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    • God Truly Worshipped


      Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556) played a critical, formative role in the creation and development of the Church of England, from his sudden and dramatic appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532, through his granting of Henry VIII’s divorce from Queen Katharine, his emergence under Edward VI as a determined reformer in the mould of his European contemporaries, and to his memorable death under Mary Tudor in 1556. He is best remembered as the prime editor and creator of the two Books of Common Prayer of 1549 and 1552, and these indeed stand at the head of Anglican liturgical identity and tradition. Their influence and importance cannot be overstated. This book seeks to offer a survey of his growth and development as theologian and leader of the church through the lens of his written work: not only liturgy, but also homilies, correspondence and official doctrinal statements. This volume introduces Cranmer as a churchman, theologian and liturgist whose original contribution to Anglican spirituality in its earlie

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    • My Treasured Possessions


      My life testimony is sufficient to change your mind about the love of God and the incomparable patience of the Lord when He sets His eyes on a raw precious stone, knowing that in His hands He will transform it to be a jewel in His possession.

      ?Magda Manoli was born in Egypt. She was launched into ministry in 1997, when the Lord sent her to France. Since then, Magda has ministered in not only the nation of France, but also internationally in many nations, initially in the office of a prophet, and now in the dual office of prophet/apostle.

      ?She is the founder and president of The Last Harvest Ministry in Toronto, Canada, and the French chapter, La Derniere Moisson in France. The scope of the ministry is spiritual warfare, teaching and making disciples, and deliverance and healing to the Body of Christ.

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    • Just Along For The Ride


      William Baine Roddy’s journey with colon cancer, and his mother Martha’s own experience with cancer, has motivated Martha to set out on her own journey to raise cancer awareness and promote personal responsibility. Join Martha in sharing Just Along for the Ride and its lessons with those you love and care about. It’s a gift of life that will keep on giving.

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    • From My Fathers Hands To My Fathers Hands


      For the first two years of her life she feels love, but suddenly her protector is gone! She’s too young to even know her Mother is gone. From the innocence of childhood, to the growing sickness and abuse in her life, she is confused and full of fear!

      How will she ever make it when there is no time to wonder-only time to survive?
      She wants to be the “good little girl,” and please her family; she wants to be loved!
      She wants to be right with God!

      The confusion, pain, and abuse are unbearable! The family sickness is more than one can comprehend!

      What she is asked to do is impossible-for the sake of her siblings-she MUST do it, but is she strong enough?

      Walk through the journey with her from her earthly father to her heavenly Father.

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    • Love That Multiplies


      Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar married in 1984. Some time after the birth of their first child, they prayed that God would give them a love for children like his love for children and that he would bless them with as many children as he saw fit in his timing. Soon after, Michelle became pregnant with twins! The Duggars currently have ten boys and nine girls, and all their names begin with “J”-Joshua, Jana and John-David (twins), Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah and Jeremiah (twins), Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn-Grace, and Josie.
      The Duggars are the #1 program on TLC/ Discovery Health / TLC documentaries and have appeared multiple times on national TV shows, such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, The View, Inside Edition, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Fox News Network, CNN, MSNBC, and others. Foreign television appearances include Italian Public Television, KBS (Korean Broadcasting System), and Discovery Home & Health (UK & Australia). They have been featured in magazine and newspaper articles in China, India, New Zealand, Australia, France, and Germany. As a family project, the Duggars built a seven-thousand-square-foot home. Both Jim Bob and Michelle are licensed real estate agents and conduct the Jim Sammon’s Financial Freedom Seminar in their community. They purpose to live completely debt-free-postponing purchases until they have the cash. Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2003 and was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2002.

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    • James Robinson Graves


      James Robinson Graves (1820-1893) is known for firmly believing that Baptists of his day needed clearly distinct markers in order to preserve a meaningful denominational identity. The founder of Landmarkism, his theology emphasized church succession (an unbroken trail of authentic congregations dating back to the New Testament), the local church (rather than the idea of a universal Body of Christ), and strict baptism guidelines.

      In this first biography of Graves in more than eighty years, author James A. Patterson portrays the man as bold and brash. A native of Vermont who moved south to Nashville in 1845, the self-educated preacher and budding journalist would become a combative defender of the Baptist cause, engaging in public controversy with Methodists, Restorationists, and even fellow Baptists.

      Ultimately, Graves sought to influence the direction of the Southern Baptist Convention in its formative period and was the primary shaper of the “Tennessee Tradition,” now considered a key strand of Southern Baptist life and identity. By focusing on Graves’s understanding of essential Baptist boundary markers, this book assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the Landmark legacy. It concludes with an epilogue that discusses the enduring influence of his ideas in the decades after his death.

