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Craig Groeschel

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  • Think Ahead Workbook (Workbook)


    We all want to make great decisions, but frequently, we don’t. When the moment of truth arrives, we make choices that we later regret. It causes us to wonder if we actually can begin to make better decisions for our lives.

    Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands this dilemma that we all face. From both personal experience and as a minister and counselor to others, he knows what it is like to be trapped in a cycle of bad decision-making. But over time, he has discovered how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be.

    In the Think Ahead Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Craig draws on the truth of Scripture and the latest research in human behavior to reveal the power of making decisions in advance–what we might call “pre-deciding”–to position ourselves to make the choices we really want to make and avoid those choices that we do not want to make. In the process, he reveals:

    *The science behind many of our decision-making habits
    *How our small choices shape the kind of people we become
    *Practical steps we can employ to combat decision fatigue
    *How to develop the ability to diminish the role of emotions in decision-making

    Are you ready to choose who you will become and live the life you really want to live? If so, this workbook will provide you with a clear biblical path on how to get there and think ahead.

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  • Think Ahead : 7 Decisions You Can Make Today For The God-Honoring Life You


    Why do we keep making choices we later regret–sometimes even the same bad choices over and over? Drawing on Scripture, story, and cutting-edge research into human behavior, pastor Craig Groeschel reveals the key to making the choices we want to make and experiencing the joy and freedom God has for us.

    We all want to make great decisions. So what happens between our good intentions and the choices we actually make in the moment? If only we could make decisions ahead of time rather than when we’re under stress, overwhelmed, or swayed by fear or emotion. In Think Ahead, we learn how to do just that.

    Pastor Craig Groeschel knows from personal experience and as a counselor to others what being trapped in a cycle of poor decision-making is like. In Think Ahead, he shares what he has discovered about the power of “pre-deciding.”

    With thought-provoking exercises and questions for reflection, this interactive book teaches us that the quality of our decisions determines the quality of our lives. Think Ahead will help you:

    *Understand the science behind your decision-making habits
    *Overcome decision fatigue and debilitating fears
    *Diminish the role of emotions in decision-making
    *See how your small choices shape the kind of person you become
    *Define and put into action the seven life-defining pre-decisions you can make today
    *Becoming the person you want to be starts before you even make a decision. In Think
    Ahead, you’ll discover the power of making decisions today to help you live the life you want to have tomorrow.

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind For Teens


    Do your thoughts and your life feel out of your control? Have you found yourself in a spiral of unhealthy thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    As teens, it can feel difficult to find a way out of our bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, too often feeling like our thoughts are running out of control and finding ourselves off-track from where we want to be. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel deeply understands this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this book adapted from his bestselling Winning the War in Your Mind, Groeschel explains how you too can challenge your thinking and change the course of your life for the better, revealing the strategies he’s found that help.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. With all-new stories, science that explores the unique realities of how the teenage brain is wired, and visually-engaging callouts and short sections that appeal to teenage readers, Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens will help you:

    *Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
    *Identify the lies the enemy wants you to believe
    *Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for negative thinking
    *See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
    *Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

    God has something better for your life. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • Power To Change


    Feeling stuck no matter how hard you try to make positive changes in your life? You can start living the life you want through the practical, biblical, and highly doable strategies in The Power to Change.

    Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, wanting to change, and trying to change, but not changing. Craig Groeschel knows what it’s like to be caught in that demoralizing cycle. That was his own story–until he discovered practical principles for experiencing lasting change. Since then, Craig has helped countless others find true change in their relationships, habits, and thoughts.

    In The Power to Change, Craig helps you understand:

    *How God’s power, not your willpower, leads to true transformation
    *The real reasons you do what you do
    *Why falling isn’t failure
    *The power of creating small habits that lead to big change
    *How to choose what you want most over what you want now

    A powerful blend of biblical wisdom and fascinating psychology, The Power to Change includes helpful exercises, real-life stories, and life-changing spiritual insights. Whether you are trying to lose weight, breathe new life into your marriage, read the Bible more, get out of debt, or give up an addiction, Craig’s step-by-step, time-tested strategies will equip you to start living the life God wants for you.

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  • Gana La Guerra En Tu Mente – (Spanish)


    Estan tus pensamientos fuera de control, como tu vida? Anhelas liberarte de la espiral del pensamiento destructivo? !Deja que la verdad de Dios se convierta en tu plan de batalla para ganar la guerra en tu mente!

