David Jeremiah
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Is This The End
$19.99The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the End?”
Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. What on earth is happening? After each new occurrence, the most oft-heard questions are, “Will the world ever be the same again?” and “Where is God in all of this?”
Over the last few decades, Dr. David Jeremiah has become one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture. And few would dispute that the pace at which things are currently changing is unprecedented. The time has come to accept this new normal, Jeremiah says, and understand how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan for mankind.
No one can afford to ignore these warnings, but all can better understand the greater story and the role we each play in this changing world. From prophetic clues in Scripture to an understanding of the power of Christ in all believers, this book directs us on a clear path forward.
The book is split into two sections, each covering items surrounding two important questions. Is This the End of America? and Is This the End of the World? Includes detailed chapters on:
*ISIS and Radicalized Islam
*The New Russia
*The Bleeding of America’s Borders
*The “Anything Goes” Society
*Polarization and Divisiveness
*The Coming of Christ
*and many moreAdd to cart1 in stock (additional units can be purchased)
Vida Mas Que Maravillosa – (Spanish)
$13.99Hay una forma de disfrutar de una vida mejor. Estas listo para convertirte en la persona que Dios quiere que seas? En este libro, el autor best seller David Jeremiah revela la estrategia de Dios para cambiar y te desafia a tomar nueve decisiones importantes que transformaran tu corazon, tu vida y tu mundo. Este libro transformador explora los nueve cualidades de caracter que nos impulsan a mejorar. Tres de ellas tienen que ver con nuestra relacion con nosotros mismos, tres tratan con interacciones con las demas personas, y tres de ellas se enfocan en nuestra relacion con Dios. Estos principios espirituales son validos en cualquier situacion. Pero debemos tomar una decision consciente para aplicarlos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Dios nos ha dado sabiduria para esta epoca. Este libro responde a las interrogantes que nos quitan el sueo y muestra un recordatorio de quienes somos en Cristo y su importancia.
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David Jeremiah Morning And Evening Devotions
$24.99In a world full of stress and fear, we need the Lord more than ever. Draw near and bask in His promises of faithfulness, peace, and goodness in the new David Jeremiah Morning & Evening Devotions. The wisdom of Dr. Jeremiah permeates each page as he takes you through the year in this devotional. By starting and ending each day in the presence of the Lord, you will experience His promise of sanctuary in a chaotic world. With beautiful writing and a luxe-feeling cover, David Jeremiah Morning & Evening Devotions combines two of Dr. Jeremiah’s best loved devotionals, Sanctuary and Turning Points, to encourage and instruct you in your faith. Cling to the solid foundation of the Word of God and see how He grows you throughout the year.
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Count It All Joy
$18.99The apostle Paul wrote his most personal letter while abused and abandoned in a Roman prison. He wrote to believers who lived in the shadow of the Roman tyrant, Nero. And yet this letter, Philippians, is the most joy-filled epistle in the Bible.
Weaving together modern stories and historical detail, Dr. David Jeremiah explores Philippians verse by verse, showing us what it means to be joyful in spite of circumstances. Whatever you are facing today, Count It All Joy will inspire you to find the joy that Jesus promises.
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Is This The End Study Guide
$16.99The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the end?” Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. After each new occurrence, the most often-heard questions are, What on earth is happening? Will the world ever be the same again? Where is God in all of this? Dr. David Jeremiah, one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture, believes the time has come for believers to be aware of the unprecedented changes taking place in their world and how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan. In this study guide, which accompanies the book of the same name, he explores prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation, and other prophetic books to reveal what the Bible says about our present world and what we can expect to see in the future. No believer in Christ can afford to ignore these warnings, but we all can better understand the greater story and the role we play in this changing world. This study guide will help you delve more deeply into the prophecies concerning the end times and give you a clear path forward.
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Aplaste A Los Gigantes Que Hay – (Spanish)
$14.99Estos gigantes son la plaga de la iglesia de hoy. Y si bien ellos no pueden blandir lanzas y escudos, son temibles, causando que muchos hijos de Dios tropiecen en su peregrinar. En este libro, el doctor David Jeremiah nos reta a enfrentarnos valientemente a los gigantes que intentan aterrorizar a los creyentes de hoy. La verdad biblica del doctor Jeremiah sobre verdaderos guerreros le animara. A lo largo de todo el texto, el doctor Jeremiah elabora cautivadoras historias de la vida real de gigantes contemporaneos que enfrentaron cara a cara a sus propios Goliats: tentacion, duda, postergacion y celos. En este libro, usted descubrira de nuevo la eterna promesa inquebrantable de Dios para vencer a esos gigantes.
