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Showing 51–100 of 158 results

  • Running For Our Lives


    Empowered by the Brand New Congress initiative in 2018, evangelical pastor and progressive Republican Robb Ryerse embarked on a long-shot, grassroots congressional campaign against Steve Womack, one of the most powerful Republican incumbents in Washington, DC. After he ultimately lost his race, Ryerse worked with the Vote Common Good campaign, traveling across the United States to help turn Congress blue.

    Throughout his political journey, Ryerse gained new insights on the relationship between religion and politics in America today, the dynamics of our deep partisan divide, and the power of faithful people working for the common good. Running for Our Lives is the honest and authentic story of how one pastor tried to make a difference. Through all the joys and struggles of daring to make a stand, Ryerse shares what he’s learned about how our political identities shape us, what the role of government has in helping to meet people’s needs, and how others can get involved in politics as an expression of progressive faith.

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  • Higher Calling : Faith And Politics In The Public Square


    An exuberant autobiography that began with a fist fight at a get acquainted dance, then on to an adventurous path, cluttered with pot holes and uncertainty that took me beyond what I could ever imagine. Ultimately, it’s about how you will be remembered: is it your notable accomplishments or the values associated with who you were?

    Re-visiting my life as a congressman, I began to realize this could be the inkwell that I’d dip my quill into as I shared how becoming a Christian, plus the influence of notable leaders and plenty of serendipity that helped shaped my public persona. It was a reminder about the importance of the higher standard in serving the public interest, obviously lacking in today’s political culture.

    During my fourteen years in Congress, I witnessed first-hand the civility and trust among the leadership of both political parties that trickled down to the committee rooms and in the House Chamber that lead to notable accomplishments. My own achievements on international trade, human rights, preserving our natural resources happened only because of bipartisan support. Not so today. In the Halls of Congress and beyond (social media), it is more about radical partisanship and the special interests that reigns amok over our political system–a traumatized Congress, verifying what we don’t want to hear: this is democracy at its worst. Hopefully my book is revealing of democracy in its best form.

    For those of faith who serve in elective office, there is plenty of scrutiny, as I experienced as a Democrat. Whether it’s your adversaries, the skeptical media, or even supporters, there are lingering questions about who you are. Your moral fiber is always on the line, although some political figures manage to twist and slide and escape the judgment that they merit. And others get squarely called out and dragged before the court of public scrutiny. Hopefully, A Higher Calling well serve as a moral compass for others who must cope with their own challenges.

    My good fortune was a select number of political leaders, whose integrity and moral courage had an influence on my personal and political life that I did not fully appreciate until writing this book. A few were men of faith and others were guided by a moral compass, embracing higher standards that put the national interest first and foremost. Their actions for the common good over political and material self-interest showed me the right way.

    The act of re-living one’s past was revealing o

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  • Faith Of Mike Pence


    The Faith of Mike Pence
    Mike Pence’s faith sets him apart and defines him as a man, a husband, a father, and the vice president of the United States of America. What is the influence of Pence’s faith upon history? Can he really apply biblical truths to political decisions? How does his faith define his role as a family man and a national leader? In this incredible book, the man emerges, not just because of faith, but because in finding faith, Pence has discovered who he is and has stepped forward to become the man God has called him to be.

    In this favorable look at the faith of the nation’s vice president, author Leslie Montgomery, who penned The Faith of Condoleezza Rice, details Pence’s spiritual journey and discusses how it shapes his role in everyday life. To understand his brand of faith, Montgomery traces his family legacy, his boyhood in Columbus, Indiana, his years as an Irish, Roman Catholic, and then how he gave his life to Jesus as his personal Savior as a freshman at Hanover College.

    Pence says, “When I went off to college, I made a personal decision that put my faith in Christ. And that’s been a defining characteristic of my life ever since.”

    Mike Pence is a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made his commitment to Christ a key component in his life. Montgomery details encounters with numerous evangelistic leaders, including Billy Graham and James Dobson, that were pivotal in Pence’s spiritual growth. She also shows the role of Pence’s Christianity in running for various offices, implementing faith-based initiatives, and responding to 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the infamous Anthrax scare in Congress that directly affected him.

    The Faith of Mike Pence is a powerful account of one of the most conservative vice presidents in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from friends, family, and colleagues. It is a serious and moving reflection from one of America’s most admired and respected politicians.

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  • Political Visions And Illusions


    What you believe about politics matters. The decades since the Cold War, with new alignments of post-9/11 global politics and the chaos of the late 2010s, are swirling with alternative visions of political life, ranging from ethnic nationalism to individualistic liberalism.

    Political ideologies are not merely a matter of governmental efficacy, but are intrinsically and inescapably religious: each carries certain assumptions about the nature of reality, individuals and society, as well as a particular vision for the common good. These fundamental beliefs transcend the political sphere, and the astute Christian observer can discern the ways-sometimes subtle, sometimes not-in which ideologies are rooted in idolatrous worldviews.

    In this freshly updated, comprehensive study, political scientist David Koyzis surveys the key political ideologies of our era, including liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, democracy, and socialism. Koyzis gives each philosophy careful analysis and fair critique, unpacking the worldview issues inherent to each and pointing out essential strengths and weaknesses, as well as revealing the “narrative structure” of each-the stories they tell to make sense of public life and the direction of history. Koyzis concludes by proposing alternative models that flow out of Christianity’s historic engagement with the public square, retrieving approaches for both individuals and the global, institutional church that hold promise for the complex political realities of the twenty-first century.

    Writing with broad international perspective and keen analytical insight, Koyzis is a sane and sensible guide for Christians working in the public square, culture watchers, political pundits, and all students of modern political thought.

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  • Possibility Of America


    Published in the years following 9/11, David Dark’s book The Gospel according to America warned American Christianity about the false worship that conflates love of country with love of God. It delved deeply into the political divide that had gripped the country and the cultural captivity into which so many American churches had fallen.

