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Joel Comiskey

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  • 2000 Years Of Small Groups


    This book explores how God has used small groups throughout church history. He not only established the early church as a house to house movement, he has used small groups as the base of his church throughout the ages. This book chronicles the small group or cell movement throughout church history. Themes include:

    -Small Groups In Biblical History
    -Small Groups In Early Christian History
    -Small Groups And Monasticism
    -Small Groups During The Pre-Reformation Period
    -Luther and Small Groups
    -Martin Bucer and Small Groups
    -The Anabaptist Movement
    -Puritan Conventicles
    -The Moravians
    -The Methodists
    -The Modern Day Cell Church

    This book will book will critique the strengths and weaknesses of these movement while applying principles to today’s church. The book will explore the modern day worldwide cell movement around the world and how today’s movement stands on the past history.

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  • Making Disciples In The 21st Century Church


    More than a decade ago, Bill Hull wrote The Disciple Making Pastor. Hull criticized America’s Sunday attendance strategies as being totally inadequate and emphasized the need to make disciples. I resisted Hull’s teaching, thinking he lacked church growth insight. At that time, I primarily judged church growth success by how many were seated in a church in the worship service.

    Yet now I applaud the concept of growing a church from the inside out and measuring success by disciples made and sent forth. The only command, in fact, of Christ’s great commission was to make disciples. The rest of the verbs in Matthew 28:18-20 are not in the command form but are actually participles. Jesus literally said, “having gone, make disciples.” (Matt. 28:18).

    We know that the goal of the Christian life is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. While this is God’s ultimate plan, does he have a particular purpose for the cell-based church? I’ve been wrestling with this question for the past twenty-two years. This question confronts me every time I coach a pastor or pastors. In preparation for coaching, I ask myself, “What is my principal objective in helping this pastor?” “Where am I guiding this church?” “What am I trying to do?”

    This book answers these questions.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the primary goal of cell ministry is to make disciples who make disciples. Christ’s last command to his disciples was for them to repeat the process and to reproduce new disciples. But how were they supposed to do that?

    We in North America and the Western world often project our own cultural bias into Christ’s great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Most discipleship books, in fact, assume that discipleship is an individualistic endeavor–between me and God. And yes, there is an important individual aspect (e.g., personal devotions, etc.). Yet in Matthew 28, Jesus was talking to a group of disciples. He wanted them to follow his example by making disciples in a group. Jesus molded twelve disciples in a group and then sent them house to house.

    The early church followed Christ’s pattern by making disciples through the house churches that periodically celebrated together in public worship. In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul tells Timothy to continue the discipleship process by passing on the pure gospel message to faithful men and women. Even though the term “disciple” is later replaced by words such as “brothers/sisters,” “Christians,” and “saints,” the concept remain

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  • Relational Disciple : How God Uses Community To Shape Followers Of Jesus


    Jesus lived with His disciples for three years and taught them life lessons. He molded and shaped them through community. He traveled with them and taught them as they journeyed. After three years, Jesus told them to “go and do likewise” (Matthew 28:18-20).

    Christ’s way of discipleship was through relationships.
    We in the west, on the other hand, prepare lone-ranger disciples based on our culture of individualism. This book will detail how our culture of individualism has now turned into isolationism and that social relationships are at an all-time low. The church of Jesus Christ has also been negatively impacted through a brand of individualism that promotes anonymity in the church.

    I will contrast this with how the early church made relational disciples. Like Jesus, they focused on the one-anothers of Scripture. They took the commands of Christ literally when he told them to love one another, serve one-another and care for one another. In fact, Jesus told His disciples that as a result of the love they practiced to one another, the world would believe in His existence (John 17).

    The Trinity is our example of pure community. God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The persons of the Godhead dwell together in perfect unity. God’s very nature stirs His followers to live in unity with one another. And community is the crying need for those living in the west in the 21st century. So many are lonely, isolated and in need of loving relationships.

    This book will encourage Christ-followers to allow God to mold them through the natural relationships of life: family, friends, cells, church and mission.

    Section I:

    -The Problem of Isolation: the breakdown of American community in the 21st century and the immense pain and loneliness in society today.

