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    Bible Studies

    • Deuteronomy


      In his perceptive commentary, a part of the Daily Study Bible series, David F. Payne helps readers see the importance of this pivotal biblical book and guides them in applying its message to today’s world.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Ezra Nehemiah And Esther


      Set in the Persian Empire, one of the greatest kingdoms the world has ever known, the stories contained in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah provide the most comprehensive scriptural account of the restored Judean community after the Babylonian exile. The book of Esther is also set in the Persian period of Israel’s history, although the concern is for a different community.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Joshua-Ruth


      The three books considered in this volume constitute the principal biblical witness to Israel’s early history. According to A. Graeme Auld, “they tell the story of how under Joshua the land was first taken by Israel and then apportioned to her various tribes. They tell how after Joshua there was a long period of ups and downs; of religious apostasy within the community and repeated harassment from abroad answered by a series of divinely impelled ‘Judges’ or ‘Deliverers.’ They offer some samples of life in Israel, ‘in the days when the Judges ruled’ or ‘when there was not yet a king in Israel.'”

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Isaiah 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218126ISBN10: 0664218121Editor: John SawyerBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1984Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • To Walk And Not Grow Weary (Student/Study Guide)


      NavPress Print On Demand Title

      When your resources are at low ebb, you’re susceptible to depression-and none of us is fully exempt from its inner grip. You may be struggling to stay above water, all the time fighting off factors from within and without-emotional fatigue, loneliness, discouragement, pressure to succeed, oppressive guilt, circumstances you can’t change.
      Take heart! Scripture shows us that men and women of God have gone through the same depressing circumstances that plague us today-yet they triumphed through God’s grace. To Walk and Not Grow Weary contains twelve Bible studies that present cameos of God’s people under pressure. You’ll learn how to identify human problems and welcome God’s solutions in chapters such as:
      * Job-When the Lights Go Out
      * David-Dealing with Guilt
      * Jesus-How to Handle Rejection
      * Barnabas-Encouraging Others:

      The Alternative to Self-preoccupation Let God renew your strength as you place your hope in Him. He has promised that you will “soar on wings like eagles … run and not
      grow weary … walk and not be faint.”

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    • 12 Prophets 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218102ISBN10: 0664218105Editor: Peter CraigieBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 1984Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 1-2 Chronicles


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218119ISBN10: 0664218113Gordon McConvilleBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 1984Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Life Of Jesus Christ


      Many biographies of Christ’s life have been published through the years, but most have lasted only a short time. This volume, first printed in 1880, continues to be in demand. The Life of Jesus Christ is known in every English-speaking country and has been translated into many foreign languages. The reasons for its continued success are not hard to find. The details of Christ’s life are presented in a clear and flowing style and are molded into an easily comprehended whole. Doctrinally sound, vivid in detail, as authentic as study and research can make it, this work will long hold the place it won when first written by this noted Scottish theologian. Chapter titles are: – The Birth, Infancy, and Youth of Jesus – The Nation and the Time – The Final Stages of His Preparation – The Year of Obscurity – The Year of Public Favor – The Year of Opposition – The End Hints for Teachers and Questions for Pupils conclude this work.

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    • Isaiah 1 : Chapters 1-32


      This prophetic Old Testament book begins by telling the reader that it is the “vision” of Isaiah. The use of the word “vision,” John F. A. Sawyer explains, conveys to the reader that regardless of when the prophet lived, “his ‘words’ go beyond the immediate historical circumstances of his day.” Sawyer argues that we as modern readers also are being addressed.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • 12 Prophets 1 (Revised)


      Taken together, the Twelve Prophets offer a panoramic view of Israel’s religion during one of the most critical periods in the Israelites’ history. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah are the figures considered in this first of Peter C. Craigie’s two-volume work. Although differing in substance as well as style, these prophetic books are united in their common purpose: the declaration of the word of God to the people of God.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • 1-2 Chronicles


      Taking a look at the setting, form, and content of I and II Chronicles, J. G. McConville describes how these two often neglected books present God’s purpose for his people at a crucial time in their history–the period of restoration after the Exile.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Psalms 2


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218089ISBN10: 0664218083Editor: George KnightBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1983Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Jeremiah 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664213947ISBN10: 0664213944Editor: Robert DavidsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1983Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • He That Is Spiritual


      Few books have been more warmly received by Bible teachers and students. He That is Spiritual defines true Christian living and unfolds the biblical teaching concerning spirituality — what it is, and how it is secured. Nothing could be more important to Christians than the theme of this book. Its sound teaching corrects many false impressions and presents a scriptural pattern for the full life in Christ.