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    • Hiking Through : One Mans Journey To Peace And Freedom On The Appalachian T (Rep


      After Paul Stutzman lost his wife to breast cancer, he sensed a tug on his heart–the call to a challenge, the call to pursue a dream. Paul left his stable career, traveled to Georgia, and took his first steps on the Appalachian Trail. What he learned during the next four and a half months changed his life–and will change readers’ lives as well. In Hiking Through, readers will join Paul on his remarkable 2,176-mile hike through fourteen states in search of peace and a renewed sense of purpose, meeting fascinating and funny people along the way. They’ll discover that every choice we make along the path has consequences for the journey and will come away with a new understanding of God’s grace and guidance. Nature-lovers, armchair adventurers, and those grieving a loss may not be able to hike the AT themselves, but they can go on this spiritual pilgrimage with a truly humble and sympathetic guide.

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    • William J Seymour


      William J. Seymour was a deeply spiritual man who impressed everyone who met him.

      “I do not believe that any man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge of God in his life than God gave that dear fellow, and the glory and power of a real Pentecost swept the world.” – John G. Lake

      “. . . the meekest man I ever met.” – William Durham

      Seymour was an effective leader, writer, teacher, and revivalist. His spiritual impact continues to be felt around the world today. His early work has opened the door to millions of people finding the fullness of the Holy Spirit since the Auzasa Street Revival, which both “Life” magazine and “USA Today” have listed as being one of the top 100 nation-impacting events of the 20th century.

      This book is more than the life story of William J. Seymour. It examines the historical context and sources that shaped Seymour’s theology by following his life from Louisiana to Azusa Street, provides us with his original sermons, analyses of his teachings, and the complete and original version of Seymour’s only book, Doctrine and Disciplines of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Los Angeles, originally published in 1915.

      William J. Seymour, the pioneer and messenger of Azusa Street, continues to speak to our hearts today with messages that are as timely now as when he first uttered them. His confident and steady voice calls us to holiness, repentance, faith, and racial reconciliation.

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    • Victorious Lady


      “The Victorious Lady” is about Nikki’s personal journey down the path of a Victorious life in the Lord, and that life is not one without loss, heartache, tears, and brokenness.

      Faith, hope, trust, believe….these words are the essence and foundation of God’s word. These are the words that Nikki found difficult to walk in after the traumatic death of her husband. Hopelessness took its place in her heart. She felt like she had no faith because if she did, then why this trauma in her life? Why did God tell her to “Rejoice” at her husband’s death bed? Could she really trust God after the loss of her husband, vision, hopes and dreams? What was left to believe in? It was by the Grace of God that she had the courage to hang on to these words and keep walking with Him and let Him love her and guide her through the pain and heal her broken heart.

      She didn’t choose to be single, but found victory through the fears, hurts, struggles and loneliness. As she walked the journey of a widow, she found it to be a very lonely walk. The Lord spoke to her and said “Take loneliness by the hand and don’t allow it to be your enemy but let it be your friend.”

      She asked the Lord many times throughout the years about what she should be doing and His answer every time was “I’m not as concerned about what you are doing as I am about what you are becoming.”
      God has breathed life into her on this journey.

      She didn’t know what to hope for or dream anymore. She had no desires. Walking this journey taught her that her only desire is the desire for the Lord God Almighty.

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    • Stronger Through Christ


      Life doesn’t always go as planned. How many times have you asked the Lord why bad things have happened to you or those you love? I have asked Him that question countless times throughout my life when hardships have come my way. When I was five years old, I encountered a curveball that I was not expecting; this curveball has altered my life in such a way that has caused me to ask the Lord for His forgiveness. Thankfully, that bump in the road afforded me with blessings and joy. But, just as I had begun to relish in those blessings, the Lord presented me with another difficulty to overcome. The struggle that resulted forced me to learn how to cope with a new way of life; and I would not have survived without Jesus Christ holding my hand and guiding me through. He has turned the hardships into opportunities for growth, enrichment, and encouragement. I began this memoir as a gift for my daughter, Sarah. My wish for her is to recognize that she is a child of God’s and that her life, and every life, has purpose.

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    • Stronger Through Christ


      Life doesn’t always go as planned. How many times have you asked the Lord why bad things have happened to you or those you love? I have asked Him that question countless times throughout my life when hardships have come my way. When I was five years old, I encountered a curveball that I was not expecting; this curveball has altered my life in such a way that has caused me to ask the Lord for His forgiveness. Thankfully, that bump in the road afforded me with blessings and joy. But, just as I had begun to relish in those blessings, the Lord presented me with another difficulty to overcome. The struggle that resulted forced me to learn how to cope with a new way of life; and I would not have survived without Jesus Christ holding my hand and guiding me through. He has turned the hardships into opportunities for growth, enrichment, and encouragement. I began this memoir as a gift for my daughter, Sarah. My wish for her is to recognize that she is a child of God’s and that her life, and every life, has purpose.

