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    Justo Gonzalez

    • Worship In The Early Church


      While many histories of Christian worship exist, this project undertakes a task both more focused and more urgent. Rather than survey the whole history of the Christian church, it focuses on the formative period between the first and fifth centuries CE, when so many of the understandings and patterns of Christian worship came to be. And rather than include such developments as the monastic hours of prayer and the history of ordination, the authors deal primarily with those aspects of worship that recur on a weekly or regular basis: preaching, Eucharist, and baptism. The book divides its subject into three period. It begins with the emerging worship of the New Testament era. It moves to the second and third centuries, when the church’s main tasks of establishing its identity in relation to its Jewish roots and making its way in a hostile Roman environment showed up in its theology and practice of worship. And it concludes with the fourth and fifth centuries, when introducing the increasing numbers of converts after Constantine to Christian faith became one of the highest priorities of the church’s worship. This resource will serve as a valuable guide to the historical developments that brought about Christian worship as we know it today.

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    • Como Leer El Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


      La primera palabra de todo el libro es “Apocalipsis”, que queria decir “revelacion”. Esta palabra ha venido a ser, no solamente el titulo de este libro en particular, sino tambien, el nombre que se le da a todo un genero de literatura que resulto comun en los circulos judios unos pocos siglos antes del advenimiento de la fe cristiana.

      Los cristianos adoptaron este genero para su propia literatura. El primer caso, y el que le dio nombre a todo el genero apocaliptico, fue el Apocalipsis de Juan. En general, la literatura apocaliptica se enfrenta a la cuestion del sufrimiento de los justos en manos de los injustos, y lo hace empleando un lenguaje altamente simbolico que combina un frecuente uso de la metafora con numeros que reciben significados misteriosos.

      Este libro de Justo L. Gonzalez y Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explica con gran claridad todo el contexto historico y tambien la exegesis del libro del Apocalipsis; con gran erudicion, pero de forma muy clara y pedagogica, conectando, tambien, nuestras circunstancias semejantes a las del siglo primero. La injusticia y la idolatria todavia se pasean en nuestra sociedad y sobre la faz de la tierra. Por esas razones, resulta ser una gran bendicion el que el Apocalipsis, con sus advertencias aterradoras para quienes prefieren la comodidad y el exito antes que la fidelidad, sea parte de nuestro Nuevo Testamento.

      Aqui, dos de los historiadores mas importantes, ofrecen a los lectores un comentario altamente accesible, perfecto para los lideres de estudios biblicos o el propio estudio personal.

      Un estudio del libro del Apocalipsis de Juan, como guia para la fe y la practica cristiana. Se explica el libro biblico y explora su significado para vivir con fidelidad hoy.

      How to Read Revelation

      Justo L Gonzalez and Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explain with great clarity the whole historical context exegesis the book of Revelation, with great erudition, clearly, and pedagogically.

      Christians adopted this genre for some of their own literature. The first case, and the one that named the entire apocalyptic genre, was the Apocalypse of John. In general, apocalyptic literature addresses the issue of the suffering of the righteous at the hands of the unjust, using highly symbolic language that combines frequent use of metaphor with numbers that receive mysterious meanings.

      This book by Justo L Gonzalez and Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explains with great clarity the entire historical context and also th

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    • When Christ Lives In Us Cuando Cristo Vive En Nosotros


      This study by renowned author Justo L. Gonzalez, emphasizes Jesus’ life and ministry. Gonzalez explores how today’s adult Christians may walk with Jesus in specific forms and acts of ministry. Written in both Spanish and English, this book contains eight sessions on the themes of: Calling, Praying, Feeding, Healing, Commissioning, Teaching, Witnessing, and Giving.

      The bilingual book is a combination student/leader book with discussion questions at the end of every session. Este estudio del reconocido autor Justo L. Gonzalez resalta la vida y el ministerio de Jesus. Gonzalez explora como los cristianos adultos (mujeres y hombres) de hoy pueden caminar con Jesus de forma concreta y con actos de ministerio definidos. Escrito en espanol e ingles, este libro contiene ocho sesiones sobre los siguientes temas: llamado, oracion, alimentacion, sanacion, comisionamiento, ensenanza, testimonio y donacion. Este libro bilingue combina el libro del estudiante y del lider e incluye preguntas de discusion al final de cada sesion.

