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    Bible Studies

    • My Soul Thirsts For God


      Every Christian yearns to have that strong, spiritual relationship with God; a relationship where whatever petitions are on one’s mind are immediately received and handled by the Heavenly Father.

      Connecting with God must be developed on a foundation of prayer, dialoguing with God and listening for His still small voice to provide guidance, direction and love.

      Author Linda Darlington understood the importance of adopting a resilient prayer life, one that overcomes struggle and distraction as it gives hope and encouragement in personal and/or corporate situations.

      Her comprehensive Bible study on prayer, entitled My Soul Thirsts for God, journeys into the different aspects and characteristics of prayer.

      Encompassed into seventeen Bible study sessions, the prayer focus begins with why people pray to how one can create meaningful prayers for families, missions and even the nation.

      As we begin this communion with the Lord, He expands our prayer lives beyond ourselves and our families to His Kingdom building, our churches, cities, states, nation, missionaries, the hurting and needy. The foundation of all prayer is our love relationship with the Lord, and that grows as we commune with Him through prayer and He works in our lives.

      Each session begins with a biblical-minded explanation about a specific focus of prayer, followed by scripture references and activities for group discussion or individual reflection.

      By cultivating one’s prayer life through Bible study and quiet time with God, one becomes more cognizant of God’s clear intentions and guiding hand in building a greater spiritual relationship with Him.

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    • Leaving Ordinary : Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer


      God desires an intimate relationship with each of us. But, we wonder, how can a person have such a relationship with a holy God? It is one thing to be in awe of Him, but quite another to be intimate with Him.

      In Leaving Ordinary, Donna Gaines delves into this issue by exploring the notion of extraordinary prayer. How does Scripture define “intimacy” as it relates to our relationship with God? God gave the Israelites the tabernacle, a temporary and portable dwelling for His glory, and taught them how to approach and worship Him before He led them to their reward-the promised land. Using the tabernacle and its articles (altar, lampstands, etc.) as a guide, Donna teaches readers how to interact with God in that secret place of true intimacy that leads to worship.

      Your ordinary daily practice of prayer can become an extraordinary encounter with the living God. Leaving Ordinary is essential reading for women who desire a more intimate relationship with God. Features include:Tools for gaining a stronger, more intimate relationship with GodAn exploration of the tabernacle as it relates to prayer today The definition of “intimacy” as it relates to God.

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    • God First Life Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      ‘When I discovered the simple and sustainable principle of The God-First Life,’ says pastor Stovall Weems, ‘it changed every area of my life.’ In this six-session, video-based small group Bible study, pastor Stovall Weems teaches how to let go of things you don’t have the answers for and trust Him enough to simply follow. In each of the six sessions, you and your group will experience how to follow God in the moment, no matter what baggage they carry or what spiritual milestones you’ve yet to conquer. Explore the powerful principles of God-first living that lead to an abundant life, and get the tools that will help you grow in your walk with God. Learn how to experience the strength of God-First living and start enjoying your walk with God by living Spirit-filled and being Spirit-led on a consistent basis. Use your unique gifts and talents by practically demonstrating the love of God to others. Having a rich spiritual life isn’t difficult. There is a much more vibrant way to live and act in faith, and it is much simpler than you would think. Discover your God-First Life. A companion DVD (sold separately) is also available.

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    • Faith : A Bible Study On James For Women


      In Joy!, Keri Folmar gave women a tool to study Philippians-and all the Bible-verse by verse. She has now applied the same solid Bible study principles to the book of James.

      James was written to spur a suffering church on to authentic lives of faith. Faith: A Bible Study on James for Women guides you through an in-depth study of this magnificent letter. One of the few truly inductive Bible studies written for women, Faith will impress the truths of James upon your heart and equip you to study any book of the Bible.

      With each week’s chapter divided into sections for five days of study, it can be used for personal devotions or to guide discussion among groups of any size. This resource will draw you into the Scriptures and encourage you to live more effectively for Jesus and his gospel.