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    • Ezekiel


      The Daily Study Bible is designed to be a scholarly but readable series of commentaries on the Old Testment. This is the companion set of texts for the Barclay’s New Testament commentaries. These texts are written by conservative scholars and focus on the authority of the scriptures. This commentary on Ezekiel is done by Peter Craigie. It begins with an introduction to the book, discussing the person of Ezekiel and the message conveyed by this book. The following text gives a verse by verse interpretation of Ezekiel, opening up its meaning to the reader.

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    • Numbers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664213930ISBN10: 0664213936Editor: Walter RiggansBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 1983Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Psalms 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218058ISBN10: 0664218059Editor: George KnightBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 1983Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Herod Antipas : A Contemporary Of Jesus Christ


      Originally published by Cambridge University Press in the Monograph Series of the Society for New Testament Studies, Dr. Hoehner’s work has been widely acclaimed for its scholarly reconstruction of Herod Antipas’ political career.

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    • Chemistry Of The Blood


      The Chemistry of the Blood is one of Dr. M. R. De Haan’s most widely read books. In it, his scientific background is uniquely combined with his skillful exposition of Scripture to correlate Scripture and science. In addition to the title chapter on The Chemistry of the Blood, Dr. De Haan also discusses such intriguing themes as “The Chemistry of Tears,” “The Chemistry of the Bible,” “The Chemistry of Man,” and other striking truths.

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    • Jeremiah 1 : Chapters 1-20 (Student/Study Guide)


      More than any other prophet, Jeremiah struggled to understand God’s will for him and for the people of God. This volume on the first twenty chapters of Jeremiah recounts the story of this poet-prophet and opens up for the reader one of the most personal books of the Old Testament.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Psalms 2 : Chapters 73-150


      In presenting the last half of the Psalter, George A. F. Knight discusses the meaning of the Psalms in the Old Testament, their application in the New Testament, and their challenge for today’s readers. Psalms 73 to 150 belong to the later period of Israel’s experience of God’s steadfast love, recalling the story of how ordinary, sinful people responded in both faith and denial to God’s actions. Now, reflecting on the Psalms with the help of this exciting commentary, the reader can glimpse the total pattern of God’s redemptive plan as it unfolded and as it has continued throughout history.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today

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    • Numbers


      Although the name of the book of Numbers derives from the lists and census data contained therein, Walter Riggans shows that this biblical book, rich in content, is best understood in the context of the Pentateuch as a whole. In this incisive commentary, the author describes the people of Israel during their trials in the wilderness, throughout the period of adjustment, and into the time of settlement. He illustrates that the underlying theme of Numbers is the gracious providence of the Lord who cares for Israel in spite of constant rebellion by the people and their leaders.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Ezekiel


      This illuminating study enables the reader to better understand the vocation and message of an extraordinary prophet. The message Ezekiel delivered to the people of Babylon centered on the holiness of God. Even though he foretold doom and judgement, the prophet held out the promise of hope, based on the continuing mercy and forgiveness of God.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • 1-2 Samuel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218065ISBN10: 0664218067Editor: David PayneBinding: Cloth TextPublished: November 1982Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 4 Views Of Christ Print On Demand Title


      1. Matthew’s View
      2. Mark’s View
      3. Luke’s View
      4. John’s View
      5. The Common Testimony
      127 Pages

      Additional Info
      In this book Dr. Jukes squarely faces and effectively deals with the problem of the differences which characterize the four Gospels. Viewing these differences as what one might expect when four different eyewitnesses testify concerning an event, Andrew Jukes goes on to demonstrate that they are further accounted for by the fact that each author had a distinct and specific purpose in view in writing his account.

      Each Gospel is examined, its specific purpose fully discussed and its contents ably amplified. In the process, a wealth of information is presented which is both informative and inspirational.

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    • Exodus


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218034ISBN10: 0664218032Editor: H.L. EllisonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: August 1982Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Genesis


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218041ISBN10: 0664218040John GibsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 1982Daily Study Bible # 2Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Tabernacle In The Wilderness


      Manufactured On Demand Title

      While the Old Testament presents many types of the person and work of Christ, few are as detailed and as instructive as the Tabernacle, the offerings, and the priesthood. John Ritchie’s classic study illuminates a richly rewarding area of Old Testament studies.