    In our current political season, the problems Dark identified have blossomed. The assessment he brought to these problems and the creative resources for resisting them are now more important than ever. Into this new political landscape and expanding on the analysis of The Gospel according to America, Dark offers The Possibility of America: How the Gospel Can Mend Our God-Blessed, God-Forsaken Land. Dark expands his vision of a fractured yet redeemable American Christianity, bringing his signature mix of theological, cultural, and political analysis to white supremacy, evangelical surrender, and other problems of the Trump era.

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  • 12 Lies That Hold America Captive


    Introduction: The Lies That Bind
    Lie 1: We Are A Christian Nation
    Lie 2: We Are All Immigrants
    Lie 3: We Are A Melting Pot
    Lie 4: All Men Are Created Equal
    Lie 5: We Are A Great Democracy
    Lie 6: The American Dream Is Alive And Well
    Lie 7: We Are The Most Prosperous Nation In The World
    Lie 8: We Are The Most Generous People In The World
    Lie 9: We Are The Land Of The Free
    Lie 10: We Are The Home Of The Brave
    Lie 11: America Is The Greatest Country On Earth
    Lie 12: We Are One Nation
    Conclusion: Leaving Our Nets To Follow Jesus
    Appendix 1: Poem Exercise
    Appendix 2: Ethnic Identity Interview
    Appendix 3: Lament, Confess, Repent, Reconcile

    Additional Info
    “America is a Christian nation.”

    “All men are created equal.”

    “We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

    Except when we’re not.

    These commonly held ideas break down in the light of hard realities, the study of Scripture, and faithful Christian witness. The president is not the messiah, the Constitution is not the Bible, and the United States is not a city on a hill or the hope for the world. The proclaimed hope of America rings most hollow for Native peoples, people of color, the rural poor, and other communities pressed to the margins.

    Jonathan Walton exposes the cultural myths and misconceptions about America’s identity. Focusing on its manipulation of Scripture and the person of Jesus, he redirects us to the true promises found in the gospel. Walton identifies how American ideology and way of life has become a false religion, and shows that orienting our lives around American nationalism is idolatry. Our cultural notions of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are at odds with the call to take up our cross and follow Jesus.

    Ultimately, our place in America is distinct from our place in the family of Jesus. Discover how the kingdom of God offers true freedom and justice for all.

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  • Politics Of Ministry


    Foreword By Steven Garber
    1. Three Ministry Stories
    2. The Four Dynamics Of Politics
    3. Power In Ministry Politics
    4. The Branches And Roots Of Interests
    5. Personality Interests
    6. Organizational Interests
    7. Societal Interests
    8. Negotiation With Power For Interests
    9. Negotiation In Cell Four
    10. Ethical Issues In The Politics Of Ministry
    11. Tom Moves Into A Political Swamp
    Postscript: How People Learn The Politics Of Ministry
    Appendix 1: Emotions Checklist
    Appendix 2: Constructing And Exploring A Family Diagram

    Additional Info
    We all need help navigating the politics of ministry.Politics is often considered a dirty word. It brings to mind lies and manipulation, accusations and scandals. But at its most basic level, politics is simply the everyday activity of getting things done with other people: understanding their interests, recognizing the power dynamics at play, and learning how to negotiate relationships and institutions to achieve a common goal.

    These realities are as true in ministry settings as anywhere else. In The Politics of Ministry, Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman, and Donald Guthrie combine their long ministry experience with sociological research on the topic. Filled with real-life stories taken from a variety of ministry settings, this book sets out wise principles and practices that help us see more clearly the political dynamics at play in our churches and parachurch ministries.

    All ministry is political. As servants of Christ’s kingdom, we are called to navigate the politics of ministry with grace, wisdom, and charity. This book shows us how the gospel of Jesus changes the way we work with those around us toward our common goal.

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  • They Came For Freedom


    A page-turning story of the Pilgrims, the courageous band of freedom-seekers who set out for a new life for themselves and forever changed the course of history.

    Once a year at Thanksgiving, we encounter Pilgrims as folksy people in funny hats before promptly forgetting them. In the centuries since America began, the Pilgrims have been relegated to folklore and children’s stories, fairy-tale mascots for holiday parties and greeting cards.

    The true story of the Pilgrim Fathers could not be more different. Beginning with the execution of two pastors deviating from the Elizabethan Church of England, the Pilgrims’ great journey was one of courageous faith, daring escape, and tenuous survival. Theirs is the story of refugees who fled intense religious persecution; of dreamers who voyaged the Atlantic and into the unknown when all other attempts had led to near-certain death; of survivors who struggled with newfound freedom. Loneliness led to starvation, tension gave way to war with natives, and suspicion broke the back of the very freedom they endeavored to achieve.

    Despite the pain and turmoil of this high stakes triumph, the Pilgrim Fathers built the cornerstone for a nation dedicated to faith, freedom, and thankfulness. This is the epic story of the Pilgrims, an adventure that laid the bedrock for the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the American identity.

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  • Battle For Bonhoeffer


    The figure of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) has become a clay puppet in modern American politics. Secular, radical, liberal, and evangelical interpreters variously shape and mold the martyr’s legacy to suit their own pet agendas.

    Stephen Haynes offers an incisive and clarifying perspective. A recognized Bonhoeffer expert, Haynes examines “populist” readings of Bonhoeffer, including the acclaimed biography by Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. In his analysis Haynes treats, among other things, the November 2016 election of Donald Trump and the “Bonhoeffer moment” announced by evangelicals in response to the US Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

    The Battle for Bonhoeffer includes an open letter from Haynes pointedly addressing Christians who still support Trump. Bonhoeffer’s legacy matters. Haynes redeems the life and the man.

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  • After The Election


    The role of Evangelical Christianity in American public life is controversial. The mythology of America as a “”Christian nation”” and the promissory note of secularism have proved inadequate to cope with the increasing pluralism, the resilience of spirituality, and the wariness toward formal religion that mark our post-secular age. Christianity and democracy have a complex history together, but is there a future where these two great traditions draw the best out of one another? What does that future look like in a heterogeneous society? Sanders argues that democracy is stronger when it allows all of its religious citizens to participate fully in the public sphere, and Christianity is richer when it demonstrates the wisdom of God from the ground up, rather than legislating it from the top down. In this reality, the Evangelical church must return to Christianity’s prophetic roots and see itself as a “”community in exile,”” where participation in the political is important, but not ultimate–where the substantive work of the church happens “”after the election.