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    • Living God : A Guide For Study And Devotion


      In this book, the second in the Heart of Christian Faith series, Alister E. McGrath provides an exploration of how we can best understand God using analogies, illustrations, and stories. This short, accessible guide also provides a pastoral and spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and our world. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Christianity” to a new generation for many years to come.

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    • In His Eyes


      SKU (ISBN): 9780529123008ISBN10: 0529123002Margaret Feinberg | Produced by: Women Of FaithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2014Women Of Faith Study Guide – NelsonPublisher: HarperChristian Resources Print On Demand Product

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    • Elijah : A Man Just Like Us (Student/Study Guide)


      Elijah burst into Israel’s history at a time of idolatry and evil. Through him it was confronted and exposed by God.

      But this man, just like us, also knew weakness and failure. Not so much a mighty man, as a man serving the mighty God. In God’s grace, Elijah persevered, and revealed God’s mighty sovereignty, grace, power, justice, and salvation.

      Christians today face the same pressures that Elijah experienced. Elijah’s ups and downs speak to us too.

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    • Romans 1-7 For You (Student/Study Guide)


      Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the first half of the book of Romans, helping you to get to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today.
      Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to: READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness with God. FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God s word. LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Romans 1 7 as you preach or lead a Bible study. Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is… Romans 1-7 For You

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    • Romans 1-7 For You (Student/Study Guide)


      Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the first half of the book of Romans, helping you to get to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today.
      Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to: READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness with God. FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God s word. LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Romans 1 7 as you preach or lead a Bible study. Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is… Romans 1-7 For You

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    • Romans 1-7 : The Gift Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
      But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves.
      It s a righteousness from God.
      Romans 1 7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
      These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
      For use with individuals or groups.
      Leader’s Guide included.

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    • Uncommon Marriage Bible Study


      A marriage gets stronger when you invite God into it.

      A companion study to Tony and Lauren Dungy’s popular book Uncommon Marriage, this 5-week guide for couples or small groups delves into Scripture to explore the blessings and challenges couples face today. Drawing on biblical truths and their own personal experiences, Tony and Lauren share the importance of making time for each other, resolving conflict well, staying strong and committed through difficult times, coping with changes and big decisions, praying together, building a spiritual foundation for your family, and more. The Uncommon Marriage Bible Study will help equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership-in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon. The book also includes icebreakers for groups, a leader’s guide, and links to free resources for churches.

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    • Listen Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      We live in a world of noise. Everywhere we go, we hear sounds that compete for our minds and hearts. Listening to God requires a deliberate choice to shut out the chaos around us and focus our thoughts. Listen, by Rueben P. Job, is a 40-day experience created to offer help to those new to prayer, those with a daily prayer routine, and those whose lives seem too busy to pray. With a focus on listening prayer and prayer as a two-way conversation, the experience will assist individuals and groups in building and deepening a personal prayer practice and spiritual discernment. As we learn to listen, we find a new depth and fulfillment in our relationship with God and a new experience of God as guide and companion in our lives. The daily prayer pattern includes an invitation, silence, Bible reading, a story, guided time for reflecting and listening, and practical help for developing six specific prayer practices. Listen is perfect for use by individuals, small groups, or congregations during Lent, Easter, or any time of year.

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    • Listen : Praying In A Noisy World


      We live in a world of noise. Everywhere we go, we hear sounds that compete for our minds and hearts. Listening to God requires a deliberate choice to shut out the chaos around us and focus our thoughts. Listen, by Rueben P. Job, is a 40-day experience created to offer help to those new to prayer, those with a daily prayer routine, and those whose lives seem too busy to pray. With a focus on listening prayer and prayer as a two-way conversation, the experience will assist individuals and groups in building and deepening a personal prayer practice and spiritual discernment. As we learn to listen, we find a new depth and fulfillment in our relationship with God and a new experience of God as guide and companion in our lives. The daily prayer pattern includes an invitation, silence, Bible reading, a story, guided time for reflecting and listening, and practical help for developing six specific prayer practices. Listen is perfect for use by individuals, small groups, or congregations during Lent, Easter, or any time of year.

