be integrated with psychotherapy and pastoral counseling. Spiritual direction holds the potential to revolutionize how soul care is practiced in our troubled society. This volume is an extraordinary resource for understanding and helping others experience spiritual transformation and union with God.

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  • Forgiving And Reconciling (Revised)


    Psychologist and counselor Everett Worthington, the leading Christian researcher on forgiveness, says that forgiving is a gift we give to others. When we offer forgiveness to others as an altruistic gift, it is more effective than when we forgive only for our own benefit in an effort to “get over” the hurt. True forgiveness is accomplished through a careful process of understanding both the offense and the offender, and taking active steps to forgiveness. In this insightful and practical book, Worthington provides a clinically proven stategy and a wealth of resources for moving toward forgiveness.

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  • Emotions Can You Trust Them (Reprinted)


    Dr. James Dobson provides practical guidelines and simple steps to help anyone understand their emotions so that they can improve interaction with others. Love, anger, and guilt are emotions that can be a very positive force in our lives if we lean to recognize and cope with these aspects of who we are. The sound teaching of this book will help dispel the myths surrounding the way we thing about our emotions and will separate distorted thinking from the real thing. Learn how to interpret and understand a broad range of emotions and separate fantasy from reality.

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  • Strength In Weakness


    Help and hope for men . . .
    undermined by silent fathers
    harassed by pornography and sexual temptation
    afraid of failing those they love most
    angered by past relationships with women

    Help and hope for women . . .
    lost in their relationships with others
    betrayed by fathers, husbands or male leaders
    wounded by sexual assault
    paralyzed by self-hatred

    Andrew Comiskey sees our weakness as “a threshold for holy power”–the point at which God can meet us for healing and equip us for service. He has seen it happen again and again. During many years of ministry, Comiskey, his wife, Annette, and their fellow “strugglers” have accompanied hundreds of wounded men and women to transformation at the cross of Christ. Telling real-life stories of despair, hope and lasting change, Comiskey lays out the foundations for healing from relational and sexual sin. With chapters focusing on particular areas of vulnerability for men and women, on the battle over homosexuality in church and culture, and on the essential role of the church in ongoing healing, Strength in Weakness makes clear the way to the cross–God’s sufficient answer to our deepest needs.

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  • Identity And Experience In The New Testament


    How do the New Testament documents present issues of passion, will, identity, and perception? How did the earliest followers of Jesus understand their experiences, behaviors, and suffering? These questions and more are addressed in this stimulating work by one of the most productive Continental New Testament scholars. Rather than approaching the New Testament with a Freudian, Jungian, or other modern psychological theory, Berger illuminates historically how peoples of the first century described their human experiences in relation to their encounters with God, Christ, demons, and the power of their own desires and will.

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  • E LT2 : The Theory Of Human Proclivity


    Proclivity is the propensity for action. Human proclivity defines the natural tendency or inclination that drives the human creature to act. Understanding why we do what we do is critical to understanding the world around us and changing it or changing ourselves. To take the position that all human actions are simple behavioral responses to the environment or are innate biological responses is not completely accurate. Proceeding from the premise that relationships are contractual is also fallacious. So is the erroneous assumption that changing our lives or ourselves is best accomplished by mimicking or imitating certain behaviors or habits, yet legions of people are encouraged to do so on a daily basis. Bearing in mind that every behavior has reason and a purpose, or a desired intent, such disingenuous behavior could be considered deceitful by nature. So why is this premise advocated as the cornerstone of popular leadership, management, motivational, and success literature, models, and schools? As it relates to human interactions or relationships, intentions are not always easily discerned as our perceptions are subject to control. There is something terribly wrong here. Not everything is as it seems.

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  • Looking For Jonathan


    This is the story of how Jonathan was saved from the nightmare of Attention Deficit Disorder and the protocol for the simple focusing exercise which pulled him to safety. When parents discover their child has the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder, fear is often their first response. The mind of Christ, however, demands that we do not worry (Matthew 6:25-34). When you rely on His wisdom, miracles can happen. This father heard the cries of a child who was lost and was given a focusing exercise which transformed his son and allowed him to be all that God made him to be.

