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Alan Stringfellow

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado una mayor comprension de la Palabra de Dios a miles de creyentes. Ahora, el autor de A traves de la Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de la Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio de 12 lecciones, verso por verso, del libro de Daniel. La enseanza profunda de Stringfellow aportara claridad y entendimiento a uno de los libros mas incomprendidos de las Escrituras. Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan…

    *Como identificar los temas principales

    *Como memorizar versos clave

    *Como reconocer el mensaje central de Dios

    *Una vision general de varias interpretaciones de las imagenes del libro

    *El papel que juegan las profecias de Daniel en toda la historia biblica

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes descubriran la influencia que Daniel tuvo en la vida y la literatura del pueblo judio a lo largo del periodo biblico y hasta los escritores del Nuevo Testamento, incluido Jesucristo mismo, que a menudo lo citaba. Pero en ninguna parte se ve esa influencia tan a fondo como en los escritos del apostol Juan y los paralelos que existen con el libro de Apocalipsis. Al igual que en la obra profetica de Juan, el libro de Daniel describe en un lenguaje hermoso y maravilloso la gloriosa venida de nuestro Seor Jesucristo. Al igual que Juan, Daniel estaba seguro sobre el triunfo final del reino de Dios.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels th

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  • Insights On The Book Of Daniel


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels that exist with the book of Revelation. As in John’s prophetic work, the book of Daniel describes in beautiful and marvelous language the glorious coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Like John, Daniel was sure and certain about the final triumph of the kingdom of God.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado a miles de creyentes una mayor comprension de la Palabra de Dios. Ahora, el autor de A traves de la Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de la Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio de 25 lecciones, verso por verso, del libro de Apocalipsis. La enseanza profunda de Stringfellow aportara claridad y entendimiento a uno de los libros mas incomprendidos de las Escrituras. Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan…

    *Como identificar los temas principales

    *Como memorizar versos clave

    *Como reconocer el mensaje central de Dios

    *Una vision general de varias interpretaciones de las imagenes del libro

    *El papel que juega Apocalipsis en toda la historia biblica

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes reconoceran como toda la narracion biblica que comienza en Genesis encuentra su climax final en la vision milagrosa de Juan. Aunque Apocalipsis puede parecer centrado en gran medida en el futuro, el conocimiento de sus temas y su mensaje principal tienen una gran importancia para nuestras vidas actuales, dejandonos mejor preparados para enfrentar los desafios diarios de la vida.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 25-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Revelation plays in the entire Bible story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will recognize how the entire Bible narrative that begins in Genesis finds its concluding climax in John’s miraculous vision. Even though Revelation may seem largely focused on the future, knowledge of its themes and central message have great importance for our present lives, leaving us better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado a miles de creyentes una mayor perspectiva de la Palabra de Dios. El autor de A traves de La Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de La Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio capitulo por capitulo del libro de Isaias. La enseanza en profundidad de Stringfellow aportara claridad y comprension a uno de los libros mas profeticos en las Escrituras.

    Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan:
    *Como identificar los temas principales
    *Todas las principales doctrinas y verdades de Isaias
    *La importancia y relevancia de la profecia
    *Contexto importante y los antecedentes acerca del Isaias poco conocido
    *El papel que juega Isaias en la venida del Mesias

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes aprenderan a comprender y apreciar mejor el papel del profeta, a predecir el futuro, y a hablar la verdad a una generacion perdida y pecadora. Stringfellow hace conexiones poderosas entre la riqueza y abundancia del tiempo de Isaias, y la abundancia y decadencia de nuestro mundo actual. El verdadero valor de esta profecia es que nos ocupa con una persona, y no solo con los eventos: la Persona de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, que viene a sufrir y vuelve a reinar. Todo esto esta predicho por un gran genio poetico cuyas palabras e imagenes apasionantes solo podian haber sido inspiradas por la mano de Dios.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture.

