Parallel Bibles
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Romans Greek English Interlinear Paraphrase Study Notes
$17.99Bridging the gap from text to interpretation
*Read the Greek and English of Romans in parallel
*Grasp the nuances of the Greek text, its translation, and its interpretation
*Encounter a fresh paraphrase of Romans and understand the choices behind itIn this Lexham Interpreter’s Translation volume on Romans, Michael F. Bird gives readers the pieces to move easily between the letter’s Greek text and its interpretation. For each passage, Bird provides a Greek-English interlinear alongside his own interpretive paraphrase, with notes on historical background, Greek insights, and translation choices.
Each volume in this series includes three versions of the text: the SBL Greek, a literal English translation, and a lively paraphrase that captures Paul’s meaning and rhetoric in modern English. The Lexham Interpreter’s Translation is an intuitive and comprehensive resource for all students of the Bible-regardless of their level of familiarity with biblical Greek.
“The good news is the power of God for the rescue of everyone who believes, first for the Jews and second for the Greeks. For in the good news, God’s plan to put the world to right is decisively revealed.” -Romans 1:16-17
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Contemporary Comparative Parallel Bible NIV NKJV NLT The Message
$99.99Four modern Bible versions together for study and comparison.When you don’t want to lose anything in the translation, the NIV/NKJV/NLT/The Message Parallel Bible is a tool that lets you explore the rich nuances of meaning in the Bible’s text without having to learn the original biblical languages. Compare and contrast four popular and modern Bible versions side-by-side: the authenticity and accessibility of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV); the beautiful and trustworthy New King James Version (NKJV); the readability of the New Living Translation (NLT); and the contemporary and conversational style of The Message. Passages and verses from these versions are aligned in parallel columns for easy comparison and study.Features:Full text of the New International Version, New King James Version, New Living Translation, and The Message set side-by-sideDouble-column format with each two-page spread containing a complete Scripture portion from each of the four Bible versions for easy comparison and study.7.7-point type size
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Navajo English Bilingual New Testament
$6.55Bilingual New Testament in Navajo and English.
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Tagalog NIV Tagalog English Bilingual New Testament
$14.99This Tagalog/English Bilingual New Testament features the contemporary Ang Salita ng Dios translation that emphasizes natural readability, helping the ancient words of Scripture speak to hearts today, and the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version translation.This bilingual New Testament is great for outreach, for those who are reading the Bible for the first time, or for those who are learning English as a second language.Features include:New Testament text of the contemporary Ang Salita ng Dios translationNew Testament text of the world’s bestselling New International Version (NIV)Two-column format with the two translations side-by-sidePlan of Salvation article explains how to become a Christian and what it means to follow JesusBible maps8-point type size
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Bilingual Bible NLT NTV
$39.99La Biblia bilingA 1/4e NLT/NTV provee los textos de la Nueva Traduccion Viviente en espanol y de la New Living Translation en ingles en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales de la Biblia presentan la Palabra de Dios de una manera precisa y fiel, usando un lenguaje claro, calido y de facil comprension que le hablara directamente al corazon. Ahora totalmente revisada y actualizada, sus caracteristicas incluyen:Pagina de presentacionPlan de lectura de 365 diasTabla de pesos y medidasTres mapas a todo colorThe Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traduccion Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two wonderful translations present God’s Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart. Now completely revised and updated, its features include:Presentation Page365-day Reading PlanTable of Weights and MeasuresThree full-color maps
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NIV The Message Parallel Bible
$64.99Setting the NIV and The Message together, this Bible allows you to instantly compare the New International Version-the most-read modern-English Bible translation-and Eugene H. Peterson’s paraphrase, The Message.The text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionThe story-like flow and conversational style of The MessageForeword from Eugene H. PetersonDouble-column formatRibbon marker9-point type size
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Semeur NIV French English Bilingual New Testament
$14.99This French / English Bilingual New Testament presents a side-by-side treatment of the contemporary French La Bible du Semeur translation and the accurate, readable, and clear English New International Version (NIV) translation. This Bible is ideal for outreach or those learning a second language. Features:New Testament text of the contemporary French La Bible du SemeurNew Testament text of the English New International Version (NIV)Quality Bible paper2-column format
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La Biblia De Las Americas New American Standard Bible Biblia Bilingual
$39.99Cuando la lectura personal o colectiva de la Palabra de Dios requiere las ventajas de un texto bilingA 1/4e preciso y armonioso, la Biblia LBLA/NASB es la respuesta. Incluye: * Textos biblicos paralelos: LBLA (espanol) y NASB (ingles). * 10 mapas de las tierras biblicas. * Principios de traduccion para ambos textos biblicos. * Temas y subtemas a traves del texto. * Texto con letra negra. * Letra de 11 puntos. * 1760 paginas.
