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    • Easter Programs Dramas And Skits For Youth


      A compilation of programs written for youth 10-16. A new author collection writing in contemporary and tradition formats and style for churches of all sizes and selected small groups. This program book also contains poems, quotes and reading to add to the enjoyment and inspiration during this special time in the church.

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    • Berenstain Bears Easter Sunday


      The Bear family, all of their friends and family, and even the nature all around them get dressed in their Easter best for an Easter Sunday celebration at the Chapel in the Woods. This newest 8×8 Berenstain Bears Living Lights title shows readers young and old that the love of the Lord is the most important part of a celebration on this blessed and holy day of Easter.

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    • Beginners Bible Come Celebrate Easter Sticker And Activity Book


      The Easter story comes to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and stickers in this friendly and fun The Beginner’s Bible Easter Sticker and Activity Book featuring classic art and simply written content from The Beginner’s Bible. .

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    • Resurrected God : Karl Barths Trinitarian Theology Of Easter


      1. Introduction
      2. The Verdict Of The Father And The Generation Of The Son
      3. The Direction Of The Son And The Procession Of The Spirit
      4. The Promise Of The Spirit And The Perichoresis Of God
      5. The Resurrected God

      Additional Info
      The Resurrected God is an exciting, innovative examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across the three parts of Volume IV of Church Dogmatics. John Drury argues that, for Barth, the subject and basis of Christ’s resurrection is the triune God. The volume demonstrates that Barth explicated the doctrine of Christ’s resurrection through a unique Trinitarian grammar and grounds the event of the resurrection in the eternal triune being of God.

      Closely expositing and analyzing Barth’s deployment of this Trinitarian grammar in the fourth volume, the author turns to a constructive reconsideration of Barth’s earlier doctrine of the Trinity in the first volume, examining that material in light of the concept of God operative in the later work. Thinking with and beyond Barth, the author concludes that resurrection is inextricably linked with the Triune life of the God who raises and is raised.

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    • Resurrecting Easter : Meditations For The Great 50 Days


      Established author provides devotional resources for the forgotten post-
      Easter season

      * Short daily readings offer more seasonally-appropriate material for those
      accustomed to a Lenten practice

      American Christians have forgotten the Easter season. We celebrate the Resurrection of
      Jesus on one day and then return to ordinary time. But Christ appeared over and over
      again for forty days in resurrected form. We cannot sustain this resurrection season
      because that kind of sustained joy overwhelms us. This book is designed to help us
      sustain Easter.

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    • Jiffy For Eternity Cycle A


      Dr. Leslie Holmes is one of America’s finest scholar preachers, an impelling communicator in both the spoken and, as you will witness, the written word. He writes as he speaks — with conviction, warmth, and insight.
      Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie
      Former Chaplain, United States Senate

      Dr. Leslie Holmes has a keen mind coupled with a heart that burns with passion for evangelism.
      Dr. R.C. Sproul
      Author and Theologian

      Dr. Holmes’s belief in the eternal verities of the Christian faith is exciting. His ability to take those truths and apply them in a practical, life-changing way is refreshing.
      Dr. Steve Brown
      Author, Professor of Preaching, and Founder of Key Life Ministries

      Robert Leslie Holmes provides a refreshing look at the message of the cross in his sermons for Cycle A Lent and Easter seasons, A Jiffy for Eternity. Written for preachers by a preacher, A Jiffy for Eternity provides deep, exegetical analysis to each sermon and delivers truths in a way that are stunningly relevant to today’s reader.

      Rich with both authority and passion for exploring the word of God, A Jiffy for Eternity carefully balances scriptural and historical investigations to consistently lead the reader toward compelling insights and biblically anchored understandings. Holmes’ love for the word of God is starkly evident throughout each sermon, and his deep knowledge of biblical history and interpretation remind the reader of the timeless truths of God’s word.

      “In his name, God has entrusted us with an ‘obligation’ about the message that supersedes every other message in the world. In his name, God gives us the Holy Spirit who makes the message we preach new for every generation.” Holmes does not declare this pastoral obligation easily, for he has experienced firsthand the difficult task of delivering fresh life into ancient words. But the word of God is an “immoveable rock of trust,” and in that conviction, Robert Leslie Holmes presents a series of sermons that seek to transform the hearts and lives of the church with well-worn truths that remain ever-fresh and ever-new.