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    • Julian Of Norwich


      SKU (ISBN): 9781612610979ISBN10: 1612610978Amy FrykholmBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2012Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Arcangel 808 : My Struggle To Know And Serve Jesus Christ


      Despite a humanistic education and the lure of a society lauding hedonism and rationalism as a panacea for humanity’s problems; Darnell realized the only cure for what ails humanity is Jesus Christ. This is Darnell’s personal testimony to the world, of how pride, peer-pressure and the paganistic zeitgeist of our times tempts him to follow a path of immediate gratification instead of the more holy and healthy strait and narrow path Jesus Christ spoke of. Darnell displays his flaws as a Christian, and how repentance plays a role in his everyday life.

      Darnell wants illicit sex with many women. Darnell wants to be violent and inflict pain on his perceived enemies. Darnell wants to enjoy the pride of life. Darnell wants to live for himself; forgetting the pain of others. Darnell wants to embrace nihilism in his approach to life. The burden of truth exists. Darnell learned through the Word of God and from painful experiences that his desires would lead to eternal condemnation and separation from God; above all Darnell did not want that. Instead of following his will and sinful desires, Darnell decided to follow God’s will. Darnell accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at age seven, and not much later the Lord visited the Holy Spirit upon Darnell. A war exists between good and evil in the world; Darnell observed various battles in the war. “Arcangel 808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ” is Darnell’s testimony to the world of his struggle to overcome sin, himself, the devil and the world through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Darnell is not perfect; he is simply forgiven through the grace of Jesus Christ. Darnell is reaching out to the world to share the truth of Jesus Christ in his life. Darnell will one day leave this material realm, as we all shall. Enjoy.

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    • Arcangel 808 : My Struggle To Know And Serve Jesus Christ


      Despite a humanistic education and the lure of a society lauding hedonism and rationalism as a panacea for humanity’s problems; Darnell realized the only cure for what ails humanity is Jesus Christ. This is Darnell’s personal testimony to the world, of how pride, peer-pressure and the paganistic zeitgeist of our times tempts him to follow a path of immediate gratification instead of the more holy and healthy strait and narrow path Jesus Christ spoke of. Darnell displays his flaws as a Christian, and how repentance plays a role in his everyday life.

      Darnell wants illicit sex with many women. Darnell wants to be violent and inflict pain on his perceived enemies. Darnell wants to enjoy the pride of life. Darnell wants to live for himself; forgetting the pain of others. Darnell wants to embrace nihilism in his approach to life. The burden of truth exists. Darnell learned through the Word of God and from painful experiences that his desires would lead to eternal condemnation and separation from God; above all Darnell did not want that. Instead of following his will and sinful desires, Darnell decided to follow God’s will. Darnell accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at age seven, and not much later the Lord visited the Holy Spirit upon Darnell. A war exists between good and evil in the world; Darnell observed various battles in the war. “Arcangel 808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ” is Darnell’s testimony to the world of his struggle to overcome sin, himself, the devil and the world through the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Darnell is not perfect; he is simply forgiven through the grace of Jesus Christ. Darnell is reaching out to the world to share the truth of Jesus Christ in his life. Darnell will one day leave this material realm, as we all shall. Enjoy.

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    • Rise Of Lakewood Church And Joel Osteen


      Don’t believe in miracles? Here’s proof!

      He was the most unlikely of proteges-a young man with no college or seminary degree and vir-tually no preaching experience. Yet, Joel Osteen was handed the reins of his father’s lifelong ministry when John Osteen died suddenly in 1999.

      Here are the behind-the-scenes details of the miraculous rise of Lakewood Church from humble beginnings in a Texas feed store to becoming the largest church in America. Learn the inside story that catapulted Joel Osteen to prominence as one of the most influential Christian voices of our generation.

      From the life and times of John and Joel Osteen, you will learn the power of vision, humility, in-tegrity, faith, and much more.

      You will be inspired and encouraged, and never again will you doubt what God can do with those who are fully devoted to Him!

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    • This Thing Of Ours


      A handsome Italian film producer and a beautiful Mexican dancer. A match made on a movie set and a lavish Beverly Hills wedding. The beginning of Camille Franzese’s story takes on the shade of an exotic fairy tale. But a closer look at her marriage to mafia capo Michael Franzese exposes more than a decade of anguish endured in the shadows of her husband’s crimes. The fear of arrest, the prison sentences, the house raids from federal agents-Camille lived through it all, not knowing whether her family could remain unbroken amid the turmoil and uncertainty that accompanied her husband’s life of crime.