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  • Still Evangelical : Insiders Reconsider Political Social And Theological Me


    Introduction: Still Evangelical? (Mark Labberton)
    1. Will Evangelicalism Surrender? (Lisa Sharon Harper)
    2. Why I Am An Evangelical (Karen Swallow Prior)
    3. A Way Forward: Recapturing Evangelical Identity And Mission (Mark Young)
    4. Evangelical Futures (Soong-Chan Rah)
    5. Theology And Orthopraxis In Twenty-First-Century Global Evangelicalism (Allen Yeh)
    6. Looking For Unity In All The Wrong Places (Mark Galli)
    7. Evangelicalism Must Be Born Again (Shane Claiborne)
    8. The Importance Of Listening In Today’s Evangelicalism (Jim Daly)
    9. Hope For The Next Generation (Tom Lin)

    Additional Info
    Evangelicalism in America has cracked, split on the shoals of the 2016 presidential election and its aftermath, leaving many wondering if they want to be in or out of the evangelical tribe. The contentiousness brought to the fore surrounds what it means to affirm and demonstrate evangelical Christian faith amidst the messy and polarized realities gripping our country and world. Who or what is defining the evangelical social and political vision? Is it the gospel or is it culture? For a movement that has been about the primacy of Christian faith, this is a crisis.

    This collection of essays was gathered by Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Theological Seminary, who provides an introduction to the volume. What follows is a diverse and provocative set of perspectives and reflections from evangelical insiders who wrestle with their responses to the question of what it means to be evangelical in light of their convictions.

    Contributors include:

    Shane Claiborne, Red Letter Christians
    Lisa Sharon Harper,
    Soong-Chan Rah, North Park University
    Jim Daly, Focus on the Family
    Karen Swallow Prior, Liberty University
    Mark Galli, Christianity Today
    Tom Lin, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
    Allen Yeh, Biola University
    Mark Young, Denver Seminary

    Referring to oneself as evangelical cannot be merely a congratulatory self-description. It must instead be a commitment and aspiration guided by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. What now are Christ’s followers called to do in response to this identity crisis?

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  • Reclaiming Hope : Lessons Learned In The Obama White House About The Future


    Learn how the seeds of the Trump presidency were sown in the Obama White House.

    In this unvarnished account of faith inside the world’s most powerful office, Michael Wear provides unprecedented insight into the highs and lows of working as a Christian in government. Reclaiming Hope is an insider’s view of the most controversial episodes of the Obama administration, from the president’s change of position on gay marriage and the transformation of religious freedom into a partisan idea, to the administration’s failure to find common ground on abortion and the bitter controversy over who would give the benediction at the 2012 inauguration.

    The book is also a passionate call for faith in the public square, particularly for Christians to see politics as a means of loving one’s neighbor and of pursuing justice for all. Engrossing, illuminating, and at time provocative, Reclaiming Hope changes the way we think about the relationship of politics and faith.

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  • God Bless America


    Total Health

    The Great Sign of Revelation 12 on September 23, 2017, points to spring 2018 when God bless America will be relevant to impending judgment in the U.S. as in Egypt for its abominations like abortion and same-sex marriage.

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  • Pro Choice And Christian


    Despite the claim by many Christian leaders that the pro-life/antiabortion position is the only faithful response to the debate about reproductive rights, many people of faith find themselves in a murky middle of this supposedly black-and-white issue. Christians who are pro-abortion rights are rarely pro-abortion. However, they view the decision to carry a pregnancy to term as one to be made by the woman, her medical team, her family, or personal counsel rather than by politicians.

    Pro-Choice and Christian explores the biblical, theological, political, and medical aspects of the debate in order to provide a thoughtful Christian argument for a pro-choice position with regard to abortion issues. Kira Schlesinger considers relevant Scriptures, the politics of abortion in the United States, and the human realities making abortion a vital issue of justice and compassion. By examining choice from a Christian perspective, Schlesinger provides a common vocabulary for discussing faith and reproductive rights.

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  • Last Christians : Stories Of Persecution Flight And Resilience In The Middl


    A Westerner’s travels among the persecuted and displaced Christian remnant in Iraq and Syria teach him much about faith under fire.
    After three years of construction, the new Armenian church in Mosul, Iraq, was finally ready for the dedication ceremony. Instead, the architect Ziyad Hani found himself a witness as Islamic extremists dynamited the beautifully designed sanctuary. Still today, the pain can be seen in his face. As a Christian, he has fled his hometown and lives in Germany.
    In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State, or ISIS, has been deliberately destroying the culture of a region that is the cradle of our own society’s spiritual roots. Andreas Knapp, a priest who works with refugees in Germany, decided to retrace the refugee trail, visiting camps for displaced people in northern Iraq. Here he found Christians who today still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The uprooted remnant of ancient churches, they doggedly continue to practice their faith despite the odds. Their shocking eyewitness reports help us understand why millions of people are fleeing the Middle East. And their indomitable spirit provides inspiration to religious minorities everywhere.

    Includes sixteen pages of color photographs.

