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Love and Marriage

Showing 301–350 of 405 results

  • Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.

    Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.

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  • Matrimonio De Sobrevivir A Pro – (Spanish)


    Best-selling author Charles R. Swindoll uses his warm, humorous, yet always insightful writing style to bring some much needed advice on the subject of marriage. Drawing from his own personal experience with Cynthia, his wife of 50 years, as well as showing what the Bible says about marriage, Charles will give very practical and inspiring ways to building a marriage that not only survives the tests of time but also thrives.

    El autor de exitos de libreria Charles R. Swindoll escribe de una manera calida, humoristica y siempre acertada en este libro de consejos muy necesarios sobre el matrimonio. Basa el libro en su experiencia personal con su esposa de cincuenta anos, Cynthia, y muestra lo que dice la Biblia sobre el matrimonio. Brinda consejos muy practicos y ofrece ideas inspiradoras para edificar un matrimonio que no solo sobrevive los inevitables contratiempos de la vida sino que florece.

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  • I Promise : How Five Commitments Determine The Destiny Of Your Marriage


    Dr. Gary Smalley reveals the true foundation of every great marriage. In I Promise, America’s foremost marriage expert comes to a startling new conclusion: great marriages are built on a foundation of trust, not behavioral skills. So it’s not enough to learn your partner’s love language, become proficient in conflict resolution, learn to control your emotions, or even become an expert in the bedroom. If your spouse does not feel safe enough to open up his or her heart without fear of being judged, criticized, blamed, or rejected, nothing you do will be effective. It’s only when couples feel emotionally safe that they can truly become one as God intended. Based on ten years of research, Dr. Gary Smalley shares five heartfelt promises you can make to your mate that are guaranteed to build trust and help your spouse become the true soul mate, lover, and friend you desire.

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  • 1st Five Years


    Every couple plants seeds of success or failure in the first five years of their marriage. If they lack basic communication skills and the ability to solve conflicts in areas like sex, finances, and emotional intimacy, they won?t make it past the five-year-mark. Authors, speakers, and columnists Bill and Pam Farrel offer sound, simple-to-apply advice to help couples establish firm foundations for their relationships. Based on their own successful twenty-five-year-marriage, Bill (who is also a marriage counselor) and Pam have developed strong principles for staying the course when life challenges their relationship. Lively, fun, and practical for newlyweds anywhere in THE FIRST FIVE YEARS, this book is the best investment a couple can make in building a happy, long-lasting marriage.

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  • Book Of Romance


    The Bible is well-known for its wisdom on spiritual concerns and righteous living. But did you know it can also guide you in matters of dating, courtship, and marriage?

    “Based on what God knows about us,” says Tommy Nelson, “He has provided an instruction manual in the Song of Solomon with eight very enlightening, explicit, and highly practical chapters on the topics of love, sex and intimacy.”

    Wise and engaging, The Book of Romance digs deep into the Song of Solomon and what it says about the Bible’s most passionate lovers. As you learn about their relationship, you’ll discover how you, too, can experience the deep emotional, sexual, and spiritual satisfaction that God created to be enjoyed in marriage.

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  • Confessions Of An Adulterous Christian Woman


    Confessions of an Adulterous Christian Woman offers a rare and honest look at the destructive descent into adultery and reveals the redeeming power of God’s grace and His ability to restore a ruined life. Author Lyndell Hetrick Holtz was a pastor’s wife, Bible study leader, and retreat speaker who never believed she would commit adultery. She thought her involvement with ministry gave her extra protection from the temptation to have an affair. But, in her forties, her life began to crumble, and suddenly adultery seemed to be the solution for an unhappy life and marriage. With emotion and conviction, Lyndell reflects on the disillusionment and faulty beliefs that led to destructive decisions. She tells of the heartache and pain she experienced when her affair was discovered and the resulting consequences, including the loss of her 25 year marriage, her beautiful home, her witness in the community, her friends, and the respect of her four adult children. It seemed as if her life was over and her relationship with Christ forever ruined.

