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    Church Life

    • Why Believe In Jesus


      A Life Worth Investigating

      Jesus Christ is the most famous person who ever lived. Most people know His name, but they don’t really know who He was or what was He like. If He truly was a Savior, as some say, in what way does that reality affect us today? And why should we believe in Him?

      As Jesus lived and ministered on earth, He taught on topics such as:
      *What is truth?
      *What is the meaning of life?
      *What is love?
      *What is my purpose?
      *What is my future?

      In this book, as you explore the unique life and teachings of Jesus Christ, you will also be introduced to contemporary people from various backgrounds who tell how and why they came to believe in Jesus-and the difference He is making in their lives today.

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    • House To House


      Updated! House to House documents how God transformed a small fellowship of young believers into a worldwide movement. DOVE International(R) grew from 25 people to a cell church of over 2300 and then transitioned into a family of small group churches and house churches networking together throughout six continents.

      Larry Kreider draws from thirty years of victories and defeats to provide an overall paradigm with which to “do” church, where every believer becomes a minister. To embrace this paradigm, the very core of what drives and moves the church is changed. It is not about being clergy run, but rather, church leadership exists to equip and release the believers to become the ministers through small groups and house churches and fulfill their God-given call.

      The book’s view of small groups and house churches, based firmly on the scriptures, from their purpose of reaching people for Christ to making disciples to their impact on today’s world, will inspire believers, Christian leaders, and churches, traditional or contemporary, in years to come…transforming them from individual congregations, large and small, into church planting movements.

      Includes study and discussion questions after each chapter. Use it as a handbook for small group and house church dynamics as well as an invaluable tool to train leaders.

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    • Missional Worship Worshipful Mission


      A rich, fresh take on the meaning and practice of Christian worship

      A common perception among Christians is that worship is only a Sunday morning activity done within the walls of the church, while, by contrast, mission involves how the church engages the outside world. But Ruth Meyers argues that there is a dynamic correlation between worship and mission, and she explores that relationship in this book.

      Meyers takes the reader chapter by chapter through the various parts of the Sunday worship service, incorporating stories of worship practices in different churches, and shows how the actions of worship relate to mission in the world. The book’s last chapter offers a conceptual tool for preparing worship that is a rich celebration of the mystery of God’s love.

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    • Transitioning Into A Prototype Church


      Revival Waves Of Glory Ministries
      Bill Vincent is an anointed Prophetic writer that releases powerful fresh revelation in all he does. Bill released first his powerful book BUILDING A PROTOTYPE CHURCH and now Volume 2 TRANSITIONING INTO A PROTOTYPE CHURCH. You will be able to see into God’s heart of a new type of Church coming forth. This book will help anyone whom wants to be more than just an every day Church. God will truly transition your Church as you obtain all the in-depth revelations in this breakthrough book. May the Spirit of God help you as you begin TRANSITIONING INTO A PROTOTYPE CHURCH.

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    • Exploring Christian Theology Revelation Scripture And The Triune God (Reprinted)


      An Easy-to-Understand Study of Christian Doctrine from Trusted Dallas Seminary Professors

      This engaging and accessible systematic theology clearly explains essential spiritual truths for those new to doctrinal study or in need of a refresher. The authors use quick-paced introductions, overviews, reviews of the key tenets of orthodox evangelical doctrines, and more for an easy grasp of the subjects. The book includes two parts:

      * How Firm a Foundation: Revelation, Scripture, and Doctrinal Truth
      * God in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

      The writers, Douglas Blount and J. Scott Horrell, and the contributors, J. Lanier Burns and Glenn R. Kreider, are all Dallas Seminary professors and theologians led by general editors Nathan D. Holsteen and Michael J. Svigel.

      Exploring Christian Theology is useful for discipleship, preview or review of doctrine, or personal reference. It can be used by ministry training programs, Bible colleges, or seminaries as an introduction to prepare students for more in-depth theological study.

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    • Worship Ways : For The People Within Your Reach


      Accelerating diversity of lifestyles has created a crisis for worship designers. One size does not fit all. No worship service can be “blended” to address the complete needs of a congregation. Moreover, church “shopping” is ending as people are choosing a worship service that directly meets their fundamental anxieties about life (regardless of style). Learn to use lifestyle information in worship planning to design a service that truly reaches the people in your community. This book explains why people worship and guides leaders to design relevant worship services that address people’s sense of urgency. It is both practical and theological. The decline of worship attendance in all denominations, and across all “traditional” or “contemporary” styles, is reshaping the quest for relevance. Church leaders are turning away from methods to outcomes. People will only participate in worship if it really matters to the fundamental issues that they face.

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    • Soledad Del Liderazgo – (Spanish)


      Hay muchos lideres solitarios, marcados por la dureza del ministerio, pero sobre todo por la imposibilidad de compartir con la gente que les rodea sus alegrias y sus penas.