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  • Beyond The Modern Age


    The modern age has produced global crises that modernity itself seems incapable of resolving-deregulated capitalism, consumerism, economic inequality, militarization, overworked laborers, environmental destruction, insufficient health care, and many other problems. The future of our world depends on moving beyond the modern age. Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew have spent decades listening to their students and reflecting on modern thought and society. In Beyond the Modern Age they explore the complexities and challenges of our time. Modernity is not one thing but many, encompassing multiple worldviews that contain both the source of our problems and the potential resources for transcending our present situation. Through an archaeological investigation and critique of four modern worldviews, Goudzwaard and Bartholomew demonstrate the need for new ways of thinking and living that overcome the relentless drive of progress. They find guidance in the work of Rene Girard on desire, Abraham Kuyper on pluralism and poverty, and Philip Rieff on culture and religion. These and other thinkers point the way towards a solution to the crises that confront the world today. Beyond the Modern Age is a work of grand vision and profound insight. Goudzwaard and Bartholomew do not settle for simplistic analysis and easy answers but press for nuanced engagement with the ideologies and worldviews that shape the modern age. The problems we face today require an honest, interdisciplinary, and global dialogue. Beyond the Modern Age invites us to the table and points the way forward.

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  • Reliant : Why Would A Good God Let This Happen To Us


    When the dollar collapses, widespread rioting and looting threaten the peace of a family in Zanesville, Ohio. Eight children tragically lose their parents in the chaos. The oldest, 19-year-old lovesick Sophie, is forced to care for her defenseless and hungry siblings in a stretch of woods surrounded by lawless anarchy. Their father has been killed, and their mother and Adam, Sophie’s fiance, have gone missing. Running out of food and facing threats from encroaching marauders, they are tempted to doubt God’s love.

    When Adam is found and Sophie discovers he has resorted to looting to survive, she cannot bring herself to forgive him, however hard he tries to make amends. Must he sacrifice everything to win her back?

    When the group captures a thief, they learn the attack on their home was no random act of violence. Torn between justice and mercy, with their allies turning against them, their faith is heated in the fire.

    Will God answer their prayers and deliver them, or must their faith remain blind to facts?

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  • Under Siege Mar


    Writing from the perspective of a student of life, history, law, politics, and theology, Don Hutchinson draws on all of these areas in ‘Under Siege’ to offer perceptive insight into the Christian Church of today’s Canada. The reader will receive the benefit of his thirty years of church leadership, Christian witness, constitutional law, and public policy experience to gain a practical understanding of how we, the Church, may cast the deciding votes on the future of Christianity in our constitutionally guaranteed ‘free and democratic society.’

    How did we get here? What happened to ‘Christian’ Canada? Do we not have ‘Charter’ rights like everyone else? What does the Bible say?

    Many Christians sense that an advancing secularism is trying to force upon Canadians a culture in which faith is meant to be private. Hutchinson presents historic, legal, and theological grounds for us not to hide our faith in stained-glass closets, but instead to enter Canada’s contested public space with confidence. Together as individual Christians, congregations, denominations, and para- congregational ministries, we are the Church in Canada. And together we have the capacity to impact the nation for God’s good, the good of our neighbours, and the good of ourselves. Will we?

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  • United States Of America Government Religion Christianity Law Illegalities


    Every concerned citizen will enjoy and be very encouraged by the good and accurate historical records of the United States of America. Lies have infiltrated so vastly and so deeply into the society that even the educational institutions have become deceived and warped, so that the students are then receiving passed-down versions that are, as said, lies.
    Some folk are deceived innocently, some willingly; some know it and want it. Many folk are so busy with all the cares of life that they passively accept it. A false peace has set in, and yet it is not peace as we are so alertly observing. Values of the heart need care, as to whether they are right values, and those values are then displayed by posts of the government. Every citizen needs to know what the true historical experience and record is, what governmental structure was established in the USA, what it is all about, and how it really is and operates. Because we are all interested in the spiritual activity of life, then we will be so inspired therein. This is a very different and correct account of the real USA Government, its history, and its establishment.

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  • Discover Your Source


    In 2017 America inaugurated the 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump, an outsider to the White House.The battle now begins between the two systems of the world.
    The first system is the man-made system of the world. It is based upon selfishness, greed, and deception.

    The second system is the Kingdom system. It is based upon loving, giving, and the truth.

    This book will help you understand the battle that is to come and the reason it will be won by the ideology of truth.

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  • Discover Your Source


    In 2017 America inaugurated the 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump, an outsider to the White House.The battle now begins between the two systems of the world.
    The first system is the man-made system of the world. It is based upon selfishness, greed, and deception.

    The second system is the Kingdom system. It is based upon loving, giving, and the truth.

    This book will help you understand the battle that is to come and the reason it will be won by the ideology of truth.

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  • Democracy In America


    As debates rage over the future of America and the country’s relationship to its past, there is no better time to examine the American culture from the perspective of a nineteenth century French thinker and student of democracy. Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, written in French in the early 19th century, is seen as a classic of American political and cultural studies. However, the expansive 2-volume original has never seen an accessible version that remains true to the original text. This new abridgement of Francis Bowen’s 1864 translation keeps Tocqueville’s thought intact. All chapters have been retained and no sentences have been divided. This volume offers a clear window into American political history and a concise approach to this classic outsider’s perspective on the United States. A new introduction by editor John D. Wilsey further interprets and applies Tocqueville’s thought for the modern student of American institutions, politics, religion, and society.

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  • Peace Maker : A Novel


    A modern-day, politically charged novel based on the story of David and Abigail in the Bible’s First Book of Samuel

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  • Wesley And Anglicans


    Why did the Wesleyan Methodists and the Anglican evangelicals divide during the middle third of the eighteenth century? Many would argue that the division between was based narrowly on theological matters, especially predestination and perfection. Danker suggests, however, that politics was a major factor throughout driving the Wesleyan Methodists and Anglican evangelicals apart. Methodism was perceived to be linked with the radical and seditious politics of the Cromwellian period. This was a charged claim in a post-Restoration England. Likewise he explores the political force of resurgent Tory influence under George III which exerted more pressure on evangelicals to prove their loyalty to the Establishment. These political realities made it hard for evangelicals in the Church of England to cooperate with Wesley and meant that all their theological debates were politically infected. Rich in detail, this book traces the personalities involved along with the relative importance of canon law (“regularity”), public criticism and episcopal censure, parochial boundaries, lay ordination and sacramental administration, and alternative theological visions related to the Church of England. Here is a book for all who seek deeper insight into a critical juncture in the development of evangelicalism and early Methodism.

