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    Bible Studies

    • Forgiveness Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      In his passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton shows the same insight that he brought to his popular books Why? Making Sense of God’s Will and Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. In this new book, Hamilton explores forgiveness in our relationship with God, with our spouses or romantic interests, with our parents and siblings, and with others in our lives. This comprehensive Leader Guide, when used with the DVD, provides everything you’ll need to hold a four-session study of Forgiveness with your group. Inside you’ll find session plans, discussion questions, and activities, as well as suggestions of ways to make the study a meaningful experience for any group.

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    • Luke Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Study the entire Book of Luke, beginning with a review of Jesus’ birth and boyhood and ending with him experiencing Calvary and resurrection. Some of the major ideas explored are: keys to Jesus public ministry, Jesus being recognized as the Messiah, the life of discipleship, use and abuse of power, and Jesus’s response to difficult questions. Leader Guide includes: A verse-by-verse, in-depth look at the Scriptures. Background material, including word studies and history of the biblical setting. Answers to questions asked in the Participant Book. Application of the Scripture to daily life situations. Discussion suggestions. A variety of study options. Practical tips for leaders to use. More than 3.5 million copies of the series have been sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis to Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ideas that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Leader Guide per matching Participant Book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Updated to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Each volume is 13 sessions.

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    • New Playlist Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Whether we know it or not, we are living with a playlist. Caused by schedule overload and multiple distractions, it causes stress and anxiety. There is a playlist that causes us great anxiety. Schedule overload and many distractions play into it. The playlist sounds like this: You have to do everything. You have to say “yes” to everything. You are supposed to be in all places at all times. Jesus gives us a different playlist. It says: You are supposed to do two things: love God and love your neighbor. Saying no is often the best yes. You can only be one place at a time. This book addresses the anxiety, distraction addiction, and schedule overload that result from listening to the world’s playlist and gives us permission to hear and live by Jesus’ words. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study including session plans, activities, and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

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    • Interrupting Silence : Gods Command To Speak Out (Student/Study Guide)


      Silence is a complex matter. It can refer to awe before unutterable holiness, but it can also refer to the coercion where some voices are silenced in the interest of control by the dominant voices. It is the latter silence that Walter Brueggemann explores, urging us to speak up in situations of injustice.

      Interrupting Silence illustrates that the Bible is filled with stories where marginalized people break repressive silence and speak against it. Examining how maintaining silence allows the powerful to keep control, Brueggemann motivates readers to consider situations in their lives where they need to either interrupt silence or be part of the problem, convincing us that God is active and wanting us to act for justice.

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    • Life Lessons From Romans (Student/Study Guide)


      The Max Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. This updated edition of the popular New Testament and Old Testament series will offer readers a complete selection of studies by Max Lucado. Intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, and profound reflections will bring God’s Word to life for both individuals and small-group members. Each session now includes a key passage of Scripture from both the NIV (formerly NCV) and the NKJV, and the guides have been updated to include content from Max’s recent releases (2007-2016).

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    • Life Lessons From John (Student/Study Guide)


      The Max Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. This updated edition of the popular New Testament and Old Testament series will offer readers a complete selection of studies by Max Lucado. Intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, and profound reflections will bring God’s Word to life for both individuals and small-group members. Each session now includes a key passage of Scripture from both the NIV (formerly NCV) and the NKJV, and the guides have been updated to include content from Max’s recent releases (2007-2016).

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    • Life Lessons From Luke (Student/Study Guide)


      The Max Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. This updated edition of the popular New Testament and Old Testament series will offer readers a complete selection of studies by Max Lucado. Intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, and profound reflections will bring God’s Word to life for both individuals and small-group members. Each session now includes a key passage of Scripture from both the NIV (formerly NCV) and the NKJV, and the guides have been updated to include content from Max’s recent releases (2007-2016).

