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Biblical History

Showing 101–150 of 218 results

  • From Joshua To Caiaphas


    “The primary purpose of this history of the high priests in the Second Temple age has been to gather and assess all of the available information about each one of them, from Joshua in the late sixth century bce to Phannias during the Jewish revolt against Rome (66-70 ce). A secondary aim has been to investigate the status of these high-ranking officials specifically whether they also wielded civic authority. . . .It is worth emphasizing what this book is and is not. It is a history of the Second Temple high priests; it is not a history of the priesthood. . . . The book is not primarily a history of the Second Temple period, although the history regularly impinges on the narrative and provides the organizing principle of the presentation.”

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  • Understanding Paul : The Early Christian Worldview Of The Letter To The Rom (Rep


    Written for undergraduates, this book provides postmoderns with the big picture of the biblical worldview as found in the writings of Paul (esp. Romans).

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  • Story As Torah


    Using familiar stories in Genesis and Judges as test cases, Wenham demonstrates how Old Testament narratives can function as “”Torah,”” informing one’s ethical choices.

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  • Then And Now Bible Maps


    Trying to connect the “Middle East” of the six o’clock news with the Holy Land of the Bible? Here’s a resource that fills in the blanks! Transparent maps of modern-day Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries lie flat over Bible maps showing the lands and cities where the patriarchs, Jesus, and the apostle Paul traveled. Tremendously helpful!

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  • Caiaphas : Friend Of Rome And Judge Of Jesus


    This is a book about Joseph Caiaphas, the longest serving Jewish high priest of the first century and, along with Pontius Pilate, one of the men who sent Jesus of Nazareth to his death.

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  • Joshua And The Flow Of Biblical History


    The book of Joshua brings to life real history during the crucial period of transition for the Israelites as they settle in the promised land and follow God’s direction to found a nation. Modern readers will understand the need for discipline in the face of their new found freedom, the responsibilities of living as a covenant people, and the necessity of continuity while adapting to change.
    Frances Schaeffer’s series of sermons about Joshua and the flow of biblical history stretch readers’ minds to understand the historic, spiritual, and intellectual nourishment available for the Christian life through the examples of Joshua and his fellow Israelites. They will also inspire readers to see the hand of God present in all of history, including today.

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  • Story Of Israel


    304 Pages

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    Like a divine allegory, the history of Israel’s election, sin, exile, and restoration reflects the universal plight of humanity. An intriguing and compelling theological perspective unfolds as the authors probe this unitive theme in each section of Scripture, from the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Prophets to the Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypse. Includes reading recommendations and study questions.

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  • Putting Jesus In His Place


    This is a study of the Historical Jesus that pays close attention to the role of space and place, from house to kingdom, for understanding Jesus’ identity. Halvor Moxnes employs a sociological and anthropological approach that promises to give greater depth to our perceptions of Jesus.

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  • Jesus And THe Ossuaries


    In Jesus and the Ossuaries, Craig A. Evans helps all readers, expert and layperson alike, understand the importance this recent find might have for the quest for the historical Jesus and any historical reconstruction of early Christianity. Evans does this by providing an overview of the most important archaeological discoveries, before examining nine other inscriptions (six on ossuaries, three on stone slabs) that pertain in one way or another to the historical Jesus. He then surveys the arguments for and against the authenticity and identification of the recently discovered James Ossuary. Evans concludes his volume with a measured consideration of the historical value of the archaeological data afforded by the several inscriptions.

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  • Biblical History Of Israel


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594670619ISBN10: 1594670617Isabelo AlcordoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Poor Banished Children Of Eve


    This is an investigation of the problem of the symbolization of woman as the incarnation of moral evil, sin, devastation, and death in the Hebrew Bible, and how this symbolization of a particular gender interconnects with the issues of race/ethnicity, class, and colonialism during the times of its production.

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  • From Paul To Valentinus


    Now translated into English! “So masterful in its grasp of a vast array of evidence, so solid and innovative in its methodology, and so audacious in conception that it is bound to become a classic. It is the most important historical and sociological study ever written on Roman Christianity,”—Interpretation.

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  • Essentials Of Christian Theology


    This splendid introductory textbook for Christian theology presents two essays by leading scholars on each of the major theological questions. William Placher provides an excellent discussion of the history and current state of each doctrine while the essays explore the key elements and contemporary issues relating to these important theological concepts.

