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    Eschatology (End Times)

    • China And End Time Prophecy


      In China, an Army Is Rising…

      For years, China’s population size, economic growth, and thirst for military power have taken center stage by those who study biblical prophecy. Most end-time experts have seen the “Red Dragon” as an aggressor to Israel. In Revelation 16 and 19, John’s mention of the armies involved in the final battle marking the end of the world could well depict China’s army today.

      However, a different kind of army is also rising in China, and it is quickly approaching two hundred million people. This army is for Christ, not against Him. It is a host of Christians from the Chinese underground house church who are fighting a battle against principalities and powers and spreading the gospel in unprecedented ways under intense persecution.

      These Christians are motivated by a powerful vision called “Back to Jerusalem.” The Chinese church is quietly working to complete the Great Commission by bringing the gospel to unreached peoples in China’s eastern provinces and to all the countries between the border of China and the city of Jerusalem.

      Yet there’s even more to this fascinating development. What you read in this book may change your view of end-time prophecy. Back to Jerusalem is not just a missions movement of the Chinese church. It is an eschatological event confirmed by both the Old and New Testaments. God is using the Red Dragon to fulfill His ultimate purposes.

      China and End-Time Prophecy explores the surprising connection between ancient prophecy and China’s modern missions phenomenon. This book will give you a new vision of what it means to go into all the world with the gospel. Most of all, it will show you why the completion of the Great Commission is inevitable and the return of Christ is unstoppable.

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    • Military Guide To Armageddon


      We are at war right now. The forces of light and darkness are lined up in battle array as the world moves closer to the end of the age.

      Using both military and spiritual warfare tactics, this U.S. Army colonel and Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist equip you as a believer to be battle-ready. This training manual will teach you to:
      – be empowered to counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces

      – develop your spiritual gifts so you can walk in the supernatural power and protection of the Holy Spirit

      – move into a new level of spiritual warfare based on biblical and military principles

      – study the Bible more intently as real-time world events and biblical prophecies intersect

      As the end times draw near, prepare to be fully equipped and trained in the weapons of spiritual warfare. You are gifted by the Holy Spirit–now be empowered, disciplined, and courageous, ready to do battle with the forces of this present darkness in these last days.

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    • Eschatology


      Anxiety and fear are the feelings people often have about Christ’s second coming and what will happen to the world. In the last two hundred years there have been new teachings about end times rising up among Christians that have created this atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.In contrast to these trends, Eric M. Vail explores in Eschatology the classic beliefs of Christianity by taking readers into Scripture and the teaching of the apostles. Readers will examine God’s intentions for creation across the biblical narrative and consider how God works to fulfill those intentions. Vail brings Christianity’s historic beliefs about the future of the world into focus. Ultimately, God is faithful and will bring creation into the fullness of what God has intended from the beginning.

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    • 7 Living Prophecies


      The missing piece to God’s end-time plan is you. Through more than forty years of ministry, Pastor Larry Huch has seen a trend: Christians are living well below the promises and covenants of God. He says they are missing out in part because they don’t fully understand where we are on God’s biblical timeline. In this timely book, Huch, a respected teacher on the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, reveals seven Bible prophecies unfolding right now that will release God’s end-time outpouring of supernatural blessings and miracles into the world and into our lives. Every day ancient prophecies are unfolding in the world. Prophecies that we have read about but could only imagine are actually becoming reality in our lifetime. In every realm and sphere of life the missing pieces are coming together. What was sketchy and vague in the past is becoming crystal clear right before our eyes!

      In The Seven Living Prophecies, Huch uncovers these ancient Bible prophecies, mysteries, secrets, and hidden truths that are coming to pass and ushering us into the great outpouring of God in the last days, the rebuilding of the tabernacle, the latter rain of miracles, and the coming of the Messiah!This book will draw you to the Jewish roots of your faith so that you can experience the blessings that God prophesied.

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    • Walking In Truth In A World Of Lies


      You and I are being lied to on a regular basis. In fact, our entire culture is riddled with duplicity.

      Scripture warns repeatedly of deception on a massive scale in the Last Days, so why are Christians seemingly so unconcerned? Has their access to theological information and their acceptance of orthodox doctrine caused them to believe they are impervious to being deceived?

      There is only one way to stay safe from the deceiver’s powerful lies: We must allow the “love of the truth” to hold sway in our innermost being. Only then will we be capable of Walking in Truth in a World of Lies.

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    • Corona Crisis : Plagues, Pandemics, And The Coming Apocalypse


      The world has not seen such a pandemic in generations. And as the world fights COVID-19, is God trying to send a message? Pastor and Dallas Theological Seminary professor Mark Hitchcock shares how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to end-time prophecies.

      In The Corona Crisis, professor Mark Hitchcock will share how the current coronavirus outbreak is related to the vivid, end-time biblical prophecies about plagues, pestilence, and pandemics.

