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    • Public Missiology : How Local Churches Witness To A Complex World


      How can Christians witness to the complexity of our world? Gregg Okesson shows that local congregations are the primary means of public witness in and for the world. As Christians move back and forth between their churches and their neighborhoods, workplaces, and other public spaces, they weave a thick gospel witness. This introduction to public missiology explains how local congregations can thicken their witness in the public realms where they live, work, and play. Real-life examples from around the world help readers envision approaches to public witness and social change.

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    • Ministering In Patronage Cultures


      Patronage governs many relationships in Majority World cultures. But regrettably, Western theologians and missionaries rarely notice this prominent cultural reality.

      Patronage–a reciprocal relationship between social unequals–is a central part of global cultures and the biblical story of God’s mission. Misunderstanding patronage creates problems not only for Westerners ministering in other cultures, but also for contemporary people reading the Bible. If we ignore the concepts of patronage in biblical cultures, we will misinterpret Yahweh’s relationship with Israel and miss some of the meaning in Jesus’ parables and Paul’s letters. Understanding patronage will illumine theological concepts such as faith, grace, and salvation. Jayson Georges, coauthor of Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures, now brings his ministry experience and biblical insights to bear on the topic of patronage. With sections on cultural issues, biblical models, theological concepts, and missional implications, this resource will not only serve ministry practitioners but anyone who studies Scripture and worships God.

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    • Arts As Witness In Multifaith Contexts


      In search of holistic Christian witness, we must cultivate new approaches for integrating the arts into mission praxis. Written by missiologists, art critics, ethnodoxologists, and theologians from around the world, these essays present historical and contemporary case studies while calling Christians to understand the power of art for expressing cultural and religious identity, opening spaces for transformative encounters, and resisting injustice.

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    • Holy Ambition : To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named – Second Revised (Revi


      This vision of, and invitation to, the work of global missions challenges Christians everywhere to cultivate a holy ambition to preach Christ where he has not yet been named.

      The apostle Paul had a holy ambition: to preach the gospel to peoples who had never heard. He ached to proclaim Jesus where he had not yet been named. So today, missionaries cross cultures, learn languages, and pour out their lives in word and deed to break through thousands of years of darkness and the reign of Satan over a people who do not know the King of kings and the Savior of the world. Missionaries go to, and minister among, peoples who otherwise have little to no access to the saving news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

      And since Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is still in effect–and since there are thousands of peoples today who have never heard of him–every church should pray that God would not only make all of us evangelists among our own people, but also that he would raise up from among us missionaries to take the gospel where it has never gone before.

      Note to the Second Revised Edition: This book was first released in 2011. Since then, John Piper has continued to preach and write about missions. So, to prepare this Second Revised Edition, Desiring God added four chapters of new material, removed about a third of the original, and freshly edited and organized the remainder.

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    • World Christianity Pamphlet


      SKU (ISBN): 9781628625325ISBN10: 1628625325Produced by: Rose PublishingBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2019Publisher: Rose Publishing

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    • Mission After Pentecost


      A leading scholar moves through the entire Bible in canonical order and puts the biblical text in conversation with twenty-first-century questions, offering the church a fresh understanding of its mission and how to pursue it in the decades to come.

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    • Symphony Of Mission


      Argues that God’s mission is broad and that all of us can live intentionally into this mission by understanding its many facets and focusing on a particular calling.

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    • Do Good To All People As You Have The Opportunity


      This book argues for a positive, biblically rigorous vision of the local church’s (and the individual Christian’s) weighty responsibility to do good to all people as they have the opportunity, as well as the continuing priority of the local church’s mission of verbal proclamation to those beyond the New Covenant community.

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    • World Mission : Theology, Strategy, And Current Issues


      World missions needs a fully biblical ethos.

      This is the contention of the editors of and contributors to World Mission, a series of essays aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions.

      In the first set of essays, contributors develop a biblical theology of world missions from both the Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology of each must stand in the foreground of missions, not recede into the background. In the second, they unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues in world missions from the perspective of the sufficiency of Scripture.

      Altogether, this book aims to reform missions to be thoroughly – not just foundationally – biblical, a needed correction even among the sincerest missionaries.

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    • Growing Up Yanomamo Today


      Following in his parents’ footsteps, “Growing Up Yanomamo Today: By Faith, Not by Sight” is the continuing story of Mike Dawson who continues his missionary work with the Yanomamo people in the jungles of Venezuela despite the hardships presented under a socialistic dictator.

      Dawson’s love for the Yanomamo people is clearly seen through the many stories in this sequel to Growing Up Yanomamo. Whether hunting and fishing together or sending out evangelistic teams of indigenous believers to remote parts of the rainforest, Dawson descriptions will provide a front-row seat to this work without the mosquitos or fear of malaria. The medical aspect of the work has been crippled by the lack of air support which was taken away by the government. Indeed, Dawson’s first wife and daughter died from malaria as has too many of the Yanomamo people when being able to get to medical support might have saved them.