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Que Le Pasa Al Mundo – (Spanish)
$15.99Esta la crisis politica y economica actual en verdad profetizada en la Biblia? Si es asi, que tenemos que hacer al respecto? Es dificil reunir toda esta informacion de manera que brinde un panorama amplio de como luciran los ultimos tiempos. Es por eso que se levantan muchas teorias. Y es por eso que el doctor David Jeremiah ha escrito este libro, que sobrepasa cientos de libros y numerosas teorias para identificar las diez profecias esenciales mas importantes de la Biblia. No existe otro libro como este. Usted encontrara una herramienta de estudio para comprender el futuro. Tendra una mayor sensacion de consuelo que, incluso en estos tiempos dificiles, Dios esta realmente en control. Si las profecias biblicas siempre han sido un misterio para usted, el libro del doctor Jeremiah le ayudara a resolver ese misterio. Finalmente, las profecias biblicas tienen sentido, y hacen la diferencia. Nunca has sido mas importantes. Las verdades reveladas en este libro son confrontadoras y avivadoras pero de lectura obligatoria en estos dias turbulentos. Trae a la luz la profecia biblica sobre:
– La crisis del petroleo
– El resurgimiento de Rusia
– El nuevo eje del mal
– La importancia de Israel
– Las nuevas potencias de la Union EuropeaAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Anhelo De Mi Corazon – (Spanish)
$14.99Cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde que- contemplo con ojos bien abiertos una tormenta magnifica, medito en la miriada de colores de un atardecer, o se maravillo ante las olas del mar con sus crestas de espuma blanca?
Como cambiaria su vida si viviera todos los dias en medio de ese asombro? Dios quiere que vivamos cada momento en este tipo de maravillas. Sin embargo, para muchos de nosotros, el asombro que alguna vez experimentamos ante la presencia de Dios practicamente se ha desvanecido. Tal vez adoremos de una forma genuina los domingos por la manana, pero despues pasamos el resto de la semana anorando el poder redescubrir esa sensacion de asombro. En este libro, el pastor y autor best seller doctor David Jeremiah comparte la forma en que usted puede experimentar una pasion exuberante por Dios cada momento de su vida. El doctor Jeremiah le invita a descubrir una nueva perspectiva de adoracion, explorando lo que significa estar en comunion diaria con Dios con un corazon lleno de admiracion y alabanza.
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Answers To Your Questions About Heaven
$9.99Is heaven a literal place?
What does it look like?
What will we do all day?
Will there be angels there?We all have questions about what heaven will be like. Fortunately, Scripture is filled with helpful information about our future home-we just have to know where to look.
Dr. David Jeremiah has spent a lifetime studying what the Bible has to say about heaven, and now in Answers to Your Questions about Heaven, he has done just that-provided answers to your most pressing questions about heaven, angels, and eternity in a straightforward, easy-to-understand, biblically based book. A perfect gift for friends and family and a handy resource to keep on your own shelf, this handsome little book will ignite your imagination and whet your appetite for all the amazing experiences that await!
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I Never Thought Id See The Day
$31.41Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it? Jeremiah says yes. I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THE DAY! details numerous signs of this moral and social decay:
* Marriage becoming obsolete
* The Bible marginalized
* Spiritual warfare intensifying
* An ancient nation intimidating the modern world
* American turning its back on Israel
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God Loves You (Large Type)
$40.00That God loves us is the most profound truth in the universe. Experiencing this love has the potential to answer every question, solve every problem, and satisfy the deepest yearnings of the heart. So why are many people who believe this still unable to fully utilize the power of God’s love in their personal lives?
In this probing book, Dr. David Jeremiah reveals that not fully understanding and appreciating every critical dimension of God’s love can lead to missed opportunities to experience His love. He explains how even the so-called negative dimension of God’s actions–hell, prohibitive commandments, pain and suffering in the world–can only be rightly understood by viewing them in light of God’s true love.
GOD LOVES YOU will enable readers to know God in a way that will consciously connect them with the healing power of His grace so they can experience the life of love they were created to enjoy.
