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Family Concerns

Showing 1101–1150 of 1177 results

  • Games Grandmas Play


    Joan Jacobs is a wise and experienced grandma. She wants grandmothers everywhere to love what they do and to grow in faith. She brings her theological training, life experience, good humor, and imagination together in an inspiring reflection on one of life’s greatest opportunities–being a grandma. Jacobs explores the grandmother/grandchild relationship, showing grandmothers how to offer practical guidance and spiritual wisdom in a way that encourages the development of their grandchildren.

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  • Excellent Wife Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    24 Chapters

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    The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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  • Excellent Wife : A Biblical Perspective (Expanded)


    The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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  • Finding Your Way After Your Child Dies


    Finding Your Way After Your Child Dies offers parents a comforting way to grieve whenever the need arises, whether occasioned by the passing of a school bus or a glance at a family portrait.

    The authors’ sensitive reflections on the various occasions that bring grief to the surface include events that may happen daily, weekly, annually, or perhaps only once. Fifty-two themes-ranging from the weekly allowance, to birthdays, to graduation-help parents acknowledge their loss, express their feelings associated with the change, and recognize the experience as an opportunity for grief, as well as for growth.

    A consistent and familiar format makes it easier to enter into these moments:
    Reflection: Provides an overview of the specific theme.
    Ritual: Offers suggestions to explore the theme.
    Reading: Includes a scripture passage or verse for reflection on the theme.
    Response: Offers a prayer that summarizes the theme.

    Finding Your Way After Your Child Dies is intended for parents who have experienced the death of a child, whether due to natural causes, accident, or miscarriage. The themes may also be easily adapted for use in small and large group settings such as a support group, a prayer service, or a family ministry session. Readers will be reminded that God is with us in every circumstance of life, and that God’s love is a love that survives any loss.

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  • Uncommon Wife


    The Uncommon Wisdom In This Book Will Forever Change Your Life, Your Heart And The Circumstances You Are Experiencing. You will be encouraged in your Divine Assignment on earth. Discover the powerful part the Uncommon Wife plays in a harmonious home. Don’t wait! Order Your Copy Today! 31 Chapters for 31-Days of Uncommon Wisdom! The Perfect Gift For Someone You Love.

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  • Praise Her In The Gates


    For a Christian, motherhood is the subtle art of building a house in grace the wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands (Prov. 14:1). Each day’s work is significant, for it contributes toward the long-term plan. Each nail helps a house stand in a storm. But motherhood isn’t a simple formula. Building a home childbirth, education, discipline requires holy joy and a love of beauty. The mother who fears God does not fear the future.

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  • Should I Get Married (Revised)


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Are your ready for marriage? Are you physically, spiritually and emotionally compatible? What if making such a big commitment scares you? How do you find God’s will in all this? These are crucial questions that evey man or woman asks. And they deserve our best thinking. In this revised edition M. Blaine Smith draws from his own experience and his years of counceling singles and couples and takes a refreshingly candid, open-hearted look at these issues, helping men and women think through the important disisions concerning marriage.

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  • Say Goodbye To Whining Complaining And Bad Attitudes In You And Your Kids


    Adding honor as a factor in raising kids …and parent-child relationships.
    Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller offer a thorough program for establishing honor as a basis of family life – not just children honoring parents, but parents respecting children and children honoring each other. Even if honor seems a long way off in your household, you will find practical suggestions here to bring that goal a little closer – suggestions for kids of all ages. Honor is the biblical value that will bring about good behavior. It’s more than just changing what kids do; it’s changing the deeper issues of the heart that triggered the behavior.

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  • Listen My Son


    Listen, My Son (the opening lines of Benedict’s Rule) breaks the Rule into short daily readings and provides commentary too help strengthen men in their role as open-hearted, attentive, and intelligent fathers and husbands. Without underestimating the emotional, spiritual, and physical demands of fatherhood, Longnecker also holds up the joys of developing a strong bond with God – one that nutures the individual man and that provides him with the ability to grow himself and his family in faithfulness, service and love.

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  • From Culture Wars To Common Ground (Revised)


    What is the status of the American family? How is it changing? Are these changes making anything better? What is the future of the family? Does religion offer a positive answer?

