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  • School Of Biblical Evangelism 101 Lessons


    In this School of Biblical Evangelism study course, you will learn how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically–the way Jesus did. Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about your Lord and Savior.

    With 101 lessons, this course will help you to prove the authenticity of the bible, provide ample evidence for creation, understand the beliefs of cults and other religions, and learn how to reach both friends and strangers with the Gospel. Tremendous witnessing tool for individuals and for church evangelism classes.

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  • Margins Of Islam


    What do you do when “Islam” does not adequately describe the Muslims you know? Margins of Islam brings together a stellar collection of experienced missionary scholar-practitioners who explain their own approaches to a diversity of Muslims across the world. Each chapter grapples with a context that is significantly different from the way Islam is traditionally presented in mission texts. These crucial differences may be theological, socio-political, ethnic, or a specific variation of Islam in a context but they all shape the way we do mission. This book will help you discover Islam as a lived experience in various settings and equip you to engage Muslims in any context, including your own.

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  • True Inclusion : Creating Communities Of Radical Embrace


    Discover how to move your church beyond mere welcome to radical embrace.

    So your church website says you’re welcoming, a rainbow flag flies out front, worship uses gender-inclusive language, and you make sure you greet the stranger next to you on Sunday mornings. But is all of that really enough? And what if those welcoming gestures actually keep visitors from returning and exclude dozens of other groups or people in your community?

    In True Inclusion, public theologian and pastor Brandan Robertson shares how to move your church from mere welcome to radical embrace. Pointing to a clear biblical imperative for radical inclusivity in the sanctuary and in the public square, Robertson presents a paradigm-shifting vision of community, “where nothing is simple, nothing is easy, but everything is beautiful.” Learn practical, step-by-step approaches to becoming deeply, robustly, and richly inclusive of all people regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and socioeconomic status.

    Written for people and communities at every stage of the journey, True Inclusion will challenge and inspire you to embody a gospel of radical embrace for all.

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  • Refugee Diaspora : Missions Amid The Greatest Humanitarian Crisis Of The Wo


    Refugee Diaspora is a contemporary account of the global refugee situation and how the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shining brightly in the darkest corners of the greatest crisis on our planet. These hope-filled pages of refugees encountering Jesus Christ presents models of Christian ministry from the front lines of the refugee crisis and the real challenges of ministering to today’s refugees. It includes biblical, theological and practical reflections on mission in diverse diaspora contexts from leading scholars as well as practitioners in all major regions of the world.

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  • Amplify Your Message


    And (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.’ Mark 16:15 (ESV)

    The need for proclaiming the Good News to the world has never been greater. Recent statistics reveal that 63% of Americans go to church less than once a month, and almost half of that group never set foot inside a church.

    That puts us in a dilemma. If those in need of the message of salvation through Jesus Christ aren’t coming to our churches, how do we reach them?

    How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? Romans 10:14-15 (ESV)
    Salem Media Group has an answer: Radio.

    Nielsen Media Research–the world’s leader in media data–has found “traditional AM/FM terrestrial radio still retains its undiminished appeal for listeners; 91% of Americans, aged 12 and older, listen to this form of radio.”

    When radio is amplified with new technology, its reach is powerful. When matched with biblical preaching and teaching, God’s Kingdom expands. Not only are the lost led to salvation, they are drawn to your church, putting them where they need to be to become disciples.

    This book details how a local Salem Media radio platform can partner with your church to fulfill the Great Commission and grow your ministry.

    From the “why” to the “how,” we give you everything you need to prayerfully consider this opportunity to pierce the darkness in your community with the Light of the World.

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  • Healing Our Broken Humanity


    Foreword By Willie James Jennings
    Introduction: Nine Practices That Heal Our Broken Humanity
    1. Reimagine Church
    2. Renew Lament
    3. Repent Together
    4. Relinquish Power
    5. Restore Justice
    6. Reactivate Hospitality
    7. Reinforce Agency
    8. Reconcile Relationships
    9. Recover Life Together
    Epilogue: A Benediction And Prayer
    Appendix One: Questions For Discussion And Engagement
    Appendix Two: The Nine Transforming Practices Accountability Form
    Appendix Three: Resources For Healing Our Broken Humanity

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    We live in conflicted times. Our newsfeeds are filled with inequality, division, and fear. We want to make a difference and see justice restored because Jesus calls us to be a peacemaking and reconciling people. But how do we do this?

    Based on their work with diverse churches, colleges, and other organizations, Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Graham Hill offer Christian practices that can bring healing and hope to a broken world. They provide ten ways to transform society, from lament and repentance to relinquishing power, reinforcing agency, and more. Embodying these practices enables us to be the new humanity in Jesus Christ, so the church and world can experience reconciliation, justice, unity, peace, and love.

    With small group activities, discussion questions, and exercises in each chapter, this book is ideal to read together in community. Discover here how to bring real change to a dehumanized world.

