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    Bible Studies

    • Friendship : Growing Side By Side (Student/Study Guide)


      Carolyn Nystrom leads you through twelve inductive studies to discover what the Bible teaches about friendship. As you dig into the stories of friends like David and Jonathan or Ruth and Naomi, you will experience the riches of godly friendship for yourself.

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    • Angels : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Angels, 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups was written to help you discover for yourself what the Bible says about these marvelous beings. Thirty-four of the Bible’s sixty-six books talk about angels in detail. Every New Testament writer confirms their existence. Jesus himself referred to angels as real beings who were involved in every realm of human activity. Each study includes an introduction, an opening discussion question, personal reflection, study questions, a prayer suggestion, leader’s notes, and more.

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    • Jesus The Reason (Student/Study Guide)


      James W. Sire invites you to meet Jesus by digging deep into the Bible. You’ll discover what Jesus did and said. And you’ll be encouraged to decide what place Jesus has in your life today.

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    • End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you wonder about the “end times”–when it will come? What it will be like? What will happen to you? As R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times, you’ll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future–whatever it holds.

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    • Couples Of The Old Testament (Student/Study Guide)


      In the Old Testament there are arranged marriages, fiercely loving marriages, enduring marriages, an instant marriage, a coerced marriage and a perfect marriage–until the couple blew it! Dale and Dandy Larsen lead you to dig deeper into these relationships highlighted in the Bible to learn important lessons about marriage, God and yourself.

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    • XTB Issue 7


      Days 1-20 Follow On In Mark’s Gospel, Looking At Chs 8-12
      The Book Of Judges Gets The Treatment Over Days 21-40 Looking At Chs 1-8
      Days 41-45 Take A Little Look At Some Psalms
      Judges Again – Chs 13-16 – Over Days 46-55
      On Day 56 We Meet Ruth And Cover Her Whole Story Until Day 64
      There’s A Quick Look Into Matthew’s Gospel To Find Out Who Ruth Is Related To.
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here And Some Budding Comedians Try Their Hand At Making You Laugh (or Groan) On The XTB Joke Page.

      Additional Info
      Zoom in on Judges and Ruth

      Take a closer look at Mark and Psalms.

      See how God always keeps his promises.

      Issue Seven of XTB is called Heroes & Zeros. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, to check out the book of Judges to see if the Israelites will live for God now that they’re in the promised land, and to meet Ruth – King David’s great grandmother.

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    • Saving Grace


      Ron Lavin says that we desperately need to re-examine and return to the basics of the Christian faith — and what better source of inspiration is there than the word of God and the sacraments, God’s holy pipelines from heaven?

      In the latest installment of his popular Another Look series, Lavin explores God’s Word, baptism, and communion, and demonstrates that far from being meaningless rituals, they are extremely relevant for modern living. Weaving together time-tested biblical truths with a series of vignettes about Grace Livingstone, a fictional character who is a typical church “outsider,” Lavin illustrates how faithful proclamation of the Word and celebration of the sacraments can be effective tools for evangelism and outreach. The ups and downs of Grace’s life, and her need for the Word and sacraments, are sure to resonate with you.

      Structured in three four-session sets, Saving Grace is an ideal group study resource — each chapter includes a “digging deeper” section plus stimulating discussion questions, and there are tips to assist small group leaders. Saving Grace is also great for new member or adult Sunday school classes, personal meditation, and sermon preparation.

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    • 30 Days Through Psalms And Proverbs


      Harvest House Print on Demand Title

      ” Reading the Psalms and Proverbs is no academic exercise. It is a life-changing experience. Rules are hard to keep, and practical advice is hard to follow. Therefore God has called us into a relationship with Himself.LaGard Smith In a chapter for each day”

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    • XTB Issue 1


      The First 15 Days Look At Acts, Chs 1-4.
      Days 16-29 Make A Start In Genesis, Chs 1-9.
      Day 30 Takes A Little Look At Hebrews 11:7, Relevant To Genesis.
      Day 31 Starts Matthew And Continues To Day 50, Ending In Ch 7.
      Day 51 Picks Up In Genesis Again And Covers Chs 12-22 Over 14 Days.
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.

      Additional Info
      Investigate the beginning of everything in the book of Genesis.