      Ex-witchdoctors and other tribal members also share stories in their own words. Readers will be surprised to find a dark connection between shamen’s demons and Pokemon, and should take heed. Haunted houses, also addressed by an ex-witchdoctor, will be a cause for concern after reading his insight. Readers will gain knowledge of what it must be liked to be indwelt with demons controlling one’s life. But the good news is that there have been more conversions to the gospel of Jesus Christ in the last ten years than in the previous fifty years. This is a message of hope, with a future. The demons offer me neither hope nor a future. – witchdoctor

      Insects and wild animals are part of the daily life of a missionary in the jungle, as is travelling by river in all sorts of weather. Dawson shares how God provides safety, food, and even fuel which is scarce in this oil rich county. God has a plan for this country, this ministry, and our precious Yanomamo and the many other tribes in Amazonas State that have been abandoned, says Dawson.

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    • Introducing Cultural Anthropology


      What is the role of culture in human experience? This concise yet solid introduction to cultural anthropology helps readers explore and understand this crucial issue from a Christian perspective. Now revised and updated throughout, this new edition of a successful textbook covers standard cultural anthropology topics with special attention given to cultural relativism, evolution, and missions. It also includes a new chapter on medical anthropology. Plentiful figures, photos, and sidebars are sprinkled throughout the text, and updated ancillary support materials and teaching aids are available through Baker Academic’s Textbook eSources.

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    • Mission In Action


      Missional ethics is concerned with the way in which the believing community’s behavior is, in and of itself, a witness to the wisdom and goodness of God. The debate surrounding the relationship between word and deed, or evangelism and social action, remains a significant issue within evangelical missiology. Martin Salter seeks to address one aspect of that debate – namely, the missional significance of ethics – by conducting detailed exegesis of key biblical texts. He argues that biblical ethics is neither entirely separate from, nor merely preparatory for, mission – rather, it is an integral part of the church’s mission. Missional ethics is a theme that arises from the biblical texts and is not imposed on them. The church as both organism and institution embody a missional ethic that includes worship, justice, and charity. Word and deed belong together as an integral whole. Salter’s valuable study concludes by offering a definition of missional ethics.

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    • Taking It To The Streets


      Reverend Harry “OG Rev.” Williams from Oakland, California, is called to the streets: to the hungry, homeless, addicted, incarcerated, and vulnerable. Bringing us face-to-face with both the injustices that plague our cities and the gospel of compassion that offers hope to the downtrodden, this introduction to urban ministry will inspire and equip a new generation to bring the life-giving good news of Jesus to our cities.

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    • Church On Mission


      In this scripturally rich exploration, senior missiologist Craig Ott unpacks the mission statement of the church: to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. This concise yet robust biblical-theological treatment focuses on God’s glory, a strong ecclesiology, the importance of Scripture, and practical implications for congregational and mission practice. Ideal for launching discussion and reflection, the book helps readers refocus their vision and reignite their commitment to fulfilling God’s purposes for their church or mission.

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    • Cambios Profundos – (Spanish)


      En palabras del autor: Cambiamos cuando volvemos a DISFRUTAR del amor de Dios. No cuando creemos que Dios nos ama, sino cuando nuestros ojos son abiertos y encontramos un profundo placer en ese amor (Efesios 1:18ss). Este nuevo “degustar” del amor de Dios es lo que la Biblia llama: “volver al primer amor.” Al ser confrontados con la realidad de lo que amamos internamente comenzamos a experimentar una sentida conviccion de pecado o, como dice Jesus en Mateo 5:5, vemos nuevamente la realidad de nuestra “pobreza espiritual.” El Espiritu Santo nos abre los ojos para recordarnos que el evangelio (el perdon y el poder de Cristo) es nuestra mayor necesidad para cambiar.

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    • Jesus King Of Strangers


      Recovering the church’s native language for migrantsNationalistic tribalism is on the rise around the world. How we treat strangers (foreigners, immigrants, migrants) is a prominent political, economic, and religious issue. Drawing on his personal experiences and expertise as a biblical scholar, Mark Hamilton argues that Scripture describes God’s people as strangers who are called to show grace and hospitality to others.The church has often identified itself as a community of strangers. This was the story of the church during much of its early history. In many parts of the world, it still is. In a world in which 240 million persons are voluntary immigrants and another 60 to 70 million are refugees, the urgency of the church’s recovery of its native language on immigration remains vital. Jesus, King of Strangers examines the Bible’s key ideas about human movement and the relationship between migrants and their hosts. Hamilton argues that reclaiming the biblical language will free the church from hypernationalism and fear-driven demagoguery.

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    • Ethnic Realities And The Church


      Between Iraq and a Hard Place. Before I moved to study Arabic in Jordan, friends said I should “wait until the Middle East calms down.” They were even more emphatic after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Instead, we moved to Kurdistan, where people live “between Iraq and a hard place.” This is the history of remarkable missionaries who came before us. They learned lessons the hard way; that hasn’t changed. The “great experiment” that they undertook for 200 years did not produce the results they hoped for. No doubt the next generation of missionaries will learn their own lessons, sometimes the hard way, but with more wisdom for having been careful students of the past.