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    • Easter Story


      This small book with about 200 words introduces young children to Jesus the man, from his teaching to his healing. And it gently reveals the meaning of Easter and the story of Christ’s death and Resurrection. Bright, colorful illustrations make this a perfect book for toddlers.

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    • Once A Day 40 Days To Easter Devotional


      As you read this powerful booklet during the Lenten season, you will experience spiritual growth through interaction with Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments. The readings culminate in the Passion Week and Easter Sunday, and you will gain a greater understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as you examine critical passion narratives in the Gospels. Through your interaction with these Lenten readings, you will be a joyful witness of God’s carefully orchestrated plan to redeem the world through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. These 40 devotions will allow you to gain a more complete perspective on your personal relationship with Jesus and the power of his work in your life today. Written by Dr. Kenneth Boa, president of Reflections Ministries, each devotion provides thoughts for meditation along with a prayer for each day, making this the perfect devotional for personal, family or small-group use.

      * 40 daily devotions with multiple Scripture readings
      * A meditation that amplifies the Scripture passages
      * Each daily reading ends with a prayer
      * Scripture text from the clear, accessible New International Version (NIV) Bible

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    • God Gave Us Easter


      The author and the illustrator of the best-selling God Gave Us You series explore the Easter celebration using their popular polar bear character, Little Cub, as the voice representing young children questioning the meaning of this holiday so central to the Christian faith.

      In this new addition to a popular line of illustrated books for readers aged three and up, God Gave Us Easter features the adorable polar bear Little Cub, talking with her father and learning about God’s design for the Easter season and what it really means to Little Cub and her family.

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    • Easter Story For Children


      Gather the family around for this beautiful retelling of the Easter story and watch Jesus’ final days on earth come to life.

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    • Jesus Enters Jerusalem And He Is Risen


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310735137UPC: 025986735135ZondervanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2013Beginners BiblePublisher: Zondervan

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    • Living The Resurrection


      A post- “Easter Day” set of reflections written by the Bishop of Montana

      How do we live as “resurrection people?” How do we take those stories into our hearts and lives, living as though we believe resurrection to be a reality?

      Frank Brookhart takes stories of the resurrection and illuminates a way for Christians and seekers to explore life in the new creation. Tying the Gospel narrative to our lives as followers of Jesus, he proposes a means for transforming people and churches through living into the resurrection with the Risen Lord.

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    • Easter : What The Bible Tells Us About The Easter Story (Reprinted)


      People know the often-told story of Easter so well that it is hard to hear or feel afresh the deep spiritual meaning of what Easter really means. William Barclay goes right back to the original Biblical texts and translates them, providing surprising and fascinating insights along the way. Readers are guaranteed to find new insight and a fresh understanding of a story that they thought they knew. This book is one of a series and each title will have an introduction by one of today’s most valued writers.The Foreword to Insights Easter is written by Diane Louise Jordan.

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    • Why Is There A Cross


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414367644ISBN10: 1414367643Kathleen Bostrom | Illustrator: Elena KucharikBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2012Little Blessings – TyndalePublisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Holy Saturday : An Easter Chancel Drama In Three Acts


      This dramatization of the hours and days immediately following the crucifixion and its effects on the disciples and other followers of Jesus will captivate the congregation. The audience will be drawn into the events as the disciples struggle through the despair of Good Friday and the hope of Easter Day.

      Holy Saturday was written to be presented as a chancel drama or it can be used as a stand-alone drama. Simple costumes are recommended. Also included in the script is communion for the entire congregation, distributed by the disciples themselves. The audience and cast will find the distribution of communion by the disciples to be a moving experience. The players include Peter; John; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and eleven others but can be adjusted according to the number of people available. This drama will take 35-45 minutes plus the time for communion. Copying privileges by the original purchaser are included.

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    • Berenstain Bears And The Easter Story


      The Bear cubs and Papa are candy-crazy this Easter! But Mama, with help from Papa, tells the cubs about Jesus’ resurrection and shows them that salvation is much sweeter than candy. Includes a colorful sticker set.