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  • Psychology In Christian Perspective (Reprinted)


    This book follows the standard progression of introductory psychology textbooks and adds a Christian perspective that contributes needed diversity to the study of the mind and behavior. Topics range from ESP to moral development.

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  • Care For The Soul


    Nineteen psychologists and theologians look at the boundaries between science and religion, trying to find common ground in an area fraught with controversy. How does modern psychology’s approach differ from the age-old techniques used by clergy? What can each side learn from the other?

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  • Limites – (Spanish)


    Is your life out of control? Do people take advantage of you? Do you have trouble saying no? Are you disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers? Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries helps us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances. Mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts and opinions. Emotional boundaries help us deal with our own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others. Spiritual boundaries help us distinguish God’s will from our own and give us renewed awe for our Creator. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer biblically based answers to tough questions, showing us how to set healthy boundaries with our parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

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  • Resurrecting The Person


    In Resurrecting The Person, John Swinton argues that while mental illnesses are often biological and genetic in orgin, the real handicap experienced by individuals is imposed by the types of reactions, values, and attitudes which are typical of contemporary western society. In other words, how a mental illness is experienced has much to do with how it is socially constructed.

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  • Freedom From Depression Workbook (Workbook)


    Twelve Steps to Managing Depression
    1. You Can Identify Your Depression
    2. Anger Turned Inward
    3. The Other Side of Anger
    4. Inadequacy Feelings Settle In
    5. Coming to Terms with Abuse
    6. Grief Reactions
    7. Finding Release from Control
    8. Accepting Ugly Reality
    9. How Personality Styles Affect Depression
    10. Evaluate Your Medical Needs
    11. Be Honest About Suicidal Thoughts
    12. Keys to Lasting Change
    Other Books in the Minirth Meier New Life Clinics Series
    About the Authors p. 241

    About the Authors p. 241

    Additional Info
    It’s an unfortunate but unavoidable fact: Depression will seriously afflict one in four of Us at some point in our lives. Perhaps equally unfortunate are our misconceptions about depression and its causes. Depression doesn’t always mean an overwhelming sense of gloom; it can also be an underlying feelings.

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  • Personality Plus : How To Understand Others By Understanding Yourself (Reprinted


    An examination of strengths and weaknesses of the four dominant types of temperament. Includes a “personality profile” for unlocking our inner selves.

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  • Facing Autism : Giving Parents Reasons For Hope And Guidance For Help


    Perhaps one of the most devastating things parents can learn is that their child has been diagnosed with autism. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled parents and professionals alike. At one time, doctors gave parents virtually no hope for combating the disorder. But in recent years, new treatments and therapies have demonstrated that improvement is possible. With intensive, early intervention, some children have recovered from autism and have been integrated into school, indistinguishable from their peers. In this greatly needed book, author Lynn M. Hamilton draws upon her own experience of successfully parenting an autistic child to give overwhelmed moms and dads guidance, practical information, and hope for battling this disorder in their childrens lives. Parents will learn ten things they can do to begin battling autism right away, investigate cutting-edge biomedical treatments and other therapies, explore the benefits of dietary intervention, and much more as they learn how to begin the fight for their child’s future in Facing Autism.

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  • Gender And Grace


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    What does it mean to be a ”normal” woman or man? What are appropriate sex roles in marriage? In parenthood? In the workplace? Those questions have become harder and harder to answer. Van Leeuwen provides a sane, thought-provoking guide out of our confusion. After gauging the influence of biology and culture, she demonstrates that there yet remains room for a good deal of personal freedom and Christian responsibility.

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  • Kingdom Within


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060670542ISBN10: 0060670541John SanfordBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Edge Of Eternity


    Best-selling author Randy Alcorn’s gripping, action-packed, and intensely spiritual thriller, Edge Of Eternity, is now available in abridged form on audio cassette.