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  • Magic And Paganism In Early Christianity


    Klauck describes the religious world into which Christianity was born, by looking at it from the many experiences of the first Christians as recorded in Acts. You will journey with Peter as he encounters Simon the magician, the people of Lystra want to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabas, and a soothsaying slave-girl is the occasion for conflict in Philippi. Your travels continue with Paul to Athens and find a city full of idols but also discovers an altar “to an unknown god” where Paul then delivers the famous Areopagus speech. In Ephesus, where some are burning their books of magic formulae, while others are provoking a riot in the name of Artemis.
    Hans-Josef Klauck is Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago. He has published commentaries and monographs on 1 Corinthians, the Johannine epistles, New Testament theology, noncanonical gospels, and the history of religion in the Graeco-Roman world.

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  • Fortress Introduction To The New Testament


    One of the world’s foremost biblical scholars outlines what we know about the history, literature, and religion of the 27 books of the New Testament, condensing years of research and reflection, while taking full advantage of modern European monographs. Dense and stimulating.

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  • Jesus In His Jewish Context (Revised)


    “Vermes’s vast knowledge of first-century Judaism ensures his works will become some of the most important in historical Jesus studies. His readable style makes them useful for both public and academic library patrons. Recommended,”—Library Journal. Careful, nuanced, and stimulating.

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  • Medicine In The Bible


    What was the possible cause of Jesus’ death? Were the Ten Plagues related to microorganism infection? Did Adam have one rib less than Eve? Why did King David need a young girl to treat his coldness when he was old? Did Jesus have anxiety? Why were the hairs of Absalom so heavy? What was the purpose of sour wine in crucifixion? How could Jesus become bright during the transfiguration? How did circumcision reveal the intelligence of God? Can we “hear” the end of age?

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  • History And Theology In The Fourth Gospel (Revised)


    1. A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
    2. He Is Excluded From The Synagogue And Enters The Church
    3. The Jewish-Christian Beguiler Must Be Identified
    4. He Must Be Arrested And Tried By The Court
    5. Yet The Conversation Continues
    6. From The Expectation Of The Prophet-Messiah Like Moses
    7. To The Presence Of The Son Of Man

    Additional Info
    In his comprehensive survey, Understanding The Fourth Gospel John Ashton divides the history of modern Johannine scholarship into three epochs: Before Bultmann, Bultmann, and After Bultmann. The reference is, of course, to the towering commentary on John by Rudolf Bultmann. In Ashton’s view, which many would share, J. Louis Martyn’s History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel “for all its brevity is probably the most important single work on the Gospel since Bultmann’s commentary”.

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  • Prophecy That Is Shaping History


    Millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that a 2,500-year-old prophecy is about to be fulfilled: a global, apocalyptic jihad of many nations against the tiny state of Israel, whose recent re-emergence in its traditional land has sparked unrelenting rage and attack. Repeated resolutions passed in the United Nations reflect world-wide and nearly unanimous hostility against the so-called “Zionist entity”-even to the point of denying its right to exist. Most news media and political analysts seem unaware of the ancient prophecy that not only predicts this apocalyptic war, but also, amazingly, how this prophecy by Ezekiel (chapters 36-44) provides the scenario for numerous best-selling books in both the English-speaking and Muslim worlds! These best sellers not only describe this great conflagration, but actually also motivate their readers to prepare for it! The Prophecy That Is Shaping History represents a major advance in research and scholarship in examining the historical and contemporary impact of Ezekiel’s prophecy on world events. This academic monograph also offers a wealth of new evidence in tracing the identities, origins, and ultimate destinies of the key nations of Ezekiel’s prophecy who are seen to participate in what millions believe will be the most horrific battle the world will ever witness.

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  • Paul The Letter Writer Print On Demand Title


    This engaging study shows how Paul’s stylized use of the official Roman letter a form of communication of great social import in his day played a crucial role in his apostolic ministry, conveying both his self-identity and sense of authority.

    M. Luther Stirewalt describes the logistics of letter writing in the first-century Mediterranean world and shows how official letters served to substitute for speeches to an audience, to convey executive, official, or bureaucratic matters, or to bring complaints or petitions from citizens to officials. He then shows how Paul structured his apostolic correspondence after these models of writing, drawing evidence directly from seven Pauline epistles: 1 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Philemon, Galatians, and Romans.