      Zoom in on Matthew and Acts to discover who Jesus is and why He came.

      See how God always keeps his promises.

      Issue One of XTB is called The Book of Beginnings and will help you investigate the beginning of the universe, the beginning of the early church and the beginning of Jesus’ life and teaching on earth – plus you get free Stickers!

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    • Abraham : Hearing Gods Call (Student/Study Guide)


      God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the starts. Abraham chose to believe God, embarking on a lifelong journey of faith. God, makes promises to us as well. By studying Abraham, you too can learn to listen to, obey and trust the God who always keeps his promises.

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    • Joshua And The Flow Of Biblical History


      The book of Joshua brings to life real history during the crucial period of transition for the Israelites as they settle in the promised land and follow God’s direction to found a nation. Modern readers will understand the need for discipline in the face of their new found freedom, the responsibilities of living as a covenant people, and the necessity of continuity while adapting to change.
      Frances Schaeffer’s series of sermons about Joshua and the flow of biblical history stretch readers’ minds to understand the historic, spiritual, and intellectual nourishment available for the Christian life through the examples of Joshua and his fellow Israelites. They will also inspire readers to see the hand of God present in all of history, including today.

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    • Colossians Remixed


      In this innovative and refreshing book, Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat explain our own sociocultural context to then help us get into the world of the New Testament and get a sense of the power of the gospel as it addressed those who lived in Colossae two thousand years ago.

      Their reading presents us with a radical challenge from the apostle Paul for today. Drawing together biblical scholarship with a passion for authentic lives that embody the gospel, this ground breaking interpretation of Colossians provides us with tools to subvert the empire of our own context in a way that acknowledges the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

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    • Joseph : How God Builds Character (Student/Study Guide)


      Joseph faced hard times–more than once. He was sold into slavery by his brothers. He spent years imprisoned because of a false accusation. And yet Joseph was able to live in forgiveness and hope, and God did great things in his life every step of the way. Paul Borthwick invites you to explore Joseph’s story as a way toward discovering how God’s dream might be fulfilled in and through you.

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    • What Jesus Did


      The acronym WWJD (What would Jesus do?) has become a popular device for making ethical and moral decisions, and evaluating how we should act in a wide range of situations. But this seemingly ubiquitous slogan has also been used to trivialize Jesus and use his name to endorse some activity or product. Now we also hear questions like: What would Jesus eat? What would Jesus wear? What would Jesus drive? Enough already!

      If you want to consider this question seriously, then the best way to find the answer to WWJD is to investigate what Jesus actually did while he was here on earth. Jesus Christ was a real man who lived in a real time and a real place — and his words and deeds are recorded in the four Gospels. Once we carefully study the Gospels and become familiar with what Jesus did, then we will be in a better position to discern what Jesus would do now.

      What Jesus Did is an in-depth look at the life of Jesus, including his birth, his parables, his miracles, his sayings, his death, and his resurrection. The unique format of this study guide makes it an excellent resource for a preaching series, Sunday School lessons, group Bible study, or personal devotional reading. Each chapter is built around a series of questions to help you gain deeper meaning and insight from the scriptures. And because Jesus expects us to turn learning into doing and live according to his example, each chapter also includes a WWJD action step for applying his teachings in our daily lives.

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    • 2 Corinthians


      1. Suffering And Encouragement
      2. Tough Love And Victory
      3. Our Mission And Our Glory
      4. Christians Courage
      5. Ambassadors Far From Home
      6. Portrait Of A Passionate Pastor
      7. Good News About Giving
      8. Authority Of A Fool
      9. Powerful Weaklings
      10. Last Words : Grace Love And Communion

      Additional Info
      “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

      Readers of Second Corinthians are likely to agree that Peter was right about Paul’s letters: “There are some things in them [that are] hard to understand” (2 Peter 3:16). This accessible Bible Study will help to explain some of those hard things, especially by focusing on what is delightful and inspiring about the biblical book. In 2 Corinthians we find promises of a glorious life after death, interesting and thought-provoking figures of speech describing followers of Christ, powerful stewardship messages, an amazing example of humility and proper respect, and much more. By the end of this study it will be easy to see why the folk at Corinth so loved and revered Paul that they collected this letter and others to save for future generations of believers.

