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Gene Edwards

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  • Jeanne Guyon Nobody Knows


    Gene Edwards, camera in hand, traced the life of Jeanne Guyon in France where she lived back in the 1600s. He photographed the placed she lived and where she was in prison, from her home in Montargis through her death in 1717.

    Over and again he was surprised about things no one today knows of Jeanne Guyon. You will be just as surprised as he was. Twelve of his photos have been turned into sketches. You will see Guyon’s life as never before. Also, for the first time, you will understand what her imprisonments were like.

    If you have been influenced by the incredible life and writings of Guyon, you will come to love her story all the more. Edwards followed her life story to the end. There he found the greatest shock of all . . . what happened to Guyon after her death.

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  • Revolutionary Bible Study


    Revolutionary Bible Study introduces a totally new way to study God’s Word, making the Scripture clearer than it has ever been known before. It can, not only revolutionize our understanding of the New Testament, but it can also change the very practice of Christianity. Until now, there has been a built-in blockage to our study of the Bible. Unnoticed, this barrier has prevented all of us from understanding what the New Testament is saying. The problem? The chaotic arrangement of Paul’s letters. Now this hindrance is removed. Suddenly, we have a dozen new helps for clearly understanding what the New Testament is saying. As you read this book, expect to see the New Testament opened to you as you never imagined. The change is profound.

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  • Christian Woman Set Free


    Seventeen hundred years is enough! Edwards leads the call to vanquish the inequality of women in the kingdom of God. His weapons of revelation? History, the Greek language, and his own witness of women in churches who are free.

    The author challenges Christian ministers to take up the cause of eliminating inequality in the church and dare to discover what happens in the body of Christ when all members function.

    The author goes to the root of our present-day Bible translations and lays the axe to the centuries-old tree of mistranslation. You will be shocked to discover that the King James Version does not say what the original Greek text said about women in Paul’s letters (and neither do most other Bible translations).

    This book brings to light the mindset that has held both women and men prisoners of misconceptions through the centuries. Reading The Christian Woman…Set Free liberates the reader of any doubt regarding a woman’s place in the kingdom of God. (You will be awed as you see that the greatest friend of women in all of human history, the Lord Jesus Christ, broke all the rules of his day in regard to the treatment of women.)

    Best of all, what makes The Christian Woman…Set Free unique is that it is not based on theory, nor is it an intellectual treatise. It is a revolutionary document forged on the anvil of the author’s experiences in daily church life. Edwards writes from a matrix where equality is a way of life and full participation in the church is the territory of both men and women. Edwards give you the practical how-to of the way to experience this freedom in your gathering. There are testimonies in the book of women who experience freedom to share in all the functions of the church. In their churches there is no specific leader, but all are joint leaders.

    The Christian Woman…Set Free is a fast paced, high-energy book that takes dead aim at the very foundation of our present-day mindset concerning women and men in church life.

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  • Christ Before Creation


    Until now, all Christian literature has been one-dimensional and earthbound. Here, at last, is a way of knowing Christ outside the confines of this realm. For 1300 years Christians have been trying to now Christ intimately with their minds. Now your spirit is invited to join the Lord in unseen realms.

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  • Escape : Exodus


    Commentary on Exodus. God’s voice breaks into Abram’s consciousness. The livestock farmer responds with faith, following God’s direction to an unknown land.

    Meanwhile, in the heavenlies, the angels eagerly watch as God promises to make the childless Abram into Abraham, the father of a great nation – a people through whom God will fulfill his purpose in creation.

    Abraham . . . Isaac . . . Jacob and Esau . . . Joseph and his brothers . . . a famine that forces the clan’s move to Egypt, where they suffer in slavery . . . the unglamorous rise of the great leader Moses.

    Finally the stage is set for some of the greatest events in human history: the escape of the Israelite people from Egypt, their miraculous survival in the desert, and their arrival at the land they would call their own.

    In The Escape, you can experience the drama in a new way by watching the events from two perspectives: that of the earthly participants and that of the angels in the glorious heavenly realm. At those times when the door opens to join heaven and earth, you will understand with new insight the mysteries of God at work in his creation.