    But it was here, broken and sprawled in the dust of shame and defeat, where Lyndell encountered love unlike any she had ever known. With worship and humility, she shares how God lovingly embraced her shattered life and began to redeem, restore, and rebuild it in miraculous ways.

    Confessions of an Adulterous Christian Woman gives women a first-hand look at the destruction of adultery and provides the awareness needed to avoid assuming that Christian women are immune to adultery’s snare. This powerful story examines the devastating effects of adultery, but more importantly, reveals a God who continues to write His story of redemption, restoration, and reconciliation on the broken lives of humanity, taking us, from utter despair to undying devotion to Him and the unconditional, healing love He gives.

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  • Love And Marriage


    Whether you are looking for a partner or already married, and whether you need some major sizzle or a mere dash of seasoning in your marriage, you will find what you need in Love and Marriage, to Love and to Hold. This book will put life back into a collapsing marriage, help men and women into the process of choosing the right partner, and assist marriage counselors in their duties. Author Florence Salimu Mponda is both a secretary and a registered nurse who has helped many marriages be restored because of her burden for successful marriages thorugh her ministry of marriage counseling.

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  • Lo Que El Necesita Lo Que Ella (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


    No es una sorpresa que hombres y mujeres tengan radicalmente diferentes prioridades. Describiendo las diez necesidades mas importantes de los hombres y las mujeres, Dr. Harley les enseara como hacer que su matrimonio sea solido. Aprenda como sostener romance, incrementar la intimidad, y profundisar su consiencia aos tras aos. Esta edicion en su aniversario numero 15 presenta un nuevo prologo, mas questionarios e inventarios personales.

    It’s no surprise – men and women have radically different priorities. Describing the ten most important needs of men and women, Dr. Harley teaches you how to “affair-proof” your marriage. Learn how to sustain romance, increase intimacy, and deepen your awareness year after year. This 15th anniversary edition features a new preface, plus personal questionnaires and inventories.

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  • How I Met My True Love


    Do you have a story burning inside of you – a story that rivals the great romances in literature and film? Join hudreds of ordinary people in this book as they share their stories about how they met the love of their life. From blind dates to childhood crushes, you’ll read about the times when “heaven came down” and touched earth in remarkable ways. These stories will inspire you to believe God, not just for the small things, but even the big things in your life. True love exists and here’s proof!

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  • How I Met My True Love


    Do you have a story burning inside of you – a story that rivals the great romances in literature and film? Join hudreds of ordinary people in this book as they share their stories about how they met the love of their life. From blind dates to childhood crushes, you’ll read about the times when “heaven came down” and touched earth in remarkable ways. These stories will inspire you to believe God, not just for the small things, but even the big things in your life. True love exists and here’s proof!

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  • Loving Your Spouse Through Prayer


    Praying together as a couple, and praying for your mate, is the mortar in a marriage – a way for a couple to turn toward each other rather than away from each other. It also invites God’s love into the relationship. To help put feet to readers’ prayers and guide them to a better relationship with God and each other, this book packs poignant true stories, actual prayers, inspirational quotes and creative, doable marriage-building ideas into 12 chapters. Whether someone is seeking a better marriage when it’s already good, or wanting to improve and stay positive in a struggling marriage, Cheri Fuller offers hope and motivation so that couples will make the most of one of the best gifts God ever gave them: prayer.

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  • 8 Choices That Create A Love That Lasts


    Not everything is within our power to control. But, thankfully, some of the most important things are.

    Beloved author Jill Briscoe shares eight concrete choices that are guaranteed to fill your life with love — the kind of love that lasts. Based on the “love chapter” of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, the choices shared in these pages will give you the power to love not only God and yourself but to infuse love into every relationship in your life.