      Los lideres necesitan momentos de soledad con Dios, pero tambien necesitan una comunicacion fluida con su familia, sus colaboradores, su congregacion, con otros pastores y con sus mentores. Cuando los puentes de comunicacion se rompen, surgen el aislamiento, la depresion, el sentimiento de culpa, frustracion, desanimo y soledad. Quien cuida al cuidador? Muchas veces nadie. Cada dia cientos de lideres abandonan el ministerio, son expulsados de sus denominaciones o quedan rotos por el peso de su soledad.

      La soledad del liderazgo aborda este dificil tema con sencillez, sin prejuicios y ofrece una guia practica mostrando personajes biblicos que tuvieron estos mismas retos y como los superaron.

      There are many lonely leaders, marked by the ministry harshness, but especially by the inability to share their joys and sorrows with people around them.

      Leaders need time alone with God, but they also need good communication with their families and colleagues, with the congregation and other pastors and with their mentors. When communication bridges are broken, there are isolation, depression, guilt, frustration, discouragement and loneliness.

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    • Walking With Nehemiah


      So much of our attention in congregational development is spent dealing with internal issues and opportunities that we turn more and more inward. Even our “outward” work smacks of our “inward” bias as we invite people to our events and ponder how to make our events more compelling for those who aren’t part of our congregations. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, is known for saying “the world is our parish.” Simply stated, the streets are our sanctuary. Our communities are our congregations. Yet too often congregations ignore their neighborhoods. They don’t consider the vast resource of people surrounding their church and seem to forget that Pentecost, the very event that gave birth to the church, happened in the streets. It’s time for churches and congregations to engage with the people around them-most of whom have not yet made a faith decision but are hungering for the grace that only God can provide. Participate in this study of Nehemiah and discover what people God is asking you to encourage, what walls God is calling you to repair, what ministry God might be calling you to lead or do, and where you should start. This book will give readers inspiration and practical tools for engaging with their communities in ways that help congregations and communities become whole.

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    • L E A D Personality Survey 10 Pack


      The L-E-A-D Personality Inventory will provide you with an in-depth study of the unique characteristics of each type of personality. Your entire family, church members-even employees-will benefit from gaining a complete knowledge and understanding of their own personalities. Improve communication and relationships as you identify and better understand your own personality type, find out what motivates/demotivates people, and learn how others are most/least effective based on personality type. Includes questionnaire; answer sheet; instructions; profiles of the different personality types such as the Leader, Expresser, Analyst, and Dependable; and descriptions of different personality patterns. 13 pages.

      Includes: 10 pack of L-E-A-D Personality Inventory

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    • Breaking Bread Breaking Beats


      Getting Started
      1. Moments In The History Of Black Churches And Hip-Hop
      2. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And The Body
      3. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, Race, And Ethnicity
      4. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And Poverty
      5. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And Gender
      6. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And Sexuality
      7. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And Ethics
      8. Black Churches, Hip-Hop, And Globalization
      9. A Relationship Between Black Churches And Hip-Hop?
      10. The Cipher
      The CERCL Writing Collective Members
      Selected Bibliography

      Additional Info
      What is hip-hop, and how does it impact the Black Church? How does the Black Church integrate hip-hop? How do black churches think about hip-hop? How do these different, yet deeply interrelated communities think about the key topics of modern life-be it gender, sex, race, or globalization?

      These questions and more are the concern of the CERCL Writing Collective, under the mentorship of Anthony Pinn. In this innovative project, ten individuals write as one voice to illuminate the ways that hip-hop and the Black Church agree, disagree, and inform each other on key topics.

      This book grows out of the popular religion and Hip-Hop course, soon to be offered as an open enrollment online course, at Rice University by Anthony B. Pinn and Bernard ‘Bun B’ Freeman. Like the course, the book offers engaging insights into one of today’s most important musical genres and reflects on its broad cultural impact.

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    • Re Vision : The Key To Transforming Your Church (Reprinted)


      Pastors around the country continue to look for the program, the book, or the sermon series that will turn their plateaued or declining churches around. But what if the answer to revitalizing the church was closer to home? According to trusted church leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs and veteran pastor Gordon E. Penfold, it is. They believe that pastors themselves are the key. In a time when many pastors are jumping from church to church every two or three years as they search for the “right fit” where they can “make a difference,” churches are suffering from a lack of sustained leadership from pastors with a viable vision for ministry.

      In Re:Vision, Malphurs and Penfold take pastors through a process of discovery and self-evaluation designed to help them re-envision their role, create a culture for positive change, and recruit people to come alongside them as helpers and encouragers. Multiple appendices offer self-diagnostic tools and surveys to help pastors assess their strengths and weaknesses for more effective ministry.

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    • Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory 100 Pack


      With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life!

      Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.)

      The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; brief gift descriptions; and instructions. (100 included in Pack)

      Also available in Spanish and Korean, and the Youth Edition in English

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    • Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory 10 Pack


      With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life!

      Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.)

