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    Personal Finance

    • Is The Tithe A New Testament Requirement


      Sometimes God uses a man in the wilderness to present the truth of His Word. A man, who is unlearned and possess no scholarly degrees or eloquent speech. Concerning John the Baptist, Jesus asked and answered, “What did you come into the wilderness to see? Someone dressed in expensive garments.” The following question is asked of you. For what intent are you purchasing a Christian book? Is it to only learn from and to be dazzled by a writer with grammatically perfect skills and academic achievements? If your answer is yes, then put this book back. I have neither such credentials nor achievements but I do have a hunger towards God and a love of the truth. If such stimulates your palate, you may find many of these teachings refreshing and inspired. This book will help devoted Bible believing Christians to determine if the Tithe is a New Testament requirement.

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    • Charting The Course


      IVP Print And Demand Title

      Why is it that the same economic forces that produce good things for us like penicillin and housing are just as effective at bringing us things like pornography and heroin? How can the same systems of production generate such a wide array of good and bad outcomes? Markets are morally neutral. But people are not. Markets recognize no moral difference between good and evil. Markets don’t inherently recognize any values other than those brought by men and women to the marketplace each and every day.

      At the core of the market system is a concept of value that says things are worth what I, the individual, say they are worth. We can have a deep respect for the power of markets to efficiently and effectively produce goods and services that increase society’s standard of living. But should we uncritically embrace a system that has as its most foundational principle, a concept of value that is so intensely humanistic, egocentric and relativistic? There is a way forward. While it is true that markets have no values, they are wonderful mirrors for reflecting the values that people bring to the marketplace each and every day. If people bring the right values, then markets will produce the right outcomes. People from all walks of life have a shared vision for the economic world in which they want to live. We do know what is right. The task before us is to take what we know and apply these practical principles in daily economic life.

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    • Poder De Las Primicias – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780829755671ISBN10: 0829755675Language: SpanishBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2008Finanzas Sin Limites # 3Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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    • Keys To Financial Excellence


      Do you struggle week after week just to make ends meet? Do you wish you could give more to God’s work but end up giving the bare minimum? Many people miss the path to true prosperity because they are seeking it through incorrect ideas and false promises. The way to true abundance in all areas of your life is to discover and live in God’s economy. The Bible is filled with hundreds of truths, examples, and principles about how we are to handle our money and our relationships. These scriptural laws and illustrations give us the keys to pleasing God, reflecting His giving nature, and receiving His generous abundance in our lives. Author Phil Pringle has put these biblical truths and illustrations into bite-sized portions that you can grasp easily and apply to your life today. From his personal experience in receiving the overflow of God’s blessings, Pringle show you how to put these dynamic principles into practice. Keys to Financial Excellence is a life-changing treasure that will enable you to experience the fullness of abundant living. Discover a prosperity that will transform your life.

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    • Declaration Of Financial Independence


      In our culture many corrupted ideas of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have been promoted and accepted for so long that they bear the superficial appearance of being right. Americans design lifestyles and build financial plans around these “ideas” without realizing oppression lies just beneath their surface-a tyranny far worse than the British Crown ever stamped on us. By exploring the causes and the destructive effects of excess, A Declaration of Financial Independence is a rallying cry for preserving our sacred freedoms. It empowers the reader with a Biblical perspective for financial decision-making and reveals the secret of contentment in an age of unprecedented-but often unfulfilling-wealth. This one-of-a-kind composition is principled, clever and instructive. From Jesus to Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s propaganda minister), the book uses Scripture, history, statistics and personal anecdotes to expose and expel a new tyrant-the Crown of Popular Culture.

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    • God Wants You To Be Rich


      In God Wants You to Be Rich, bestselling author Paul Zane Pilzer provides an original, provocative view of how to accumulate wealth and why it is beneficial to all of humankind. A theology of economics, this book explores why God wants each of us to be rich in every way — physically, emotionally, and financially — and shows the way to prosperity, well-being, and peace of mind.

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    • Arte De Cerrar La Venta – (Spanish)


      As one of the top salespeople in the world, Brian Tracy knows that the ability to close the sale is the key skill required by all top sales professionals. Fortunately, closing the sale can be learned by practicing the skills of the highest paid salespeople in every business. When salespeople follow a practical, proven, step-by-step process, they can get more orders, faster and easier than ever before. In El arte de cerrar la venta readers will learn to:

      Build value by focusing on benefits and solutions
      Lower perceived risk by emphasizing guarantees and assurances
      Answer any objection
      Bring a sales conversation to a natural and easy conclusion by using some of the best questions ever discovered.