    You Can Choose a Life of Lasting Love

    Choose love through these eight life-empowering choices:
    1. The choice to love God
    2. The choice to love when love runs out
    3. The choice to love those in your church family
    4. The choice to love those who drive you up the wall
    5. The choice not to love things too much
    6. The choice to love when you’re provoked
    7. The choice to love and trust again
    8. The choice to love God up close and personal

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  • Adultery : 101 Reasons Not To Cheat


    This book will scare the hell out of you! Adultery is a living hell. Divorce is a dose of death. Don’t be another casualty of infidelity and divorce. Be forewarned concerning the dangers of adultery. Adultery is a disguised detour en route to your personal demise. Read this book and be armed for battle to overcome temptation. Arrest the adversary before he beguiles and destroys you. Rise up with a renewed purpose and divine force to nullify the attacks of the enemy. Fight to preserve your personal and marital purity. This book is spiritual food, a weapon with which to war against the enemy, and a treasure to prepare your heart for both matrimony and eternity. This perverse and adulterous generation needs a fresh revelation of the repercussions of adultery. The inhabitants of the earth learn righteousness by God’s judgments. Adults also suffer affliction when they commit adultery. A fearful judgment awaits the adulterer. Wrongdoing is always followed by the consequences of our actions. Develop a hatred for the enemies of your marriage and learn how to guard against them. Hate evil and prolong your days. Be stripped and strengthened by the Spirit to overcome the lusts of the flesh.

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  • Starting Your Marriage Right


    The Raineys offer an upbeat and practical manual for marriage to guide couples through the challenges they face as they start their lives together.

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  • For A Glory And A Covering


    Introduction: Why This Book Might Not Do You Any Good

    Part I: Marriage And The Nature Of God
    1. Marriage, Trinity, And Incarnation
    2. Imitation
    3. The Virtue Of Jealousy
    4. Marriage And The Holy Spirit
    5. Reciprocity

    Part II: Marriage Is For Men And Women
    6. What Is Marriage?
    7. Masculinity And Femininity
    8. Duties Of Husbands And Wives
    9. Headship
    10. Submission
    11. Men Are Stupid; So Are Women
    12. Exchanged Authority

    Part III: Marriage Is For Sinners
    13. Lies About Equality
    14. Forgiveness
    15. Divorce
    16. Marriage And The Means Of Grace
    17. Study Your Spouse
    18. Love And Respect
    19. Wise Words In Marriage

    Part IV: Marriage Is Good
    20. Food, Glorious Food
    21. Growing Old Together
    22. Widowhood
    23. Designed To Be Sexual

    Additional Info
    “Lord, here am I. Change him.”
    “God, I’m trying. She started it.”

    Common claims but they’re so far from Trinitarian life. We invoke Christ at the wedding then seem to default to an alien theology afterward.

    In this simple and practical book, Doug Wilson offers a richer and more comprehensive theology of marriage than in his prior works. Here he grounds marriage in the life of the Trinity and in the life of the church. Marriage is intended to be a glorious picture of the gospel, and marriages grounded elsewhere regularly create a small hell on earth. Don’t miss the riches of marriage.

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  • Making A Marriage


    Wherever you are in your marriage journey-from contemplating marriage to having spent many years with your spouse-you will benefit from the wisdom of Making a Marriage.

    Written by Christian educators and licensed counselors, this valuable collection will give you a new perspective on your relationship with your spouse and the vows you made.

    You’ll learn new skills to help you improve in areas such as:
    *Conflict resolution
    *Stress management
    *Building and maintaining intimacy

    Whether you’re facing challenges in your marriage or you just want to make your good marriage all God intends it to be, Making a Marriage will help you lay a strong foundation for the lifelong commitment of building a loving and lasting relationship with your spouse.

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  • Not Your Parents Marriage


    Find God’s Unique Shape for Your Marriage

    It’s not just the two of you and God. The truth is, you bring your family into your relationship in more ways than you realize. Yet God has plans for your marriage that differ from the expectations of your parents’ generation. Looking at the past, how do you know what to jettison and what to keep as your own?