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  • When I Am President


    America is in turmoil and moving toward total abandonment of the Godly principles upon which it was founded. Our once great nation is headed toward the scourge of socialism and anarchy with its Government running over the people. Can it be saved? What / Who can lead it to reverse its path and away from the abyss? Have we passed the point of no return? Radical change is required with a leader who will confront the strong tyrants who rule the day. This is the way / This is the leader!

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  • MacClinton


    “When a citizen gives his suffrage [vote] to a man of known immorality, he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country.” (Noah Webster) Although Webster wrote this statement almost two hundred years ago, it is good advice for us today. MacClinton illustrates this warning as it recounts Bill and Hillary’s immorality, scandals, and cover-ups in an entertaining and enlightening way. From the opening scene with the three *itches meeting Bill MacClinton to the closing scene of George W. Bush’s presidential election victory, you’ll view Bill’s political career and Hillary’s cover-ups for her political ambition in a new light. The preponderance of evidence against the Clintons as fit leaders of America should motivate you to investigate political candidates more closely before voting for anyone who will betray the interest of our country.

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  • Faith In The Voting Booth


    Faith in the Voting Booth by National Association of Evangelicals leaders Leith Anderson and Galen Carey will help you clarify your own positions in light of your faith before you enter the voting booth. Anderson and Carey show that biblical wisdom is surprisingly relevant to today’s complex political issues. Each voting decision should be thoughtfully and prayerfully approached.

    This book does not tell you how to vote. Instead it will help you resist clever campaign slogans and television ads designed to make you angry or afraid. Faith in the Voting Booth provides general principles to guide you in 2016 and for years to come.

    As informed faith leaders, Anderson and Carey not only identify the issues but also help you reflect biblically on how to vote. It is a book that will keep people of faith up to date and ready to vote with confidence and wisdom.

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  • Time For Action


    America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, by moral leaders, by pastors and God-fearing men and women. The first settlers were committed Christians seeking refuge from religious persecution abroad. In the last hundred years, America has been on a slippery slope, moving away from its founding principles, and in large part with little resistance from the Church.

    In A Time for Action, Rafael Cruz presents a simple underlying message: For Christians, Jesus Christ should be the foundation of the lives they build and they should be active in making a difference in the world around them. In practical terms, that means we should strive for a free society that respects each of God’s children; we should embrace the Judeo-Christian values of love, joy, and peace; and we should seek a relationship with the living God. It means people of faith should actively participate in the political process in order to combat the debilitating and deceptive progressive mantra that there should be a separation of church and state.

    A Time for Action is the story or one man’s quest for refuge from Cuban persecution to realizing the American dream. It is a story about one man finding true freedom that comes from faith in Jesus Christ. It is the story of this great nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and why it has fallen from grace. It is a wake-up call to the faithful across the land to step up to the challenge of entering the public arena and taking on the forces at work to destroy the guiding principles that made this country great. Religious people must saddle up. They must vote and volunteer and campaign. They must get in the political game. The followers of Christ are, in His words, “the light of world.” But for a light to have its effect, it has to shine in the darkness. That’s why our mission is “to declare,” as St. Paul said, “the whole counsel of God.” If we instead remain silent, we have to answer to God for our silence.

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  • 5 Views On The Church And Politics


    Few topics can grab headlines and stir passions quite like politics, especially when the church is involved. Considering the attention that many Christian parachurch groups, churches, and individual believers give to politics-and of the varying and sometimes divergent political ideals and aims among them-Five Views on the Church and Politics provides a helpful breakdown of the possible Christian approaches. Readers will find themselves equipped to think more deeply about the relationship between church and state in a way that goes beyond mere policy debates and current campaigns. General Editor Amy Black brings together five top-notch political theologians in the book, each representing one of the five key political traditions within Christianity:
    *Anabaptist (Separationist)-Thomas Heilke
    *Lutheran (Two Kingdom)-Robert Benne
    *Catholic (In Tension)-J. Brian Benestad
    *Reformed (Integrationist)-James K. A. Smith
    *Black Church (Prophetic)-Bruce Fields

    Each author addresses his tradition’s theological distinctives, the role of government, the place of individual Christian participation in government and politics, and how churches should (or should not) address political questions. Responses by each contributor to opposing views will highlight key areas of difference and disagreement. Thorough and even-handed, Five Views on the Church and Politics will enable readers to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the most significant Christian views on political engagement and to draw their own, informed conclusions.

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  • American Exceptionalism And Civil Religion


    List Of Illustrations
    Introduction: Exceptionalism And Civil Religion
    1. The Origins Of American Exceptionalism
    2. Expansion, Slavery And Two American Exceptionalisms
    3. The Chosen Nation
    4. The Commissioned Nation
    5. The Innocent Nation
    6. The Nation And Her Land
    7. The Glorious Nation
    8. Open Exceptionalism And Civic Engagement

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    Ever since John Winthrop told his fellow colonists in 1630 that they were about to establish a City upon a Hill, the idea of having a special place in history has captured the American imagination. Through centuries of crises and opportunities, many have taken up this theme to inspire the nation. But others have criticized the notion because it implies a sense of superiority which can fuel racism, warmongering and even idolatry.

    In this remarkable book, John Wilsey traces the historical development of exceptionalism, including its theological meaning and implications for civil religion. From seventeenth-century Puritans to twentieth-century industrialists, from politicians to educators, exceptionalism does not appear as a monolithic concept to be either totally rejected or devotedly embraced. While it can lead to abuses, it can also point to constructive civil engagement and human flourishing. This book considers historically and theologically what makes the difference.

    Neither the term nor the idea of American exceptionalism is going away. John Wilsey’s careful history and analysis will therefore prove an important touchstone for discussions of American identity in the decades to come.

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  • Kings And Presidents


    This book may not be the kind of thing you can discuss in polite company. How do we deal with it? What if a faithful approach to politics wasn’t simply about who was going to win the next election? How might our political hope change when we encounter a God who offers us a different kind of kingdom?

