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    • Angels In The Realms Of Heaven


      Heaven is real!

      Christ has already prepared a place for you to dwell with Him in Heaven. Your heavenly home awaits you!

      Angels in the Realms of Heaven: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today is the third book in the exciting, real-life, supernatural series Dancing With Angels!

      If you are intrigued by what Heaven looks like and what God’s angels are doing today-you will love this book. Heaven and angels are described in detail by someone who has been there numerous times.

      Unlike other books that are basically Bible studies about angels, Angels in the Realms of Heaven is full of testimonies of actual present-day angelic encounters and visitations.

      “The Lord told me to record my supernatural experiences, and they are shared in this book. I hope these simple testimonies about Heaven will inspire in every reader a sense of their heavenly home,” writes author Kevin Basconi.

      You will be moved to tears of joy and hope as you experience Angels in the Realms of Heaven for yourself!

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    • Color Of Rain


      Matt Kell is a young husband and father in the late stages of terminal cancer. His former classmate Cathy Spehn has recently moved to his hometown with her husband and three children. Four weeks after Matt dies on Christmas Day, Cathy develops a bad headache. She dies seventeen days later of inoperable brain cancer. On her last day of life, she tells her husband, Michael: ‘Call Gina Kell.’ The Color of Rain illuminates the stepping-stones of healing that led to a new life for Michael, Gina, and their five children. This remarkable real-life Brady Bunch story explores the differences between despair and grief, denial and joy, bitterness and redemption. Told from alternating points of view, Michael and Gina’s gripping journey of ‘growing new hearts’ inspires readers to not just survive loss but to receive the courage, faith, and identity that God gives in the midst of tragedy—and be transformed forever.

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    • Eternal Shadows Or Shadow Makers


      Everything in our solar system casts a shadow. The Earth, the moon, and the planets cast a shadow. The only thing that does not cast a shadow is the sun. The sun shines its light on one half of the planets, while the other half is in the shade of its own shadow. All living and non-living things expose only half of themselves to the light of the sun. Their other half remains in its shadow. Plants and animals are born with a shadow, live with a shadow, and must die with a shadow.

      Man is born with a shadow; however, he does not have to live and die with a shadow like the rest of the living creatures. He can choose to stay confined within the shadows of earthly things or go beyond the shadows to become something like the sun. But this quest takes a little something extra than most ordinary men seem to look for or even believe is possible to achieve. Early on in childhood, Fr. Peterson wanted to fly. Little did he know that his innocent desire to fly was an extraordinary, shadowless thing called prayer. A real and very extraordinary ear heard his plea. So God’s heart, the only one in nature who produces no shadow, was moved to help show him how to go beyond the shadows of worldly things, frightful things, and even deadly things.

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    • Exposed : Inexcusable Me Irreplaceable Him


      Hopeful Heart Ministries
      EXPOSED is a true modern day love story between God and a girl and the enemy who wants to tear them apart.
      Raped at seventeen and then again as a freshman in college, Shannon Deitz felt completely bypassed by love. Rebelling against the violent attacks on her body and struggling to quiet the pain through self-abuse, her feelings of worthlessness eventually became so palpable she could not fathom how anyone – most especially God – could love her. This only caused her to push deeper into her own torment.
      Shannon Deitz spent nearly two decades of her life in the darkest valleys of self-destruction, believing she was unworthy of God’s love. After witnessing as a child the sex and drug-induced downfall of her older sister, Shannon turned away from her Catholic faith and upbringing and found herself caught in a wild and carefree lifestyle. She drank, partied, and sought comfort in abusive relationships, only to be raped not once but twice-by two different men.
      “I endured countless, inexcusable trials walking further and further way from the embrace of Christ because I felt too unworthy to look back,” Deitz recounts. “And worse, I didn’t want to be like them, those who were self-righteous…holier than thou. I liked me.” At least she thought she did.

      Then, at the age of 27, unable to fight the battle raging inside her any longer, she gave it all up. Face down on her bedroom floor with her life in shambles all around her, Deitz surrendered every aspect of her being to God. She gave up the self-judgment, the condemnation, the need to be better. She let it all go. And in that moment she finally understood the truth-that her life had never belonged to her. It had always belonged to God.
      Exposed: Inexcusable Me . . . Irreplaceable Him is one woman’s courageous journey down the path of spiritual self-discovery. Not only does this book expose the awful truths of physical and emotional abuse, but it also exposes the truth that, no matter how deeply our wounds may run, we will always be worthy of God’s healing grace.
      This book offers faith-based encouragement for teenagers and adults who have suffered physical or emotional abuse. Through the extremely personal, no-holds-barred account of one woman’s journey down a self-destructive path, it addresses such issues as spiritual warfare, the need to be loved, and the need to relinquish control of one’s self to God.