      Interpretation Bible Studies (IBS) offers solid biblical content in a creative study format. Forged in the tradition of the celebrated Interpretation commentary series, IBS makes biblical insight available in a dynamic, flexible, and user-friendly resource. Designed for adults and older youth, Interpretation Bible Studies can be used in small groups, in church school classes, in large group presentations, or in personal study. Each volume focuses on ten key passages from a book of the Bible and can serve as the basis for a ten-session study or be easily modified for shorter or longer schedules. Featuring maps, illustrations, definitions of key terms, interesting biblical facts and features, questions for reflection or discussion, as well as leader’s guide in each book with suggestions for group use, IBS combines a great heritage of scholarship with a fresh approach to biblical study.

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    • XTB Issue 2


      The First 17 Days Look Through Acts Chs 8-10
      Days 18-20 Take A Little Look At Some Psalms
      Day 21 Gets Us Back Into Genesis And By Day 30 We’ve Covered Chs 25-33!
      Days 31-45 Look At Some Miraculous Things In Matthew Chs 8 & 9
      Days 46-65 Go Back To Genesis To Find Out About Joseph In Chs 37-50.
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Is Also A Little Bit Of Serious Code-cracking To Do On The Very Last Page.

      Additional Info
      Zoom in on Genesis, Matthew and Acts.

      Take a quick dip into the book of Psalms.

      Crack codes as you go.

      Issue Two of XTB is called Miracles and Dreams. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate Jesus’ miracles in Matthew’s Gospel, discover why Peter’s dream changed everything for the first Christians in the book of Acts, and meet Jacob the Schemer and Joseph the Dreamer in Genesis. Includes a free XTB code cracker.

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    • XTB Easter Unscrambled


      Easter Unpacked Is Based On John’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Bible Readings And Various Games And Puzzles To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

      Additional Info
      Easter Unscrambled is designed to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Easter holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Easter is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

      XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

      Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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    • XTB Christmas Unpacked


      Christmas Unpacked Is Based On Luke’s Gospel. There Are 21 Days Of Undated Pages With Various Games And Quizzes To Help Children Grasp The Point Of Each Lesson. At Day 21 The Book Switches From XTB To Table Talk. The Passages Are The Same Each Day For XTB And Table Talk So You Can Use Them Together Or On Their Own.

      Additional Info
      Christmas Unpacked is a great resource to help children and families explore the Bible together over the Christmas holidays. Three weeks of Bible readings help you focus on what Christmas is really all about. Meet Dr Luke as he tells you all about God’s rescue plan. Find out Who the rescuer is and Why we need rescuing. Beautifully presented with full-color illustrations, it is actually two books in one:

      XTB (eXplore The Bible) will help 7-11 year olds to get into the Bible for themselves. It’s packed with pictures, puzzles and loads of help to follow the clues to see who Jesus is and why He came.

      Table Talk – is designed for families (or groups) to use together. Based on just a few verses from the passage that XTB uses, it is suitable for families with children aged from 4 upwards. Table Talk forms the basis for a short family time together – maybe just five minutes at the breakfast or diner table, or whenever best suits you.

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    • XTB Issue 6


      Days 1-20 Look At Mark Chs 4-8
      Day 21 Starts Joshua And Continues Until Day 40 Ending In Ch 8
      Days 41-55 Continue In Ephesians
      And Back Into Joshua Chs 21-24 From Days 56-65
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here And Some Budding Comedians Try Their Hand At Making You Laugh (or Groan) On The XTB Joke Page.

      Additional Info
      Venture into the Promised land with the Israelites in Joshua.

      Read more about why Jesus came in Mark’s Gospel.

      Issue Six of XTB is called Footprints. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, explore the promised land with the Israelites in Joshua (where battles await!), and unravel the end of Paul’s prison letter to the Ephesians.

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    • XTB Issue 5


      Days 1-20 Look At Mark
      Days 21-34 Make A Start In Numbers Chs 1-11, With A Brief Look Back At Exodus Over Days 23 & 24
      Day 35 Gives A Chance To Look Quickly At 1 Thessalonians
      Day 36-50 Opens Up The Letter To The Ephesians
      Back To Numbers Chs 11-21 Over Days 51-61, Touching On John’s Gospel, Relevant To Numbers
      Days 62-65 Looks At Chs 31-34 Of Deuteronomy
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here.