    Cutting a new angle on Paul’s purposes, his ministry, and his pastoral concerns, Stirewalt’s “Paul, the Letter Writer” will appeal to readers of the Bible and ancient history.

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  • Identity And Experience In The New Testament


    How do the New Testament documents present issues of passion, will, identity, and perception? How did the earliest followers of Jesus understand their experiences, behaviors, and suffering? These questions and more are addressed in this stimulating work by one of the most productive Continental New Testament scholars. Rather than approaching the New Testament with a Freudian, Jungian, or other modern psychological theory, Berger illuminates historically how peoples of the first century described their human experiences in relation to their encounters with God, Christ, demons, and the power of their own desires and will.

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  • Possessing The Land (Student/Study Guide)


    What do the names Jericho, Gilgal, Ai, or Gibeon have to do with our lives in this modern age? Wasn’t “crossing the Jordan” just an act of an ancient people who were intent on establishing their God-given claim to the Promised Land? What possible value could come of investigating the treachery of the Gibeonites – and who were they, anyway? These and similar questions are what this book seeks to answer. Possessing the Land is an investigative study of the Old Testament book of Joshua. It began as a simple home Bible study, but as I studied, it became apparent that God was setting out a battle plan not only for His original chosen people, but also for every modern pilgrim and sojourner in Christ. This book examines the experiences of the original people of God as they went about taking possession of the land that God had promised them, and attempts to draw parallels between their journey in a physical sense and ours in the spiritual realm. Numerous references are made to the real-life battles that face every Christian, not only in the variety of circumstances, but also in the strategy needed to be victorious over those circumstances. We desire to be able to join God’s chosen people in their victories, learn from their defeats, and ultimately, like them, to enter into the fullness of all that God has prepared for us.

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  • 7K : The Millennial Week


    Is human history simply an open-ended continuum, or does it have some logic, some parameters, some underlying structure? 7K: The Millennial Week tackles this question using an ancient theological construct that is subjected to a fresh and unique analysis. This book explores the 7,000-year theory of history using a three-dimensional system of “stacking” sets of Scripture that, in the layering process, reveal prophetic connections throughout the biblical text. The overall structure of history is seen to rest on the prophetic foundation of the first chapter of Genesis. With the Gregorian year 2000 now behind us, many seem ready to give the 7,000-year theory of history a hasty burial. This book demonstrates that the old theory has never been more viable. Christian thinking understandably focuses on the birth of Christ as History’s pivotal event. 7K: The Millennial Week refocuses on the death and resurrection of Christ, pointing instead at the Cross as the central event of history and projecting the millennial parameters from that event. This book offers a refreshing and challenging look at that possibility. Readers of 7K will take a scenic ride through history as viewed through the prophetic lens of Scripture. The complete trip takes seven millennial days. Trying this vacation from traditional and secular versions of history will surely give readers some fresh conceptions with which to assess the great plan God has for His image.

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  • From Symposium To Eucharist


    Table fellowship in the ancient Mediterranean was more than food consumption. From Plato on down, banquets held an important place in creating community, sharing values, and connecting with the divine. A social history and theology of table fellowship from Plato to the New Testament. Why did people get together to eat and what did they do while they were at the table? A rich exploration of Greco-Roman, Jewish, and early Christian instances, including the relationship between the Eucharist and the agape meal.

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  • Heroes Of The Faith


    Within the pages of this book you will find a generation by generation account of the lives of great and godly men and women who have changed the world for Christ, from the time our great Master walked the earth to the present day, these heroes of our faith were appointed by God and granted supernatural courage and strength to stand up against tyranny and unbelief, and carry the torch of divine truth in splendor and victory. Includes more than 100 illustrations, sketches and prints spanning over 2000 years.

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  • Jesus And Empire


    Building on his earlier studies of Jesus, Galilee, and the social upheavals in Roman Palestine, Horsley focuses his attention on how Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom of God relates to Roman and Herodian power politics. In addition he examines how modern ideologies relate to Jesus’ proclamation

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  • History Of New Testament Research Volume Two


    Continuing his much-touted survey of major thinkers on the New Testament in the modern era, Baird carefully evaluates the key players, movements, and methodologies from Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann. Provides a welcome context for the origins of various forms of criticism. .