      Discover how Camille’s devotion to her marriage and her faith in God’s larger plan led to deliverance from devastation. Hers is a story of choices, consequences, and the prayers that hold us up when everything around us is falling down.

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    • Surprised By Laughter


      Surprised by Laughter looks at the career and writings of C. S. Lewis and discovers a man whose life and beliefs were sustained by joy and humor. All of his life, C. S. Lewis possessed a spirit of individuality.

      An atheist from childhood, he became a Christian as an adult and eventually knew international acclaim as a respected theologian. He was known worldwide for his works of fiction, especially the Chronicles of Narnia; and for his books on life and faith, including Mere Christianity, A Grief Observed, and Surprised by Joy. But perhaps the most visible difference in his life was his abiding sense of humor. It was through this humor that he often reached his readers and listeners, allowing him to effectively touch so many lives. Terry Lindvall takes an in-depth look at Lewis’s joyful approach toward living, dividing his study of C. S. Lewis’s wit into the four origins of laughter in Uncle Screwtape’s eleventh letter to a junior devil in Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters: joy, fun, the joke proper, and flippancy. Lindvall writes, “One bright and compelling feature we can see, sparking in his sunlight and dancing in his moonlight, is laughter. Yet it is not too large to see at once because it inhabited all Lewis was and did.” Surprised by Laughter reveals a Lewis who enjoyed the gift of laughter, and who willingly shared that gift with others in order to spread his faith.

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    • Apostle : A Life Of Paul


      The Acclaimed, Authentic Biography of the Early Church’s Greatest Evangelist–the Apostle Paul. Master storyteller John Pollock makes Paul and his amazing story freshly alive, so that you can know the greatest apostle much as Luke and Timothy did as they traveled with him. As you turn the pages, you’ll sense Paul’s motives, his aims and priorities; what mattered to him; and what he was willing to die for.

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    • Gentle Giant And The Beauty Queen


      The following story that I’m going to share is true. It illuminates the impossible that can become possible when there is:

      * A loving and accepting family
      * Mother’s and Grandmother’s prayers
      * Strong presence of the Judeo Christian work ethic
      * Attitudes of Victory vs. Victimhood

      This is a story of love and the tragedy of others that made for this Developmentally Disabled couple’s independence. You’ll observe contrasting family attitudes and the unbelievable circumstances in others’ lives that are beyond comprehension. We’ll walk through some lives to celebrate their victories through love and determination.

      You’ll cheer the contentment, happiness, and love of this special couple. But you’ll also be challenged as we see our own evaluations and prejudging of things and people that are different. This book makes all of us look at ourselves and question our own tolerance levels in many areas of life.

      By the end of this story, most of you living in or visiting Steubenville, Ohio will think a little differently and smile as you see David (7′ tall) and Ruthy (5′ tall) sauntering down the sidewalk, holding hands as always.
      You’ll be inspired by secrets of triumph over odds and you’ll feel the small victories and blessings that we should celebrate every day.
      My hope is that your experience in reading this book will be as enjoyable as the laughs and tears I’ve experienced as I interviewed and met the remarkable characters that you’re about to meet in this true saga.
      We may even have to ask, “Do we love enough? Do we have what it takes to make lemonade out of our lemons?”

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    • He Chose Joy


      Dan and Sue Metcalf know the deepest pain life can bring; their beloved son, Matthew, was diagnosed with cancer. Through Matthew’s courageous battle and then their tremendous loss, they realized God’s sufficiency and abundant mercy. This book is their story. It’s Matthew’s story. But it is also God’s story. A Portion of the book’s proceeds will go to the Matthew Metcalf Memorial Scholarship Fund and ST. Jude Cancer Research Center.

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    • Contemporary In Dissent


      In this biography – translated for the first time into English – German theologian Oswald Bayer describes the life and work of journalist-theologian Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788). At a time when it seemed that the forces of secularization were attempting to claim the future, Hamann churned out small publications aimed at undermining the Enlightenment zeitgeist, turning its assumptions upside down and skewering its pretensions. Although largely forgotten until recent times, Hamann as radical dissenter – whom Goethe called the “brightest man of his age” – remains relevant today, as Bayer shows in this book.