      Additional Info
      Zoom in on the Great book of Numbers

      Find out more about Jesus in Mark’s exciting Gospel

      Take a peak into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

      And use the Prayer diary to help you talk to God about what you learn

      Issue Five of XTB is called The Promise Keeper. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate who Jesus is and why He came in Mark’s Gospel, continue journeying with the Israelites in Numbers and Deuteronomy, and unravel one of Paul’s prison letters – to the Ephesians. Also included is a free Prayer Diary.

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    • XTB Issue 3


      The First 15 Days Go Through Acts Chs 15-18
      Day 16 Dives Into Exodus And Looks Through Chs 1-4 Over 9 Days
      We Then Pick Up In Matthew Chs 13-18 Between Days 26-45
      Day 46 Brings Us Back To Exodus And We Go Through Chs 5-12 Until Day 61
      A Quick Flashback To Genesis On Day 62, Relevant To Exodus
      And Then Back Again The Next Day To Exodus, Until Day 65, Ending In Ch 14
      A Series Of Puzzles And Questions At The Very End Of The Book Offer A Chance To Look Into Other Parts Of The Bible Not Covered Here. There Are Also Some Pretty Serious Maps Of Paul’s Journey On The Very Last Page.

      Additional Info

      Zoom in on Exodus, Matthew and Acts.

      Use the Map Book to see for yourself where everything happens.

      Issue Three of XTB is called Comings and Goings. Three months of Bible readings to help you investigate Jesus’ miracles and teaching in Matthew’s Gospel, escape from Egypt with the thrilling book of Exodus, and join Paul on a dangerous journey in the book of Acts. Includes a free XTB Mini Map Book.

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    • Acts : Face Of The Fire (Student/Study Guide)


      Acts: Face Of The Fire, a part of the No Limits Discipleship Series,, launches you on a high octave New Testament wild ride.
      In personal reflection or small group study, learn how the Holy Spirit explodes onto the scene to turn a small band of believers into the Church that changed the world. Discover how God used, and still uses, people with seemingly little power, and sends them out blazing lights in the darkness. Explore how the fire of the Holy Spirit gives them the power from on high to spread the message of new life throughout the ancient world-and how He still empowers our witness today.

      Acts: Face Of The Fire invites you to join with the first century followers and take an intimate look into the face of the fire-to see the Holy Spirit, who gives believers past and present the power to live in obedience and complete commitment. The journey is a ride fraught with danger, for as the fire spreads, the church faces opposition and persecution. However, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we realize that nothing can stop the power of these transformed lives. Our future is filled with hope, because we have a helper who has been sent to us-to transform us into world changers for our time.

      You’re invited to join the No Limits Acts Wild ride. Join the discipleship journey that will ignite the Spirit’s fire in you.

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    • Whats In The Bible A One Volume Guidebook To Gods Word


      Explore the most monumental story ever recorded, a story filled with intrigue, drama, and real-life accounts of God at work in the universe. Theologian R.C. Sproul and best-selling author Robert Wolgemuth have collaborated to highlight the essence of God’s voice, activity, and purpose throughout the Old and New Testaments in an understandable and thoroughly readable form. Written from the perspective of a theologian and a layman, What’s in the Bible is a road map that will help you better comprehend the whole of Scripture.

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    • Small Group Idea Book (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780830811243ISBN10: 0830811249Editor: Cindy BunchBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Do You Think Im Beautiful Bible Study And Journal


      So many women today grapple with body image. Teenage girls starve themselves because they think they are fat. Older women explore the world of plastic surgery, desperately trying to turn back the clock. But more unfortunate is the woman suffering from poor soul image_the woman who can’t see herself as beautiful even on the inside. “Do you think I’m beautiful?” is an emotionally and spiritually charged question. But it is one that Angela Thomas believes is universal to all women_whether they adamantly deny it or announce it each time they enter a room. Until a woman gives herself permission to ask this question, and until she asks the only One who can ultimately answer it, fulfillment will be elusive. This workbook allows readers to apply the lessons Angela has learned on her own feminine journey, as she asked this question, searching for an answer in all the wrong places. Excerpts from the book are paired with in-depth Bible study questions and ample space for recording thoughts and responses.