    Jerome and Kellie Daley have wrestled with the tough questions about which spouse is responsible for what and why, how last night’s fight could help you love each other more, and what it really means to leave your parents and become full partners in marriage. As you practice the freeing biblical truths about marriage, you discover that many of the practicalities that worked for previous generations are a poor fit in your relationship.

    Not Your Parents’ Marriage examines God’s dreams for marriage today, based on the scriptures and including honest dialog, fun questionnaires, and space for journaling. It’s time to honor what God has done in the past while unlocking the creativity and passion that are unique to your relationship.

    Whether you are engaged, married, or somewhere on the way, God wants to do a new thing in your relationship. Are you ready to experience it?

    Includes discussion questions for couples or groups.

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  • When Two Become One


    Written by a certified sex therapist and his wife, this paperback edition of When Two Become One helps couples find sexual fulfillment with The Lovemaking Cycle(C).

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  • Because I Said Forever


    A recent study indicates that Christian marriages don’t fail as often as secular marriages — they fail more! Debbie Kalmbach, the wife of a recovering alcoholic, understands the longing to leave but offers Christian wives solid reasons to stay in a difficult marriage. This is not a “how to save your marriage” but more a guidebook for wives on how to save their ability to love, to honor their commitment to their husbands, and to maintain their faith in God while in marriages that may never live up to their dreams. Debbie tackles tough questions such as “Why won’t he go to counseling?” “Can I change him?” and “What do I do when I don’t feel in love anymore?” with a warm, compassionate approach sure to encourage and inspire every struggling wife.

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  • Marriage Poems : A Medley Of Pop-Pops Poems On Marriage


    “D. J. Wooten grew up within the church. In fact, he and I grew up within the same church, back in the late forty’s. Still quite young, he moved on and began his studies, which led to his Bachelor’s degree from United Wesleyan College. This helped prepare him for his pastoral and evangelistic calling. His own marriage of almost fifty years ended in the passing of his wife. He has since remarried. He and Lily together have a music ministry. D. J. “Pop-Pop” Wooten, as he is now often affectionately called, has studied churches and homes for the long years in his service to God. I have owned my religious bookstore for forty five years and I know of no other book on the teachings of marriage that has been put in this kind of poetic form. It is both Biblical and practical, as well as pleasant to read and at times very, very challenging. Every age can benefit from the study of the principles of which he writes.” Pastor Jack Savage OWNER, JACK’S RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP SALISBURY, MARYLAND

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  • Love Your Man


    In Love Your Man, author Jeri Bankson encourages women to appreciate and wholeheartedly love their husbands. She addresses everything from misconceptions about men to bringing sexual freedom in the marriage bed. Jeri begins by sharing her own personal love story which is funny, romantic, and inspiring. This is a great book for newlyweds or those who want to be once again! “Pastor Jeri is truly a woman without guile or pretentiousness. She shoots straight from the heart – tackling those ’embarrassing’ sexual questions with openness and purity. Every woman I know could find something to help her marriage within these pages. Need help? Start reading!” -PASTOR EILEEN GORDON, Cornerstone World Outreach “This book helps Christian couples watch for the potential pitfalls attacking marriages today, and avoid them. We need more of this type of bold teaching. You will learn truths that will help your marriage thrive!” -PASTOR BRENDA KUNNEMAN Lord of Hosts Church

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  • Sacred Unions : A New Guide To Lifelong Commitment


    Sacred Union is a book about true love. By true love – or romance – the author refers to sexual passion that deepens into the permanent union of two persons in heart, body, and mind. The book is therefore addressed to all true lovers; straight or gay, deep into the adventure of a shared life or just contemplating it, or emerging out of a failed attempt. Lifelong union, Breidenthal asserts, is of central importance in all circumstances, and it remains a viable option for all of us, no matter who we are or what our story is.