    Not since Habits of the Heart has one book confronted issues with such personal and societal impact. Using in-depth case studies and national surveys, and now with an updated Preface and new Appendix, this groundbreaking book presents arguments for the creation of a new family ethic that should be central to both the agenda of contemporary society and the mission of the church.

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  • Act Of Marriage After 40


    15 Chapters

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    The Act of Marriage After 40, written by Tim and Beverly LaHaye with a Christian physician, follows the hugely popular book The Act of Marriage (more than two and a half million copies in print). The Act of Marriage After 40 covers such topics as nutrition (how do nutritional supplements affect your sex life?), fitness, sexual desire (does sexual desire actually reverse with age?), male impotence (psychological and physical causes, including a discussion of Viagra), female hormone drugs (the effect on desire), menopause and hysterectomy sex, first-time marriage after 40, and much more.

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  • Personality Plus For Parents (Reprinted)


    After profiling both adult and child personalities, Florence Littauer uses colorful examples to advise parents of factors that affect their relationships with their children.

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  • Self Struggle And Change


    How do I find greater wholeness in my life and in my family’s life?
    “To appreciate the importance of the Bible and gain insight about ourselves from it, both Jews and Christians can use the process of midrash: The attempt to find contemporary meaning in the biblical text. The term midrash comes from the Hebrew root darash which means to seek, search, or demand (meaning from the biblical text). The starting point of our search for personal meaning is the Bible itself…. Each generation, each reader, can approach the text anew and draw meaning from it.” -from Self, Struggle & Change
    The stress of late-20th-century living only brings new variations to timeless personal struggles. The people described by the biblical writers of Genesis were in situations and relationships very much like our own, and their stories still speak to us because they are about the same basic problems we deal with every day.
    Learning from Adam and Eve, can we find the courage not only to face our other side, but to draw strength from it? Learning from Leah and Rachel, can we stop competing with our loved ones, and begin to accept them and find ourselves? Sarah, Hagar, Lot, Ishmael and Isaac, Rebekkah, Joseph and his brothers, Jacob and Esau…this vibrant cast of characters offers us new ways of understanding ourselves and our families and healing our lives.
    A modern master of biblical interpretation brings us greater understanding of the ancient biblical text, and of the insights its characters give us about ourselves and our families today.
    By bringing the people in Genesis to life-husbands and wives, fathers and sons, brothers and sisters-Self, Struggle & Change shows us how to find wholeness in our lives.

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  • Federal Husband


    Section One: Federal Husband And Christ
    Section Two: Federal Husband Against Himself
    Section Three: Federal Husband And Society
    Section Four: Federal Husband

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    This collection of essays continues the discussion begun in Reforming Marriage in greater depth, dealing with aspects of covenantal husbandry such as masculinist distortions, feminism, fashion symbolism, and carburetor repair. Federal thinking is foreign to the modern mind. Federal has come to mean nothing more than centralized or big. Because our federal government has become so uncovenantal, it is not surprising that the original meaning of the word is lost. But federal thinking is the backbone of historic Protestant theology, and the Church needs to recover the covenantal understanding of federal headship. Husbands are to lead their families, taking responsibility for them as covenant heads – as federal husbands.

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  • Her Hand In Marriage


    1. The Authority Of Parents
    2. Preparing Sons For Courtship
    3. Preparing Daughters For Courtship
    4. Culmination Of Courtship
    5. Details Of Courtship

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    The modern dating system is bankrupt. It does not train young people to form a relationship but rather to form a series of relationships, hardening themselves to all but the current one. Recreational dating encourages emotional attachments without convenantal fences and makes a joke of a father’s authority. The disrespect children have for their fathers in this area is an echo of the disrespect fathers have for their own office.

    Biblical courtship provides a wonderful freedom. It involves familial wisdom and godly protection. Grounded upon the involved authority of the father, courtship delights in its public connection to the lives of families. Sexual purity is a great inheritance for a marriage, and part of the fathers job is to guarantee to protect that heritage.