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  • Tacticas – (Spanish)


    Cansado de sentirse torpe e intimidado en las conversaciones?
    Quiere aumentar su seguridad y capacidad en las conversaciones con sus parientes, amigos y compaeros de trabajo?
    Gregory Koukl ofrece estrategicas practicas para ayudarle a permanecer en control mientras maniobra con comodidad y gracia cualquier conversacion sobre sus convicciones cristianas.

    En un mundo cada vez mas indiferente a las verdades cristianas, los seguidores de Cristo necesitamos estar preparados para comunicarse con aquellos que no hablan su lenguaje o no aceptan su fuente de autoridad.
    Gregory Koukl demuestra de que manera se puede sentar usted en el asiento del conductor y mantener cualquier conversacion en movimiento por medio de una considerada y habilidosa diplomacia. Usted aprendera a maniobrar con comodidad y gracia a traves de los campos minados, parar en seco a los retadores, darle vuelta a la conversacion y, lo mas importante de todo, hacer que la gente piense en Jesus. Pronto, su conversacion tendra mas de diplomacia que de guerra.

    Koukl, utilizando su extensa experiencia en la defensa del cristianismo en la plaza publica, le muestra de que manera: presentar la verdad con claridad, lucidez y persuasion, poner al descubierto con gracia y eficacia las maneras incorrectas de pensar, pensar con habilidad los detalles del dialogo, mantener un estilo cautivador y pacifico, incluso cuando lo esten atacando.

    Este libro le proporcionara las reglas del juego para comunicar la cautivadora verdad acerca del cristianismo con seguridad y gracia.

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  • Evangelism In Europe


    VTR Publications
    To think Europe represents a challenge. A challenge that may seem foolish to take up, but which corresponds to a reality. Some great personalities accepted this challenge, just after World War II. It was really necessary to do something! As regards missiology, it took more than a half century to confront the task. It is time to meet our responsibilities. The gravity and extreme complexity of this challenge call for a deep awareness of the situation in Europe, an analysis of contemporary practices, a theological reflection on the spiritual condition of Europeans, the witness of old and new churches, and the nature of the Gospel that has to be announced.

    Profiting from an overview of Europe, we are at the same time aware of the particularities that each country presents. The commonalities and the differences will both shape the evangelistic approach adopted in each European country. Looking at the whole of Europe, we will also become more conscious of Europe’s specific challenges and opportunities.

    This is a considerable enterprise. Many have been engaged in it recently. The Network of evangelical missiologists in French speaking Europe (REMEEF) wants to make its modest contribution. It hopes that this book will be an encouraging read and provide the tools and innovative ideas for those eager to be Daniels and Calebs for our fellow Europeans.

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  • Mission Of The Body Of Christ



    Part I: Jerusalem
    1. A Letter From An Old Friend
    2. Ascension
    3. Pentecost
    4. Flee To God
    5. Prayer For Boldness
    6. Ananias And Sapphira
    7. Gamaliel’s Wager
    8. Stephen And Saul
    9. Philip

    Part II: Paul Begins
    10. Paul Begins
    11. What God Has Made Clean
    12. A Room Full Of Gentiles
    13. Barnabas And Paul In Antioch
    14. Precious In The Sight Of The Lord

    Part III: The Missionary Journeys
    15. A Diverse And Sending Church
    16. There And Back Again
    17. The Jerusalem Council
    18. Come Over And Help Us
    19. The Philippian Precedent
    20. Concerning The Unknown God
    21. The Roads Good Friends Walk
    22. Artemis Of The Ephesians
    23. Looking East
    24. The Road To Jerusalem

    Part IV: Rome And Beyond
    25. The Nazarite Vow
    26. The Plot To Kill Paul
    27. Before Felix And Festus
    28. Before Herod Agrippa II
    29. Shipwreck
    30. Rome At Last
    31. On Earth As It Is In Heaven


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    “God had not just sent his Messiah into the world. He had sent him to them. They were known. In all their guilt-intended and unintended-they were known and invited to find refuge in the grace of God, accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son. And the church continued to grow.”Jesus sent his followers into the world. Russ Ramsey’s dynamic narrative traces the journey of the early church with thirty-one daily readings through the book of Acts, as the people of God carried out Jesus’ mission as his ambassadors. This unlikely band of believers faced enormous challenges yet experienced God’s power and grace as they moved forward in the Spirit. Through this new community, a movement spread around the world that continues to this day.Come discover the transformation that energized the early church. And you too can play your part in the unfolding story.Also including The Advent of the Lamb of God and The Passion of the King of Glory, the Retelling the Story series explores the narrative arc of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in compelling language that is faithful to the text of Scripture. The stories are told afresh to help readers hide God’s word in their hearts by way of their imaginations.