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    • Mother Has Alzheimers


      I knew little about Alzheimer’s disease, a devastating ailment afflicting over five million Americans, and I hadn’t known anyone who suffered from it. Then it became personal. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This is a story of our journey together during the various stages of her illness. In many ways it was not a pretty time. Yet, through this difficult experience, there were shafts of light from the One who understands all things and promises to be with us. It was His light that led me to dig deeper, furrow beneath His wings, and find His peace and strength in the storm.

      Through retelling personal stories, I invite you along on my journey. By sharing my close up perspective of this disease, you will enter with me into the eye of the storm, but more importantly, into the goodness of God. In the midst of the devastation of Alzheimer’s, God met me with encouragement, direction, comfort, peace, and even joy.

      You will see that a person doesn’t have to be healed in order for God to be glorified, that He’s all about the journey. I experienced victory in the midst of trial, opportunities to serve when serving was a test, the ability to trust when situations were tedious and perplexing, and thankfulness when days were clouded with a heavy, oppressive fog. Overall, I found hope in the midst of loss in what became an adventure in God. I took Him at His word and was not disappointed. All glory to the Father!

      “But thanks be to God who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place” (II Cor.2:14).

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    • Eternal Shadows Or Shadow Makers


      Everything in our solar system casts a shadow. The Earth, the moon, and the planets cast a shadow. The only thing that does not cast a shadow is the sun. The sun shines its light on one half of the planets, while the other half is in the shade of its own shadow. All living and non-living things expose only half of themselves to the light of the sun. Their other half remains in its shadow. Plants and animals are born with a shadow, live with a shadow, and must die with a shadow.

      Man is born with a shadow; however, he does not have to live and die with a shadow like the rest of the living creatures. He can choose to stay confined within the shadows of earthly things or go beyond the shadows to become something like the sun. But this quest takes a little something extra than most ordinary men seem to look for or even believe is possible to achieve. Early on in childhood, Fr. Peterson wanted to fly. Little did he know that his innocent desire to fly was an extraordinary, shadowless thing called prayer. A real and very extraordinary ear heard his plea. So God’s heart, the only one in nature who produces no shadow, was moved to help show him how to go beyond the shadows of worldly things, frightful things, and even deadly things.

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    • Whitney I Knew


      A virtual album of BeBe Winans’ treasured memories of his friend and “sister,” Whitney Houston.

      In the years between the first time BeBe Winans and Whitney Houston met in 1985, to the day he delivered the tribute that touched a watching nation at Houston’s funeral, a deep and unique friendship bloomed and thrived. They considered each other family in the truest sense of the word.

      Now this very personal collection of remembrances offers us a seat at the table during Whitney’s most unguarded moments. Here we see her in all her quirky, passionate, fiercely loyal glory though the eyes of her “brother,” BeBe.

      For most of her public life, Whitney Houston was a mystery. In The Whitney I Knew, Winans has given us a wonderful gift—the gift of understanding. From profoundly moving personal moments to eye-opening accounts of triumph to the heartbreaking realities that led to her ultimate defeat, the untold stories are intimately woven throughout this book—along with online video links to behind-the-scenes moments, highlights of her career, and never-before-seen video of Whitney. Also included is an extensive photo section from BeBe’s personal collection.

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    • Amazing Stories Of Life After Death


      A nurse shares real-life experiences and life-changing divine occurrences, giving readers the pathway to the supernatural that these experiences revealed.”But when He, the Spirit of Truth…comes, He will guide you into all the Truth…For He will not speak His own message…but He will tell whatever he hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come” (John 16:13, AMP).In an era in which many seek significance and importance in their life, people often overlook or ignore God’s supernatural means of communication-dreams and visions. Caught up in their busy daily schedule, they miss the message. In True Stories of Life After Death, Christians not only “see” the revelations of these great communiques but also come to understand them as well.Prepare to be captivated by the phenomenal accounts of pain, despair, hope, and encouragement. Be challenged to ponder God’s supernatural means of communication. Be willing to learn and understand the need for change in your life. God is speaking to you. Right now. Are you listening?

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    • Encuentro Entre Dios Y El Canc – (Spanish)


      Tyndale House Print On Demand Title

      When God and Cancer Meet is a book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways: some in their bodies, others in their minds, all in their spirits. This book offers inspiring testimony that when God and cancer meet, cancer is conquered.

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    • Voices From The Edge Of Eternity


      A compilation of the words and experiences of famous people just before death. Young and old, great and small, saint and sinner-these testimonies confirm the biblical doctrines of life after death, judgment for the nonbeliever, and eternal life for those who have accepted Christ as Savior. Includes the experiences of a formidable array of witnesses, such as:
      *Martin Luther
      *Catherine Marshall
      *John Wesley
      *Joan of Arc
      *Thomas Paine
      *Norman Vincent Peale
      *Charles Darwin
      *Napoleon Bonaparte
      *King Charles IX of France
      *Thomas Edison
      *And many more

      A fascinating collection of thoughts and experiences that highlights the remarkable agreement of their testimonies, and the light that each account sheds on the life that awaits us after death.