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    • To The Ends Of The Earth


      Jesus is always on the move. If we follow Him, where will we end up? An expert on nomadic peoples, Malcolm Hunter shares stories from a lifetime of working in some of the world’s most remote, colorful, and neglected communities. In the early 1960’s Malcolm and his wife, Jean, arrived in Ethiopia with only their professional skills-medicine and engineering-and a desire to show God’s love to those in need. Over the next forty years God would lead them across Africa, through lush hills and scorched bush, to a dozen people groups who hadn’t heard the gospel. Wherever the Hunters went, they found that God had been there first. This book is full of astonishing true accounts of Jesus preparing the world’s least reached peoples to encounter Him. Visions, dreams, miracles, shocking customs, and even human blunders and tragedies-God used all these and more to open a way to share the good news. Honest, hopeful, and never far from laughter, Malcolm invites us to consider anew what we can expect when we follow Jesus-wherever He leads.

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    • Gospel Of Our King


      This accessible overview shows how the Bible–with its 66 books, dozens of authors, and multiple genres–comes together to provide an overarching story about God the King and explains how the Christian gospel and mission address the totality of human life.

      Written by a biblical scholar and a theologian, The Gospel of Our King shows how any account of gospel and mission can only be understood in light of the whole biblical testimony. The authors help us understand the Bible’s overarching narrative as the true story of the whole world. This story, revealed by God and centered on Jesus the King, enables us to know and love God and to fulfill his purpose for our lives. It is the framework within which we come to understand the Christian worldview, the Christian gospel, and the Christian mission. When we understand how the whole Bible fits together to shape the totality of a Christian’s life, we will be prepared to show the goodness of Christ and the gospel to others in our personal, social, cultural, and global contexts.

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    • Neighborhood Church : Transforming Your Congregation Into A Powerhouse For


      How can we embody the values of love, grace, and justice? As faith communities, how can our collective embodiment of these values shine even brighter? The answers to these questions must always unfold right here, right now, exactly where God has planted us. Neighborhood Churchacts as a resource to inspire churches to become a vibrant and engaging community partner with the families and neighborhoods living around them. The need for transformation is acute. Congregational decline continues across all mainline denominations. The abandonment of the church by the millennial generation is ubiquitous; no denomination is escaping it. This is, in part, a consequence of disconnection from our communities. Van Tatenhove and Mueller believe that, parish by parish, we can reverse this trend. They dare to have an audacious hope for local congregations not only as signs of God’s kingdom but as life-giving institutions that anchor their neighborhoods. Drawing on their combined sixty years of parish experience, wisdom from Asset-Based Community Development, and compelling case stories, Van Tatenhove and Mueller do more than just call us to incarnational ministry. They give practical, essential tools that lead to communal conversion, develop the DNA of listening, spur fruitful partnerships, promote integrated space, and sustain long-term visions. They believe these tools will spark true revival and unleash the power of incarnational ministry.

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    • Mile High Missionary


      A James Rush Manley Title

      The jungle pilot occupies a high visibility seat.

      His role creates the convincing illusion of connection. But the truth is, he or she often leads a solitary life. He drops in from the sky, visits for 15 minutes, then leaves. He touches many worlds but rarely becomes part of any.

      The stories in Mile-High Missionary show how one pilot changed from hiding as a sky-creature to reentering the world of real people.

      Sit in the pilot’s seat as this missionary memoir flies you into the Amazon Jungle. Encounter the pilot’s view. See what he saw. Hear what he heard. Meet who he met. Feel what he felt as he wrestles with his own hopes and joys, doubts and fears.

      Experience bush aviation first hand as this Christian pilot asks the hard questions:
      *Is my airplane safe to fly?
      *Can I find one tiny scratch of an airstrip hidden in an immense jungle?
      *What if the weather changes?
      *Can I land and stay on the runway, then takeoff without hitting trees?
      *After all that, am I really helping my passengers’ ministry?
      *Does my flying benefit the ex-headhunters I work among?
      *Am I honoring God, or just playing with airplanes?

      Read how he juggled safety and service while doing a dangerous job, then found himself changed by the ones he served.

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    • Made For The Journey


      In her first year as a missionary to a small group of native women in the Ecuadorian jungle, Elisabeth Elliot faced physical and spiritual trials. In Made for the Journey, Elliot captures the mysteries and stark realities surrounding the colorful and primitive world in which she ministered. More than just a recounting of her early days, this is a beautifully crafted and deeply personal reflection on the important questions of life and a remarkable testimony to authentic Christian obedience to God.

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    • Praying For Your Missionary


      Introduction: Why A Book On Praying For Missionaries?
      1. Pray For More Workers To Finish The Mission
      2. Pray For Intimacy With God
      3. Pray For Spiritual Coverage
      4. Pray For Strong Singles, Marriages, And Families
      5. Pray For Incarnational Love
      6. Pray For Oneness In The Teams
      7. Pray For Never-Ending Devotion
      8. Pray For Successful Ministry
      9. Pray For Churches To Partner Well
      10. Pray For Agencies To Partner Well
      11. Pray For Missionaries’ Reentry Period
      12. Pray To End Well
      Epilogue: Let’s Finish The Mission And Go Home

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      Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it’s also a difficult one.

      Missionaries face many challenges, whether adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, or guarding against spiritual attacks. They need the support of the church and a faithful covering of prayer. But for many Christians, missionaries are out of sight, out of mind. How can we effectively intercede for the missionaries in our lives?

      Eddie Byun provides a handy guide to praying for missionaries. He shows the vital connection between prayer and missions, how our prayers are connected to both the well-being of missionaries and the fruit of their work. This book offers ways to pray for the various needs that missionaries have on the mission field, to prevent burnout and protect them from harm. We can partner with our missionaries as individual intercessors and as sending churches.

