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Showing 51–100 of 217 results

  • Forbidden Secrets Of The Labyrinth


    There is a religious institution whose members are the most devout and serious of any faith on earth. Those who are a part of this institution unquestionably believe in a god that directs their activities and they look to this deity with the ultimate hope of gaining his favor. They, unlike many of the people ascribed to the popular religions of today, have no doubt that their god lives and interacts with them. They see the favor their god bestows upon them. The riches and power gained through their piety actively demonstrates the reality of their god’s existence. The precepts of their secretive religion are contra to that of the Judeo-Christian religion that values above all, love for their fellow man. They consider the people outside of their group inferior creatures, unworthy of their god, but necessary for manipulation towards the completion of their final objective. Through devotion, submission to the will of their god, and dedication to his secretive plan, they believe that they will achieve immortality and live in a coming golden age where their god will appear on earth and rule them in a new paradise of his design. Just as the Judeo Christian God gave His followers the Arc of The Covenant, which held great power, the god of the mystery religion has given his followers an object whose existence has been kept secret since the Middle Ages and whose power is beyond comprehension. This object grants absolute hegemony to those who possess it as well as the ability to increase supremacy through war and conquest. Throughout history, when men failed in their discernment of its power, it was transferred to others more worthy. This object still exits and is in the possession of an elite group who will do anything to protect i

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  • Faith And Reason


    Steve Wilkens edits a debate between three different understandings of the relation between faith and reason, between theology and philosophy. The three views include: Faith and Philosophy in Tension, Faith Seeking Understanding and the Thomistic Synthesis. This introduction to a classic problem will be an essential resource for students.

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  • Depth Of The Human Person


    Illuminating perspectives on personhood from a worldwide array of interdisciplinary scholars

    This volume brings together leading theologians, biblical scholars, scientists, philosophers, ethicists, and others to explore the multidimensionality and depth of the human person. Moving away from dualistic (mind-body, spirit-flesh, naturalmental) anthropologies, the book’s contributors examine human personhood in terms of a complex flesh-body-mindheart- soul-conscience-reason-spirit spectrum.

    The Depth of the Human Person begins with a provocative essay on the question “Why is personhood conceptually difficult?” It then rises to the challenge of relating theological contributions on the subject to various scientific explorations. Finally, the book turns to contemporary theological-ethical challenges, discussing such subjects as human dignity, embodiment, gender stereotypes, and human personhood at the edges of life.

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  • Why Pray


    What is it about the nature of reality that makes it necessary to pray?
    Is the future of the world fixed, or can prayer change the course of history?
    Are there some things that will not happen because we did not pray?
    If the will of God is always done, is there any need to pray at all?

    “Prayer changes things.” Lots of us grew up hearing people say this. And some questioned if prayer could actually change outcomes. Did it have the power to alter the course of history, or are we simply doing it because the Bible tells us to, but ultimately, it has no real impact on the world in which we live? Mike’s book addresses this question head on.

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  • Mystery And Agency Of God




    1. Otherness And Oneness: Rival Conceptions Of God

    2. Establishing The Primordiality Of The Agent, Act, And Agency

    3. Edward Pols And The Metaphysics Of Agency

    4. The Metaphysical Conditions For God As Agent

    5. How Can God Act In The World?

    6. Theology And The Discernment Of Divine Acts In History

    7. Coda On The Mystery Of God As Agent


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    There are two philosophical commitments requisite to Christian belief: that God is the ultimate mystery and that God is present and active in the world. Attempting to avoid the trappings of a radical distantiation and the immanent collapse of God and world, Frank Kirkpatrick argues for a theory of agency and action that preserves the mystery of God while providing a philosophically robust account of divine action in created time and space. Kirkpatrick proposes a way around the stalemates that have stymied thought on divine agency and enters into conversation with significant figures in systematic theology.

