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Showing 501–550 of 1433 results

  • Walk Like You Have Somewhere To Go


    As the mother of one of the greatest athletes of all time, her journey is exceptional; but her story reveals that she is more than just “Shaquille O’Neal’s mom.”

    Lucille O’Neal is a woman you know, a woman you understand. Perhaps your own journey resembles hers. O’Neal has been a rebellious teen, a single mother, a wife, a college student, a divorcee, and, above all, a woman of unique courage.

    Acquainted early in life with turmoil, O’Neal’s circumstances shaped her perspective and strengthened her resolve to overcome the challenges she would encounter later in life. She has endured poverty, rejection, abuse, addiction, and the illness of a child, yet today her faith and compassion for others are stronger than ever. O’Neal writes candidly-and often humorously-about her years of spiritual unrest and mental warfare, and her return to the God of her childhood.

    In Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go, O’Neal shares her struggles and disappointments against the backdrop of her sweetest memories and proudest accomplishments. After fi fty-fi ve years, O’Neal has gained the wisdom to recognize her wrongs and guide others down a different path. Her story is proof that it’s never too late for a new beginning.

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  • Bikin And Brotherhood


    From the popularity of cable television shows concerning building choppers or the criminal aspects of the motorcycle gang lifestyle, to the phenomenal success of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, no one can deny America has become fascinated with bikers and the machines they love.

    Author Dave Spurgeon provides a firsthand look into the world of the Harley enthusiast and beyond. He takes you to where few have dared to tread-into the sinister, and often misunderstood, reality of the true one-percenters. He takes you on a ride into a place about which many are curious, but few know well.

    Be advised: This is not the exhaustive work of an investigative reporter, nor an account of the zealous efforts of an undercover law enforcement operation. This is the personal chronicle of Spurgeon’s 15 years in the fast lane. Sobering, sometimes humorous, yet always painfully accurate, it begins with his love affair with the motorcycle and then continues into the ominous 1%er Brotherhood of the bike gang culture in America.

    You will be educated, entertained, warned, and enlightened by this brutally honest narrative from a man who has been there and back and lived to tell about it.

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  • Redeemed Unredeemable : When Americas Most Notorious Criminals Came Face To


    Jesus said that redemption eternal salvation is available to everyone. No one is beyond His reach; no one falls outside the boundaries of His willingness to forgive. Anyone who calls on Him will be saved, He says. But, does that really include names like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Susan Atkins, Charles Tex Watson, Sean Sellers, David Berkowitz, and Karla Faye Tucker? Redeemed Unredeemable: When America s Most Notorious Criminals Came Face to Face with God features a close look into the lives of infamous members of the Manson Family disciples such as Susan Atkins and Charles Tex Watson, as well as serial killer Ted Bundy, Milwaukee Monster Jeffrey Dahmer, Son of Sam David Berkowitz, Pickaxe Killer Karla Faye Tucker, and parent-killer Sean Sellers. READ FOR THE FIRST TIME IN REDEEMED UNREDEEMABLE… *Exhaustive, fresh research into the court documents and news reports of the most famous criminal investigations and trials *Exclusive interviews with many who were involved in these cases, including relatives of the victims and perpetrators, prison staff members and ministers, and, when possible, even the criminals, themselves *Surprising information about those convicted, including a comprehensive look at their family history, their childhoods, and possible motivations for their horrific deeds *Fresh, big-picture insight into the culture and times that served as the backdrop for these offenders lives *Rare glimpses into these convicted felons private lives after sentencing and incarceration *Compelling exploration of some of the spiritual issues that might have influenced, shaped, and ultimately transformed these men and women While in no way attempting to excuse or justify any of the devastating crimes these men and women have committed, the author s investigation brings to light not just seven case studies of hardened criminals, but seven accounts of loss. Seven stories of searching. Seven chronicles of change. And, ultimately, seven testimonies about redemption. Read for yourself the untold stories of America s most notorious killers, and the unspeakably difficult journeys that brought them to their knees.

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  • Doubting Thomas : The Religious Life And Legacy Of Thomas Jefferson


    Harvard University Professor Alan Heimert said that the evidence in this book provides, “truly new and original insight into the religious atmosphere of pre-Revolutionary Virginia, adding immeasurably to Jefferson’s own intellectual biography.” Drawing from about 1100 religious letters and papers of Jefferson, this book identifies over 200 religious leaders or groups that Jefferson either worshipped with, aided financially or corresponded with. While not denying the unorthodox writings of Jefferson late in life, the context of the vast majority of his religious correspondence and actions, and the unique religious culture of Central Virginia, show a much more nuanced picture that challenges both secular and religious scholars to reassess Jefferson’s modern image.

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  • Mommy When Can We Go To Church


    An autobiography like no other.

    How can a young girl dream of a future when she’s told she won’t have one? How can a family get on the right track-and stay on it-through a flurry of hardships faced so early in their growth together? This is all possible with the help of an inquisitive child.

    The story of Jaime Adams’ life isn’t just of a child, but an entire family going through rough times-some would say, trials and tribulations. In Mommy, When Can We Go to Church? Jaime tells the tale of how faith, love, hope, and joy came together to give her a full life when she seemed to have no future.