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  • 2 Wonders : Studies In The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591602255ISBN10: 1591602254Justin ImelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Where Is Boasting


    This important work challenges the validity of the “New Perspective” on Paul and Judaism. Working new data from Jewish literature and a fresh reading of Romans 1-5, Simon Gathercole produces a far-reaching criticism of the current approach to Paul and points a new way forward. Building on a detailed examination of the past generation of scholarship on Paul and early Judaism, Gathercole’s work follows two paths. First, he shows that while early Judaism was not truly oriented around legalistic works-righteousness, it did consider obedience to the Law to be an important criterion at the final judgement. On the basis of this reconstruction of Jewish thought and a rereading of Romans 1-5, Gathercole advances his main argument – that Paul did indeed combat a Jewish perspective that saw obedience to the Law is not a criterion for the final judgement because human nature makes obedience to the Law impossible. His doctrine of justification can therefore be properly viewed in its Jewish context, yet anthropological issues also take center stage.

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  • Social Setting Of Jesus And The Gospels


    What do the social sciences have to contribute to the study of Jesus and the Gospels? This is the fundamental question that these essays all address-from analyses of ancient economics to altered states of consciouseness, politics, ritual, kinship, and labeling

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  • Brief History Of Ancient Israel


    Grounded in the latest archaelogical developments, Matthews’s superb new reference provides a cogent and condensed discussion of the ancestral, conquest, settlement, monarchy, exilic, and postexilic periods of ancient Israel. His concise narrative encompasses historical geography, ancient Near Eastern cultural data, and up-to-date research. Charts and insets reinforce main points and events.

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  • Spirit And The Word


    This volume brings together some of Mowinckel’s most important and interesting work on the prophets. He begins by introducing the reader to the method of tradition history and how it is related to form criticism and literary criticism. From this groundwork, he goes on to explore how this method is essential for analyzing the prophetic literature in the Hebrew Bible. In order to make it more helpful for students, each essay has been supplemented with additional notes and bibliography to show where the discussion has continued since Mowinckel. A bibliography of Mowinckel’s work in English and a bibliography of essays evaluating Mowinckel’s contributions are also included. This will provide an excellent supplementary textbook for courses on the prophets.

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  • Land : Place As Gift Promise And Challenge In Biblical Faith – Second Editi (Rep


    The Promised Land has played an important role in Jewish life from the days of Abraham to the rise of modern Zionism. Brueggemann elaborates on major Old Testament themes—land as gift, as temptation, as task, and as threat—plus tackles how to view the Babylonian exile and the Diaspora.

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  • Judaism When Christianity Began


    A systematic, holistic introduction to rabbinic Judaism. Offering an illuminating look at beliefs, ritual, symbols, and theology, Neusner’s discussion of revelation and Scripture, the doctrine of God, definition of the holy, chain of tradition embodied in the written and oral Torah, sacred space, and other topics makes first-century Judaism accessible to both scholars and general readers.

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  • Windows Into Old Testament History A Print On Demand Title


    In recent years revisionist scholars have attacked the Bible’s picture of ancient Israel as a fiction. While the majority of scholars reject this claim, a spirit of uneasiness remains among those who affirm the Old Testament’s reliability. This bracing book provides fresh evidence for the historical value of Scripture. Written by an international team of competent scholars, Windows into Old Testament History seeks to rebuild the case for a positive appraisal of biblical Israel.

    In the first essay Jens Bruun Kofoed explores the models and methods of study employed by the so- called Copenhagen School. Nicolai Winther-Nielsen then turns to the question of how best to “hear” the verbal testimony of the biblical texts, proposing a pragmatic approach to reading scripture. The next three essays examine ways of testing the truth value of the texts within the ancient Near Eastern context: Richard S. Hess, Alan R. Millard, and Kenneth A. Kitchen each focus on archaeological and comparative literary studies that illustrate how extrabiblical evidence can clarify debated issues and elucidate questions that are raised by the biblical texts themselves. Two case studies of the book of Chronicles by Brian E. Kelly and Peter J. Williams then demonstrate in a practical way how biblical and extrabiblical evidence can be brought together to uncover Israel’s history. The final essay by Iain W. Provan returns to the epistemological and philosophical concerns which began the book, seen anew in light of the contributors’ fruitful work.

    Attacking head-on the major issues involved in this fascinating yet conflicted field, Windows into Old Testament History is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the facts surrounding ancient Israel.