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  • Loving And Leaving A Church


    Barbara Melosh’s story was a common one. A second-career seminarian, she arrived at her first pastorate brimming with enthusiasm and high hopes. The blue-collar congregation to which she’d been called had a glorious past but an uncertain future. Certain that she could turn around its slow yet undeniable slide into decline, Melosh inaugurated a number of church growth and outreach programs. Most of these efforts had little effect, and the ones that did seem to work soon suffered reverse outcomes and eventual demise. In the end, Melosh had to conclude that the members of the congregation liked their church the way it was and that she could not drag them into a future they did not want.

    Yet while the congregation failed to change itself, Melosh notes, it succeeded in changing her. Simply put, it made her a pastor. At times heartbreaking and hilarious, Loving and Leaving a Church offers a glimpse into the challenges and opportunities of ministry in a mainline church.

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  • Disruptive Witness : Speaking Truth In A Distracted Age



    Part One: A Distracted, Secular Age
    1. The Barrier Of Endless Distraction
    2. The Barrier Of The Buffered Self
    3. Searching For Visions Of Fullness

    Part Two: Bearing A Disruptive Witness
    4. Disruptive Personal Habits
    5. Disruptive Church Practices
    6. Disruptive Cultural Participation
    Conclusion: Large And Startling Figures

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    We live in a distracted, secular age.These two trends define life in Western society today. We are increasingly addicted to habits-and devices-that distract and “buffer” us from substantive reflection and deep engagement with the world. And we live in what Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor calls “a secular age”-an age in which all beliefs are equally viable and real transcendence is less and less plausible. Drawing on Taylor’s work, Alan Noble describes how these realities shape our thinking and affect our daily lives. Too often Christians have acquiesced to these trends, and the result has been a church that struggles to disrupt the ingrained patterns of people’s lives. But the gospel of Jesus is inherently disruptive: like a plow, it breaks up the hardened surface to expose the fertile earth below. In this book Noble lays out individual, ecclesial, and cultural practices that disrupt our society’s deep-rooted assumptions and point beyond them to the transcendent grace and beauty of Jesus.Disruptive Witness casts a new vision for the evangelical imagination, calling us away from abstraction and cliche to a more faithful embodiment of the gospel for our day.

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  • How To Win Souls And Influence People


    Wendy Potter shares “how” she witnesses to people in every walk of life. She also shares why she does it – to win souls because the King is coming, and she wants as many people as possible to experience the light and life of Jesus Christ.

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  • Joyfully Spreading The Word


    Many Christian women view evangelism as an optional add-on to their Christian lives-which means it’s often neglected in the face of constant distractions, cultural discomfort, and busy schedules. And yet, God has called women to joyfully spread the good news in all the various contexts to which God has called them. It’s time for a renewed vision of the necessity, urgency, and practicality of the call to share the good news of Jesus in any situation. With a clear articulation of the message of the gospel alongside concrete personal stories and practical examples from ten women, this book supplies role models who show women how to faithfully and effectively share the gospel in any season of life.

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  • Evangelism After Pluralism


    Shows what it means to evangelize ethically in a multicultural climate, urging us to consider a new approach to understanding evangelism and our practice of it.

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  • Organic Outreach For Ordinary People (Expanded)


    Fulfill One of Your Deepest LongingsEvery follower of Jesus has a sincere desire to share God’s love with others. We want to tell friends and family about who Jesus is, what he means to us, and all he has done for them. Deep in our hearts we have a burning passion to pass on the good news we have received. But, where do we start? We want to share our faith, but we don’t want it to feel awkward, uncomfortable, or unnatural for them or for us! Organic Outreach for Ordinary People will help you shape a personal approach to passing on the good news of Jesus in natural ways. This is not a system or a program. It’s a collection of biblical practices that you can incorporate into your life starting today. You can begin right where God has placed you. You can share the love and message of Jesus in a way that fits exactly how God has wired you. In this practical and easy-to-read book, Kevin Harney offers the tools needed to reach out with God’s love in organic ways. In these pages you will discover that sharing the good news of Jesus can be as natural as talking about your favorite sports team or telling a friend about a wonderful new restaurant. On the golf course, over coffee, while taking a walk – anywhere and everywhere – become a bearer of grace. Share the amazing love of God. Tell the life-changing story of Jesus. Discover ordinary ways to communicate God’s love and the message of salvation – naturally.

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  • Organic Outreach For Churches (Expanded)


    Nearly all churches and ministries consider themselves dedicated to evangelism, and many explicitly include outreach in their mission statements. But few are actually bearing fruit. Kevin Harney diagnoses this problem and offers guidance for multiplying the outreach impact of churches. Organic Outreach for Churches provides direction for local congregations to weave evangelism into the fabric of the church. Commitment to the Great Commission is not simply about sending money and prayers to missions or holding occasional events to reach out (although these things are good). Organic outreach happens when evangelistic vision and action become the domain of every ministry and the commitment of every person in the congregation. This will not happen accidentally. There is huge spiritual and practical resistance to such changes. But the only way evangelism will become an organic part of a church is when every leader and each member is gripped by a commitment to proclaiming the gospel. This book is a roadmap for pastors and leaders who wish to infuse evangelistic passion into every aspect of their church’s life.