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    • Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit


      Known as “the Prince of Preachers,” Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached many sermons on the Holy Spirit from 1853 to 1891. This Pure Gold Classic shares many of his sermons and writings on this important topic. Here are some of the titles within this book:

      The Personality of the Holy Spirit
      The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit
      The Holy Ghost Glorifying Christ

      In each of his sermons, Spurgeon teaches with clarity and deep spiritual insight, as he reveals marvelous facets of the life and ministry of the Holy Spirit. When viewed in its entirety, Spurgeon on the Holy Spirit shows the fullness of the Holy Spirit to the reader. This book is filled with a wondrous light that floods the reader’s mind, deepens his spiritual understanding, and promotes his rapid spiritual growth.

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    • Forgiveness Is Not An Option


      How do you forgive the unforgiveable? Is it possible to truly be free from what others have done to you?

      Each of us has a story and has experienced hurt in some area of our lives. Whether in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, we all have experienced pain and disappointment. If not dealt with, these wounds begin to impact our everyday life at a crippling rate. We live bound by fear, insecurities, anger and jealousy; often chalking it up as “normal”. Yet, in reality, we are being held captive by what others have done to us. We desire freedom from our pasts and our pain yet struggle with how to attain it; we wonder if it is even possible.

      Addressing a broad spectrum of issues from common offenses to abuse and betrayal, the author leaves no question as to God’s opinion of mistreatment, and how we can heal and live a life of freedom from our past and present hurts. With practical tools, you will discover that freedom isn’t just possible; it’s attainable.

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    • Story Matters : True Stories Of Radical Faith Courage Struggles And Surviva


      How could a pair of blue stilettos change someone else’s story?
      Why would that story even matter?
      Everyone has a story….
      the beautician at the beauty salon….
      the homeless pregnant woman found sleeping in the park….
      a pharmaceutical sales rep that appears as if her life is perfect….
      the successful owner of a local waterline company….
      or even a shallow-faced teen ravaged by the effects of drugs….
      All of them have stories….
      ….stories that matter.

      Inside this book there are countless real stories. Your faith will be encouraged as you read about how God speaks by sending butterflies after a night of sorrow, through catching fish, a timely delivery and the faith it took to build a ministry for those who didn’t think their stories mattered.

      Join the courage of many that have found where their
      and Freedom
      truly come from.

      After reading these amazing stories you will be encouraged and uplifted knowing that God hears and answers prayer.

      He desires to become the Author of your story as well
      ….because your story matters.

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    • Golden Ray Of Light


      Heart to heart poems, inspiration – some deep, some light, some fun. These are poems from the heart of a believer hoping to relate to other believers and be an inspiration to all.

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    • Benefits Of Being Born Again 1


      Beatrice Benson says she is a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Out of her love for God and her love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, she has decided to spend her time bringing forth awareness about our benefits in accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior.

      In this book, she writes about the life of the New Creation and the benefits of being Born Again. She wants everyone to come into their inheritance in Christ by knowing their rights and benefits of what they have in Christ.

      Giving her life to Christ has brought Beatrice into a new level of glory, and she prays you will experience the same as you read this book.

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    • Succeed Forever : Make Your Dreams Into Your Reality


      As you set out to achieve your dreams you may face challenges and obstacles along the way. You are holding in your hands the guide to rise above any challenge and soar to the top. Your journey means you must determine your own definition of success. Donovan Dock provides key principles, guiding you to unlock your inside potential and start living a life of sustained success. Success contains more layers than may realize. In this book you will learn:

      * The POWER of today, and how to tap into the RESOURCES you need now!
      * What “success” is really about and how to ACHIEVE IT… on your terms.
      * How to increase your bottom line without depending on time consuming seminars.
      * The keys to IMPROVING relationships and strengthening others.
      * How to unlock your hidden potential to accomplish the SEEMINGLY impossible.
      * Mastering the art of focus to be more effective in SETTING and REACHING goals.
      * How to hold POSITIVE self-talk while releasing self-defeating and negative beliefs.

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    • Story Matters : True Stories Of Radical Faith Courage Struggles And Surviva


      How could a pair of blue stilettos change someone else’s story?
      Why would that story even matter?
      Everyone has a story….
      the beautician at the beauty salon….
      the homeless pregnant woman found sleeping in the park….
      a pharmaceutical sales rep that appears as if her life is perfect….
      the successful owner of a local waterline company….
      or even a shallow-faced teen ravaged by the effects of drugs….
      All of them have stories….
      ….stories that matter.