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  • Prospering In Hard Times By Applying Your Faith


    Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith: Receiving the Object of Your Faith by Wallace Frazier Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith explores the truth and knowledge imparted by religion from sources beyond that of the traditional reference Bible. In this analysis of faith, Wallace W. Frazier breaks down and reviews the hierarchy of the multitude of celestial figures. He describes a revelation of Christ Jesus of Nazareth unknown-or at least unrevealed- in traditional religious or sacred books. In exploring lesser-known spiritual personalities, he de-conditions the enlightnened reader and truth seeker from the limited, primitive, and traditional concepts of faith and fills the void with a process of applying your faith that produces both spiritual and material fruit. In this philosophical breakdown of faith and its history, the author seeks to encourage, enlighten, and inspire the people–brothers and sisters of humankind–to receive the Spirit of Truth, who is Christ Jesus (since His ascension, no longer one-in-the-same with Christ Jesus of Nazareth). Furthermore, Prospering in Hard Times by Applying Your Faith exposes truths to be found and received outside the Bible and traditional religious organizations

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  • Through My Enemys Eyes


    This book addresses the universal theological dimension of reconciliation in the context of the Israeli Messianic Jewish and Palestinian Christian divide. Palestinian Christians and Israeli Messianic Jews share a belief in Jesus as the son of God and Messiah. Often, though, that is all they have in common. This remarkable book, written in collaboration by a local Palestinian Christian and an Israeli Messianic Jew, seeks to bridge this gap by addressing head on, divisive theological issues (as well as their political implications) such as land, covenant, prophecy and eschatology which separate their two communities. The struggle for reconciliation is painful and often extremely difficult for all of us. This unique work seeks to show a way forward.

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  • Is Reality Secular


    What is the nature of reality? How do we best understand and explain the world around us? What does it mean to be human? And how do we account for ethics and morality? Mary Poplin argues that the ultimate test of a worldview, philosophy or ideology is whether it corresponds with reality. Since different perspectives conflict with each other, how do we make sense of the differences? And if a worldview system accurately reflects reality, what implications does that have for our thinking and living? In this wide-ranging and perceptive study, Poplin examines four major worldviews: naturalism, humanism, pantheism and Judeo-Christian theism. She explores the fundamental assumptions of each, pressing for limitations. Ultimately she puts each perspective to the test, asking, what if this worldview is true? And what does it matter? If reality is secular, that means something for how we orient our lives. But if reality is not best explained by secular perspectives, that would mean something quite different. Consider for yourself what best makes sense of reality.

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  • Love Of Wisdom


    The Love of Wisdom offers a comprehensive introduction to Western intellectual history and philosophy for all studying Christian Theology.The history of Christian theology is interwoven with the wider history of Western thought. A good understanding of what a particular theologian wrote requires some appreciation of the intellectual climate in which he or she was writing, including the philosophical currency of the time, and particularly the meaning of the philosophical terminology deployed. This book will put a basic appreciation of the intellectual history of Europe over the past 2,500 years within the grasp of theology students.This book will help students studying theology to be better theologians. It will also be of use in thinking about Christian apologetics, since quite a few of the topics under discussion in this field are basically philosophical. The same could be said for topics in `science and religion’. The book will help the student of philosophical theology or philosophy of religion see how philosophical thinking within theology is paralleled by interest in theological subjects within philosophy. Finally, it will help students acquire a sense of the historical trajectory of theology by placing it alongside the parallel history of philosophy.

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  • Analogical Turn : Rethinking Modernity With Nicholas Of Cusa


    In the face of the late modern crisis of Western science and culture, The Analogical Turn recovers Nicholas of Cusa’s alternative vision of modernity, and, in doing so, develops a fresh perspective on the challenges of our time.

    In contrast to Cusa’s mainstream contemporaries, his appreciation of individuality, creativity, and scientific precision was deeply rooted in the analogical rationality of the Middle Ages. He revived and transformed the tradition of scientific realism in a manner which now, retrospectively, offers new insights into the completely ordinary chaos of postmodern everyday life.

    Johannes Hoff offers a new vision of the history of modernity and the related secularization narrative, a deconstruction of the basic assumptions of postmodernism, and an unfolding of a liturgically grounded concept of common sense realism in this original book.