      Brian Tracy, uno de los mejores vendedores del mundo, sabe que la habilidad de cerrar una venta es la destreza clave que necesita todo profesional experto en ventas. Afortunadamente, se puede aprender como cerrar una venta al poner en practica las mismas habilidades que utilizan los mejores vendedores en cada negocio. Cuando los vendedores siguen paso a paso un proceso practico y comprobado, pueden conseguir mas pedidos, mas rapida y facilmente que nunca. En el libro El arte de cerrar la venta los lectores aprenderan a:

      Generar valor enfocandose en los beneficios y las soluciones
      Disminuir el riesgo percibido al enfatizar las garantias y los seguros
      Responder a cualquier objecion
      Hacer que la venta llegue a una conclusion natural y sencilla utilizando algunas de las mejores preguntas que se hayan descubierto.

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    • Family Finance Workbook Student Edition (Workbook)


      Based on the contents of the Family Finance Handbook, this workbook assists the student to establish a solid understanding of the major principles of finances including: God’s economy, man’s stewardship, decision-making, money management, lifestyle choices, and investing.

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    • Family Finance Workbook Teacher Edition (Teacher’s Guide)


      Based on the contents of the Family Finance Handbook, this workbook assists the student to establish a solid understanding of the major principles of finances including: God’s economy, man’s stewardship, decision-making, money management, lifestyle choices, and investing.

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    • Dinero Que Hay En Ti – (Spanish)


      En !El Dinero que Hay en Ti! la destacada experta Julie Stav te ensena a descubrir tu verdadera personalidad financiera, y te muestra como usar tus sentimientos, tus temores y tu autoestima para lograr una vida de riqueza monetaria y espiritual “Conocete a ti mismo”, dijo Socrates. Y podriamos anadir, ” . . . para que conozcas como emplear tu dinero”. Cuando logramos entendernos a nosotros mismos y comprender como nos relacionamos con el dinero, vamos por buen camino hacia la tranquilidad economica y la independencia financiera. El dinero no es la vida ni compra la felicidad . . . !pero nos acerca mas a ella! En !El Dinero Que Hay en Ti! Julie nos presenta cinco tipos de personalidades financieras, cada una con ventajas y desventajas en lo que se refiere a la manera en que manejan su dinero. Con su estilo divertido, informativo y facil de comprender, Julie te ayudara a descubrir quien eres realmente y como poner a trabajar tu personalidad financiera especifica para que logres una vida sin preocupaciones economicas. !El Dinero Que Hay en Ti! no solo te ensenara a valerte de esas caracteristicas personales en tu beneficio, sino tambien a establecer relaciones positivas con aquellos que se ven afectados por tus decisiones-hijos, conyuge, padres y amigos-y que influyen en las tuyas. Solo entonces podras alcanzar tus metas, y vivir la vida que siempre has sonado.

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    • High Trust Selling


      Author and speaker Todd Duncan believes that being successful in sales has a lot to do with what’s on the inside of the person and the person’s ability to establish and foster loyal relationships. In High Trust Selling, Duncan shows you how to connect who you are and what you are about in your selling career, giving you phenomenal and long-lasting results.

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    • Scripture Confessions For Finances


      With today’s busy and demanding schedules, we all need God’s Word wherever we go!

      This little book is filled with personalized, Scripture-based confessions for health and healing and for finances. Readers can now arm themselves with the Word of God to win life’s battles.

      The Scripture Confessions Series connects the reader to the timeless passages in God’s Word that speak to the issues of most concern to them. More than just a book of prayers, the reader will find personalized confessions that will strengthen them with God’s Word to overcome every adversity.

      This unique collection of Scriptures is a must have for readers on the go. Whether at work or home, readers can access Scripture Confessions and remind themselves of God’s faithful promises, in all areas including healing, finances, protection, wisdom, and more!