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    • Tyndale : The Man Who Gave God An English Voice


      A beautiful literary tribute to William Tyndale, the poet-martyr-expatriate-outlaw-translator who gave us our English Bible. The English Bible was born in defiance. It was also born in exile, in flight, in a kind of exodus. And these are the very elements that empowered William Tyndale in his bid to bring the English Scripture to the common citizen. Being “a stranger in a strange land,” the very homesickness he struggled with, gave life to the words of Jesus, Paul, and to the wandering Moses. Tyndale’s efforts ultimately cost him his life, a price he was certain he would have to pay. But his contribution to English spirituality is measureless. Even five centuries after his death at the stake, Tyndale’s presence looms wherever English is spoken. His single word innovations, such as “Passover,” “beautiful,” and “atonement” allowed the common man to more fully understand God’s blessings and promises. His natural lyricism shines in phrases like “Let not your hearts be troubled,” and “for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory.” Every time we say the Lord’s Prayer as it is written in the King James Bible or use the word “love” as it is written in 1 Corinthians 13 or bless others with “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord make his face to shine upon thee,” we are reminded of the rich bounty Tyndale has given us.

      Although Tyndale has been somewhat elusive to his biographers, Teems brings wit and wisdom to the story of the man known as the “architect of the English language,” the English Paul who defied a kingdom and a tyrannical church to introduce God to the plowboy.

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    • Petes Story


      Pete Jackson was the youngest child in a missionary family, who struggled with separation, loneliness and boarding school before emerging as a vibrant young Christian man. Through the letters he wrote home and later the journal he kept, we see Pete as a warm, godly and committed individual who, depite his youth, had a great influence on the people he came into contact with. His desire was to be a man of God and there is no doubt that this story will inspire other teenagers to become men and women of God too.

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    • From Hitler Youth To American Soldier


      Born in a small fishing village in East Prussia, Germany, in 1933, Herb Flemming grew up under Hitler regime, the son of devout Christian parents, third in a family of nine children. Forced to join the Hitler Youth, Herb’s childhood was a contrast between the good at home and the evil all around him. From Gestapo shooting to Tom Sawyer-like boyhood adventures, from fleeing as a refugee to immigrating to the United States, and finally returning to Germany as a soldier in the US Army, Herb learned of God’s love and the power of prayer.

      After returning to America at the end of his military service, Herb and his wife, Frieda, moved to New York City, where they started a family. The Flemmings now live in West Virginia and enjoy visiting with their grandchildren whenever possible. Herb has recently returned to his former home in the small village of Rothenen, in East Prussia, now a part of Russia, only to find that not a single street or building remains. Herb is grateful to God for the miracle of His deliverance and protection, and his life is still today a powerful testimony that God answers prayer.

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    • F F Bruce


      British professor Frederick Fyvie Bruce (1910-1990) was one of the most influential biblical scholars of the twentieth century, and his career offers valuable insights into how evangelicals have addressed two significant problems continually facing them: (1) how to relate academic theology and church life and (2) how to be acknowledged as credible interpreters of the Bible. In this first book-length biography of F. F. Bruce, Tim Grass outlines the life and thought of this notable scholar. With originality, insight, and a keen grasp of the implications for the church today, Grass integrates Bruce’s formative years and family life with both his remarkable academic career and his activity as a lifelong member of the Open Brethren.

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    • Rage Against God


      What if notorious atheist Christopher Hitchens, bestselling author of God Is Not Great, had a Christian brother? He does.

      Peter Hitchens details a very personal story of how he left the faith but dramatically returned. And like many of the Old Testament saints whose personal lives were intertwined with the life of their nation, so Peter’s story is also the story of modern England and its sad spiritual decline. Peter brings his work as an international journalist to bear as he documents firsthand accounts of atheistic societies, specifically in Communist Russia, where he lived in Moscow during the collapse of the Soviet Union. He shows that the world’s bloodiest century, the 20th, entailed nothing short of atheism’s own version of the Crusades and the Inquisition. The path to a secular utopia, pursued by numerous modern tyrants, is truly paved with more violence than has been witnessed in any era in history. Hitchens provides hope for all believers whose friends or family members have left Christianity or who are enchanted by the arguments of the anti-religious intellects of our age.

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    • Complete Madame Guyon


      Guyon’s theology and spiritual writing opened new doors to people from all walks of life who yearned for spiritual joy and wisdom. These new translations include her popular A Short and Easy Method of Prayer, as well as her biblical commentary on the Song of Songs, where poetic imagery comes to life with its refreshing sense of God’s desire to join with all humanity. Guyon always writes of the pure love of God, like a human kiss, that leads to the fulfilling union with the divine. The Complete Madame Guyon also presents examples of her passionate poetry, some of which has never before been translated into English. Guyon expresses the range of feelings involved with living in a relationship with God and her ideas about the real involvement of the divine within the human heart. Nancy James’s historical introduction explains the events of Guyon’s life first as an aristocratic wife and mother of five, and later as a widow traveling around Europe as an author, who ended up incarcerated in the Bastille by the direct order of Louis XIV. Guyon suffered ten years of incarceration, along with accusations of heresy. Cleared of all of charges at the end of her life, in all of her writing Madame Guyon testified to the goodness and holiness of God.