    –Relationship with the Trinity: true community stems from having a right relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit–the God who lives in perfect unity.

    -New Testament Community: what the Bible says about relational Christianity and the need for community.

    -How God uses conflict in our relationships with people to mold and shape us as His followers.

    I will cover four concentric circles:

    -inner circle: Spouse, family, children, close friends. Sadly, we in North America have often prioritized personal success over those closest to us.

    -organic church circle: I’m referring here to the cell or a small group and those discipleship relationsh

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  • Spirit Filled Small Group


    Small group resources tend to overlook the spiritual side of small group leadership. And yet most would agree that spiritual preparation is the most important aspect of leading a small group. Only Gods supernatural power can draw people to the truth and liberate them to be all that God wants them to be. Only through the Spirits power can we expect to see the miracles that Jesus talked about when He said that if we would abide in Him, we would bear much fruit and even do greater works than He did while He was on earth. The key distinction of this book is the spiritual perspective it gives to small group ministry. So much of the literature about small groups that is already published relates to small group technique and only touches briefly on the Spirits power. This book is a practical reference guide to help small group leadership begin to move in the supernatural realm. The books first priority is to help small group leaders and members trust the Holy Spirit to lead them, empower them and work in their group. Small group facilitators often sense a lack of guidance, power and spiritual authority. Jesus knew His disciples would be powerless without a touch from the Holy Spirit, and so He told them to wait in Jerusalem, saying, You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth Acts 1:8. Small group leaders need a power boost to make small group ministry relevant and exciting. The second priority of this book is to help the facilitator identify and mobilize each small group member to use his or her own spiritual gifts. Small group facilitators often feel ill-prepared to identify spiritual gifts of the people in the group. I firmly believe that the small group atmosphere is the perfect place to develop the gifts of the Spirit in each members life, and so it is essential that the facilitator know how to do this. Whatever denominational or non-denominational label a church wears, the most important characteristic, in my opinion, is promoting individual sensitivity, devotion and dependence on the Holy Spirit. In a Holy Spirit-charged atmosphere, cell leaders are best raised up and members are encouraged to minister in their giftedness. Some churches are better at empowering lay people than others. Those that are less adept often make lay people feel they must possess a theological degree much like the pastor has before they can successfully minister to a

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  • Planting Churches That Reproduce


    The goal of Planting Churches that Reproduce Starting a Network of Simple Churches is to simplify the church planting process in order to start a network of simple, reproducing churches. This book will give invaluable information to those contemplating church planting or in the process of planting a church. Comiskey has been gathering material for this book for the past ten years. He has also planted three churches in a wide variety of settings. Planting Churches that Reproduce is the fruit of his research and personal experience. Comiskey uses the latest North American church planting statistics, but also extends the illustrations to include worldwide church planting. In the first section, Comiskey lays out the Biblical basis for church planting, including the all important question what is the church? In order to understand how to plant a network of reproducing churches, its essential to know how the New Testament defines Christs church (and the New Testament definition is a simple one). Paul the apostle was the first centurys model church planter and arguably the most effective church planter the world has ever known. The book goes into detail about how Paul planted churches and the important lessons that we can apply twenty centuries later. The book then moves from the Biblical basis to the contemporary scene. Comiskey answers the question of how in todays complicated society we can plant churches that reproduce and even start a network of simple churches. The book shows statistically why church planting is absolutely essential to keep up with the population growth. Many statistics are noted to demonstrate the grave need for continual church planting today. Then Comiskey tackles the question of the modern day church planter. What makes a modern day church planter successful? What are the key characteristics that todays church planters need to successfully plant a church in the 21st century? Comiskey provides indepth information from recent studies about the character qualities necessary to plant a church. Comiskey provides helpful information on church planting barriers. These barriers come from the fieldboth from those who have planted churches andor those who are currently doing so. The book reveals what church planters would do differently if they could do it over again. This information will help future church planters avoid similar mistakes. The second section goes into detail about the three main church planting strategies the celebrat

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  • Explosion De La Iglesia Celula – (Spanish)


    The author writes about his investigation into the eight most effective small group ministries in the world by describing actual events and giving practical tips to demonstrate the foundations of this type of ministry.