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  • Billy Graham : A Biography Of America’s Greatest Evangelist


    The Inspirational Story of the Twentieth Century s Greatest Evangelist Billy Graham has preached the gospel message in person to more people than anyone in history, and millions more have heard him through television, radio, and film. His faithful witness is testimony to his great love of God and passion to serve Him. This easy-to-read biography tells Billy Graham s story, including his humble beginnings as a southern farm boy, his calling to the ministry, the start of the crusades, his service to America s leaders, and his later years preaching around the globe. As you read these details of a life dedicated to the cause of Christ, you will be encouraged. Also these stories will inspire anyone who desires to give their life in service to God. Here s a fresh look at a contemporary man of God and giant of the faith.”

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  • Billy Graham : A Biography Of Americas Greatest Evangelist


    The Inspirational Story of the Twentieth Century s Greatest Evangelist Billy Graham has preached the gospel message in person to more people than anyone in history, and millions more have heard him through television, radio, and film. His faithful witness is testimony to his great love of God and passion to serve Him. This easy-to-read biography tells Billy Graham s story, including his humble beginnings as a southern farm boy, his calling to the ministry, the start of the crusades, his service to America s leaders, and his later years preaching around the globe. As you read these details of a life dedicated to the cause of Christ, you will be encouraged. Also these stories will inspire anyone who desires to give their life in service to God. Here s a fresh look at a contemporary man of God and giant of the faith.

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  • Out Of The Dust


    “Don’t waste your pain,” says unlikely missionary Avis Goodhart. She didn’t – and neither should you. Despite a background of childhood abuse, dyslexia, and marital infidelity, Avis took her first international mission trip at age fifty. The church, school, and orphanage she later founded in northern Peru, all products of both her pain and her radical obedience to the Lord, have brought thousands of others out of the dust. This compelling story of an ordinary woman who serves God in extraordinary ways will challenge, inspire, and empower you to: * Eliminate excuses from your life * Recognize that in God’s kingdom, availability matters more than ability * Allow your pain to produce – not prevent – your obedience * Serve the Lord with the same abandon shown by one unlikely missionary

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  • Searching For Love


    I am so excited to have the opportunity to share the true story of Sonexay Chantasone with you.

    It took a considerable amount of time to get the story into print due to the fact that the main character was very occupied with learning about the new country he was in and couldn’t sit still and tell me all about his life and what it meant for him to be here. It was very emotional for him, When finally I printed the pages he would remember another detail and it would change the order of events. Being a busy Pastor’s wife, I just couldn’t sit for hours with Sonexay, but finally after many changes and order of events, we have the story ready for you to read, “Searching For Love.”

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  • My Best Friends Funeral


    There’s a certain kind of lost a boy feels in this world without a father. Tim felt it. I felt it. And we realized our only way out would be together.

    In an openhearted memoir of faith on the fringe, Roger Thompson meditates on the life and premature death of his best friend and business partner, Tim Garrety, cofounder of Skate Street Ventura.

    Roger and Tim’s twenty-year friendship was forged in the surf and on the streets of 1980s California. Together they hazarded countless waves and every rite of passage-from guitars to girls to God-and influenced the lives of thousands of skateboarders, musicians, surfers, and otherwise disconnected youth in the process.

    With unrestrained honesty and a punk-rock soundtrack, My Best Friend’s Funeral is a memoir of friendship, doubt, surfing, and the complex relationships between fathers and sons. If life has ever left you feeling abandoned-or if you simply prefer a rock show to a sermon-My Best Friend’s Funeral is a memoir you won’t want to miss, and a confirmation that you are never alone.

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  • Reluctant Caregiver : Navigating The Turmoil Of The Sandwich Generation


    Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers.

    Bobbi may be married with two grown children, but the child inside still fears and resents the attacks and tirades of her ninety-year-old mother, now afflicted with dementia. While still a teenager, Bobbi was disowned by her mother. How can she now take on the role of caregiver?

    Bobbi seeks escape from the task, but gradually realizes that Jesus has a greater goal in mind than teaching her to be a caregiver. Crisis after crisis forces Bobbi to turn to Jesus for help, all the while testing to see if his promises can be taken literally. Is he in charge? Will he work things out? Is his plan perfect?

    Nancy’s erratic behaviour and moods punctuate the ensuing year. Stripped of any illusion that she can cope on her own, Bobbi finds her faith rewarded in unpredictable ways. Her journey of anxiety and failure also comes with insights and small but important victories. She tells the story candidly, often humorously, as she comes to a deeper understanding of dementia, her mother, and most of all, Jesus.

    Read and weep. Laugh and pray. Gain courage and perspective of your own!

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  • Angel In The Rubble


    A heart-breaking, gripping, authentic, life-affirming true story for our times from the last survivor to be pulled out alive from under the wreckage of the North Tower of the World Trade Centre.

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  • Hard Road : What If Almost Dying Was The Very Thing That Saved Your Life


    What if almost dying was the very thing that saved your life?