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    • Impossible God : Experiencing The Power Of The Passion And Resurrection


      An Impossible God is an imaginative series of dramatic reflections on the key events of the first Good Friday and Easter. It follows the traditional pattern of the Stations of the Cross and Jesus’ resurrection appearances. Often told from the perspective of a biblical character, these moving poems, prayers and reflections lend themselves to seasonal worship, private reading and public performance.

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    • Paschal Mystery : Devotions For Lent & Easter


      More than two billion people in the world claim some sort of relationship to Christianity. Despite the wide diversity represented in the New Testament literature and the wide diversity of practice, there is a basic gospel and proclamation that even ante-dates the written texts of the New Testament. As Paul expresses it “I handed on to you, as of first importance, what I in turn had received that Christ died for our sins. in accordance with the scriptures and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures … Whether then it was I or they, so we proclaim, and so you have come to believe.” (1 Cor 15:1-4, 11).
      This book provides the basic texts (with references to parallel texts) of this basic message together with reflections and prayers. In addition, there are reflections taken from the Fathers of the Church, which provide material for reflection and new insights into the Paschal Mystery. May those who read this book, praying and meditating on its message, be empowered to return to the simplicity of the original message – the gospel received – the gospel handed over – the gospel which you received and in which you stand, as will generations of Christians to come.

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    • Bunny The Egg The Cross


      Linda’s focus for creating the book Easter Shadows is to provide easy to read literature geared toward the interest of Children and Youth to introduce Jesus through unique story telling. It is her desire that the reader is so engaged in the excitement of reading that it becomes a fun, educational and interesting learning experience that result as a constant positive habit in their lives.

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    • Week That Changed The World


      This devotional for Lenten and Easter meditations is a synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the eight days of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

      Uses the popular and contemporary TNIV translation
      Includes maps, notes, and user guide
      Preface by Robert Webber, noted evangelical scholar

      Beginning with Palm Sunday, the gospels record every day of Jesus’ life up to the time of his death and resurrection. These eight days are unparalleled in the canon of Scripture for their narrative power, their detail, and their focus. A unique synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the passion and resurrection of Christ is provided in this seamless and elegant narrative account of the Easter events, including every detail mentioned in all four Gospels, but without any unnecessary repetition or distracting references.

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    • Easter From The Back Side


      Using an approach similar to the one he took in Parables from the Back Side and other books in the popular Back Side series, author J. Ellsworth Kalas opens up new possibilities of insight into the biblical Easter story. The author looks beyond the traditional gospel scriptures to connect the story of Christ’s resurrection with other stories and scriptures throughout the Bible, including both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

      Kalas’s creative approach both clarifies basic teachings and introduces new possibilities of meaning, even for those who are most familiar with the Easter story. Enriched with contemporary illustrations and personal experiences, this volume will provide new perspectives on Easter.

      Chapter titles and Scriptures include: “Why We Need Easter” (Genesis 3:1-7, 22-24); “Easter from an Ash Heap” (Job 19:13-27); “Easter for the Disillusioned” (Ecclesiastes 2:14-26); “Ezekiel Celebrates Easter” (Ezekiel 37:1-10); “Easter Is a Love Story” (John 20:1-18); “Late for Easter” (1 Corinthians 15:1-11); and “Forever Easter” (Revelation 21:1-4).

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    • Cry From The Cross


      Christianity is a faith centered around an instrument of suffering and death — a cross. The hope of every believer is rooted in it. Over the centuries, the cross has become a universal symbol of both suffering and redemption.

      On Good Friday, the cross takes center stage in our worship. Passages from the gospels retelling the agonizing tale of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and death are recited to the point where the words may become commonplace for some Christians. We may know the words, but have we explored their meaning?

      A Cry from the Cross, a series of seven sermons, explores each of the last seven statements given by Jesus as recorded in the gospels of Mark, Luke, and John. As each statement is explored — statements like “Father, Forgive Them” or “Woman, Here Is Your Son” — Robert Cornwall offers deeper insights into the meaning and significance of the cross as it relates to the Christian faith.