    Biblical courtship is a humble affront to the sterility of modern relationships. And as a new generation rejoices in this ancient wisdom, the current waves of broken relationships will begin to recede.

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  • Gods Whisper In A Mothers Chaos


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Mothering infants and small children is exhausting, mind-numbing work. Just finding time to get dressed each day can be a challenge. How are we to find time for God? Yet we know that we need God in this time more than any other. We need God’s wisdom, guidance and, most of all, his peace. We need to find ways to hear that still, small voice in the whirlwind of life. Keri Kent offers down-to-earth ideas to help us along the way.

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  • Raising Great Kids For Parents Of Preschoolers (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Raising Children Of Character
    2. Ingredients For Growth: Grace, Truth, And Time
    3. Developing Connectedness And Responsibility
    4. Developing Reality And Competence
    5. Developing Morality And Spirituality
    6. When In Doubt, Connect!

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    It takes tender strength to raise children of character and faith. What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! There’s got to be a balance between control and permissiveness. And there is. Drawing on the expert insights of counselors and award winning authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend and on the parenting wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Raising Great Kids shows you how truth and grace go together. They are allies in your most challenging and rewarding task: raising children with character that can withstand life’s rigors and make the most of its potential. Using principles described in Raising Great Kids, the Raising Great Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will guide you through those first, formative years in your child’s life from infancy to age five. It’s filled with sound Biblical information and expert advise. But most important, it supplies tools you can begin using today, from thought – provoking questions and self-assessments to an abundance of practical applications. Each chapter begins by introducing three or four key parenting principles, and ends with hands on exercise and a prayer that crystallize the concepts dealt with in that chapter. The Raising Kids Workbook for Parents of Preschoolers will help you start sowing the seeds of character early in your child’s life for good fruit that lasts a lifetime.

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  • Facing Autism : Giving Parents Reasons For Hope And Guidance For Help


    Perhaps one of the most devastating things parents can learn is that their child has been diagnosed with autism. A multifaceted disorder, autism has long baffled parents and professionals alike. At one time, doctors gave parents virtually no hope for combating the disorder. But in recent years, new treatments and therapies have demonstrated that improvement is possible. With intensive, early intervention, some children have recovered from autism and have been integrated into school, indistinguishable from their peers. In this greatly needed book, author Lynn M. Hamilton draws upon her own experience of successfully parenting an autistic child to give overwhelmed moms and dads guidance, practical information, and hope for battling this disorder in their childrens lives. Parents will learn ten things they can do to begin battling autism right away, investigate cutting-edge biomedical treatments and other therapies, explore the benefits of dietary intervention, and much more as they learn how to begin the fight for their child’s future in Facing Autism.

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  • Reproduction Revolution A Print On Demand Title


    Within the high-paced, highly controverted field of bioethics, the most hotly debated issues center on sexuality, reproducitve technology, and the family. This new volume from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a thought-provoling appraisal of the wthical dimension of the reproductive revolution from a Christian perspective. Thirty scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of teh most pressing topics related to human reproduction.

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  • To Raise A Jewish Child


    In a society with so many distractions, how can American Jewish parents teach their children to know and appreciate what it means to be a Jew? Updated with current resource material, this wise and practical book provides help in finding and evaluating a Hebrew school, in dealing with secular peer-group pressures on children, and in planning family observances in the home.

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  • Spiritual Dimensions Of Mental Health


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Today’s health care workers are seldom taught about the spiritual aspects of mental health—other than to minimize or ignore them. But spiritual needs can play an important role in any illness. This series of essays will help all Christian health care workers learn how they can help people find complete health!

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  • Handbook For Married Couples (Student/Study Guide)


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In A Handbook to Enrich Your Marriage Alice and Robert Fryling offer married couples a chance to enhance their marriages. They help readers learn crucial reading skills such as how to make decisions together and how to resolve conflict. Then they apply these skills to tough marital issues like sex, spiritual growth, disappointment and money.

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  • Parents In Pain



    244 Pages In 13 Chapters Divided Into 3 Parts

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    When your kids are in trouble, you’re in trouble.
    A police car rolls up in front of your house-with your son in it.
    A voice on the phone says your daughter is all right but won’t tell you where she is-and then hangs up.
    A wallet disappears from your dresser and you’re sure who took it-at least somewhat sure.