    By forty years of age, Michael Pruett was a thriving businessman. He had raised millions in capital, started an Internet provider service, worked with contractors to develop and flip homes, and had established a well-respected reputation in Jackson Hole’s real estate community. Add to this a new wife and stepdaughters, and he reached the pinnacle of the high life, or so he thought. He had risen high, and then he fell-hard. But there was a larger story in play, and July 15, 2012 happened-the day he should have died.

    Michael’s action-packed and riveting biography tells the story of a terrible happenstance that changed everything, in the best possible way. It asks the tough questions, its true-to-life characters exploring life’s uncertainties-about the divine, why bad things happen to good
    people, and what to do when the road you picked just doesn’t go as planned.

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  • Reason : How I Discovered A Life Worth Living (Reprinted)


    The day Lacey Sturm planned to kill herself was the day her grandmother forced her to go to church, a place Lacey thought was filled with hypocrites, fakers, and simpletons. The screaming match she had with her grandmother was the reason she went to church. What she found there was the Reason she is alive today.

    With raw vulnerability, this hard rock princess tells her own story of physical abuse, drug use, suicide attempts, and more–and her ultimate salvation. She asks the hard questions so many young people are asking–Why am I here? Why am I empty? Why should I go on living?–showing readers that beyond the temporary highs and the soul-crushing lows there is a reason they exist and a purpose for their lives. She not only gives readers a peek down the rocky path that led her to become a vocalist in a popular hardcore band, but she shows them that the same God is guiding their steps today.

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  • Entering The Forbidden Land V4


    A family from the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN goes to live among a group of primitive Indians. Their family consists of four children-three are of elementary school age, and the fourth is an eight-month-old handicapped baby. At this point the family has gone through two years of training and preparation, but now their experiences are for real. An unexpected invitation from a middle-aged Kogi man to live in a mud-walled, thatched-roofed hut on his little farm opens the door to this forbidden land where death by poisoning is the penalty for Indians who befriend outsiders. The nearest government police officer predicts that the family won’t last two weeks.
    -You will understand how a complicated yet primitive people live.
    -You will grasp how a suburban family can adapt to live among them.
    -You will observe how miracles of healing CAN turn enemies into friends.
    -You will learn how God can enable your family to withstand difficult situations with faith and courage.
    -You will see how a woman in missions put her call into action.

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  • Joels Chance


    Joel found out that Barafu is the Swahili word for ice. Feeling the bitter cold clinging to his body, Joel had no doubt the locals knew what they were talking about. As they were hiking closer to the summit, the air was definitely chilly and thinner. It took a lot of strength and determination to move each foot. Joel’s leg muscles were aching with pain, mainly, because he was exhausted from lack of sleep, and his body trying to fight off the harsh cold. His breathing was becoming more labored as the climb was ascending higher and higher, with little oxygen to take in. Joel kept thinking to himself, “This is harder than I thought! Why did I even want to climb this mountain? I read all of the facts, but no one prepared me for such challenges. I almost wish I had stayed at one of the other camps. NO! I can do this, I think” With each step, the trail was becoming very steep. When Joel decides to take a chance to climb the majestic mountain Kilimanjaro in Tanzania Africa, he encounters all kinds of challenges, wild animals, harsh weather conditions, but mostly fear! Through each hardship, though, Joel finds courage and strength. A courage that can only be found when one has a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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  • Joels Chance


    Joel found out that Barafu is the Swahili word for ice. Feeling the bitter cold clinging to his body, Joel had no doubt the locals knew what they were talking about. As they were hiking closer to the summit, the air was definitely chilly and thinner. It took a lot of strength and determination to move each foot. Joel’s leg muscles were aching with pain, mainly, because he was exhausted from lack of sleep, and his body trying to fight off the harsh cold. His breathing was becoming more labored as the climb was ascending higher and higher, with little oxygen to take in. Joel kept thinking to himself, “This is harder than I thought! Why did I even want to climb this mountain? I read all of the facts, but no one prepared me for such challenges. I almost wish I had stayed at one of the other camps. NO! I can do this, I think” With each step, the trail was becoming very steep. When Joel decides to take a chance to climb the majestic mountain Kilimanjaro in Tanzania Africa, he encounters all kinds of challenges, wild animals, harsh weather conditions, but mostly fear! Through each hardship, though, Joel finds courage and strength. A courage that can only be found when one has a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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  • His Redeeming Love


    Fighting against an addiction to pornography while trying his best to live as a Christian, Matthew Robert Payne is a sinner who has gone through a lot in his efforts to conquer the challenges that life throws at him. In his memoirs, he speaks of his battle to overcome the past and ensure that he will walk in his future in the grace of God. Yes, there are days when the darkness seems to be gaining ground, but he perseveres and keeps a tight hold to his faith. The enemy throws temptation after temptation in an attempt to keep him from fulfilling his destiny. He often finds himself doubting his ability to lead and be an example to others, but his belief in God is strong and he knows that God is beside him all the time. Matthew has lived through so much pain and suffering from the time he was a boy through his marriage and estrangement with his son and the abuse that he has to endure. Even his efforts to earn money and serve other people were fraught with trials. Whether its driving a taxi, washing dishes, serving coffee, talking to people and giving them hope and message from God, he tackles each task with the same dedication and love. He firmly believes that Jesus will hold his hand and guide him to the right path. His bipolar condition did not stop him from realizing his dreams as a writer and as a Christian. This autobiography will give you a chance to see the real person behind the author, the mistakes he made and how he corrected them will show you how a Christian is molded by his faith and how war can be waged and won against temptation even with the odds stacked against you. You will be inspired to find your life’s purpose the same way he found his as a writer, using his gift of prophecy to connect with people and provide encouragement. Far from being a saint, he has the same struggles if not more than everyone else, but he reaches out and offers his gifts. This book will take your emotions on a roller coaster and will give you hope and strengthen your faith.