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  • Evangelismo Organico Para Igle – (Spanish)



    Declarar su dedicacion al evangelismo es casi universal entre las iglesias. Sin embargo tan pocas estan produciendo fruto. De hecho, la mayoria de las iglesias llegan a un tope de crecimiento o van en descenso.

    Evangelismo Organico Para Iglesias provee una guia para que las congregaciones entretejan la pasion y la practica enfocada al evangelismo en el mismo ADN de la vida de la iglesia. El evangelismo no es simplemente enviar dinero y oraciones a misioneros o tener un comite que planea eventos ocasionales para evangelizar–aunque estas cosas son buenas. El evangelismo organico sucede cuando la vision y accion evangelistica se convierten en el dominio de cada ministerio de una iglesia y el compromiso de cada persona en una congregacion.

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  • Life Tastes Better


    It’s easy to think that following Jesus would make life less fun and more limited. Drawing on his decades of introducing the real Jesus to people, founder of NewFrontiers Terry Virgo reveals the surprising truth that the Jesus who turned water into wine is ready to make every life taste better, both now and eternally. Easy-to-read, short, clear, faithful and conversational, this is a perfect book to give to an interested friend.

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  • Gospel Comes With A House Key


    The word hospitality often invokes a scene of a gracious, impeccably fashioned host welcoming guests into a beautifully appointed home prepared with perfectly-presented meals. However, when the Bible calls Christians to be hospitable, it’s calling them to much more. In this book, Rosaria Butterfield invites readers into her home and shows from her own life and experience how “radically ordinary hospitality” can be a bridge for bringing the gospel to lost friends and neighbors-something that she experienced herself on her journey to Christ. Such hospitality welcomes those who look, think, believe, and act differently than us into our own everyday, sometimes messy lives. Christians will be inspired and equipped to use their homes and tables as a way of showing a skeptical, unbelieving world what love and authentic faith really look like.

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  • Speaking Our Faith Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    This Leader Guide offers five session plans designed to bring the process described in Kit Carlson’s book, Speaking Our Faith, to small groups of adults (including millennials) in a congregational or school chaplaincy setting, in order to help them learn how to speak and share their faith. Guidance for the leader in how to facilitate each conversation is given, noting issues that tend to arise in each of the sessions. Homework assignments continue the work from week to week and are provided as well. The time to speak, to share our faith, is now. Through the sessions provided, participants will learn how to put words to their own experiences of God, create their own statements of belief, and begin to have compassionate, caring conversations with other people about spirituality, belief, and Jesus Christ.

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  • Speaking Our Faith


    Ways to help Episcopalians articulate and feel comfortable about speaking of their faith with others – Builds upon the Jesus Movement and evangelism initiatives in the Episcopal Church Today, in a rapidly changing religious landscape, the structures of Christendom–which once almost automatically instilled faith in generation after generation of believers–are gone.

    For faithful Episcopalians, it has become essential to learn how to “tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.” This is especially important for those generations born after the Baby Boom, which are experiencing the rapid rise of the “nones”–people who have lost their faith, or who have no faith at all. The time to speak, to share our faith, is now. Kit Carlson offers a road map for those who want to learn to speak about the faith that lives within them.
    Speaking Our Faith will help them put words to their own experiences of God, create their own statements of belief, and to begin to have compassionate, caring conversations with other people about spirituality, belief, and Jesus Christ.

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  • I Cant Make You Love Him


    Hori-Son Press LLC

    Written for a “street book” but for all who desire to really know that God hears us when we cry out. No matter how hard the storm you are facing, the answer is learning to love as He loves and feeling His presence in your life!.

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  • Talking About God


    “And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way” (1 Peter 3:15-16, NLT).

    This book demonstrates again and again that talking about God is simple when we commit ourselves first to loving and listening to our friends. For people who are intimidated or fatigued by the idea of talking about matters of faith, Talking about God offers story after gripping story about faith conversations that avoid cliche and combativeness and instead draw people organically and relationally toward the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    Discover refreshing portraits of natural, organic, God-directed dialogues that protect the dignity of the people we love and lead them into life-changing conversations.

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  • How To Win A Soul To Christ And Make It A Lifestyle


    All Christians should be people lovers and want to see people saved. If you have never led a person to Christ or if you have, this book will boost your desire with excitement to usher you toward leading the next Billy Graham to Christ or the next Oral Roberts or John the Baptist to Christ.