      Inside this book there are countless real stories. Your faith will be encouraged as you read about how God speaks by sending butterflies after a night of sorrow, through catching fish, a timely delivery and the faith it took to build a ministry for those who didn’t think their stories mattered.

      Join the courage of many that have found where their
      and Freedom
      truly come from.

      After reading these amazing stories you will be encouraged and uplifted knowing that God hears and answers prayer.

      He desires to become the Author of your story as well
      ….because your story matters.

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    • Boys Prayer Answered


      Are you ready to see real victory in your life? Are you ready to put an end to addictions and problems that are plaguing your life? Inside this little book are simple, direct suggestions that you can put into practice today. You can begin to see the life-changes you desire. Follow these simple ideas and begin to realize radical change in you and your family’s lives.

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    • Miracles And Blessings Only Come To Those Who Notice Them


      Miracles are indeed all around us! Jo does a phenominal job in relaying the miracles and blessings that have occurred in her life, as well as, in the lives of her family members. The spirit of the Lord radiates through her writing.

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    • Texas Woman Widowed Twice And Becoming An Eagle


      Uniquely inspired, and written as a memoir with practical application elements, Widowed Twice shows how joy will come “in the morning.” It offers a burst of refreshing hope and excitement., explaining that your life is not over and that God still has a plan for you. It features practical ideas and information that can enhance your life. This book is not about doom and gloom but reveals that you have a choice to be sad or glad. It is a story of a woman twice widowed who became like an eagle, soaring above her circumstances and overcoming them. This book is about stepping out into God’s purpose for you and then letting go of the past, whether it was good or bad, looking forward to your future. It will motivate you to listen to God’s still, small voice and let the next season in your life unfold.

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    • I Survived The Holocaust


      Olive Press Messianic (

      Publisher Marketing: Artist and poet, Renate Kaufmann, expresses what it was like living through the bombing and the hiding and then through all the sorrow and confusion in the war-torn aftermath. She also tells how, later in life, she came to know her Jewish Messiah in a deeper way. Renate did not learn English until she came to America as an adult, yet she writes beautiful poems in what is not her mother tongue-all for the glory of the Lord! Some of the titles of her poems are: “What Is Peace?” “Why Hate The Jews?” “What Is A Home?” “Mama, Is There Life After Death?” “My Hiding Place” “Who Am I?” “Why G-d Why?” “I Found The Truth” “Not An Alien Anymore” “Let’s Be Women Of Influence” “Shalom To You.” Renate, a child Holocaust survivor, lives in Rochester, New York, and is in the process of immigrating to Israel. She has been denied citizenship by the Israeli government because of her belief in Yeshua as Messiah. Her court case is currently being handled by the Jerusalem Institute for Justice. Funds from the sale of this book will go to help her cause. Winning her case will help set a precedent for other Jewish believers.

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    • Changed Forever By His Grace


      Olive Press Publisher

      Read Rhonda’s amazing story of healing and restoration from deep pain and despair. Her childhood was full of love and humorous memories, but also troubles, rejection, and loneliness. Although her Jewish family was basically non-observant, they were called “Jesus Killers” by some of their Gentile neighbors. As a result she didn’t feel like she fit in anywhere. Wondering who this Jesus was, Rhonda searched for love and a place to belong. She ended up pregnant at a young age. She gave in to pressure to have an abortion. Post abortion trauma and distress caused depression and hopelessness to set in. She ran away and made more bad choices one after another, eventually becoming a single parent on the other side of the country and then on the other side of the world, facing dangers all the way. Shame kept her from going home for help. You will never guess what the next page will bring in this true life story. It is one unexpected turn after another! How will Rhonda ever find hope and help and healing for the turmoil in her soul? Will she find her place in the arms of the One in whom she can find forgiveness and grace beyond what she could ever deserve? The book includes interesting, little-known tidbits about Canadian history, particularly about Toronto where Rhonda was born and raised.

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    • Gods Plan Our Journey His Grace


      This book is written from my heart to yours. I pray that it will touch your life and change your heart. Although I don’t understand why my daughter Becky was taken from this life so soon, I do serve a mighty God and believe His Word and Promises are true.

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    • MICAH : Including Excerpts From Micahs Writings


      At the age of 15, Micah Ramsey was athletic, bright, well-liked, hard-working, and a devoted Christian. Upon returning from a mission trip on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana, Micah was diagnosed with a “train-wreck” of a cancer called “Ewing’s Sarcoma.”

      Walk through Micah’s journey as his true story is told by his mom, and be inspired by his life. As you peer into this young man’s life you will be encouraged. Micah’s response to his apparent “death sentence” was, “We as human beings were created by God to worship and glorify Him. It is what we are designed to do. God also has had a plan for us since before we were born. Apparently one of His plans for my life is that I was to fight cancer. This is so that I can glorify and serve Him in some way. I do not know what this way is. What He is doing, I’m sure, my simple mind cannot fathom. God is all-knowing and I am not. That is the plain and simple truth. He is going to be GREATLY GLORIFIED through me fighting cancer. Not because I’m some great person, but because He is a great, mighty, and a totally awesome God.”