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    • 1-2 Samuel : Print On Demand Title


      The books of Samuel present a drama in which the principal players are the God of Israel, the prophet Samuel, and the first kings of Israel, Saul and David. In his masterful commentary David F. Payne shows that this Old Testament book combines history and theology as it narrates Samuel’s virtues, Saul’s defeats, and David’s successes in relation to God’s activities during an important phase in the life of Israel.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Genesis 2


      In this second of two volumes on the book of Genesis, John Gibson examines epics of faith as portrayed primarily by Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. He considers the dramatic stories of Genesis in their historical context, relates them to the New Testament, and shows their applicability to today’s church. Illustrated by maps, with suggestions for further reading, this companion to Genesis, Volume 1, also by Gibson, makes the happenings in Genesis as relevant to today’s men and women as they were to the people of ancient times.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Psalms 1 : Chapters 1-72


      For George A. F. Knight, reading the Psalms is a “glorious and exciting experience.” Writing in this spirit, he captures the beauty of these timeless hymns of praise and conveys both their original meaning and their application for today. Knight show how these songs of salvation speak as eloquently for today’s men and women as they did for the first of God’s Chosen People.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Exodus


      “Exodus,” writes H. L. Ellison, “is in many ways one of the most important and spiritually interesting books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of how God freed his people from Egypt and bound them to himself by a covenant. We are given insight into how this link with God modified the people’s traditional law, how God’s grace reacted to a broken covenant, and how we should approach God in worship.”

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Daniel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218003ISBN10: 0664218008Editor: D.S. RussellBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 1981Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Genesis


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664218010ISBN10: 0664218016Editor: John Gibson | John GibsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1981Daily Study Bible # 1Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Leviticus


      George A.F. Knight’s contribution to The Daily Study Bible Series is a commentary that demonstrates the high value of Leviticus for Christians. It is written in a style that is accessible to lay people, while maintaining usefulness for advanced students as well. Knight argues that many elements of orthodox theology, such as the meaning of the atonement, the nature of the People of God, and others have their origin in Leviticus. He further asserts that a proper biblical theology is an Old Testament theology. Thus, for Knight, Leviticus is a very important book, that should no longer be ignored by the Church. The commentary is written from a moderately critical perspective, but there will be much that is useful to those from many other perspectives.

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    • Genesis 1


      In this first of two volumes on the book of Genesis, John Gibson–Old Testament General Editor of the Daily Study Bible–offers a probing investigation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. He provides a perceptive verse-by-verse and even word-by-word examination of the well-known Genesis stories of creation, the garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, and the Tower of Babel.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Leviticus


      Do the ancient rules and regulations of Leviticus have anything to say to Christians today? In this compelling examination of Leviticus, George A. F. Knight demonstrates the validity and importance of this book for our faith.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Daniel


      “Daniel,” writes D. S. Russell, “is a fascinatiing book which speaks as profoundly to our day as it did to the day it was first written. Its message declared unequivocally that the sovereign Lord God was in control not only of history but also of the end of history.” An exciting demonstration of trust and devotion, Daniel offers a positive message of hope and reassurance for the people of God in every age.

      Carrying forward brilliantly the pattern established by Barclay’s New Testament series, the Daily Study Bible has been extended to cover the entire Old Testament as well. Invaluable for individual devotional study, for group discussion, and for classroom use, the Daily Study Bible provides a useful, reliable, and eminently readable way to discover what the Scriptures were saying then and what God is saying today.

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    • Lessons On Assurance (Student/Study Guide)


      LESSONS ON ASSURANCE presents short Bible studies on five basic promises God gives to Christians, assurance of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. Each study concentrates on a Bible passage which presents one of God’s promises. As you meditate on these five passages and compare them with other Scripture, you’ll want to memorize and make them part of your life.

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    • Laying The Foundation


      Here is a solid catechism for Christians who realize the need to become more thoroughly grounded in their faith. It’s a serious attempt to achieve a radically biblical formulation without trying to defend any particular tradition, Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise. It covers:

      – Repentance from Dead Works
      – Faith toward God
      – Doctrine of Baptisms
      – Laying on of Hands
      – Resurrection of the Dead
      – Eternal Judgment

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    • Marks Story Of Jesus


      This book is designed to introduce the reader to a single coherent story, Mark’s story of Jesus’ life and death. From a literary perspective the reader is therefore advised to approach the Markan story as he or she would any other story: to read the whole story from beginning to end, to observe the characters and the interplay among them, to watch for the author’s clues regarding the plot, to discern the plot development, to identify scenes of crisis and recognition, and to view the story’s resolution in the light of its antecedent logic.