      This is a useful resource for pastors and lay ministers, one that can be used as an inspiration for Good Friday sermons, a Lenten study series, or simply a window to greater personal insight into that day on a hill outside Jerusalem so many years ago — a day that shaped the future of the entire world.

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    • Easter Services Sermons And Prayers


      Provides help in planning for Easter, which includes inviting the public, understanding those who will attend, including children in the services, and suggestions for using visuals.
      Creative liturgies, sermon helps, and prayers for Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and the 50 days of Easter

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    • True Story About The Sign Of Jonah


      This book shows that the traditional view of Easter (Palm Sunday, Friday crucifixion, and Sunday morning resurrection) is not scriptural. To grasp what really happened to Jesus requires an understanding of the Hebrew calendar, derived from the book of Exodus. Jesus was crucified on the Preparation Day and was entombed during the Passover, on the spices and perfume Preparation Day and during the regular Jewish Sabbath. This is three days and three nights just as Jesus prophesied numerous times. The Easter festival was established with a Greek calendar much later and can never explain the sign of Jonah.

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    • True Story About The Sign Of Jonah


      This book shows that the traditional view of Easter (Palm Sunday, Friday crucifixion, and Sunday morning resurrection) is not scriptural. To grasp what really happened to Jesus requires an understanding of the Hebrew calendar, derived from the book of Exodus. Jesus was crucified on the Preparation Day and was entombed during the Passover, on the spices and perfume Preparation Day and during the regular Jewish Sabbath. This is three days and three nights just as Jesus prophesied numerous times. The Easter festival was established with a Greek calendar much later and can never explain the sign of Jonah.

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    • Parable Of The Lily (Anniversary)


      Maggie, the farmer’s youngest daughter, loves getting gifts, especially mysterious ones. One wintry day, she receives a package in the mail. She excitedly opens the package to find a bulb buried in a crate of dirt. This was not what Maggie expected. She had hoped for a doll or a game, not a bulb that would one day become a plant. When spring comes, she finds the bulb in the cellar and tosses the lifeless thing into the garden, never to think of it again. . . . Until she walks outside on Easter morning and finds the most beautiful lily she has ever seen. Through the unique gift of a bulb, Maggie discovers the power of grace and forgiveness and the true meaning of Easter.

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    • Thank God Its Friday


      Christ’s seven last words from the cross have long been a source of reflection, challenge, and soul-searching. These simple phrases contain the full range of human emotions and divine self-revelation – grief, compassion, despair, forgiveness, physical need, the promise of redemption. Written with the clarity, depth, and insight that are Willimon’s trademark, this book offers readers a chance to encounter, in compelling new ways, the words that contain the core of the gospel.

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    • Easter Story


      In only 200 words, here is the reason for our annual Easter celebration. This title, now in a new format, has already sold over 100,000 in its original form. Here Jesus is shown healing the sick and choosing his disciples. Then, the text reads,”Jesus was sent to die,” a gentle treatment of the crucifixion. Early readers will find this Easter book easy to read.

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    • Scriptures The Cross And The Power Of God


      This collection of nine meditations from renowned biblical scholar and Anglican Bishop Tom Wright carries the Holy Week from its solemn beginnings to the dramatic conclusion on Good Friday and Easter.

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    • Celebrating Holy Week In A Post Holocaust World


      An ongoing issue for clergy as well as Christians in general is how to approach New Testament narratives about the crucifixion of Jesus in relation to Jews, Judaism, and the horrific events of the Holocaust. The popular movie “The Passion of the Christ” has brought one aspect of this problem into widespread public attention. The events of Holy Week pose particular challenges for clergy and congregations. In this book Henry Knight helps us deal with Holy Week texts in light of our post-Holocaust world and provides practical examples of prayers, liturgies, and resource material to help pastors prepare for and lead worship and teach during this important time in the life of a congregation.

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    • Why Did Jesus Die


      What really motivated the main characters in the events surrounding Jesus’ death? Was Judas merely a pragmatic man dealing with the unpleasant realities of everyday life in an occupied land? Was Herod an honorable leader of the Hebrew people who was concerned with saving lives? Was Pontius Pilate a talented and efficient representative of Rome who was simply trying to keep the peace? Or did they all intentionally participate in the wrongful execution of an innocent man?