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    • History Of Early Christian Literature


      Historical events have long been the standard lens through which scholars have sought to understand the theology of Christianity in late antiquity. The lives of significant theological figures, the rejection of individuals and movements as heretical, and the Trinitarian and christological controversies–the defining theological events of the early church–have long provided the framework with which to understand the development of early Christian belief. In this groundbreaking work, esteemed historian of Christianity Justo Gonzalez chooses to focus on the literature of early Christianity. Beginning with the epistolary writings of the earliest Christian writers of the second century CE, he moves through apologies, martyrologies, antiheretical polemics, biblical commentaries, sermons, all the way up through Augustine’s invention of spiritual autobiography and beyond. Throughout he demonstrates how literary genre played a decisive role in the construction of theological meaning. Covering the earliest noncanonical Christian writings through the fifth century and later, this book will serve as an indispensable guide to students studying the theology of the early church.

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    • Mestizo Augustine : A Theologican Between Two Cultures


      Justo Gonzalez presents Augustine of Hippo as a “mestizo” (mixed) theologian, whose life and theology must be understood in terms of the tension between his African roots and his Roman education. The result is a fresh introduction to the bishop of Hippo.

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    • Creation : The Apple Of Gods Eye


      How and why God loves us-God’s good creation This book will talk about the doctrine of creation and invite us to look closely at who God is and who we are in relationship with God. As people of faith, we believe that our gracious God created all there is, but does that also mean that God also created evil? How does creation jive with what scientists are telling us about the origin of the universe? What does the doctrine of creation tell us about what we call “the creation,” that is, the world, its value, purpose, etc? How does understanding the world as God’s creation teach us about our role in creation care? The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and earth, but does that deny the science of the Big Bang? What does believing that God is the Creator say about how God loves, redeems, and sustains us today or does creation say something only about the past? What about the “new creation”? Does this have anything to do with the old creation? Does it mean simply that God is so tired of the rebelliousness of creation that it seems best to erase the present one and start anew? Or is there a connection between the two? What does the doctrine of creation say about us? Aren’t we created in God’s image and aren’t we part of the good creation of a loving God? If so, why is there evil and rebelliousness in us? Where does our ill-will, our desire to do evil, come from? Is there freedom of the will or are all things preordained by God? Just how detailed is God’s plan for us? While no one author can deal with all these questions, this book will help us begin the conversation and gain new understanding of how the doctrine of creation can help us address these very human and timeless questions. Series Description: Belief Matters: How to Love God with Your Mind is a series of books written by widely recognized authors who will help readers think more clearly about their faith and better understand their beliefs, so that they can live more faithfully. These books will also help readers become aware of thoughtful resources and conceptual frames of reference that not only will deepen their faith, but also help them better understand what we say and do in Church. Conversational in tone, these books are reflections on major theological topics and are suitable for a 4-session individual or group study. The intent of the series is to help readers feel as though they are sitting, having coffee as authors share their “take” and show that by thinking more clearly about the

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    • History Of Theological Education


      Theological education has always been vital to the Church’s life and mission; yet today it is in crisis, lacking focus, direction, but also resources and even students. In the early Church, there is no doubt that to lead worship one had to be able to read and interpret the Bible. In order to lead, it was necessary to know at least something about the history of Israel and the work of God in the Gospels, and interpret that history, making it relevant to daily living. Quickly the Church developed schools for its teachers, whether lay or clergy. A catechetical system was organized through which candidates prepared for baptism were given a basic form of theological education. Hence to be a Christian meant persons knew what and why they believed. But over the years, theological education has come to mean education for clergy and church professionals. It has drifted, seeking new moorings.

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    • Story Luke Tells


      Among New Testament writers, who is the best historian? Without a doubt, says Justo Gonzalez, it’s Luke. Concerned about the particulars of people and events, Luke also gives readers the big picture, positioning the stories of Jesus not just in the history of Israel but in the history of humankind. Luke uniquely tells us the grand story of salvation – then and now.

      Gonzalez skillfully highlights key themes in Luke’s storytelling, including his strong emphasis on God’s “great reversals,” his keen interest in shared meals and their intimate connection to worship and communion, and his passionate underscoring of both the saving work of Christ and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Writing in a conversational style, Gonzalez draws readers into Luke’s story with fresh overviews and rich details, showing how Luke invites us to continue his gospel witness today.