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Nuevo Testamento Interlineal Griego
$44.99POR FIN TRES TRADUCCIONES DEL NUEV TESTAMENTO EN UNA PAGINA.A inicios del s. XVI la publicacion del texto griego del Nuevo Testamento cambio radical y positivamente la Historia. Acercar el NT original al pueblo provoco una revolucion espiritual cuyas consecuencias llegan hasta el dia de hoy. Desde entonces nadie ha podido negar que no existe forma mas profunda de influir positivamente en la vida de los pueblos que aproximarlos al mensaje original del Nuevo Testamento.Esta edicion del Nuevo Testamento permite que se acerque al texto original griego los hisponoparlantes tanto si son especialistas como si se trata tambien, de manera muy especial, de estudiantes que desean profundiar en el texto biblico; de pastores y predicadores que pretenden extraer la riqueza del original y de laicos que ansian recibir las bendiciones de la Palabra de Dios en su vida cotidiana. Precisamente por ello esta edicion contiene tres textos del Nuevo Testamento. En primer lugar, el Texto Mayoritario en griego que ha servido de base para realizar las traducciones mas importantes de la Biblia; en segundo lugar, una traduccion interlineal en espanol, palabra por palabra, realizada por el doctor Cesar Vidal, uno de los primeros especialistas en el mundo del Nuevo Testamento, y en tercer lugar, la traduccion Reina Valera 1909. Asi, en un solo voumen se reunen el texto griego riginal escrito por los autores del Nuevo Testamento; una cuidadosa traduccion contemporanea y la revision de la traduccion Espanola de mayor difusion de la Historia.
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Chinese English New Testament CUV Simplified And NIV
$14.99This handy-sized bilingual New Testament presents a side-by-side treatment of the two best-selling translations in the world, the Chinese Union Version (CUV) and English New International Version (NIV).
The NIV is the world’s most widely read and trusted contemporary English translation of the Bible. It is easy to understand and uncompromisingly faithful to the original text. The CUV, since its release in 1919, has been the most popular translation in the Chinese world. Its concise language no only reflects certain classical Chinese style, but also marked a new epoch of modern Chinese at the beginning of the last century.
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Hebrew English Interlinear ESV Old Testament
$99.99The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament is an essential volume for all who study the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. On each page the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) Hebrew text is laid out word-by-word above an English gloss showing the basic meaning and morphology of each word. For reference, the ESV text is presented separately in a column alongside the Hebrew and English gloss. The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament also features important notes from the BHS critical apparatus related to the textual tradition of the ESV. This is an important resource for pastors, scholars, students, and others who regularly work with the Hebrew Old Testament. Size: 7.625″ x 9.25″ 8-point type 2,080 pages Critical apparatus
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Spanish English Parallel Bible RVR ESV
$39.99The ESV Spanish/English Parallel Bible honors the diversity and relevance of God’s Word in a way that is ideal for Spanish and English speakers, as well as for bilingual readers. Two columns of Scripture are positioned on each page: the Reina-Valera 1960 Spanish text on the left, and the ESV English language text on the right. The ESV Spanish/English Parallel Bible also features textual notes for both translations, and is now available in portable hardcover and paperback editions. Double-column, verse-by-verse layout with Spanish and English side by side Black letter text Textual notes in both languages
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Bilingual Holy Bible English Italian
$71.35The Bilingual Holy Bible, English – Italian is derived from the 1901 English American Standard and 1927 Italian Riveduta Bible translations.
Printed on white paper for easy reading, verses are paired in classical Biblical English and Italian so both translations can be followed sentence by sentence.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesi 1:1
Nel principio Iddio creo i cieli e la terra.Psalms 23:4
Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.Salmi 23:4
Quand’anche camminassi nella valle dell’ombra della morte, io non temerei male alcuno, perche tu sei meco; il tuo bastone e la tua verga son quelli che mi consolano.John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.Giovanni 3:16
Poiche Iddio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figliuolo, affinche chiunque crede in lui non perisca, ma abbia vita eterna.The texts have been edited to allow pairing of verses which can result in some verse numbers that differ from other Bibles.
Genesis – Genesi
Exodus – Esodo
Leviticus – Levitico
Numbers – Numeri
Deuteronomy – Deuteronomio
Joshua – Giosue
Judges – Giudici
Ruth – Rut
I Samuel – I Samuele
II Samuel – II Samuele
I Kings – I Re
II Kings – II Re
I Chronicles – I Cronache
II Chronicles – II Cronache
Ezra – Esdra
Nehemiah – Neemia
Esther – Ester
Job – Giobbe
Psalms – Salmi
Proverbs – Proverbi
Ecclesiastes – Ecclesiaste
Song of Solomon – Cantico dei Cantici
Isaiah – Isaia
Jeremiah – Geremia
Lamentations – Lamentazioni
Ezekiel – Ezechiele
Daniel – Daniele
Hosea – Osea
Joel – Gioele
Amos – Amos
Obadiah – Abdia
Jonah – Giona
Micah – Michea
Nahum – Nahum
Habakkuk – Abacuc
Zephaniah – Sofonia
Haggai – Aggeo
Zechariah – Zaccaria
Malachi – Malachia
Matthew – Matteo
Mark – Marco
Luke – Luca
John – Giovanni
Acts – Atti degli Apostoli
Romans – Romani
I Corinthians – I Corinzi
II Corinthians – II Corinzi
Galatians – Galati
Ephesians – Efesini
Philippians – Filippesi
Colossians – Colossesi
I Thessalonians – I Tessalonicesi
II Thessalonians – II Tessalonicesi
I Timothy – I Timoteo
II Timothy – II Timoteo
Titus – Tito
Philemon – Filemone
Hebrews – Ebrei
James – Giacomo
I Peter – I Pietro
II Peter – II PietroAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Bilingual Holy Bible English Italian
$107.07The Bilingual Holy Bible, English – Italian is derived from the 1901 English American Standard and 1927 Italian Riveduta Bible translations.