      Read excerpts of Micah’s journals and notes and prayers. Prepare to be challenged to know God and trust Him with your life. Micah’s story in a sense is all our stories. We each have a path to walk and a plan to fulfill. May you be encouraged and blessed by one young man’s story of faith, endurance, and ultimately triumph.

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    • Humbled : Letters From Prison


      Former NBA All-Star Jayson Williams’ charisma, generosity and high-energy hustle made him one of America’s most popular pro athletes during the 90s, and eventually landed him a remarkable $86 million contract with the New Jersey Nets. Referred to as “The People’s Player,” Jayson’s magnetic appeal and tenacity on the boards made him a fierce, yet beloved competitor who spent his time off court flying planes, building houses, and tending to the chores on the farm with his father. His easy charm and sidesplitting one-liners consistently landed him on NBA sportswriters’ All-Interview team and made him an audience favorite on the media circuits. But few knew the depths of pain, tragedy and addiction masked by a smile his grandmother called his “most beautiful attire.”

      Lying on his bunk amongst “the most confrontational bunch of misfits,” Jayson recalls his rapid climb and mighty fall, and his father’s wise words: “A lifetime of happiness as you know it, Jayson, no man alive could bear it. It would be hell on earth. You have to stick to your morning routine.”

      From the New York Times bestselling author of Loose Balls, Humbled is a powerful and candid collection of Jayson’s personal letters and journals from behind bars. Shocking revelations, surprising connections, shameful secrets, and scars that only God can heal-Jayson holds nothing back as he writes about his journey to faith on both sides of the barbed-wire fences.

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    • On Holiday With God


      This is a travel companion for those who want to make a personal retreat in the Christian tradition, either at home or away, alone or with others. Part 1 encourages us to listen to the Spirit, to pay attention to inner restlessness and to notice our need to get away. It outlines the different types of retreats that may best suit different individual personalities and circumstances and offers essential tips for the trip: introducing contemplation, praying with Scripturenoticing God in the everydayresisting busyness recording the journey – i.e. prayer journal. Part 2 provides a varied and imaginative range of guided spiritual exercises for your time on retreat and offers support for the unexpected things that may emerge. Part 3 helps you readjust to normal life after the retreat and to explore the question where next?

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    • Texas Woman Widowed Twice And Becoming An Eagle


      Uniquely inspired, and written as a memoir with practical application elements, Widowed Twice shows how joy will come “in the morning.” It offers a burst of refreshing hope and excitement., explaining that your life is not over and that God still has a plan for you. It features practical ideas and information that can enhance your life. This book is not about doom and gloom but reveals that you have a choice to be sad or glad. It is a story of a woman twice widowed who became like an eagle, soaring above her circumstances and overcoming them. This book is about stepping out into God’s purpose for you and then letting go of the past, whether it was good or bad, looking forward to your future. It will motivate you to listen to God’s still, small voice and let the next season in your life unfold.

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    • 50 Days Of Hope


      You’ve just heard a diagnosis that shakes your world: It’s cancer. And what you long for most is the hope that everything will be okay. You are not alone. As a longtime cancer survivor, Lynn Eib knows firsthand how that feels. And as a patient advocate helping thousands facing cancer, she also knows what gives people hope. In 50 Days of Hope, Lynn shares amazing, true stories of those who have been in your shoes and discovered that when God and cancer meet, hope is never far away. Whether you’re a cancer patient or walking with a loved one on a cancer journey, you’ll find 50 Days of Hope packed with the daily dose of encouragement you need.

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    • Gods Plan Our Journey His Grace


      This book is written from my heart to yours. I pray that it will touch your life and change your heart. Although I don’t understand why my daughter Becky was taken from this life so soon, I do serve a mighty God and believe His Word and Promises are true.

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    • By The Hand Of Providence


      The true drama of how faith motivated America’s Founding Fathers, from the Declaration of Independence to the signing of Britain’s peace treaty.

      The exciting chronicle that began with Forged in Faith continues in By the Hand of Providence-the remarkable story of how faith molded the American nation during the eventful years of war and nation building. From key Revolutionary War battles and the actions of Congress to the eventual American military victory, the drafting of the Constitution, and the installation of a national government, Rod Gragg records the hair-raising events that led George Washington to declare that he could “trace the finger of Providence” throughout the seminal moments that gave birth to the United States.