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    • Nuestra Fe : A Sourcebook For Latin American Christianity


      Spanning more than 500 years, this illustrated book covers the rich history of Christianity in Latin America as it describes and clarifies its multiplicity of expressions. The authors use an analytical framework as they describe the institutional religious history for the period covered in that chapter, providing the context from which to look at other concurrent though non-institutional developments within Christianity. Each section includes sources that look at the way Christianity manifested and continues to manifest itself in the life of Latin American society, including its women, its enslaved and indigenous populations, and the modern-day marginalized sectors. Each chapter includes a general introduction that sets the context and the themes of that chapter’s readings along with questions to help the reader interact with the primary source.

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    • Nuestra Fe : A Latin American Church History Sourcebook


      Spanning more than 500 years, this illustrated book covers the rich history of Christianity in Latin America. The authors use an analytical framework as they describe the institutional religious history for the period covered in that chapter, providing the context to look at other concurrent though non-institutional developments within Christianity. Each section includes sources that look at the way Christianity manifested and continues to manifest itself in the life of Latin American society, including its women, its enslaved and indigenous populations, and the modern-day marginalized sectors.

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    • History Of Christian Thought In One Volume (Revised)


      In this revised and updated version of his popular history, Justo Gonzalez retains the essential elements of his earlier three volumes as he describes the central figures and debates leading to the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon. Then he moves to Augustine and shows how Christianity evolved and was understood in the Latin West and Byzantine East during the Middle Ages. Finally, he introduces the towering theological leaders of the Reformation and continues to trace the development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to postmodernity in the twenty-first.

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    • History Of Christian Thought (Revised)


      An introduction to Christian thought from the birth of Christ, to the Apostles, to the early church, to the flowering of Christianity across the world.This volume, condensed from Dr. Justo Gonzalez’s popular three-volume history, is revised and updated.

      While retaining the essential elements of the earlier three volumes, this book describes the central figures and debates leading to the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon. Then it moves to Augustine and shows how Christianity evolved and was understood in the Latin West and Byzantine East during the Middle Ages.

      Finally, the book introduces the towering theological leaders of the Reformation and continues to trance the development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to post-modernity in the twenty-first.

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    • To All Nations From All Nations


      Sharing the Good News might be understood as the prime directive of the Church from its earliest times, but the Church soon discovered unforeseen obstacles and its own set of temptations, including its lust for power and domination. Although the gospel might be joyfully offered, it was not always received in the same spirit. And the Church was not always gracious with dissent and criticism. Even so, the Church continues to reach out to the least, the last, and the lost-attempting to bring them into the family of God. But for mission to be effective today, it must take advantage of indigenous resources and recognize its limitations as well as its gifts.

      This book broadly introduces prominent missionary practices and major historical figures using three perspectives. First, it takes into account the missionary activity proceeding from the margins rather than only discussing the center of theological and ecclesial activity. Second, it narrates the cross-cultural, cross-confessional, and cross-religious dynamics that characterize Christian missionary activity. And third, it emphasizes that much missionary activity is generated by national rather than international missionaries. The text concludes with a chapter on the postmodern and postcolonial world.

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    • Introduccion A La Historia De – (Spanish)


      Introduccion a la historia de la iglesia es una obra formidable en la que de manera amena, entretenida y sin dejar de ser academica, el Dr. Justo Gonzalez repasa los acontecimientos fundamentales que sucedieron en la historia de la iglesia y que le han dado cuerpo. Este libro es fundamental como introduccion para entender el porque la iglesia tiene la forma que tiene en la actualidad, y servira de base para cualquiera que desee adentrarse en los detalles de tan extensa y a veces complicada historia.

      Written in Spanish by the renown Hispanic author Justo L. Gonzalez, this easy-to-understand and entertaining, yet academic introduction to the history of the church reviews the major events that happened in the history of the church and how they shape today’s church. This book is ideal for helping readers understand today’s church structure, and serves as guide for those interested in the extensive, and at times, complicated history of the church.