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  • Bonhoeffer Abridged : Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy


    From the New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, an abridged version of the groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler. A definitive, deeply moving narrative, Bonhoeffer is a story of moral courage in the face of the monstrous evil that was Nazism. After discovering the fire of true faith in a Harlem church, Bonhoeffer returned to Germany and became one of the first to speak out against Hitler. As a double-agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Fuehrer, and was hanged in Flossenberg concentration camp at age 39. Since his death, Bonhoeffer has grown to be one of the most fascinating, complex figures of the 20th century. Bonhoeffer presents a profoundly orthodox Christian theologian whose faith led him to boldly confront the greatest evil of the 20th century, and uncovers never-before-revealed facts, including the story of his passionate romance.

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  • Tangled Destinies


    If God really loved me, why did this happen?” Have you ever felt that way? Henk certainly did after his father was a victim of the Holocaust and his mother and sister were killed in a bombing raid later described as a mistake. Clenching his fist toward the sky, he cursed God. Jan, raised in Indonesia by a Chinese couple who worshipped Buddha and practiced witchcraft, met Henk after he left Holland as a member of the Royal Dutch Army and was wounded during a revolution. Their marriage was improbable, their life together truly a clash of two cultures-tangled destinies! But when something appears hopeless, miracles can happen! Johanna Garrison shares the captivating story of her parents: the wonders and woes of their marriage, an unlikely path to Christ, and a journey that brings them to America. But just when everything seems wonderful, tragedy strikes again. Their hope-filled story will inspire you to conquer adversity, walk in forgiveness, and become a victor instead of a victim. “I urge you to keep some tissue with you as you read this book. There are moments when you will cry over the adversity described, and then later you will cry with joy over what the Lord did. You will read of trial and tragedy, but you will also experience miracles of God’s grace and power. Tangled Destinies is not fiction-it’s the real story of how God is always for us, even when life turns against us!

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  • Jeanne Guyon Nobody Knows


    Gene Edwards, camera in hand, traced the life of Jeanne Guyon in France where she lived back in the 1600s. He photographed the placed she lived and where she was in prison, from her home in Montargis through her death in 1717.

    Over and again he was surprised about things no one today knows of Jeanne Guyon. You will be just as surprised as he was. Twelve of his photos have been turned into sketches. You will see Guyon’s life as never before. Also, for the first time, you will understand what her imprisonments were like.

    If you have been influenced by the incredible life and writings of Guyon, you will come to love her story all the more. Edwards followed her life story to the end. There he found the greatest shock of all . . . what happened to Guyon after her death.

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  • Stolen : The True Story Of A Sex Trafficking Survivor (Reprinted)


    Sex trafficking is currently a hot news topic, but it is not a new problem or just a problem in “other” countries. Every year, an estimated 300,000 American children are at risk of being lured into the sex trade, some as young as eight years old. It is thought that up to 90 percent of victims are never rescued.

    Stolen is the true story of one survivor who escaped–more than once. First recruited while staying with her family at a hotel in Miami Beach, Katariina Rosenblatt was already a lonely and abused young girl who was yearning to be loved. She fell into the hands of a confident young woman who pretended friendship but slowly lured her into a child prostitution ring. For years afterward, a cycle of false friendship, threats, drugs, and violence kept her trapped.

    As Kat shares her harrowing experiences, readers will quickly realize the frightening truth that these terrible things could have happened to any child–a neighbor, a niece, a friend, a sister, a daughter. But beyond that, they will see that there is real hope for the victims of sex trafficking. Stolen is more than a warning. It is a celebration of survival that will inspire.

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  • Row For Freedom


    The incredible story of one woman’s record-breaking row across the Atlantic to draw attention to human trafficking and come to terms with her own past.

    In December 2011, 31-year-old Julia Immonen and four other women took on a challenge completed by fewer people than have climbed Mount Everest or gone into space: row 3,000 miles, unaided, from the Canary Islands to Barbados. Row for Freedom chronicles that journey, weaving together two narratives: the details of the grueling, peril-filled crossing that broke two world records and Julia’s own story of her search for hope and purpose against a background of relationships scarred by violence.

    As Julia’s physical and emotional treks unfold, she highlights the plight of the 27 million victims of the modern-day slave trade, which serves as the motivation for her row. In addition to becoming motivated to play their own part in promoting freedom, readers will be inspired by Julia’s self-discovery and her team’s triumph in one of the most formidable physical quests ever undertaken.