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  • How To Choose A Life Partner


    This insightful book deals with practical aspects of marriage and relationships, based on God-given principles. It deals with issues such as abuse, communication, temperament, finances and infidelity head-on, and points out how they influence the relationship between a man and a woman.

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  • Sex Marriage And Family Life In John Calvins Geneva Volume 1


    You would not expect this from his dour reputation, but John Calvin transformed the Western understanding of sex, marriage, and family life. In this fascinating, even sensational, volume John Witte and Robert Kingdon treat comprehensively the new theology and law of domestic life that Calvin and his fellow reformers established in sixteenth-century Geneva. Bringing to light and life hundreds of newly discovered cases and theological texts, Witte and Kingdon trace the subtle historical forms and norms of sex, marriage, and family life that still shape us today.

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  • Marriage 101


    Gives the reader great insight into the level of love that existed in the marital relationships of the forerunners of our Faith. You’ll see the Bible as a “Love Story” and you’ll even appreciate and respect Adam.

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  • Hope Focused Marriage Counseling (Expanded)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830827640ISBN10: 0830827641Everett WorthingtonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2005Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Marriage Covenant


    Is your marriage less than what you envisioned? Are you suffering in a bad marriage, but don’t want to be the next divorce statistic?
    If you find yourselves divided as a couple while you focus on who is at fault rather than what can be done – here is the answer!
    In Marriage Covenant, Derek Prince unravels the principle of covenant and how we can build “a cord of three strands” that cannot be broken.
    By following God’s plan for marriage, you will build a relationship that faces difficulties, overcomes them, and emerges stronger than ever.
    Discover a cherished love the most people only dream about.

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  • Communication : 6 Studies (Student/Study Guide)


    How can you “give life” to your marriage with your words?

    Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Through six study sessions for individuals, couples or groups, they help you explore differences that might hinder communication and learn strategies that can strengthen your marriage.

    Intimate Marriage Bible studies bring spouses into deeper communion with God and with each other. In marriage a man and a woman are called to leave their families of origin, to weave their individual lives into a unity and to cleave to each other. How can fallen human beings even begin to contemplate this ideal–God’s ideal?

    These studies will help you take small but real steps toward honoring the image of God in each other and living out God’s goal for marriage. As you explore and respond to Scripture together, you will discover strength and beauty in your marriage and become even more intimate companions.

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  • Interfaith Families : Personal Stories Of Jewish Christian Intermarriage


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596270114ISBN10: 159627011XJane KaplanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2005Publisher: Seabury Books Print On Demand Product

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  • Love And Respect Workbook (Workbook)


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

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  • Good Husbands Guide To Balancing Hobbies And Marriage


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Avid hunter Steve Chapman (A Look at Life from a Deer Stand-200,000 copies sold) enthusiastically pursues a lifelong hobby while remaining passionate about his wife and home. Knowing the perils of spending too much time in the woods, he prayed, studied God’s Word, and sought advice. The result? Nine life-changing principles to balancing hobbies and marriage, including-
    *investing equal finances in his spouse’s interests
    *spending more time with his wife than with his hobby
    *communicating desire to be with his family
    *sharing the child-rearing load
    *making sure hobby doesn’t cause a mess

    Whether their passion is hunting, golf, or team sports, this guide will help men participate in hobbies and keep their families happy.

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  • I Love You More Workbook For Women (Workbook)


    Relationship experts and award-winning authors Les and Leslie Parrott believe the same forces that can tear down a marriage can become the catalyst for new relational depth and richness–provided you learn the secrets to using everyday problems to strengthen your marriage. In this workbook companion for the book, they help women explore how a marriage survives and thrives when a couple learns to use problems to boost their love life, to literally lover each other more.

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  • I Love You More Workbook For Men (Workbook)


    Relationship experts and award-winning authors Les and Leslie Parrott believe the same forces that can tear down a marriage can become the catalyst for new relational depth and richness–provided you learn the secrets to using everyday problems to strengthen your marriage. In this workbook companion for the book, they help men explore how a marriage survives and thrives when a couple learns to use problems to boost their love life, to literally lover each other more.