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    • Story Of Christianity 2


      THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, VOLUME 2, is an informative, interesting, and consistently readable narrative history. Beginning with the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, this second volume continues narrative history to the present. Historian Justo Gonzalez brings to life the people, dramatic events, and shaping ideas of Protestantism, Catholicism, and Orthodoxy during this period, keynoting crucial theological developments while providing fresh understanding of the social, political and economic forces that influenced the formation of the church. In particular, the author notes recurring themes of unrest, rebellion, and reformation. Gonzalez presents an illumination record of the lives, impelling ideas and achievements of such prominent figures as Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin-movers and shapers in the emerging Protestant church. His biographical insights, in conjunction with vivid historical accounts, reveal how individual lives mirror and clarify core theological concerns and developments. The interpretive overview of The Story of Christianity includes a thorough and timely analysis of the growth and maturation of Christianity, including events in Europe, the United States, and Latin America-the latter an area too often neglected in church histories, yet increasingly vital to an understanding of Christianity’s historical development, present situation, and future options. Gonzalez’s richly textured study discusses the changes and directions of the church in the traditions of Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Christianity. The Story of Christianity covers such recent occurrences as the World Council of Churches, the Second Vatican Council, the movement toward Christian unity, and much more. It concludes with a thoughtful look at the major issues and debates involving Christians today. The Story of Christianity will serve as a fascinating introduction to the panoramic history of Christianity for students and teachers of church history, for pastors, and for general readers.

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    • Historia Del Pensamiento Crist – (Spanish)


      In it the author offers us an interesting and detailed account of the development of the christian way of thinking from its origins until our present day.

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    • Juan – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacin Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llega (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se forma la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Romanos – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacian para la Educacian Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The twenty-five volume series, which covers all the books of the Bible, also includes three general volumes designed to introduce readers to the Bible and to biblical study: La Biblia en espanol: Como nos llego (The Spanish Bible: How It Came to Be); Como se formo la Biblia (How the Bible Was Formed), and Como estudiar la Biblia (How to Study the Bible). Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Luke : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


      Historian and theologian Gonzalez presents the beloved Gospel of Luke, who heralds Jesus’ birth as “good news of great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Gonzalez guides us and challenges us to ask, “What is the modern relevance of this text?” The result is a fascinating and important theological discussion of Luke’s gospel and its relation to the life and proclamation of the church and its members.
      This new series will build on a wide range of sources in areas such as biblical studies, the Christian tradition, popular culture, and the language of Christian worship. Whereas most commentaries emphasize the Bible’s ancient meaning, Belief concentrates on the living Word relative to the theological and ethical concerns of today. Noted scholars representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives will ensure a fresh and invigorating approach to the Bible. Nearly half of the volumes in the series will be written by women, and almost a third will be written by persons of color. Authors include Michael Battle, Anna Case-Winters, Harvey Cox, Miguel De La Torre, Boyung Lee, Thomas G. Long, Daniel Migliore, Stephanie Paulsell, Marcia Riggs, Donald Saliers, Ronald Sider, Leanne Van Dyk, and Allen Verhey.

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    • Story Of Christianity 1


      THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, VOLUME 1, is an informative, interesting, and consistently readable narrative history. It brings alive the people, dramatic events, and ideas that shaped the first fifteen centuries of the church’s life and thought–including major events outside of Europe, such as the Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the New World. Historian Justo Gonzalez shows how various social, political, and economic movements affected Christianity’s internal growth.

      Gonzalez skillfully weaves in relevant details from the lives of prominent figures from the apostles to John Wycliffe, tracing out core theological issues and developments as reflected in the lives and stuggles of leading thinkers within the various traditions of the church. “The history of the church, while showing all the characteristics of human history, is much more than the history of an institution or movement,” Gonzalez stresses. “It is a history of the deeds of the spirit in and through the men and women who have gone before in the faith.” THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY demonstrates at each point what new challenges and opportunities faced the church, and how Christians struggled with the various options open to them, thereby shaping the future direction of the church.

      THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY will serve as a fascinating introduction to the panoramic history of Christianity for students and teachers of church history, for pastors, and for general readers.

