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Science and Faith

Showing 101–150 of 158 results

  • Science And Faith


    In this introduction to religion and science, William Chalker outlines the nature of knowledge involved in claims about science and about religion and delineates a compatible relationship between these two fields of understanding. According to Chalker, both science and theology have their proper realms. While science and theology are different in several crucial respects, they are not incompatible. Science, he explains, is a human intellectual activity whose aim is to produce knowledge claims that will maximize utility. Theology, in contrast, is a human intellectual activity whose aim is to produce knowledge claims about ultimate purpose. The two areas of knowledge are grounded in two very basic and very different kinds of human needs. Through explaining the differences in the nature of truth claims in science and theology, Chalker hopes to dissolve the seemingly intractable conflict between scientific and theological ways of thinking.

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  • Are We Alone In The Universe


    Our society is infatuated with the prospect that life exists on other planets. Three out of four Americans believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. Scientific experts say it is just a matter of time before the existence of alien life is a proven fact. Biblical evidence reveals that we are alone in the universe! In the search for extraterrestrial life, many have discarded the Bible as a source of insight on this question. Are We Alone in The Universe? A Biblical Perspective compares scientific information about the universe and the search for extraterrestrial life with what the Bible says concerning the possible existence of intelligent life on other planets. This book will reveal God’s purpose for the immensity of the universe, the worth God places on our seemly insignificant lives, and bring about a greater awareness that there is no bigness or smallness in the eyes of God.

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  • Not Just Science


    This book questions where Christian faith and natural science intersect. What should liberal arts students studying at Christian colleges and universities be asking themselves as they natural science? This book enables students to think critically about how the Christian worldview influences our perceptions in the area of natural science. It acquaints students with foundational questions important to the practice of natural science, as well as God’s mandate to care for His creations.

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  • Soul Of The Night


    Probing the depths of science and faith, scientist Chet Raymo investigates the mysteries of human spirituality and meaning contained in astronomy. Ranging through the stars and the myths humans have told about them for millennia, Raymo delves into “a pilgrimage in quest of the soul of the night.”

    Chet Raymo’s elegant essays link the mysterious phenomena of the night sky with the human mind and spirit, as he ranges through the realms of mythology, literature, religion, history, and anthropology. Originally published two decades ago, The Soul of the Night is a classic work that is a must for those interested in the relationship between science and faith

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  • Creation And Double Chaos


    1.The Science-theology Dialogue: How?
    2.The Scientific Worldview
    3.The Theological Worldview: Creation Stories
    4.Creation Out Of Nothing: Origin And Problems
    5.Contemporary Creation Theologies
    6.Chaos Theology: An Alternative Creation Theology
    7.Chaos Theory And Chaos Events
    8.The Problem Of Evil
    9.God’s Action In The World
    10.The Cosmic Christ: Person And Work
    11.Human Ambivalence: Genetic Modification
    12.Disease: Punishment For Sin Or Chaos Event?
    13.Are We Alone?: Theological Implications Of Possible Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life
    14.Future And Destiny: Eschatology And Chaos Theology

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    Scientist and theologian Sjoerd Bonting offers a new overarching framework for thinking about issues in religion and science. He looks at the creation controversy itself, including biblical perspectives, traditional doctrines, and the particular potential contribution of chaos theory. Finally, Bonting extends this perspective, a combination of chaos theory and chaos theology he calls “double-chaos,” into a framework that addresses traditional questions about evil, divine agency, soteriology, the understanding of disease, possible extraterrestrial life, and the future.

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  • Everyday Miracles By Gods Design


    Don’t you wish your body and life came with an Operator’s Manual? In his groundbreaking book, Everyday Miracles by God’s Design, Dr. David Jernigan presents an amazing interweaving of the latest science and the universal truths from God’s Word. This book is a bold step towards the Operator’s Manual you always wanted! Dr. Jernigan’s work transcends and bridges the gaps between science and faith so that everyone can discover the power of their Maker through a truly miraculous life. Learn how to attain and access the ultimate power in the universe. This book will take you on a journey with a worthy destination, one that will last your entire life and beyond.