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  • Discover : Use Your Gifts And Help Others Find Theirs


    Everyone has at least one spiritual gift, according to the Bible. But many don’t know what that gift is or how to use it. Discover provides clear steps and guidelines to find and activate your spiritual gift. This book is an invaluable resource for any individual to discover his or her spiritual giftedness. It will especially help those leading a small group to know how to discern the different gifts among group members-and then to help each person activate that gift. The eight lessons offer biblical insight on the different spiritual gifts as well as practical suggestions on how to use them. Discover is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.

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  • Coach : Empower Others To Effectively Lead A Small Group


    Coaching is the key to helping small group leaders succeed over the long haul. Yet those who are willing to coach often lack information on how to do it. This book provides step-by-step information on how to coach a small group leader. Someone who is already coaching a small group leader will find the eight lessons in the book invaluable to empower others to lead fruitful cell groups. And even those who have never coached before will receive clear information on how to take the small group leader to the next level. Coach is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.

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  • Lead : Guide A Small Group To Experience Christ


    Small groups are leader breeders. Jesus formed his twelve disciples in a small group atmosphere. The best way to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, in fact, is to disciple others. Lead! explains how to facilitate a small group and to grow in the process. This book highlights key small group dynamics that will give the leader confidence in facilitating others. People are longing for community and this book reveals how to find it in the small group atmosphere. Lead! shows a potential leader how to develop new leaders to continue the process of discipleship. It’s excellent to use both in a Sunday School setting or one-on-one. This book forms part of a five-part series to help a person become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

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  • Share : Make Christ Real To Others


    Jesus Christ wants every Christian to grow in a deeper relationship with Himself. Yet so many people stagnate in the Christian life. Grow! explains how to have a daily quiet time in order to know Christ intimately and grow to maturity. This book offers plenty of practical help for turning the “chore” of devotions into a life-changing, joy-producing habit. Grow! outlines clearly how to seek God in the quiet time and explains the amazing benefits of experiencing God on a daily basis. With this helpful and enthusiastic book, a person can have a quiet time that is much more than opening a Bible and saying prayers. It will be a time of experiencing the living God-a time of communion with the King. This book can be used both in a Sunday School classroom and/or one-on-one.

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  • Grow : Deepen Your Relationship With Christ


    Jesus Christ wants every Christian to grow in a deeper relationship with Himself. Yet so many people stagnate in the Christian life. Grow! explains how to have a daily quiet time in order to know Christ intimately and grow to maturity. This book offers plenty of practical help for turning the “chore” of devotions into a life-changing, joy-producing habit. Grow! outlines clearly how to seek God in the quiet time and explains the amazing benefits of experiencing God on a daily basis. With this helpful and enthusiastic book, a person can have a quiet time that is much more than opening a Bible and saying prayers. It will be a time of experiencing the living God-a time of communion with the King. This book can be used both in a Sunday School classroom and/or one-on-one.

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  • Encounter : Receive Christs Freedom


    Jesus said “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). More and more need this freedom. People are increasingly bound by bitterness, chemical addictions, and other strongholds. Encounter! Receive Christ’s Freedom reveals how to be set free through Jesus Christ. This book begins by teaching how forgiveness is the only way to overcome hurt and resentment. It then instructs on how both forgive and receive forgiveness. Encounter! then guides the believer to receive inner healing, freedom from occult bondage, curses, and other debilitating strongholds. This book not only helps to remove sin hindrances, but it also shows the believer how to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and then to walk in the Spirit. This is a perfect book to give to a believer who needs Christian victory. This book can be used both in a group setting (e.g., Sunday school) and/or one-on-one.

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  • Live : Experience Christs Life


    Jesus Christ offers abundant life for everyone who asks. But how does a person receive Christ’s life? This book clearly explains how. The first chapter, Finding God, explains how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The subsequent chapters equip the believer to live a fruitful Christian life. The book teaches on prayer, Bible study, Christian fellowship, receiving a new identify, obeying Christ’s commands, and administrating God’s resources. Live! Experience Christ’s Life is an excellent resource to give to a pre-Christian seeker. A person can both find Christ and grow in Him by studying this book. It’s a great resource to use one-on-one or in a Sunday school classroom. This book is the first in a five-part series that makes fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

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