      Jesus listed “pestilences in various places” as a sign of his coming (Luke 21:11).
      In the prophecy of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the fourth rider kills one-fourth of the earth with pestilence and the “wild beasts of the earth.”
      Many believe that “wild beasts” refers to plagues that come from animals, as we’ve seen in recent decades with AIDS, SARS, MERS, the bird flu and swine flu, and now COVID-19.
      Hitchcock believes the coronavirus is not the fulfillment of these events that will occur during the tribulation period but a foreshadowing of what lies ahead. The Corona Crisis puts the current situation in perspective in relation to previous plagues, like the Spanish flu, while giving an overview of the major signs of the end times.

      The book also discusses how the rise of globalism contributes to the spread of plagues. In our global environment, events can happen suddenly that send shock waves around the world.

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    • Prepare For The Harvest Gods Challenge To The Church Today


      A Pamela Christian Ministries Title

      If a clarion call was needed to exhort people to prepare themselves for Jesus’ first coming, how much more important is the divine ultimatum for us to prepare for Jesus’ return! Many prophetic voices speak of a great harvest of souls:

      *Are you sufficiently informed and engaged with the modern culture to enable you to reach the lost for Christ?

      *Is your church leadership trained to meet the needs of the culture while effective discipling people who have no understanding of church culture?

      *Are you ready to welcome and disciple an influx of people some consider to be the dredges of society into your pristine church environment?

      Addressing the critical urgency of the day, this book exhorts the Ekklesia to make this a time of ardent preparation or risk being found as the Church of Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22).

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    • Book Of Signs


      “The apocalypse.” “The end times.” “The day of judgment.” Terms such as these are both fascinating and frightening for any student of God’s Word. They point to key questions people have wrestled with for centuries, including:
      *What does the Bible tell us about the future?
      *Why is biblical prophecy relevant for Christians today?
      *What signs and signals will precede the end?
      *Which of those signs have already come to pass, which are we experiencing now, and which are still to come?

      Drawing from decades of experience as one of the world’s most-respected Bible teachers, Dr. David Jeremiah once again brings his signature wisdom, depth, and compassion to the discussion of biblical prophecy–a discussion that becomes more and more critical with each passing day.

      Join Dr. Jeremiah as he lays out the signs of the end times and helps you prepare for the days ahead in thirty-one easy-to-understand chapters. Filled with engaging illustrations and practical application, The Book of Signs is a must-have resource for Christians seeking to navigate the uncertainties of the present and embrace God’s promises for the future.

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    • History And Eschatology


      How can we know about God? That question increasingly bothered scientists and philosophers in the modern period as they chipped away at previously imagined “certainties.” They refused to take on trust the “special revelation” of the Christian Bible, trying instead to argue up to God from the “natural” world. That is the theme of the Gifford Lectures, inaugurated over 130 years ago.

      This natural theology has usually bracketed out the Bible and Jesus?and with them, usually, the scholars who study them.

      History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology represents the first Gifford delivered by a New Testament scholar since Rudolf Bultmann in 1955. Against Bultmann’s dehistoricized approach, N. T. Wright argues that, since the philosophical and cultural movements that generated the natural theology debates also treated Jesus as a genuine human being?part of the “natural world”?there is no reason the historical Jesus should be off-limits. What would happen if we brought him back into the discussion? What, in particular, might “history” and “eschatology” really mean? And what might that say about “knowledge” itself?

      This lively and wide-ranging discussion invites us to see Jesus himself in a different light by better acquainting ourselves with the first-century Jewish world. Genuine historical study challenges not only what we thought we knew but how we know it. The crucifixion of the subsequently resurrected Jesus, as solid an event as any in the “natural” world, turns out to meet, in unexpected and suggestive ways, the puzzles of the ultimate questions asked by every culture. At the same time, these events open up vistas of the eschatological promise held out to the entire natural order. The result is a larger vision, both of “natural theology” and of Jesus himself, than either the academy or the church has normally expected.

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    • Last Things


      There is no shortage of books on eschatology–the study of the last things and the end-times. Many arise out of incoherent or superficial readings of the Bible that detract from the “once and for all” achievements of God through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Others fail to consider the manner in which God reveals himself through the Lord Jesus and by the power of his Spirit. Too many fail to distinguish sufficiently between the genuine hope provided by the gospel and the superficial aspirations of culture. In this final Contours of Christian Theology volume, David Hohne offers a trinitarian theological description of eschatology that is at once systematic, generated from the theological interpretation of Scripture, and yet sensitive to essential elements for Christian practice. His reading of the Bible is shaped by the gospel, informed by the history of Christian thought, and dedicated to serving the church in a world that is frustrated by sin, death, and evil, yet longing for the return of our Lord and Messiah. Contours of Christian Theology, edited by Gerald Bray, is a series of concise introductory textbooks focused on the main themes of Christian theology. The authors introduce the perennial questions and their time-tested solutions while moving forward to explore contemporary issues and rework evangelical formulations of the faith.