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    • Unplanned


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414339405ISBN10: 1414339402Abby Johnson | Cindy LambertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2011Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • 9 Minutes Past Midnight


      In Nine Minutes Past Midnight we hear how Dr Crocker, called out to a medical emergency, came to be convinced that God was working alongside him. This led him to speak with many doctors from all branches of medicine and write about their stories. It is an inspirational account of how the personal God interacts and intervenes today in the world of medicine and medical people.

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    • Faith Of Barack Obama Revised And Updated


      The 2008 election is only a memory now, but what happened to all those promises Barack Obama made to the American people? In this updated and revised book, Stephen Mansfield again dives into the controversial faith of President Obama. With two new chapters devoted to the first two years of this historical presidency, Mansfield continues his exploration into Obama’s faith without religious or political bias.

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    • Coach Wooden : The 7 Principles That Shaped His Life And Will Change Yours (Repr


      When Coach John Wooden graduated from eighth grade, his father gave him a handwritten card and said, “Son, try to live up to this.” On the card, his father had written seven simple yet profound life principles:
      Be true to yourself
      Help others
      Make friendship a fine art
      Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible
      Make each day your masterpiece
      Build a shelter against a rainy day by the life you live
      Give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day

      These principles were the key to Coach Wooden’s greatness–and his goodness. Through powerful stories and pithy advice, this book shares the wisdom that made Wooden happy and successful. This inspirational and conversational book, now in trade paper, will encourage, challenge, and motivate readers to build these principles into their own lives.

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    • Luther And Calvin


      Martin Luther and John Calvin have both left dramatic and lasting influences on Christianity and on European society. Their calls for reform led to the church breaking off in different directions, and people and nations believed so passionately for or against their causes that wars ravaged Europe for decades. But what exactly did they teach? This book presents Luther and Calvin in context, looking at the work and ideas of each in turn and then at the making of Lutheranism and the Reformed tradition, showing how the sixteenth-century Reformation began a process of political and intellectual change that went beyond Europe to the “New World”. The result is that today its influence is tangible all over the Western world. Perfect for those who want to understand and engage with what Luther and Calvin thought, and with the debates surrounding interpretation, this book is an excellent introduction to two of Christianity’s most famous thinkers. Charlotte Methuen teaches Church history at the University of Glasgow, and has also worked a the Universities of Hamburg, Bochum, Oxford and Mainz. She specializes in the Reformation period and is the author of numerous books and articles.

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    • Warrior For Revival


      Warrior for Revival is a riveting account of how the Lord Jesus touched the life of a young
      man, Philip Mantofa, delivered him from the depths of violence and depression, and used
      him mightily as a chosen vessel of revival in Indonesia and Asia. While Pastor Philip was
      still in his twenties, a divine firebrand sparked city-wide revivals which were noted for
      creating immediate and enduring impact, particularly among young people. More than
      100,000 people experienced salvation while scores of youths were equipped and
      commissioned to pioneer thriving local churches. Such a transforming anointing and
      influence can only arise from a life deeply rooted in Scripture and an intimate fellowship
      with the Holy Spirit. Warrior for Revival is evidence that God is able to raise young people
      to become standard-bearers even for the older generation.

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    • Day Satan Called


      THE DAY SATAN CALLED is Bill Scott’s account of an excruciating 18-month period in his life. Out of Christian love he and his wife invited a young lady who was demon possessed and the member of an active satanic network into their home. They prayed the sinner’s prayer with her and believed that they could help redeem someone who had witnessed and experienced unimaginable rituals and abuses.

      What happened instead were death threats and the loss of their home as a sanctuary. Voices. Threats. Objects falling and moving. Strange visitors and callers. A loving church falling into turmoil. And yes the voice of Satan. Every day was filled with the dread of nightfall. Once you’ve invited someone filled with demons that aren’t leaving her into your home what do you next? Where do you send her? How do you protect yourself and your family? What do you do after she’s finally gone but the demons haven’t left?

      This is the account of a terrifying and incredible phenomenon. But ultimately, it is a testament to the power of God’s love, even over evil spirits.

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    • Another Mans War


      The rise of Sam Childers from violent, drug-addicted biker to a man willing to risk everything to rescue the orphans and child soldiers of Sudan.

