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    Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)

    • Jesus The Crucified People


      A deeply moving and challenging book, Jesus, the Crucified People breaks a theological stranglehold on the figure of Jesus and glimpses in a new, non-Western way both Jesus and Christianity.

      Against the rich cultural background of Asia, Song’s volume explores the mystery of the Word that from the beginning of time now comes poignantly to us in the stories and testimonies of women, men, and children. Song eloquently fashions a people hermeneutic to sketch an account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection for our world today.

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    • Divine Becoming : Rethinking Jesus And Incarnation


      In this creative and insightful work, Burns seeks to contrue the significance of Jesus and his incarnation through the category of participation, the ability to enter the experiences of others. This notion enables her to anchor and illumine the tradition’s central theological claims about Jesus and to show that incarnation is present to some extent in all people, in all religions, indeed in God’s own life.

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    • Human Being : Jesus And The Enigma Of The Son Of Man


      The epithet “the son of the man” (or “the Human Being”) in the Gospels has been a highly debated topic. Wink uses this phrase to explore not only early Christology but the anthropology articulated in the Gospels. Jesus apparently avoided designations such as Messiah, Son of God, or God, though these titles were given by his disciples after his death and resurrection. But Jesus is repeatedly depicted as using the obscure expression “the Human Being” as virtually his only form of self-reference.

      Wink explores how Jesus’ self-referential phrase came to be universalized as the “Human Being” or “Truly Human One.” The Human Being is a catalytic agent for transformation, providing the form and lure and hunger to become who we were meant to be, or more properly perhaps, to become who we truly are.

      The implications of this are profound, Wink argues. We are freed to go on the journey that Jesus charted rather than to worship the journey of Jesus. We can rescue Jesus from the baggage of christological beliefs added by the church. We are enabled to strip away the heavy accretion of dogma that installed Jesus as the second person of the trinity. Now he can be available to anyone seeking to realize the Human Being within. Jesus becomes uniquely a criterion of humanness. He shows us something of what it means to become human, but not enough to keep us from having to discover our true humanity ourselves. That means we are to be co-creators with God.

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    • Jesus The Word According To John The Sectarian A Print On Demand Title


      Few have failed to notice the increasing accommodation of evangelicalism to worldly culture. Unless this trend is corrected, evangelicalism will soon lose the distinctives that have catapulted it to unparalleled success in the religious marketplace. This bold work by Robert Gundry finds a powerful and much-needed antidote to worldliness in John’s Gospel. Built on a unique combination of biblical exegesis, sociological analysis, and contemporary application, the book traces the influence of Word-Christology throughout the Gospel of John, unpacking its implications for North American evangelicalism. Sure to generate discussion–even controversy–are Gundry’s adoption of a sectarian interpretation of John and his evaluation of contemporary North American evangelicalism. Seeing the evangelical tradition as having moved far down the road from sect to mainline church, he argues that it now needs a strong dose of John’s logocentric sectarianism to avoid losing the edge that has made it successful.

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    • Who Was Jesus


      “Who Was Jesus?” hinges on the refreshingly candid dialogue between Jewish New Testament scholar Peter Zaas and Christian theologian William Craig. This volume focuses on the differing historical assessments of Jesus of Nazareth by Jews and Christians, and the implications for contemporary Jewish-Christian relations. Their points of disagreement may come as no surprise, but their points of agreement make for a fascinating and informative read.

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    • Jesus The Savior


      This highly readable and uncommonly reliable book is a product of deep and sustained reflection about the New Testament figure of Jesus Christ. It invites non-Christians to take a fresh look at Jesus and warns Christians of the dangers involved in being his desciple.

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    • Jesus In Johannine Tradition


      Twenty Eight authors from a variety of backgrounds contribute essays concerning the distance, historically and theologically, between the Historical Jesus and the Gospel of John. Part 1 of this book discusses the issues related to the historical and ideological context in which the the 4th Gospel was produced. Part 2 explores the possibility of oral and written sources that the 4th Evangelist may have utilized. Part 3 compares the 4th Gospel with early noncanonical literature to identify various ways in which Jesus traditions were appropriated by early Christians.

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    • Historical Jesus Question


      A natural sequel to The Historical Jesus Quest, The Historical Jesus Question offers commentary on the work and significance of the classic writers presented in the earlier volume–Spinoza, Strauss, Schweitzer, Troeltsch, Bultmann, Kasemann–and some additional comment on the work of Pannenberg. Not merely a summary discussion of these important writers, this book goes beyond to follow the implications for theology of the ongoing challenge history presents to biblical authority.

