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    Mary Austin

    • Ashes At The Coffeeshop Resurrection At The Bus Stop Cycle B


      Lent can be one of the more difficult church seasons to go through, but if God is right there alongside us the whole time, there is nothing to worry about. Mary Austin assures us that God is with us everywhere that we go this Lenten season, and that Jesus is closer to us than ever, even in this time of his fast approaching death and betrayal. However, this does not stop Jesus from being selfless, as he continues to do God’s work and form stronger bonds with his disciples. In the same way that we do not want to be alone during this Lenten season, Austin encourages her audience to also be there for Jesus, letting him know that he is loved: “This week, as we come into Holy Week, let us see Jesus as he is, and keep him company in this journey of suffering. And may he go with us, in every place where we feel abandoned, lost, fearful, doubting…so we know that we are never alone” (“Never Really Alone”).

      Austin continues in the idea of emphasizing that nobody is alone during this Lenten season, not even the disciples of Jesus like you and me. Although we may have our doubts, our fears, our lack of faith throughout our lives, Jesus does not turn away from us. “Jesus sees all of this in his friends, as he sees it in us, and what does he do? He comes closer” (“Feet and Hearts”).

      Sermon titles include:
      *Fifth Sunday in Lent: “Seeing What We Don’t Want to See” (John 12:20-33)
      *Second Sunday of Easter: “Growing into Our Scars” (John 20:19-31)
      *Seventh Sunday of Easter: “Gifts You Can’t Return” (John 17:6-19)

      Eighteen sermons based on the Gospel lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary (Cycle B) for the seasons of Lent and Easter are included in this single volume. The reader will find these messages inspiring, thought-provoking and comforting. The content of this book will be useful for personal devotions, for a study groups and for sermon preparation.

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    • Road To Hallelujah


      Does the activity and busy calendar of the Christmas season wear you out? Are you always looking for a way to slow down when everyone around you seems to be speeding up? Do you long for the “old days” when faith and family seemed more important than finding that perfect “something” for people you barely know?

      The writing team of The Immediate Word has come together to offer a respite from the frenzy of a busy season; to invite you to take some time to ponder the Gift of God to the people of the earth. This daily devotional for the seasons of Advent and Christmas will help to deepen your faith during a period that has become filled with frenetic activity and distractions in our contemporary world. Explore scripture during the season of Advent with the TIW team. Take time each day during this busy holiday season to slow down – becoming closer to God and his son, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

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    • Meeting God At The Mall Cycle C


      Americans are mired in idolatry. This is perhaps at no time more evident than during the Christmas season.

      What idols do we worship? We often point out the consumerism that eclipses the meaning of the holiday, but as Mary Austin points out, there are others that might escape our notice. Perfectionism, that belief that if we can host the perfect holiday party or keep a perfect house, for example;thesefalse gods, we often believe will offer us wholeness. Busy-ness, too, can give us a false sense of worth.

      These sermons use the words and actions of Paul to call out these false gods, to reveal our idolatry and its cause: our longing for the true source of peace. Once we have determined the cause of our love/hate relationship with the Christmas season, we can begin to pursue the counter-cultural cure.

      Meeting God at the Mallting God at the Mall shows us there is no obstacle too great to prevent us from finding our way back to the peace we can find only in our loving Savior.

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