Printed on white paper for easy reading, verses are paired in classical Biblical English and Italian so both translations can be followed sentence by sentence.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesi 1:1
Nel principio Iddio creo i cieli e la terra.Psalms 23:4
Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.Salmi 23:4
Quand’anche camminassi nella valle dell’ombra della morte, io non temerei male alcuno, perche tu sei meco; il tuo bastone e la tua verga son quelli che mi consolano.John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.Giovanni 3:16
Poiche Iddio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figliuolo, affinche chiunque crede in lui non perisca, ma abbia vita eterna.The texts have been edited to allow pairing of verses which can result in some verse numbers that differ from other Bibles.
Genesis – Genesi
Exodus – Esodo
Leviticus – Levitico
Numbers – Numeri
Deuteronomy – Deuteronomio
Joshua – Giosue
Judges – Giudici
Ruth – Rut
I Samuel – I Samuele
II Samuel – II Samuele
I Kings – I Re
II Kings – II Re
I Chronicles – I Cronache
II Chronicles – II Cronache
Ezra – Esdra
Nehemiah – Neemia
Esther – Ester
Job – Giobbe
Psalms – Salmi
Proverbs – Proverbi
Ecclesiastes – Ecclesiaste
Song of Solomon – Cantico dei Cantici
Isaiah – Isaia
Jeremiah – Geremia
Lamentations – Lamentazioni
Ezekiel – Ezechiele
Daniel – Daniele
Hosea – Osea
Joel – Gioele
Amos – Amos
Obadiah – Abdia
Jonah – Giona
Micah – Michea
Nahum – Nahum
Habakkuk – Abacuc
Zephaniah – Sofonia
Haggai – Aggeo
Zechariah – Zaccaria
Malachi – Malachia
Matthew – Matteo
Mark – Marco
Luke – Luca
John – Giovanni
Acts – Atti degli Apostoli
Romans – Romani
I Corinthians – I Corinzi
II Corinthians – II Corinzi
Galatians – Galati
Ephesians – Efesini
Philippians – Filippesi
Colossians – Colossesi
I Thessalonians – I Tessalonicesi
II Thessalonians – II Tessalonicesi
I Timothy – I Timoteo
II Timothy – II Timoteo
Titus – Tito
Philemon – Filemone
Hebrews – Ebrei
James – Giacomo
I Peter – I Pietro
II Peter – II PietroAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
NIV And The Message Parallel Bible Large Print
$79.99If your translation of choice is the New International Version (NIV), and if you appreciate The Message for the freshness and insight it brings to your reading of the Bible, then you’ll love the NIV and The Message Side-by-Side Bible. By setting these two versions together, this Bible allows you to instantly compare today’s most popular modern-English Bible translation: the NIV, and Eugene H. Peterson’s best-selling paraphrase: The Message. Features: * The authenticity and accessibility of today’s most popular modern-English translation, the NIV. The NIV brings you as close as you can get to the reading experience of the original audience. In every verse it seeks to offer the optimum combination of transparency to the original text and transparency to the original meaning. * The story-like flow and conversational style of The Message. The Message is treasured by countless people for the way its contemporary language illuminates ageless truths. * Foreword from Eugene H. Peterson * Double-column format * Ribbon marker
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Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible Updated Edition NKJV ESV NLT MSG
$66.00The Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible brings four translations essential to the evangelical Christian community together in one book. This Bible contains the New King James Version (NKJV), the English Standard Version (ESV, the New Living Translation (NLT), and The Message. From the more literal translation such as the ESV, to The Message paraphrase, you can deepen your understanding of Scripture by comparing these popular translations. The Updated Edition contains newly updated ESV, and NLT texts.
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Contemporary Parallel New Testament KJV NAS NCV CEV NIV NLT NKJV MSG
$67.00With the exception of the classic King James Version, all of the popular translations featured in the Contemporary Parallel New Testament were published within the last quarter-century. This edition is the first to include both the New International version and The New King James Version texts in parallel, making it especially noteworthy.
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RVR 1960 KJV Bilingual Bible
$32.99All the elegance of the Reina Valera revision 1960 combined with the poetic beauty of the King James.
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