    How do we deal with the guilt, frustration, anger and inadequacy that inevitably grip us when our children are in trouble?

    John White offers comfort to parents of children with severe problems-alcoholism, homosexuality, even suicide. With practical suggestions, he helps parents deal with their feelings and decide what to do in tough situations.

    A book of comfort and counsel to parents in pain.

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  • Raising Great Kids


    13 Chapters

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    What does it take to raise great kids? If you’ve read any books on parenting, conflicting opinions have probably left you feeling confused. Get tough! Show acceptance. Lay down the rules. Lighten up, already! – There’s got to be a balance — and there is. Joining their expertise with the wisdom of MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers), Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend help you provide both the care and acceptance that make grace real to your child, and the firmness and discipline that give direction. Avoiding the twin extremes of permissiveness and over-control, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show how you can help your child cultivate six necessary character traits: attachment, responsibility, reality, competence, morality, and worship/spiritual life. – At last, here is an effective middle ground for raising up children who will handle life with maturity and wisdom. Raising Great Kids will help you equip your son or daughter to accept life’s responsibilities, grow from its challenges, and freely and fully explore all that it has to offer.

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  • Healing Journey For Adult Children Of Alcoholics


    Children of alcoholic parents have suffered wounds that affect their lives for years to come. They learn to protect themselves from the pattern of hurt that they have come to expect in life. The results of such constant vigilance against pain can range from ulcers, sleeplessness, addictions, depression and anger to a string of broken relationships. But adult children of alcoholics can go through a healing journey that will help them recover from their painful past and be set free to live as God intended. Daryl Quick takes readers step by step through new ways of feeling, thinking and acting that will replace the ineffective patterns they have been locked into for years. With moving stories and helpful exercises, Quick shows how adult children of alcoholics can find hope and healing.

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  • Facing Love Addiction


    SKU (ISBN): 9780062506047ISBN10: 0062506048Pia MellodyBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Adoptees Come Of Age


    Drawn from the compelling stories of people who have been adopted, this book provides an intelligent and accessible description of the distinct and spiritual challenges faced by adoptees and their families.

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  • For The Familys Sake


    Turn your house into a home! Using Christ as her foundation, Macaulay presents a solid blueprint for building a haven of peace and security. Discover how the tools of love, tradition, and common sense can help you create a nurturing environment where every family member can thrive and survive the challenges of modern living.

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  • Coaching Kids : Practical Tips For Effective Communication


    Foreword By Calvin Miller
    Tip #1 Break The Cycle Of Passed-on Parenting
    Tip #2 Communicate With Respect
    Tip #3 Promote Diplomatic Dialogue
    Tip #4 Adjust Your Communication Style
    Tip #5 Celebrate Differences In Temperament
    Tip #6 Accept Various Social Preferences
    Tip #7 Affirm Diversity In Information Gathering
    Tip #8 Honor Different Paths To Decision Making
    Tip #9 Embrace Variety In Lifestyle Approaches
    Tip #10 Emphasize The Uniqueness Of Personality Types
    Tip #11 Respect Differences Between Siblings
    Tip #12 Inspire Self-discipline And Independence

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    The most exasperating, important, difficult, thankless, yet fulfilling assignment in life is parenting. Coaching Kids is a guide to creating and maintaining harmonious communication with children when they are very small and lasting throughout their adult years when they are parents themselves.

    Excellent parenting is not a substitute, but merely a launching pad for children to develop their own true identity. The authors present to young parents, single parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers the importance of understanding who kids are and are not–for everyone’s good. With this understanding in mind, the book guides readers toward diplomatic dialogue and how to blend effectively several different personalities in a family setting.

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  • Authentic Marriages


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802409461ISBN10: 0802409466Jeff Helton | Lora HeltonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1999Publisher: Moody Publishers

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  • Marriage : Gods Design For Intimacy (Student/Study Guide)


    What makes a good marriage even better? How can we build an intimate relationship that endures? How do we live out our roles as husband and wife? The Bible’s approach to these questions is realistic and practical. In these studies you will discover how following God’s design for marriage helps us enjoy it to the fullest.