      The fields are ready for harvest. Your prayers for the workers and their ministry can make a difference.

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    • Contextualizing The Faith


      This major statement by a leading missiologist represents a lifetime of wrestling with a topic every cross-cultural leader must address: how to adapt the universal gospel to particular settings. This comprehensive yet accessible textbook organizes contextualization, which includes “everything the church is and does,” into seven dimensions. Filled with examples, case studies, and diagrams and conversant with contemporary arguments and debates, it offers the author’s unique take on the challenge of adapting the faith in local cultures.

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    • Church And Its Vocation


      Lesslie Newbigin, one of the twentieth century’s most important church leaders, offered insights on the church in a pluralistic world that are arguably more relevant now than when first written. This volume presents his ecclesiology to a new generation. Michael Goheen clearly articulates Newbigin’s missionary understanding of the church and places it in the context of Newbigin’s core theological convictions. Suitable for students as well as church leaders, this book offers readers a better understanding of the mission of the church in the world today. Foreword by N. T. Wright.

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    • Teaching Across Cultures


      Foreword By Duane H. Elmer
      1. Metaphors Of Teaching
      2. The Rail Fence As A Crosscultural Model For Teaching
      3. Adapting Our Colored Glasses
      4. Teaching Complex Creatures
      5. Teaching And Context
      6. Teaching And Cultural Values
      7. Teaching Aims Across Cultures
      8. Cultural Influences On Teaching Aims
      9. Teaching Through Struggle
      10. Harmony Through The Rail-Fence Model
      11. Examples Of Pilgrim Teaching
      12. Improving Teaching Through Evaluation
      Recommended Reading
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

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      In our globalized world, ideas are constantly being exchanged between people of different cultural backgrounds. But educators often struggle to adapt to the contexts of diverse learners. Some focus so much on content delivery that they overlook crosscultural barriers to effective teaching.

      Educator and missiologist James Plueddemann offers field-tested insights for teaching across cultural differences. He unpacks how different cultural dynamics may inhibit learning and offers a framework for integrating conceptual ideas into practical experience. He provides a model of teaching as pilgrimage, where the aim is not merely the mastery of information but the use of knowledge to foster the development of the pilgrim learner.

      Plueddemann’s crosscultural experience shows how teachers can make connections between content and context, bridging truth and life. Those who teach in educational institutions, mission organizations, churches, and other ministries will find insights here for transformational crosscultural learning.

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    • Women In Gods Mission



      Part 1: Appreciating Their Stories
      1. God’s Amazing Daughters
      2. Navigating Power When Serving
      3. Being Authentic When Leading

      Part 2: The Faithful Connected Leader
      4. A Distinctive Foundation
      5. Connected In Different Ways
      6. Persevering With Wisdom
      7. Prioritizing Impact And Excellence

      Part 3: Realities Of Gender Discrimination
      8. Caring About Challenges
      9. Strategies That Accommodate Others
      10. When Accommodation Hinders Faithfulness

      Part 4: What Women Need To Do Their Best Work
      11. Husbands Who Act Like Jesus
      12. A Healthier Metaphor In The Workplace
      13. Men Courageously Opening Opportunities
      14. Cultivating Encouragement And Growth
      15. Addressing Remaining Issues

      Conclusion: What Might This Mean For The Future?
      Appendix: Research Details And Methodology

      Additional Info
      Women have advanced God’s mission throughout history and around the world. But women often face particular obstacles in ministry. What do we need to know about how women thrive?

      Mission researcher Mary Lederleitner interviewed and surveyed respected women in mission leadership from across the globe to gather their insights, expertise, and best practices. She unveils how women serve in distinctive ways and identifies key traits of faithful connected leaders. When women face opposition based on their gender, they employ various strategies to carry on with resilience and hope. Real-life stories and case studies shed light on dynamics that inhibit women and also give testimony to God’s grace and empowerment in the midst of challenges.

      Women and men will find resources here for partnering together in effective ministry and mission. Organizations can help women flourish through advocacy, mentoring, and addressing structural issues. Wherever God has invited you to serve and lead, discover that you are not alone as you answer the call.

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    • 1 Step At A Time


      One Step at a Time shows readers how God has a way of throwing responsibilities at people that are far too big for them, but never too big for him. Elmer and Eileen Lehman’s story describes how God took two quite ordinary people and led them on a missionary pilgrimage for more than sixty years of marriage. God’s path led them from a rural farm in northern New York State to a children’s home in Puerto Rico, then to academic study in Virginia followed by twenty-two years in Costa Rica, and then further study in Virginia, culminating with a ministry of teaching, Missions administration, church planting, and retirement in Ohio. One Step at a Time includes eight key lessons they learned along the way that speak to others’ journeys as well. Their prayer is that others would be encouraged to step out and respond to God’s call upon their lives and risk their future for Him.