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    • Perplexing Scriptures (Student/Study Guide)


      Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

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    • Leviticus And Numbers


      Study the biblical books of Leviticus and Numbers in 12 study sessions – six for each book. Often thought of as the most difficult books in the Bible, with their long list of laws, it is important to have some understanding of these laws in order to better understand the themes of holiness, worship, and sin atonement. In interpreting Leviticus, it is important to understand the historical context and that the laws were given to a particular people, his covenant nation, at a particular phase of their history.

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    • Resurrection : Living As People Of Risen Lord (Student/Study Guide)


      1. New Breath For Old Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
      2. Healing And Restoration (Mark 5:21-43)
      3. A Love Stronger Than Death (John 11:1-44)
      4. Broken Bread And Open Eyes (Luke 24:13-35)
      5. To The End Of The Age (Matthew 28)
      6. Both Lord And Messiah (Acts 2:22-36)
      7. No Meaningless Work (1 Cor 15:50-58)
      8. The Spirit Of Life In Our Bodies (Rom 8:1-17)
      9. New Clothing (Col 3:1-17)
      10. All Things Made New (Revelation 21:1-8)

      Additional Info
      Surveys the resurrection story from the perspective of the Old Testament and the full New Testament. Explores the meaning of Christ’s resurrection in our lives today and in the way we look toward the future.

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    • Embracing An Alternative Orthodoxy (Student/Study Guide)


      * 5- to 10-week study for adults and young adults with appealing video format that prompts engagement and response
      * Each participant uses his/her own journal for study and reflection
      * Newest installment in the successful Embracing series
      Each program in this series features two components sold separately:
      (1) A DVD with five 10-15 minute presentations (one per group), in this case showing Fr. Richard Rohr interacting with a small group of adults
      (2) a participant workbook containing all the material needed by class participants as well as for the facilitator (one each).
      In this edition, Richard Rohr explores five topics central to Franciscan theology and practice: * Atonement Theory
      * Eco-Spirituality
      * The Christ who Existed before Christianity
      * Orthopraxy vs. Verbal Orthodoxy (Living Like Jesus)
      * Mysticism over Moralism

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    • Apocrypha (Student/Study Guide)


      Journey inside the pages of Scripture to meet a personal God who enters individual lives and begins a creative work from the inside out. Shaped with the individual in mind, Immersion encourages simultaneous engagement both with the Word of God and with the God of the Word to become a new creation in Christ Immersion, inspired by a fresh translation–the Common English Bible–stands firmly on Scripture and helps readers explore the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of their personal faith. More importantly, they’ll be able to discover God’s revelation through readings and reflections.

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    • Bonhoeffer Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this four-session video-based small group Bible study, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas will help you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and speaking and how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but how his beliefs continue to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world today.

      Filmed on location in Germany, Metaxas will take you on a religious journey of Bonhoeffer’s faith and why it has captured so many people’s imaginations and how it has inspired the Christian faith of so many today. Pulling themes from all of his major books, Metaxas helps us understand why these spiritual truths meant so much to Bonhoeffer and how they can be an inspiration and challenge to our faith.

      This companion study guide will lead you and your group deeper into the video content (sold separately) with session-by-session discussion topics, personal reflection, and between-session studies to enhance the group experience.

      Sessions include:
      What is the Church?
      Life Together
      God Says Yes / Cheap Grace
      Religionless Christianity

      Designed for use with Bonhoeffer: A DVD Study.