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    • Is Financial Prosperity For Us Today Or The 1000 Year Reign Of Jesus Christ


      The Holy Spirit has given us an abundance of scriptures concerning true prosperity, this book consists of twelve Bible truths. We have many Bible verses which tells us of God’s perfect will and plan about true prosperity. God says we have a better covenant (New Testament), which was established upon better promises than what Israel had (Old Testament), Hebrews 8:6. This covenant is established on the blood of Jesus and not on the blood of animals. God’s promise to Abraham for the church (Acts 2:1- Revelation 3:22) is spiritual with the promise of His Spirit to live in us. Israel’s promise had an abundance of material and financial wealth (Genesis 1:1- Acts1:1-26) because that is all they could receive before Jesus came. No one had the Holy Spirit living in them at that time. However, many already had an abundance of material and financial things so this is not why Jesus came. Today we are missing God’s timing concerning financial prosperity which will begin in the 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ. Don’t believe that we cannot miss God; Israel did concerning Jesus. The proof and the degree of the Holy Spirit speaking to and through us is the accuracy of our writings according to the scriptures. We are to judge everything according to the Bible. Please read and study these twelve truths with serious prayer to see what God is saying to us today about true prosperity. We are not to interpret scriptures by what we personally believe or think. 1st Corinthians 2:13 says “…the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. God’s word is spiritual. We should continually search for the truth by going from scripture to scripture so that we can truly understand what God is saying.

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    • Is Financial Prosperity For Us Today Or The 1000 Year Reign Of Jesus Christ


      The Holy Spirit has given us an abundance of scriptures concerning true prosperity, this book consists of twelve Bible truths. We have many Bible verses which tells us of God’s perfect will and plan about true prosperity. God says we have a better covenant (New Testament), which was established upon better promises than what Israel had (Old Testament), Hebrews 8:6. This covenant is established on the blood of Jesus and not on the blood of animals. God’s promise to Abraham for the church (Acts 2:1- Revelation 3:22) is spiritual with the promise of His Spirit to live in us. Israel’s promise had an abundance of material and financial wealth (Genesis 1:1- Acts1:1-26) because that is all they could receive before Jesus came. No one had the Holy Spirit living in them at that time. However, many already had an abundance of material and financial things so this is not why Jesus came. Today we are missing God’s timing concerning financial prosperity which will begin in the 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ. Don’t believe that we cannot miss God; Israel did concerning Jesus. The proof and the degree of the Holy Spirit speaking to and through us is the accuracy of our writings according to the scriptures. We are to judge everything according to the Bible. Please read and study these twelve truths with serious prayer to see what God is saying to us today about true prosperity. We are not to interpret scriptures by what we personally believe or think. 1st Corinthians 2:13 says “…the Holy Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. God’s word is spiritual. We should continually search for the truth by going from scripture to scripture so that we can truly understand what God is saying.

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    • Biblical Principles For Success In Personal Finance


      Biblical Principles for Success in Personal Finance is for readers who are ready to accept personal financial accountability. It was designed with you in mind. Whether you are a college student, a single parent, married with kids, or a retired professional, the content was reasearched to assist you in whatever season of life you are presently in. Written in easy-to-understand language and organized to be reader friendly, one will have no trouble finding helpful answers to benefit his/her area of greatest need.

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    • Praying For Financial Success (Audio CD)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781562290290ISBN10: 1562290290Binding: Audio CDPublished: June 2005Prayer PartnerPublisher: Pneuma Life Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Empowering The Giving Of Your Church (Student/Study Guide)


      Renew the giving power of your congregation with Empowering the Giving of Your Church. This one-day course is an intense spiritual, mental and practical encounter. Find your spirit empowered and receive a brand new faith for the giving spirit of your church. Many valuable insights are included as Frank Damazio imparts his extensive knowledge and experience on giving in the local church.

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    • Biblical Principles For Releasing Financial Provision


      Biblical Principles for Releasing Financial Provision! Is a remarkable resource that is all at once a gift, tool, and mantle. You will find that this study will be a true gift for anyone. As a tool, this material will help build and edify disciples of Christ, with apostolic doctrine. And a mantle, as God covenants to bless those who live out the principles of giving revealed in this book. Step forward and receive the gift, took, and mantle!

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    • Millionaire In The Pew


      Brings practical, proven insight in the areas of finances and faith, prosperity and purpose.

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    • Biblical Principles For Becoming Debt Free


      Break free from financial bondage! Biblical Principles for Becoming Debt Free!’s step-by-step approach will show you how, while laying a foundation of biblical understanding regarding the stewardship of your resources. Rescue your life and liberate your future!