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    • Short Term Missions Workbook (Workbook)


      1. The God Of Mission
      2. Learning To Delight In Differences
      3. Embracing Change
      4. Maximizing Personal Growth
      5. Working Together As A Team
      6. Communicating Clearly
      7. Staying Spiritually Fresh
      8. Preparing For Risks
      9. Anticipating The Return Home
      10. Making The Most Of Your Trip Once You’re Home
      Appendix 1: Leader’s Guide
      Appendix 2: Recommended Reading And Additional Resources
      Appendix 3: Language Acquisition Phrases And Cultural Research Questions
      Appendix 4: A Quick Guide To A Christian Theology Of Suffering
      Appendix 5: Bookmark And Journal Insert
      Appendix 6: Debriefing Prayer Of Examen

      Additional Info
      Going on a short-term missions trip can be a life- and faith-transforming experience. It can enrich the way you view the world. It can cause you to rely on God more fully. It is an opportunity to develop deep relationships with your team and the people you serve.

      A short-term missions experience can also involve weeks of physical and spiritual challenges. An unprepared team can wreak havoc on each other and the people they intend to serve.

      To get the most out of a missions trip, you need to go prepared. Whether you are going on your own or with a team, the keys to preparation are here in this workbook. In this ten-week course, which includes questions for individual reflection and group discussion, you will find

      -a concise summary of crosscultural principles
      -help in facing spiritual warfare
      -tips on avoiding a tourist mentality
      -spiritual preparation through individual or group Bible study

      This revised and expanded edition includes updated content throughout and new chapters on facing risks, fears, and suffering, and making the most of the trip after returning home.

      If you are planning to go on a short-term missions trip, don’t leave home without working through this book!

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    • Whole And Reconciled


      The ministry of reconciliation is the new whole in holistic ministry. It must be if the Christian mission is to remain relevant in our increasingly fractured world. This book offers a fresh treatment of holistic ministry that takes the role of reconciliation seriously, rethinking the meaning of the gospel, the nature of the church, and the practice of mission in light of globalization, post-Christendom, and postcolonialism. It also includes theological and practical resources for effectively engaging in evangelism, compassion and justice, and reconciliation ministries. Includes a foreword by Ruth Padilla DeBorst and an afterword by Ronald J. Sider.

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    • Seeing Jesus In East Harlem



      Part 1: Show Up
      1. El Testimonio: Go And Show Yourself
      2. The “Here I Ams” Of Life: Calling And Holy Disorientation
      3. Incarnational: Tracing Our Presence Through Christ’s Body
      4. Naming Whiteness: Discerning Space As Disciple Making

      Part 2: Staying Put
      5. Staying Public: Welcoming Home The Prophets
      6. Remaining At Work: Becoming God’s Crowdsource In The Barrio
      7. Staying Together: When Hope Became A Household

      Part 3: See
      8. Look Again: Generous Seeing As A Measure Of Discipleship
      9. Curating Heaven: Dance And Dirge At Christ’s Table
      10. El Culto: Marking Life’s Moments, Rescripting Trauma
      11. Apocalypse: Church From A Different Vantage Point


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      We are all located in different places. Some of us move from neighborhood to neighborhood or even state to state. And the way we grow as disciples and lead others in spiritual growth depends on our contexts. Pastor Jose Humphreys recognizes how deeply our faith is tied to our particular stories in our particular places. Grounded in his own deep faith and wisdom, he writes out of his experiences as a Puerto Rican pastor who has planted a multiethnic church in East Harlem. In this book, he offers a framework to help church leaders take discipleship seriously in their places, calling them to show up, stay put, and see what God is doing in their midst. Combining spiritual formation with activism, vivid narrative with exhortation, and realism with hopefulness, Humphreys offers pastors and church planters a thoughtful look at discipleship in a complex world.

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    • They Called Us Love


      April Holden is from St Helens, Merseyside. As a child she suffered from persistent ill health, and was both physically and emotionally fragile. Coming to faith in her teens, she became convinced that God was calling her to work with street children in Africa. While at university she applied to Africa Inland Mission, but they rejected her because of her chronic health problems. She then trained as a teacher, and during this period became filled with the Holy Spirit.In due course she was accepted by Operation Mobilization, who sent her initially to Egypt for training. While there she had an opportunity to move to Sudan, where the needs of the street boys were most acute: many had been traumatized by war, or were the offspring of sex workers, or had fled abuse. She opened a series of centers, despite ongoing infirmity caused by arthritis in her spine and frequent, severe muscle spasms.When the Americans invaded Iraq in 2003 the Sudanese reacted angrily, attacking anyone who looked American. One day, faced with an angry mob, April was protected in her car by four large men who held the crowd at bay while she escaped to a nearby compound. The following day she looked for them to thank them, but the manager of the compound assured her he had been alone.After harrowing experiences during the separation of North and South Sudan in 2011 she returned to Britain, emotionally and physically exhausted, and OM insisted she took a sabbatical. Within months however she was back in action, this time from a base in Zambia, where she continues to train workers from surrounding countries. Her team has also begun to train professionals like police officers who are already working with vulnerable children. Her passion is to prepare missionaries to serve as facilitators alongside African churches and communities, mobilizing and equipping them to work with homeless children and youth in a godly, professional, and sustainable manner. She continues to work tirelessly to this end.

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    • Window On The World (Revised)


      Window on the World is your ticket to travel around the world! If you appreciate Operation World as an adult, your kids will love this invaluable and age-appropriate prayer resource that develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere through prayer-from the frozen Arctic to the hottest desert, on the highest mountains and in crowded cities.