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  • Evangelistic Praying : Intercession For Laborers And The Lost


    Frank Shivers Evangelistic Association

    There is a crisis in the harvest field. The fields are ripe for harvesting, but there is a shortage of laborers. The means in which laborers are supplied in these places is from Christians who pray them out of schools, colleges, churches, seminaries, and secular work. Believers pray for laborers; the Lord answers with sending them.

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  • Ying And Grace Kais Training For Trainers


    Ying and Grace Kai’s Training for Trainers provides the most reliable resource available today for catalyzing Church Planting Movements. With personal insights and stories from around the world, this book pulls back the curtain and shows you the lives and life lessons behind the movements that have changed the world. Dr. David Garrison, Missionary Author, Church Planting Movements.

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  • Unbelievable Gospel : Say Something Worth Believing


    In The Unbelievable Gospel pastor Jonathan Dodson diagnoses the evangelistic paralysis of the modern church, pinpointing the reasons people don’t share their faith today and offering a desperately needed solution. Showing readers how to utilize the rich gospel metaphors found in Scripture and how to communicate a gospel worth believing–one that speaks to the heart-felt needs of diverse individuals–Dodson connects the gospel to the real issues people face each day by speaking to both the head and the heart.

    Filled with stories that reveal the long road of relational evangelism and guidance on how to listen to others well, The Unbelievable Gospel is a much-needed resource that will benefit both individuals and churches.

    Included are study questions for training and group discussion.

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  • Mystic Way Of Evangelism


    Approaches evangelism through contemplative spirituality, offering a corrective to the contemporary American trend of programmatic and consumeristic forms of evangelism. This second edition includes a new study guide.

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  • Way To God Updated Edition


    This book is thorough. It brings to life the love of God, examines the state of the unsaved individual’s soul, and analyzes what took place on the cross for our sins. The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus, and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven.

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  • Multiplying Churches In Japanese Soil


    Since the beginning of missionary efforts in Japan in the sixteenth century, the Japanese church has experienced periods of quiet flourishing and periods of intense persecution. Arguably, however, it has never managed to take root as a truly indigenous church-despite great effort toward that aim.

    In Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil, John Mehn asks the question: Why? What factors have contributed to the Japanese remaining largely unreached? Mehn examines the current state of affairs and then, with some careful analysis and case study, delves into effective models and leadership for planting churches in Japan that not only grow, but are also equipped to reproduce and multiply.

    Within these pages, discover mission strategy, kingdom perspective, and hope for the church in Japanese soil.

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  • Beyond Colorblind : Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey


    Part I: Redeeming Our Ethnic Stories
    1. Beyond Colorblind
    2. Ethnicities Made For Good
    3. The Cracks In Our Ethnicity
    4. Ethnicities Restored For Better
    5. Redeemed Ethnic Identities Sent Out To Heal

    Part II: Stewarding Our Ethnic Identities
    6. Trust-Building With Ethnic Strangers
    7. Crosscultural Skills In Community
    8. Responding To Crosscultural Conflict In Community
    9. Prophetic Ethnic Justice
    10. Culture Re-creators


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    For a generation or so, society has tried to be colorblind. People say they don’t see race. But the reality is that this approach has its limitations. In our broken world, ethnicity and racial identity are often points of pain and injustice. We can’t ignore that God created us with our ethnic identities, and he made them for good. We bring all of who we are, including our ethnicity and cultural background, to our identity and work as God’s ambassadors.

    Ethnicity and evangelism specialist Sarah Shin reveals how our brokenness around ethnicity can be restored and redeemed, for our own wholeness and also for the good of others. When we experience internal transformation in our ethnic journeys, God propels us outward in a reconciling witness to the world. Ethnic healing can demonstrate God’s power and goodness to others and bring good news to the world. Showing us how to make space for God’s healing of our ethnic stories, Shin helps us grow in our crosscultural skills, manage crosscultural conflict, pursue reconciliation and justice, and share the gospel as ethnicity-aware Christians.

    Jesus offers hope for healing, both for ourselves and for society. Discover how your ethnic story can be transformed for compelling witness and mission.

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  • Sowing Reaping Keeping (Reprinted)


    Biblical and practical help for evangelism.

    Evangelism can seem intimidating, but this book will help you tell others about Jesus by simply exploring what it means to sow the seed of faith, to reap the harvest and to nurture the faith as it grows: Sow, Reap, Keep.

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  • Messy Christmas : Three Complete Sessions And A Treasure Trove Of Ideas For


    Christmas can be complicated. Parties, gifts, and family tensions dominate the season. So maybe it’s time we explore what Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are really about. The Messy Church series provides resources to help your church bring together people of all ages and stages of faith, allowing them to experience a creative and fun-filled Christian community. Messy Christmas offers your church a tool to create a unique, come-as-you-are experience built on :
    creativity-allowing space for all to play and create
    celebration-worshiping God and his redeeming work in Jesus
    hospitality-sharing a meal where all are welcome

    These three once-a-month sessions include Christmas prayers, global action suggestions, games and competitions, Christmas food crafts, and many other ideas to experience joy during this time of the year. This season, give your community the gift of a messy church!

