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    David Gibson

    • Senor Del Salmo 23 – (Spanish)


      El Seor del Salmo 23 es un libro corto y una descripcion poetica del amor de Dios, la bondad y provision de Cristo mientras guia a sus hijos. Incluso los cristianos de toda la vida encontraran un estimulo fresco al estudiar de cerca estas palabras. David Gibson examina cada verso del Salmo 23, analizando a fondo sus tres representaciones de la union del creyente con Cristo como oveja y pastor, viajero y compaero, y huesped y anfitrion.

      Gibson proporciona contexto canonico para la hermosa ilustracion del Salmo 23, inspirando alabanza y admiracion mientras los lectores reflexionan sobre el amoroso Pastor que satisface todas las necesidades.

      Podras encontrar:

      *Una teologia rica: Adaptada de 3 sermones interesantes de David Gibson

      *Material expositivo: Examina de cerca la imagineria del Salmo 23 y lo que revela sobre la relacion entre Cristo y sus seguidores

      *Material edificante e informativo: Fomenta una reflexion profunda sobre la provision, consuelo y fuerza eterna de Cristo

      The Lord of Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words. David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host.

      Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.

      You will find:

      *Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson

      *Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers

      *Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength

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    • Living Life Backward


      Only by keeping the end in mind can a person truly learn how to live in the here and now. Living in light of our death reorients us to our limitations as creatures and helps us see God’s good gifts right in front of us-enabling us to live wisely, freely, and generously. Drawing on wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes, David Gibson teaches us to embrace this countercultural mind-set and live life backward: to take the one thing in the future that is certain-our death-and work backward when it comes to our priorities, goals, desires, and decisions. If we do this, we’ll learn that only with a proper perspective on death can we find meaning and satisfaction in life-and see just how great God is.

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