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    • Old Testament Essentials (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Creation: God Creates The Cosmos (Genesis 1-2)
      2. Fall: Humanity Rebels Against The Creator (Genesis 3)
      3. Abraham: The Father Of The Faith (Genesis 12:1-3, 15; 17, 21:1-7, 22)
      4. Isaac And Jacob: The Promise Continues (Genesis 25:19-34; 26:34-27:46; 28:10-12; 29:14- 30:24; 32:22-32; 35:1-14)
      5. Joseph: The Promise Survives (Genesis 37, 39, 45, 49:29-50:20)
      6. Exodus: God Saves His People From Bondage (Exodus 1, 3, 12, 13:17-15:22)
      7. Wilderness Wandering: God Refines His People (Exodus 16, 32; Numbers 1-2, 13-14, 20:1- 13, 24-26)
      8. Law: God Makes His Will Known (Exodus 19-24)
      9. Priests, Holy Place, And Sacrifice: Coming Into The Presence Of The Lord (Exodus 26, 29, 32; Leviticus 1-3)
      10. Conquest: God Gives His People The Land (Deuteronomy 20; Joshua 1-12, 13:1-7, 14, 24)
      11. Judges: Spiritual Confusion, Moral Depravity, Political Fragmentation (Judges 1:1-3:6, 3:12- 30, 13-16, 17-18; Ruth)
      12. Saul, David, And Solomon: The Rise Of Kingship (1 Samuel 8-12, 15-16; 2 Samuel 7; 1 Kings 3, 11)
      13. Psalms: Worshipping The Lord (Psalms 1-2, 20, 30, 47, 77, 69, 131, 150)
      14. Wisdom: Navigating The Turbulent Waters Of Life (Proverbs 1, 8, 9, 10; Job 1-2, 3, 11-13, 38, 42, Ecclesiastes 1-2, 12, Song Of Songs 4:1-6:3)
      15. Divided Monarchy: The Road To Judgment (1 Kings 12-13, 15:1-8 [compare 2 Chronicles 13]; 21, 2 Kings 17:5-23; 22:1-23:30; 24:8-20)
      16. Prophets: Gods Covenant Lawyers And Apocalyptic Visionaries (Jeremiah 1:1-10, 10-11, 13:1-14, 20:7-18, 31; Daniel 1 And 7)
      17. Exile And Return: Divine Hostility And Restoration (Ezekiel 9-11; 2 Kings 25:1-26; Lamentations 2; Ezra 1, 7; Nehemiah 1-2, 13; Esther 9)

      Additional Info
      This comprehensive guide from Old Testament professor Tremper Longman offers readers a survey of the Old Testament in the context of a small group. Each study contains a question answer format, a field-tested inductive Bible study and questions to draw out key principles.

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    • Great Truths Of The Bible


      A 52-Lesson Study of the Fundamental Principles of the Christian Faith

      Have you ever felt that God has something special planned for your life? Do you feel as though you have failed to receive His greater blessings? It may be that you haven’t fully matured as a Christian.

      Great Truths of the Bible provides you with a greater understanding of God’s will, as revealed through His Word, by presenting 48 fundamental spiritual principles of the Christian faith in a 52-lesson format.

      This study will…

      *Build your confidence in the truth of all Scripture
      *Help you to better understand difficult passages of the Bible
      *Provide insights into subjects rarely taught or preached
      *Take you through the entire Bible by focusing on the great truths of Scripture

      As you study these principles, you will discover exactly how God prepares you for the many choices you’ll face in your life. These truths become a living reality in your Christian walk, and you will become a “doer of the Word and not a hearer only.” (See James 1:22.)

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    • Dare To Dream Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Dare to Dream is a startling and inspiring new program by popular author and pastor Mike Slaughter that draws on the Bible and a lifetime of ministry to help us discern God’s dream for us and learn to live it out, prayerfully and enthusiastically. The Leader Guide contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more-plus leader helps for facilitating a group.

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    • Dare To Dream


      Are your goals for the New Year too small? Are you living the “just get by” plan? Or is there a greater “God dream” for you that, if lived to the fullest, could permeate and inform every move you make

      Dare to Dream is a startling and inspiring new program by popular author and pastor Mike Slaughter that draws on the Bible and a lifetime of ministry to help us discern God’s dream for us and learn to live it out, prayerfully and enthusiastically. Participants will learn how to develop a life mission statement that helps them fully commit to a God-directed lifestyle. Chapters include:
      -Dare to Dream – Wake up to God’s dream inside you.
      -Discover Your Identity – You were created with a purpose.
      -Your Burning Bush – Be aware of those illuminating God moments in your life
      -Lose Your Big Buts – Allow God’s strength to be displayed in your weakness.
      -What’s in Your Hand – Identify and utilize the ordinary gifts God has given you.
      -God’s Dream – Discover a dream for your life far greater than your own.