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    • Jesus Against Christianity


      “Jesus is missing,” says Nelson-Pallmeyer, assistant professor of justice and peace studies at the University of St. Thomas. The historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth has mostly disappeared from the church and from the lives of most Christians. In his place are a pathologically violent God, muddled thinking and unjust living. The real Jesus is missing or has been banished and Nelson-Pallmeyer, a scholar, activist, author and regular contributor to Sojourners magazine, wants to find him again. In this book, Nelson-Pallmeyer draws heavily on clues left by other Jesus scholars (Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, etc.) to find what was central to the life and thought of Jesus. He methodically argues that the Bible is full of contradictory and distorted images of God, and rife with stories attributing to God violence, abuse and murder. These images and tales must be jettisoned, for they conflict with the nonviolent God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, who preached and worked against the domination culture of his era. No accommodationist, Nelson-Pallmeyer cannot find any place for violence, even when exercised against evil. He is by turns prophetic and passionate, redundant and reckless. In a telling passage, Nelson-Pallmeyer jokes about reading his Bible and “crossing out the parts I don’t like.” Cast as a mystery in which Nelson-Pallmeyer discovers why and how the real Jesus disappeared, this volume is interesting, but overly defensive

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    • Who Is Jesus


      Jesus’ life and legacy provocatively told
      In Who Is Jesus? Keck clarifies the difference between the way Jesus is presented in the Gospels and the way critical historians portray him. He then explores, from four perspectives, Jesus’ contemporary moral and theological pertinence. Keck looks initially at Jesus as a first-century Jew, then considers how Jesus’ mission was energized by his grasp of the kingdom of God. He goes on to probe the meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus in light of the biblical understanding of God’s holiness, a theme largely neglected today. Keck concludes his discussion by looking at Jesus’ role in the moral life of the Christian community.

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    • Jesus Humanity And The Trinity


      “To be a witness and disciple of Jesus, every Christian has to figure out for him- or herself what Christianity is all about. . . . This book is a contribution to such an effort, understood not as a bleak and dry academic exercise but as an attempt to meet an essential demand of everyday Christian living.”
      -from the Introduction
      With simplicity and elegance, Tanner sketches a historically informed vision of the faith. Chapter 1 recovers strands of early Christian accounts of Jesus and his significance for a very different age. Chapter 2 situates Christology in a religious vision of the whole cosmos, while chapter 3 lays out the ethical and political implications of the vision. Chapter 4 speculates about the “end” of things in Christ. Tanner’s work was developed from the Scottish Journal of Theology Lectures in 1999 in Edinburgh.

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    • Jesus Then And Now


      An extraordinarily diverse collection of articles on the cutting edge of historical Jesus research, feminist and process christology, and interfaith discussion of the significance of Jesus. Jesus then and now will be of great interest to scholars and layman from many theological and ideological perspectives

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    • Many Witnesses One Lord


      William Barclay discusses the distinctive viewpoints of the writers of the books of the New Testament and their interpretation of the significance of the gospel. This reissue of an older Westminster Press title makes a welcome addition to the highly popular William Barclay Library series.

      The William Barclay Library is a collection of books addressing the great issues of the Christian faith. As one of the world’s most widely read interpreters of the Bible and its meaning, William Barclay devoted his life to helping people become more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

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    • Hearing The Whole Story


      Richard Horsley provides a sure guide for first time readers of Mark’s Gospel and, at the very same time, induces those more familiar with Mark to take a fresh look at this Gospel. From tracing the plot and sub-plot in Mark to exploring how the Gospel was first heard (as oral performance), Horsely tackles old questions from new angles. Horsely consistently and judiciously uses sociological categories and method to help readers see how Mark’s Jesus challenged the dominant order of his day.

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    • Mighty To Save


      In this study from Luke, Pastor Phillips show us themeaning and significance of the miracles of Jesus -notonly as proofs of Jesus’ person, but as content richindicators of his work for sinners -and applies theirlessons to contemporary life.