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    • Life Lessons From Mark (Student/Study Guide)


      The Max Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. This updated edition of the popular New Testament and Old Testament series will offer readers a complete selection of studies by Max Lucado. Intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, and profound reflections will bring God’s Word to life for both individuals and small-group members. Each session now includes a key passage of Scripture from both the NIV (formerly NCV) and the NKJV, and the guides have been updated to include content from Max’s recent releases (2007-2016).

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    • Life Lessons From Matthew (Student/Study Guide)


      The Max Lucado Life Lessons series continues to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. This updated edition of the popular New Testament and Old Testament series will offer readers a complete selection of studies by Max Lucado. Intriguing questions, inspirational storytelling, and profound reflections will bring God’s Word to life for both individuals and small-group members. Each session now includes a key passage of Scripture from both the NIV (formerly NCV) and the NKJV, and the guides have been updated to include content from Max’s recent releases (2007-2016).

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    • Discover 10 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


      Book 10 Contains:
      * Judges 1-16
      * Psalms (various)
      * Luke 10-15
      * Romans 7-8

      Additional Info
      Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

      Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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    • Learning To Study The Bible Student Journal


      Learning to Study the Bible is an eight-week curriculum designed for tweens to help them learn the basics of biblical interpretation. The Student Journal gives tweens an opportunity to apply the tools of biblical interpretation to “texts” from pop culture, the Bible, and everyday life.
      Sessions are:
      1. Who? * Learn to identify the original author and audience * Understand your own social location and biases * Practice reading a text with the author and original audience in mind
      2. What? * Understand the significance of genre * Practice identifying genre in biblical texts
      3. When? * Understand the significance of historical context * Learn about the major social contexts of biblical texts * Practice reading Scripture contextually
      4. Where? * Learn how to utilize biblical maps * Understand the significance of geography and shifting national borders for biblical interpretation * Practice interpreting a biblical text with a geographical lens
      5. Why? * Learn about the formation of the canon * Understand the significance of a text’s changing meaning over time * Practice reading a text with multiple layers of meaning
      6. How? Close reading * Learn the value of reading texts slowly and carefully * Understand how to use study bibles and commentaries * Practice reading a short text carefully
      7. How? Side-by-side reading * Learn about the Revised Common Lectionary and its purpose * Understand how to use a concordance to cross-reference texts * Practice reading a text intra-canonically
      8. How? Lectio Divina * Learn about the ancient practice of Lectio Divina * Understand the significance of a spiritual reading of Scripture * Practice Lectio Divina individually and as a group

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    • Micah : What Does God Require Of Us


      Why Study Micah?
      1. The End Of Idolatry
      2. Oppression, Power, And Hope
      3. The Long Road To Restoration
      4. He Will Shepherd His Flock
      5. Finding Justice
      6. Who Is Like God?
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      Stephen Um takes us through the book of the prophet Micah, a book that engages with the challenge of heeding God’s call to his people to live justly, extend mercy, and use our power and influence humbly.

      Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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    • For You Are With Me


      FOR YOU ARE WITH ME: Eight Blessings Resulting from God’s Presence, A Study of Psalm 23 is based on the core passage of Psalm 23 which is “For you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me (4c). Yahweh’s presence in our lives (For you are with me) brings eight blessings. Four blessings are mentioned before the core verse (basic physical needs, spiritual needs, guidance and no fear) and another four after (protection, favor, goodness/mercy and eternal life).

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    • Surrounded By Grace (Student/Study Guide)


      Pastors love to preach about grace. The essence of the Good News, grace is unmerited favor from the all-powerful Creator of the world. There is perhaps no more satisfying message to deliver.

      But does the average churchgoer really understand what grace means for them? Is it just another “Christianese” term that fails to resonate?

      Bill Thomas’ Surrounded by Grace: A Bible Study for Lent is a tool based on the Gospel of John to help pastors, small groups and congregations answer the question of what grace is in a modern context. From the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana to his conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, Thomas uses John’s words to affirm that the Lord’s favor extends to all no matter how insignificant we see ourselves or our problems.