      “All my life, from birth, it’s been a fight. And it always seemed to be another man’s war. I always seemed to be fighting for someone else. But it always came back to me. The Word says we’re born into sin, and sin always comes back to war.” -Sam Childers

      Sam Childers has always been a fighter. Born to a violent father and a mother of great faith, his life was a contradiction. With an affinity for drugs and women, the angry young man grew into a drug-dealing biker. But that was then. Nowadays Sam-along with the cadre of Sudanese soldiers he employs-spends his time in the most dangerous parts of Sudan and Uganda rescuing the youngest victims of war, orphans and child-soldiers. His mission is simple: save the children, no matter the cost.

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    • Ascent From Darkness


      The redemptive story of one man’s agonizing journey from the depths of Satanism to a radical new life in Christ. A life of difficulty and disappointment set 33-three year old Michael Leehan up for the worst decision of his life-to make a deal with the Devil to follow and serve him. Practicing the dark arts that include ritualistic cuttings and blood sacrifices, while fine tuning his manipulation and control skills, Michael launched into a twenty year downward spiral that included job loss and detachment from loved ones, and even jail time. But God had another plan that included a group of Christian men to love him and pray for him-even when it became evident his assignment from Satan was to kill their pastor, Craig Groeschel. The life Michael Leehan lives today is an incredible testimony of the transforming power of God’s mercy and grace, but is also a wakeup call to the church to be fully aware of the spiritual war that is going on all around them, and to the ultimate battle for their souls.”I am sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Acts 26:18

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    • In The Shelter Of His Wings


      When we say September 11 a day of horrible tragedy flashes through each of our minds, but Lt. Leslie Sellers experienced his own September 11 many years before the one we all remember so well. On September 11, 1944, during WWII, this fun loving, adventurous 25 year old faced his own day of tragedy and had it not been for his mother s prayers and his God s protection, that date would now be engraved on his tombstone. As you read this book you will relive with Les the paralyzing fear of being down behind enemy lines with no one to rely on but God Himself. This book will change the way you look at life and death and will challenge and empower you to face the enemies in your life with a new understanding of God s awesome presence and love.

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    • Going Forward On Your Knees


      A new biography which will introduce Hudson Taylor to a new generation of Christians and leaders, and provide those who are already inspired by him with a wonderful collection of extracts from his writings.

      Going Forward on Your Knees tells the story of Hudson Taylor, one of the most inspirational Christians of all time and one of the early missionaries to China. Using his most famous writings and quotes, it shows how he overcame the obstacles of poor health, lack of money and language issues and went on to found the China Inland Mission, now called OMF International.

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    • From The Projects To The Palace


      Olive Press Publisher (

      The author grew up in the Bronx section of New York City in the 1960’s. His family lived in one of the monstrously tall, low income buildings that look more like a row of prisons than homes. As a teenager his future looked bleak, to say the least, although he had a few positive influences in his life. However, even following those could not untangle him from his meager background nor satisfy the emptiness within. In the end find out what was able to do both for him. He managed to come out of the housing projects and become a very successful businessman. Since then he has been able to help others find freedom from their limitations. Today he is influencing people all over the world, making a difference in their lives.

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    • Martin Luther King


      Martin Luther King’s public life lasted only 13 years – yet in that time, he changed the USA’s attitude to civil rights forever and continues to inspire human rights movements today. Richard Reddie has written the first book on King since Barack Obama became US president and considers whether Obama is the fulfilment of “King’s dream”. Reddie seamlessly melds King’s religious, social, political and racial ideas in ways that are understandable, yet sophisticated; and captures his legacy and impact on both sides of the Atlantic. Reddie uses copious photographs throughout to chronicle the great man’s life and times. As the first Black Brit to write a book on Martin Luther King, he brings a fresh new perspective.

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    • 1 Call Away


      The remarkable story of Brenda Warner’s resilient faith in the face of the unpredictable, both before and during her marriage to NFL quarterback Kurt Warner. Brenda’s life has taken twists and turns that are stranger than fiction. It always seemed as if she was just one phone call away from the next explosive change. Each time her plans fell apart, she had a choice: would she give up, or would she press forward and learn from the unexpected? One Call Away is the inspiring story of a woman who has prevailed through many of the circumstances that discourage women: tragedy, poverty, betrayal, and humiliation. But unlike most women, her life has been on display in the media. Brenda’s faith and God’s strength enable her to face challenge after challenge: an accident that leaves her son blind and brain damaged, a crumbling marriage, a tornado that kills her parents, a new relationship with promising football player Kurt Warner, and the pressures his sudden success brings to their growing family.