      The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; brief gift descriptions; and instructions. (10 provided in pack)

      Also available in Spanish and Korean, and the Youth Edition in English

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Assessment 10 Pack


      “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV).
      Scripture reveals nine fruits of the Spirit that are the inevitable result of God’s presence and control in our lives. This resource reveals characteristics of the fruits of the Spirit to help you determine if your fruit is abundant and sweet or sparse and dry. Use this evaluation to discover the qualities the Holy Spirit is producing in you and identify areas of spiritual growth to which you might give greater study, prayer, and discipline. Are you yielding to or quenching the Holy Spirit?

      Includes: 10 questionnaire and self-scoring answer sheet with a description of characteristics of the fruit.

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    • Rapture Revelations


      Revival Waves Of Glory Ministries
      Unfortunately, most of our modern day teachings on this most important doctrine are misleading, to say the very least. Bill Vincent has studied for years and now is releasing his findings in this book, Rapture Revelations. A careful scrutiny of the Scriptures will reveal the truth about the second coming of Christ, which we generally refer to as “the rapture”. In Rapture Revelations, he has set out to correct the most obvious errors of the pre-tribulation doctrine and to establish the basic foundation for understanding the truth of the matter. Great care is taken to follow the guidelines of Scripture and the Biblical basis of doctrinal interpretation, precept upon precept and line upon line. This is the only method of interpretation used in the pages of Rapture Revelations. Since God Himself revealed His method of understanding doctrine, it is believed by the author to be the best method to use. Therefore, with Bible in hand, follow along with the Scriptures quoted and see if you don’t find truth within its pages. In Rapture Revelations, Bill answers questions that many do not know the answers to. Be open and allow this page-turner to open up the biggest controversial subject of the rapture of Jesus Christ. If you are a lover of truth, you will enjoy this very basic presentation of Biblical facts concerning the doctrine of the “gathering together” of Christ’s saints unto Himself.

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    • Cryptomnesia


      How can we Christians move forward, when our very existence seems imperiled? We already know the way, for we’ve been through this before. But we have forgotten; we have cryptomnesia. Cryptomnesia is the reappearance of a suppressed or forgotten memory which is mistaken for a new experience. (Collins English Dictionary). The world is changing, and it is changing fast.

      Social media friendships, global commerce, online education, populist uprisings, e-books, and smartphones are just a sample of the Internet’s growing impact on our lives. Americans are rapidly becoming more mobile, worldly, and secular-all while it feels like the church we know is being left behind. Growing numbers of “spiritual but not religious” show disinterest in church, and mainline churches fear imminent demise. How do we find a way forward? Ironically, by looking backward. We are not the first to experience globalization. In fact, the early church emerged in an age of globalization-the product of the Greco-Roman Empire and its mammoth road-building efforts on three continents. People were connected in ways they had never experienced: Roman citizens were bombarded with new cultures, new commerce, new foods, new ideas, new philosophies, new religions. It was an era of massive dislocation, and at the same time, exactly the right environment for Christianity to emerge and thrive.

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    • Clip In : Risking Hospitality In Your Church


      When a cyclist clips into the pedals, a huge risk is involved because he or she must learn a new way to achieve balance and momentum. Creating a culture of hospitality within your church involves the same intricate process. Not only do balance and momentum go hand-in-hand, one can’t exist without the other. Growing a church requires the same kind of delicate interplay: balancing attention toward existing members and generating momentum through reaching new people. Without both, the church won’t grow. Creating a culture of hospitality involves risk and relearning old habits, but facilitating both will yield fruitful results.

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    • For All Gods Worth


      Many Christians do not fully understand what “worship” means. This insightful book by N. T. Wright explores both the meaning and the results of worship.Part 1, “The God Who Is Worthy of Praise,” focuses on God and on what worshiping God actually means. Wright celebrates the greatness and love of God as the ground and reason for worship and shows how reflection on who God actually is leads to true worship from both the heart and the mind. Part 2, “Reflecting God’s Image in the World,” addresses a range of church-related issues that arise from the activity of worship. Since worship can never remain isolated from the task of the church, Wright here explores how true worship leads to the mission of the church in various specific ways.Based firmly on sensitive and creative readings of the biblical text, For All God’s Worth is an inspiring call for renewal in the worship and witness of today’s church.

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    • Your Identity In Christ


      19 Chapters

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      There are so many of us believers that live a life that is dominated by defeat, guilt, condemnation, and shame. So many of us live powerless lives and we are far from the passionate Paul that was zealous, bold and courageous. There is a real need for the body of Christ not to view themselves through the lens of their own sins and other people’s opinions, but to view themselves as sons of God and how the Bible describes them in their TRUE Identity in Christ. This book provides a watershed of truth, insights and revelations that will help each reader come to see themselves as the Bible declares them to be. Come and read nineteen good things that God says you are, and let the truth change you, as it did for the author. Many people run from prophet to prophet to hear that God loves them, has a purpose and destiny for them, and believes in them, when if they had the right book in their hands and took the time to let the truths soak in, they would finally be set free, and propelled toward their destiny. This is such a book!