    Todos hemos tratado de dejar los malos habitos y los patrones de pensamiento poco saludables, solo para encontrarnos atrapados con una mente fuera de control y una vida diaria fuera de lugar. Craig Groeschel, pastor y autor de best sellers del New York Times, comprende profundamente esta batalla diaria contra la duda y el pensamiento negativo, y en este nuevo y poderoso libro revela las estrategias que ha descubierto para cambiar tu mente y tu vida a largo plazo.

    Basandose en las Escrituras y los ultimos descubrimientos de la ciencia del cerebro, Groeschel presenta estrategias practicas que te liberaran de las garras del pensamiento daino y destructivo y te permitiran vivir la vida de gozo y paz que Dios quiere que vivas. Gana la guerra en tu mente te ayudara a:

    *Aprender como funciona el cerebro y ver como reconfigurarlo

    *Identificar las mentiras que tu enemigo quiere que creas

    *Reconocer y hacer corto circuito a tus detonantes mentales para el pensamiento destructivo

    *Ver como la oracion y la alabanza transformaran tu mente

    *Desarrollar practicas que permitan que los pensamientos de Dios se conviertan en tus pensamientos.

    Dios tiene algo mejor para tu vida que tu forma de pensar anterior. Es hora de cambiar tus pensamientos para que Dios pueda cambiar tu vida.

    Winning the War in Your Mind

    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    We’ve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he’s discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you:

    *Learn how your bra

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind Workbook


    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? If so, God’s truth can become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    In this twelve-lesson workbook, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel reveals that our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are. Both the Bible and modern science provide evidence that this is true.

    For example, in Philippians 4:8-9, the apostle Paul writes, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” In these three sentences, Paul moves from thought (“think about such things”) to action (“put it into practice”) to experience (“the God of peace will be with you”).

    In recent years, an entire discipline of modern psychology has developed called cognitive behavioral therapy. This breakthrough teaching reveals that many problems, from eating disorders to relational challenges, addictions, and even some forms of depression and anxiety, are rooted in faulty and negative patterns of thinking. Treating those problems begins with changing that thinking. When the Bible and modern psychology say the same thing, we should all pay attention!

    In this workbook, Craig goes deeper into the principles outlined in his book to reveal the strategies he has discovered will change your mind and your life for the long-term. Each lesson includes biblical exploration, reflection and application questions, and practical exercises to help you determine any destructive thought patterns that have and eliminate them from your life.

    God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • Winning The War In Your Mind


    Are your thoughts out of control–just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

    We’ve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he’s discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term.

    Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you:

    *Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
    *Identify the lies your enemy wants you to believe
    *Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for destructive thinking
    *See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
    *Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

    God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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  • From This Day Forward Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Is it possible to have a great marriage? Yes, but it is not likely if you treat marriage like everybody else does! In this five-session, video-based small group study, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel gives you five commitments to make in order to fail-proof your marriage. You know the stats, and they are horrifying. 50% of marriages don’t make it. What other area of your life are you satisfied with 50% odds against you? The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this five-session study, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these commitments, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Sessions include: Seek God Fight Fair Have Fun Stay Pure Never Give Up If you and your spouse will earnestly choose to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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  • From This Day Forward


    The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this book, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these decisions, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Seek God. Fight fair. Have fun. Stay pure, and Never give up. If you and your spouse will earnestly commit to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than the greatest fantasy that you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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  • Pelea – (Spanish)


    El libro- Pelea: Las claves para ganar las batallas que importan -presenta algunos de los valores y metas del conocido libro para hombres “Salvaje de corazon”, pero este libro tiene la ventaja de estar dirigido a una nueva generacion, y cuenta con el apoyo de una fuerte campaa publicitaria. Esta es una obra que le habla directamente al corazon del hombre. Aqui hallaras la fortaleza necesaria para pelear las batallas que sabes que necesitas pelear; aquellas batallas que van a determinar el estado de tu corazon, la calidad de tu matrimonio y la salud espiritual de tu familia. Craig Groeschel estudia tambien ejemplos tomados de las Escrituras, entre ellos el de nuestro buen amigo Sanson. Si, el personaje de los biceps inmensos y el cabello de hippie que estaba obsesionado con Dalila. Te sorprenderas al ver lo mucho que tenemos en comun con este hombre. Al analizar su vida, aprenderas la manera de derrotar a los demonios que debilitan a los hombres mas fuertes. Pelea te ayudara a convertirte en el hombre que Dios queria que fueras cuando te creo: un hombre que sabe pelear por lo que es correcto. Y no te atrevas a presentarte sin armas a esta batalla. Aprende a pelear con fe, con oracion y con la Palabra de Dios. Ya va siendo hora de que pelees como un hombre. Por el amor de Dios, PELEA.