      Based on meticulous research into the correspondence and documentation of the founding fathers from the Declaration of Independence to Cornwallis’s surrender at Yorktown, By the Hand of Providence sheds new light on how the Judeo-Christian worldview influenced America’s independence, inspired our foundational documents, and established our nation as we know it today. Written with the pacing of an enticing thriller, it offers a compelling mix of dramatized story, action-driven narrative, and the trademark authenticity and academic verity of celebrated historian Rod Gragg.

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    • Asombrosa Cercania – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781612612010ISBN10: 1612612016Language: SpanishTadeusz DajczerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2012Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Diary Of A Player


      Country music star Brad Paisley salutes others in the music world in this funny, personal, and fascinating portrait of what it’s like to be country’s leading guitar hero.

      This book is the very personal story of how Brad Paisley came of age as a musician and a man. Focusing on what it means to play the guitar and how he found his voice through a series of guitars, Diary of a Player also shares what Brad has learned about life along the way. Beginning with his own very personal love letter to the guitar and what the instrument has meant in his life as a way to find his voice in the world, Brad shares memorable tales about all the great players in country, blues, and rock ‘n’ roll who have inspired him over the years.

      As he wrote in the liner notes of his instrumental guitar album, Play, his first guitar was a gift from his grandpa when Brad was only eight. Brad quickly learned that no matter how he changed and evolved, the guitar was his only real constant. When life gets intense, he says, “there are some people who drink, who seek counseling, eat, or watch TV, cry, sleep, and so on. I play.”

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    • Threads : One Familys Unlikely Adventure In Business Mission And Church Pla


      Bottomline Media Publication

      When newlyweds Steve and Arlene Richardson arrived in Southeast Asia, they were full of hopes and dreams of befriending their neighbors and sharing the gospel in a Muslim-majority country of nearly 175 million and very few believers.

      From learning a new language to making a home in a crowded city neighborhood, the cultural barriers seemed enormous. The Richardsons were often overwhelmed with the economic needs of their new neighbors, as they observed their friends struggling to provide for their families in the face of crushing poverty. Even greater were the spiritual strongholds that held them in the grip of religious tradition.

      How could they even begin to help?

      The unexpected answer came in the form of a cardboard box of quilts from North Carolina and a tiny village woman who became a treasured member of the family. Arlene, who had never sewed a quilt in her life, launched a business venture that brought Muslim and Christian employees under one roof, designing, cutting and sewing quilts for beds 7,000 miles away in America.

      Threads recounts the Richardsons’ journey-the sorrow, joy and unbelievable answers to prayer that sustained them in their labors and drew their family into a story that only God could.

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    • Rule Of Saint Benedict


      Discussion around the bestseller The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher has led many people to want to know more about Benedictine principles.???????

      Listen, my child. I want you to put the ear of your heart to the solid ground of the master’s wisdom (what I received, I’m passing on to you). It’s advice from a spiritual father who loves you–the sort of counsel you receive by letting it shape your whole life. Listening is hard work, but it’s the essential work. It opens us up to the God we’ve rejected by only listening to ourselves. If you’re ready to give up your addiction to yourself, this message is for you: to listen is to equip yourself with the best resources available to serve the real Master, Christ the Lord.

      So begins the famous opening paragraph of Benedict’s Rule in Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s vital, new, contemporary paraphrase. The entire text of the Rule is here plus a lengthy introduction from Jonathan, and detailed explanatory notes throughout that explain difficult passages. The result is a classic re-introduced that will enliven any 21st century expression of religious community.

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    • Mondays With My Old Pastor


      A totally burned-out young preacher reignites his faith and gathers wisdom for life while spending successive Mondays with an eighty-three-year-old pastor.

      “Deep inside in some uncertain part of my soul persisted this strange exhaustion that was difficult to explain and hard to endure,” writes pastor and author Jose Luis Navajo. Thinking of quitting the ministry, Navajo doesn’t know where to turn until he begins meeting with a seasoned man of the cloth-his “old pastor”-who, through successive Monday visits, offers a legacy of wisdom in the form of 15 unique principles. In lyrical prose, Navajo shares the personal anecdotes, fables, and deep spiritual insights offered by the old pastor and his wife. By turns funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking, Mondays with My Old Pastor is a comfort to anyone who struggles in his or her walk with God. As readers follow Navajo’s journey from desperation to rejuvenation, they will find themselves similarly transformed and inspired. This moving, beautifully written account is sure to reignite every soul’s longing for renewal.

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    • Humbled : Letters From Prison


      Former NBA All-Star Jayson Williams’ charisma, generosity and high-energy hustle made him one of America’s most popular pro athletes during the 90s, and eventually landed him a remarkable $86 million contract with the New Jersey Nets. Referred to as “The People’s Player,” Jayson’s magnetic appeal and tenacity on the boards made him a fierce, yet beloved competitor who spent his time off court flying planes, building houses, and tending to the chores on the farm with his father. His easy charm and sidesplitting one-liners consistently landed him on NBA sportswriters’ All-Interview team and made him an audience favorite on the media circuits. But few knew the depths of pain, tragedy and addiction masked by a smile his grandmother called his “most beautiful attire.”