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    • Church According To Paul


      Amid conflicting ideas about what the church should be and do in a post-Christian climate, the missing voice is that of Paul. The New Testament’s most prolific church planter, Paul faced diverse challenges as he worked to form congregations. Leading biblical scholar James Thompson examines Paul’s ministry of planting and nurturing churches in the pre-Christian world to offer guidance for the contemporary church. The church today, as then, must define itself and its mission among people who have been shaped by other experiences of community. Thompson shows that Paul offers an unprecedented vision of the community that is being conformed to the image of Christ. He also addresses contemporary (mis)understandings of words like missional, megachurch, and formation.

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    • Forgive Us : Confessions Of A Compromised Faith


      Many people have become angry and frustrated with organized religion and evangelical Christianity, in particular. Too often the church has proven to be a source of pain rather than a place of hope. Forgive Us acknowledges the legitimacy of much of the anger toward the church. In truth, Christianity in America has significant brokenness in its history that demands recognition and repentance. Only by this path can the church move forward with its message of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace. Forgive Us is thus a call to confession. From Psalm 51 to the teachings of Jesus to the prayers of Nehemiah, confession is the proper biblical response when God’s people have injured others and turned their backs on God’s ways. In the book of Nehemiah, the author confesses not only his own sins, but also the sins of his ancestors. The history of the American church demands a Nehemiah-style confession both for our deeds and the deeds of those who came before us. In each chapter of Forgive Us two pastors who are also academically trained historians provide accurate and compelling histories of some of the American church’s greatest shortcomings. Theologian Soong-Chan Rah and justice leader Lisa Sharon Harper then share theological reflections along with appropriate words of confession and repentance. Passionate and purposeful, Forgive Us will challenge evangelical readers and issue a heart-felt request to the surrounding culture for forgiveness and a new beginning.

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    • Shrink : Faithful Ministry In A Church Growth Culture


      Among followers of Jesus, great is often the enemy of good. The drive to be great—to be a success by the standards of the world—often crowds out the qualities of goodness, virtue, and faithfulness that should define the central focus of Christian leadership. In the culture of today’s church, successful leadership is often judged by what works, while persistent faithfulness takes a back seat. If a ministry doesn’t produce results, it is dropped. If people don’t respond, we move on. This pursuit of ‘greatness’ exerts a crushing pressure on the local church and creates a consuming anxiety in its leaders. In their pursuit of this warped vision of greatness, church leaders end up embracing a leadership narrative that runs counter to the sacrificial call of the gospel story. When church leaders focus on faithfulness to God and the gospel, however, it’s always a kingdom-win—regardless of the visible results of their ministry. John the Baptist modeled this kind of leadership. As John’s disciples crossed the Jordan River to follow after Jesus, John freely released them to a greater calling than following him. Speaking of Jesus, John said: ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’ Joyfully satisfied to have been faithful to his calling, John knew that the size and scope of his ministry would be determined by the will of the Father, not his own will. Following the example of John the Baptist and with a careful look at the teaching of Scripture, Tim Suttle dares church leaders to risk failure by chasing the vision God has given them—no matter how small it might seem—instead of pursuing the broad path of pragmatism that leads to fame and numerical success.

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    • Your Identity In Christ


      19 Chapters

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      There are so many of us believers that live a life that is dominated by defeat, guilt, condemnation, and shame. So many of us live powerless lives and we are far from the passionate Paul that was zealous, bold and courageous. There is a real need for the body of Christ not to view themselves through the lens of their own sins and other people’s opinions, but to view themselves as sons of God and how the Bible describes them in their TRUE Identity in Christ. This book provides a watershed of truth, insights and revelations that will help each reader come to see themselves as the Bible declares them to be. Come and read nineteen good things that God says you are, and let the truth change you, as it did for the author. Many people run from prophet to prophet to hear that God loves them, has a purpose and destiny for them, and believes in them, when if they had the right book in their hands and took the time to let the truths soak in, they would finally be set free, and propelled toward their destiny. This is such a book!

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    • Starting Missional Churches


      All mission is local–the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. In Starting Missional Churches Mark Lau Branson and Nicholas Warnes introduce us to seven missional churches and explore what it looks like to be salt and light where you are.

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    • Iglesia Relevante – (Spanish)


      Robert Barriger es considerado un valioso punto de referencia para miles de pastores en Latinoamerica. Sin ninguna duda, el trabajo logrado por su iglesia le da autoridad para hablar sobre formas en las que una congregacion de creyentes puede convertirse en una influencia relevante en su comunidad, incluyendo el establecimiento de programas medicos, politicos y familiares como muy pocas congregaciones de America.