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    • 1 Peter-Jude (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)


      The Word & Life Series guides readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday lives. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.

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    • He Set His Face To Jerusalem


      Adapting from Luke 9:51, Richard Wilke looks at Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem in order to help us think about how we set our faces in life. What are our goals as people of faith? What are we resolute or determined about in our lives? As we “set our faces” to Jerusalem and to the ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, what difference does it make? What does Jesus’ determination say to us about our commitments and about our need to grow in love of God and neighbor? The 40 days of Lent are ideal to use this study and for readers to set their faces toward Easter. Study includes seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday. Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer.

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    • Hebrews-James (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)


      The Word & Life Series guides readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday lives. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s Word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.

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    • Who Is Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


      Have you ever stopped to think just how much better Jesus Christ knows you than you know him? It’s a pretty staggering thought really. Not only that, but Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. In this study, Adam Thomas invites you to go beyond learning about Jesus to knowing Jesus for yourself. Through exploring four elements of what makes Jesus who he is, you’ll discover that the more you know Jesus, the more he will teach you who you are. Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages from the Common English Bible are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

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    • Sessions With Peter (Student/Study Guide)


      Shelton connects today’s readers of these passages to the tangible encouragement that these letters offer. Just like the example of Jesus, Peter reminds us that our call is to be found faithful to God’s grace in spite of persecution, temptation, alienation, or social oppression. As it was to its original audience, Peter’s encouragement for us to stay true to our Christian beliefs is a welcome drink of cold water in what can often seem a spiritual desert.

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    • Sessions With Philippians (Student/Study Guide)


      This eight-session study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians explores the centrality of Paul’s faith in Jesus Christ, his love for the Philippian church, and his joy in serving both Christ and their church. Paul’s letter reminds us of his special relationship with Jesus and calls us into a renewed relationship with Christ, too. Each session concludes with thought-provoking suggestions, making it an ideal resource for Bible study groups as well as individual readers. The Sessions Series is preferred by a number of churches seeking to help people build their Bible study skills. Many groups enjoy studying the Bible book-by-book. This popular approach helps a group discuss a book’s basic themes, learn how to interpret that book, and then wrestle with it’s meaning for their lives.

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    • People Of The Passion (Student/Study Guide)


      It is a simple theological truth: We become more like Jesus when we draw close to him. People of the Passion unpacks this tenet in a powerful examination of some of the main characters of Jesus’ final days: Mary, Mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Pilate; Nicodemus; Peter; and Judas. Throughout each chapter, Dr. Randall explores our perceptions and our knowledge of these individuals, pointing out how each played significant roles in exposing themes of faithfulness, gratitude, conflict, power, and betrayal.

      People of the Passion calls us to embrace the “grace and opportunity of Lent,” for when we pause to examine our hearts and spirits within our collective narrative of fallen humanity, we are reminded that “we are an Easter people.” And in this, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, understanding that everything about our redemption hinges upon the most significant event in human history: Easter morning.

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    • Cure : Prescription For Life


      Throughout human history, mankind’s greatest struggle has been our willingness to admit our need for God. (Psalm 14:1)
      – Our failure to recognize our need for God has led to a deep spiritual sickness. (Psalm 14:2-3)
      – Until we accept that we have this disease, we won’t recognize our need to find “The Cure.” (Matthew 5:3)

      In the section of Scripture known as “The Beatitudes”, Jesus lays out principles that work much like a doctor diagnosing cancer. By demonstrating the vast difference between the heart of God and the heart of man, He reveals both the depth of our spiritual sickness, as well as the folly of trying to live without God. Like a person who is sick with cancer, it is not until you receive your diagnosis, and accept the fact you have a terminal disease, that you become willing to take the steps necessary to find “The Cure” for your condition. This book explores an important spiritual truth: Once we accept the reality of God’s diagnosis, the only hope of getting better is “The Cure” that Jesus offers!