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  • Messy Church : Fresh Ideas For Building A Christ Centered Community


    We like the idea of community, but where do we start? The Messy Church series provides resources to help your church bring together people of all ages and stages of faith, allowing them to experience a creative and fun-filled Christian community. Messy Church, the first book in the series, offers your church a tool to create a unique, come-as-you-are experience built on:
    creativity-allowing space for all to play and create
    celebration-worshiping God and his redeeming work in Jesus
    hospitality-sharing a meal where all are welcome

    This complete resource helps you share the love of God and his people with families in your community, creating an opportunity for connection and learning in a fun and welcoming environment. With instructions for starting a program at your church, Messy Church includes fifteen sessions for use throughout the year. Let’s get messy!

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  • Building Bridges To Oral Cultures


    Millions hear the oral gospel.

    Building Bridges to Oral Cultures narrates with chronological and adventurous detail, an extraordinary journey that began for Jim and Carla Bowman in the early 80s with a passion to share the Good News with a handful of the least-reached, indigenous groups in Mexico. Over the course of thirty years, their travels led to breakthrough discoveries and innovation in remote communities of traditional oral learners around the world. With time and God’s guiding hand, a new comprehensive, oral communications model emerged. Effective bridges to oral cultures were developed and tested. Without eradicating cultures, speakers of the local languages are embracing the local oral arts to communicate God’s Word and are reaching the lost for Him across the globe.

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  • Everyone Everywhere : Glimpses Of God’s Global Work Through People Like You


    God is at work around the globe. You’ll find stories in these pages from every walk of life, and every corner, that bears this out. Amazing stories of the miraculous, and stories of the unassuming yet life-altering hand of God through His people.

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  • Upside Down Living Sharing Faith Stories (Student/Study Guide)


    Every person of faith has a story. At times our lives are interesting and compelling, mundane and routine. Yet taken together these individual moments create a mosaic that can be shared with others. This study will empower you to discover how to communicate your own story with others as an effective way of sharing your faith.

    Weary of Christian faith wrapped in a flag and trapped in your heart? Tired of faith as usual? Live out your Christian faith through the lens of Jesus. Follow values that seem so counter-cultural they appear to be upside down. Each compelling six-session Upside-Down Living Bible study helps us encounter the teachings of Jesus and wrestle with living out the kingdom here and now. The Bible isn’t a cookbook with solutions for every ethical dilemma, but it helps us raise the right questions, encounter the teachings of Jesus, and discover new ways of faithful living in the world. Ideal for Sunday school or Bible study sessions, each topical study covers a specific theme or issue, and comes with thought-provoking discussion questions and activities. Be inspired and transformed in your faith. Live upside down.

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  • Reaching The Unreached


    For too long church leaders have focused on increasing the size of their church rather than increasing their reach outside of the four walls of the church building. The result? Church life becomes a predictable set of routines with predictable results. Church members struggle to reach the neighborhoods they drive through on their way to church programs, unable to penetrate their surrounding communities in a meaningful way. Reaching the Unreached recounts the stories, struggles, and triumphs of individuals and churches that have reinvented themselves to meet the world where it is, working to reach the ones that no one else is reaching. The search for the “silver bullet” of success has diverted us from tapping into the timeless principles found in the book of Acts, says author, pastor, and front-line church planter Peyton Jones. Yet the spiritual climate that Paul and the Apostles stepped into is not all that different from the brave new world the church faces today. From accidentally planting a church in a Starbucks in Europe, to baptizing members of the Mexican mafia in Long Beach Harbor, Jones has been on the frontlines of today’s missional movement and has lived to tell the tale. In Reaching the Unreached, he teaches church planters, pastors, and church leaders how to convert pew jockeys into missionaries and awake the sleeping giant of Christ’s church, one person at a time. Today there are two types of churches: those who put their proverbial heads in the sand, and those who champion 1st century principles, meet the challenges head on, and embrace the adventure of mission in community. Tomorrow, only one type of church will survive-those that accept the challenge to reach the unreached.

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  • Its All About The Numbers


    When you hear the word evangelism, what comes to mind? A loud, obnoxious preacher screaming at people on the street corner? Going door-to-door in a neighborhood with little to no results? Mustering up enough nerve to talk to someone about Jesus, only to be rejected? In his book, Its All About the Numbers, evangelist Riley Stephenson addresses these common misconceptions about evangelism and provides a refreshingly new approach to sharing your faith with very fruitful results! After reading this book, you will: Have a passion for the lost, Love people in a greater way, Share Jesus effectively, Overcome any hurdles you have had in the past in witnessing to someone, See yourself as God sees you and be able to do what He has called you to do, Teach others how to win the lost, and see countless numbers of people born into the kingdom of God! If your heart longs to see your family, co-workers, friends, acquaintances and even strangers saved, then this book is your tool for effective, result-oriented evangelism! In it, you will see afresh, through heavens eyes, that it really is all about the numbers!