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    • Tabernacle


      12 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The tabernacle in the wilderness, which became the center of all worship of the children of Israel during their journeying, was designed by God Himself in heaven. It was a perfect replica of something that already existed before; it is a picture, a type, and a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ, where God meets man, and where deity and humanity meet in one person.

      Every detail of the tabernacle points to some aspect of the person and work of our Savior. Then the tabernacle becomes, secondarily, a picture of the believer. Thirdly, it provides a complete picture of the plan of salvation.

      It is an inexhaustible subject. Within the pages of this book, the three pictures of Christ, the believer, and the plan of salvation are drawn with stimulating and expressive words to emphasize the message of “‘Christ in us, the hope of glory.'”

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    • Study Of Angels (Revised)


      As a believer, you know they exist. In Hebrews 13:2 you are told that you may entertain them without knowing it. They helped announce the birth of Christ, and one appeared to strengthen Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

      Who are these intriguing, powerful warriors and servants of God the Bible calls angels? You’ve always wanted to know more about them, and now you can. In this revised edition, Edward Myers digs deeper than ever into the biblical clues of this wonderful mystery. This is fascinating and informative reading that will help you realize that you are not alone in this world.

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    • Letter To The Hebrews


      In The Letter to the Hebrews, noted Scottish Bible interpreter William Barclay follows the formula of the Daily Study Bible by first giving the text of the day’s study in his own translation, followed by two or three pages of commentary.

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    • Letters Of James And Peter


      In the Letters of James and Peter, noted Scottish Bible interpreter William Barclay follows the formula of the Daily Study Bible by first giving the text for the day’s study in his own translation, and two or three pages of commentary.

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    • Historical Tradition In The Fourth Gospel


      In his sequel to The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, the author returns to his topic of study to examine the strain of common tradition on which the unknown author worked.

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    • How God Deals With Evil


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664241278ISBN10: 0664241271W. Sibley TownerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1976Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Types In Genesis


      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Andrew Jukes presents a fscinating look at the many figures of spiritual truth in the book of Genesis. He shows that these figures contain spiritual insights for Christian living and for understanding the ways of God more fully. In the preface Jukes states,”Many are aware that the Books of Moses deal largely in typical representations, that is, figures of spiritual things, both facts and doctrines, of the Christian dispensation. We cannot read St. Paul without percieving that he saw far more in Genesis than a mere letter.”

      The Rev. David M. Jones observes that Types in Genesis “is not to be examined for history…It is spiritual. It’s the reading of events and applying to them also a spiritual meaning. Types In Genesis, at this level, has no rival in my library.”

      Here is a book with spiritual warmth and depth. The pastor, student, and layperson alike will find many helpful insights in this classic work.

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    • Letters To Timothy Titus And Philemon


      This volume of The Daily Study Bible series will be especially welcomed because the four New Testament books included in it are too often neglected in favor of those which deal more directly with the development of doctrine. Actually, the two letters to Timothy and those to Titus and Philemon posses an interest that is quite unique to church people of today. I and II Timothy and Titus, which are known as the Pastoral Epistles, deal with extremely practical matters of church management and personal conduct: morals and decorum, the necessity for preserving the faith in all its purity, the combating of heresy, the place of women in the church, clothing, church organization and the functions of officers in church government, the proper handling of money. The little book of Philemon is the only private letter of Paul that we possess. It tells the romantic story of the runaway slave Onesimus, who as Dr. Barclay shows, may have become, some fifty years laer, the great bishop of Ephesus. As in other volumes of the series the passages are broken up into units for convenient daily reading, each unit consisting of translation and commentary. As his millions of readers know, Dr. Barclay is a remarkable writer, combining profound scholarship, mastery of New Testament Greek, wide acquaintance with secular literature upon which he draws freely, deep personal devotion, and a gracious informal style.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew 1


      In volume 1 of The Gospel of Matthew, William Barclay follows the format established for the Daily Study Bible of giving first the text for each day’s study followed by two or three pages of commentary.

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