      Barriger es el pastor principal de Camino de Vida en Lima, Peru, una de las iglesias de mas impacto en el pais y en todo Sudamerica. Esta iglesia ha llevado a cabo una serie de proyectos de valor cultural y de influencia gubernamental en servicio a la comunidad. Barriger es de California, pero hace muchos anos hizo del Peru su casa donde vive con Su esposa, dos hijos y nietos. Su libro, La Iglesia Relevante, es una lectura sin duda requerida para cualquiera que quiere que su iglesia crezca en calidad como en cantidad y que busca que sea de un profundo impacto en la sociedad que la rodea.

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    • Humor With A Halo (Revised)


      In this revised collection of humorous tales, readers will find themselves turning page after page with soul-stirring laughter. Humor with a Halo: True Funny Stories from Church Life, Revised Edition reminds readers that while much of the Bible focuses on serious themes with serious characters, the pages of scripture are not devoid of laughter. In fact, scripture mentions laughter twenty times and if we dare to peer into the church, deep beyond the wooden pews and stained-glass windows, we will discover a church sustained by people who experience joy and laughter every single day.

      With that knowledge, Al Fasol has been inviting us to laugh with him for the last 25 years as he retells true and hilarious stories centered on faith and church:
      * A nine-year-old boy reminds his pastor that the biggest church crowds only happen when the preacher isn’t speaking.
      * A note on a church bulletin board issues an invitation for “all who would like to sin in the church choir.”
      * A guest preacher arrives and gives the invocation at the wrong church.
      * A man falls asleep in church during a power outage and awakens to total darkness, proclaiming aloud to the entire congregation that he has become blind.

      Dozens of stories like these fill this heart-warming collection of humorous tales, serving as a pleasant reminder that following Jesus is a joy-filled experience. Humor with a Halo: True Funny Stories from Church Life, Revised Edition delivers timeless joy for old, young, and everyone in between and leaves readers with a tremendous reserve of hilarious and contagious joy.

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    • Community In The Inventive Age


      The Inventive Age (the cultural turning following the Agrarian, Industrial, and Information ages) provides opportunities for reshaping all institutions and communities. Doug Pagitt brings to life ten Inventive Age characteristics as they are experienced through the community of Solomon’s Porch – a holistic missional Christian community in Minneapolis. These ten characteristics of Inventive Age culture will serve as a guide for those creating new faith communities and making changes in existing ones.

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    • Church In The Inventive Age


      Many books seek to predict the future of Christianity, but few help us grasp the opportunities of the current situation and equip us to navigate the present. Doug Pagitt, author, radio host, and pioneering leader, does just that, offering fresh, optimistic insights and practical suggestions. According to Pagitt, the last two centuries can be divided into four epochs: Idyllic, Industrial, Informational and now-Inventive. The Inventive Age – our currently reality – presents distinct opportunities for how faith communities think, what they value, and the tools they use. Pagitt offers leaders in Christian communities (and beyond) essential frameworks for participation in the Inventive Age.

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    • Being Church Doing Life


      Evidence now suggests that contextual church plants have an important role to play in church growth. There is an increasing international interest in these new and different forms of church, often known as ‘Fresh Expressions’ or ’emerging church’. Author Michael Moynagh is a member of the UK national Fresh Expressions movement, a remarkable initiative that has attracted widespread attention around the world. In this inspiring volume he shares practical and comprehensive advice on how to start and grow new churches – however small – in every context of life. This popular introduction emphasizes practical aspects, telling many of the great stories that have emerged through practitioners. It will enthuse and help church leaders and individuals to start and develop these communities; and advise them on how to help them grow to maturity and become sustainable.

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    • Conflict Management For Faith Leaders


      Is conflict a dirty word? Does it bring to mind images of disagreement, fights, and shattered relationships? For ministry leaders, the likelihood of conflict comes with the job, but the result does not have to be destructive.Conflict Management for Faith Leaders is about handling conflict in a way that is positive and constructive. With this book readers will discover multiple techniques for assessing and managing conflict and learn guidelines for choosing which technique to use in a given situation.A practical resource for pastors and ministry leaders, Conflict Management for Faith Leaders acknowledges that leadership brings with it the risk of opposition. Packed with useful insights and stories based on the experiences of other faith leaders, this book is the ideal tool when the risk of opposition becomes reality.

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    • 8 Secretos De Un Buen Lider (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gui


      This study guide goes hand in hand with the book ‘Pastoral Principles of Psalm 23’ which the author is planning to promote heavily for the purpose of enabling leaders to cultivate healthy growth in their churches. In this study guide, intended to complement the book and not as a replacement, each chapter from the book is reflected in a series of weekly reading to facilitate both group and individual study. The author is also very committed to the idea of follow-up assignments that may be useful for discipleship groups for leaders as well as for the mentoring of ministerial students.

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    • Modelo Coach Para Lideres Cris – (Spanish)


      The COACH Model is a radically different approach to leading people. Rather than provide answers, leaders ask questions to draw out what God has already put into others. Learn how to create powerful conversations to assist others to solve their own problems, reach goals, and develop leadership skills in the process.