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    • God Good Debt Bad


      God Good-Debt Bad will inspire as well as motivate you to seek scriptural answers to many of today’s complex financial questions. Written from a financial planner’s viewpoint, Randy C. Cowell shares nearly two decades of financial planning experiences, making God Good-Debt Bad a must read for anyone struggling with debt and the management of their finances. Bridging the gap between scriptural truths and financial applications, Randy’s insightful commentary on the state of the new millennium Christian family is sobering and thought provoking. He challenges you to seek scriptural answers to the financial questions of today. God Good-Debt Bad redefines stewardship and encourages the reader to achieve the ultimate goal of being DEBT FREE. To reach this status is possibly the greatest financial accomplishment one can achieve. To gain control of your finances will change you and your family’s life forever and impact ministries in a powerful way!

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    • God Wants You Happy And Rich


      Robert E. Mawire has transformed the idea of success and happiness into something real and tangible. As he likes to say, “he’s been there, done that.” He understands what it takes to get people to pick up the pieces of broken dreams-to dream, love, and live again. Robert goes beyond the hodgepodge of “be happy” mantras and spiritual mumbo-jumbo to teach us a balanced perspective on how to live our lives. God Wants You Happy and Rich is a book about transformation and practical preparation for abundant living. Get rid of low self-esteem Deal with failure Find your life’s purpose Be successful God Wants You Happy and Rich addresses spiritual and practical concerns. As Robert shows, happiness and financial success are an integral part of God’s vision for your life. It’s all about discovering who you really are and being what God created you to be.

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    • Ease The Squeeze


      Economic uncertainty, layoffs, corporate scandals, stock market losses, excessive credit card debt, inability to save for the future, stress, overload, relationships in turmoil, choices, priorities– Americans are feeling SQUEEZED! We save less, give less, declare bankruptcy more, and are more in debt than ever before. Though we are more prosperous as a nation than ever before, the personal financial trends that are sweeping our country and generation are sobering. Our savings rate has dipped from 12% to 1%. We file 1.4 million bankruptices a year versus 100,000 in the 1950s. Our government debt is more than 6 Trillion dollars. The average American has 16.7 credit cards with $8367 of debt. The annual number of divorces has quadrupled to 1.2 million, and our giving has decreased from 6% to 2.6%. We pay an average of $1000 a year in interest and give only $754 a year.

      Surveys show that for many people these trends are a result of their financial situation, a lack of financial training, or a lack of proper planning and priorties. Ease the Squeeze will help you develop a plan, train you to manage your money instead of it managing you, and chart your course for your life, your finances, and your giving! The early feedback has shown that this book will lead people to financially free lives and help them develop purposeful plans for getting out of debt; establishing savings; setting up a budget; giving; and regaining control of their time, plans, relationships and finances. It will also strengthen family and faith in the process! We are under siege, and it is time to ACT NOW to Ease the Squeeze.

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    • Como Compro Inteligentemente – (Spanish)


      Estirar el dinero parece ser lo que todos desean. Como vivimos en una sociedad donde impera el consumerismo, se hace dificil comprar lo que se necesita no por emociones ni deseos. En su libro Como compro inteligentemente?, Andres Panasiuk presenta siete principios faciles de aplicar al comprar, asi como una guia precisar para hacer mayores inverisones.

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    • Como Salgo De Mis Deudas – (Spanish)


      How to get out of debt seems to be a question on everyones mind. In his book Como salgo de mis deudas? (How Do I Get Out of Debt) author Andres Panasiuk examines the reason why so many are in debt and then gives practical advise on how to get out of debt and stay that way.

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    • Family Finance Handbook


      With insights gained from twenty-five years in business and ministry, the authors impart to the reader biblical principles of stewardship and financial management. Readers learn how to get out of debt and are carefully guided through the investment process in this comprehensive and well-crafted resource.

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    • Practical Money Mangement And Wealth Creation


      This book is important to youth and young adults because it empowers them to become better stewards of the resources in their possession. This dynamic, information-packed resource will give you the necessary tools to: Identify destructive thought patterns about money and how to renew your mind with sound and accurate information. Use goal setting to plan for the future. Learn life-changing steps to budgeting to increase your ability to manage the financial resources in your care. Discover practical ways to get more out of banking and how to grow your money. Have a proper relationship with money. Know what the Bible says about money management. Know how to avoid debt and how to establish good credit. Understand the complex world of the stock market and investing. Better your financial and spiritual well-being. Overcome money conflicts within your family.