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  • Everyday Miracles By Gods Design


    Don’t you wish your body and life came with an Operator’s Manual? In his groundbreaking book, Everyday Miracles by God’s Design, Dr. David Jernigan presents an amazing interweaving of the latest science and the universal truths from God’s Word. This book is a bold step towards the Operator’s Manual you always wanted! Dr. Jernigan’s work transcends and bridges the gaps between science and faith so that everyone can discover the power of their Maker through a truly miraculous life. Learn how to attain and access the ultimate power in the universe. This book will take you on a journey with a worthy destination, one that will last your entire life and beyond.

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  • Charlie Systems And God


    Fascinating tale about work, home, community and a remarkable couple, the boy guided by logic, the girl by faith, creating an amazing gridge between science and religion, faith and reason.

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  • Genetic Entropy And The Mystery Of The Genome


    Dr. John Sanford, a retired Cornell Professor, shows in Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome that the “Primary Axiom” is false. The Primary Axiom is the foundational evolutionary premise – that life is merely the result of mutations and natural selection. In addition to showing compelling theoretical evidence that whole genomes can not evolve upward, Dr. Sanford presents strong evidence that higher genomes must in fact degenerate over time. This book strongly refutes the Darwinian concept that man is just the result of a random and pointless natural process

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  • Evolution And Ethics


    Christians frequently resist evolutionary theory, believing it to be incompatible with the core values of their tradition. But what exactly are the tensions between evolution and religious faith in the area of human morality? Evolution and Ethics examines the burning questions of human morality from the standpoint of Christian thought and contemporary biology, asking where the two perspectives diverge and where they may complement one another.

    Representing a significant dialogue between world-class scientists, philosophers, and theologians, this volume explores the central features of biological and religious accounts of human morality, introducing the leading theories and locating the key points of contention. Central to these discussions are the questions of whether human actions are ever genuinely selfless, whether there is something in the moral life that transcends biological function, and whether one can sensibly speak of an overall purpose to the course of evolution.

    Certain to engage scholars, students, and general readers alike, Evolution and Ethics offers a balanced, levelheaded, constructive approach to an often divisive debate.

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  • From Darwin To Design


    From Darwin To Design shows how Dr. Cagan, a staunch atheist, gradually began realizing that the laws governing the universe are too precise to point to anything but Intelligent Design.

    Dr. Cagan presents surprising information that will convince you of the awesomeness of God. He makes Himself evident down to, and including, the minutest part of science and math. You will see the creative universe as never before! And find:

    *Answers to the debate between creationism and evolution
    *What to tell your children when they ask about science in school
    *How nature and science both point to God
    *Answers for those who think religion is outdated

    Here is what to tell people when they ask about the beginning of the world. Cagan reveals his findings, which will introduce you to the Master Creator as he me Him – through the precise beauty of science.

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  • Coming To Peace With Science


    Foreword By Francis S. Collins
    1. Science And Religion: Trying To Live In Two Worlds At Once
    2. The Creation And Fall: Exploring The Meaning Of Scripture
    3. Putting Creation Into A Time Frame
    4. The Fossil Record
    5. Beyond The Fossil Record: Looking At The Geographical Distribution Of Life’s Diversity
    6. Tracing Lineage By Tracking Genes
    7. Coming To Peace With Biology

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    Is a thoroughly Christian and biblically informed doctrine of creation compatible with widely held conclusions of modern science, especially biology? For Darrel R. Falk, this is not just an abstract question but one with which he has personally wrestled. A professor of biology, Falk brings together his biblically based understanding of creation and the most current research in biology. The result of his efforts to acknowledge the validity of science and the authority of Scripture is a new paradigm for relating the claims of science to the truths of Christianity. Written with the undergraduate student in mind, this book nonetheless will help anyone who is looking for a place to stand in the creation-evolution debate, fearful that they’ll have to choose between intellectual integrity and the faith of the church. Calling for charitable discussions within the church, Falk shows how an original and ongoing interaction of God with creation is fully reconcilable with the kinds of development identified by current biological science.

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  • From Cells To Souls And Beyond Print On Demand Title


    Print On Demand Title

    For more than a decade developments in science have prompted wide-ranging discussions about human nature. Gone are the days when this subject was the preserve of theologians and philosophers; today the fields of genetics and neuroscience are shifting attention to the biological basis of human nature. This engaging book takes readers straight to the intersection of religion and science, exploring what new scientific knowledge does and does not say about religious views on personhood.