      Whether you are working with employees, teenagers, or a colleague living in another city, you’ll find powerful tools and techniques you need to increase your leadership effectiveness.
      The COACH Model for Christian Leaders is packed with stories and illustrations that bring the principles and practice to life. Based on first-hand experience and taught around the world, this book will transform your conversations into powerful learning and results.

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    • Radical Small Groups


      Made For Success Publishing Title

      A book that takes you beyond programs and spells out exactly how to put spiritual growth on steroids in your church. Here is an exciting way to think synergistically and dramatically accelerate authentic life change. There has never been a book more urgent to read than this one in our impersonal society and spiritually impoverished world.

      The foundational concept here is that small groups should be an intrigal part of a dynamic approach to ministry, not an isolated program. The result? A powerful synergism between Sunday school, worship, Bible studies, and small groups all producing true life change! Bring true vitality to your group or church with the biblical principles taught here. No other book will give you such a comprehensive and practical vision of the Great Commission to, “make disciples”.

      If you read only one book this year to add purpose to your life, and life in your church, this is the one! Whether you are starting a group, beginning a small group ministry, or want to take existing groups to a new level, this revolutionary book is a must read!

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    • How To Pick Up A Stripper And Other Acts Of Kindness


      The starting and ending points for all outreach have to be love. The most effective way to reach people for Jesus is through servant evangelism-showing God’s love in practical ways. This type of outreach is what Jesus modeled, is culturally relevant, and values people. The goal should be to invite people to take the next step from where they are.

      Friendship Community Church, led by Pastor Todd Stevens, has experienced tremendous growth through acts of kindness. The church’s most radical servant evangelism project is Nashville Strip Church, founded by Erin Stevens. Erin’s life changed when God told her to “go feed the strippers.” With home-cooked meals and gift bags, Erin shows dancers that God loves them. How to Pick Up a Stripper and Other Acts of Kindness includes the story of a dancer who has come to know Christ, left the strip club industry through Erin’s ministry, and is now serving with Erin to reach other strippers.

      From feeding the homeless, to Easter egg hunts for special needs children, to ministering in a strip club, How to Pick Up a Stripper and Other Acts of Kindness provides exciting ideas for showing God’s love in practical ways. of your comfort zone to serve people.

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    • All Dressed Up And No Place To Go


      The church is busy, constantly touching the community and consistently committed to marketing what we have to offer. We believe the love of Jesus and the fellowship of His followers that is experienced by all who frequent our fellowship should characterize every church. Jesus himself said, “A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34,35). That love for Him should be the experience of anyone and everyone who embraces the ministry on any level. That love for Him should transcend all of our presuppositions about what the church should be. It should demolish any argument about who should or should not be a part of our church. That s the thing that puzzles me about the church at large today. Why are we so separated? Why are we divided? Why have we allowed denomination to be placed at the forefront of significance? Why has race or ethnicity served as a characteristic of why we are a part of a certain gathering of believers? Why has socio-economic status become a determinant in the question of who our church should reach? Why is the church unprepared to meet the needs of some who would love to be a part of the fellowship? The church of the Lord Jesus Christ in our nation should be recognized by the same characteristics as that of the early church in the Book of Acts. This living organism called the church should be known for its perpetual growth. In “All Dressed Up and No Place to Go”, Wallace Phillips, Pastor of Carpenter’s Shop Church and author of the popular book “Just Plain Vanilla”, addresses many issues that have caused division in the church and provides practical advice to bringing unity to the local church fellowship. This is a MUST READ for any pastor.

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    • Revelation : The Best Is Yet To Come


      Launch! Publication

      The book of Revelation is a love letter to the church. Yet most view it as troubling, and many misunderstand what the Lord is trying to tell us. Didn’t the Jews in Jesus’ day have some of the same problems?

      Early biblical prophecy, already fulfilled, helps define what is about to happen. Are some bad, scary events looming on the horizon? Yes, and you’ll learn about that. But even more important, you’ll see what Scripture has to say about you as the overcomer. The puzzles of Revelation are coming together, and we who love and serve the Lord are seeing that the best is yet to come.

      Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come provides a simple running commentary and interpretive guide for the beginner. Our hope is that laypersons and preachers not familiar with the book of Revelation will be encouraged to do a more in-depth study. The material takes an unashamed pretribulation, premillennial position within a traditional dispensational framework.

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    • Slow Church : Cultivating Community In The Patient Way Of Jesus


      Fast food. Fast cars. Fast and furious. Fast forward. Fast . . . church? The church is often idealized (or demonized) as the last bastion of a bygone era, dragging our feet as we’re pulled into new moralities and new spiritualities. We guard our doctrine and our piety with great vigilance. But we often fail to notice how quickly we’re capitulating, in the structures and practices of our churches, to a culture of unreflective speed, dehumanizing efficiency and dis-integrating isolationism. In the beginning, the church ate together, traveled together and shared in all facets of life. Centered as they were on Jesus, these seemingly mundane activities took on their own significance in the mission of God. In Slow Church, Chris Smith and John Pattison invite us out of franchise faith and back into the ecology, economy and ethics of the kingdom of God, where people know each other well and love one another as Christ loved the church.