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  • Theology Spirituality And Mental Health


    Theology, Spirituality and Mental Health provides reflections from leading international scholars and practitioners in theology, anthropology, philosophy and psychiatry as to the nature of spirituality and its relevance to constructions of mental disorder and mental healthcare. Key issues are explored in depth, including the nature of spirituality and recent debates concerning its importance in contemporary psychiatric practice, relationship between demons and wellbeing in ancient religious texts and contemporary practice, religious conversion, and the nature and importance of myth and theology in shaping human self understanding. These are used as a basis for exploring some of the overarching intellectual and practical issues that arise when different disciplines engage together with an attempt to better understand the relationship between spirituality and mental health and translate their findings into mental healthcare practice.

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  • Lifes Ultimate Questions


    Life’s Ultimate Questions is unique among introductory philosophy textbooks. By synthesizing three distinct approaches—topical, historical, and worldview/conceptual systems—it affords students a breadth and depth of perspective previously unavailable in standard introductory texts.

    Part One, Six Conceptual Systems, explores the philosophies of: naturalism, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, and Aquinas.
    Part Two, Important Problems in Philosophy, sheds light on: The Law of Noncontradiction, Possible Words, Epistemology I: Whatever Happened to Truth?, Epistemology II: A Tale of Two Systems, Epistemology III: Reformed Epistemology, God I: The Existence of God, God II: The Nature of God, Metaphysics: Some Questions About Indeterminism, Ethics I: The Downward Path, Ethics II: The Upward Path, Human Nature: The Mind-Body Problem and Survival After Death.

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  • God And Evil


    If God is good, why is there suffering? The question is as timeless as it is urgent. In this volume, Chad Meister and James K. Dew, leading thinkers in Christian philosophy and apologetics, take on the problem of suffering from all angles. They seriously engage contemporary critiques leveled against the faith and offer readers new confidence and hope in the God who suffered and died and rose again.

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  • Ethics Matters


    Ethics Matters introduces students and general readers to the business of making moral decisions, engaging them in meaningful dialogue and inspiring them to find out more. Beginning with a discussion of the question of truth in Ethics, Peter and Charlotte Vardy outline and evaluate major approaches to doing ethics from Natural Law and Virtue Ethics to Situation Ethics and Postmodernism, considering how these might inform decision making in today’s world.

    Ethics Matters places the latest scholarship in context, clarifying how it relates to today’s biggest challenges, without in any sense ‘dumbing down’. The style is engaging and accessible; good use is made of examples from film, literature and current affairs to shine a light on the fundamental philosophic questions which underpin practical dilemmas.

    A new web site, provides recommendations for further reading, a rich anthology of primary texts, questions for discussion and related activities.

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  • Christian Confidence : An Introduction To Defending The Faith


    1. Apology For Apologetics
    2. Apologetics And Philosophy
    3. Christian Persuaders
    4. The Right Way To Reason
    5. Apologetics Through The Ages
    6. Brave New World
    7. Digging Up The Bible
    8. Science Friction
    9. Jesus And The Many Roads
    10. Suffering And The Cross

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    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Philosophy, archaeology and science are hot topics in Christian circles, perplexing many believers about how these issues relate to faith. Fortunately for us, Chris Sinkinson has investigated these areas and gathered historical Christian perspective. The result is this accessible introduction to apologetics, which enlightens minds and inspires confidence. Christian Confidence is a one-stop shop for anyone desiring to engage thoughtfully and persuasively in the difficult conversations surrounding faith in the twenty-first century. This book will deepen your understanding of Christianity and empower you to present the case for faith convincingly, credibly and cleverly.