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  • Shepherding A Childs Heart (Anniversary)


    Many parenting books are based on hit-or-miss theories steeped in secular thinking. This one draws from Pastor Tripp’s seasoned experience as a father-and from God’s Holy Word. Grounded in the Bible’s divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.

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  • Boundaries With Kids Workbook (Workbook)


    1. The Future Is Now
    2. What Does Character Look Like?
    3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
    4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
    5. Pulling My Own Wagon
    6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
    7. I’m Not The Only One Who Matters
    8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
    9. Pain Can Be A Gift
    10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
    11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
    12. Jump-Starting My Engine
    13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
    14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

    160 Pages

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    1. The Future Is Now
    2. What Does Character Look Like?
    3. Kids Need Parents With Boundaries
    4. What Will Happen If I Do This?
    5. Pulling My Own Wagon
    6. I Can’t Do It All, But I’m Not Helpless, Either
    7. I’m Not the Only One Who Matters
    8. Life Beyond Because I’m The Mommy
    9. Pain Can Be A Gift
    10. Tantrums Needn’t Be Forever
    11. I Am Happier When I Am Thankful
    12. Jump-Starting My Engine
    13. Honesty Is The Best Policy
    14. Roll Up Your Sleeves

    160 Pages

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  • Advent Worship And Activities For Families


    Offers brief family worship services for each Sunday in Advent and Christmas Day. Each service centers around the use of the Advent wreath. Additional activites help families focus on the meaning of the season.

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  • Emotionally Healthy Teenagers


    Respected parenting counselor Jay Kesler offers ten proven principles to help parents teach the concept of cause and effect, learn how to listen more than lecture, and model a life-changing love for Godresulting in emotionally healthy teenagers.

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  • Talking To Your Children About God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060667511ISBN10: 0060667516Rick OsborneBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1998Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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  • Act Of Marriage (Revised)


    1. The Sanctity Of Sex
    2. What Lovemaking Means To A Man
    3. What Lovemaking Means To A Woman
    4. Why God Created Sex
    5. Sex Education
    6. The Art Of Lovemaking
    7. For Men Only
    8. For Women Only
    9. The Unfulfilled Woman
    10. The Key To Feminine Response
    11. The Impotent Man
    12. Sane Family Planning
    13. Sex Survey Report
    14. The Missing Dimension
    15. Practical Answers To Common Questions
    304 Pages

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    This updated and expanded edition gives a fresh, informative edge to an already definitive book.

    New sections discuss “sex after sixty” and five reasons why God created sex. All supported by the very latest findings in the fields of medicine and sociology.

    For engaged couples and newlyweds who want to make lovemaking a joy from the start…for couples who have been married for years and want to maintain the flame or rekindle the embers…for every husband or wife who wants to be a better lover—here are the insights into each other’s bodies, psychosexual makeup, and need for tender, unselfish affection that can help you achieve your goal.

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  • Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents


    Introduction: Learning Our Names / Paul Tokunaga
    Pressure, Perfectionism & Performance / Paul Tokunaga
    Your Parents Love You, My Parents Love Me / Jeanette Yep
    Honor & Obey / Greg Jao
    Doctor Or Lawyer? / Susan Cho Van Riesen
    Relating To Others-Understanding Yourself / Greg Jao
    Marriage & Singleness / Peter Cha & Susan Cho, Van Riesen
    The Gender Trap / Peter Cha & Jeanette Yep
    Racial Reconciliation / Susan Cho, Van Riesen &-Peter Cha
    Spiritual Growth / Greg Jao
    Finding A Church Home / Peter Cha
    Gifts Asian Americans Bring / Paul Tokunaga
    For Further Reading

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    These are some of the hopes of our Asian parents. Knowing that our parents have sacrificed for us, we want to honor their wishes. But we also want to serve Jesus, and sometimes that can seem to conflict with family expectations. Discovering our Asian identity in the midst of Western culture means learning to bridge these conflicting values. This book can serve as our guide along the way as we explore
    our parents’ ways of loving us
    vocations that show respect for our parents and allow us to serve God
    the “model minority” myth and performance pressures
    marriage, singleness, and being male and female
    racial reconciliation
    spirituality and church experiences
    unique gifts Asians bring to Western culture

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  • Parenting On Your Own


    31 Chapters

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    What you hoped for in life was a smooth road with enough turns to make it interesting. As a single parent, what you got was a rocky path marked by money issues, a barren social life, and more to do in one day than most people accomplish in three.