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    • I Happened Upon A Miracle


      In I Happened upon a Miracle, David McKirachan offers eighteen first-person narratives told in the voices of characters from the life of Jesus, ranging from the Christmas story through the crucifixion and resurrection. The characters include the innkeeper in Bethlehem, the little boy whose fishes and loaves fed a crowd, the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet in the house of the Pharisee, a Roman soldier on hand as Jesus drove the moneylenders from the temple in Jerusalem, and the keeper of the garden tomb. In each story we are invited into the Gospel text. We inhabit the stories, and through the voice of each teller we are drawn closer to the wonder experienced by the first witnesses of Jesus.
      This imaginative retelling of stories from the perspective of some of the supporting actors and bit players of the Gospels will prove to be an engaging resource for those seeking a fresh perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus.

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    • Fatherless In Galilee


      Fatherless in Galilee explores the stories of Jesus, who, lacking a father, called upon God to act in this paternal role. Andries van Aarde offers an explanation of the historical figure of Jesus who destroyed conventional patriarchal values by caring for fatherless children within the Palestinian society of his time. Aarde’s compelling portrait adds an entirely new dimension of historical Jesus scholarship by convincingly demonstrating that Jesus’ own experience of marginalization provided the foundation for his compassionate ministry to society’s outcasts.

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    • Christology And The New Testament


      Christology and the New Testament offers an up-to-date, comprehensive and critical survey of the whole question of the Christology of the New Testament writers. It covers recent discoveries in the area of Judaism and critiques older approaches to the subject. It looks at not only the Christological emphases of the individual writers, but offers suggestions about Jesus’ own self-understanding. It concludes with hermeneutical questions concerning the place of New Testament Christology within the contemporary theological debate.

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    • Leadership Of Jesus


      Two thousand years on, Jesus of Nazareth still attracts hundreds of millions of followers world wide. A genius for leadership is self-evident and yet John Adair, the internationally renowned author and consultant on leadership, finds that little has been said or written about this aspect of Jesus, despite the world’s hunger for visionary, inspirational leaders. Using the body of knowledge about leadership that we have today, he offers a captivating analysis of Jesus as a leader – then and now.aa’Jesus is one of the few individuals who seem somehow to rise above history, nationality, race, gender and creed – he belongs to us all. What is his contribution to that timeless yet timely leadership that the world needs today.’ John Adair in his introduction

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    • Jesus And The Fundamentalism Of His Day A Print On Demand Title


      This provocative work is certain to stir as much discussion as any book written this year. Seeking a correct understanding of Jesus’ own views on the authority of scripture, William Loader examines the ways in which the Gospel writers and their forebears portray Jesus’ use of the Law. Loader investigates each of the four Gospels as well as the major streams of tradition that stand behind them, and he offers a new perspective on the likely stance of the historical Jesus. What emerges from this fascinating study is a diverse range of interpretations of Jesus sure to spark discussion throughout the church.

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    • Historical Jesus Through Catholic And Jewish Eyes


      Modern thinkers have concluded that Jesus was primarily a magician, a Cynic philosopher, a wise teacher, and a Jewish apocalyptic prophet. Bernard Brandon Scott, Luke Timothy Johnson, Daniel Harrington, Alan Segal, and others sift through these viewpoints, giving evidence for their own personal slants.

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    • Life And Teaching Of Jesus Christ


      “Jesus wrote no autobiography. He left nothing in writing at all. He committed himself and his teaching simply to the hearts and memories of the men who knew and loved him. And they did not fail him. The four little books that we call Gospels are our primary and practically our only sources of information about the life and the words that have changed the world. We may wish the story had been told with greater fullness and detail; but we know that, short as it is, it is enough. It has given Christ to every race and age.” (excerpt from Chapter 1: The Making of the Gospels)

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    • Jesus : Everything You Need To Know To Figure Him Out


      Who was Jesus? What did he do during his lifetime? What effect has he had on history? What do people nowadays say about Jesus? The answers to questions like these and others are provided in Jesus: Everything You Need to Know to Figure Him Out, an easy-to-read compendium of facts, articles, stories, and more.

      Each entry is arranged alphabetically by topic. Want to know if Jesus ever wept? Look up “Weeping” to find each instance in scripture of Jesus weeping and his reasons for doing so. Do rock groups ever cite Jesus? See “Music” for references to Jesus in the music of artists from Simon and Garfunkel to U2. Ever wondered about Handel’s motivation for writing Messiah? Look it up and find out the story behind the composer’s interest in Christ (and his need for income!)