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  • Jesus And His Coming


    In this controversial study, first published in l957. Dr Robinson looked for the origins of the doctrine of the Second Coming in the belief of the early church. His conclusion, that the early church may well have misinterpreted the original teaching of Jesus on the issue, was based on a careful and thorough examination of the New Testament material. In his preface to this reissue, he writes: In the quarter of a century since I worked on the material I am not persuaded that the thesis of the hook has lost its importance Or its credibility. How and why the doctrine of the Parousia or Second Coming of Christ emerged in the thinking of the earliest Christian Communities remains of vital significance as we continue to wrestle today with how we can re-express it theologically, apply it politically, o?mmunicate it pastorally or incorporate it liturgically. that part of Christian teaching which asserts that Christ has to come into everything would seem on the t face of it to he the easiest to make relevant. Yet how much of its traditional formulation rests On a mistake, or represents a myth we can scarcely make our own? Until we understand what in that primordial explosion of truth which marked the first decades of the Christian movement caused it to he thrown up. what positive insights it embodied–and. I would say, distorted–we shall not he free to proclaim it with conviction or to apply it with discernment.’

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  • Revealing : Their Rock Is Not Our Rock


    This book will answer questions that man has thought about for decades. Some answers you will find to be controversial but all are based on scriptures that you will find in the Holy Bible. * When were the races created? * What really took place in the Garden of Eden? * Was Jesus really born on December 25th? * How do angels travel great distances? * What do we need to know to protect ourselves in these last days? * Will there be such a thing as everlasting torment in the spiritual world for those who are not worthy? * What is faith and how do we display it? * What was the major reason God caused the flood in Noah’s day? * When will the rapture occur? * What will take place in the millennium? These are just a few of the questions that are answered within these pages. You will be taken on a journey that will surprise and delight you as you delve into Gods mysteries.

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  • Heretics : The Other Side Of Early Christianity


    According to the official view, held for almost two thousand years, early Christianity was marked by great harmony, and heresy only emerged at a later stage. This book, written in nontechnical language for interested non-theologians, argues that such a picture is wishful thinking.
    Using all available sources, including newly-discovered Gnostic texts, Professor Luedemann argues that in many areas, ‘heresy’ in fact preceded ‘orthodoxy’ and was later forcibly replaced by it. The controversies shed an interesting light on the human character and concerns of the first Christians, who were occupied not only with right belief but also with power. The first chapter investigates the positions of Christians in Jerusalem in the first two centuries, since they were the ones who in fact introduced the concept of heresy into the church, and pays particular attention to the revision of the portrait of Paul and his theology. Then it goes on to the dramatic events around Marcion and his approach to a scriptural canon. Thirdly, it examines the conflicts underlying the Johannine writings, the formation of the Apostles’ Creed and the formation of the New Testament canon.
    Professor Luedemann argues that his findings have important and liberating consequences for the understanding of both Christianity and the Bible.

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  • His Beauty For My Ashes


    His Beauty for my Ashes is an insightful book and considered one of the best works of the century. The book offers a unique and fresh insight on many sensitive topics that will edify the Body of Christ. Topics covered include: The meaning of ‘greater works;’ Judas’ salvation; The unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and How a Christian can lose their salvation.

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  • His Beauty For My Ashes


    His Beauty for my Ashes is an insightful book and considered one of the best works of the century. The book offers a unique and fresh insight on many sensitive topics that will edify the Body of Christ. Topics covered include: The meaning of ‘greater works;’ Judas’ salvation; The unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and How a Christian can lose their salvation.

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  • Moral Case Against Religious Belief


    This short book is intended to be read in an evening or even a sitting, though it provokes reflections that will go on for far longer. What it has to say is largely directed at the Christian faith, though it may apply to Judaism and Islam as well. Professor Sharpe is a philosopher and writes as a post-Christian. He does not believe in God for moral reasons and argues that in some ways morality is corrupted by religion. He claims that religious belief does not necessarily make its possessor an authority on matters moral and that spokesmen and spokeswomen for religion are often badly wrong about moral questions as a result of their religious commitment. Some virtues cease to be virtues when given a religious context, and consequently a religious life is not, in many respects, a good life to lead. Professor Sharpe has few quarrels with the teaching of Jesus and has tried to develop his argument as far as possible on the basis of values shared by Christians and non-Christians. But he firmly believes in the autonomy of morality. God is not required to guarantee morality and all the sureties and recognizances of morality are internal.