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    • Libro De La Senales – (Spanish)


      Los tiempos finales, El Apocalipsis, El dia del juicio. Terminos como estos son fascinantes y aterradores a la vez para cualquier estudiante de la Palabra de Dios. Se refieren a preguntas clave con las que las personas han luchado durante siglos, entre ellas:
      * Que nos dice la Biblia acerca del futuro?
      * Que tanto podemos entender acerca de la profecia biblica y su aplicacion en nuestras vidas?
      * Que seales precederan al final del mundo como lo conocemos?
      * Cuales de esas seales ya han ocurrido, cuales estamos experimentando ahora y cuales estan por venir?

      En esta coleccion historica, el autor de superventas, el Dr. David Jeremiah, ofrece respuestas a estas preguntas y muchas otras. Basado en decadas de experiencia como uno de los maestros de la Biblia mas respetados del mundo, el Dr. Jeremiah ha actualizado el contenido de trabajos publicados anteriormente, ademas de escribir material nuevo sobre una amplia variedad de temas.

      El resultado es una guia verdaderamente epica y autorizada de la profecia biblica, un recurso imprescindible para los cristianos que buscan navegar las incertidumbres del presente y abrazar las promesas de Dios para el futuro.

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    • Breaking The Code Leader Guide (Revised)


      The Book of Revelation contains passages of great beauty and comfort, as well as passages that strike the casual reader as bizarre, bewildering, and sometimes frightening. How are readers today to discern God’s message in this peculiar part of the Bible? Breaking the Code Revised Edition provides a trustworthy guide to the rich symbolism of this important biblical book. Noted biblical scholar Bruce M. Metzger presents the fruits of solid scholarship in a non-academic style. This revised edition includes updates based on current biblical research, as well as additional teaching from author and respected New Testament scholar David deSilva. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study using the DVD and book, including session plans, activities, and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options. It also includes alternatives for adapting the study to 4 or 8 weeks to fit your group’s needs.

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    • Satan The Antichrist


      “True it is that all who deny the Father and the Son are antichrists. It is also true that there are many antichrists abroad today; and that ‘the man of sin’ of the tribulation period will be known as ‘the Antichrist.’ But seeing that Satan is at the back of all anti–Christian forces, and the instigator of all open hatred to God and to His Christ, he can be fitly termed– Satan, the Antichrist.” –Herbert Lockyer

      We live in a time when people have cast off restraint. Gone are the days of restraint and moderation. Behaviors and beliefs that would have shocked previous generations are now accepted as commonplace. We live in an age of lewd and carnal gratification. As believers, we know who is responsible for the rotten state of the world: Satan. In these perilous times, it is imperative for the saints of God to fully recognize the strategy and devices of the enemy. A complete understanding of Satan and his plans will force us to look upon these tangled times with knowing eyes.

      In Satan the Antichrist, best-selling Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer traces the diabolical plan of Satan through both the Old and New Testaments, and forward through the ages, including the church period and during and after the tribulation. He reveals the spiritual weapons at our disposal, that we might remain resistant and vigilant in our faith by using both the Word of God and the blood of Christ in the promised vanquishing of this evil antichrist.

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    • Rabbis Donald Trump And The Top Secret Plan To Build The Third Temple


      For thousands of years, the world has heard warning that there is a coming a day when the Man of Sin, the Antichrist, will arise to pilot the greatest deception in human history. Whereas almost anyone alive today can discuss the dictatorial global economics, societal horrors, and eventual apocalypse that follows his arrival, few appear to comprehend that there are negotiations in the workings at this precise moment to build the very location where the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place. This, as the book of Daniel prophesied, will be the catalyst event.

      …The beginning of the end.

      Many believe that President Trump is Israel’s next King Cyrus the facilitator and overseer of the building of the Third Temple and that his influential role in that pursuit is being guided by Hashem (God), Himself, in order to restore to His people the most sacred site of worship. Is a secret plan under development for construction of the Third Temple? And as these plans are increasingly expedited, will Trump succeed in raising this landmark, only to usher in the end of days?

      In The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top-Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple, you will learn:

      -The connection between Donald Trump, the Rabbis, and a behind-the scenes scheme to erect the Third Temple

      -The role Trump’s Orthodox Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner is playing with Saudi Arabia with plans to control the Temple Mount

      -How Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and his moving the US Embassy there sent a powerful signal to Third Temple advocates

      -The controversy over the Temple Mount location and why the spot on which the Third Temple will be built will soon be unveiled

      -What the Abomination of Desolation is and what the globe s most powerful political personalities have to say about its future appearance on holy ground

      -How recent archeological site metal-detector scans near the Qumran Caves point to the discovery of ancient Temple treasures (including the Ark of the Covenant), and how that relates to the building of the Third Temple

      -The mystery of the Copper Scroll and what it disclosed

      -Events involving Trump and other world leaders as the building of the Third Temple is underway, and the obvious end-times signals these events raise

      -What is to take place when the Temple is constructed, then desecrated

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    • Unraptured : How End Times Theology Gets It Wrong


      Are you rapture ready?