      Lying on his bunk amongst “the most confrontational bunch of misfits,” Jayson recalls his rapid climb and mighty fall, and his father’s wise words: “A lifetime of happiness as you know it, Jayson, no man alive could bear it. It would be hell on earth. You have to stick to your morning routine.”

      From the New York Times bestselling author of Loose Balls, Humbled is a powerful and candid collection of Jayson’s personal letters and journals from behind bars. Shocking revelations, surprising connections, shameful secrets, and scars that only God can heal-Jayson holds nothing back as he writes about his journey to faith on both sides of the barbed-wire fences.

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    • Angels Miracles And Heavenly Encounters (Reprinted)


      Inspiring True Stories of God’s Intervention in Lives Today

      These inspiring real-life stories explore what happens when people encounter spiritual forces, and how their lives are undeniably changed. This dramatic collection includes accounts of contact with angels, near-death experiences, powerful prayer testimonies, and unexplainable miracles. Every story displays the victory of Christ and his kingdom over difficult circumstances and opposing forces. The outcomes include increased faith, a sense of the loving providence of God, a realigning of priorities, and a greater desire to share the gospel. In turn, the reader’s faith will be strengthened, knowing that if God can steer individuals through these unknown territories, he certainly will care for their everyday lives.

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    • Making Springs In The Valley Of Baca


      Psalm 84 describes the longing of pilgrims for Zion and the house of the LORD. On the way, they pass through the Valley of Baca. By God’s grace, they turn it into a place of springs to refresh others who follow. Throughout three difficult years of dealing with cancer, the author and his wife show how the application of appropriate scriptures turns weeping into strength, peace, comfort and joy.

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    • 1 Foot In Bounds


      Endless adventures while growing up in Kenya; wild animals close to the front door; an American community built on the side of the Great Rift Valley: these are the settings for the growing pains, trials and triumphs of a young Canadian-British boy studying in an American school in Kenya.

      The threat of Mau Mau, a period of civil unrest, and the growing movement towards independent nations in Africa paralleled the spiritual and emotional unrest in the youthful rebellion of David Phillips.

      Rift Valley Academy, a boarding school for missionary children, aimed to provide excellence in academic studies and spiritual formation. Unfortunately, the temptation of stepping out of bounds into the forests close by was stronger than the threats of losing points in the ever present Point System.

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    • My Story His Story


      Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Have you ever wondered why are you on this planet called earth? Have you ever wondered why your life turned out the way it did? Have you ever said to yourself why me? Well I have and through these probing questions I felt strongly to share my journey of life with you and through my sharing I discovered all these questions that I had were answered. This book is not designed to answer questions you have about your life but it is designed to get you to look deep inside and begin to search God’s heart for your existence and find some solace about this life which is so much like a mystery. Everyone has a story and today through our divine encounter you will share yours.

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    • Walk Of Love


      This is the life story of a brave man who dares to dream of people uniting in love to rescue one of our most precious commodities: thousands of at-risk children torn by poverty, poor education, drugs, and murder. Raised fatherless in extreme lack, Joe excels in music, martial arts, academics, and computer programming. Prior to college graduation, Joe hacks into a restricted banking system. Locked in a notorious prison, Joe fights for his life and others against ruthless enemies.

      Once free, Joe’s life is impacted through romantic encounters with an extraordinary woman named Denise. Now together, overcoming various dangerous and heartbreaking crises Joe’s life takes a traumatic twist that earns him the name “Papa Joe” and develops him into a breed of inner-city missionary who leads volunteers to share compassion and practical love acts to at-risk children in inner-city slums. Papa Joe’s experience is an amazing inspiration that proves how even through life’s most shattering circumstances, you can overcome through Christ, and allow Him to use your story of transformation to spread His love to others.

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    • Im Fat And Nobody Cares


      The stares, the mocking laughter, the hurt, and the pain; this is one woman’s journey of learning that being fat really does matter to everyone. In “I’m Fat and Nobody Cares”, Kathleen Frank tackles the many issues that face people who battle obesity and the reasons why they do. This is the author’s personal testimony of how she overcame sexual and emotional abuse, her constant struggle with weight and how she was able to find the Lord amidst every temptation to turn against Him.

      Through her own battle and heartbreak, Kathleen attempts to uncover the roots of this rampant issue and bring to light the pain that she and many others have experienced through weight gain. She sheds light on the real reasons why many people have become obese and how there is hope for them. The author could have very easily used this book as an outlet for her emotions, anger especially, but instead this book is very tactfully written.