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  • 12 Wisdom Steps


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434912282ISBN10: 1434912280Andrea TraversBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2011Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • Theirs Is The Kingdom


    Timely, informative reflections on the relationship between poverty and Christianity, the responsibilities of the haves and have-nots, and the lessons Christians can learn from the poor.

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  • Mind Your Faith


    Part 1: Mind
    Part 2: Faith
    Part 3: Character

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    At its best, the culture of suspicion so characteristic of today’s universities is intended to challenge half-baked values and easy belief. But since this culture can also undermine legitimate values and belief, a thoughtful Christian will bring a healthy suspicion of easy relativism as well.

    For young Christians about to embark on the collegiate experience, David Horner provides a guide to thinking as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives students essential tools for thinking critically, contextually and coherently, unpacking worldviews and discerning truth. He addresses faith and reason and how to handle doubts, with an eye toward not just thinking clearly but also living faithfully and morally.

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  • Scripting Jesus : The Gospels In Rewrite


    Famed scholar of Early Christian history reveals how the gospel stories of Jesus were never meant to be straightforward historical accounts, but rather were scripted and honed as performance pieces for four different audiences with four different theological agendas.

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  • Time Witnessing : The Truth Behind Moral Values Inspired By Gods Word And H


    As the son of a minister, author Kevin Turnbaugh had the truths from the Bible as part of his life right from his birth. His life was dramatically changed in August of 1984, when his eye doctor gave him the news that he was going blind from the incurable eye disease retinitis pigmentosa. In early 1998, he went totally blind from this disease.

    Turnbaugh’s vivid memories of two visits to Israel and his background in service in and around the church and in government, have given him special insight on the matters of our country today and the threats to our freedoms and to the family. Detailed study of God’s Word and sitting under the teachings of several ministers of the Bible have helped Kevin form his understanding of what we need to do about these issues today and why each person needs to be ready for the imminent return of Christ. This provides a unique mathematical manner of understanding how long eternity will be, whether your future home is heaven or hell.

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  • Christianity And Literature


    What has Jesus Christ to do with English literature? ask David Lyle Jeffrey and Gregory Maillet in this insightful survey. First and foremost, they reply, many of the world’s best authors of literature in English were formed–for better or worse–by the Christian tradition. Then too, many of the most recognized aesthetic literary forms derive from biblical exemplars. And finally, many great works of literature demand of readers evaluative judgments of the good, the true and the beautiful that can only rightly be understood within a Christian worldview.

    In this book Jeffrey and Maillet offer a feast of theoretical and practical discernment. After an examination of literature and truth, theological aesthetics, and the literary character of the Bible, they turn to a brief survey of literature from medieval times to the present, highlighting distinctively Christian themes and judgments. In a concluding chapter they suggest a path for budding literary critics through the current state of literary studies.

    Here is a must-read for all who are interested in a Christian perspective on literary studies.

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  • Rethinking Human Nature


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802865571ISBN10: 0802865577Editor: Malcolm JeevesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2011Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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  • God Planted The Trees


    “The Life of Man” has been marred by constant struggles that were not given to man by God in His creation. This is the “lie” man has lived since the fall of Adam. In this book, Vera M. Conyers asks you to “leave” on the “Tree of Life” that God planted.

    And to this day, we continue to commune with these things, which all started with Adam’s fall from God’s grace. All heartaches and pain are brought about by one force: God’s fallen angel-the devil.

    In this book, God Planted the Trees: The Life of Man, Vera M. Conyers elucidates on these things and why they happen, telling us that there is a solution to our inherited descent from the Lord’s esteem. She shares her insights into what happened during Adam’s time and the subsequent effects thereafter. But there is a way out of our bondage to the Fallen One, and we are assured of triumph.