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    • Money Possessions And Eternity (Revised)


      What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author’s painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

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    • Life Giving (Workbook)


      As stated in the Introduction, “This book is about giving some of God’s money back to him.” That’s it. That’s what this book is about. Period. If you’re not interested in giving money to God or even learning about it, reading this book would be a waste of your time. If you don’t want to learn about giving money to God, don’t purchase this book. Or, please return it to the person who lent it to you. Honestly, that’s all this book is about: giving money to God, including why, how, when, and how much. It is designed to be used as a workbook, helping you plan regular and consistent giving to God so he can ensure you will always have enough money. If you want to be successful and prosperous, then this book will give you clear directions for your life’s journey.

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    • Wisdom Principles For Financial Explosion


      Wisdom Principles for Financial Explosion gives you, the reader, insight directly from the Word that unlocks the secrets of prosperity and abundance. Pastors Bobby and Frances Sanford share their revelations acquired from numerous years of successful righteous living. Here are some quotes from the book: “If you are experiencing a financial crisis, then pursue financial wisdom.” “It is God, the creator of the heaven and earth, who gives you the strength, the will, and the desire to make money that you may have to advance the kingdom of God.” “Keep your faith in motion at all times.” “If you are living by sight, stop right now and start walking by faith.” “Trust in God and not your possessions.” “When you waste time mismanaging your finances, God cannot prosper you.” “Because you have reached a higher level of worship, blessings will flow in, not many days thence, saith the Spirit of God.” “Your appointed time has come for God to favor you.” “The word of the Lord came saying, ‘Be strong in this hour, for the next hour is coming when you are on the lower level. Stand upon the high level, because I can do all things.'”

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    • Frugal Living For Dummies


      SKU (ISBN): 9780764554032ISBN10: 0764554034Deborah Taylor-HoughBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003For DummiesPublisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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    • How Would Jesus Invest


      How Would
      Jesus Invest?

      We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
      and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

      “My people are destroyed for lack
      of knowledge…”
      Hosea 4:6

      People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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    • Debt Free College


      “We shouldn’t have to prove this plan works-but we have proved it.” Five college students Fifteen years of college between them One plan: no debt IT CAN BE DONE.

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    • How Would Jesus Invest


      How Would
      Jesus Invest?

      We have asked the questions, “What Would Jesus Do?”
      and even “What Would Jesus Eat?” As the current financial climate is on a roller coaster ride, should children of God just hold on and wait for everything to be all right? In How Would Jesus Invest? Breaking the Poor Man’s Mentality, Gayle Gilmore discusses how Christians should follow Jesus’ example of living an abundant life, both spiritually and financially. Gayle maintains that the Word of God and salvation are the top priorities of Christian living. She also contends that we need a healthy diet of biblical teaching to truly live as God intended.

      “My people are destroyed for lack
      of knowledge…”
      Hosea 4:6

      People will be blessed who read this book and gain knowledge from the Great Investor and Accountant, Jesus Christ.

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    • Girl And Her Money


      1. The Funny Thing About Money
      2. Your Money Personality-And You Do Have One
      3. Know The Score
      4. Diets Don’t Work And Neither Do Budgets
      5. Chemo For Debt I: Diagnosis And Treatment
      6. Chemo For Debt II: A Plan That Pays
      7. If Men Are From Home Depot, Women Are From Macy’s
      8. The Road To Wealth: Save Early, Invest Regularly
      9. The Trouble With Stuff
      10. Making Peace With Money
      186 Pages

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      Gals, when you get your paycheck, do you head straight for the bank—or the mall? Is your credit history in ICU? Here’s sound financial guidance from a former stock broker, presented in an engaging and interactive manner that makes money-talk enjoyable! You’ll discover your spending personality, chose a money lifestyle, and more.

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    • Fasting For Financial Breakthrough (Reprinted)


      Shed a spiritual light on some of the biggest problems facing people today: the need to put the role of money in a proper perspective and to solve financial problems. Elmer Towns states at the outset that this is not the primary purpose of fasting and prayer. Instead, it is all about knowing God. It is not about withdrawing prayer on an as-needed basis from some spiritual ATM kiosk. It is about meditation, studying the Scriptures, and communing with God. When we fast and pray in faith, asking for God’s help and provision, He begins to teach us how to become good stewards of what He has provided. Chapter topics include “Fasting to Learn Stewardship,” “Why We Have Money Problems,” and “A Faith Approach to Fasting for Money.” Once we understand why we struggle with money problems, we can do something about it with this practical step-by-step guide.