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Escape La Noche Que Viene – (Spanish)
$16.99No hay duda que el mundo esta en problemas. Vemos tragedia en las calles y violencia en las noticias. Oimos debates politicos mas y mas divisivos que destacan las divisions profundas y amargas en nuestra sociedad. Sentimos el dolor y la confusion de una cultura que parece estar derrumbandose.
Como explicamos tanto caos? Como vivimos con tanto alboroto? Y hay alguna esperanza para la paz en nuestro tiempo?
Como uno de los mas respetados maestros biblicos, el Dr. David Jeremiah es la voz perfecta de ayudarnos responder a esas preguntas. Y en Escape la noche que viene, el Dr. Jeremiah camina por la Escritura perfecta para estos tiempos inciertos: El libro de Apocalipsis. En las manos del Dr. Jeremiah, esta exploracion de Apocalipsis es sorprediente y iluminante, pero tambien consistentemente inspiradora-y un mensaje vital para nuestro tiempo.
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What The Bible Says About Love Marriage And Sex
$21.99With roughly a third of all marriages ending in divorce, there’s never been a better time for this refresher course in the true meaning of a successful union. As New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us, it’s a biblical truth: Sex and passionate, romantic love are God’s ideas!
Nothing rivals the beauty of the writing in the Song of Solomon– and nothing rivals the wisdom of Solomon on matters of love, romance, marriage, and sexual intimacy. Dr. Jeremiah’s thoughtful interpretation of Solomon and Shulamith’s relationship provides all of us– whether married or single– with valuable lessons for a better, happier, more fulfilling life and a long, loving marriage.
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Nunca Pense Que Veria El Dia – (Spanish)
$21.99Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it? “Yes,” says David Jeremiah, and in his book, I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THE DAY! he details numerous signs of this cultural decay including:
America held hostage by Iran
Marriage becoming obsolete
Creeping socialism
The invisibility of culture’s enemies
Increase in “spiritual warfare”
America turning its back on Israel
Atheist attack on religionCan this downward spiral be reversed? Yes, but only if one person at a time returns to God with our heart, our manner of life, our dedication to genuine worship of God, in serving God by helping others, in our giving, and in prayer.
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I Never Thought Id See The Day (Large Type)
$61.42Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it? “Yes,” says David Jeremiah, and in his book, I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THE DAY! he details numerous signs of this cultural decay including:
America held hostage by Iran
Marriage becoming obsolete
Creeping socialism
The invisibility of culture’s enemies
Increase in “spiritual warfare”
America turning its back on Israel
Atheist attack on religionCan this downward spiral be reversed? Yes, but only if one person at a time returns to God with our heart, our manner of life, our dedication to genuine worship of God, in serving God by helping others, in our giving, and in prayer.
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Signs Of Life
$19.99Discover personal transformation that changes the world. Just as there are physical signs that determine the overall health and wellness of a patient, so too there are signs of life determining the extent to which a man or woman has been transformed into the image of Jesus. It’s a smile, a simple lifestyle, compassion in the face of misfortune, willingness to commit random acts of kindness, benevolence, social justice, tears, words. In Signs of Life best-selling author David Jeremiah leads readers through a forty-day journey to a fuller understanding of what these signs are and how to be a person marked by them. This journey pursues a life characterized by relevancy, surrender, authenticity, generosity, and compassion-and in so doing, transforms individuals, communities, and nations. Whether new to the Christian faith or considered an old-timer, the reader will discover what being transformed personally into the image of Jesus means and be equipped with a greater vision for the life they are freed to live.
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Coming Economic Armageddon
$15.00Never before have we read such jarring headlines, distressing news analyses, or dire predictions concerning the world’s financial future. The American housing market — or, more sentimentally, the American dream — began to collapse in 2006, taking with it large chunks of the global financial system. Millions of jobs worldwide have vanished forever. Did Bible prophecy predict this catastrophe? Are there biblical clues to how soon, if ever, a viable, long-term recovery can be sustained? Is the financial collapse just one of several signs that we are living in the final days of Earth’s history In THE COMING ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON, David Jeremiah says we can know the meaning behind what we see in the daily news — and understand and prepare for living in the New Global Economy.