      Through food stamps and funerals, Super Bowls and serving others, Brenda’s strength is unwavering. Her determination to dream new dreams, willingness to learn from her mistakes, and commitment to giving back to her community make her a role model for women of all backgrounds. Her dreams haven’t materialized as she had imagined, but Brenda has found that God has a much bigger plan for her. Conversational and candid, One Call Away invites readers facing their own difficulties to trust God and discover hope in the future.

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    • All Trial By Fire


      Laying in a hospital bed after just receiving a lifegiving transplant, “He started punching me in the general vicinity of my sutures. Yet again all my terrors returned. Was he now trying to kill me since it appeared I was going to live?” All Trial by Fire is a testimony of that warfare going on just outside of our consciouness between opposing spiritual forces, and a woman’s journey through domestic violence, isolation, fear, kidney failure, and transplant. In times like this we feel utterly alone. We are not! No matter how dark it is, how cold our heart or how far we stray. God is with us.

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    • Gift Of Peace


      When Jimmy Carter was a boy, he listened to his parents talk about local politics and watched them live out their Baptist faith in the community. From the fields of his family farm to traveling the world negotiating peace talks, God guided every step of Jimmy’s journey. His unwavering devotion to peace and faith helped him navigate the political waters of the governorship and presidency. Discover the extraordinary life of this world-famous humanitarian and follow in the footsteps of this incredible man of God.

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    • Blind Authority


      While attending college and playing football, Jeff attended Fellowship of Christian Athlete meetings. Over several months he studied the old and new testament of the Bible to make a decision on Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. On April 28, 1976 Jeff acknowledged belief and faith in Jesus as his personal Messiah. As a consequence of a changing lifestyle, his parents hired professional deprogrammers and had him kidnapped on two separate occasions six years apart. The first was to attempt to convince him Jews do not become Christians. The second was to remove him from a dangerous situation. The campus bible study Jeff attended evolved into an authoritative bible cult. He left the group a couple times on his own volition, but returned. However, in the summer of 1983, during the second intervention, he was given the tools to believe in the Lord and have the courage to leave the destructive group for good. With the grace of God and prayers of many people, Jeff stood strong in his beliefs; particularly that Jesus is the Messiah.

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    • Choosing To SEE (Reprinted)


      When it first released in September 2010, Choosing to SEE stormed onto bestseller lists in every market, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and CBA. With appearances on media from Focus on the Family to FOX and Friends to Good Morning America, Mary Beth shared her touching story to critical acclaim.

      Mary Beth’s story is our story–wondering where God is when the worst happens. In Choosing to SEE, readers will hear firsthand about the loss of her daughter, the struggle to heal, and the unexpected path God has placed her on. Includes a 16-page full color photo insert.

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    • Different Kind Of Cell


      A “most dangerous” criminal, convicted of five violent murders, Clayton Anthony Fountain was condemned in 1974 to live out his days in solitary confinement at the highest-security prison in the U.S. Without ever again emerging form his cell, however, Fountain underwent a profound spiritual transformation. Father W. Paul Jones, who served as Fountain’s spiritual adviser for six years until Fountain’s sudden death in 2004, shares his amazing story with candor and compassion in these pages.

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    • Born To Preach


      In this autobiography of one of the greatest Christian leaders of our century, Dr. Anne Gimenez shares miracles that will inspire you. Best known for the first large-scale gathering at the nation’s capitol, Washington for Jesus turned out to be one of the largest recorded
      gatherings in the history of the nation and brought together churches and denominations worldwide. In this memoir, Dr. Anne Gimenez shares never-before-revealed stories and experiences from her early years as a traveling evangelist, to the death of her husband and ministry partner, John Gimenez. Anne Gimenez shares wisdom from the life of
      an influential woman of God in a real and honest way.

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    • Ill Run With You


      “I ll Run With You” is designed to encourage the reader, that regardless the struggles that they may be going through, that strength can be found. It does this through the real life stories of individuals who while on earth, have struggled physically and although they may limp up to the gates of heaven, they will run on the other side.”

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    • Blind Healer


      There are two remarkable aspects to Mike Endicott’s work. First, his ministry is blessed with astonishing miracles; second, he suffers from retinitis pigmentosa, which led to his becoming completely blind in his mid-forties. This is his account of his life and teaching. He explains: “I am convinced that God wants his church to have the same reputation today that Jesus had during his earthly ministry. I reckon he wants people to say the same sort of things about us that they must have said to each other about those first-generation disciples. Our ministry has to do what it says on the tin.”

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    • Trials To Triumph


      Johnson reflects on his physical and spiritual bouts as he grows from poverty in East Saint Louis to prominence in the Olympic boxing ring, through his battle with leukemia in the quietness of the hospital room long after the crowds are gone. Readers will be inspired by his faith in God, which brought him from “Trials to Triumph” time and time again.

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