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  • Unequally Yoked : 5 Steps To Living Victoriously While In The Valley


    SKU (ISBN): 9780974492933ISBN10: 0974492930Kaye EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2005Publisher: Leeway Artisans Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • His Rules : Gods Practical Roadmap For Becoming And Attracting Mr Or Mrs Ri


    Frustrated by All the Advice for Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right?

    Some worldly “experts” may sound sexy but don’t offer the spiritual tools you need to address the real-life pains, temptations, and fears associated with the dating experience. Quickie solutions won’t cut it, and neither will a wait-and-see approach. You want God’s views-His rules for becoming and attracting a lifelong mate. This book offers the answers you’ve been seeking.

    *Rule 1: Make Sure Your Map Isn’t Upside Down (Get a clue about what real relationships are about, for your own sake!)
    *Rule 5: Clean House (If your internal house is dirty, how can you invite folks to come live with you?)
    *Rule 6: Put the Kingdom Above the Booty (God’s not getting relationship rules from Sex and the City, so why are you?)
    *Rule 11: Stop Looking Back (Crying about what could’ve been keeps you from what can be.)
    *Rule 15: Handle the Heat (Learn how to tame the fire, or get out of the kitchen.)
    *Plus eleven more rules for avoiding relationship disasters.

    Using wit, straight talk, and real-life illustrations, His Rules explores relationship guidelines singles can follow as they seek out lifelong love. These no-nonsense relationship rules will equip you to get closer to God, challenge you to clean up your act in preparation for a mate, and give you the savvy you need to distinguish a godly mate from an imposter.

    Because when you commit to following God’s guidance, your relationship will not only work-it will last.

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  • Tesoros De Intimidad – (Spanish)


    Descripcion (Description): Es muy dificil tener entendimiento sin conocimiento. Tristemente existen muchas personas que no conocen el mundo intimo del sexo opuesto. Podemos investigarlo de tal forma que podamos comprenderlo mejor, para que exista intimidad a traves del conocimiento de otra persona. Tanto el hombre como la mujer estan hambrientos de amor, y las relaciones sexuales, separadas del amor, no resultan en satisfaccion, sino en desilusion.

    It is very hard to have understanding without knowledge. Sadly many lack knowledge of the needs of the opposite sex. We can investigate in order to understand better, to learn that intimacy existes by our knowledge of the other person. Both man and woman are hungry for love, and sexual relations separate from love does not result in satisfaction, but disillusion

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  • Back To The Garden The Marriage The Purpose


    Back to the Garden, the Marriage, the Purpose is the third book in the Back to the Garden purpose series. It is written for those desiring to walk as one in God’s promises for marriage while growing together into a “tag team” for His glory.

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  • 1 Year Book Of Devotions For Couples


    Written especially for couples, this One Year devotional includes real-life stories and Scripture references to help readers apply the truths from God’s Word to their marriage day-by-day. Also includes intimate prayers and daily challenges. Couples will find doses of encouragement and truth to help strengthen their marriages.

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  • Reconcilable Differences : Hope And Healing For Troubled Marriages


    What does it take to really make right a severely damaged relationship? When going back to how things were is not nearly good enough, is there hope for true transformation and healing? Counselor and teacher Virginia Holeman waves together biblical insight and rich theological reflection while drawing from the best of current psychological studies on forgiveness, repentance and reconciling. Out of her own research you will hear the poignant stories of married couples who tell in their own words what its like to seek reconciliation in seemingly hopeless situation. Complete with honest and practical help, this book will be an encouragement to married couples who dare to hope for the healing and transforming of broken relationships and for counselors and pastors who want to work more effectively with them.