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  • Altar Ego : Becoming Who God Says You Are


    You are NOT who you think you are. In fact, according to bestselling author Craig Groeschel in Altar Ego, you need to take your idea of your own identity, lay it down on the altar, and sacrifice it. Give it to God. Offer it up.

    Why? Because you are who God says you are. And until you’ve sacrificed your broken concept of your identity, you won’t become who you are meant to be.

    When we place our false labels and self-deception on the altar of God’s truth, we discover who we really are as his sons and daughters. Instead of an outward-driven, approval-based ego, we learn to live with an “altar” ego, God’s vision of who we are becoming.

    Discover how to trade in your broken ego and unleash your altar ego to become a living sacrifice. Once we know our true identity and are growing in our Christ-like character, then we can behave accordingly, with bold behavior, bold prayers, bold words, and bold obedience.

    Altar Ego reveals who God says you are, and then calls you to live up to it.

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  • Soul Detox : Clean Living In A Contaminated World


    As standards of conduct continue to erode in our shock-proof world, we must fight the soul pollution threatening our health, our faith, and our witness to others. Without even knowing it, people willingly inhale second-hand toxins poisoning their relationship with God and stunting their spiritual growth. Soul Detox examines the toxins that assault us daily including: toxic influences, toxic emotions, and toxic behaviors. By examining the toxins that assault us daily, this book offers the ultimate spiritual intervention with ways to remain clean, pure, and focused on the standard of God’s holiness.

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  • Fight Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Fight, a five-session, video-based small group Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel explores the life of Samson, helping you uncover who you really are—a man created with a warrior’s heart in the image of God—and how to stand up and fight for what’s right. Find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight—the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of your family. The battles that make you dependent on God as the source of your strength. The battles that make you come alive. Craig looks at the life of Samson, showing how much we have in common with this guy. Things didn’t work out so well for him in the end. But by looking at his life, you’ll learn how to defeat the demons that make strong men weak. You’ll become who God made you to be—a man who knows how to fight for what’s right. Learn how to fight with faith, with prayer, and with the Word of God. Then, when your enemy begins to attack, fight for the righteous cause that God gave you. Draw a line in the sand. Make your enemy pay. Make sure he gets the message. Don’t cross a warrior. Don’t mess with this man of God. Come out fighting. And don’t show up for this fight unarmed. Use the weapons God gave you, and you’ll win. Can you feel it? It’s inside you. It’s time to fight like a man. Designed for use with the Fight Study Guide (sold separately).

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  • Desintoxicacion Espiritual – (Spanish)


    As standards of conduct continue to erode in our shock-proof world, we must fight the soul pollution threatening our health, our faith, and our witness to others. Without even knowing it, people willingly inhale second-hand toxins poisoning their relationship with God and stunting their spiritual growth.

    Soul Detox examines the toxins that assault us daily including: toxic influences, toxic emotions, and toxic behaviors.

    By examining the toxins that assault us daily, this book offers the ultimate spiritual intervention with ways to remain clean, pure, and focused on the standard of God’s holiness.

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  • Christian Atheist : Believing In God But Living As If He Doesnt Exist


    The more I looked, the more I found Christian Atheists everywhere.’ Former Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel knows his subject all too well. After over a decade of successful ministry, he had to make a painful self admission: although he believed in God, he was leading his church like God didn’t exist. To Christians and non-Christians alike, to the churched and the unchurched, the journey leading up to Groeschel’s admission and the journey that follows—from his family and his upbringing to the lackluster and even diametrically opposed expressions of faith he encountered—will look and sound like the story of their own lives. Now the founding and senior pastor of the multicampus, pace-setting, Groeschel’s personal journey toward a more authentic God-honoring life is more relevant than ever.

    Christians and Christian Atheists everywhere will be nodding their heads as they are challenged to take their own honest moment and ask the question: am I putting my whole faith in God but still living as if everything was up to me?

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