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    • Job Proverbios Eclesiastes Y C – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Ministerio De La Palabra Escri – (Spanish)


      El ministerio de la palabra escrita constituye una guia practica para todas las personas que esten contemplando la idea de escribir y publicar un libro. De una manera amena y entretenida, Justo Gonzalez nos introduce en el mundo del escritor y las dinamicas de publicacion. El autor ofrece en este volumen sus anos de experiencia como escritor y editor, y anima al lector a participar en la produccion de material escrito para el pueblo hispano-latino con afan de solventar su escasez. This title, translated as “the ministry of the written word” constitutes a practical guide for all who contemplate writing and publishing a book. In a practical, and easy-to-understand manner, Justo Gonzalez introduces to the world of the writer and the dynamics of publication. The author offers in this volume his many years of experience as the writer and publishing, and encourages readers to participate in the production of material written for the Hispanic-latino American communities where there is a shortage of quality ministerial books.

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    • Jeremias Y Lamentaciones – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Ezequiel Y Daniel – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Rut Esdras Nehemias Y Job – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Como Estudiar La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a unique Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. Justo L. Gonzalez, the General Editor for the series, is a distinguished biblical scholar and the author of numerous books, including Hechos (Acts) in this series.

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    • Filipenses Colosenses 1 Y 2 Te – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780806657813ISBN10: 0806657812Language: SpanishAwilda Gonzalez-Tejera | Editor: Justo GonzalezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2009Conozca Su Biblia # 3Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • De Genesis A Deuteronomio – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780806657769ISBN10: 0806657766Language: SpanishGuillermo Munoz | Editor: Justo GonzalezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2009Conozca Su Biblia # 2Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Biblia En Espanol Como Nos Lle – (Spanish)


      This particular volume in the Conozca series includes photos and maps that help illuminate the history of how the Spanish Bible came to be.

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    • Galatas Y Efesios – (Spanish)


      Written for preachers, teachers, and lay persons.

      Avoids unnecessary technical terms.

      Uses Scripture from the Reina-Valera revisada (NRSV) and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Heretics For Armchair Theologians


      In this unique Armchair volume, noted church historians Justo and Catherine Gonzalez introduce readers to important early church figures whose teachings were denounced by the church as heresies. Instructional for what they taught and for revealing what the church wished to safeguard and uphold, these “heretics,” including Marcion, Arius, Nestorius, and Pelagius, are engagingly presented in their contexts through a clear and accessible text that is highlighted by the humorous illustrations of Ron Hill. Heretics for Armchair Theologians is an enjoyable way to learn about the church’s early life and beliefs.

      Written by experts but designed for the novice, the Armchair series provides accurate, concise, and witty overviews of some of the most profound moments and theologians in Christian history. These books are essential supplements for first-time encounters with primary texts, lucid refreshers for scholars and clergy, and enjoyable reads for the theologically curious.

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    • Historia General De Las Mision – (Spanish)


      Los doctores Justo L. Gonzalez y Carlos F. Cardoza nos presentan esta historia de la expansion del cristianismo a traves de las misiones, a la vez inspiradora y aterradora, que nos sirve de llamado y de advertencia. Nos llama a seguir la linea esplendorosa de quienes antes de nosotros dieron testimonio de su fe como misioneros. Y nos advierte que, como cristianos fieles, hemos de preocuparnos por las consecuencias de nuestras acciones y nuestras actitudes.

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    • Manual De Homiletica Hispana – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9788482674841ISBN10: 8482674846Language: SpanishPablo Jimenez | Justo GonzalezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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    • Salmos – (Spanish)


      Written for preachers, teachers, and lay persons.

      Avoids unnecessary technical terms.

      Uses Scripture from the Reina-Valera revisada (NRSV) and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Timoteo Y Tito – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Isaias – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • De Josue A Cronicas – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asociacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church n America, is a unique new Bible commentary series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators.

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    • Lucas – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Epistolas Universales – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Marcos – (Spanish)


      Conozca su Biblia, developed in partnership with the Asocacion para la Educacion Teologica Hispana and the Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA, is a unique new Bible series written in Spanish by leading Hispanic theologians and Bible educators. The series includes general volumes about the Bible, as well as volumes about specific books or groups of related books.

      Written by knowledgeable scholars who avoid using unnecessary technical terms or an abundance of footnotes. The books are written at a high school reading level and address lay adults and beginning students. Scripture texts are from the two most commonly used Bibles in the Spanish-speaking world: the Reina-Valera Revisada and the Version Popular (Good News).