    Written by an international, interdisciplinary team of scholars sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation, From Cells to Souls – and Beyond examines such questions as personal identity, the meaning of “human,” the mind-body relationship, and subjective spiritual experience. Each topic is discussed against the backdrop of biblical theology with the relevant science made clear. The result is a fresh interpretation of the Christian doctrine of humankind true to both science and Scripture.

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  • Sacred Longings : The Ecological Spirit And Global Culture


    What do we really want? Internationally noted theologian Mary Grey believes we have gotten out of touch with our deepest desires. Trapped by the seductions of the marketplace, addicted to more and more, our culture has acquiesced in global capitalism’s most problematic characteristics, including widespread poverty and global maldistribution of resources. Grey’s hopeful book argues that there is a deeper language of desire that plumbs to what humanity really wants. Emergent in story and myth and symbol, these sacred longings can be seen in the simple yet profound elements–within and beyond Christianity–or water, light, and sacred space. Getting back in touch with our sacred longings entails a spiritual quest–a kind of ecomystical renewal–that can transform our desire, enliven our communities, simplify our lifestyles, and ultimately rekindle our global prospects.

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  • Satans Deadly Deception Evolution Simply Put


    Creation is God’s Absolute Truth! Choruses of hallelujahs rang throughout the vastness as Almighty God said, “Let there be,” and THERE WAS! Through first-person narration, you will witness Creation through the eyes of an angel. You will hear about the wonderful Creation of man at the hands of God, listen to Eve reminisce about life in the Garden of Eden, and shudder at the revelation of sin and shame due to man’s disobedience to God. Evolution is Satan’s Deadly Deception! Gain an insight into how and why Satan’s manipulation of evolution is influencing man and man’s way of thinking concerning God and Christianity.We’ll look at evolution and see how the Bible refutes every concept of evolution’s insidious and destructive theories. By searching the Scriptures, we will plug the gap in the Gap Theory, mute the bang in the Big Bang Theory, and dispel Darwin’s monkey to man theory!

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  • In Whom We Live And Move And Have Our Being


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802809780ISBN10: 0802809782Editor: Philip Clayton | Editor: Arthur PeacockeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2004Publisher: Lightning Source – Print On Demand Print On Demand Product

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  • What Darwin Didnt Know


    What Darwin Didn’t Know puts Darwin’s ‘findings’ in perspective of what we now know thanks to microbiology. Doctor Simmons brings a medical doctor’s view of the human body to give proofs against natuaral selection. End of chapter ‘Bottom Line Points’ give a concise breakdown of the major issues covered in each chapter. Thoroughly engaging and written for those with no specific knowledge of biology, this book gives an eternal perspective to the systems and functions each of us have and use every second of every day.

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  • Science And Faith


    Many believers worry that science undermines the Christian faith. Instead of fearing scientific discovery, Jack Collins believes that Christians should delight in the natural world and study it. God’s truth will stand against and challenge and will enrich the very scientific studies that we fear. Collins first defines faith and science, shows their relation, and explains what claims each has concerning truth. Then he applies the biblical teaching on creation to the topics of “conflict” between faith and science, including the age of the earth, evolution, and miracles. He considers what it means to live in a created world. This book is for anyone looking for a Christian engagement with science without technical jargon.

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  • Living With Hope


    Advent is a time for deepening encounter with reality, including the ultimate reality made manifest in human form at Christmas and Epiphany. This thought-provoking book illuminates biblical thinking with striking new insights from the author’s twin disciplines of theology and science at the cutting edge of physics.

    Though daily readings for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Polkinghorne explores such themes as the end of the world, individual destiny, unseen realities, heaven, hell, and suffering; this is not a book that hides behind platitudes or easy solutions, yet the author offers profound insight into his deep reflections on the nature, meaning, and purpose of creation.

    Suitable for individual study, as a guide to prayer during Advent and beyond, or as the basis of small group discussion, Living With Hope offers a unique and inspiring pathway into the coming of Christ in history, in our lives, and in what we shall be.

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  • God In The Equation


    He wanted to know where our world comes from and where it was going.