      Written to be utilized for individual or group study, or for worship services during the Lenten season, Surrounded by Grace encourages the imagination to ponder that there is no storm so great the Lord cannot overcome it; no pain so deep he will not sustain us through it; no death so final he will fail to resurrect us from it.

      Lessons Include:

      “Grace for Those Awkward Moments” (John 2:1-11)
      “Grace for the Broken Heart” (John 11:17-44)
      “Grace When Things Are Chaotic” (John 16:17-33)

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    • Life Changing Prayer Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this six-session video-based Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Jim Cymbala, pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle, unlocks the truths he has learned about prayer that transformed his church from a struggling inner-city congregation to a thriving community of believers who pray with passion, focus, and faith. He reveals how prayer can likewise transform your life and your church when you “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence” (Hebrews 14:1), certain in the knowledge that will meet with you, answer your requests, and extend his mercy to you. It is at the throne of grace that you will also receive power to confront your problems without anxiety, and where the Holy Spirit will gradually shape you into a person who impacts others for Christ. Prayer is the force that binds believers together, and when God’s people unite and call on his name, powerful things happen in our world.

      Sessions include:
      Session 1: The Throne of Grace
      Session 2: Receiving Mercy
      Session 3: Perfect Peace from God
      Session 4: Praying with Faith
      Session 5: God Brings the Answer
      Session 6: The Church that Prays Together

      Designed for use with the Life-Changing Prayer Video Study (sold separately).

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    • Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song Of Songs Participant Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs in this comprehensive 13-session study beginning with a look at the springs of life in the Proverbs and ending with the Song of Songs’ declaration that love is as strong as death. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: The cost of getting involved. Joy unlimited. The constancy of friendship. Time to love and to hate. The old and the new. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelation Serie is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Embracing The Uncertain


      Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as unsteady: relationships can break, plans can falter, and confidence can fail. Uncertainty can definitely be uncomfortable. Many of us prefer stability and a predictable future to an unknown fate. We are wired to want to control our destiny. The reality is that in our fast-changing, unpredictable world there are few guarantees in life. It’s those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. Embracing the Uncertain invites readers this Lent to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. The first six chapters focus on six post-Transfiguration, pre-Passion stories in the Gospels. Each of these stories are signposts in the gospel narrative, pointing down at a world filled with uncertainty, but pointing us forward to a cross that can show us how to follow Jesus with courage, hope, and obedience. Includes discussion questions that can be used in small-group Bible study session or for personal growth. A seventh chapter focuses on the resurrection of Jesus, affirming the certainty of our hope in Christ.

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    • 1-2 Kings : Gods Imperfect Servants (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of 1 & 2 Kings
      1. Solomon: Praying With God’s Values (1 Kings 3)
      2. Solomon: Faithless In Love (1 Kings 11)
      3. Jeroboam/Rehoboam: Internal Conflict (1 Kings 12)
      4. Ahab: Deaf To God (1 Kings 22:1-40)
      5. Ahaz: Faithless In Trouble (2 Kings 16)
      6. Hoshea: Idolatry’s Reward (2 Kings 17)
      7. Hezekiah: King In Crisis (2 Kings 18:1-20:21)
      8. Manasseh: One Giant Step Backward (2 Kings 20:1-21:18)
      9. Josiah: Following God’s Law (2 Kings 22:1-23:30)
      10. Zedekiah: End Of The Line (2 Kings 24:1-25:21)
      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      Some chose to follow God. Others followed only fame and fortune. They lived through times of difficulty and times of triumph, through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through discontent. This ten-session LifeGuide Bible study focuses on the character of the Kings of the Old Testament and what we can learn from them.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 120 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Journey To Jerusalem (Student/Study Guide)


      In this imaginative retelling, John Pritchard explores the Gospel of Luke by looking through the eyes of the disciple John. The Journey to Jerusalem follows Luke’s account from Luke 9:51, as Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Perfect for individual or group study, The Journey to Jerusalem provides weekday readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, along with a poem for each Saturday. Questions for reflection and discussion are also included.