      Jesus: Everything You Need to Know to Figure Him Out is a delightful and engaging book that reveals fascinating information about Jesus Christ and his enduring influence today.

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    • Jesus Final Week (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Sunday: Triumphal Entry
      2. Monday: Clearing The Temple
      3. Tuesday: Teaching At The Mount Of Olives
      4. Thursday: The Last Supper
      5. Thursday: Betrayal And Arrest
      6. Friday: Trial
      7. Friday: Crucifixion
      8. Sunday: Resurrection

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      The events of Jesus’ final week of like—Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the trial, Jesus’ death and his resurrection—are foundational to our Christian lives and to our salvation. Focusing on these events day by day brings new understanding to who Jesus is and how he loves us.

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    • Jesus Resurrection Fact Or Figment


      The resurrection was the most significant event in history—or was it? Was the tomb really empty, or was it simply a collective guilt-induced vision? Join in the lively, provocative debate between a Christian philosopher/apologist and a New Testament scholar/atheist. Includes transcripts of the original Boston College debate, plus responses from four additional scholars.

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    • Escogio Los Clavos – (Spanish)


      207 Paginas

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      Detente en el Calvario. Pasa tu dedo por el madero y empuja el clavo en tu mano. Prueba el sabor del vino barato y siente el rasguno de una espina en tu frente. Toca la aterciopelada tierra, humedecida con la sangre de Dios. Permite que los instrumentos de tortura cuenten su historia. Escucha mientras te cuentan lo que Dios hizo para ganarse tu corazon.

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    • Why I Believe (Revised)


      In this powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why, Kennedy explores the foundations of the Christian faith. For new believers and seasoned Christians alike, this book will strengthen their faith by answering that all consuming question, “Why?”

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    • Charts Of The Gospels And The Life Of Christ


      Jesus Christ was both the unique Son of God — the Messiah foretold in Scripture — and a man of his time and culture. Charts of the Gospels and the Life of Christ helps you to know him better by clearly organizing the facts that surrounded his life. Whether you’re a student, pastor, teacher, or simply someone who wants to take your study of the Bible deeper, this book helps you to see Jesus from a variety of perspectives. Divided into four sections, it gives you: Overview and Distribution Charts — including Periods and Period Divisions in Christ’s life. A Harmonistic Overview of the Four Gospels, Sections Found in All Four Gospels, and more. Background Charts — Old Testament Citations in the Gospels, Sects of Judaism in Christ’s Time, The Reigns of the Herods, Roman Rulers of the Land Where Christ Lived, and more. Chronological Charts — Periods of the Life of Christ, The Major Periods of Christ’s Ministry, Christ’s Parables in the Presence/Absence of His Enemies, and more. Thematic Charts — Seven Lessons of Jesus on Discipleship, The Kingdom in the Teachings of Jesus and the Gospels, Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, and more.

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    • When Jesus Became God


      A thoroughly researched and vivid re-creation of one of the most critical periods in the history of Western religion

      The life of Jesus, and the subsequent persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire, have come to define what many of us know about early Christianity. The fervent debate, civil strife, and bloody riots within the Christian community as it was forming, however, is a story that is rarely told. Richard E. Rubenstein takes readers to the streets of the Roman Empire during the fourth century, where a divisive argument over the divinity of Jesus Christ was underway. Ruled by a Christian emperor, followers of Jesus no longer feared for the survival of their monotheistic faith, but they found themselves in different camps-led by two charismatic men-on the topic of Christian theology. Arius, an Alexandrian priest and poet, preached that Jesus, though holy, is less than God, while Athanasius, a brilliant and violent bishop, saw any diminution of Jesus’ godhead as the work of the devil. Between them stood Alexander, the powerful Bishop of Alexandria, in search of a solution that would keep the empire united and the Christian faith alive.

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    • Book Of Jesus


      Drawn from every era of history, this collection of stories, poems, essays, traditional hymns, and celebratory songs is an essential volume for all Christian libraries–and for readers of all religions interested in learning about Christ. “An impressive omnibus”.–“Baton Rouge State Times/Morning Advocate”. LG Alternate Print ads & publicity. .

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    • Ancient Love Song


      203 pages

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      This book is an extremely helpful aid to the pastor who wants to avoid the moralizing of much older preaching and the psychologizing of much modern preaching. This shows the way to preach the gospel of Christ from every part of the Bible.