    God isn’t asking the church to be politically uniformed, apathetic, or even bi-partisan. On the contrary. God is asking us to be faithful citizens of the kingdom-a kingdom of surprising hope where the majority of God’s work to save the world will be done.

    In Kings and Presidents, authors Tim Gaines and Shawna Songer Gaines helps us recast our political hope by challenging the claim that history is written exclusively by the powerful. Through a careful study of 2 Kings, we will find that trusting in God’s faithfulness is plenty political, and it has real implications for our communities, the world, and the kind of political hope we can find in it all.

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  • How To Oust A King


    Scott Killian
    An inspiring tale of how to defeat corrupt leadership in America today. Challenges with corrupt authority, money, voting and more reveal surprising solutions of hope and change. A straight-to-the-point eye opener confronting topics few are willing to discuss but in a fun way people of all ages will enjoy. Don’t miss this urgent message of hope!

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  • Islam And Terrorism Revised And Updated Edition (Revised)


    Gabriel says that terrorists are practicing Islam just as Muhammad intended. As a child, Gabriel grew up in a Muslim family in Egypt and was heavily indoctrinated. By the age of twelve he had memorized the entire Qur’an. He went on to become a top student at the most prestigious Islamic university in the world, Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt. As a student and professor of Islamic history, he rubbed shoulders with those who are at the forefront of propagating the tenets of Islamic terrorism. He actually took classes with Sheik Umar Abd al-Rahman, who was convicted of masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bomb attack and is now in prison. In this eye-opening book Gabriel explains:
    *How Islam was influenced by the warlike Arabian culture of the 7th century
    *Atrocities committed by Muhammad in the name of Allah
    *The story of the Egyptian student who came to study education in America and went on to write the first handbook of terrorism in the twentieth century
    *The prominence of jihad (war against infidels) in Islamic theology
    *How Egyptian fundamentalists murdered and robbed Christians to raise funds for terrorism
    *The difference between a moderate Muslim and a fundamentalist Muslim

    For the readers of this book, the motive behind Islamic world activity will no longer be a mystery. Each action is rooted in the philosophy of Islam. Now both the Christian and the political world must decide how to react to Muhammad’s revelation.

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  • Peace In Jerusalem But The Battle Is Not Over Yet


    Olive Press Messianic (

    HERE IS A MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE POLITICIANS OR BUREAUCRATS! Amidst the ongoing turmoil of the Middle East, where virtual civil wars are erupting on every side, a remarkable peace process is taking place. Charles Gardner has witnessed Arab and Jew embracing one another in the name of the One who has bought such reconciliation with the blood he shed on a Roman cross outside Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. And he concludes that it is only through this ‘Prince of Peace’ that the seemingly intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be resolved. This book, written with the pace and skill you would expect from a seasoned professional with over 40 years of experience in journalism, tells some amazing stories of modern-day Muslims having supernatural encounters with the risen Jesus – yes, He’s still alive! But the former newspaper editor and one-time London correspondent for the South African Press Association also tackles major issues surrounding the Jewish state, both historically and currently, which he believes have been seriously blurred by a liberal media bowing to political correctness. He also challenges the Church – largely succumbing to a worldly rather than Biblical view of Israel – to return to its Hebraic roots. The Cape Town-born 65-year-old author grew up in South Africa before moving to the UK where he was introduced to British society by his half-Jewish grandmother. He soon raised her ire by becoming a committed Christian and attended All Souls Church in central London before moving north to Yorkshire where he worked at senior editorial level for various newspapers over the next 30-plus years. Now retired and a regular blogger for the Times of Israel, he also volunteers in an editorial capacity for the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people, an Anglican society founded in 1809, while continuing to write prolifically for a number of publications. Peace in Jerusalem is a sequel to his first book on the subject, Israel the Chosen, available on Amazon.

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  • Death Of Reality 2015 Edition


    Paradigm Company
    The Death of Reality documents that a politically-inspired unreality has been imposed upon the American culture. The political left is making a successful assault upon reality-founded knowledge and substituting ideologically generated beliefs in in its place. These beliefs are increasingly immunized from correction by a popular new philosophy, introduced in the 1950s by the language philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, which accepts that reality is is mere opinion and not factually based. The book argues that the left has taken on a totalitarian character following its nearly complete domination of the national media and the universities. Control over information and knowledge has given it the power to enforce political unrealities in the areas of the environment, race, gender, sexual proclivities and especially in science.

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  • Forward Together : A Moral Message For The Nation


    14 Chapters

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    In 2013, after seven years of grassroots organizing, “Moral Mondays” grabbed the nation’s attention as thousands protested North Carolina’s General Assembly in Raleigh in support of the poor, voting rights, health care, immigrant rights, and other issues. Over 13 consecutive weeks, the protests against legislative extremism resulted in the arrests of nearly 1,000 people, making it one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in U.S. history. As thousands more gathered in support each Monday, Barber, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, became widely recognized as the leader of a new civil rights movement in the South. More than 100 “Forward Together-Moral Monday” connected events have since taken place, and the spirit of the movement has spread to Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, and New York.

    This reflection on the movement’s beginnings introduces Barber, the sources of his courage from both a biblical imagination for justice and a deep connection to “fusion” civil rights history, and the inspiring story of the Southern freedom movement’s revival. Barber invites readers into a big-tent, faith-based movement for justice that has room for black, white, and brown, gay and straight, rich and poor, old and young, Republicans and Democrats, people from all walks of life. Offering his unique analysis of what he has called the “Third Reconstruction,” Barber locates North Carolina’s struggle in the spiritual and political landscape of 21st-century America. With civil rights and social justice battles with a deep moral narrative, particularly in southern statehouses that then move to federal courts on appeal, what happens in North Carolina can shift the center of gravity in political discourse, debate, and decision-and thereby change the nation.