      As a teenager in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Zack Hunt was convinced the rapture would happen at any moment. Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always listening to Christian radio.

      But when the rapture didn’t happen, Hunt’s tightly wound faith began to fray. If he had been wrong about the rapture, what else about his faith might not hold water?

      Part memoir, part tour of the apocalypse, and part call to action, Unraptured traces how the church’s focus on escaping to heaven has it mired in decay. Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy in a world rocked by refugee crises, climate change, war and rumors of war, the church cannot afford to focus on the end times instead of following Jesus in the here and now. Unraptured uses these signs of the times to help readers reorient their understanding of the gospel around loving and caring for the least of these.

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    • Unraptured : How End Times Theology Gets It Wrong


      Are you rapture ready?

      As a teenager in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Zack Hunt was convinced the rapture would happen at any moment. Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always listening to Christian radio.

      But when the rapture didn’t happen, Hunt’s tightly wound faith began to fray. If he had been wrong about the rapture, what else about his faith might not hold water?

      Part memoir, part tour of the apocalypse, and part call to action, Unraptured traces how the church’s focus on escaping to heaven has it mired in decay. Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy in a world rocked by refugee crises, climate change, war and rumors of war, the church cannot afford to focus on the end times instead of following Jesus in the here and now. Unraptured uses these signs of the times to help readers reorient their understanding of the gospel around loving and caring for the least of these.

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    • Not Afraid Of The Antichrist


      Despite the popular theology of our day, Christians should not expect to get out of experiencing the tribulation or the end times. Nowhere in the Bible does the Lord promise us this, say Michael Brown and Craig Keener, two leading, acclaimed Bible scholars. In fact, they say, Jesus promises us tribulation in this world.

      Yet this is no reason to fear. In this fascinating, accessible, and personal book, Brown and Keener walk you through what the Bible really says about the rapture, the tribulation, and the end times. What they find will leave you full of hope. God’s wrath is not poured out on His people, and He will shield us from it–as he shielded Israel in Egypt during the ten plagues. So instead of taking comfort in what God hasn’t promised, take comfort in the words of Jesus: He has overcome the world, and we live in his victory.

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    • Decoding The Antichrist And The End Times


      Will the real Antichrist please stand up?

      For the last two thousand years people have been anxiously trying to analyze who the Antichrist might be and when he might be revealed. Many people have made preposterous claims, and of course, they have been wrong. If you’re not careful, you can get caught up in the debate and spend so much time arguing with other Christians over the details that you don’t accomplish anything for the kingdom!

      To make matters worse, we now live in an era when, for the first time, we have the possibility of an artificial intelligence Antichrist, a human computer hybrid that will demand to be worshipped. Have you ever wondered if it’s OK to have Alexa, Siri, and other forms of artificial intelligence in your home? We know that the Bible says great deception is coming, so what is a concerned believer to do?

      Author and minister Mark Biltz wants you to understand the methods of the Antichrist so you won’t be deceived.

      This book will help you know the big picture of what has happened historically, what is unfolding this very moment, and what the future holds concerning the Antichrist based on the unfolding purposes of God.

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    • Whence And Whither


      From one of our most gifted writers and thinkers about death and the meaning of living comes a collection of writings about “what comes next.” Thomas Lynch, funeral director, poet, and author of the National Book Award finalist The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade, has an uncanny knack for writing about death in ways that are never morbid, always thoughtful, often humorous, and quite moving. From his account of riding in the hearse at the funeral of poet laureate Seamus Heaney, to his recounting of the funeral for a young child in the 1800s, to his compelling essay about his own mortality, Lynch always finds ways to make sense of senseless things, as he ponders what will come next.

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    • Closed Door


      An Outskirts Press Title

      Understanding end-time prophetic scriptures can be frustrating since not all the related information is presented in one place in the Bible nor is it presented in an easily understood chronological order. The Closed Door (Which Side Will You Be On) is an attempt to take the reader on a step-by-step journey through the myriad of end-time prophetic scriptures that are presented in a definitive chronological order. This journey will show the inter-relationship of such major future events as . . .
      *The disappearance of nearly two billion people
      *The formation of three future geopolitical alliances
      *The ancient religion that will be integral with Mystery Babylon
      *The three invasions of Israel

      This journey will also delve into the numerous realms of God’s creation (past, present and future) and include a description of three eternal people groups and three eternal realms. The specific eternal people group that you will be in will determine the specific realm where you will spend eternity. The life choices that you make this side of the grave will have eternal consequences. Where will you spend eternity? Before life’s door closes, I pray that you will choose wisely – and soon!