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  • Salt And Light


    Do you want to go and make disciples of all nations but aren’t sure how to begin? Do you have people who you pray for but can’t speak to about spiritual things without feeling unqualified or judgmental?Salt & Light: Everyday Discipleship helps people who want to share the hope and love of Christ with others in a more fruitful way.

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  • Outreach : Get Motivated To Reach Your Friends


    OUTREACH is a motivational, biblical and inspiring scriptural approach to reaching out to others. This is our biblical mandate, but sometimes we need a holy nudge.

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  • God Conversation : Using Stories And Illustrations To Explain Your Faith (Expand


    Foreword By Lee Strobel
    Preface To The Expanded Edition
    1. The Power Of A Good Illustration
    2. Can God Be Good If Terrorists Exist?
    3. Can God Be Good If Terrorists Exist? (Part 2)
    4. Jesus, Buddha Or Muhammad? Seeking A Guide In The Maze Of Religions
    5. Jesus, Buddha Or Muhammad? (Part 2)
    6. The Resurrection: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact?
    7. The Resurrection: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact? (Part 2)
    8. What Would Machiavelli Do? Ethics In A Morally Confused World
    9. What Would Machiavelli Do? (Part 2)
    10. Are We An Accident? Arguing For God Through Design
    11. Are We An Accident? (Part 2)
    12. Something Isn’t Quite Right: Unfulfilled Desires And The Existence Of God
    13. Unfulfilled Desires And The Existence Of God (Part 2)
    Final Thought: Dangers Of Agenda Anxiety
    Name Index
    Subject Index

    Additional Info
    Think of it this way . . . Our beliefs are challenged from many directions. Every day it seems more difficult to explain to our friends, families, and neighbors what we believe and why. When our ideas and arguments fail to persuade them, what then? Is there another approach we can take? Veteran apologists and communicators J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff say that the best way to win over others is with a good story. Stories have the ability to get behind our preconceptions and defenses. They appeal to the whole person rather than just to the mind. This expanded edition includes new chapters and updated stories and illustrations throughout. In these pages the authors enhance the logic and evidence found in other books defending the faith with things that your friends, relatives, or coworkers will ponder long after a conversation is over. Here is sound, empathetic coaching for those of us who long to communicate our faith more effectively.

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  • Influencing Your World For Christ


    The mention of the word “evangelism” can produce any number of responses from people. Many Christians know that they should be sharing Jesus with their friends and family members but fear of rejection stops them.

    Other factors also keep them from sharing. One of the most common reasons that people don’t win their friends to Christ, is not so much fear, as the fact that they don’t know how to evangelize people. However, you can influence your world for Christ without overwhelming your friends, without embarrassing yourself or without even being rejected.

    One day, I sat down and decided to record this book on video so that people could see how I live my life and how I influence those that come in contact with me.

    This process is not scary, and you won’t be rejected if you live out the keys in this book. Instead, the contents will actually free you up to be who you are with everyone that you know. Gone will be the masks that you wear for some people as they get to know the authentic Christian that you are.

    I am no theologian and have never had formal training at a school, yet I have shared my personal faith in Jesus with thousands of people as well as shared personal messages from Jesus with many people through prophetic evangelism.

    If you want to learn how to influence your world with the message of the Gospel with confidence, take a look inside. Your world and the lives of those around you will be impacted for God’s glory and the Kingdom!

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  • Do Your Children Believe


    Are your children ready to live out their faith in the real world? Most parents who value Christian faith want their children to enjoy a vibrant, growing relationship with God, both now and throughout their lives. But few of those parents ever attach this hope to an ongoing plan; therefore, they fail to lay a reliable spiritual track in front of the fast-moving train of family life. This book is a junction point where deep parental desire meets workable design and where timid inadequacy meets Christ’s sufficiency. It’s where individual families become multiplication factories, exerting a lasting impact not only on their coming generations but even on the culture at large. The death of Joshua and his contemporaries was barely old news in Israel before the people of God experienced a Judges 2:10 moment: “There arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done” (ESV). One generation is all it takes. One generation who stops remembering. One generation who stops creating. One generation blinded to God’s real work in their lives who then subtly quiets the expectation of His new work in succeeding generations. Do Your Children Believe? appears at a time in history when another Judges 2:10 moment doesn’t sound so incredibly far-fetched-a day when many people’s only real knowledge of God comes from what they’ve heard and read about, not what they’ve actually seen and experienced, and when His work is more about the dutiful following of rules than the daily adventure of walking with Him as Lord. Imagine, instead, a generation of your family who knows God with intimate familiarity. Who doesn’t just pretend at faith but actually lives it. Kids who can tell you what they believe and why it matters. Teenagers who handle adversity with the resilient joy of godly wisdom. A family who prays together and worships together, growing into young adults who are equipped and inspired to keep this torch ablaze from the moment their own new families begin. This book is here to make that reality happen, written by an author equipped with not only a passion for the concept but also a proven plan for success-a wealth of first-hand personal stories from his wife and kids for how they’ve put this plan into living action with remarkable blessings in tow. When God puts His power behind families who embrace this kingdom call, on-the-ground change will result in off-the-charts revival.