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    • Breakthrough : Your Doorway To A New Destiny


      Have you ever wondered why, no matter how hard you try, you’re stuck in the same place? Do you have dreams and aspirations, yet can’t seem to get out of your own way? Have you ever wondered why so many people around you seem broken and despondent? Do you find yourself angry at God sometimes?

      “Breakthrough” Your Doorway to a New Destiny, will change your life forever. Learn the reason your life isn’t moving in the direction you want. Today you will no longer wonder if God is present in your life. You will no longer wonder why the world is in disarray. Today you will embark on a new journey, to the place God planned for you. Today – breakthrough – your destiny is waiting!

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    • My Name Is Woman


      “…the woman was chosen by Satan as his perfect target

      not for being the weak sex between the two, but because

      she carried within her the maximum expression of the

      creative power of God in His creatures.”
      In her book “My name is Woman”, Laura Fernandez approaches a theme as old as the history of the world and updates it with a solid argument; God created the woman with a purpose, where in equality with man and in unity with him, could offer a dignified service to the family, society and the Creator.

      In her book, the author maintains the difficult balance – so scarce in this subject – between firmness to defend the woman’s value and the respect to man as husband and partner in the same venture.

      At this phase in history, when the female’s proportion in the church has grown and it becomes necessary a broader service in God’s cause, the role of today’s Christian woman confronts the challenge, and at the same time the opportunity, to develop her gifts simultaneously with men, overlooking the useless and miserable prejudice that have delayed the advances of the divine plan.

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    • Bourgeois Babes Bossy Wives And Bobby Haircuts


      Author and New Testament scholar Michael Bird was formerly in favor of distinct gender roles in ministry, a viewpoint commonly called ‘complementarianism.’ But inconsistencies in practice and careful biblical study convinced him to rethink his position. Now in favor of full equality for men and women in ministry roles, Bird nevertheless strikes a respectful tone toward those in his previous camp, while seeking to craft a perspective that both values women and upholds biblical differences between the sexes. Humorous and hard-hitting, Bird’s writing on this topic will challenge readers on both sides of the gender-issue divide.

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    • New Parish : How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission Discipleshi


      When . . . faith communities begin connecting together, in and for the neighborhood, they learn to depend on God for strength to love, forgive and show grace like never before. . . . The gospel becomes so much more tangible and compelling when the local church is actually a part of the community, connected to the struggles of the people, and even the land itself. Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen have seen–in cities, suburbs and small towns all over North America–how powerful the gospel can be when it takes root in the context of a place, at the intersection of geography, demography, economy and culture. This is not a new idea–the concept of a parish is as old as Paul’s letters to the various communities of the ancient church. But in an age of dislocation and disengagement, the notion of a church that knows its place and gives itself to where it finds itself is like a breath of fresh air, like a sign of new life.

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    • Attract Families To Your Church


      This book will help church pastors and leaders navigate the changing tides in ministry to become the kind of church that families want to attend, where the church’s dynamic faith invites families who may then bring their friends. This means reaching out to all kinds of families, some with needs that only a church family can fulfill.

      To grow and remain vital, churches need to attract families. But the cultural landscape has changed and any church may have two-parent families with children, blended families, boomerang families, adult children of divorce and their families or lack of families, single adults whose family is the church, grandparents parenting again, childless families, co-habitation families, and children with three legal parents. With practical helps and suggestions for ministries, worship, small groups, and even facilities, author and family expert Linda Ranson Jacobs will help you create a welcoming place for everyone.

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    • Jesus Justice And Gender Roles


      At one point in her life, author and co-founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church Kathy Keller sought pastoral ordination. Yet she came to adopt the view that men and women have different roles in marriage and ministry, and that fulfilling such roles pleases God and leads to greater personal fulfillment. In this unapologetic but nuanced piece, Keller presents a caring and careful case for biblical gender differences and the complementarian view of women in ministry. At the same time, she encourages women to teach and lead in the church in ways that may startle some complementarians. Readers on both sides of this hot-button topic will be challenged by her ministry-tested and thoroughly Scriptural perspective.

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    • Wake Up For Heavens Sake


      In striking similarity to the message of John the Baptist, the words of Pastor Crummer will find you hearing the voice of one crying out into the wilderness. A call to cut through the distractions most experience in the often hectic church life of the Believer today, pleading for a return of the readers heart to experience an intimacy with Christ that exceeds current expectation. A timely reminder that we have been called “to make (and keep) straight the way of the Lord”.
      H. Jay Kuhlman

      “If you or someone you know has been the victim of the devil’s tactics to create a church that is short sighted in its understanding of the true nature of worship, then “Wake Up for Heaven’s Sake” is part of the cure. Crummer’s book will challenge you to return to your created purpose and once again see worship as a relational reality that permeates every part of who you are.”
      Pastor, The Bridge Birmingham,
      President, Patria Ministries,
      Author, The Elisha Way and The Remedy

      If there was ever a restart button, “Wake Up” is the book you’ve been looking for…This book will reboot your spirit…
      Scott Evelyn,
      Pastor, The Bridge Pinnacle Mountain

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    • Strangers And Pilgrims Once More


      A passionate call for true dialogue between evangelical and liturgical traditions

      Christendom altered how we understood Christianity’s relation to the state, how doctrines and creeds were determined, how the sacraments were administered and to whom, how the church’s evangelistic witness was carried out – and even the shape of the church’s Bible.