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    • Lasting Peace : A Historical Biblical And Prophetic Lens On The Crisis In T


      The crisis in the Middle East is not a political issue. It’s a spiritual issue.

      This book will help you understand the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today, and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      Rapidly unfolding events in the Middle East shape the future, not just for Israel but for our entire world. This insightful commentary by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis combines historical, biblical, and prophetic teaching to help readers understand what’s happening and how believers should respond to these events.

      Drawing from the perspective of a Jewish believer in Jesus, this book will give readers a biblical understanding of the complex issues continuing to unfold in the Middle East today-and how they relate to key prophecy in Scripture.

      A Lasting Peace will help explain why there is constant upheaval in the Middle East, what to watch for in the days ahead, and whether peace is really possible.

      *Unpacks how current world events point to the end times and what to watch for in the days ahead
      *Helps readers break through the confusion of the Middle East crisis and learn if peace is really possible
      *Presents the unique perspective of a Jewish believer on Middle East events and significant moments of our times

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    • Final Destiny 4th Revised Edition (Revised)


      “With outstanding scholarship and thorough attention to exegetical and theological detail, Joseph Dillow has given us a magnificent vision of the final destiny of man. Those who disagree with “Free Grace” soteriology will be uninformed if they have not read this work.” -Earl Radmacher, Th.D. President Emeritus. Western Theological Seminary.

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    • Prepare For The Harvest Confidence In Gods End Time Promises


      A Protocol Ltd Title

      Do thoughts of the last days fill you with fear?

      Are you in denial about the present worldwide unrest?

      Are you looking for a place of peace and safety in these End Times?

      The high level of hostility, extreme hatred, and unprecedented violence worldwide today is unlike any other time in history. ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, North Korea, declarations to destroy Israel and America, grave division within the governments of many nations, the covert alliances of nations, and the contentiousness within the United Nations–all these are evidences of our reality. Many respond with fear, others with denial, still others seek to escape to safety.

      *Are we living in the Last Days as prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago?
      *Who can escape the great and terrible Day of the Lord?
      *Will the volatility we face with unpredictable world leaders and the escalating levels toward wars build up to World War III? Is this setting the stage for Armageddon described in the Bible?

      The Bible speaks of a great End-Time Harvest. The Church must be prepared to receive and disciple the many people who are awakening to the truth of Jesus. What does that look like and how can we prepare?

      Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises explores the answers to these questions and more. There is hope, there is safety, and there is escape. It’s not in cowering or hiding, but in knowing and embracing the truth, and joining the army of God whose victory is assured.

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    • End Time Prophecies Revealed – (Other Language)


      In this book, Dr. Poon uses thoughtful exegesis to unlock the end-time prophecies that have been sealed until now. He explains how the Bible predicted the World Wars, the Cold War, and the current Syrian crisis. He reveals the scriptural passages that hold prophecies to be fulfilled in our lifetime.

      The antichrist is poised on the world stage. The current governments in Iraq and Syria will be toppled. Terrorism, war, extensive famine, and deadly epidemics will dominate a quarter of the earth in the next three years. A ten-nation Islamic Alliance will rise, leading up to 2022, when a Middle East peace treaty will be signed.

      “End-Time Prophecies Revealed” helps you understand Daniel and Revelation, decoding mysteries like 666 and the beast. Above all, this book shows how you can escape the coming apocalyptic catastrophes.

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    • Non Prophets Guide To The End Times


      I Believe Jesus Will Return…
      What More Do I Need to Know?

      Do you tend to avoid studying books of the Bible like Revelation and Ezekiel? Does it feel like words such as rapture and apocalypse fly right over your head? It’s common for many Christians to dismiss these topics as irrelevant and…well…too complicated.

      But God’s Word says, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near” (Revelation 1:3).

      So prepare to be blessed in a fun and meaningful way! The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times combines engaging illustrations with down-to-earth explanations to help you navigate the ins and outs of Bible prophecy. If you’ve read today’s headlines, you know there’s no better time to make sense of the world’s destiny-and your own-than this very moment.

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    • Eschatology


      This short textbook, the latest volume in the Guides to Theology series, surveys key themes and aspects of Christian hope by tracing eschatological ideas as they have developed from Scripture throughout the history of theology.

      John McDowell and Scott Kirkland present a series of lenses on understanding eschatological statements, or the content of Christian hope. They have structured their book thematically into five chapters–four exploring apocalyptic, existential, political, and christological themes, followed by an extensive annotated bibliography. Within each chapter, McDowell and Kirkland take a history-of-ideas approach, locating the various perspectives in their historical contexts. Concise and accessible, this book is ideal for introductory undergraduate courses in eschatology.