      Written in an easy-to-present format, this fascinating drama series will have your congregation pondering how they would answer these and many other questions. Six biblical characters come to life in new and revealing ways as they take the witness stand in a contemporary grand jury inquiry into the meaning of Jesus’ death. While attempting to explain their thoughts and actions, Judas, Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and Peter face intense questioning by a state’s attorney. The innovative grand jury approach makes audiences active participants in the drama, as they are challenged to determine the true significance of the crucifixion.

      Why Did Jesus Die? is an enlightening six-part resource that’s perfect for weekly Lenten worship, but it can also be easily used as a single dramatic production. Several thought-provoking questions relating to each witness’s testimony are provided to spark follow-up discussion, and a closing argument by the state’s attorney summarizes the evidence pointing to Jesus’ innocence ? and our sinful guilt.

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    • Season Of Ash And Fire


      In addition to prayers and liturgies for Ash Wednesday through Ascension Day, this book includes suggested themes and symbols for the Sundays of Lent, daily Scripture readings for Lent and the fifty Days of Easter, household prayers for Lent and Easter, and an order for Lenten study groups. A Selected Scripture Index is included. This book has been designed for ease of use in both thematic and lectionary-based worship services.

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    • Walking The Way Of Sorrows


      Each year on Good Friday and throughout Lent, Christian congregations all over the world walk the Stations of the Cross, a commemoration of Jesus’ walk to Calvary. In Walking the Way of Sorrows, artist Noyes Capehart and writer/journalist Katerina Whitley provide a fresh resource for congregations and individuals who want to explore the meaning of these Stations more deeply. Capehart’s stark and powerful blockcuts of the fourteen Stations are accompanied by monologues from the point of view of someone at each station. These monologues, along with biblical references and a brief liturgy, are excellent for individual devotion, but can also be used by groups who walk the Stations together.

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    • Hes Risen Hes Alive


      This book retells the story of Christ’s Resurrection (Matthew 27:32-28:10).

      The Arch(R) Book series tells popular Bible stories through fun-to-read rhymes and bright illustrations. This well-loved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.

      This product is part of the Accelerated Reader(TM) program and carries a point value of .5.

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    • From My Point Of View


      Add flesh and blood to some familiar biblical characters with this collection of short presentations which offers a humanizing glimpse into the lives of a dozen individuals who played crucial roles in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Each dialogue is a brief biographical sketch, with one reader portraying the featured personality while a narrator provides background information and historical context. Peter, Mary Magdalene, Simon of Cyrene, Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate are just some of the people Reece humanizes. These scripturally sound dramatic pieces can be used in a wide variety of situations, but are particularly appropriate for the Lent and Easter seasons, either as midweek programming, a sermon series, for Bible study, or as introductory material for a longer program. A complete list of scriptural references is included.

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    • If A Sermon Falls In The Forest


      This fascinating volume looks at the scriptural texts concerning a pivotal New Testament theme — the resurrection of Jesus — and examines how they may be read in various interpretive communities. Shepherd analyzes each of the major New Testament writers — Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul — and places their distinctive accounts of Jesus’ resurrection in the broader context of their entire output. Through a careful study of the literary, historical, theological, anthropological, and sociological dimensions that color each writer’s picture of the resurrection, Shepherd helps readers understand the unique view each brought to bear on the life of Jesus and the faith of his followers.

      But that is not all this book has to offer. Each section also includes one or more sample sermons illustrating how a preacher might treat these texts for an actual congregation. Each message is introduced with a description of its original setting and the homiletical and interpretive issues involved — so this is an excellent resource for pastors looking for stimulating Easter material or instructive preaching models.

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    • Alleluia : Messages For Children On Lent And Easter Themes


      Elaine Ward passionately believes that it is vital for children to hear the good news of God’s love through the Lenten stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. In this companion volume to An Idle Tale Becomes Good News (also available from CSS Publishing Company), Ward shares her gift for communicating with young people through twenty stories based on specific phrases or objects related to Jesus’ ministry in his final days or in his resurrection appearances. Each message tells a captivating tale in easily understood language, then invites children to enter the sacred story by connecting it with the scriptural narrative. Brief talking points and questions are included to help presenters clearly make the link for their young listeners.