    He wanted to understand how the remote stillness of the heavens relates to the erratic, ever-changing events here on earth.

    Above all, he wanted to know if the answers to these questions would bring him closer to a higher authority.

    So Einstein put God in the Equation

    “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science,” Albert Einstein once said, “becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe — a spirit vastly superior to that of man.” This mysterious component, which Einstein called a “cosmological constant,” would eventually work its way into his world-shattering theory of relativity. In this way, explains acclaimed science writer Corey S. Powell, Einstein was creating a formula for a new kind of “sci/religion,” one in which God was a factor, denoted by the Greek letter Lambda, and one that would pave the way for an entirely new gnostic era in the history of human spirituality.

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  • Science And Wisdom


    Weighing both the pluses and minuses of modern science, Moltmann specifically assesses contemporary cosmology. He ponders the creation as an open system, the self-emptying of God in the history of the universe, problems of time and eternity, ideas of God and space, as well as the last things.

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  • Resurrection : Theological And Scientific Assessments


    In this volume first-rate scientists and theologians from both sides of the Atlantic explore the Christian concept of bodily resurrection in light of the views of contemporary science.

    Whether it be the Easter resurrection of Jesus or the promised new life of individual believers, the authors argue that resurrection must be conceived as “embodied” and that our bodies cannot exist apart from their worldly environment. Yet nothing in today’s scientific disciplines supports the possibility of either bodily resurrection or the new creation of the universe at large. Cosmology, for example, only forecasts an end to the universe. If persons and the cosmos are to rise up anew in the eschaton, such an event will have to be a willful act of God. Thus, while modern science can offer aid in constructing models for picturing what “resurrection of the body” could mean, the warrant for this belief must come from distinctly theological resources such as divine revelation. Christian faith ultimately gains its strength not from modern science but from God’s promises.

    Bridging such disciplines as physics, biology, neuroscience, philosophy, biblical studies, and theology, Resurrection offers fascinating reading to anyone interested in this vital Christian belief or in the intersection of faith and scientific thought.

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  • Dancing With The Sacred


    SKU (ISBN): 9781563383939ISBN10: 1563383934Karl PetersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2002Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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  • Nature Human Nature And God


    In his latest work, the dean of religion and science tackles some of the thorniest issues posed by contemporary thought. Thoroughly conversant with current developments, Barbour offers astute analyses of the shape and import of evolutionary theory, indeterminacy, neuroscience, information theory, and artificial intelligence. He also addresses deeper philosophical issues and the idea of nature itself. Then with characteristic clarity and verve, Barbour advances to the interconnected religious questions at the core of contemporary debate: Are humans free? Does religion itself evolve? Are we immortal? Is God omnipotent? How does God act in nature? Barbour’s creative and constructive work offers hope that newer religious insights and imperatives occasioned by deep interaction with science can address the environmental and global challenges posed by science’s relentless advance.

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  • In Our Image


    In Our Image is the first extensive theological engagement with the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Herzfeld probes this new field, which seeks to model human intelligence in computers, for its theological depth. She argues that “At the root of the fascination our current culture has with creating an image of ourselves in an intelligent computer lies a continuing problematic of defining … what it means to be truly human.” She shows how AI continues the classic Christian quest for defining the image of God in humans. Offering a smart, accessible history and typology of research in AI, Herzfeld shows how its rival schools parallel competing options in the theological anthropologies of Niebuhr, von Rad, and Barth. She probes our interest in AI and argues that a relational anthropology informs the best research and the many depictions of AI in science fiction and film. Herzfeld’s exciting work further develops this relational model, in which she finds a needed corrective to the individualistic and narcissistic tendencies of much recent spirituality and the seeds of a human/computer ethic.

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  • Hidden Face Of God


    Gerald Schroeder takes a bold step forward, to show that science, properly understood, provides positive reasons for faith and God.

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  • Scientific Facts In The Bible


    If the Bible proves itself to be the Word of the One who created all things, doesn’t it make sense to search its pages? If there is a one-in-a-million chance that the Bible’s promise of immortality and the avoidance of eternal damnation is true, we owe it to our common sense to take a look.