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    • Last Hour : An Israeli Insider Looks At The End Times (Reprinted)


      Avoiding sensationalism and date-speculating, respected Bible teacher Amir Tsarfati uses his unique perspective as an Israeli Christian to lead you through a fascinating modern-day description of God’s plan for the end of the world.

      Grounded from start to finish in Scripture, the book reveals how the Rapture, the imminent rise of the Antichrist, and the tragic horrors of the Great Tribulation will play out in our world today. He also helps you understand the roles–and fates–of Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkey, the European Union, the United States of America, and Israel in the end times, showing just how biblical prophecies are being fulfilled in our time. But above all, he offers hope that in the midst of chaos and horror, God is ultimately in control, and those who belong to him will be safe with him.

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    • Preparation Of The Coming King


      Clay Bridges Press
      The Lord says no one knows the day or the hour of His coming. But, once the flame of our life has extinguished, does it mean that our existence is over? We cannot live forever. Or can we? Jesus Christ says we can if we are born again in His Spirit and receive Him as the soon coming King.

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    • Jesus And The Future


      Jesus was a prophet who often spoke about future events. Some readers apply all of Jesus’s teaching about the future to the distant future: his return, the future resurrection, and final judgment. Other readers contend that virtually everything Jesus taught about the future was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The authors conclude that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. As a prophet, Jesus spoke both about the near future events of AD 70 and the distant future events surrounding his second coming. The challenge lies in determining when he was speaking about near instead of distant future events.

      In Jesus and the Future, the authors examine everything Jesus said about future events as recorded in the four canonical Gospels. This includes the famous Olivet Discourse along with many other parables and sayings. The authors situate Jesus’s teaching in its original literary and 1st century Jewish and Greco-Roman context.

      Jesus and the Future is designed to discuss Jesus’ teaching about the end times in a way that is accessible, biblical-theological, exegetical, and devotional and spiritually-nurturing. Written with a scholar’s mind but a pastor’s heart, the book is geared to a popular audience interested in making sense of end-time phenomena and conflicting teachings on the end times.

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    • Mystery Of The Shemitah Updated Edition


      The Shemitah occurs every seven years. Has God already given us clues as to what will happen next? The Shemitah (shmee-TA), or Sabbath year, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel. Understanding this seven-year pattern is essential for understanding the prophecy and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today. In The Mystery of the Shemitah Revised and Updated readers will discover new insight on current events such as: How the Great Depression, and other economic events fit into the ShemitahHow the pattern of sevens predicted 9/11 to the exact hourHow the World Trade Center was conceived, started, finished, and destroyed in Shemitah yearsHow the rise-and possibly the fall-of America can be linked to the year of the Shemitah.How stock market crashes in 2015 were linked to the period of nullification at the end of the Shemitah.Expands on the key revelations Jonathan Cahn shared in the New York Times best seller The Mystery of the Shemitah.Contains updated information with five new chapters that cast new light on the ongoing biblical patterns and cycles.

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    • Can We Still Believe In The Rapture


      Bizarre Fiction…or Biblical Fact?

      Today, the hope that all believers on earth will be “caught up” to heaven is being challenged in new waves of criticism. Can we really expect Jesus to gather up His followers before the Antichrist is revealed?

      In this well-reasoned and thorough defense, prophecy authors Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson examine the concept, context, and consequences of the important and long-expected event known as the rapture. Discover the answers to such questions as…
      *What is the rapture-and is there any precedent for it?
      *Why do some believers object to the idea of a rapture?
      *Does the timing of the rapture really make a difference?

      As you explore what Scripture says about the end times, you’ll get a grander glimpse of your future and the deepest hope of every follower of Jesus.

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    • Understanding The Bible And End Times


      UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE & END TIMES is the result of nearly thirty-year pursuit by author Fred Lewis to understand the Bible, especially End Times. The pursuit began for him in his early 30’s, when he became aware that there was a small burning ember within whispering that some day he would be able to understand the Bible. The length of the journey was due to much confusion created by the various systems of interpretation developed over the many centuries since the completion of the Bible. While Fred doesn’t feel he still has all the answers, he does feel that he now has the foundation laid to enable him to understand the Bible and End Times. Understanding the Bible and End Times is an attempt to share the foundation he attained with anyone who has that same burning ember, of any size, that whispers that they, too, can understand the Bible.

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    • Final Rapture : Only Scratches The Surface


      The end is just the beginning. Most people, whether saved or unsaved, have an interest in what we refer to as “the end times.” But there is a great amount of confusion and division concerning whether the next and final Rapture will occur before the Tribulation, in the middle of the Tribulation, or after the Tribulation. The Final Rapture will settle the question once and for all.

      This book will refer to specific prophecies to show how close we truly are to the final Rapture and use information from the Book of Revelation to alert those who are in danger of missing it-those who may still be on Earth during the Tribulation Period-to what they must live through if they are still here.