    Dr. Lynda Hunter knows how hard It can be. Her own experience as a single parent has taught her firsthand about the concerns you face daily. It’s also taught her how to handle those concerns effectively. Now, in Parenting on Your Own, Dr Hunter combines her personal insights with those of hundreds of single parents across the country to offer this first-of-its-kind, definitive handbook for single parents.

    Here at last are the real-life answers you’ve longed for to the real-life questions you’ve been asking about: *coping with isolation, loneliness, and other emotions
    *being a full-time parent and making a living and having a social life
    *filling in the gaps left by the missing parent
    *dealing with financial crunches … and much more.

    You won’t find a more thorough, practical, and well-researched guide to single parenting anywhere. This timely resource not only supplies help for your greatest struggles, but new hope and encouragement-a single parent’s best allies.

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  • Recreating Marriage With The Same Old Spouse (Workbook)


    Drawing on years of experience counseling couples and groups, Sandra Bender contends that married people need intentional, focused direction to create the marriage they want. Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse educates couples in the skills of being married. Beginning with a discussion of the Myers-Briggs personality framework, Bender covers topics such as identity, intimacy, insecurity, and reflective listening. The personal and professional examples, discussion questions, and practice exercises will encourage couples to recreate and renew their marriage.

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  • Standing On The Promises


    1. A Short Overview Of Covenantal Childrearing
    2. The Promises Of God To Parents
    3. The Duties Of Parents Before God
    4. Covenant Continuity
    5. The Nature Of The Child And Covenant Nurture
    6. The Authority Of Parents
    7. The Necessity Of Christian Education
    8. Love And Security Through Godly Discipline
    9. The Application Of Godly Discipline
    10. Miscellaneous Concerns
    11. And When They Are Older

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    God has designed each family to be a culture – with a language, customs, traditions, and countless unspoken assumptions. The culture of the family intimately shapes the children who grow up in it. It is the duty of the father to ensure that the shaping takes place according to biblical wisdom.

    Some fathers establish a rebellious culture for their children and bring upon their children the wrath of God, sometimes for generations. Other fathers fail to establish any distinct culture, and outside cultures rush to fill the void.

    Through the Messiah, God promised blessings to His people, “their children, and their children’s children forever.” The norm for faithful members of the covenant is that their children will follow them in their faithfulness.

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  • Living Alone


    This series examines major changes that occur in the life cycle of a family: leaving home, becoming married, raising children, recommitting to a relationship–or committing to a new one–and living alone. Books address the major tasks of the family; rituals that enable effective transitions as those tasks change; beliefs and values from the Christian tradition that shape and are shaped by those family tasks; and pastoral opportunities in response to family life-cycle generations.

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  • Angels Love Children



    A Word From The Author
    Angel Of Rainbows
    Angel Of Hearts
    Angel Of Parties
    Angel Of The Cross
    Angel Of Honor
    Angel Of Love
    Angel Of Mercy
    Angel Of Believing
    Angel Of On High
    Angel Of Wonderful
    Angel Of Peace
    Angel Of Safety
    Angel Of Seed
    Angel Of Brightness
    Angel Of Praise
    Angel Of Joy
    Angel Of Tears
    Angel Of Glory Light
    Angel Of Birth
    Angel Of Royal
    Angel Of Welcome
    Angel Of Blue
    Angel Of Hope
    Angel Of Good News
    Angel Of Behold
    Angel Of Earth
    Angel Of Balance
    Angel Of Circles
    Angel Of Time
    Angel Of Halos P. 124

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    Inspired by children’s drawings of angels, Herbert Brokering offers thirty fresh understandings of God. From his conversations with the young artists, Brokering spins exciting new insights about heavenly messengers and the God they serve. Plus, there are imaginative, provocative ideas to think about and talk about together. A brief prayer concludes each devotion. Wonderful read-aloud fare for bedtime, mealtime – anytime!