      Window on the World brings alive the culture, history, and traditions of all sorts of different people. With “Fact Files” and “Do You Know?” features, each section brings you information, true stories, maps, and easy-to-use prayer points that take you into homes around the world. See how children live, what they like to do, where they go to school, what they eat and wear, and what they hope and dream.

      This revised edition includes new entries for more countries and people groups, with updated information and prayer points from the team at Operation World. It will draw a new generation into learning about the world, reaching out to people, and praying for those who have never heard about Jesus. Through Window on the World, young people and adults alike can discover and pray for the peoples of the world.

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    • Beautiful Feet Of Missions


      Many of our modern seminaries and pulpits are void of the biblically mandated instruction on missions and global outreach. Because of this, our local churches are ignoring their God-given mandate to reach the nations for the glory of Christ. Missions is not an optional program in the church. It is the church.

      This book attempts to start a conversation about missions in our homes, churches, and seminaries. Consider it a primer, intended to increase your passion for the lost in the world. The book originates from many real-life failures and a few successes in the mission field.

      Whether you are a goer, a sender, or trying to figure out your roll in missions, there are many theological and practical gems awaiting you in this book. If you have never considered missions or you are already a global warrior, there is plenty here to help you better glorify God among the nations.

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    • Margins Of Islam


      What do you do when “Islam” does not adequately describe the Muslims you know? Margins of Islam brings together a stellar collection of experienced missionary scholar-practitioners who explain their own approaches to a diversity of Muslims across the world. Each chapter grapples with a context that is significantly different from the way Islam is traditionally presented in mission texts. These crucial differences may be theological, socio-political, ethnic, or a specific variation of Islam in a context but they all shape the way we do mission. This book will help you discover Islam as a lived experience in various settings and equip you to engage Muslims in any context, including your own.

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    • Mapping Church Missions


      Foreword By Paul Borthwick
      Introduction: Charting Our Course
      1. Good News And Good Deeds
      2. Neighbors Near And Far
      3. Crisis Response And Sustainable Development
      4. Time And Money
      5. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Short-Term Teams
      6. Serving The Undiscipled And Discipling The Servant
      7. Minimizing And Embracing Risk
      Conclusion: Mobilizing Our Congregations
      Appendix 1: Beyond Minute For Missions: Connecting Churches With Mission Partners
      Appendix 2: Scenarios For Further Reflection

      Additional Info
      The terrain of church missions is often bewildering.

      Should we prioritize evangelism or works of service? Local ministries or overseas missions? What’s more important: giving our money or giving our time? Crisis relief or building sustainable, long-term ministries? And what about the often debated pros and cons of short-term missions trips?

      In Mapping Church Missions, Sharon Hoover brings her years of experience in local church missions to bear on these and other thorny questions. Instead of taking a hardline stance on one end of the spectrum or the other, she approaches each question with nuance, adding helpful data, presenting new perspectives, and always pressing gently past surface questions to the heart of the matter.

      Whether we’re fully aware of it or not, our churches come up against these questions whenever we consider how best to use our resources for the mission of God. Written by an experienced guide, this book maps the terrain of church missions in careful detail, helping us plot our church’s unique course as we seek to serve Christ’s kingdom.

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    • Refugee Diaspora : Missions Amid The Greatest Humanitarian Crisis Of The Wo


      Refugee Diaspora is a contemporary account of the global refugee situation and how the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shining brightly in the darkest corners of the greatest crisis on our planet. These hope-filled pages of refugees encountering Jesus Christ presents models of Christian ministry from the front lines of the refugee crisis and the real challenges of ministering to today’s refugees. It includes biblical, theological and practical reflections on mission in diverse diaspora contexts from leading scholars as well as practitioners in all major regions of the world.

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    • Walking Together On The Jesus Road


      Christians who serve Jesus among people from a different culture than their own often struggle to find a good way to disciple people. Walking Together on the Jesus Road addresses this need by guiding readers through three essential practices for making disciples across cultures: listening to disciples to get to know them and their context, focusing on relationships with Christ, fellow disciples, and others, and enabling disciples to live out their faith in culturally relevant ways. These practices are the foundation for the long-term, intentional process of helping disciples from other cultures become more like Jesus. The book also engages with practical challenges, such as enabling disciples to find and belong to a nurturing community of faith, as well as contextualizing the way we teach the Bible.

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    • Evangelism In Europe


      VTR Publications
      To think Europe represents a challenge. A challenge that may seem foolish to take up, but which corresponds to a reality. Some great personalities accepted this challenge, just after World War II. It was really necessary to do something! As regards missiology, it took more than a half century to confront the task. It is time to meet our responsibilities. The gravity and extreme complexity of this challenge call for a deep awareness of the situation in Europe, an analysis of contemporary practices, a theological reflection on the spiritual condition of Europeans, the witness of old and new churches, and the nature of the Gospel that has to be announced.

      Profiting from an overview of Europe, we are at the same time aware of the particularities that each country presents. The commonalities and the differences will both shape the evangelistic approach adopted in each European country. Looking at the whole of Europe, we will also become more conscious of Europe’s specific challenges and opportunities.

      This is a considerable enterprise. Many have been engaged in it recently. The Network of evangelical missiologists in French speaking Europe (REMEEF) wants to make its modest contribution. It hopes that this book will be an encouraging read and provide the tools and innovative ideas for those eager to be Daniels and Calebs for our fellow Europeans.