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    • Job Participant Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Book of Job in this comprehensive 13-session study beginning with a look at a man named Job and ending with when God asks questions. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: Saying the right thing at the wrong time. Personal vindication and the desire for immortality. Why do the wicked live? Playing the last card. God delivers the afflicted. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Embracing The Uncertain (Large Type)


      Just turning on the news lets us know we are living in uncertain times. Economic instabilities, eruption of violence, and natural catastrophes can alter the lives and landscapes of entire communities. Our individual lives are often just as unsteady: relationships can break, plans can falter, and confidence can fail. Uncertainty can definitely be uncomfortable. Many of us prefer stability and a predictable future to an unknown fate. We are wired to want to control our destiny. The reality is that in our fast-changing, unpredictable world there are few guarantees in life. It’s those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and make the risky decision to follow Jesus despite the many “unknowns” who will reap the greatest rewards. Embracing the Uncertain invites readers this Lent to engage and wrestle with life’s uncertainties, not ignore them. The first six chapters focus on six post-Transfiguration, pre-Passion stories in the Gospels. Each of these stories are signposts in the gospel narrative, pointing down at a world filled with uncertainty, but pointing us forward to a cross that can show us how to follow Jesus with courage, hope, and obedience. Includes discussion questions that can be used in small-group Bible study session or for personal growth. A seventh chapter focuses on the resurrection of Jesus, affirming the certainty of our hope in Christ.

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    • Letter To The Romans


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      In ways that no other writing of the New Testament has achieved, the ideas expressed in the letter to the Romans have shaped formatively the whole of Christian belief. William Barclay’s fresh translation and clear exposition allows readers the chance to see the heart of Paul’s gospel.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew 2


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Ever question what may have been meant by the statement, “”You are Peter and on this rock . . .””? Are you puzzled by the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus or by his comments about moving mountains? William Barclay discusses these and many other interesting matters in this second volume of The Gospel of Matthew. With a lively translation and engaging commentary, Barclay’s comments on the latter portion of Matthew’s Gospel are great for daily readings.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew 1


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Though we find the Gospel of Matthew first in the New Testament, many scholars believe that the Gospel of Mark is older. Matthew then is often seen as an expansion of Mark, incorporating most of the content of Mark while also adding sections that contain the teachings of Jesus, such as the Sermon on the Mount, and stories about the birth and infancy of Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew presents Jesus as one who is “”God with us”” even until the end of time.

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    • Gospel Of Mark


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      In his introduction to this volume, William Barclay explains why the first three Gospels are called “”synoptic,”” how they came to be written, and why many scholars believe that Mark was the first. Barclay’s interpretation of the Gospel is full of wisdom, and it offers clear and captivating insight from beginning to end. Having picked up one section to study, the reader will find it difficult to stop reading until the whole volume is completed.

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    • Gospel Of Luke


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      With a historian’s precision, Luke’s Gospel shows painstaking care both in detail and in expression. Of equal distinction is the universal appeal of the Gospel. William Barclay’s insightful comments help each of us to see the infinitude of God’s love through Luke’s eyes.

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    • Gospel Of John 2


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Markedly different from the other gospels, The Gospel of John avoids the pithy phrases that identify Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Johns thorough and winning, yet confrontational, style is part of the reason that this gospel is considered to be so important within the New Testament. In this second volume of commentary on John, William Barclay explores this gospels implicit statements and clarifies meaning. Often referred to as the spiritual gospel, it is the book on which, above all, people feed their minds and nourish their hearts, and in which they rest their souls.