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    • Breve Historia De Las Doctrina – (Spanish)


      Gonzalez, one of today’s best interpreters of church belief and history, answers questions crucial to understanding Christian beliefs: What are the core Christian doctrines? What are the historical contexts in which these doctrines frist rose to prominence? How have they developed across the history of the church? and What claims do these doctrines continue to place on Christian belief and practice today? This Spanish translation is ideal for church history, historical theology, and systematic theology classes.

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    • Apostles Creed For Today


      This book explains the familiar Apostles’ Creed in easy, accessible language. Gonzalez explores not only what the Creed meant in the early centuries but also its ongoing importance and relevance for Christian faith and practice today.

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    • 3 Months With Paul (Student/Study Guide)


      Available in English for the first time, Three Months with Paul is popular author Justo Gonzalez’ study of the Gospel of Paul. Eminently readable, the study uses the “see-judge-act” method to bring readers closer to the text, informing and challenging them to apply the biblical material to their own lives.

      These thirteen studies can be used for Sunday school, for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. In addition, Three Months with Paul can easily be used as a daily Bible study, as each lesson is divided into seven parts.

      This is the fifth Gonzalez title to be translated from the Spanish. Previous titles include: Three Months with Matthew (published Spring 2002), Three Months with the Spirit (Spring 2003), Three Months with Revelation (Spring 2004), and Three Months With John (Spring 2005).

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    • Hebreos – (Spanish)


      The Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament Series (ACNT) is written for laypeople, students, and pastors. Laypeople will use it as a resource for Bible study at home and at church. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the New Testament. And pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation.

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    • Hechos – (Spanish)



      1. La Dadiva Del Espiritu (Hechos, Capitulos 1 Y 2)
      2. La Iglesia En Jerusalen (Hechos, Capitulos 3 Al 7)
      3. El Testimonio Se Expande (Hechos 8.1-12.24)
      4. Primer Viaje De Pablo (Hechos 12.25-14.28)
      5. El concilio De Jerusalen (Hechos 15.1-35)
      6. Segundo Viaje De Pablo (Hechos 15.36-18.22)
      7. Tercer Viaje De Pablo (Hechos 18.23-20.38)
      8. Encarcelamiento Y Juicio De Pablo (Hechos, Capitulos 21 Al 26)
      9. Viaje De Pablo A Roma (Hechos, Capitulos 27 Y 28)

      Bibliografia Selecta

      Additional Info
      The Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament Series (ACNT) is written for laypeople, students, and pastors. Laypeople will use it as a resource for Bible study at home and at church. Students and instructors will read it to probe the basic message of the books of the New Testament. And pastors will find it to be a valuable aid for sermon and lesson preparation.

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    • Concise History Of Christian Doctrine


      Justo L. Gonzalez, one of today’s best interpreters of church belief and history, lays out the answers to questions crucial to understanding Christian belief. First, what are the core Christian doctrines, and what convictions from the heart of Christian identity? Second, what are the historical contexts in which these doctrines first rose to prominence, and how have they developed across the history of the church? Finally, what claims do these doctrines continue to place on Christian belief and practice in the 21st Century? This book will serve the needs of students in church history, historical theology, and systematic theology classes in college settings, as well as seminaries and theological schools.

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    • Pulpito – (Spanish)


      Only book available that addresses the distinctive issues and character of preacing in Hispanic congregations. The authors discuss important historical, theoretical, and methodological issues in Hispanic homiletics. Includes ten sermons.

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    • Essential Theological Terms


      In Essential Theological Terms, renowned church historian Justo Gonzalez provides students with accessible discussions of over three hundred theological terms. Each entry in this two-column work gives more detail than those typical of a dictionary, introducing the meaning of the term, its importance, and ways it has been understood in both historical and contemporary theology. These reliable discussions of the most common ideas and concepts encountered in theological studies will make this book indispensable for students in all stages of their education.

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    • 3 Months With John (Student/Study Guide)


      Available in English for the first time, Three Months with John is popular author Justo Gonzalez’ study of the Gospel of John. Eminently readable, the study uses the “see-judge-act” method to bring readers closer to the text, informing and challenging them to apply the biblical material to their own lives. These thirteen studies can be used for Sunday school, for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. In addition, Three Months with John can easily be used as a daily Bible study, as each lesson is divided into seven parts. This is the fourth Gonzalez title to be translated from the Spanish. Previous titles include: Three Months with Matthew #0687094550, Three Months with the Spirit #0687045991, and Three Months with Revelation #0687088682.

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