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  • Ahead Of The Game


    Pat Williams has known the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat–both on the sidelines of the basketball court and in his personal life. In this engaging look at his life and career, he tells of big-name players, multimillion dollar deals, and nail-biting playoffs during his rise from minor league wunderkind to general manager of an NBA championship team. He also tells of his heart-crushing divorce and his battle with cancer. In Ahead of the Game he offers readers ten principles for success that will inspire them to live a winning life despite their challenges.

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  • Beyond All Reason


    If you were a brand-new Christian convert living in the middle of the South Pacific, in the Fiji Islands, would you necessarily hear God call you to establish a college of theology and evangelism? No? Well, fortunately, Narayan Nair felt the Lord place this burden on his heart and without hesitation, he and his wife, Savita, began their life-long devotion to making God’s burden happen-beyond all reason. Surviving nearly constant persecution in some form or another-threats of bodily harm, military coups, mutinous leaderships, political and religious unrest, and other challenges to the stability of the whole college program, Nair and God’s believers withstood the tests with complete assurance God would prevail. Author Cathy Kreis has assembled a most fascinating history of the establishment of the Fiji College of Theology and Evangelism. You’ll get to bounce down the back roads with students and staff going to and from the various venues which are a part of the students’ everyday lives-complete with daily activities and menus established to support their survival both physically and spiritually. This modern-day heritage depicts one of God’s miracle movements for reaching the lost. Observe how living a lifestyle of trusting God, produces miracles and blessings for those who venture to do major efforts for His Glory. Not only is this a wonderful, historical documentation, complete with visiting missionaries, Beyond All Reason is bound to capture your heart.

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  • Preemptive Love : Pursuing Peace One Heart At A Time


    A personal account of the Courtney family and the Preemptive Love Coalition, as they help children obtain lifesaving surgeries in Iraq using one simple but powerful tool: a love that strikes first.

    In the middle of the Iraq War, Jeremy and Jessica Courtney found themselves with their two children caught up in the turmoil, just hoping to make a difference. After an encounter with a father whose little girl was dying from a heart defect, they began to investigate options for helping and learned that untold thousands of children across Iraq were in similar need, waiting in line for heart surgery in a country without a qualified heart surgeon.

    With the help of their closest friends, they dived in to save the lives of as many as they could, but sending children abroad proved to be expensive and cumbersome, and it failed to make an impact on the systemic needs of Iraqi hospitals-the place where these children really should be saved. Despite fatwas, death threats, bombings, imprisonments, and intense living conditions, Jeremy and his team persevered to overcome years of hostilities and distrust in an effort to eradicate the backlog of thousands upon thousands of Iraqi children waiting in line for much-needed heart surgery.

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  • Closer Young Readers Edition (Large Type)


    Ruth, Mantle, Gehrig, DiMaggio… Rivera. A top-five Yankee of all time, Mariano Rivera is the man who has intimidated thousands of batters by merely opening a bullpen door.Now, in an edition for young readers, he will tell his story for the first time: from a childhood in Panama, to the championships, the rivalries, and the struggles of being a Latino baseball player in the United States and of maintaining Christian values in professional athletics. The 12-time All-Star will discuss what it’s like to run up to that mound with the game — or the season — squarely on his shoulders.

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  • I Forgot To Smile


    “Roses are red Violets are blue Why would anybody write that? It simply is not true… Roses can be found in lots of different colours and so can violets. Roses can be red, yellow, pink, orange, white, black, mixed colours and they can even be different depending on what soil type they are growing in. In fact, I read in one gardening book written by….” So speaks the person with Asperger’s Disorder. Asperger’s is an incurable disorder that effects around 1% of world’s population. It is socially isolating, emotionally debilitating and physically draining. It can lead to social anxiety, depression, broken relationships, job loss and other mental, emotional and physical trauma. This book describes Tim’s life journey dealing with the difficulties of living with Asperger’s. It brings to life the thought processes that dictated his behaviours, nearly causing the end of his marriage and his own life. There is hope though for people suffering with Asperger’s Disorder and hope for the people living with them. The story does not end with a plan to help people manage the difficulties but instead relates the healing and deliverance that set Tim free of a lifelong condition. God is no respecter of persons and if He bought Tim into freedom, He can and will do it for others too.

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  • Burdened To Tell


    Sharon Allen, a long-time public school administrator, was diagnosed with an extremely rare and lethal form of cancer. Having determined that God’s will was in opposition to treatment, she began writing this manuscript, at what she believed to be the bidding of the Holy Spirit. As she detailed her decision to refuse cancer treatment, what began to unfold was an account of a miraculous thread through her life. As a result, her theological foundations have evolved. She was “burdened to tell” many painful and embarrassing events revealed in these pages. She believes her obedience to place these events in print to glorify His name is one reason God has allowed her to live. It was not immediate, but it did evolve, whereby Sharon could thank the Lord for her cancer. Without that diagnosis, the reflections that took place while writing this manuscript detailing her sometimes troubled and often rebellious life would not have provided the blessings that have followed as a result. She was “Burdened to Tell” her whole story.