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  • Understanding The Book Of Revelation


    This book is about the truth revealed from the mystery hidden in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is about the missing information revealed to John because there was no record in the Bible about what happened to the perfect creation in Genesis 1:1. There was no record about Adam, created by the I AM, as the first God and his generations before this present world. The Bible has not recorded the lineage of Jesus from the I AM in order to present to the world who is Jesus. This is the truth that must be known. The Book of Revelation had been misunderstood because of the political interpretation of its images. In John 8:32, Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” Here, the truth, refers to Jesus who has power to set humanity free from the bondage of the God of this world. Jesus declares in John 14: 6, that He is the “Truth”. After the gospel had been preached for thousands of years, humanity is still in captivity of the God of this world. Many people keep asking why a good God can allow these types of suffering. This shows that Jesus the “Truth” is not yet known. Confessing Jesus as a Savior is different from knowing Him. This has been done for thousands of years and the world is getting worst. When Jesus, the “Truth” is known, He will set humanity free from this spiritual enslavement. The revealed truth from the mystery in the Book of Revelation, presented here, is a divine journey toward knowing Jesus, the “Truth”. I encourage everyone to read this book.

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  • Understanding The Book Of Revelation


    This book is about the truth revealed from the mystery hidden in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is about the missing information revealed to John because there was no record in the Bible about what happened to the perfect creation in Genesis 1:1. There was no record about Adam, created by the I AM, as the first God and his generations before this present world. The Bible has not recorded the lineage of Jesus from the I AM in order to present to the world who is Jesus. This is the truth that must be known. The Book of Revelation had been misunderstood because of the political interpretation of its images. In John 8:32, Jesus says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” Here, the truth, refers to Jesus who has power to set humanity free from the bondage of the God of this world. Jesus declares in John 14: 6, that He is the “Truth”. After the gospel had been preached for thousands of years, humanity is still in captivity of the God of this world. Many people keep asking why a good God can allow these types of suffering. This shows that Jesus the “Truth” is not yet known. Confessing Jesus as a Savior is different from knowing Him. This has been done for thousands of years and the world is getting worst. When Jesus, the “Truth” is known, He will set humanity free from this spiritual enslavement. The revealed truth from the mystery in the Book of Revelation, presented here, is a divine journey toward knowing Jesus, the “Truth”. I encourage everyone to read this book.

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  • Revelation Of Angelic Creation


    Move over Augustine! Look out Aquinas! This is the first exegetical work on day one of Genesis to agree with all Scripture. With the profound simplicity of a layman yet the penetrating density of a mystic, this text is a fountain of Scriptural revelation to guide both heart and mind.

    Unparalleled, “The Revelation of Angelic Creation” for the first time draws back the veil on “what” Wisdom is and its composite origin (the first hypostasis); the angelic creation: how it came to be and its composite nature; the “when,” “how,” and “why” of the angelic rebellion and fall, along with the restructuring of the unseen cosmos in the aftermath of said rebellion. Also, for good measure, the two-yes two!-gardens of Eden will be exposed.

    This work will set new theological precedence in all these areas and much more. Scriptural discourse is now forever altered. That which was spoken in the darkness of pre-creation, finally, is brought to light.

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  • Revelation Of Angelic Creation


    Move over Augustine! Look out Aquinas! This is the first exegetical work on day one of Genesis to agree with all Scripture. With the profound simplicity of a layman yet the penetrating density of a mystic, this text is a fountain of Scriptural revelation to guide both heart and mind.

    Unparalleled, “The Revelation of Angelic Creation” for the first time draws back the veil on “what” Wisdom is and its composite origin (the first hypostasis); the angelic creation: how it came to be and its composite nature; the “when,” “how,” and “why” of the angelic rebellion and fall, along with the restructuring of the unseen cosmos in the aftermath of said rebellion. Also, for good measure, the two-yes two!-gardens of Eden will be exposed.

    This work will set new theological precedence in all these areas and much more. Scriptural discourse is now forever altered. That which was spoken in the darkness of pre-creation, finally, is brought to light.