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    • Speaking Wisely : Exploring The Power Of Words (Student/Study Guide)


      In this book you will explore what the Bible has to say about the power of words to harm relationships and to hinder God’s work in our own lives. Here you will learn how you can help others, and yourself, by cultivating the habit of using words that encourage, express love, and praise God.

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    • Where Your Treasure Is (Student/Study Guide)


      Where Your Treasure Is, What the Bible Says About Money Bible study includes penetrating questions that generate discussion, helpful leader’s notes, and an emphasis on daily application of Bible truth. Most people work hard to earn enough money for their basic needs and still have something left over for vacations and retirement. This is the typical American dream. But how are Chirstians called to look at wealth differently? This study guide will help us see what God has to say about how we should earn, spend, and give away our money.

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    • Charts Of Bible Prophecy


      This chart book provides an outline of the major issues and themes in Bible prophecy. It is designed to appeal to nonspecialist readers, yet in its detail and comprehensiveness it also serves the specialist well. While there are many books on prophecy, the vast majority deal with the subject from a particular perspective and tend to dismiss other views. This book seeks to be evenhanded and to avoid prejudicing readers for or against particular points of view.

      The 85 charts fall into a number of groups as follows:
      Introductory Issues in Prophecy
      Hermeneutical or Interpretative Methodology in Prophecy
      Fulfillment of Prophecy
      Interpretation of Prophetic Texts
      Systems of Eschatology
      Prophetic Teaching on the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ
      Prophetic Teaching on the Nation of Israel
      Prophetic Teaching on the Tribulation
      The Olivet Discourse and Prophecy
      Prophetic Teaching on the Millennium
      The Books of Daniel and Revelation in Prophecy
      Views Concerning Last Things

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    • Questions From The God Who Needs No Answers (Student/Study Guide)


      This fabulous study guide includes eight lessons for individuals or groups. Readers will see how God’s questions in the Old Testament reveal how he longs for us to know him. A wonderful resource!

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    • Art Of Spiritual Listening (Student/Study Guide)


      This Fisherman Resource Study Guide includes eight studies perfect for individuals or groups. This is an innovative, practical approach to Bible study. In this guide by Alice Fryling, readers will learn how to hear the voice of God in the midst of the struggles of daily life.

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    • Journey Through The Word (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Creation
      2. Covenant
      3. The People Of God
      4. Sin
      5. Righteousness
      6. Hope
      7. Compassion
      8. Discipleship

      Additional Info
      In Journey Through The Word, Jim Davison and Sara Covin Juengst explore great themes that appear again and again across the pages of the Bible. This insightful study for adults is designed to be accessible to those with little knowledge of the Bible, while providing new approaches for understanding to those who have long experience reading the Scriptures. Special features of this study include the careful coordination of themes with the periods of biblical history, from creation through the early church, and the identification of key words for each theme. Suitable for individuals and for small and large groups, the study concludes with suggested lesson plans for each chapter. The study is further highlighted by lesson plans that include multisensory exercises to enhance learning experiences and ideas for using the book so that studies can cover as many as six, eight, or thirteen weeks.

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    • Divine Appointments : Meeting God In My Daily Life


      “Thou will make known to me the path of life; in Thy presence is fullness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11). Many of us are searching for answers, seeking comfort, and desiring a closer communion with our Lord. And yet, in the circumstances of our daily lives and in times of meditation and reflection upon God’s Word, there are many opportunities for “divine appointments” when our Lord speaks directly to us. Some we are cognizant of immediately as we respond to the Holy Spirit. Others we miss because we are too focused on self and circumstances. Through Divine Appointments, Michele Christon leads us in a “time” conscious study of God’s Word. Our lives have “an appointed time for everything.” Within the contrasts of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and numerous cross-references, she demonstrates God’s eagerness to communicate with us, to reveal Himself personally, and to assist us in understanding and applying His Word. God appointed the time in Christ’s life when He died so that we could have eternal life (Romans 5:6). Likewise, God has divinely appointed each circumstance in our lives, including the opportunity to accept His Son as our Lord and Savior-a “divine appointment” we must be willing and eager to keep.