    A disillusioned business executive whose life has hit a dead end, Nick Seagrave has lost loved ones to tragedy and his family to neglect. Now, at a point of great crisis, he unbelievably and inexplicably finds himself transported to what appears to be another world. Suddenly he’s confronted with profoundly clear views of his own past and personality. And, he’s enabled to see, hear, taste, and smell the realities of both heaven and hell – realities that force him to face dangers and trials far greater than any he’s known before.

    Pitted against flying beasts, a monstrous web that threatens to hold him captive, an evil, brooding intelligence, and undeniable evidence of a spiritual world, Nick must finally consider the God he claims not to believe in. Walking between two worlds, Nick Seagrave prepares to make decisions that will change his life forever as he stands on the Edge Of Eternity.

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  • Lost Causes : The Romantic Attraction Of Defeated Yet Unvanquished Men And


    “Lost Causes: The Romantic Attraction of Defeated yet Unvanquished Men and Movements,” by George and Karen Grant, is a thoughtful look at several causes that captured the hearts of people, survived defeat, and ultimately out-lived their foes.

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  • Breaking Free : Understanding Sexual Addiction And The Healing Power


    The world is awash in sex. When this ever-present temptation mixes with human weaknesses and unmet needs, many get pulled into addiction to sexually sinful behavior. Is there any hope? Willingham speaks from his own experience and that of the many men he has counseled. His answer is, “Yes! There is hope.” True stories show how the principles in this book can be put into action. The essentials are spelled out in practical steps that can help people begin to break free. The author deals with such issues as: what all addicts have in common, the hunt of the malnourished heart, wrestling with shame and grace, and the healing effect of radical honesty.

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  • Fundamental Practical Theology


    Besides taking a revolutionary look at theology (“all theology is practical”), Browning shows very clearly that the embarrassed silence that has fallen between ministers and scholars is unreasonable. The four movements of practical theology drive home the deficiencies of theory-to-practice models, while the five dimensions of practical reasoning and moral thinking underscore that this way of viewing things belongs to the philosopher as much to the pastor.

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  • God Images In The Healing Process


    What does it mean when a seriously ill person has a vision or other vivid experience of God? How should a caregiver respond? Armistead sensitively explores these questions, offering practical psychological and theological guidance for pastors and counselors. Discover how to empathize with care-seekers, interpret their religious language, and more.

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  • Child Called It


    This book chronicles the unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games–games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother’s games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an “it.”

    Dave’s bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare. He had nothing or no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive–dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son.

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  • Sexual Man : Masculinity Without Guilt



    List Of Figures

    1. Male Sexuality-The Untold Story
    2. Am I Normal?
    3. Why Male Sexuality Goes Wrong
    4. How Men Think About Sex
    5. What Men Really Want From Sex
    6. Why Men Love/Hate Pornography
    7. Teenage Sexuality
    8. Sex And The Married Man
    9. Men, Sex, And The Workplace
    10. Religion And Sex
    11. Creating A Healthy Sexuality

    Appendix 1: Survey: The Heterosexual Male Experience
    Appendix 2: Where To Get Help For Sexual Problems
    Notes P. 219

    Additional Info
    What “good men” think about sex:

    “Am I oversexed?” “Why do I think such X-rated thoughts?” “What is ‘normal’ when it comes to sex?” “Do other men struggle the way I do?”

    Dr. Archibald Hart, eminent psychologist and highly acclaimed author and lecturer, addresses these and other questions men face daily in The Sexual Man: Masculinity Without Guilt. The result of research gained form confidentially surveying more than 600 men, this book de-mystifies what men secretly think and feel about male sexuality. In it, Dr. Hart reveals:
    *What satisfies men sexually and what the limits should be.
    *Sexual fears, fetishes, and failures that haunt males.
    *How to ensure healthy sexual development-from boyhood to manhood.
    *Keys to a fulfilled and guilt-free sex life.