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  • Brainwashed : How Universities Indoctrinate Americas Youth


    When parents send their children off to college, mom and dad hope they’ll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute–able to see issues from all points of view. But, according to Ben Shapiro, there’s only one view allowed on most college campuses: a rabid brand of liberalism that must be swallowed hook, line, and sinker. In this explosive book, Ben Shapiro, a college student himself, reveals how America’s university system is one of the largest brainwashing machines on the planet. Examining this nationwide problem from firsthand experience, Shapiro shows how the leftists who dominate the universities–from the administration to the student government, from the professors to the student media–use their power to mold impressionable minds. Fresh and bitterly funny, this book proves that the universities, far from being a place for open discussion, are really dungeons of the mind that indoctrinate students to become socialists, atheists, race-baiters, and narcissists.

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  • God Is Busy Fixing Things


    God Is Busy Fixing Things

    How do I know this? I’ve been one of his co-workers for more than fifty years. I’ve been one with Him in building His church. I’ve been one with Him in making disciples. I’ve been one with Him in building homes. I’ve been one with Him in uniting brothers and sisters in Christ. I’ve been one with Him in restoring sinning brothers, and rebuilding shattered relationships.

    Summing everything together, I have been and still am one with Him fixing that which got broke in Genesis three. Namely, His crowning creation; (mankind, you and me)

    Only He can fix us. He fixes us one at a time. He always does His fixing in a vital way, through His Living Word by His Spirit.

    As one of His co-workers my part is to prayerfully use His tools (His Word, His Cross, His Gifts) in total dependence upon His Spirit to fix people on the inside. When He does and continues to do His work of fixing (regenerating and sanctifying) broken people, I get my reward in seeing transformed lives and homes like you will read about in this book.

    As He imparts life to the dead and they continue to grow:
    The proud become humble.
    The covetous become generous.
    The angry become meek.
    The bitter become sweet.
    The divided become united.
    The Self-centered become God-centered.

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  • Finding My Way Home


    I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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  • Finding My Way Home


    I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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  • Seeing The Unseen


    Abandoning at age 30 what promised to be a lucrative law practice, John Collins escaped to Spain for a three-year sabbatical to search for the meaning of life. In SEEING THE UNSEEN: Opening the Closed Circuit of Everyday Consciousness, he relates his findings in maxims and identifi es seven impediments that commonly hinder our capacity to render our everyday experience of people, places and things intelligible, meaningful and joyful. Collins believes the greatest obstacle to realizing personal fulfi llment, or salvation or the Kingdom
    of God is psychological. Living our lives almost entirely on the conscious surface of Self, we neglect the unconscious core of our being, resulting in the inability of the whole Self to truly see and know reality. Collins suggests that religion’s fi nest hour may come when it assumes responsibility for healing this rupture in our innermost being, allowing us to achieve greater understanding of ourselves, of the world and ultimately, of God.

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  • Rainbow In The Night Sky


    In this book, you will read about:







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  • Which Trinity Whose Monotheism


    The last few decades have witnessed a renaissance of Trinitarian theology. Theologians have worked to recover this doctrine for a proper understanding of the God and for the life of the church. At the same time, analytic philosophers of religion have become keenly interested in the Trinity, engaging in vigorous debates related to it. To this point, however, the work of the two groups has taken place in almost complete isolation from one another. Which Trinity? Whose Monotheism? Seeks to bridge that divide. / Thomas H. McCall compares the work of significant philosophers of religion – Richard Swinburne, Brian Leftow, and others – with that of influential theologians such as Ji 1/2rgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, and John Zizioulas. He then evaluates several important proposals and offers suggestion for the future of Trinitarian theology. / There are many books on the doctrine of the Trinity, but no other book brings the concerns of analytic philosophers of religion into direct conversation with those of mainstream theologians.

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  • God And Globalization Volume 3


    T And T Clark International Title

    These volumes examine both the promise and the threat of globalization using the tools of theological ethics to understand and evaluate the social contexts of life at the deepest moral and spiritual levels.