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    • Miracles Of Jesus


      The Miracles of Jesus will help learners experience the miracles as part of the redemptive work of Jesus and to understand these miracles as a testimony to Jesus’ identity, as depicted in the Gospels. Included are: Jesus as a miracle-working figure, Healing as symbolic action, such as rethinking the purpose of the Sabbath, Exorcisms, “Portents” – miracle showing Jesus’ divine authority and Old Testament predecessors, such as Moses and Elijah, Miracles, or signs, in the Gospel of John, Miracles as signs of the early church, Miracles of healing and touch, and Jesus and miracles beyond the Gospels.

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    • Jesus The Sage


      In the early Jesus movement, wisdom in the person of Jesus was believed to have returned to heaven, exalted to the right hand of God, and to reign from there. But Jesus as wisdom had left both his legacy and his influence behind. The sayings of Jesus recorded in the Gospels reflect not only the influence of the Israelite wisdom traditions, but also the tradition of the personification of wisdom.

      In this provocative volume newly available in paperback, Ben Witherington provides both an introduction to Israel’s wisdom traditions and insight into how Jesus and his sayings fit in that tradition. Beyond this, he demonstrates the on-going significance and influence of these traditions on other New Testament writings. He concludes that Jesus may be viewed primarily as a prophetic sage emphasizing instruction, insight, and humor in a vein counter to the dominant culture.

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    • Jesus His Life And Teachings


      Joseph Girzone, the author who so powerfully captured the spirit of Jesus in his Joshua novels and in his bestselling A Portrait of Jesus, now brings his work to culmination with a beautiful retelling of the life and work of Jesus based on the accounts in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

      Girzone captures the greatest story ever told in language that will open the hearts of readers from all backgrounds. From the birth of the Messiah to the wedding at Cana, the Sermon on the Mount, the Passion, and the triumphant Resurrection, each episode and lesson from the life of Jesus is rendered with wisdom and freshness.

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    • Jesus Outside The New Testament


      Did Jesus actually exist? Much has been written recently on this subject, including numerous books examining the New Testament record of Jesus’ life. Now Robert Van Voorst presents and critiques the ancient evidence outside the New Testament, the Roman, Jewish, pre-New Testament, and post-New Testament writings that mention Jesus.

      This fascinating study of the early Christian and non-Christian record includes fresh translations of all the relevant texts. Van Voorst shows how and to what extent these ancient writings can be used to help reconstruct the historical Jesus.

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    • Lost Passions Of Jesus


      Exoplore with Don Milam the passions that Jesus displayed when He walked the earth. Learn from other passionate people just like you. They lived and died with one goal in mind: to follow their Lord. And when you find the burning motivations of our Lord’s life, may you too pick up the flame and light a white-hot fervor in your heart for Him!

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    • Who Is Jesus (Student/Study Guide)



      “I am the Way,” he said. “I am the Good Shepherd-the Truth, the Light, the Bread, and the Vine. I am the Resurrection and the Life. I am the Beginning and the End.” This studyguide leads you through pivotal passages-with word pictures we can all understand-to see who Jesus claimed to be.

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    • Examining The Claims Of Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      How can we evaluate the claims of Jesus? Was he just a deluded prophet of the first century? A historical character out of step with his times? Or was he really who he claimed to be-the Son of God? What were his claims? What response do his claims demand? This studyguide is for anyone who has questions about Jesus Christ.

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    • Jesus Story : The Most Remarkable Life Of All Time


      The Jesus Story is a fresh presentation of the teachings and life of Jesus, in an open and inviting manner, Johnson and Baker bid us to come and see what Jesus has done and continues to do in our world. Daily readings are offered that paraphrase different episodes of Jesus’ life from the Bible.

      Accompanying the readings are comments to help in personal reflection and interpretation. The final section answers commonly asked questions about Jesus, faith, and Christianity and offers suggestions for those who wish to pursue further exploration.

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    • Jesus And The Heritage Of Israel 1


      In the first volume of this long-anticipated collection by Moessner and Tiede, seventeen leading scholars of antiquity present an amazing “sea change” of opinion that Luke is indeed the interpreter of Israel. The book represents an unprecedented international consensus that the Hellenistic author Luke composed a carefully crafted narrative in two parts to claim Jesus of Nazareth as Israel’s true heritage and enduring legacy to the world.