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  • Influencing Your World For Christ


    The mention of the word “evangelism” can produce any number of responses from people. Many Christians know that they should be sharing Jesus with their friends and family members but fear of rejection stops them.

    Other factors also keep them from sharing. One of the most common reasons that people don’t win their friends to Christ, is not so much fear, as the fact that they don’t know how to evangelize people. However, you can influence your world for Christ without overwhelming your friends, without embarrassing yourself or without even being rejected.

    One day, I sat down and decided to record this book on video so that people could see how I live my life and how I influence those that come in contact with me.

    This process is not scary, and you won’t be rejected if you live out the keys in this book. Instead, the contents will actually free you up to be who you are with everyone that you know. Gone will be the masks that you wear for some people as they get to know the authentic Christian that you are.

    I am no theologian and have never had formal training at a school, yet I have shared my personal faith in Jesus with thousands of people as well as shared personal messages from Jesus with many people through prophetic evangelism.

    If you want to learn how to influence your world with the message of the Gospel with confidence, take a look inside. Your world and the lives of those around you will be impacted for God’s glory and the Kingdom!

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  • Meet Generation Z (Reprinted)


    In this comprehensive overview of Generation Z, pastor and award-winning author of The Rise of the Nones offers ministry strategies for effectively reaching the first truly post-Christian generation.

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  • Golden Horizon : Delight Yourself In The Lord And He Will Give You The Desi


    After taking a four year hiatus from automotive sports in means to get refocused on his devotion to Christ, Cody Johnson was much content with spending the rest of his life doing open air evangelism around the urban streets and neighborhoods of Texas.

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  • Breaking The Huddle


    Most Christians are stuck in the huddle. Even though we believe in outreach, our communities tend to focus on our own needs. That makes us into insular groups that don’t have many relationships with outsiders. So evangelism is occasional and conversions are rare. How do we change? In their groundbreaking I Once Was Lost, Don Everts and Doug Schaupp identified five thresholds that individuals move across from skeptics to followers. Now they and Val Gordon show how huddled communities can become witnessing communities. The authors have studied the growth of witnessing communities, what enhances and limits them, and have gathered best practices for transformation. Our churches and fellowships can become places where evangelism is not done by a just few people, but where the whole community itself becomes a winsome, thriving witness to those around it. Break out of the huddle. It’s time to get in the game.

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  • Going Around The Corner Bible Study


    Going Around The Corner is a mission strategy for your own backyard. This 6-week study challenges you to see your neighborhood or workplace as your mission field, working through five stages to reach others with the gospel. You will explore your neighborhood by accepting the mission and praying for believing partners. You will engage your neighbors through prayer walking and biblical good works. You will evangelize by simply sharing your own story. You will learn how to establish new believers through personal discipleship, and equip them by bringing them into your own church body. Perfect for Sunday Schools and small groups, this study builds a solid biblical foundation to encourage, motivate and equip believers to carry out the Great Commission where they live, work and play.

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  • Final Fire : Is The Next Great Awakening Right Around The Corner


    In the midst of intense global societal discordpersecution, rights activism, racial tension, intense political hostility, and the resurgence of anti-establishment counterculturemany have lost faith in governments and even in church leadership to provide answers and stability. But this feelingthis underlying sensation that pricks our national cognition with a constant needling, demanding to be fought against and yet powerful enough that it inspires hopeless demoralizationhas occurred before. From the Bohemian Reformation of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus in the 1300s to the Jesus People of the 60s and 70s, every era ripe with public dejection and faith-drought foreshadowed spiritual awakenings. These often began in the unlikeliest of places by the most inconceivable of personalities, and then spread like uncontrollable brushfires across the land resulting in millions surrendering their hearts and lives to the Lord. As todays world becomes more desperate to experience such personal meaning and social healing, the world is inadvertently moving toward another Great Awakening! IN FINAL FIRE, YOU WILL LEARN: How God used simple men, women, and youth of the pastunqualified by human and finite standardsto irreversibly change the world. What practices were employed that reformed traditional religious rituals into personal relationships with Christ, and how those methods are poised to be repeated in the near future. Why the age of social networking through virtual technology is keeping families and communities from real human relationships, how this relates to an international and spiritual hunger for revival, and how this very same technology will pave the way for an even vaster spreading of the Gospel.

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