    “Messages of moral dissent are designed not to just be spoken and heard but to shape the prophetic consciousness of a movement and of society,” says Barber. “The prophetic voice rises when government systems and sometimes even religious systems have abdicated their responsibility to the least of these. When the forces of extremism have become so overwhelming and have depressed the hope of the people, the prophetic voice and mission is to connect words and actions in ways that build restorative hope so that there can be a movement for restorative justice. So this book is an attempt to capture the practice of ‘preaching’ in the public square, which is where pr

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  • Gods 130 Plus Messages Delivered But Most Not Adhere To


    God will not permit me to write another book, as our president and republicans will reverse our economy into prosperity. After 5 years, the 10% rich Americans will now pay 20% total taxes instead of the current 71%!! “Tax” will be the forgotten word. This is God’s message to everyone.

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  • Gods 130 Plus Messages Delivered But Most Not Adhere To


    God will not permit me to write another book, as our president and republicans will reverse our economy into prosperity. After 5 years, the 10% rich Americans will now pay 20% total taxes instead of the current 71%!! “Tax” will be the forgotten word. This is God’s message to everyone.

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  • Good Of Politics


    In this addition to the acclaimed Engaging Culture series, a highly respected author and Christian thinker offers a principled, biblical perspective on engaging political culture as part of one’s calling.

    James Skillen believes that constructive Christian engagement depends on the belief that those made in the image of God are created not only for family life, agriculture, education, science, industry, and the arts but also for building political communities, justly ordered for the common good. He argues that God made us to be royal stewards of public governance from the outset and that the biblical story of God’s creation, judgment, and redemption of all things in Jesus Christ has everything to do with politics and government.

    In this irenic, nonpartisan treatment of an oft-debated topic, Skillen critically assesses current political realities and helps readers view responsibility in the political arena as a crucial dimension of the Christian faith.

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  • Wall In Jerusalem


    Mark Braverman reveals the true nature and shocking consequences of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, explaining why Zionism is not a true Christian response to the conflict and offering clear-cut solutions for peace at home and abroad.

    The conflict between Israel and Palestine is at the center of a firestorm of political controversy, religious zeal, and bloodshed in the Middle East. Many American Christians feel that they have a biblical obligation to “stand with Israel”–but do we really understand the conflict? And is Zionism really the path to peace?

    An American Jew, Mark Braverman was transformed by witnessing firsthand the occupation of Palestine and the devastating consequences of the struggle of Israelis and Palestinians to bring justice to their land. In THE WALL IN JERUSALEM, Braverman:

    *Clearly outlines the origins and major tenets of the conflict and of Zionism
    *Demonstrates how Christian Zionism conflicts with Christian values of justice and compassion
    *Gives Christians biblical and historical basis for supporting both the state of Israel and Palestine
    *Offers a clear course of action both at home and abroad to bring peace
    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

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  • Global Public Square


    1. The Golden Key
    2. For All The World
    3. A War Of Spirits
    4. First Freedom First
    5. Death By A Thousand Cults
    6. Dueling Visions
    7. Looking In The Wrong Place
    8. A Civil And Cosmopolitan Public Square
    9. Last Chance?
    The Global Charter Of Conscience

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    What kind of thing must freedom be to be guaranteed to every human being? In this conflicted world of competing ideologies and religious differences, the threats to human dignity are terrifyingly real. Offenses and misunderstandings can spark riots and wars. Governments and religions battle over the right to exist. People are crushed by contemporary dictatorships of mind and heart, whether secularist totalitarianism, religious authoritarianism or Western illiberalism. Is there any hope for living together peacefully? Os Guinness argues that the best way to ensure freedom and justice for all is to champion the freedom of the soul-the inviolable freedom of thought, conscience and religion that promotes and protects human dignity and fosters stable societies. English Puritan Roger Williams wrote of “soul liberty,” a freedom of belief that acts as a bulwark against abuses of power and the oppression of humanity. In contrast to religionist voices that impose their beliefs on others and secularist visions that exclude all religious perspectives, Guinness offers a vision for advancing liberty and civility in the global public square. This constructive vision charts a course for the future of the world. If we are to make the world safe for diversity, we must learn to negotiate deep differences in public life. For a world desperate for hope at a critical juncture of human history, here is a way forward, for the good of all.

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  • Karl Barths Emergency Homiletic 1932-1933


    What does a theologian say to young preachers in the early 1930s, at the dawn of the Third Reich?

    What Karl Barth did say, how he said it, and why he said it at that time and place are the subject of Angela Dienhart Hancock’s book. This is the story of how a preaching classroom became a place of resistance in Germany in 1932-33 — a story that has not been told in its fullness. In that emergency situation, Barth took his students back to the fundamental questions about what preaching is and what it is for, returning again and again to the affirmation of the Godness of God, the only ground of resistance to ideological captivity.

    No other text has so interpreted Barth’s “Exercises in Sermon Preparation” in relation to their theological, political, ecclesiastical, academic, and rhetorical context.

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  • America The Beautiful


    What is America becoming? Or, more importantly, what can she be if we reclaim a vision for the things that made her great in the first place? In America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future. From his personal ascent from inner-city poverty to international medical and humanitarian acclaim, Carson shares experiential insights that help us understand … what is good about America … where we have gone astray … which fundamental beliefs have guided America from her founding into preeminence among nations Written by a man who has experienced America’s best and worst firsthand, America the Beautiful is at once alarming, convicting, and inspiring. You’ll gain new perspectives on our nation’s origins, our Judeo-Christian heritage, our educational system, capitalism versus socialism, our moral fabric, healthcare, and much more. An incisive manifesto of the values that shaped America’s past and must shape her future, America the Beautiful calls us all to use our God-given talents to improve our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world.

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  • Time To Embrace


    This book by William Stacy Johnson presents a brilliant analysis of the religious, legal, and political stakes in the debates over gay marriage, civil unions, and the place of committed gay couples in a democratic society. Johnson carefully weighs the pros and cons from across the moral and religious spectrum in his well-reasoned treatment of one of the most controversial issues in the West today. This second edition of A Time to Embrace includes an updated summary of relevant changes in laws pertaining to civil unions / same-sex marriage since the book’s first publication in 2006.