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    • Divine Appointments : Meeting God In My Daily Life


      “Thou will make known to me the path of life; in Thy presence is fullness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11). Many of us are searching for answers, seeking comfort, and desiring a closer communion with our Lord. And yet, in the circumstances of our daily lives and in times of meditation and reflection upon God’s Word, there are many opportunities for “divine appointments” when our Lord speaks directly to us. Some we are cognizant of immediately as we respond to the Holy Spirit. Others we miss because we are too focused on self and circumstances. Through Divine Appointments, Michele Christon leads us in a “time” conscious study of God’s Word. Our lives have “an appointed time for everything.” Within the contrasts of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and numerous cross-references, she demonstrates God’s eagerness to communicate with us, to reveal Himself personally, and to assist us in understanding and applying His Word. God appointed the time in Christ’s life when He died so that we could have eternal life (Romans 5:6). Likewise, God has divinely appointed each circumstance in our lives, including the opportunity to accept His Son as our Lord and Savior-a “divine appointment” we must be willing and eager to keep.

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    • Art Of Reading Scripture


      The difficulty of interpreting the Bible is felt all over today. Is the Bible still authoritative for the faith and practice of the church? If so, in what way? What practices of reading offer the most appropriate approach to understanding Scripture? The church’s lack of clarity about these issues has hindered its witness and mission, causing it to speak with an uncertain voice to the challenges of our time.

      This important book is for a twenty-first-century church that seems to have lost the art of reading the Bible attentively and imaginatively. “The Art of Reading Scripture” is written by a group of eminent scholars and teachers seeking to recover the church’s rich heritage of biblical interpretation in a dramatically changed cultural environment. Asking how best to read the Bible in a postmodern context, the contributors together affirm up front “Nine Theses” that provide substantial guidance for the church. The essays and sermons that follow both amplify and model the approach to Scripture outlined in the Nine Theses.

      Lucidly conceived, carefully written, and shimmering with fresh insights, “The Art of Reading Scripture” proposes a far-reaching revolution in how the Bible is taught in theological seminaries and calls pastors and teachers in the church to rethink their practices of using the Bible.

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    • Nehemias Dinomica De Un Lider – (Spanish)


      Learn from the life of Nehemiah the qualities and attitudes that turn a faithful man into a leader based on God’s will.

      Throughout the centuries we see the example of a man of God called to lead a nation that had been conquered and humiliated, directing the people to the joy of spiritual and material restoration. Learn the qualities and attitudes that make a man into a faithful leader, fulfilling God’s purpose, by observing the character and behavior of Nehemiah. Discover in God’s inspired Word the secret of success in your own life’s work, whether in the work of God or in the business world.

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    • Family In The Bible


      Biblical scholars from around the world survey the Bible, summarize the theology of family that emerges, and discuss its contemporary relevance.

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    • Overcoming The Enemy (Reprinted)


      Prepare Yourself For Battle!

      Satan is patient. He’s devious. And he plans to bring you down. How prepared are you to fight the devil?

      Spiritual warfare is so much more than just telling the devil to leave you alone. It requires an absolute dependence on God and the weapons He provides to see you through every situation victoriously.

      In this final study of Ephesians, T.D. Jakes tackles the tough questions regarding spiritual warfare:

      Why does your loving heavenly Father make you fight to possess all He has given you?

      What strategies does Satan use in an attempt to control your will?

      Why is prayer the only way to victory in spiritual warfare – and to seeing results in the natural realm?

      If you’re tired of feeling beat down and crushed by the devil’s schemes in your life, the principles in this book are your keys to becoming more than a conqueror. Your enemy is strong, but God is stronger still…and He’s given you everything you need to win!