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  • Happiness Is A Choice For Teens


    When you think you’ve been given nothing but raw deals in your life, remember that you can choose to be happy. That’s not just a pat theory but a truth that you really can discover and use for your life. Dr. Paul and Jan Meier work with thousands of teens struggling with the same dilemmas … feelings of stress, worried that there’s no future, tempted to check out on reality. They will show you how to deal with issues such as: anger, grief, goal-setting, the opposite sex, siblings, self-image … to name a few.

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  • Religion Feminisim And The Family


    Despite the tension between some proponents of feminism and organized religion, particularly in regard to family life, little has been written to view religion, feminism, and the family simultaneously. Drawing on history, theology, and the social sciences, the contributors to this volume analyze the impact of feminism on the experience of family life in its religious dimension. Religion, Feminism, and the Family is designed to stimulate discussion on both the contemporary women’s movement and the future of the American family.

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  • For The Love Of Children


    Choices in reproductive technology have multiplied at a staggering rate. Is our society prepared to decided on issues about procreation such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, or genetic engineering such as “designer children,” or selective abortion? How can we protect children – both born and unborn – who are conceived in these ways from being regarded as merchandise in the expanding marketplace of genetic services? Ted Peters sets out the challenges of these new technologies with clarity and precision. He looks anew at Christian theology and proposes an ethic “for the love of children.” Peters contends that only by affirming all children and their claims upon parents will society deal constructively and ethically with the many reproductive choices available now and in the future.

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  • Portable Mother : Advice Encouragement And Friendly Reminders From Mom


    This is the perfect memory book of childhood, containing the collected wisdom of generations of moms. Written by a young mother who found herself repeating the words and ideas she first heard from her own mother, it is illustrated with 26 humorous cartoons.

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  • 5 Cries Of Grief


    On August 12, 1986 twenty five year old David Strommen was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning. The tradedy sent his parent reeling with grief. Out of that grief came a journey toward healing; a journey that is chronicled in this extraordinry book. The Strommens encountered five cries of grief: The cry of pain from the awareness of their devastating loss; the cry of longing, from missing their son; the cry for supportive love, from the extreme sense of vulnerability they experienced; the cry for understanding, as they tried to attribute meaning to a meaningless loss; and the cry for significance, as they strove to see some good result from this tragedy. As they wrote accounts of their journey, they recognized that the grief of a father may differ significantly from that of a mother. Their stories, voiced in alternating chapters launch a journey that can provide strength, insight, and renewal for all who experience the heartbreak of a loved one’s death.

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  • Strong Willed Child Or Dreamer



    239 Pages/17 Chapters

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    Your child may be a dreamer if…
    *He forgets to follow instructions, no matter how clear and simple you make them.
    *She craves praise and positive attention, yet refuses to conform to what’s expected.
    *He complains often about feeling misunderstood, picked on, or persecuted.
    *She tells more than her share of fibs, lies, or tall tales.

    If these statements describe your child, you know the frustration of turning to parenting experts for advice only to find that with your child, the systems don’t work, the rules don’t stick, and the strong boundary setting seems to make the situation worse. What’s even more frustrations is seeing that these methods do work-with strong-willed children.

    According to child and family counselors, Ron L. Braund and Dana Scott Spears, the problem may be that you don’t have a strong-willed child. Your child’s behavior may actually indicate that he or she is a creative-sensitive child, a dreamer: principle-oriented rather than rule-oriented, highly creative, sensitive to the point of taking offense where none is intended, and frustrated at a world that fails to live up to the ideal.

    In this book, the authors explain the differences between the dreamer and the strong-willed child. They also provide advice on parenting your dreamer child from infancy through adolescence, plus a special chapter on the dreamer child with attention deficit disorder.

    Whether you are the teacher, coach, clergy, or parent of a dreamer, this book will help you understand how these enigmatic children view the world and teach you how to give them what they need to thrive.

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  • Promising Again


    The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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