    Based on the author’s groundbreaking nationwide research, the book refutes the current myths surrounding male sexuality and provides a psychologically sound view of what men secretly feel about:
    *love and lust
    *frequency of sex
    *sexual harassment
    *pornography, fantasy, and masturbation
    *oral sex
    *sex and aging
    *making sexual dreams come true
    *sex and religion
    *sex and the workplace
    *sex and affection
    *wives and lovers

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  • Care Of Persons Care Of Worlds


    268 Pages

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    “From the Publisher:” CARE OF PERSONS, CARE OF WORLDS by Larry Kent Graham Constructs social and systemic foundations for pastoral care.

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  • Care Of Mind Care Of Spirit


    Although secular psychology addressed a great deal about how we come to be the way we are and how we might live more efficiently, it can offer nothing in terms of why we exist or how we should use our lives,” writes Gerald May in this classic discussion of the nature of contemporary spiritual guidance and its relationship to counseling and psychiatry. For millions turning for answers to the world of the spirit, May shows how psychiatry and spiritual direction are alike, how they complement one another, and how they ultimately diverge.

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  • Transitions Through Adult Life


    26 Chapters

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    Transitions Through Adult Life is a summary of what is known about adults and how they develop. More than a book describing life’ crises, it portrays the potential of life’s transitions. It seeks to offer answers to the problems it analyzes. This book provides an overview of the various stages of adult life, what is typical in those stages, and how the church needs to be responsive to adults as they traverse the stages. The twenty-six chapters deal with young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood and most of the major events and challenges that one may encounter in those stages. Some of the specific topics include courtship, singleness, faith development, career, child-rearing, loss of loved ones, divorce, physical decline, etc. The chapters are succinct summaries of the significant dimensions of the topic calling upon existing research and the author’s own keen powers of synthesis.

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  • From Bondage To Bonding


    1. Codependency: A Self-Focused Way Of Life
    2. Self-Forfeiture: Resigned To Helplessness
    3. Self-Contempt: Inclined To Feet Worthless
    4. Self-Aggrandizement: Desperate To Control
    5. Self-Sufficiency: Determined To Stay Safe
    6. Self-Deception: Committed To Denial
    7. Fervent Longings
    8. Painful Losses
    9. Self-Protective Pretense
    10. Autonomous Independence
    11. The Healing Of Grief
    12. The Wonder Of Grace
    13. The Freedom Of Surrender
    14. Reciprocal Grace: Free To Love And Forgive
    15. Courageous Vulnerability: Free To Abandon Denial
    206 Pages
    16. Mutual Freedom: Free To Relinquish Control
    17. Spiritual Vitality: Free To Trust And Obey
    18. Sacrificial Love: Free To Risk And Suffer

    Additional Info
    Codependency is a hot topic these days; dozens of new books about it appear each month. Trouble is, many of them deal only with escaping damaging codependent relationships—not with healing and rebuilding them. Groom (author of Married Without Masks) takes a more biblical approach. In uncomplicated language, she helps you see how codependency is actually bondage to sin and how the Gospel can restore you to healthy biblical bonding with God and others.

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  • Adult Children Of Alcoholics


    Ten years ago, Janet Woititz broke new ground in our understanding of what it is to be an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. Today she re-examines the movement and its inclusion of Adult Children from various dysfunctional family backgrounds who share the same characteristics. After more than ten years of working with ACoAs she shares the recovery hints that she has found to work. Read Adult Children of Alcoholics to see where the journey began and for ideas on where to go from here.

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  • Addictive Organization


    Schaef and Fassel show how managers, workers, and organization members exhibit the classic symptoms of addiction: denying and avoiding problems, assuming that there is no other way of acting, and manipulating events to maintain the status quo.

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  • How To Help People Change


    “While touching on many aspects of counseling, this book . . . is specifically designed to elucidate the process of counseling. I have often mentioned and illustrated that process, but not in the focused and systematic way that the four-step biblical process is set forth here . . . . This book presents a fresh perspective not only on how to counsel, but also on what measures to take at what stages of counseling.” (from the Preface) Change is the essential goal of the counseling process. And Christian counselors recognize, as the author is so concerned to remind us, “Substantial change requires the alteration of the heart.” How does a Christian counselor work in order to bring about this kind of change? The answer is found, of course, in Scripture — in 2 Timothy 3:14–17, to be specific. Jay Adams is well-known as a counselor who bases his whole approach to counseling on Scripture. This book offers the interested reader an unparalleled opportunity to see both how he discovers and applies biblical principles and the way in which Scripture functions as the basis of his approach to counseling. This book answers not only the question “How does a counselor help people change?” but also “How does Scripture operate as the source of a counselor’s method?” It is a book that has much to say about the ongoing discussion of the relationship between theology and psychology in the enterprise of Christian counseling.