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  • Is There Evidence For The Christian Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232807ISBN10: 1931232806Craig WilliamsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2001Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Earth Habitat : Eco Injustice And The Churchs Response


    This single volume gathers theologians from around the world to address three pressing questions: How can Christianity and Christian churches rethink themselves and their roles in light of the endangered earth? What “earth-honoring” elements does justice- oriented Christianity have to contribute to the common good? And how can communities and churches respond creatively and constructively on a local level to these vast global forces? This volume captures the chief themes and presentations from the October 1998 conference on social justice, ecology, and church entitled “Ecumenical Earth” and held at Union Theological Seminary. Among the 18 contributors to this trailblazing conference are Rasmussen and Hessel, James Cone, Kusumita Pedersen, Brigitte Kahl, Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi, Steven Rockefeller, Havid Hallman, Ernst Conradie, Peggy Shepard, and Troy Messenger.

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  • Creation According To The Scriptures


    Subtitled A Presuppositional Defense of Literal Six-Day Creation, this symposium by thirteen authors is a direct frontal assault on all latitudinarian and otherwise waffling views of Biblical Creation. It expldes the “Framework Hypothesis,” so dear to the hearts of many respectability-hungry Calvinists, and it throws down the gauntlet to all who believe they can maintain a consistent view of Biblical infallibility while abandoning literal, six-day creation. It is a must reading for all who are observing closely the gradual defection of many allegedly conservative churches and denominations, or who simply want a greater grasp of an orthodox, God-honoring view of the Bible.

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  • Science And Christianity


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Can you be a faithful Christian and a believer in contemporary scientific theory? Six scholars address this controversial question, offering four different views on the uneasy relationship between science and faith. Their discussion of creationism, science and Christian theology, the “God hypothesis,” and the partnership between science and Christianity will help you shape an informed opinion.

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  • God And The Web Of Creation


    SKU (ISBN): 9780334026532ISBN10: 0334026539Ruth PageBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2000Publisher: SCM Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Nature Reborn : The Ecological And Cosmic Promise Of Christian Theology


    Santmire’s much-acclaimed Travail of Nature documented the unfortunate legacy of many Christian theological notions in the use, abuse and destruction of the natural world, along with its positive aspects. His new work returns to the fray, this time to reclaim classic, mostly premodern Christian themes and reenvision them in light of the global environmental and cultural crisis. This revisionist work – “To revise the classical Christian story in order to identify and to celebrate its ecological and cosmic promise”- mines Christian cosmology, Christology, Creation, Eucharist, so that the Christian “story” can be then rediscovered (history), reshaped (theology), reexperienced (spirituality), and reenacted (ritual).

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  • Genesis In Space And Time


    Genesis is a book of origins – the origin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of man. Many today, however, view this book as a collection of myths, useful for understanding the Hebrew mind, perhaps, but certainly not a record of what really happened. Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer challenges that view and shows how the first eleven chapters of Genesis stand as a solid, space-time basis for for answering the tough questions posed by modern man.

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  • Metaphysics : Constructing A World View


    William Hasker addresses some of the most fundamental issues in philosophy, focusing on the meaning of a Christian worldview. The book’s primary purpose is to serve as one of several texts in an introductory philosophy course, but it will also be of use to the interested reader outside any formal course framework. Hasker addresses “Freedom and Necessity,” “Minds and Bodies,” “The World,” and “God and the World.”

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  • Creation Hypothesis


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    For a century the reigning scientific view has been that God is not necessary to account for the existence of the world and of life. Evolutionary theory is said to be all that is needed to explain how we got here. In addition, many theistic evolutionists contend that God likely used many of the mechanisms of evolution to achieve his will. In this book J.P. Moreland and a panel of scholars assert that there is actually substantial evidence pointing in a different direction. First, they consider philosophical arguments about whether it is possible for us to know if an intelligent designer had a hand in creation. They then look directly at four different areas of science: the origin of life, the origin of major groups of organisms, the origin of human language, and the origin and formation of the universe. Experts on this panel were: Stephen Meyer, William Dembski, Hugh Ross, Walter Bradley, Charles Thaxton, Kurt Wise, John Oller, John Omdahl, John Ankerberg, and John Weldon.