      Stories include:
      * The Wasted Ointment
      * The Warning Dream
      * The Misdirected Tears
      * The Torn Curtain
      * The Idle Tale
      …and many more!

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    • Journey Of Stones


      Drawing on the rich imagery of rocks and stones in scripture, these powerful messages center around the compelling metaphor of stones (and our willingness to throw them) as representative of our sins. As worshipers enter the sanctuary they are invited to pick up stones as a concrete symbol of each sermon’s theme; then as the message concludes the stones are placed at the foot of the cross. When the stones disappear on Easter (just like the stone sealing Jesus’ tomb), it’s a vivid illustration of how the Lord also removes our stones of sin. Each chapter includes several thought-provoking discussion questions to spur further reflection. With messages for Ash Wednesday, five weeks of Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, this is an excellent resource for Lenten midweek programming.

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    • At The Foot Of The Cross


      Seven figures who were at the foot of the cross (or might have been there) pour their hearts out to Jesus in these dramatic conversations. Judas opens the series, spiritually wrestling with himself at the cross before taking his own life, pondering what he had done to Jesus. Other characters include the Centurion, Simon of Cyrene, the disciples John and Peter, as well as Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus. An additional monologue for Easter sunrise worship dramatizes the angel at the empty tomb waiting for the women to arrive, reflecting on the week’s events.

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    • Tenebrae For Modern Times


      Tenebrae For Modern Times combines scripture, contemporary language, and prose poetry in an innovative setting. Within the framework of a standard worship service, short reflections by six apostles are echoed by the musings of six contemporary people with similar concerns. This juxtaposition reveals that little has changed in almost 2000 years – there are still taxes to pay and family situations to deal with. Questions central to our lives are addressed: “How do I find time for my family?” “How can I find time for church work?” and “How can I bring God into my life?” The service does not require a sermon, and there are suggested hymns and choral anthems for the church musician. The format allows for participation by many readers, yet the service is very adaptable for use by small congregations. No props or costumes are required, though the service may be performed in costume if desired. This truly distinctive Good Friday resource combines the past, present, and future into a poignant worship experience. Good Friday is an important day in the lives of Christians, and Marie Asner’s Tenebrae For Modern Times is a powerful way to make that day significant and meaningful in our lives. She causes us to think deeply about our own relationship with the Lord with her references to Jesus’ disciples as well as modern people who struggle. Each of us will be touched and changed by her inspired writings.

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    • Last Supper : A Maundy Thursday Portrayal


      With The Last Supper, you won’t just hear about this familiar story, you’ll see it and feel it! It’s an insightful look at one of the most poignant moments in the life of Jesus. Glimpses into the personalities and backgrounds of the disciples emphasize the human qualities that we share with them. It’s also a visual portrayal of the sacrament of Holy Communion. This is a dramatic way to celebrate Maundy Thursday, as the program deftly combines a depiction of the Last Supper with a tenebrae service conclusion. In addition to the pastor, there are parts for 14 men and one woman. Character synopses and a seating chart for the portrayal are included.

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    • Prelude To Black Saturday


      This liturgical drama provides a stark contrast to the joy and celebration of Easter morning. This service captures the reality of that Friday when our Lord was crucified. The cast includes people who were present on that final Friday – each sharing their emotions, from the sneering soldiers, to the heart-wrenching sobs and pleas of his mother, to Christ himself.

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    • Trials Of Christ


      The Trials Of Christ is a readers’ theater presentation involving six people. It requires little rehearsal and no memorization.

      The narrative is biblically based and provides a captivating message for Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

      The Trials Of Christ attempts to demand a stand for truth from its audience, whether that stand be a theological position for Christ or a stand for truth in general. It challenges a congregation to consider the difficulty of taking a position that is totally unpopular or detrimental to the person taking that stand. The message helps direct listeners to live for eternal values.