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Armagedon Economico Venidero – (Spanish)
$31.41Never before have we read such jarring headlines, distressing news analyses, or dire predictions concerning the world’s financial future. The American housing market — or, more sentimentally, the American dream — began to collapse in 2006, taking with it large chunks of the global financial system. Millions of jobs worldwide have vanished forever. Did Bible prophecy predict this catastrophe? Are there biblical clues to how soon, if ever, a viable, long-term recovery can be sustained? Is the financial collapse just one of several signs that we are living in the final days of Earth’s history In THE COMING ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON, David Jeremiah says we can know the meaning behind what we see in the daily news — and understand and prepare for living in the New Global Economy.
Nunca antes hemos leido titulares tan discordantes, analisis de noticias tan inquietantes o alarmantes predicciones con respecto al futuro economico del mundo. El mercado inmobiliario americano, o mas sentimentalmente, el sueo americano, comenzo a desplomarse en 2006, llevandose con el grandes cantidades del sistema financiero global. Millones de empleos en todo el mundo han desaparecido para siempre. Predijo la profecia de la Biblia esta catastrofe? Hay indicaciones biblicas en cuanto a cuando, si es que alguna vez, puede sostenerse una recuperacion viable y duradera? Es el desplome economico tan solo una de varias seales de que estamos viviendo en los ultimos dias en la historia de la tierra? En EL ARMAGEDON ECONOMICO VENIDERO, David Jeremiah dice que podemos conocer el significado que hay detras de lo que vemos en las noticias diarias, y entender y prepararnos para vivir en la Nueva Economia Global.
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Captured By Grace
$18.99Timely and encouraging words to initiate a fresh experience of God’s grace. By following the dramatic story of John Newton, the Amazing Grace hymn writer, and the apostle Paul’s own encounter with the God of grace, pastor and teacher Dr. David Jeremiah helps readers understand the freeing power of permanent forgiveness and mercy. Dramatic stories and biblical insights highlight the very personal effects of grace and how grace: wondrously spans all our differences rescues us from our lostness helps us overcome our weaknesses, takes us from victims to victors
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What In The World Is Going On
$18.99Is the current economic and political crisis actually prophesied in the Bible? If so, what are we to do about it? It is hard to piece together all this information in a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what the end times will look like. That’s why so many theories abound.And that’s why Dr. David Jeremiah has writtenWhat In the World Is Going On?a unique book that cuts through the hundreds of theories to identify the essential 10 most important bible prophecies.There is no other book like this. You’ll find it the ultimate study tool for understanding the future. You’ll have a greater sense of comfort that, even in these crazy times, God is indeed in control. If bible prophecy as always been a mystery to you, Dr. Jeremiah’s book will help you solve the mystery. At last, bible prophecy can make sense, and make a difference. What In the World Is Going On? is shocking and eye-opening but essential reading in these turbulent days.
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Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World Participants Guide (Student/Study Guid
$14.99Practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis.In the New York Times best-seller What in the World Is Going On?Dr. David Jeremiah summarized ten prophetic clues that are coming truein our own generation. In light of these chaotic events, how can wecontinue to live a life of commitment and confidence? Looking through the lens of the same verses that speak of Christ’s return Dr. Jeremiahnow points us to the habits we must establish that will form a pattern for living with certain hope in our uncertain times. They include howto stay:
Centered in Christ
Committed to the Word
Compassionate toward others
Connected to the church
Consistent in your walk
Calm in your heart
Certain of His coming
Confident in your faithAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Mientras El Senor Regresa – (Spanish)
$13.99Are you having trouble hearing the Master’s voice? Do you feel helpless in the chaos which exists in our world today? David Jeremiah shares encouraging answers to these challenging questions in Until Christ Returns.
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Slaying The Giants In Your Life
$18.99Giants plague today’s church and while they may not wield spears and shields, they are fearsome, causing far too many of God’s children to stumble in their walks. In Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us to stand valiantly against the giants that seek to terrorize today’s believers. Dr. Jeremiah weaves gripping real-life stories of contemporary giant slayers who came face-to-face with their own Goliaths: temptation, doubt, procrastination, and jealousy. In each, you will discover afresh the eternal unwavering promise of God to overcome those giants.
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Handwriting On The Wall
$19.99In The Handwriting on the Wall, prophecy expert David Jeremiah shows how an understanding of prophecy, specifically that in the book of Daniel, opens a pathway to dynamic, faithful living today-with confidence and hope for the future.