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    • Disabling Mission Enabling Witness


      In recent decades churches have accommodated disabled people in various ways. Through access ramps and elevators and sign language, disabled persons are invited in to worship. But are they actually enfolded into the church’s mission? Have the able-bodied come to recognize and appreciate the potential contributions of people with disabilities in the ministry and witness of the church?Benjamin Conner wants to stimulate a new conversation between disability studies and Christian theology and missiology. How can we shape a new vision of the entire body of Christ sharing in the witness of the church? How would it look if we “disabled” Christian theology, discipleship, and theological education? Conner argues that it would in fact enable congregational witness. He has seen it happen and he shows us how.Imagine a church that fully incorporates persons with disabilities into its mission and witness. In this vision, people with disabilities contribute to the church’s pluriform witness, and the congregation embodies a robust hermeneutic of the gospel. Picture the entire body of Christ functioning beyond distinctions of dis/ability, promoting mutual flourishing and growing into fullness. Here is an enlargement of the church’s witness as a sign, agent, and foretaste of the kingdom of God.Here is a fresh and inspiring look at the mission of the church when it enfolds people with disabilities as full members.

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    • After The Trip


      1. What Now?
      2. Coming Home With Gifts
      3. Mining For Gold
      4. Treasures On The Journey
      5. Keeping The Lines Open
      6. Make Your Next Trip Your Best Trip
      7. The Key To A Life-Changing Journey
      Afterword: The Trip Is Just The Beginning
      Questions For Reflection And Discussion
      Appendix: Eight Great Questions

      Additional Info
      Can a one-time crosscultural experience truly be life-changing?

      Veteran trip leader and intercultural guide Cory Trenda says yes-if we let the trip launch a journey of integrating the experience into our ongoing life.

      In After the Trip Trenda provides a unique guide for individuals and teams to make the most of a crosscultural trip after returning home. Readers will find help with navigating the crucial reentry process, remembering and sharing key stories, interweaving new insights into everyday life, and engaging in continuing learning and service. Combining practical tips, reflections, and stories from Trenda’s own decades of crosscultural travel, this is an essential resource for organizations, churches, schools, and all travelers who want crosscultural trips to be a catalyst for lasting good.

      The trip itself is just the beginning; real life change happens after the trip.

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    • Serving God In Todays Cities


      Welcome to the world’s first urban century. How will you respond?

      For the first time ever, more people now live in cities than outside them. Cities offer both big headaches and vast opportunities, and agencies that once focused on rural work are increasingly turning their attention to urban centers. Join veteran researcher and missiologist Patrick Johnstone as he explores the fastest growing cities and megacities in the world, showing how Christian workers are addressing people’s spiritual, physical, and social needs.

      In 1962 Patrick Johnstone left England’s countryside to serve the bustling townships of apartheid-era South Africa. His pioneering of urban ministries changed his life. Journey with Patrick and Dean Merrill as they share God’s heart for the city and introduce pastors, missionaries, and community workers who are addressing urbanization’s key challenges.

      God has a heart for today’s cities. See how you can join this urgent mission.

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    • Building Saint Tabithas House


      Michael Raymond Astle
      This book was created to help support the orphans of Saint Tabitha’s House. Sales of new copies of this book will help to fund the orphanage and school.

      This is a story told through the eyes of the people who have helped build Saint Tabitha’s House, a Greek Orthodox orphanage and school in Kenya. It is primarily a photographic record of the events which have shaped the community which supports the children in need. It contains comments explaining some of the happenings and significant people involved, the thoughts and feelings of the children, expressions of gratitude, and numerous letters of appeal from the children themselves.

      Saint Tabitha’s House is run by Father Agapios Habbil Lipesa Omukuba who was canonically ordained by His Eminence the Most Reverend Archbishop Makarios the Metropolitan of Kenya. The orphanage and school has been placed under the protection and guidance of His Grace Bishop Athanasius Akunda.

      The book is divided into five main chapters entitled, “Our Family,” “Our Education,” “Our Community,” “Our Faith,” and “Our Home.” It also contains information about how to contact Fr Agapios and how to provide further support to the orphanage and school.

      May prayers ascend before the Lord God for all those who buy and read this book.

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    • Serving God In A Migrant Crisis


      “God has used migration for millennia to achieve his purposes for his people,” writes Patrick Johnstone. “He is doing so again in our time.”

      Millions are on the move, driven by war, drought, terrorism, poverty, failed states, environmental catastrophes, disease, revolutions, and the desire for a better life. Christians have a unique perspective on the migrant crisis: after all, Jesus was a refugee. So were Abraham, Joseph, and Moses.

      Today, some turn their backs on refugees. In Serving God in a Migrant Crisis, Patrick Johnstone and Dean Merrill help us understand what’s causing today’s refugee crisis, explore Christian theology and tradition on migration, and show us how Christian workers around the globe are opening their hearts to embrace these modern outcasts.

      “The world has literally come to our doorstep,” they write. “Will we open the door?”