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    • Biblical Economics Manifesto


      This book will help to clear up the many misunderstandings of basic economics. With this book you can learn about the economy and how it actually works. The authors will show you how the best understanding of economics conforms with what the Bible teaches about economics.

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    • Sanidad En Las Finanzas – (Spanish)


      In this book, the author takes us through the inevitable financial problems that come up in our lives. In a practical, concrete and fast way, we can discover some of the essencial principles to having adequeate administration and preparation, allowing us to have the financial freedom which God want us to have.

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    • Price Of Faith


      Although stewardship itself is a word often heard in the church, money is rarely discussed in terms of the ethical decisions and daily lifestyle choices we make. The Price of Faith presents a holistic definition of stewardship and examines what money and wealth mean for us in our participation in the life of the church and in our personal expressions of faith. This book includes ten session plans that will help move adults to a new understanding of stewardship.

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    • Money Savvy Kids


      Your children can learn to give generously, save wisely, and spend carefully_and you can teach them.Young children are captivated by Saturday morning television commercials pushing the next must-have toy. Older kids think they’re losers if they don’t keep up with the latest fashion trend. Young adults find themselves facing financial temptations_like the lure of credit cards_that seem too good to resist.

      Behind all these sales pitches lies the dangerous promise: “You can have it all_just buy now and pay later.” Now, Money-Savvy Kids provides a workable strategy you can use_no matter what your financial history_to prepare your children for financial success today that will carry over into financial security for a lifetime.

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    • Gods Plan For Your Money


      God has a plan for all aspects of your life, including your finances. In this book, Derek Prince reveals how to handle your money according to biblical principles so that you may live in God’s blessing and abundance. Discipleship means discipline, but the disciplined followers of Christ know His heart and see His blessings. Let Derek Prince help you bring your finances in line with God’s perfect plan!

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    • Gods Plan For Your Finances


      God has already given you the power to make money in order to provide for your family, achieve your goals, and reach out to the world with the hope of the Gospel. As a believer, it is part of your mission and calling to activate the power to produce wealth in order to help build God’s kingdom. Author Dwight Nichols explains the biblical view of money, practical steps to take in financial planning, and how people can get out of debt.

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    • Generous Living : Finding Contentment Through Giving



      Part One: Living and Giving with Joy
      1. Generosity: The Secret to True Contentment
      2. Treasure Hunting: Where is Your Heart?
      3. Why Christians Don’t Give: Seven Things That Hold Us Back
      4. Generosity as a Lifestyle: Giving Time, Talents, and Possessions

      Part Two: The Process of Giving
      5. Preparation: Hearing God’s Word
      6. Problem Solving: Getting a Fix on Your Finances
      7. The Right Perspective: Seeing Things As God Sees Them
      8. The Plan: How Generous Do You Want to Be?

      Part Three: Practical Applications for a Generous Life
      9. Strategic Giving: Making Your Charitable Contributions Count
      10. Giving to Your Children: Passing Down More than Money
      11. Giving Through Your Will: Six Critical Decisions You Need to Make
      12. A Formal Talk: Holding a Family Conference
      13. Opportunity Knocks: Solving the Wealth Paradox

      Resources p. 173

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      What do generous people know what makes them give gladly and liberally of their time, talents wealth, and other resources? Why should you become such a person-and how can you?

      Financial advisor Ron Blue explains why an openhanded spirit is the key to freedom, contentment, and joy. In Generous Living, he shows what happens when you become a giver, and helps you start right where you are cultivating a generous lifestyle.

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    • Gods Managers : A Budget Guide And Daily Financial Record Book For Christia (Rev


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    • Why The Tithe


      The offering of tithes that Abraham gave to Melchizedek was an act of homage, reverence, love, and faith.

      When we bring our tithes to our High Priest, we are saying “I love You. I bow my knee to You. I bow my will to You. I gladly give my life to You.”

      Tithing is an eternal principle. It is a grace gift. It is God’s way of building strong, healthy, and happy people for His glory.

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