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  • Battle Of Beginnings


    Del Ratzsch examines the history of the debate and takes aim at entrenched positions that he argues impede progress from either side. Dissatisfied with both creationist fallacies and materialist misconstruals, he seeks to lay the groundwork for more fruitful dialogue. In considerable detail he looks at the history and development of Darwin’s theory and popular creationist misunderstandings of evolution, moving on to the history and development of creationist theory and popular evolutionist misunderstandings of it. He then discusses the nature of science and common creationist and evolutionist abuses as a prelude to showing why both sides have remained critical of theistic evolution.

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  • Our God Is Wonderful


    1. God’s Wonderful Creation
    2. God’s Wonderful Providence
    3. God’s Wonderful Redemption

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    We should take time to revel in all God’s creation. Everything He made is marvelous beyond description. Everyone owes it to himself or herself to be awestruck by the demensions of the universe, the number of stars, and the precision with which they move. No one should miss the mind-boggling world of potential in the living cell. What a tragedy it would be to go through life hugging the commonplace and missing the beautiful, majoring in the mundane and missing the majestic. So let’s stop and smell the roses and also admire God’s works in the universe.

    In this thrilling book, a companion volume to his popular The Wonders Of God, the author takes us on a journey through creation, providence, and redemption–proving again that Our God Is Wonderful. The more we spend time with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will become like Him.

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  • Tornado In A Junkyard


    21 Chapters

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    This work by James Perloff attacks the myth of Darwinism from several angles. With evidence, or rather lack thereof, from the fossil record, Perloff demonstrates that there is no fossil support for evolution, as known by Darwin himself. Other arguments include why mutations cannot serve as the building block of evolution, why chance could not create even one of thousands of essential proteins for life, why radiometric dating techniques are not indisputable methods, and more. This work will serve as a resource for those interested in apologetics, and particularly creation versus evolution.

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  • God The Evidence


    Patrick Glynn, skeptical of religious spirituality from a young age, marks his decline beginning with learning about Darwinism in Catholic school, and, growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, gradually experienced the waning of his beliefs. By the time he had graduated Harvard he was a hardcore atheist. Industrial strength indoctrination applied by what masqueraded as the scholarly world had stripped him of every vestige of religious conviction. This is the documentation of what he learned since then, and his slow journey back. By examining miraculous accounts from the medical world, Flynn shines the light of reason on his past atheistic beliefs to show that Christianity is a reasonable faith, not one built on the denial of reality. While still critical of a few things many Christians believe, such as young-earth theory, Flynn shows how science can uphold biblical truth.

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  • 3 Views On Creation And Evolution


    For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a “young earth” be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity. Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and similar concerns as it looks at three dominant schools of Christian thought. Proponents of young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution each present their different views, tell why the controversy is important, and describe the interplay between their understandings of science and theology. Each view is critiqued by various scholars, and the entire discussion is summarized by Phillip E. Johnson and Richard H. Bube.

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  • Religion Science And Naturalism


    This book considers the consequences of the natural sciences (physics, biology, neurosciences) for our view of the world. Willem Drees argues that religion and morality are to be understood as rooted in our evolutionary past and neurophysiological constitution. His book takes a more radical naturalist position than most on religion and science. But religion is not dismissed: religious traditions remain important as bodies of wisdom and vision.

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  • Whatever Happened To The Soul


    A biologist, geneticist, cognitive researcher, neurospecialist, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, theologian, ethicist, and biblical scholar comment on the failure of modern science to see the soul as distinct from the body and the consequent ramifications for all disciplines.

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  • Light And Death


    Begun in 1994, The Atlanta Study is the first comprehensive investigation of its kind into near-death experiences (NDEs). The study’s name hardly captures what lies behind it: life-and-death dramas played out in operating rooms and hospital beds–and simultaneous events unseen by medical personnel but reported with astonishing clarity and conviction by nearly 50 individuals who returned from death’s door. Now the founder of The Atlanta Study, Dr. Michael Sabom reveals their impact on the people who have experienced them. From both medical and personal perspectives, he shares the electrifying stories of men and women from all walks of life and religious persuasions. He explores the clinical effect of the NDE on survival and healing and discloses surprising findings. He questions some common conclusions about NDEs. And he scrutinizes near-death experiences in the light of what the Bible has to say about death and dying, the realities of light and darkness, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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  • Remember Creation A Print On Demand Title


    While the creation-evolution debate continues to rage about how the world came into existence, few people wonder what it means that the world also now exists. In Remember Creation Scott Hoezee challenges readers to make today’s world more central to the Christian faith by enjoying and preserving God’s cosmos as a part of daily discipleship.