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    • Gospel Of John 1


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      “”The Gospel according to Saint John is to many people the most precious book in the Bible,”” writes William Barclay. In order to help uncover the tremendous wealth of this Gospel, Barclay has provided his own unique translation of the text, a detailed commentary, and a comprehensive introduction. This new edition will help bring the book in which “”many people find themselves closer to God and to Jesus Christ than in any other book in the world”” closer to home and freshly relevant for today’s readers.

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    • Acts Of The Apostles


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclays brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      In this volume, William Barclay discusses among other things the plan in Acts, Luke’s skill as a historian, the accuracy of his sources, and the honesty with which he uses them. Full of unique insights and little-known information about the background of the early Church, this volume again displays Barclay’s great ability for clear and perceptive expression.

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    • Walking The Journey Of Lent Cycle B


      What does the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial have to do with Lent?

      Richard Gribble, CSC offers the image of this loveable alien stranded on a world that does not accept him to remind us that we, too, are separated from our true home. E.T.’s urge to “phone home” is one to which we can all relate.

      The Lenten season is a time to “retune our communication system” in an earnest effort to seek God, holding on to hope no matter the trials that come our way. Though we face struggle and even death, the promise of the Lenten season is new life and a return to the home where we truly belong.

      Each lesson in Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B is bolstered by opening and closing prayers, contextual scripture and discussion questions.

      Lessons Include:

      “Coming Home” for Ash Wednesday
      “The Paradox of Death” for Palm Sunday
      “Filling Ourselves with Christ” for Easter

      “What I find most valuable is Fr. Gribble’s ability to find contemporary books or figures or situations that make his reflections quite concrete and easy to understand. It is an enviable gift for a homilist.” – Fr. Bill Williams, Pastor of St. Peter Parish, Plymouth, MA

      “Through his use of real-life stories, engaging reflections, thought-provoking discussion questions, and opening and concluding prayers for each week, Fr. Gribble leads us to the conclusion of Lent where Jesus unchains us from the bondage of sin and we find theglory to which suffering leads us. Fr. Gribble’s booklet will enhance the Lenten spiritual journeyof anyone seeking healing and new life in the risen Christ.” – Fr. Jim Fenstermaker, C.S.C., Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Easton, MA

      “If you are looking to deepen your relationship with the Lord this Lent, look no further. Walking the Journey of Lent is a perfect tool to use. Fr. Rick’s questions will helpyou to move towards action, change of self, or ministry to others. You cannot help but grow spiritually by reading thisbook. I can’t wait for Lent!” – Fr. Joseph K. Raeke, Pastor of Christ the King, Our Lady of Lourdes &Saint Edith Stein Parishes, Brockton, MA

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    • Discover 9 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


      Book 9 Contains:
      * Joshua 1-14
      * Luke 1-2
      * Luke 3-9
      * Romans 5-6

      Additional Info
      Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

      Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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    • 2 Samuel : The Fall And Rise Of The King (Student/Study Guide)


      Why Study 2 Samuel?
      1. The Mess Of History (chs 1 – 4)
      2. God In God’s City (5 – 6)
      3. Father And Son (7 – 10)
      4. The Fall (11 – 12)
      5. The Rise And Fall Of Absalom (13 – 20)
      6. My Rock And My Shepherd (21 – 24)
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      2 Samuel is the story of the rise, fall, and rise of King David, Israel’s greatest King. It is also the story of the rule, forgiveness and promise of Israel’s God. And as we look at David, we see shadows of Israel’s greatest King-his descendant, Christ Jesus.

      These six studies will bring this part of the Old Testament alive for small groups, showing them the joy of living under the loving rule of the ultimate Shepherd King.

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    • Revelation Of John 2 (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

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    • Letters To The Philippians Colossians And Thessalonians (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Here are William Barclay’s offerings on Paul’s letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Though written to the faithful in years gone by, Paul’s words come to life for readers today through Barclay’s own translation and enlightening commentary.