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    • 2 Good Friday Tenebrae Services


      These services can be used by any number of participants, and include an order of service. Paradoxes Of The Passion examines the circumstances leading up to the crucifixion of an itinerant preacher from Galilee. What Shall I Do, Then, With Jesus Who Is Called Christ? brings us face to face with Pilate’s question that has echoed down the centuries.

      Each of the Tenebrae services in this booklet can be used by any number of participants. An order of service for your bulletin preparations is also included.

      Paradoxes Of The Passion brings to the worshiping congregation the circumstances leading up to the crucifixion of an itinerant preacher from Galilee who was no less than the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. The seven paradoxes are interspersed with hymns and prayers.

      What Shall I Do, Then, With Jesus Who Is Called Christ? To Pilate’s surprise the crowd sought freedom for the murderer Barabbas rather than for Jesus. Pilate then asked the question that has echoed down the centuries to every man, woman, and child who has ever heard the Gospel: “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?” In this thought-provoking Good Friday Tenebrae service, Douglas Meyer explores how various key characters in the Passion story answered that question. Then he considers how The person in the pew answers that question today.

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    • 2 Tenebrae Readings And Services


      Two Tenebrae Readings And Services provides pastors and congregations with dramatic ways to remember the Passion of the Lord.

      Tenebrae I – 9 reading parts
      Tenebrae II – 12 reading parts

      Parts are simple enough for both young people and adults. They are creatively drawn from the Bible narratives and present realistic human responses from those who would be his disciples.

      These resources require very little preparation. They were conducted in the author’s congregation by calling the readers together an hour before the service.

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    • Meditations For The Six Days Of Holy Week


      These six meditations offer a time and a place, suggested scripture readings from the Gospel texts, and provocative meditations. Participants will experience and share the commitment of fellowship in the days leading up to the surprise and joy of Easter.

      Suggested uses:
      Men’s prayer breakfast
      Women’s breakfast or luncheon during Holy Week
      Youth meetings

      Each day offers suggested scripture readings and a provocative meditation that enables the participant to experience the pathos of the days leading up to the surprise and joy of Easter.

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    • Speaking With Signs


      Speaking With Signs is a unique series of six object lessons for children during the Lenten season … making worship more meaningful for them (and for adults). Each lesson brings them a story from scripture by focusing upon a symbol related to the Easter story. Lessons are based on texts from Matthew and John.

      Objects include:
      a lantern
      a rope
      a crown of thorns
      dice and a robe
      a stepladder and sponge
      a spear
      a picture of an empty tomb

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    • 3 For The Third Day


      Brevity and flexibility are the strengths of this volume. Each of these three drama-based Sunrise services takes only about 30 minutes to perform. The maximum number of participants required is nine and the minimum is four. Ages of the participants can range from adults to older elementary children.

      The first service is titled We Were There and features an all female cast. It is the story of the women who were waiting for the sunrise trip to the tomb. The second is titled A Night Of Memories. It has Mary, the mother of Jesus, remembering the life of her son. As she recalls highlights of his life, corresponding scenes from the past become visible. The third service is called The Dream. It is the story of two young friends — a believer and a non-believer. One appears in the other’s dream as an angel and leads him through the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

      Hymn, costume and scenery suggestions are included with each service. Scriptural references are also cited.

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    • Access To High Hope Cycle A


      Harry Huxhold’s excellent sermons build on the epistle texts from the lectionary to express and explain the meaning of the Lord’s passion and resurrection. His messages interpret the events of Jesus’ life in the light of God’s revelation to us through the scriptures. By sharpening our focus on the access we have to hope through the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, he helps readers find the true significance in the events of his earthly life. Harry Huxhold currently serves as pastoral associate at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Carmel Indiana.

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    • Tears Of Sadness Tears Of Gladness Cycle A


      Albert Butzer believes that “sermons should speak to the real and immediate lives of the listeners and be grounded in the everyday events of their lives.” This collection of sermons for Lent and Easter based on gospel texts definitely achieved that goal: Butzer’s messages consistently and creatively deliver a ringing proclamation of the good news. They are outstanding examples of the homiletical art that bring together several elements of the classic sermon: biblical text, theological tradition, life of the world, life and experience of a particular congregation, and faith and experience of the preacher.

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