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    • 3 Gifts One Christ (Student/Study Guide)


      Jesus came to save us eternally, but he also offers us new life right here and now. Katie Z. Dawson explores three of Christ’s roles-Jesus comes as the high priest who sacrifices himself for us, the prophet who calls us into the Kingdom and shows us a better way to live, and the Messiah who triumphs over evil and sets us free. Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

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    • Pentateuch


      This book introduces students with a little background in biblical studies to the scholarly study of the Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy). Existing introductions to the Pentateuch are either mainly concerned with historical criticism or taken up with a survey of the contents of the five books, or both. This book is distinctive in that every chapter is concerned with the whole Pentateuch, and in that it approaches the subject from three completely different points of view, following the way in which biblical scholarship has developed over the past 30 years. The first part attempts to understand the text as it stands, as narrative, law and covenant. The second surveys the work that has been done on the history and development of the text, and its historicity. The third is concerned with its reception and interpretation. There are many detailed examples throughout, and aids to study include tables and boxes in the text, questions to enable students to come to grips with the issues either in private study or in class, and detailed guides to further reading.

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    • Fight Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In Fight, a five-session, video-based small group Bible study, pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel explores the life of Samson, helping you uncover who you really are—a man created with a warrior’s heart in the image of God—and how to stand up and fight for what’s right. Find the strength to fight the battles you know you need to fight—the ones that determine the state of your heart, the quality of your marriage, and the spiritual health of your family. The battles that make you dependent on God as the source of your strength. The battles that make you come alive. Craig looks at the life of Samson, showing how much we have in common with this guy. Things didn’t work out so well for him in the end. But by looking at his life, you’ll learn how to defeat the demons that make strong men weak. You’ll become who God made you to be—a man who knows how to fight for what’s right. Learn how to fight with faith, with prayer, and with the Word of God. Then, when your enemy begins to attack, fight for the righteous cause that God gave you. Draw a line in the sand. Make your enemy pay. Make sure he gets the message. Don’t cross a warrior. Don’t mess with this man of God. Come out fighting. And don’t show up for this fight unarmed. Use the weapons God gave you, and you’ll win. Can you feel it? It’s inside you. It’s time to fight like a man. Designed for use with the Fight Study Guide (sold separately).

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    • Reclaiming Anger (Student/Study Guide)


      In contemporary culture, we often think of anger only in a negative sense, but the Bible actually talks about two types of anger, each leading to a different outcome. God sometimes gets angry in Scripture, and there are also times when appropriately expressed our anger can bring out positive responses to negative situations. Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

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    • Reading The Synoptic Gospels (Expanded)


      This revised and expanded introductory text introduces students of the Bible to the layers of meaning that can be uncovered by serious study of the synoptic gospel texts. Included are two new chapters introducing ideological exegetical approaches to the gospels and a concluding chapter that helps the student synthesize the exegetical discoveries they have made using the methods taught in the book.

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    • Embodied Light : Advent Reflections On The Incarnation


      Embodied Light invites readers to ponder our Creator’s daring adventure of taking on human flesh and coming to earth to live among us. Melissa Tidwell’s penetrating reflections for Advent reveal how to follow this fully human, fully divine Jesus with our full selves – mind, spirit, and body. Readers will embark on a 4-week journey filled with scripture readings, illiminating stories, penetrating commentary, and prayers that guide them to open their eyes to the mystery of the Incarnation – God with us.

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    • Embracing Spiritual Awakening (Student/Study Guide)


      Quick Guide To The Handbook
      Beyond The “Quick Guide”
      Pointers On Facilitation
      Questions Of Awakening
      Session 1: Waking Up
      Session 2: Believing
      Session 3: Behaving
      Session 4: Belonging
      Session 5: Awakening

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      In this newest installment, Diana Butler Bass expands on the ideas she developed in her recent book, Christianity after Religion, exploring what Christianity may look like “beyond religion and beyond the church.” Segments include (1) Arriving, (2) Believing, (3) Behaving, (4) Belonging and (5) Awakening.