    The Escape is the second book in a five-book series entitled “The Chronicles of the Door.” (The Beginning, The Escape, The Birth, The Triumph, The Return.)

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  • Beginning : Genesis 1-2


    Creation… the fall of man… God’s relationship with his people… the birth of Christ… his resurrection. A fresh new telling of an old, old story – from the perspective of the angels.
    In The Beginning, God creates the heavens… and the visible realm, including the earth and everything in it. The crowning glory of creation is man and woman, who live and move in both the visible world and the spiritual world, ruling creation in full fellowship with their Creator. Until… until the Garden is invaded by the succulent, deadly Tree of Knowledge and the allures of the fallen Angel of Light… until the unthinkable is done… until the bodies of Adam and Eve shrivel and are blinded to the heavenlies… and the Door between heaven and earth is closed.

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  • Tale Of Three Kings


    Those facing the pain and brokenness that result from unfair treatment by other believers will be encouraged by this powerful story of David, Saul, and Absalom.

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  • Inward Journey : The Road Towards Transformation


    The Inward Journey is the companion volume to The Secret to the Christian Life. A beautiful story of a dying uncle explaining to his nephew–a new Christian–the ways and mysteries of the cross and of suffering. Everyone has a favorite Gene Edwards book. Tens of thousands have selected The inward Journey as that book.

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  • Letters To A Devastated Christian


    Damaged by the domination of an overly authoritative Christian group, Ken finds himself a troubled young man with many questions. Ken’s experience is representative of the large number of individuals who have been hurt by different Christian movements during the last decade.
    In Letters to a Devastated Christian, Gene Edwards explores the different techniques practiced by Christian groups who demand extreme submission and passivity from their members.
    The book’s final chapters include some very personal and practical letters to those who have left such groups only to be faced with the difficult tasks of dealing with bitterness and resentment and rebuilding their faith and trust.

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  • Climb The Highest Mountain


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232112ISBN10: 0940232111Gene EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • Revolution : Story Of The Early Church The First Seventeen Years 30-47 A D


    SKU (ISBN): 9780940232020ISBN10: 0940232022Gene EdwardsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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  • How To Meet In Homes


    This book is an invitation to revolution!
    Warning: Do not read this book if you enjoy Sunday morning church services!
    This book is for those believers, be they Catholic, Protestant, Conservatives, Fundamentalists, or Pentecostal/Charismatics who want to utterly abandon it all, from top to bottom, and start over in a way that is a revolutionary, radical departure from all present-day church practices.

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  • Divine Romance : Turn Back O City Turn Back O Bride Of God


    63 Chapters

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    A book of power, beauty, and grandeur. Rarely has a piece of Christian Love Story literature combined the simplicity of the storytelling art with the profound depths of the Christian faith. In this sweeping saga, spanning from eternity to eternity, you will discover some of the deepest riches afforded the believer. Like some mighty symphony, here is a majestic rendition of the love of God. Behold the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection as it has never before been presented … from the view of angels! Be there when, rising from the dead, the Lord brings forth his beautiful bride. The story concludes at the consummation of the ages, when a victorious Lord takes his bride to himself. This truly is the greatest love story ever told!

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  • Healing : For Christians Who Have Been Crucified By Christians


    Exquisite Agony, formerly titled Crucified By Christians, is a beautiful and wholly unique book which points the wounded Christian to healing and to full restoration, even to triumph and ascension. If you have ever experienced unjust treatment from another believer, this monumental literary work is for you. From exquisite agony your life can enter into that of resurrection.

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  • Birth : Luke


    Commentary on Luke’s Gospel. In the glorious heavenly realm, the angels strain eagerly to understand. What new thing is God doing as Gabriel slips through the door and fights his way to earth? In that lower realm, angelic visitations are not an everyday affair – not even for Mary and Joseph!

    Dare to open The Birth and you will find yourself drawn into the drama as Gene Edwards weaves anew the wonderful story of the Incarnation, the Christmas story, seen from both realms. Hard to put down, a compelling narrative, and a great gift idea, The Birth introduces the mystery of the Christian life for those who have never heard the story.

    The Birth is the third of a five-book series entitled “The Chronicles of Heaven.” (The Beginning, The Escape, The Birth, The Triumph, The Return.)

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