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  • Billy Graham : Candid Conversations With A Public Man


    Discover a different Billy Graham than the crusade preacher. Pre-eminent television interviewer Frost collects three decades of his interviews with Graham to reveal the personal side of this beloved servant of God. Graham’s thoughts on faith, temptations, prayer, politics, spiritual growth, and more give you a glimpse of the man behind the public image. 224 pages, hardcover from Cook.

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  • Defender Of Faith Revised Edition (Revised)


    The revised edition of Defender of Faith describes the extraordinary true story of professional hockey player, Mike Fisher, who grew up to became one of the NHL’s greatest stars, now married to country singer Carrie Underwood. He has been has been nominated for the Selke Trophy as the best defensive forward in the league, he’s competed in the Stanley Cup finals, and he’s been a former alternate captain for the Ottawa Senators. Today he plays professionally for the Nashville Predators and is an active humanitarian, using his fame to benefit others and putting his faith in Christ first—both on and off the ice.

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  • Pierced In The Heart


    One night, five-year-old Bonnie wakes up and discovers her mother’s blood on her parents’ bed sheets. This suicide carries major ramifications for the rest of her life.

    Through painful stories of personal grief and loss, Bonnie Brooks reveals seeds of hope and the miracle of emotional and spiritual healing. Pierced in the Heart will appeal to readers who struggle to make sense of where God fits into the midst of tragic and difficult circumstances. Those desiring to deepen their relationship with God will be inspired by the sometimes gentle, sometimes challenging, but always healing words of God found in every chapter.

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  • Gifted Hands Revised Kids Edition


    From Inner-City Nobody to Brilliant Neurosurgeon When Ben Carson was in school, his classmates called him the class dummy. Many—including Ben himself—doubted that he would ever amount to anything. But his mother never let him quit. She encouraged Ben to do better and reach higher for his dreams, and eventually he discovered a deep love of learning. Today this young boy from the inner-city is one of the world’s greatest pediatric neurosurgeons. Through determination and lot of hard work, Ben overcame his many obstacles and is now dedicated to saving the lives of critically ill children around the world.

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  • Hi Mom Did You Miss Me 3


    This is the final book in Joseph Roush’s autobiographical trilogy “Hi Mom, Did You Miss Me?” Now in his retirement years, Roush’s story continues with heartfelt anecdotes, God-ordained encounters, struggles that refine his walk with God, and triumphant accounts that further endear him to the reader. Yet with all he encounters, Roush never loses sight of his search for his mother. Roush shares smiles and stories about the unique students he encounters while substitute teaching, the heartache of losing his dear wife, Odean, and the joy of meeting and marrying his “Sunshine,” Faye. Then, just before the dream of finding his mom becomes a reality, Roush discovers another blessing-siblings he never knew he had! Roush’s story is one that readers of all ages will identify with. This delightful and charming book will captivate the attention of family, friends, and strangers alike.

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  • 5 Hours Before Midnight


    Pitch black velvety eerie sky that night, not a sound anywhere. I was rejected, betrayed, abused, and left for dead. Three days from nowhere, I thought my life was over, but the Lord rescued me. I ran twenty-five hundred miles away from one nightmare and wound up in another far worse. The man followed me for years. Despite my attempts to rid myself of this fearful specter, he was always there. Deep in my fear, God saved me once again. Up on that high, rigid Verdes Cliff with the raging water beneath me, death was all around. On the verge of insanity, the Lord stepped in and rescued me. He gave me back my life. This is my story of how, despite fearful circumstances, God is always there. No matter where you are, no matter what midnight hour you face, remember you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

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  • C S Lewis And Mere Christianity


    Mere Christianity is one of the best books of Christian apologetics ever written. Arguably, no book other than the Bible itself has had as much influence for the cause of the gospel over the past 60 years. The story of how that message came to be created, during the rigors of World War II in England, is fascinating in and of itself. But it also addresses a very important question: How do we present the gospel effectively to a culture that has Christian foundations but has become largely secularized and ignorant of biblical truth?

    C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity develops the circumstances of Lewis’s life and the inner workings of the BBC. It also goes into greater detail about life in the middle of war against Nazi Germany, and Lewis’s series of broadcasts that extended into 1944.

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  • Atlas Girl


    Disillusioned and yearning for freedom, Emily Wierenga left home at age eighteen with no intention of ever returning. Broken down by organized religion, a childhood battle with anorexia, and her parents’ rigidity, she set out to find God somewhere else–anywhere else. Her travels took her across Canada, Central America, the United States, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. She had no idea that her faith was waiting for her the whole time–in the place she least expected it.

    Poignant and passionate, Atlas Girl is a very personal story of a universal yearning for home and the assurance that we are known, forgiven, and beloved. Readers will find in this memoir a true description of living faith as a two-way pursuit in a world fraught with distraction. Anyone who wrestles with the brokenness we find in the world will love this emotional journey into the arms of the God who heals all wounds.