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    • Galatians Philemon (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide


      The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply and promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.

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    • Making Work Work (Student/Study Guide)


      Most of us spend most of our waking hours at work. It takes up most of our energy and often most of our emotions. It is at times really fulfilling, and at other times utterly frustrating. It keeps a roof over our heads and food on our tables… but is there any more to work than that?
      Christians can feel that what they do Monday to Friday is irrelevant to their faith; or, worse, gets in the way of them living out their faith. Others who don t go to work in an office or factory can feel that they are of little worth.
      Could work should work be anything more than something to go to, make money at, and return home from?
      The Bible s answer is: Yes! Whether you go out to work, or are a parent whose work is at home… whether you re out of work, starting your first job, running a company, or retired… these eight studies will show you, excite you and challenge you with God s perspective on working in His world.

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    • 1 Corinthians 1-9 Challenging Church (Student/Study Guide)


      Why Study 1 Corinthians?
      1. Count Your Blessings – 1 Corinthians 1 V 1-9
      2. Unite In “foolishness” – 1 Corinthians 1 V 10 – 2 V 16
      3. Unite As God’s Community – 1 Corinthians 3
      4. Recognise Real Ministers – 1 Corinthians 4
      5. Don’t Go Soft On Sin – 1 Corinthians 5 – 6
      6. Let Your Calling Count – 1 Corinthians 7
      7. Use Your Rights – 1 Corinthians 8 – 9
      Leader’s Guide

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      Even today, Jesus is still a figure of intense interest and admiration for millions. But then there’s His church. Church is a boring topic for most, and a reluctantly fulfilled duty for many.

      And we can understand why. Churches say they have the best news in the world, that they have the answer to our problems, that they are God’s embassies on earth; and yet churches are made up of people like you and me, who are grumpy, irritable, unfaithful, selfish, and worse.

      And as that is sadly true of churches today, so it was of the church in Corinth. It was young, it was full of life, and it was just as full of problems. What would God say to such a challenging church? What did they need to be excited by, to listen to, to learn?

      Use this seven-study guide to open up the first nine chapters of the letter of 1 Corinthians, to hear what God said to His church in Corinth, and what God still says to His church today.

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    • Man Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Men And God’s Design
      2. Men And The Fall
      3. Men And Their Salvation
      4. Men And Marriage
      5. Men And Sexual Temptation
      6. Men And Fatherhood
      7. Men And Singleness
      8. Men And Their Brothers
      9. Men And Spiritual Fervour
      10. Men And God’s People

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      What makes a real man? There are no shortage of role models on offer: the dedicated Dad or the party-hard guy: the cut-throat businessman or the sensitive husband; the competitive athlete or the contemplative shy type; the reckless adventurer or the around the house handy man.

      This set of Bible studies, aims to unpack the answers the Bible gives to the question of identity that men face today. We will learn our God-given role in creation, how that has been ruined by the fall. And we will discover how we can start to be restored through the man above all men – Jesus Christ. Some things that emerge will be controversial in our culture, even in some of our churches. This course doesn’t set out to be politically correct but faithful to God’s counter-cultural word.

      Suitable for groups or individuals, this guide covers all the major Bible teaching specific to men. Set within the big picture of God’s redemption of sinners through Jesus Christ, the heart-felt aim of the authors is that 21st century men will be set free from the slavery of human expectations, and enabled to live purposefully and confidently for Christ as true Men of God.