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  • Theology Of Christian Counseling


    A Theology of Christian Counseling is a book that connects biblical doctrine with practical living. Salvation, that central concern of Protestant theology, is often too narrowly defined. It is thought to be “being saved from the consequences of sin.” But God is doing much more. He is making something new out of the old sinful nature. He is, in Christ, making new creatures. “No counseling system that is based on some other foundation can begin to offer what Christian counseling offers . . . No matter what the problem is, no matter how greatly sin has abounded, the Christian counselor’s stance is struck by the far-more-abounding nature of the grace of Jesus Christ in redemption. What a difference this makes in counseling!” In this book the reader will gain an insight into the rich theological framework that supports and directs a biblical approach to counseling. And the connection between solid theology and practical application will become compelling. This is a one-of-a-kind. Don’t ignore it!

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  • Christian Counselors Casebook


    This companion volume to Competent to Counsel and The Christian Counselor’s Manual is designed to help the user assimilate and apply the principles of nouthetic counseling. It is an excellent tool for any Christian counselor who is striving to develop a scriptural approach to counseling. Because it is a workbook based upon actual counseling experiences, the cases are typical of the variety of problems according to biblical norms, practice in laying out biblical plans of action, and familiarity with a variety of types of problems. By working through the many cases provided, the counselor will be better able to identify and respond to the issues that typically confront Christian counselors. This is not merely a book for the classroom; it is a tool for all sorts of training and personal development programs.

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  • Social Style Management Style


    What is social style, and how can you make it work for you in a business situation? Your success at any management level depends largely on your ability to deal with other people. In this business-oriented approach to interpersonal relationships, management experts Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton show you how to assess various behavior patterns and how to use that knowledge to capitalize on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and get the results you want from others. Are you predominantly an Amiable, an Analytical, an Expressive, or a Driver? Nearly everyone, according to Boltons’ extensive research, uses on of the four basic social styles more often than the others. No style is better than any other, but each does bring with it a unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses. This book shows you not only how to recognize your particular style but also how to use that knowledge to manage others more effectively, set appropriate life goals and career paths, plan a sound self-improvement plan, increase your creativity, and more. Te best managers, claim the Boltons, excel at being what they are rather than at trying to be what they are not. If you feel that your effectiveness at work could be increased by better interpersonal skills but are tired of theories that want you to overhaul yourself to fit some uncomfortable, impersonal “”management style,”” then let Social Style/Management Style improve your dealings with others and still let you be yourself.

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  • Receiving Woman : Studies In The Psychology And Theology Of The Feminine


    This book grew out of years of reflections on real women’s experiences. From them, Ann Ulanov states, “a common voice emerged speaking about each woman’s struggle to receive all of herself. Each was trying to find and put together different parts of herself into a whole that was personal, alive, and real to herself and to others.” This book focuses on helping women “receive themselves” by rejecting stereotypes and categories and seeking out their own individuality.

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  • Lo Que Dices Recibes – (Spanish)


    Words can free the spiritual power within believers and give them love, joy, peace, happiness, success and prosperity.

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  • Basic Principles Of Biblical Counseling


    “The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative lives.” “If we are to hope for success in such immense and seriously neglected responsibility, pastors need to return to the biblical model not of ministering to their people but of equipping their people to minister to each other by using their spiritual gifts.” “Congregations need to regain that wonderful sense of ‘koinonia’ fellowship and pro practice true community.”

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  • Como Vencer La Depresion – (Spanish)


    The problem of depression has provoked an alarming crisis in our society. Dr. La Haye presents a new method to have victory over this problem and writes about the causes of depression and also about the cure.

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