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  • Game Changer : Faith Football And Finding Your Way


    Sit down with Kirk Cousins, record-setting Michigan State University quarterback and 2012 draft pick of the NFL’s Washington Redskins. In Game Changer, Cousins gives readers an inside look at his life—as experienced under the bright lights of college and professional football—and how he puts his faith and values into action, both on and off the field.

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  • For This I Live


    Bursting with the joy of living and determined to defeat all obstacles in life that threaten her relationship with God, Katherine, through Divine inspiration, has introduced a practical approach to unfolding those mysterious circumstances in For This I Live. In this personal, heartfelt spiritual journey, Katherine shares her story with the hopes of helping others learn how to recognize the spiritual battle they are in, stand firm in their faith, and keep God as their guiding light out of the darkness. She has overcome many life-altering events in her life, and through For This I Live she prays that others will have faith in God to see them through any trial.

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  • Of Course I Can The Vision And Dreams Of Ray Saunders


    What can someone do whose call to foreign missions seems only an impossible dream ? Here is the inspiring, compelling and riveting record of such a one who persevered in the vision God gave him, despite the ‘impossibilities’ of physical challenges, differences of language, culture, color, race, and unusual sensitivity to tropical sun. Here is a servant whose mountain-moving faith became Caribbean College of the Bible International.

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  • My Life With Deth


    One of the hardest headbangers of heavy metal shares his uplifting and empowering memoir about overcoming addiction and discovering a life of faith.

    In My Life with Deth, cofounder and bassist of Megadeth David Ellefson reveals the behind-the-scenes details of life in one of the world’s most popular heavy metal bands. If you’re looking for eye-opening revelations, they’re here, including the drug habits that brought the band members to their knees.

    But My Life with Deth is far more than just another memoir of debauchery. Ellefson also shares the story of his faith journey, which began when he decided his only choice for survival was to get free from his addiction.

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  • New Life In The Boarding House


    The author, a husband and father of a young family, was messed up. Like many men, he was unable to talk to anyone about what was wrong-partly because he felt it would make him look weak and partly because he didn’t really know why nothing was right in his life. Anger became his fuel, controlling his life. Conflict was his daily routine. He suffered many sleepless nights, plagued by fear, worry, and buried emotional wounds. Haunted by his father’s rejection, an inner voice screamed at him, “I want a new life!”
    Chilling thoughts of ending it rapped at his consciousness.
    In a night of crisis, he dug out an unused Bible, leading to a startling introduction to Jesus and depositing the author on a virtual tour of a once magnificent stately home, fallen into use as a neglected, chaotic boarding house. With the Holy Spirit as his guide, he meets interesting people, learns to understand himself, and discovers that not only is it possible to have a new life-but there’s a way to get it.
    As a child he heard stories of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but as an adult he didn’t think they existed and he certainly had no idea of how to find them. This book, based on daily journal accounts, describes how they found him.
    And not only are they real, they still make house calls.

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  • 90 Minutes In Heaven (Anniversary)


    In the ten years since 90 Minutes in Heaven was published, millions of people worldwide have read the incredible true story of Don Piper’s experience with death and life–and in reading they have found their own lives changed.

    After a semi-truck collided with Don Piper’s car, he was pronounced dead at the scene. For the next ninety minutes, he experienced the glories of heaven. Back on earth, a passing minister felt led to stop and pray for the accident victim even though he was told Piper was dead. Miraculously, Piper came back to life, and the pleasure of heaven was replaced by a long and painful recovery.

    With a personal update from Don on the impact the book has had on him, his family, and the millions who have heard his story, even those who have read the original book will want to be part of the continuing story of 90 Minutes in Heaven with this new edition. Also includes a note from the publisher, stories from readers, favorite Scriptures and quotations on heaven from Don Piper, and a photo insert.

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  • Day I Died


    Freddy Vest was on the back of a horse, competing in a calf-roping event in front of a crowd when he suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack. He was dead before he hit the ground.

    One moment he was sitting on his horse. The next moment he was somewhere else-somewhere beyond description. He had moved on. Without travel, transport, angelic assistance, or the passage of time-he was with Jesus, where he discovered firsthand that heaven is a real place and God is a real person and that death is not the end but the beginning of true life.

    In The Day I Died, Vest touches on the transformation from death to heaven and some of the benefits of finding oneself in that place, including:
    *The unforgettable awareness of God’s presence
    *The sense of His immeasurable love
    *The freedom from the constraints of time
    *The ease of communication with the Lord
    *The peace and security that attend His presence
    *The understanding that prayers are instantly heard by God.

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  • Simplified Life : A Contemporary Hermits Experience Of Solitude And Silence


    Today, as increasing numbers of people try to make sense of their lives in the face of unexpected or unlooked for change, this direct and compelling memoir by someone who has voluntarily embraced a life of radical simplicity and solitude is a real message for our times.

    What makes a young, Cambridge educated woman first join a religious order and then, if that were not demanding enough, seek a hermit vocation, literally on the edge of the world with only a simple hut as protection against Atlantic winds and storms? Here the author tells her story.

    For more than forty years Sr Verena lived a solitary life at the tip of the Lleyn Peninsula, looking out across the sea to Bardsey, Wales’ island of saints, and has only recently – with increasing age – moved nearer human habitation in the parish where R S Thomas was priest. For her, this narrow straitened place became a mirror of the whole of creation and the material poverty of her life became a means to ‘having nothing yet possessing all things’ in the words of St Paul.