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    • Glory Filled Future


      Shofar Publishing

      The Bible gives us clues and signs to watch for regarding end-time events. God gives us keys to help us better understand them as He intends. In this book, John focuses on one of those keys to understand end-time events, specifically as they relate to followers of Jesus Christ, as well as illuminating the path ahead to a Glory Filled Future.

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    • Your Guide To The Apocalypse


      Through accessible teaching and everyday language, Pastor Matt Hagee leads contemporary readers into a deeper understanding of End Times terminology and concepts related to biblical prophecy–and reveals how those concepts relate to their lives today. The connections between biblical themes and today’s rise in violence and cataclysmic events will inspire you to realize you have a front-row seat to witness the dramatic changes about to take place on Planet Earth-and will show you how to prepare for the days to come.

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    • If You Miss The Rapture


      Are you concerned that your family members and friends may miss the Rapture? Do you believe they can still get in afterwards, even if they have rejected the Gospel previously? Jesus plainly stated in Mat.25:10-C-“and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Jesus first admonition to His Disciples in Mat.24 was “take heed that no man deceive you.” In this book you will find concise verse by verse direction in being ready for The Rapture. Sin always has a price, Faithfulness always has a prize.

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    • Floodgates : Recognize The End Time Signs To Survive The Coming Wrath


      While many people think the world is progressing and on the brink of transforming our mortal human bodies through science and technology, humanity is actually regressing and in serious peril of God’s last-days wrath. Floodgates raises our understanding of the prophetic Scriptures about the last days, offering a clear analogy for determining where we are on the prophetic timetable. This analogy from biblical history rolls back the curtain on our own times in remarkable ways. By exploring how the pre-flood world parallels our contemporary world, and examining the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, Floodgates answers the critical question of whether the timetable for final judgment has already begun. This book also widens the lens of prophecy to explore what will actually transpire before the Great Tribulation, revealing the ways in which we are edging closer to that day. Reflecting careful research and keen biblical insights, Floodgates uncovers God’s dealings with human beings and the fate that soon awaits those who do not acknowledge Him. God has an “endgame” for the world and a strategy for how He wants to bring this age to a close. As we draw nearer to the culmination of human history, Jesus calls every believer to be salt and light in the world, warning people of the coming judgment and showing the way to eternal life in Him. After reading this book, you will be reminded that everyone has a choice to make concerning their ultimate destiny-and time is growing short.

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    • When The Son Of Man Didnt Come


      The delay of the Parousiathe anticipated return of Christis an issue that has troubled theology since the late writings of the New Testament. This volume, arising from the Oxford Postdoctoral Colloquium on Eschatology, offers a constructive proposal on this issue in a truly interdisciplinary manner. Collaboratively written by a cohort of ecumenical scholars in systematics, historical theology, and biblical studies, the project engages in careful, critical biblical exegesis and offers an apophatic and constructive theological account of the deferral and certainty of Christs second coming.

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    • 1 Nation Without Law


      Dynamic, Practical, Faith-Filled Response to the Evil Rising Around Us

      It’s difficult to hear the growing daily reports of evil in our society without a degree of fear. Seen from a human perspective, things appear hopeless. But as we consider the spiritual perspective of those same events, we can–and will–see what purpose those struggles serve in God’s plan.

      In these pages, pastor and author Phil Hotsenpiller will help you begin to connect the dots between biblical prophecies about lawlessness with current events. As you begin to see God’s perspective, you will gain a more confident outlook for the future. God is trying to get our attention, show us how to get past our fears, and help us respond with faith to the evil we see all around us. Regardless of what we see on the news, God is still in control. Here are practical, everyday ways we can move forward with hope and determination to make our world a better place until the return of Jesus Christ.

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    • End Time Prophecies Revealed Part 1


      In this book, Dr. Poon uses thoughtful exegesis to unlock the end-time prophecies that have been sealed until now.

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    • Simply Revelation


      There are signs all around the world that are pointing to the tribulation period to come. Within the last decade, the world has seen a rise in earthquakes, violent storms, hurricanes, and weird weather patterns, and all seem to get worse as each year goes by. We see monetary problems all around the world. We have seen wars and heard rumors of war. Drought and famine have been present in the world or the struggle of power within some nations. We have seen the cruelty of man upon man in this world and how painful it is. As the cup of iniquity of this world rises, so is the coming judgment of this world by God.

      Do you want to know why the antichrist will not rule the world? What is the real reason behind the mark of the beast? How will God send his angels to preach the everlasting Gospel for the last time? Why does Jesus come on a secret mission? How will Jesus, the saints, and angels return to the earth to save Israel?

      The book of Revelation is jam-packed with so much information, and it’s sometimes hard to understand what it all means. Simply Revelation breaks down the chapters in Revelation in a way that’s easy to understand. Learn what brings on the confirming of the covenant with many nations by the antichrist. Understand how the two witnesses control the environment of the world in the first half of the tribulation period. Simply Revelation will bring you clarity to God’s coming judgment!