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  • Maximizing Your Marriage Student (Workbook)


    God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God’s plan. The facts are that only about half the couples who go to the altar remain married — and many of those who do not divorce find themselves in frustrating relationships full of pain and conflict.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an interactive mentoring course for couples based on solid biblical principles about God’s design for marriage. Ten weekly sessions provide plenty of tools that get couples headed in the right direction to experience and enjoy all God wants for them. And the course concludes with an overnight retreat which offers couples the opportunity to renew their vows.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an adventure that will bring refreshment and encouragement to any marriage. It’s a great investment for a healthy relationship that reflects Jesus Christ.

    Sessions include:
    * Mutual Submission To Christ
    * The Wonder Of God’s Oneness
    * A Promise To Be Kept
    * Expectations vs. Godly Assignments
    * Stop — Talk — and Listen, Listen, Listen
    * In Pursuit Of Understanding
    * Finding A Firm Financial Foundation
    * The Reward Of Raising Children
    * Intimacy In Every Way
    * Fueling The Flames Of Your Marriage
    * The Getaway

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  • Maximizing Your Marriage Leader (Teacher’s Guide)


    God intends for marriage to be one of the most satisfying relationships you will ever experience. Like our relationship with Christ, your relationship with your spouse should be a source of joy, peace, life, and love. But many marriages miss God’s plan. The facts are that only about half the couples who go to the altar remain married — and many of those who do not divorce find themselves in frustrating relationships full of pain and conflict.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an interactive mentoring course for couples based on solid biblical principles about God’s design for marriage. Ten weekly sessions provide plenty of tools that get couples headed in the right direction to experience and enjoy all God wants for them. And the course concludes with an overnight retreat which offers couples the opportunity to renew their vows.

    Maximizing Your Marriage is an adventure that will bring refreshment and encouragement to any marriage. It’s a great investment for a healthy relationship that reflects Jesus Christ.

    Sessions include:
    * Mutual Submission To Christ
    * The Wonder Of God’s Oneness
    * A Promise To Be Kept
    * Expectations vs. Godly Assignments
    * Stop — Talk — and Listen, Listen, Listen
    * In Pursuit Of Understanding
    * Finding A Firm Financial Foundation
    * The Reward Of Raising Children
    * Intimacy In Every Way
    * Fueling The Flames Of Your Marriage
    * The Getaway

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  • Winning Your Husband Back Before Its Too Late


    He’s walked out and she still wants him back. Thousands of discouraged and hurting women ask, “Is there anything I can do to win my husband back?” Though there are plenty of books on divorce, few talk about what it takes to initiate a reconciliation. Gary Smalley and Dr. Greg Smalley offer women a biblically based strategy for winning back their mate.

    Included is an appendix of additional resources on organizations, counseling centers, video series, and books that have proven particularly helpful in this situation. Full of practical advice and realistic encouragement, Winning Your Husband Back can help heal a marriage. And whether the marriage is healed or not, the ideas will also help readers become responsible for their own choices and draw nearer to God.

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  • Winning Your Wife Back Before Its Too Late


    Each year more than five million couples separate in the United States and almost 1.2 million more couples divorce. While there are numerous books designed for the spouse who wants to separate or divorce, there are few resources for those who want to reconcile the relationship. This book is written specifically for the man whose wife has walked out on him and wants to win her back. It includes step-by-step, easy-to-understand instructions and advice. Real-life examples offer insight into how other men won their wives back, and a workbook section helps men develop a personalized plan for their individual situations. This book offers simple steps that God can use to restore hope and make a positive difference in a marriage relationship

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  • 15 Minutes To Build A Stronger Marriage


    Tyndale House

    In this book a couple will gain a deeper understanding of each other in areas such as love, communication, emotional and physical intimacy, forgiveness, and spiritual growth. In only 15 minutes a week, busy couples will learn techniques to strengthen their relationship as well as give substance to the time spent together.