      In this book Addison Hodges Hart asks some pointed questions: What sort of church must we become in a post-Christendom world, one in which we can no longer count on society to support Christian ideals? What can we salvage from our Christendom past that is of real value, and what can we leave behind as not practical – and perhaps antithetical – for our discipleship? How do we become “strangers and pilgrims” once more, after seventeen centuries of being “at home” in Christendom?

      Hart’s Strangers and Pilgrims Once More takes up these various topics, suggesting both how Christ’s disciples can say “yes” to much that was preserved during the age of Christendom and why they should say “no” to some of the cherished accretions of that passing epoch.

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    • Millennials And Mission


      This book focuses on the passing of the torch in cross-cultural missions and church ministry to the Millennial generation. Jim and Judy Raymo grapple with big questions and concerns in Millennials and Mission, while giving an in-depth look at this up-and-coming generation of young people and the future of missions in its hands. They highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this populous group born between 1982 and 2000, comparing and contrasting its characteristics with those of the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. In spite of the challenges ahead, Millennials and Missions gives a clearly optimistic picture of the Millennial generation’s potential contribution to accomplishing the Great Commission.

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    • Resident Aliens : A Provocative Christian Assessment Of Culture And Ministr (Ann


      A vision of the Church as a colony, a holy people, a family standing for sharply focused values in a devalued world.Only when the Church enacts its scandalous Jesus-centered tradition, will it truly be the Body of Christ and transform the world. Twenty-five years after its first publishing, Resident Aliens remains a prophetic vision of how the Church can regain its vitality, battle its malaise, reclaim its capacity to nourish souls, and stand firmly against the illusions, pretensions, and eroding values of today’s world.

      Resident Aliens discusses the nature of the church and its relationship to surrounding culture. It argues that churches should focus on developing Christian life and community rather than attempting to reform secular culture. Hauerwas and Willimon reject the idea that America is a Christian nation, instead Christians should see themselves as “residents aliens” in a foreign land. Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon maintain that, instead of attempting to transform government, the role of Christians is to live lives which model the love of Christ. Rather than trying to convince others to change their ethics, Christians should model a new set of ethics which are grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

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    • Any 3 Anyone Anywhere Any Time


      Mike Shipman, a Southern Baptist missionary in Asia, took a bold and biblical approach to reaching the millions of Muslims in his country. Drawn from the patterns established by Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 10, Mike Shipman demonstrates how these same principles are relevant and applicable today. The result is, Any-3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, a highly effective and deeply biblical five-step process that has seen thousands of Muslims say “Yes” to Jesus and enter into new communities of faithful discipleship.
      Any-3 provides biblical principles and practical steps that have equipped hundreds of Christians to witness confidently and effectively. Over the past decade, thousands of Muslims have been engaged with the gospel. Within the first few years, Any-3 resulted in seven generations of Muslim-background churches planting churches, with more than a thousand baptized believers.
      Any-3 introduces Christians to a five-step process that helps them to 1) get connected with Muslims, 2) get to a God conversation, 3) get to lostness, 4) get to the gospel, and 5) get to a decision. Hundreds of Christians have learned to walk this path with Muslims, leading thousands of them to say “Yes” to Jesus and pray to receive him into their lives as Savior and Lord.
      Any-3 is truly revolutionizing Christian ministry to Muslims. Through this highly readable new resource, you too will learn how to share the gospel with Muslims and bring them into new discipleship communities.

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    • Antichrist : The Search For Amalek


      There were many mass murderers throughout history, including Mao of China (49-78 million), Leopold of Belgium (8-10 million), and Joseph Stalin of Russia (6-20 million). Each one is a frightening example of mankind’s evil.

      There is a subtle difference between these three and Adolf Hitler, for example, who directed most of his fury at one particular people … the Jews. That strain of hatred is different. It desires more than to shed blood; it desires to wipe the slate clean of the memory of an entire race of people.

      The killers in this book are enemies of God; they are not random and they are connected by blood.

      “So that the name of Israel is remembered no more” (Psalm 83:4).

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    • Global Reformation : Transitioning The Church For Strategic Kingdom Advance


      Dr. Munien’s book particularly stands out because of his extraordinary ability to impart with the greatest simplicity at the same time that he brings complete understanding to every reader from the Word of God. He examines the historical, cultural and scriptural foundations necessary to build the “Perfect Man” in the image of God’s pattern.

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