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    • Letters To The Galatians And Ephesians (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians to refute a belief that restricted God’s grace alone to those who followed Jewish ritualistic law. In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul was more meditative and poetic in his style as he wrestled with problems of good and evil to present that unity will be achieved ultimately when all things are gathered together in Christ. Here William Barclay offers his own translations of these texts, as well as insightful commentaries.

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    • Hagar : Rediscovering The God Who Sees Me


      You are “The God Who Sees Me.”

      Discover a close relationship with God-no matter the pain or suffering in your life. Witness the depths of God’s compassion through the eyes of Hagar, a runaway slave who meets the living God in a desert of despair, where she gives Him the name El Roi, “The God Who Sees Me.” A largely forgotten Old Testament character, Hagar is actually one of only a few people who have ever spoken directly with the LORD.

      Through this seven week study, you will find that when you surrender your life into God’s hands, your trials and triumphs serve a magnificent purpose: to draw you into the arms of the faithful God who sees you.

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    • Revelation Of John 1 (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

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    • Letters To The Corinthians (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Corinth was not only one of the most flourishing commercial centers of the ancient world but also a symbol of vile debauchery. “In this hotbed of vice,” writes William Barclay, “some of the greatest work of Paul was done.” In his endearing, simple, and illustrative manner, Barclay shows how the message that Paul communicated to the Corinthians continues to help us who live today in the midst of twenty-first century temptations.

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    • Letters To Timothy Titus And Philemon (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      These oft-neglected New Testament books deal with topics that should be of great interest to today’s readers. As with his other books and about which millions of readers can testify, William Barclay displays a remarkable writing talent that combines a profound mastery of the ancient languages with the wider conversation of secular literature and a deep devotion to scripture

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    • Letters Of John And Jude (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      The letters of John and Jude deal with heretical teachings within the early church. Here William Barclay uses his characteristically approachable writing style to offer fresh translations and compelling commentary on these texts.

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    • Letters Of James And Peter (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      Though located in the back part of the New Testament canon, these letters are nonetheless vitally important. As with all of his writings, William Barclay combines both his charm of style and his thoroughgoing scholarship in this volume.

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    • Letter To The Hebrews (Revised)


      For more than fifty years and for millions of readers around the world, the New Daily Study Bible commentaries have been the ideal help for both devotional and serious Bible study. William Barclay’s brilliant communication, down-to-earth approach, and sheer enthusiasm have inspired generations of readers. These new editions contain a new foreword from renowned theologian and author Alister McGrath, along with updated language to clarify less familiar illustrations from the originals and the inclusion of more contemporary language.

      At first glance, the letter to the Hebrews can seem difficult to comprehend, but William Barclay believed “that no New Testament book gives us such a glorious picture of Jesus Christ in all the splendor of his manhood and in all the majesty of his deity.” So, amplified by Barclay’s keen and vibrant commentary, this ancient letter emerges from apparent obscurity to be a vital resource of encouragement for Christians today.

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    • Is Jesus Worth It


      Find Hope and Help for Trials and Testing

      When you realize there’s nowhere to go but into the arms of Jesus, you’re in good company. Stacey Thacker, author of Fresh Out of Amazing, knows what it’s like to feel closed in and worn out. She invites you to join her in exploring the refreshment awaiting every weary soul in the book of Hebrews. In these pages, you will…
      *understand how Jesus advocates for you so you can embrace courage in suffering
      *learn how to take God at His Word so you can rest rather than worry
      *examine stories of faithful followers that will inspire you to persevere, not retreat

      When times get tough, your heart might ask, “Is Jesus worth it?” Come hear the resounding yes ringing through every verse of Hebrews.

      The Girlfriend’s Guide to the Bible series offers fresh, friendly, and faith-renewing wisdom on specific books of the Bible-perfect for individuals and women’s groups alike.