      A rough childhood, two bumpy marriages with one ending in an affair that changed her life forever, Kathleen details her own struggle of weighing over 330 pounds and how through the love of Christ and the practical implementation of His Word in her life she has been able to come to terms with her weight and believe God for a miracle.

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    • In That Secret Place


      This book shares the wonderful, as well as the painful experiences of a 80 year old woman during her lifetime. It documents the many attempts Satan made throughout her life to sidetrack and/or destroy her. Each time, God covered her securely in a safe place, under His wings, “IN THAT SECRET PLACE.” Additionally, the book brings comfort, encouragement, and renewed strength to those who do not believe that they can be successful because of poor economic, social, and cultural conditions.

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    • Power To Press On


      God’s unlimited power is available to flow through us if we prepare ourselves to be a vessel He can use. As we develop and engage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, a synergetic state of being emerges capable to release God’s power. Just like electricity, God’s power is flowing, but we have to flip the switch for it to be released. Power to Press On gives practical strategies for preparing ourselves to flip the switch and bind the strongman!!

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    • Power To Press On


      God’s unlimited power is available to flow through us if we prepare ourselves to be a vessel He can use. As we develop and engage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, a synergetic state of being emerges capable to release God’s power. Just like electricity, God’s power is flowing, but we have to flip the switch for it to be released. Power to Press On gives practical strategies for preparing ourselves to flip the switch and bind the strongman!!

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    • Faith Factor : The Art And Science Of Faith


      Faith is a universal principle, simple as perhaps it is complex. In life we unknowingly interact with delicate laws. We plant a seed and expect a tree. Although much science is involved in the transformation, life has ‘user friendly’ packages ready for implementation. A computer’s designer allows man to communicate with machine through the coordination of complex subsystems – anyone who presses the power button gets the same result!

      Faith is the law God created by which man accesses sources and resources outside of himself. To every crisis God has programmed a solution. We simply start the process.
      Let the seed show you how!

      A textbook on how faith works:

      * Looking behind the scenes of visible miracles
      * Perfecting faith at the point of greatest weakness
      * Interfaces – God’s supernatural solutions to our problems
      * Miracle faith requires miracle ‘hearing’
      * Booting your faith from the ground up

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    • Gift Of Rest


      Now in paperback, Senator Joe Lieberman shows how ceasing all activity for a weekly Sabbath observance has profound benefit-including health, relationships, and even career advancement-for people of all religions.

      The Sabbath is a gift that Senator Joe Lieberman, as an observant Jew, received from his parents who, in turn, received it from their parents, who received it from generations of Jews before them. According to ancient tradition, the line of transmission extends back to Moses at Mt. Sinai, who received the Sabbath as the fourth of the Ten Commandments. In this book, Lieberman offers the gift of Sabbath observance-a gift that has anchored, ordered, and inspired his life-to readers of all faiths.

      In the past century, the Sabbath has fallen on hard times. It is thought of as just another day or as a time to squeeze in some extra errands or recreation that may have been missed during the work week. Combining personal and political memoir with history and broadly informed religious reflection, this book is a practical how-to guide with simple suggestions for introducing the Sabbath into your own life. With The Gift of Rest by your side, no more will weekends pass in a blur of meaningless activity.

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    • Surrounded By Inspiration


      Surrounded by Inspiration is a collection of personal quotes, advice, life experiences, and inspiration from Marala Scott. These inspirational messages share truthful insight for the reader in regards to faith, relationships, and personal growth. Marala reveals her secrets to surviving life’s pain. The book ends with a powerful poem on forgiveness. It will inspire you to forgive and let go of your past adversities so that you can live a successful, happier, and fulfilling life.

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    • When Life Goes Dark


      Depression strikes millions, across all ages and demographic groups. Approximately one in eight will have a severe depressive episode at some point in their life. Women experience depression twice as often as men. And over fifty percent of people with serious depression do not get adequate help. What can be done?

      Psychiatrist and theologian Richard Winter explores the complex medical and psychological issues surrounding depression. He sorts through recent scientific research on its biochemical and genetic causes and examines social and cultural factors. Winter also dispels common Christian misunderstandings of depression and looks at how biblical characters experienced severe despair. Throughout he offers ways to help the suffering. Even in the shadow of the valley of death, there is hope for healing and deliverance.

      This book is a helpful guide for those who find themselves, their loved ones or those they counsel vulnerable to depression. Find here a framework both for understanding depression and for rediscovering hope.

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    • Good Work Begun


      Whether you’ve traveled the globe or have barely ventured past your door step, no journey is as thrilling as the one we’re on right now. Life is a marvelous journey.
      It’s even better if God plans your trip from beginning to end.
      Take a trip through these pages and visit some very interesting places. The journey of the soul can take you to realms of reflection, encouragement, mysteries, awe, introspection, boldness, assurance, hope…

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