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    • Beheaded : The Book Of Revelation Made Simple With Commentary


      Daiv House Publications

      Christians and non-Christians, at some point in their lives, have heard about the book of Revelation, sometimes referred to as the end times, the end of the world, and the apocalypse. While some have read the words, there are those who do not completely understand the meaning and most importantly, what it means to them.

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    • Spiritual Warfare For The End Times (Reprinted)


      As the time approaches for Jesus’ return, the spiritual battle between good and evil is heating up. Evidence is all around: shootings, genocide, civil wars, increased persecution. Our enemy is real, and it seems as if he is winning.

      The good news is that God is at work in powerful ways–and that Satan is not winning. But we need to know how to wage war against him and his plans for these turbulent days. We must understand not only the intensified warfare environment of the end times, but how we can walk in our authority in Jesus Christ. Here are the practical insights you need on how to fight using the spiritual weapons God has given us: the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, our own testimony, and more. When we learn how to wield these weapons, we will see victory over Satan and his kingdom and bring hope to these dark days.

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    • Hope In The Last Days


      Understand how ancient biblical prophecies are coming to pass in our day, how coming prophetic events will impact you, and how there is hope for all followers of Christ. Today there is a tremendous interest in Bible prophecy, particularly because end-time events prophesied long ago are coming to pass in an extraordinary manner.

      Hope in the Last Days reveals, based on prophecy fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled, that very shortly the world will reel into its deepest hour of torment and agony. Dave Williams encourages you with the truth of how coming events will affect you and your loved ones and what God has planned as a way of escape for followers of Jesus Christ.

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    • Heaven On Earth


      Much of the literature on the book of Revelation paints a frightening apocalyptic vision of the end times. Michael Battle offers an alternative look at Revelation in this new work, seeing it instead as a hopeful call to bring heaven on earth. Battle explores the problematic imagery found in Revelation before showing how similar problems play out in our contemporary world. Battle sees Revelation as a guide that shows us that we can live out Gods call for heaven on earth by living in community with one another, as exhibited through the writings of Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Tutu, Rowan Williams, and Ubuntu theology. He writes, “I seek to imagine in my particular Christian context how a view of heaven need not lead to culture wars and further excuses for oppressing others. Heaven, as envisioned by John of Patmos, has much greater purpose.”

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    • More Radical Gospel


      Gerhard O. Forde has stood at the forefront of Lutheran thought for most of his career. This new collection of essays and sermons-many previously unpublished- makes Forde’s powerful theological vision more widely available.

      The book aptly captures Forde’s deep Lutheran commitment. Here he argues that the most important task of theology is to serve the proclamation of the gospel as discerned on the basis of the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. For Forde, the doctrine of justification is not one topic among other theological topics; rather, it is the criterion that guides “all theology and ministry. Throughout the book Forde applies this truth to issues of eschatology, authority, atonement, and ecumenism. Also included are seven insightful sermons that model the Lutheran approach to proclamation.

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    • Optimistic Visions Of Revelation


      1. Signs Before The Time Has Come
      2. The 2 Witnesses
      3. The End Time Church
      4. The 144,000

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      We are currently living in a world where spiritual darkness seems to be making a greater appearance. Many Bible commenters tell us that we are living in the final generation before Christ returns to collect his church. Read what Matthew Robert Payne believes he has seen for the future of our world.

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    • Optimistic Visions Of Revelation


      1. Signs Before The Time Has Come
      2. The 2 Witnesses
      3. The End Time Church
      4. The 144,000

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      We are currently living in a world where spiritual darkness seems to be making a greater appearance. Many Bible commenters tell us that we are living in the final generation before Christ returns to collect his church. Read what Matthew Robert Payne believes he has seen for the future of our world.

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    • Babylon Code : Solving The Bibles Greatest End Times Mystery


      What if God embedded a code in the Bible that could only be cracked in the end times-a prophetic cypher that reveals how the four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah are just signs of the beginning of end-time events?

      Unlocking a great mystery that has puzzled scholars for nearly two thousand years, THE BABYLON CODE reveals how powerful forces are now at work to create a global government, cashless society, and universal religion as predicted by the prophets.

      The result of a five-year journalistic investigation, THE BABYLON CODE takes readers on a spellbinding journey to explore the link between the world’s most secret organizations, the Bible’s greatest prophetic riddle, and what world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham describes as a convergence in end-time signs for the first time in history.

      This prophetic mystery book pieces together the apocalyptic puzzle-uncovering what may be not only the biggest story and political scandal in modern history, but also the secret to both our survival and our salvation.

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    • Es Este El Fin – (Spanish)


      Desde las pistas profeticas que aparecen en las Escrituras, hasta una comprension del poder de Cristo en todos los creyentes, este libro nos dirige por una clara senda hacia el futuro.

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