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    • Gods Direction : Our Journey


      This is a thrilling narrative of the remarkable journey of a medical missionary couple and the way God worked to reveal his leading to accomplish his purpose. The narrative covers a period of over fifty years, describing the great variety of work situations in exotic and sometimes dangerous places in over thirty countries. The journey portrays the couple merging to become a team that labored together in providing medical care to an astonishing variety of tribal groups, refugees, leprosy patients, and remote Thai villagers.

      The story unfolds to provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in a stunning variety of places in needy, unreached areas. Those doors included a hospital in rural Southeast Thailand in a previously underserved area, providing medical care to over four thousand leprosy patients from a wide area, also in Southeast Thailand. Another open door developed when Dr. Goatcher became medical director of a hundred-bed, M*A*S*H* type hospital in a camp of twenty-two thousand refugees in the jungle between Thailand and Cambodia. It was in that setting, with artillery and small arms fire a daily occurrence, that unusual manifestations of God brought thousands of people to become Christians. Concurrently with medical care, the author was responsible for providing food and other services to over forty-five thousand refugees daily in four different camps. In India, the couple trained locally selected leaders in how to provide primary health care to the villagers in a remote, tribal area. Those ministries provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in an amazing array of places.

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    • People Disrupted : Doing Mission Responsibly Among Refugees And Migrants


      “We know about Korean Christianity’s strong commitment to contemporary mission and evangelism but this book in a fascinating way links it to the pressing issue of unprecedented migration and human dislocation. The case studies make it rich and insightful, calling the reader and the universal church to account in new and dramatic ways. The international panel of presenters and responders truly represents mission from everywhere to everywhere–an essential dialogue for missiology in the twenty-first century.” – Thomas Kemper

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    • Missional Economics : Biblical Justice And Christian Formation


      American Christians today, says Michael Barram, have a significant blind spot when it comes to economic matters in the Bible. In this book Barram reads biblical texts related to matters of money, wealth, and poverty through a missional lens, showing how they function to transform our economic reasoning.

      Barram searches for insight into God’s purposes for economic justice by exploring what it might look like to think and act in life-giving ways in the face of contemporary economic orthodoxies. The Bible repeatedly tells us how to treat the poor and marginalized, Barram says, and faithful Christians cannot but reflect carefully and concretely on such concerns.

      Written in an accessible style, this biblically rooted study reflects years of research and teaching on social and economic justice in the Bible and will prove useful for lay readers, preachers, teachers, students, and scholars.

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    • Fellowship Of The Suffering



      Part 1: Welcome To The Fellowship
      1. Suffering Comes With The Territory
      2. The Worst Suffering: Paul’s Story
      3. Learning To Trust Anyway: Dave And Erin’s Story

      Part 2: Fellowship With Christ
      4. The Sun Comes From The Dark: Prayer Through Suffering
      5. Becoming The Kind Of People The World Needs: Transformation Through Suffering
      6. Not What I Expected: Joy Through Suffering

      Part 3: Fellowship With Others
      7. It’s Our Family: Solidarity Through Suffering
      8. Pain As Common Ground: Neighboring Through Suffering

      Part 4: Fellowship With The World
      9. The Seed Must Die To Multiply: Mission Through Suffering
      10. Are You Really Passionate? Calling Through Suffering

      Recommended Reading

      Additional Info
      “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Philippians 3:10 (ASV)

      If we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. It comes with the territory. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate in his suffering.

      But that’s not the whole story. Missionary Paul Borthwick and pastor Dave Ripper show how transformation through our personal pain enables us to minister faithfully to a hurting world. They candidly share about their own struggles and how they have seen God’s kingdom advance through hardship and suffering. Though we naturally avoid suffering, Christians throughout church history have become powerful witnesses to Christ as a result of their brokenness.

      Life is painful, but pain need not have dominion over us. Instead, it can propel us in missional solidarity with our suffering world. Come find comfort and renewed purpose in the fellowship of the suffering.

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    • Pipeline : Engaging The Church In Missionary Mobilization


      What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to his followers. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well-equipped disciples. We need a fully integrated global supply chain-a pipeline-that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe. Pipeline seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest. This is a collaboration of forty different authors from churches, agencies, and cross-cultural servants. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

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    • Gods Direction : Our Journey


      This is a thrilling narrative of the remarkable journey of a medical missionary couple and the way God worked to reveal his leading to accomplish his purpose. The narrative covers a period of over fifty years, describing the great variety of work situations in exotic and sometimes dangerous places in over thirty countries. The journey portrays the couple merging to become a team that labored together in providing medical care to an astonishing variety of tribal groups, refugees, leprosy patients, and remote Thai villagers.

      The story unfolds to provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in a stunning variety of places in needy, unreached areas. Those doors included a hospital in rural Southeast Thailand in a previously underserved area, providing medical care to over four thousand leprosy patients from a wide area, also in Southeast Thailand. Another open door developed when Dr. Goatcher became medical director of a hundred-bed, M*A*S*H* type hospital in a camp of twenty-two thousand refugees in the jungle between Thailand and Cambodia. It was in that setting, with artillery and small arms fire a daily occurrence, that unusual manifestations of God brought thousands of people to become Christians. Concurrently with medical care, the author was responsible for providing food and other services to over forty-five thousand refugees daily in four different camps. In India, the couple trained locally selected leaders in how to provide primary health care to the villagers in a remote, tribal area. Those ministries provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in an amazing array of places.

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