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    • Meeting Jesus : 13 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      After you’ve met Jesus, you are never the same again. His teaching challenges your thinking. His compassion softens your heart. His love turns your life around. In this guide evangelist Leighton Ford will lead you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels that will open your eyes or for the first time to Jesus Christ.

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    • Historical Jesus Quest


      1. The Gospels As Fraud
      2. History And Myth
      3. Consistent Skepticism
      4. The Kingdom Of God
      5. Consistent Eschatology
      6. Rejection Of The Quest
      7. The Dialectical Theology
      8. Re-Opening The Quest

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      The possibility of finding reliable information about the life of the historical Jesus has fascinated the imagination of generations of scholars from as early as the seventeenth century. Opinion on the issue has moved in waves, coming and going along with moods of pessimism and optimism. Until now, no one has brought together a comparison of the points of view of the most influential writers about the historical Jesus.

      The Historical Jesus Quest brings together substantial extracts from the seminal works in Jesus studies over the last two centuries. The extracts are accompanied by brief introductions to each writer, helpful summaries of the central arguments of the works from which the extracts are taken, and incisive assessments of their continuing relevance to current debates. In one resource, this compendium provides the foundation upon which modern research is based and allows these great scholars_Spinoza, Troeltsch, D.F. Strauss, Wrede, Schweitzer, Kahler, Bultmann, Kasemann, and others_to speak in their own words. It is essential reading for all serious students of the Gospels and of the historical Jesus.

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    • Crucified Guru : Experiment In Cross Cultural Christology


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687100088ISBN10: 0687100089M. Thomas ThangarajBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Mind Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9780060604516ISBN10: 0060604514William BarclayBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Work Of Christ


      Introducing the insightful new book in InterVarsity’s Contours of Christian Theology series! In this latest volume, Letham broadens your understanding of Christ’s many roles as he discusses the Lord’s 3-fold office as prophet, priest, and king. Within this framework, he explores Christ and the Word of God, the nature and theories of the atonement, and more.

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    • Parables Of Jesus


      Good news for the needy. Bad news for the power brokers. Jesus came into the world announcing a new order where Satan is overthrown and broken relationships are restored. Jesus’ most vivid portraits of this new kingdom are found in the parables. David Wenham explores the splendor and subtleties of Jesus’ world-changing message, offering a nontechnical but comprehensive look at dozens of Jesus’ stories. Bringing them to life by explaining their first-century religious and social setting, Wenham never fails to illumine their significance for today.

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    • Introducing Jesus : 6 Sample Bible Studies With Leader Notes (Student/Study Guid


      IVP Print On Demand Title
      One of the most effective and proven ways to introduce people to Jesus is simply to help them read the Bible. In this handbook is all you need to start a Bible study group for people who want to know more about Christ. How to invite people, do’s and dont’s for discussion. Also included are six Bible studies you can actually use in a group with notes for the leader.

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    • Jesus : Lord And Savior


      Bruce re-examines the Biblical evidence for who Jesus was, what his ministry was like and how he related to his disciples and other Jews. He also considers in detail Jesus’ last meals, his arrest and trial, and his resurrection. Throughout the book Jesus: Lord & Savior, Bruce looks at the implications for us in recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, the incarnate Word, our Lord and Savior. We find him to be our eternal contemporary, as available to us as he was to his disciples two thousand years ago. F. F. Bruce, former Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester in England, is the author of numerous books and biblical commentaries, including THE HARD SAYINGS OF JESUS and PAUL AND HIS CONVERTS. Quotes are generally from the RSV, but also the author’s own translation. Contains chapter notes and index of biblical references.

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    • Hard Sayings Of Jesus



      257 Pages/70 Chapters

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      Like his original hearers many people today find Jesus’ sayings hard. Some sayings are hard because they are difficult to understand, others because the demands they make on us are only too clear.

      F. F. Bruce examines seventy of the hard sayings of Jesus to clear away the cultural and historical difficulties which keep us from grappling with the real challenge of Jesus’ message. Evident in each chapter is Bruce’s keen evangelical scholarship and pastoral insight.

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    • Atonement : Its Meaning And Significance


      Why is the cross the crux of Christianity? What are the meaning and significance of the atonement? The Bible uses a host of terms to illuminate the answers to these questions: covenant, sacrifice, the Day of Atonement, Passover, redemption, reconciliation, propitiation, justification. In plain English Leon Morris explains each of these words, thus opening up for students, pastors and teachers the fuller biblical dimension of God’s great salvation.

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