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Hopeful Parenting : Encouragement For Raising Kids Who Love God
$14.99Parenting is far from easy. From first steps to first dates, parenthood is filled with unique challenges. Yet there is no greater joy than nurturing one of God’s most precious gifts.
Popular author David Jeremiah presents a heartwarming look at adventures in parenting. Drawing from his own rich journey through fatherhood, David shares wit and wisdom on raising children in an unpredictable world. And each delightful passage features timeless truths from God’s Word that offer encouragement for the road ahead.
So be refreshed. Be challenged. And be inspired to build a rich legacy of faith for your family.
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Searching For Heaven On Earth
$19.99If heaven were to be found on earth, says Dr. David Jeremiah, “no mountain could be high enough, no ocean could provide the necessary depth. The search must continue somewhere else.” Come with him on the most crucial pilgrimage of all. And when you are done, if you have tread the right soil, you will have found, at last, the object of your every quest . . . the true North Star of your every journey . . . the never-dimming light of your fondest hopes . . . the way to the happiness you’ve been longing for.
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Until Christ Returns
$18.99David Jeremiah says this is no time for his Church to panic, to become distracted, to be confused by prophetic rabbit trails, or to miss priceless opportunities. In fact, these may be the best days to proclaim Christ since the first century. Previously titled Until I Come, this book helps readers listen for, and hear, the master’s voice even in the midst of chaos.
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Joy Of Encouragement
$17.00What is loneliness but the echo of an unanswered cry for love? What is the wounded soul but one aching for hope? Although most people have not received a minute’s training in medicine, everyone can offer anyone the greatest power of healing available: that of encouragement. In this readable, practical, and enjoyable book, popular pastor, author, and radio minister Dr. David Jeremiah examines the heart of encouragement-self-giving, genuine love-and shows how we can eagerly, easily lift up those around us. An encouragement itself, The Joy of Encouragement is scriptural and uplifting, enabling you to bask in God’s love while simultaneously giving it away. The world is about to be radically reshaped…one word at a time.
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Life Wide Open
$15.99Most Christians sense that something vital is missing from their walk with the Lord. We are easily discouraged and bogged down with busyness, boredom, mediocrity and routine. In this energizing new book, Dr. David Jeremiah opens our eyes to how we can live a life that exudes an attitude of hope and enthusiasm . . . a life of passion . . . a LIFE WIDE OPEN! Passion is the “fuel of the heart” that energizes us to love God and others. We can’t live an effective Christian life without it. It’s the key to personal and spiritual transformation. It is the power and evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Life Wide Open offers a vision, both spiritual and practical, of what our life can be when we allow the power of passion to permeate our souls.
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When Your World Falls Apart
$19.99Drawing on his insightful sermon series, renowned pastor/teacher David Jeremiah shares the comfort and hope of the Psalms and how these truths can guide believers through life’s greatest challenges. He includes inspiring real-life stories of people who have struggled with terminal illness, the loss of a child, or the imprisonment of a spouse. Jeremiah interweaves his own journal entries, revealing his battle with cancer and how the Psalms helped to sustain him during the fight of his life. This book is an invaluable source of help and encouragement for people facing major obstacles in life.
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My Hearts Desire
$18.99HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU’VE gaped wide-eyed at a magnificent thunderstorm, pondered the myriad colors in a sunset, or marveled at white-capped ocean waves?
God desires for us to live every moment in this type of wonder_the wonder of worship. But for many of us, the wide-eyed astonishment we once experienced in God’s presence has all but vanished.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Bend In The Road
$19.99Drawing on his insightful sermon series, renowned pastor/teacher David Jeremiah shares the comfort and hope of the Psalms and how these truths can guide believers through life’s greatest challenges. He includes inspiring real-life stories of people who have struggled with terminal illness, the loss of a child, or the imprisonment of a spouse. Jeremiah interweaves his own journal entries, revealing his battle with cancer and how the Psalms helped to sustain him during the fight of his life. A Bend in the Road is an invaluable source of help and encouragement for people facing major obstacles in life.
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God In You
$21.99Is the mystery of the Holy Spirit just that? Based on John 14, Pastor Jeremiah’s fresh look at the Trinity concentrates on concrete biblical truths, not abstract theological concepts, to explain how the Holy Spirit changes everything about your world by putting the almighty God of the universe not only with you, but in you!
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