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    • Topic Bible Studies 1


      The Topic Bible Studies Addressing Everyday Problems and Questions study series is designed to be thought-provoking to help guide youth into a better understanding of God and themselves, and to deal with everyday issues that we all face. The study is equally appropriate for adults and youth; however, the example situations are primarily aimed at addressing issues that are more specific to youth. The series is interactive and is meant to generate self-examination and discussion. The study focuses on our need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and seeks to reveal how the Lord is active in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The series assists students in discovering how God has made them unique, with their own special qualities and abilities to share with the world. The lessons also extend a challenge for each week to specifically incorporate what they have learned into their daily lives. “A rich resource for personal growth through the Scriptures, and an ever learning self-study that enhances integrity and commitment to Christian ethics, Aaberg’s Studies produce such a valued research in understanding practical truths and terms that its application underscores Christian awareness at a maximized level.” -BISHOP RICHARD D. HOWELL, JR., PRESIDING PRELATE SHILOH TEMPLE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES ROBBINSDALE, MINNESOTA

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    • Epistle To The Romans (Student/Study Guide)


      This inductive Bible study focuses on a message for the early Christian church in the city of Rome, carefully examining the apostle Paul’s concerns for believers. This in-depth twenty-three week study takes a close look at the theology presented by Paul and investigates the practical guidelines for those who are in a relationship with Christ. The study provides a number of options for working on the lessons. It also offers a time of reflection in Scripture every day to provide a call to worship for the student. The study of the Epistle to the Romans addresses the role of Christians as members of the body of Christ. When a group is meeting weekly to discuss the lessons, each student will benefit from the review discussion suggested by the accompanying leader’s guide.

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    • Christmas From The Back Side (Student/Study Guide)


      Book Session Titles Include:

      The Scandal Of Christmas
      Three Votes For An Early Christmas
      Christmas Comes To A Back Fence
      How The Government Helped The First Christmas Happen
      Celebrating Christmas In A Hotel
      Christmas Comes To A Church
      Christmas And The Impossible Dream

      Additional Info
      Ellsworth Kalas opens up new possibilities of insight into the biblical Christmas story of Jesus’ birth by entering the Gospel scriptures through the “back side” – through a unique starting point, a creative retelling, a new “lens,” or the eyes of a minor or unsympathetic character.
      Kalas’s creative approach both clarifies basic teachings and introduces new possibilities of meaning, even for those who are most familiar with the Christmas story. Enriched with contemporary illustrations and personal experiences, this volume will provide new perspective on Christmas.

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    • 2 Kings KJV Preacher Edition (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781574071726ISBN10: 1574071726Binding: KivarPublished: September 2003Preachers Outline And Sermon BiblePublisher: Leadership Ministries Worldwide Print On Demand Product

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    • Esther And Ruth (Student/Study Guide)


      In classic Interpretation Bible Studies style, Patricia Tull leads the reader through a ten-session study of the entire Old Testament books of Esther, with its stories of faithfulness, courage, and survival, and the ethical questions posed by its ending, and Ruth, with its themes of community, loyalty, and friendship.

      Interpretation Bible Studies (IBS) offers solid biblical content in a creative study format. Forged in the tradition of the celebrated Interpretation commentary series, IBS makes the same depth of biblical insight available in a dynamic, flexible, and user-friendly resource. Designed for adults and older youth, Interpretation Bible Studies can be used in small groups, in church school classes, in large group presentations, or in personal study.

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    • Taking The Old Testament Challenge


      Help your congregation experience the life-changing relevance of the Old Testament The Old Testament Challenge (OTC) is a turn-key program to help everyone in your church understand and apply the Old Testament. Participants experience the content in multiple contexts: through sermons, group discussions, and personal devotions. This 32-week series is designed for churches to teach, study, and discuss the entire Old Testament over a 9-month period. The goal of OTC is to discover the life-changing truths of the Old Testament and how they can be applied to daily life. Based on Pastor John Ortberg9s OTC series at the New Community services of Willow Creek Community Church, this resource enables churches to raise the level of biblical literacy and understanding among their congregations. Your congregation will fall in love with the Old Testament! The OTC curriculum is made up of 4 kits of 7-9 lessons each. This first kit covers the Pentateuch and includes everything you need to preach 9 sermons (that9s less than $25 per week!): * Teaching Guide containing material from Ortberg9s weekly teachings for pastors and/or teachers * Group Discussion Guide focusing on specific passages from the Old Testament designed for weekly or bi-weekly use and including leader9s notes * DVD and VHS Video presenting an OTC “vision-casting” message from Ortberg, a promotional piece for churches, and 4 creative video elements for each kit to use during the OTC message * CD-ROM providing 7-9 PowerPoint presentations for use with each of the OTC messages. It also contains 40 FAQ sheets answering tough questions from the Old Testament for use on your web site or to be printed in hard copy. * Sets of slides for each teaching session for pastors and teachers. * Sermon Audio CD set containing all 9 messages preached by John Ortberg * Implementation Guide * 40 Weeks With God reading guide

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    • Lords Prayer : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he gave them what is now known as “the Lord’s Prayer.”