    With this study, readers will learn…
    *How to identify the major themes
    *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
    *The importance and relevance of prophecy
    *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
    *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

    By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person,

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  • Insights On The Book Of Isaiah


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
    *How to identify the major themes
    *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
    *The importance and relevance of prophecy
    *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
    *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

    By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person, and not merely with events–the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes to suffer and returns to reign. All of this is foretold by a great poetic genius whose gripping words and imagery could only have been inspired by the hand of God.

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  • Insights On The Book Of Revelation


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 25-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
    -How to identify the major themes
    -How to memorize key verses
    -How to recognize God’s central message
    -An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery
    -The role Revelation plays in the entire Bible story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will recognize how the entire Bible narrative that begins in Genesis finds its concluding climax in John’s miraculous vision. Even though Revelation may seem largely focused on the future, knowledge of its themes and central message have great importance for our present lives, leaving us better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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  • Through The Bible In One Year


    A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible

    For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will, shows how it has become manifest over the centuries, and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.

    With each study, the reader will learn…
    *How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
    *How to memorize key Scriptures
    *How to recognize God’s central messages
    *How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible story

    By embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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  • Great Truths Of The Bible


    A 52-Lesson Study of the Fundamental Principles of the Christian Faith

    Have you ever felt that God has something special planned for your life? Do you feel as though you have failed to receive His greater blessings? It may be that you haven’t fully matured as a Christian.

    Great Truths of the Bible provides you with a greater understanding of God’s will, as revealed through His Word, by presenting 48 fundamental spiritual principles of the Christian faith in a 52-lesson format.

    This study will…

    *Build your confidence in the truth of all Scripture
    *Help you to better understand difficult passages of the Bible
    *Provide insights into subjects rarely taught or preached
    *Take you through the entire Bible by focusing on the great truths of Scripture

    As you study these principles, you will discover exactly how God prepares you for the many choices you’ll face in your life. These truths become a living reality in your Christian walk, and you will become a “doer of the Word and not a hearer only.” (See James 1:22.)

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  • Great Characters Of The Bible


    How God Used Ordinary People to Accomplish Extraordinary Tasks
    God chose to teach His spiritual principles through the successes and failures of His people.

    Great Characters of the Bible is a 52-lesson study of 61 Bible characters who were not all that different from us. They experienced struggles, heartaches, successes, and failures. They battled fear, doubt, and worry. But they also give testimony to God’s mighty hand moving through the ages, establishing His will through the lives of people like you and me.

    Standing beside these men and women of the Bible will help you walk closer with God, who included their stories in His Word especially to teach you, to inspire you, and to guide and instruct you. As you share in their victories and defeats, you’ll discover how each person was selected by God to fulfill a purpose. By studying them, you will see how the Holy Spirit equips and empowers you for greater service.

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  • Traves Dela Biblia En Un Ano – (Spanish)


    Una introduccion a los 66 libros de la Biblia en 52 lecciones

    Durante mas de tres decadas, A traves de la Biblia en un ao ha aportado una mayor perspectiva a la Palabra de Dios para miles de creyentes. Llevando al lector a lo largo de toda la Biblia, libro a libro, esta aclamada herramienta de aprendizaje desgrana la revelacion progresiva y paso a paso de la voluntad de Dios, muestra como se ha manifestado a lo largo de los siglos, y explica como afecta a las vidas de los creyentes en la actualidad.

    *Con cada estudio, el lector aprendera…
    *A identificar temas principales en cada libro de la Biblia
    *A memorizar versiculos clave
    *A reconocer los mensajes centrales de Dios

    Como cada libro se formo y el papel que desempea en la historia biblica
    Al embarcarse en este viaje de todo un ao, los creyentes veran la Biblia revelarse como una historia real, hermosa y divinamente inspirada, con un principio, una parte central y un final que aun ha de llegar. Y al aceptar sus temas y sus verdades, estaran mejor preparados para afrontar los retos diarios de la vida.

    A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible

    For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will; shows how it has become manifest over the centuries; and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.

    With each study, the reader will learn…

    *How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
    *How to memorize key Scriptures
    *How to recognize God’s central messages
    *How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible story

    By embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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