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  • Mad About Us


    LEARN TO LOVE YOUR MARRIAGE AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE YOUR SPOUSE. Many couples try to love each other only to be trapped by the marriage itself. Loving the relationship provides an opportunity for a deep and lasting connection. When you and your spouse love the Us-the separate entity created when two people fall in love-then together you will experience a unique partnership and deep spiritual union. Mad About Us embraces the longing that pulls people together and guides readers to redirect their marriage to live from the relationship rather than for it. “Dr. Doug McKinley has a passion for helping couples build marriages that not only survive but thrive. His years of clinical competence combined with his practical insight make him a true authority-someone we deeply respect. We urge you to read this book.” Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott Seattle Pacific University Authors of The Love List “Mad About Us offers piercing insight and truly effective help for people looking to build profound marriage partnerships. Individuals and couples looking to move beyond a marriage of survival to one of deep satisfaction and intimacy will want to pick up this book.” Daniel Meyer, Senior Pastor Christ Church Oak Brook, Illinois “Dr. Doug McKinley provides both the wisdom and discernment to move beyond simplistic solutions. Mad About Us offers a unique and profound relational definition of marriage as well as a pattern through which to assess next steps for a couple’s marital growth.” Rev. Dr. Scott Field Wheatland Salem United Methodist Church Naperville, Illinois

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  • Marriage Journey : Preparations And Provisions For Life Together (Revised)


    The Sacrament Of Marriage
    Extended Families
    Being With Others
    Living Together
    Fighting Fair
    Money Matters
    Sexual Intimacy
    The Gift Of Children
    Yes, No, Maybe, Why Bother (Marriage Preparation, Marriage Enrichment)
    The Journey Ahead

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    Updated version of this classic resource for couples about to marry, those already married, and the congregations that support them, including new introductory material and a completely revised resources section.

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  • Relationships Gods Way


    Chapter 1: Unmarried To the unmarried individual who is trying to identify his or her soul mate. Male: God loves you so much that He wants to give you favor. Female: You are so special to God that He identifies you as a good thing and says that your price is far above rubies. Chapter 2: Married To married couples who are searching for the truth to stay married. Husband: God has chosen you to be the vehicle that will transport the greatest gift of all to His daughter, your wife. Wife: The ingredient that God has placed in you is a gift for your husband that will take him to heights that will elevate him spiritually, physically, materially, and relationally. Chapter 3: Parents To parents who want to contribute a blessing and not a curse to society. Father: God wants you to know that you are important-that’s why He put the chromosome inside of you that determines the gender of your child. Mother: You are unique because God put inside of you the incubator that develops life to its outward manifestation.

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  • Safe Haven Marriage


    Creating a safe haven for each other in a marriage can enable a couple to weather any storm. Yet that accomplishment is certainly easier said than done. Psychologists Arch Hart, Ph.D, and Sharon Hart Morris, Ph.D., present a detailed blueprint for establishing a marital safe haven so that couples can count on each other and avoid criticizing, blaming and shutting out their partners during tough times. Based on a new therapeutic approach that involves establishing a feeling of “safety,” out of which commitment and the other necessary elements of a lasting and fulfilling relationship can grow.

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  • Sheet Music : Uncovering The Secrets Of Sexual Intimacy In Marriage


    246 Pages

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    Get ready to make beautiful music together! Dr. Leman’s practical guide will help any couple stay “in tune” for an active God-designed sex life. Addressing a wide spectrum of individuals—with positive, negative, or no experience—his frank descriptions, line drawings, and warm and friendly tone will help couples find greater harmony through intimacy.

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  • Gift Of Sex (Revised)


    Clifford and Joyce Penner, clinical therapist and nurse have written a sensitive and forthright guide to understanding sexuality and how it fits into God’s design for marriage. This revised and updated version features a new introduction, new illustrations, a section on addictions and the Internet, and a timely discussion on sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences. With the latest information on sexuality and intimacy, this best-selling book is ideal whether you are newlyweds or have been married for many years.Chapters include: The Physical Dimension The Total Experience Moving Past Sexual Barriers Resolving Difficulties Finding Help

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