      What is the Lord’s Prayer to you? Is it a formal prayer that you repeat only during Sunday morning worship? Has it become so familiar that you hardly think about its meaning? If so, you are missing out on a rich resource for your spiritual life.

      In this study guide Douglas Connelly unpacks the Lord’s Prayer section by section with additional texts that help you dig deeper into Jesus’ teaching about how to pray.

      This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • Contextualization : Meanings Methonds And Models


      This classic textbook brings together the meanings, proposals, and tasks involved in contextualization. Hesselgrave and Rommen explore the history of contextualization in the Bible and the Church while examining the proposals of prominent thinkers on this subject. They conclude with their own definition and approach to contextualization.

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    • Judges : Returning To God (Student/Study Guide)


      Sometimes we turn away from God.

      Or we fail to love those around us.

      We even follow the gods of the world.

      Despite everything, God remains faithful, loving us and waiting for us to return to him. This is the story of Israel told in the book of Judges. As Donald Baker leads you to examine it for yourself, you may discover that it is your story as well.

      This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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    • Afterlife (Student/Study Guide)


      Afterlife: Finding Hope Beyond Death is targeted to adult learners in their 20’s and 30’s. Author David deSilva says, “The extent to which we can come to terms with our own death directly impacts our psychological stability and well-being. The denial of death leads to all manner of personality disorders and ultimately to an insecure, inauthentic life.” The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaims the hope of life in the presence of God forever and the invitation to live in and for this hope. Seven easy-to-lead sessions with clear teaching helps on every page challenge you to examine this powerful biblical theme and will encourage to look at your own questions and beliefs as you study the Scriptures.

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    • Being Gods Man In Leading A Family (Student/Study Guide)


      All men are tempted to compromise. But not all men do. Some have learned the secret of being undivided between what they believe and how they actually think and live.

      They possess integrity. They’ve gained new perspectives on the trials and temptations they face, new tools to help them survive automatic human responses to challenging situations, and new actions which produce humility and flexibility in God’s strength. You can be a man of integrity too.

      Confession breaks the power of temptation in men of integrity; connection with other men sustains the victory. Being God’s Man in the Face of Temptation will help you whether in individual or group study confront this pervasive problem in God’s wisdom and strength. And begin to live the undivided life.

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    • Being Gods Man In Tough Times (Student/Study Guide)


      David was to be the future king of Israel. And yet, as you’ll see firsthand in this compelling Bible study, the journey to that goal was filled with dangers, delays, and difficulties. Just like David, every man has a dream of who he wants to become. But getting there is a different story. Hardships and losses can destroy the faith and even the life of a lesser man.

      Many men fail to realize their dreams because they choose comfort over character, image over substance, and escape over endurance. But a man who knows how to embrace hardship and learn to mine it for God’s purposes will see his godly dreams come true.

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    • Way Of Blessedness Participants Book (Student/Study Guide)


      The Way of Blessedness invites readers to cultivate the dispositions of the soul as outlined in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, which suit us for the reign of God while drawing us into its realm.

      Jesus portrays the reign of God in terms that are contrary to social hierarchy — in his time as well as our own. It is a realm of outlandish generosity and uncommon compassion.

      This is a 9-week study of the spiritual practices that help us turn away from pride and fill us with God’s abundant love. As we’re transformed by God’s love, we’re able to become people who mourn with and for others and our world, who understand and live out Jesus’ example of meekness, who hunger and thirst for holiness, who humbly offer and receive mercy, whose hearts are pure and able to see the imprint of God in all things, who seek peace, and who hold strong in our faith through adversity.

      The Way of Blessedness guides participants along a path that offers clarity to our way of life and the very life of God’s kingdom.

      This is the third resource in the Companions in Christ series and is ideal for small group study.

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