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  • God And Contemporary Science A Print On Demand Title


    New in the Edinburgh Studies in Constructive Theology. Vigorously defending the notion of “pantheism,” which locates the world within the divine being, yet still insists on God’s transcendence, Clayton’s seminal arguments draw on the Bible, philosophy, theology, and science.

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  • Handwriting Of God


    1. Can We Trust The Bible As The Inspired Word Of God?
    2. The Bible’s Astonishing Influence On The West
    3. The Impact Of Jesus On The World
    4. The Incredible History Of The Bible
    5. The Reason Many Reject The Bible
    6. The Mystery Of The Trinity
    7. The Incredible Bible Codes
    8. New Bible Code Discoveries
    9. The Messiah Codes
    10. The Heavenly Prince Melchisedec Scroll
    11. The Mystery Of The Jews: God’s Hand In Human History
    12. The Rocks Cry Out: The Historical Evidence For The Bible
    13. New Scientific Discoveries And The Scriptures
    14. The Coming Collapse Of Evolution
    15. Who Do You Say That I Am
    Selected Bibliography…..p. 277

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    THE HANDWRITING OF GOD will answer your questions about the phenomenal Bible Codes while revealing awesome New Code Discoveries hidden in the Scriptures. Can we trust the Bible? Is Christianity credible? There is a war on for the souls and minds of humanity and the main battleground is the issue of biblical authority. Grant has again uncovered new research material that will cause you to search the Scriptures for yourself. He provides new evidence that the Bible is truly ‘without error’ and trustworthy despite the attacks on its authority in our generation.

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  • Defeating Darwinism By Opening Minds


    1. Emilio’s Letter: Three Common Mistakes
    2. Inherit The Wind: The Play’s The Thing
    3. Tuning Up Your Baloney Detector
    4. A Real Education In Evolution
    5. Intelligent Design
    6. The Wedge – A Strategy For Truth
    7. Modernism: The Established Religion Of The West
    8. Stepping Off The Reservation

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    With all of the complicated scientific debate swirling around the topic of evolution, is there an easy way to understand the basic issues without oversimplifying? Phillip Johnson says there is: the key to defeating the false claims of Darwinism is to open our minds to good thinking habits. Here is first-rate advice on avoiding common mistakes in discussions about evolution, understanding the legacy of the Scopes trial, spotting deceptive arguments, and grasping the basic scientific issues without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. In the bestselling and critically acclaimed Darwin on Trial and Reason in the Balance, Phillip Johnson exposed the misleading claims of evolutionary naturalism. Defeating Darwinism provides a new and powerful treatment of these issues for high-school students, parents, teachers, pastors, youth advisors and ordinary readers. Johnson aims not just to defeat a bad theory, but to defeat it the right way-by opening minds to the truth.

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  • Natural Grace : Dialogues On Creation Darkness And The Soul In Spirituality


    The chasm between science and religion has been a source of intellectual and spiritual tension for centuries, but in these ground breaking dialogues there is a remarkable consonance between these once opposing camps. In Natural Grace, Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox show that not only is the synthesis of science and spirituality possible, but it is unavoidable when one considers the extraordinary insights they have both come upon in their work. Sheldrake, who has changed the face of modern science with his revolutionary theory of morphic resonance, and Fox, whose work in creation spirituality has had a significant impact on people’s sense of spirit, balance each other with their unique yet highly complementary points of view. In these inspired dialogues a variety of ancient topics–including ritual, prayer, and the soul–are freed from the past and given new power for the future in the liberated universe Fox and Sheldrake show us.

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  • Super Natural Christians


    In a readable and concrete style, Sallie McFague crafts a Christian spiritualilty centered on nature as the focus of our encounter with the divine. Reorienting our religious life from the “supernatural” to the “super, natural,” she suggests, can help us “see these earth others…as both subjects in themsleves and as intimations of God.

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