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  • Religious Ideas For Secular Universities


    During the last century American students and scholars have found it increasingly difficult to discuss the relation of religion to the mission of self-consciously secular colleges and universities. C. John Sommerville here sorts through a number of issues that bring these matters into sharper focus.

    The aim of secular education as it began in the nineteenth century, Sommerville points out, was to open debate to all ideas that could win a hearing, not simply to stifle all those that could be labeled religious. In the aftermath of the failing ideologies of the nineteenth century new ideas, new icons, and new taboos are forming, circulating without critical scrutiny. Today the secular university finds itself in crisis, unable to define the human difference.

    Sommerville considers such matters as how we judge religions, how corporatization is the inevitable result of secularization, and how scholars are rediscovering the human difference. He uses narrative theory and new understandings of canon formation to illuminate religious texts and explores Christianity’s appearance on both sides of the “culture war.” The reflections in Religious Ideas for Secular Universities show how a dialogue might be promoted that would do justice both to religious insights and to the neutrality that is the goal of true secularization.

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  • God And Globalization Volume 4


    T And T Clark International Title

    This final interpretive volume of the God and Globalization series argues for a view of Christian theology that, in critical dialogue with other world religions and philosophies, is able to engage the new world situation, play a critical role in reforming the “powers” that are becoming more diverse and autonomous, and generate a social ethic for the 21st century.

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  • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

    Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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  • Whose Community Which Interpretation


    In this volume, renowned philosopher Merold Westphal introduces current philosophical thinking related to interpreting the Bible. Recognizing that no theology is completely free of philosophical “contamination,” he engages and mines contemporary hermeneutical theory in service of the church. After providing a historical overview of contemporary theories of interpretation, Westphal addresses postmodern hermeneutical theory, arguing that the relativity embraced there is not the same as the relativism in which “anything goes.” Rather, Westphal encourages us to embrace the proliferation of interpretations based on different perspectives as a way to get at the richness of the biblical text.
    About the series: The Church and Postmodern Culture series features high-profile theorists in continental philosophy and contemporary theology writing for a broad, nonspecialist audience interested in the impact of postmodern theory on the faith and practice of the church.

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  • Philosophy Of Religion (Revised)


    With over 40,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1982, Steve Evans’s Philosophy of Religion has served many generations of students. In this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, while maintaining the qualities of clarity and brevity that made the first edition so appreciated.

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  • Jesus And Philosophy


    “Around twenty years or so after his death, the fiery and interesting Jewish teacher Jesus of Nazareth was made into the personification of his own teaching, and given an exalted cosmic status. Within a few decades he had been so completely buried by supernatural beliefs about himself that in all the years since it has been very difficult to make out his own voice, and quite impossible to take him seriously as a thinker. “”Jesus and Philosophy”” asks on the basis of recent reconstructions of his teaching, what was Jesus’ moral philosophy? What was his world view? And, is he a big enough figure in the history of ethics to survive the end of the classic ecclesiastical beliefs about him? The author, Don Cupitt, argues that Jesus will be bigger after Christianity, which blocked the realization of just how revolutionary a figure he was.”

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  • Science Of Natural Theology


    With our American Philosophy and Religion series, Applewood reissues many primary sources published throughout American history. Through these books, scholars, interpreters, students, and non-academics alike can see the thoughts and beliefs of Americans who came before us.

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  • His Messages In My Dreams


    Wendy Hall is a sister in Christ who has been impressed to get out the message that we need to draw nearer then ever to our Lord and seek Him even more in these last days to learn His will for us. This dream journal was put together to demonstrate just one of the simple ways we can hear from Him. The Lord has expressed to her that “He will Raise up Fields of Glory” and is calling ALL of us. We are the fields that He wants to raise up- we are the army that He is calling into battle.

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  • Desperately Wicked : Philosophy Christianity And The Human Heart


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Patrick Downey explores the biblical writings of Genesis and the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah, the Greek tragedies, Plato, Aristotle, and political philosophers–such as Rousseau, Hobbes, Nietzsche and Rene Girard–to seek answers to the profound question, What is the human heart like?

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