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  • Faith Of Our Own


    Every day, major headlines tell the story of how Christianity is attempting to influence American culture and politics. But statistics show that young Americans are disenchanted with a faith that has become culturally antagonistic and too closely aligned with partisan politics. In this personal yet practical work, Jonathan Merritt uncovers the changing face of American Christianity by uniquely examining the coming of age of a new generation of Christians.

    Jonathan Merritt illuminates the spiritual ethos of this new generation of believers who engage the world with Christ-centered faith but an un-polarized political perspective. Through personal stories and biblically rooted commentary this scion of a leading evangelical family takes a close, thoughful look at the changing religious and political environment, addressing such divisive issues as abortion, gay marriage, environmental use and care, race, war, poverty, and the imbalance of world weath. Through Scripture, the examples of Jesus, and personal defining faith experiences, he distills the essential truths at the core of a Christian faith that is now just coming of age.

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  • Voting As A Christian The Social Issues


    Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life—including how governments should function.

    Derived from author Wayne Grudem’s magisterial Politics According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more ‘conservative’ than ‘liberal.’ However, ‘it is important to understand that I see these positions as flowing out of the Bible’s teachings rather than positions I hold prior to, or independently of, those biblical teachings,’ he writes. ‘My primary purpose in the book is not to be liberally or conservative, or Democrat or Republican, but to explain a biblical worldview and a biblical perspective on issues of politics, law, and government.’

    Concise yet carefully argued, this book is a must-read for any Christian concerned about current debates over the economy, the size and role of government, and the best way forward out of the current recession. Not every reader will agree with the book’s conclusions. But by grounding his analysis deeply on Scripture, Grudem has equipped Christians to better understand and respond to some of today’s key political debates wisely and in a manner consistent with their primary citizenship as members and ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

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  • Voting As A Christian The Economic And Foreign Policy Issues


    Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life—including how governments should function.

    Derived from author Wayne Grudem’s magisterial Politics According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more ‘conservative’ than ‘liberal.’ However, ‘it is important to understand that I see these positions as flowing out of the Bible’s teachings rather than positions I hold prior to, or independently of, those biblical teachings,’ he writes. ‘My primary purpose in the book is not to be liberally or conservative, or Democrat or Republican, but to explain a biblical worldview and a biblical perspective on issues of politics, law, and government.’

    Concise yet carefully argued, this book is a must-read for any Christian concerned about current debates over the economy, the size and role of government, and the best way forward out of the current recession. Not every reader will agree with the book’s conclusions. But by grounding his analysis deeply on Scripture, Grudem has equipped Christians to better understand and respond to some of today’s key political debates wisely and in a manner consistent with their primary citizenship as members and ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

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  • In Allah They Trust


    If the thought of covering America’s beloved Statue of Liberty in a Burka bothers you, then this book is for you. Sound ridiculous? Who would dream of desecrating America’s eminent symbol of freedom? Islamic fundamentalists. In fact, recently a prominent Muslim activist was quoted saying that it is their goal is to someday see the Islamic flag flown over the White House. These alarming facts and many more are chronicles in this new book by former Muslim from Iran, Kamran Karimi.

    Until now, for Christians in America there have been more questions that answers and more silence than sincere action. Today’s climate of political correctness and fear of offending others has prevented the truth from being shared. So, the question becomes – what role are Christians and the Church to play in stemming the tide of Islam in America?

    Now, through this groundbreaking new book, you will be informed and armed with knowledge about the surprising-but-true Islamic agenda that seeks to systematically infiltrate every facet of American culture including the banking and financial markets, education, politics, religion, the court system and virtually every area of life as we know it. It is time to awaken to the truth that America is under attack, and it reaches far beyond the World Trade Center attacks and the war in the Mideast. The real battle is waging within our borders right now and the outcome will affect this generation and the generations of Americans to come.

    With wisdom and clarity, Kamran Karimi insightfully defines the problem, thoughtfully offers biblically sound solutions to the advancement of Islam, and puts forth a call to action. He gives encouraging answers while promoting a love and compassion for Muslims worldwide. He demonstrates that Muslims are held captive by the Spirit of Islam and need the genuine love of God to liberate them from the chains of tyranny. It is vital that we understand that we are not wrestling with Muslims, but we are wrestling against a force named Islam which has come to destroy the freedom that is found in Jesus Christ. It is then that Christ-followers can effectively reach and minister to those who say In Allah We Trust

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  • Awake America : II Chronicles 7:14


    The United States entered the third century of its existence facing many social, political, and religious issues. Socialism, Communism, and terrorism are such threats. Christianity is not practiced as in the past. Many US citizens neglect the Word of God, and moral decay has risen rapidly. May our people seek God’s direction, as per II Chronicles 7:14, so God will bless America and its future.

    American patriots like Billy Graham, J. Edgar Hoover, and William Buckley expressed facts, thoughts, and quotations in the field of politics, religion, law, defense, energy, environment, and economics. Presently our military power is being reduced. Author Barlane Eichbaum relates biblical prophecy and writings on the Greek, Roman, and British empires to American maladies. These same signs of decay have led other once-great powers to their downfall. This historical and biblical perspective that Eichbaum possesses is a strong plus for Awake America

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  • Awake America : II Chronicles 7:14


    The United States entered the third century of its existence facing many social, political, and religious issues. Socialism, Communism, and terrorism are such threats. Christianity is not practiced as in the past. Many US citizens neglect the Word of God, and moral decay has risen rapidly. May our people seek God’s direction, as per II Chronicles 7:14, so God will bless America and its future.

    American patriots like Billy Graham, J. Edgar Hoover, and William Buckley expressed facts, thoughts, and quotations in the field of politics, religion, law, defense, energy, environment, and economics. Presently our military power is being reduced. Author Barlane Eichbaum relates biblical prophecy and writings on the Greek, Roman, and British empires to American maladies. These same signs of decay have led other once-great powers to their downfall. This historical and biblical perspective that Eichbaum possesses is a strong plus for Awake America

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