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    • Matthew Participant Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Book of Matthew in this comprehensive 13-session study that follows Jesus from His birth through His life to His death and resurrection. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: Dreams. Do not fear. Lord, help me! Write your own parable. This cup is My blood of the covenant. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Psalms Participant Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Book of Psalms in this comprehensive 13-session study beginning with a look at the hymns of praise and ending with the Psalms of confidence. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: God is the Creator of all. What does the Lord require of me? The diversity of the Psalms. Responses to crisis. The use of Psalms in worship. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Acts Student Book (Large Type)


      Study the entire Book of Acts in this comprehensive 13-session study begins with the mission to the world and ends with Paul’s journey to Rome. Some of the major ideas explored in this Book of the Bible are: A Gospel that cannot be contained. Divine initiative and human responsibility. The subtle work of the Holy Spirit. What holds us together? The plight of theology in a cynical world. More than 3.5 million copies of the series sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis To Revelations Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ides that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Includes maps and glossary with key pronunciation helps. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Teacher book per matching student book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Update to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66.

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    • Fresh Expressions : A New Kind Of Methodist Church For People Not In Church


      A wave of new Christian churches are emerging to reach unchurched and dechurched people who live in a culture that is increasingly non-religious and multi-religious. These new forms of church gather and network with people who typically have never been to church. The new faith communities listen to people and go where they are on the journey toward Jesus. They are deeply ecumenical but do not lose their distinctiveness because they learn fresh ways to communicate their identity through discipleship. Fresh Expressions began in the United Kingdom where it ignited over 3000 new faith communities. In the United States the movement is putting down roots in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Ken Carter and Audrey Warren offer this book as a group study for church leaders and congregations who are in the grip of Holy Spirit motivation to renew their tradition by reaching people who are dechurched or not yet in a discipleship relationship with Jesus. Each chapter includes two Bible study experiences for group conversation.

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    • Crash Test Dummies (Student/Study Guide)


      You’ve seen them, haven’t you? They ride in the front seats of expensive cars and drive headlong into a brick wall. And then they do it again. And again. They’re crash test dummies. Why do they keep doing the same dumb thing over and over again? Or maybe a better question is, why do we? In this study on the Book of Judges, author Talbot Davis explores the stories of the judges from the perspective of the Israelite’ repeated failure to be faithful to God alone. Through his creative, quirky angle on the book, Davis highlights how the Israelites in Judges made the same mistake of apostasy over and over again. Each time God delivered them, they eventually fell back into the predictable, tragic pattern. As he explores each judge’s story, Davis invites readers to consider the shape that patterns of sin take in our lives, and how God seeks to free us from them and empower us for faithful living. Readers will come to know the Book of Judges and its central characters more deeply, and they will come to appreciate this biblical book as a source of wisdom for living well. Discussion questions and a practical focus for each week will also accompany each chapter.

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    • Christmas Gifts That Wont Break Childrens Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Go on an Advent journey with beloved teacher and storyteller James W. Moore, exploring the spirit of Christmas. As you light the candles of your Advent wreath, reflect on the unbreakable gifts that God has given us: hope, love, joy, and peace. And remember God’s greatest gift, who comes to us as a baby and leads us through all the days of our lives. The Children’s Leader Guide contains session plans for younger and older children, including games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts.

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    • God Remembered Rachel (Student/Study Guide)


      The women of the Old Testament are brought to life afresh in this compelling and sensitive retelling of their stories in a feminist and Christian context. Williams both celebrates affirming texts and tackles the challenge of difficult ones. Her wide-ranging treatment of varied stories about very different women reveal the rich tapestry of interweaving texts about women contained in the Old Testament and the patriarchal agendas that shaped them. Whilst they belong to a different time, culture and set of values, Williams draws out their evergenerative capacity to afford us insight for today’s church and world’ Katharine Dell, Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology, University of Cambridge ‘Some of these texts delight, some horrify, and some perplex, but under Williams careful tutelage we are challenged to reflect afresh on how it is these texts continue to address us today’ David G. Firth, Lecturer in Old Testament and Director of Research, St John’s College Nottingham.

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