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    • Practical Prayer (Student/Study Guide)


      At its core, prayer is simply talking and listening to God. Using passages from both the Old and New Testaments, Joseph Yoo takes a look at how and why we pray, dealing with what we perceive to be perceived unanswered prayer, and learning to hear God’s voice. Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages from the Common English Bible are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

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    • Human And Holy (Student/Study Guide)


      Through this thirteen-week, small-group Bible study, we’ll discuss Jesus and His example of how to live as human and holy-set apart to live a holy life, with human nature, but not according to sinful nature. There’s freedom in understanding the distinction between human nature and sinful nature, not a freedom to sin (Romans 6:1), but a freedom to be all that God calls us to be. Human and Holy is the first of many Iron Rose Sister Ministries Bible Studies.

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    • Wesleyan Way Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This Leader Guide includes everything a group leader needs to plan and facilitate the 12 sessions, helping participants to explore what they have read, to view a 12-minute video, and to discuss the reading and video with the group. The guide walks leaders through the study format and provides options for tailoring sessions to the time-frame and style of each group.

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    • Wesleyan Way Student Book (Student/Study Guide)


      In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones helps seekers and believers to envision and practice discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to Christ. This 8-session study helps participants focus on how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s work in transforming the world. During the week, participants have one hour of reading and a half hour of Bible reading. Then once a week the group comes together to explore what they have read, to view a 12-minute video, and to discuss the reading and video with the group.

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    • Bead And A Prayer (Student/Study Guide)


      This 4-week Bible study introduces Protestants to prayer beads as a tool for connecting with God. Participants will explore the history and art of using beads in prayer, discover ways to pray with beads, and learn how beads can help them deepen their faith, understand Christian beliefs, and listen to God. Each week’s lesson in 20-30 minutes, a prayer bead experience, and discussion questions. Instructions for making prayer beads are included though readers may choose to purchase beads rather than making their own.

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    • Evolution Of The Word


      By presenting the New Testament books in the order they were written, bestselling Bible scholar Marcus Borg reveals how spiritually and politically radical the early Jesus movement began and how it slowly became domesticated.

      By presenting the New Testament books in the order they were written, bestselling Bible scholar Marcus Borg reveals how spiritually and politically radical the early Jesus movement began and how it slowly became domesticated.

      Everyone knows the New Testament begins with the Gospel of Matthew, but how many people know it was actually one of the later books to be written-it was not even the first Gospel!

      Marcus J. Borg, esteemed Bible scholar and bestselling author, shakes up the order of the New Testament as we know it by putting the books in a completely new order-the order in which they were written. By doing so, Evolution of the Word allows us to read these documents in their historical context. For the first time, see how the core ideas of Christianity took shape and developed over time.

      Borg surveys what we know of the Jewish community of Jesus followers who passed on their stories orally. Borg offers helpful introductions for each book so that as we read through these biblical documents, spanning over a century in time, we see afresh what concerns and pressures shaped this movement as it evolved into a new religion.

      Readers will rediscover documents they thought they knew well by seeing them in an all-new setting. Borg’s Evolution of the Word promises to change how we think about this historic work.

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    • Story Of Jesus Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Story of Jesus small group video Bible study is a seven-week exploration into the life and ministry of Jesus that is adapted from the original The Story Adult Curriculum. Pulled straight from the pages of the Bible, this study provides individuals and groups of all sizes the opportunity to learn, discuss, and apply Jesus’ life, work, and teaching to their everyday lives. Pastor and author Randy Frazee presents seven ten-minute teachings on how the story of Jesus intersects with the story of our modern day lives. To understand the Bible, says author and pastor Randy Frazee, you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life. The Upper Story is God’s story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that fits all the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural. Bestselling author Max Lucado also adds some introductory insights. The Story of Jesus DVD (sold separately) and Participant’s Guide are designed for use by individuals as well as groups of all sizes, including small groups and Sunday school and adult education classes. The Story of Jesus Participant’s Guide includes DVD teaching notes, discussion questions, between session personal experiences, and also includes seven chapters of the full text of The Story hardcover book as it relates to Jesus, from his birth to the beginning of the church.

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    • Judges : The Flawed And The Flawless (Student/Study Guide)


      This six-study guide by Timothy Keller will show users how this dark, difficult period of history points us to the wonderful message of the gospel. Designed to work alongside Judges For You.

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