    Over the decades, countless people have beaten a path to her door seeking spiritual counsel and direction for their own busy lives and her account speaks directly to those who may be facing an enforced simplicity leading them into something profoundly positive and life giving.

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  • Message Worth Dying For


    Pastor Michael and Diane Meagher released their youngest child to attend Bible College in 1996, and boarded a jetliner to begin their new lives as independent missionaries among an un-evangelized tribe in the bleakest, most unforgiving wilderness on earth. They had two dollars in their pockets, two donated airline tickets . . . and one indescribably powerful God who had called and prepared them to reach precious lost souls in north-central Siberia, Russia.

    They were compelled by hearts flaming with the compassion He had instilled in them and a shared faith forged in the crucible of decades of tribulation, deliverance from myriad dangers, and the forsaking of all earthly frills and baubles that might distract them from their purpose.

    They were deemed unqualified and unfit by two dozen mission boards and dismissed as crazy by casual onlookers, self-appointed counselors, and even fellow soldiers of the faith.

    The odds were severely stacked against them and their enemies and detractors were legion. They had no promise of financial support, no safety net, and no sanctuary. Once they set foot on that plane, there was no turning back. To an uttermost part of the earth, they were resolved to carry a message worth dying for: this is HIStory and their story …

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  • Joy In Living


    Does God always do what is best for His children? Joy in Living is the life story of Joy K. Boerop. She was born in the beautiful Lushan Mountains in the interior of China. Growing up in China, Joy experienced the horrors of war during World War II and the Communist takeover in 1949. In 1950 Joy and her parents were expelled from China. Then while living in Europe, she struggled to fit into cultures she did not understand. She was lonely and felt forsaken, but as time went on, she found the answer to her biggest question: is God truly all-sufficient? The answer was a resounding “Yes”! Joy met her husband, Bill Boerop, at the European Bible Institute in Paris, France. Together they served with Youth for Christ International in Belgium. Joy and Bill then immigrated to the United States, where over and over again their faith was challenged and tested. Eventually doors were opened to them for worldwide ministry with World Thrust International, founded by Joy’s husband. Laugh and cry with Joy as she shares the overwhelming faithfulness of her Savior, who has given her a life of great joy and fulfillment amidst suffering and adversity.

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  • Ex Muslim : How One Daring Prayer To Jesus Changed A Life Forever


    Jesus revealed himself to a young, brash, Pakistani Muslim. But he didn’t just reveal himself; he turned Naeem Fazal’s world upside down. Moving from Kuwait to Charleston, South Carolina, had been an adventure. Surrendering his life to Jesus Christ was actual treason. And yet, Jesus brought Fazal the most powerful peace he had ever experienced: “It filled the room. It grew roots in my heart and in my soul. It intoxicated me.” In this riveting memoir, Fazal describes how God used extraordinary means to bring a young, underachieving, Muslim immigrant through Desert Storm, across the oceans, into college, and ultimately to pastor a Christian church in North Carolina. He demonstrates that no character flaw, no distance, no cultural chasm is too great for Jesus to reach across. Fazal is candid about his shortcomings, practical about the challenges of cross-cultural engagement, and ultimately inspiring that God is capable of far more than we have grown to expect. He says, “Jesus consistently, stubbornly refuses to limit himself to my expectations. Which makes getting to know him an unfolding adventure of epic proportions.” Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, or neither, Ex-Muslim makes a compelling case that life with Jesus Christ is a true adventure.

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  • Arne Bryan : Pioneer Of Prayer Canada


    Arne Bryan, pioneer of Prayer Canada, simply obeyed the call of God to raise up Christian prayer for Canada’s leaders at all levels of government. He did it in his own way-just being the man that God made him. Watch how God moulded him through both historic and personal challenges. Catch his infectious faith as you read how he inspired hundreds of faithful prayer warriors to maintain a constant prayer watch for the men and women in parliaments and councils across this country.
    Arne Bryan had already lived a good lifespan when the call of God came to him. Why him? Why then? And how did he overcome the impossibilities of the huge job the Lord wanted him to do?

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  • Beautiful On The Mountain


    If you enjoyed the classic novel Christy and the bestselling Mitford series, then you’ll love Beautiful on the Mountain, a real-life tale about serving God in unlikely circumstances. In 1977, Jeannie Light left her fine plantation home amid heartbreak and came to Graves Mill, a tiny hamlet in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Alone in an utterly new kind of life, Jeannie was determined to find the courage to make a fresh start.

    To Jeannie’s surprise, she found herself called upon by her new neighbors to open the old, deteriorated country church, a place that had once united the fractured community of mountain folk. With no training, and no small amount of trepidation, she undertook the task. And as she embarked on an unforeseen series of adventures, from heartbreaking to hilarious, Jeannie would learn more than she ever expected about faith, loving your neighbor, and doing the work that God sets in front of you. Because sometimes, God calls us to go where there is no path . . . and leave a trail.

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