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  • Lost Books Of The Bible And The Forgotten Books Of Eden


    Suppressed by the early Church fathers who compiled the Bible, these Apocrypal Books have for centuries been shrouded in silence. Now, for the first time in paperbound book, the reader can discover the hidden beauties of the Lost Books. To be found in this volume are the Apostles’ Creed, the Psalms and Odes of Solomon, and other Apocrypal writings that have become part of our religious heritage. The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, of Adam and Eve, of the girlhood and betrothal of Mary, of the childhood of Jesus, are here in all warmth, intimacy, and humanity of their first telling.

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  • Bible Manners And Customs


    A Christian Educational Services Title

    “People” magazine, and many others, owe their successful existence to the fact that we human beings like to know about other people. Readers enjoy stories about famous (and even not so famous) people. The Bible is full of people whose lives, and even thoughts, are open before us. All of the drama of life is set before us in the Bible: love and hate, laughter and despair, hope and fear. The better we know the people of the Bible, the more interesting it is, the more fun it is to read, and the more we can learn as we read it. But the people of the Bible lived in a culture that was very different from ours. If we are going to know the people of the Bible, indeed, if we are going to understand the Bible itself, it is imperative that we learn something about the manners and customs of biblical times.

    Imagine trying to understand modern culture without knowing how we dressed, what we ate, where we lived, and about the jobs that people worked at all day. Under those circumstances it would be easy to misunderstand something we said or did. Yet most people know very little about the daily lives of the thousands of people who fill the pages of the Bible, from Adam and Eve to the Apostle Paul. The Bible becomes much easier to understand, and a much more fun book to read, if we take the time to learn about the manners and customs of the biblical culture. The people of the Bible, and the lessons in it, become alive for us, hold our attention, and make sense.

    When Samson said that the Philistines had “plowed with my heifer,” he was not in any way referring to cattle he owned. Just as our culture refers to girls in various ways, including “dolls, babes, chicks,” etc., so in the biblical culture young girls were sometimes referred to as “heifers.” Knowing that fact makes the passage understandable, and more fun to read. There are hundreds of examples in Scripture, where the meaning of a verse is clear if the custom is known. Understanding the manners and customs of the Bible can turn a frustrating session of Bible reading into a fun and meaningful session. Knowing biblical manners and customs can mean the difference between understanding and misunderstanding the Bible.

    This book makes known many of the manners and customs of the people of Palestine. It covers many subjects, including the climate they lived in that affected their daily lives, the clothes they wore, the food they ate, the work that consumed their days, the

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  • People Called : The Growth Of Community In The Bible


    This study focuses on a very basic theme, the tender art of living together in community. T.S. Elliot posed the question succinctly: “What life have you if you have not life together?” He thereby pointed to a truth verified both by social scientists and by our own practical experience: we receive life, we foster life, and we pass life on within the context of fellow humans. But how varied is the quality of life experienced by different humans, or even by the individual at different stages of life! Any thoughtful sensitive person is deeply aware of the fragile treasure that life is, with remarkable potential for warmth, friendship, joy, creativity, and generosity, yet so frequently threatened or destroyed by anxiety, bitterness, greed, anger, and hostility. The Bible presents a rich pageant of life in community. Its stories, hymns, and proverbs cover the whole range of human feelings and experiences, It gives the story of a people who puzzled through the riddle of life from the midst of life, and came to a conclusion strikingly similar ro Eliot’s: “There is no life that is not community. And no community not lived in praise of God.”

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  • Life In Biblical Israel


    Stunning color photographs, graphic illustrations, and lively text offer a vivid description of everyday life in ancient Israel. Based on the most up-to-date research, this magnificent volume covers such topics as domestic and work life, cultural expression, and religious practice. An ideal resource for students, scholars, and interested laypeople.

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  • Early Judaism : The Exile To The Time Of Christ


    This textbook provides an introduction to the Second Temple period (520 BCE-70 CE), the formative era of early Judaism and the milieu of Jesus and of the earliest Christians. By paying close attention to original sources–especially the Bible, the Pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Josephus–Frederick J. Murphy introduces students to the world of ancient Jews and Christians. Early Judaism: The Exile to the Time of Christ, designed to serve students and teachers in the classroom, will also be of great interest to anyone looking for an entrance into this pivotal period. It contains suggestions for primary readings, bibliographies, maps, illustrations, glossaries, and indexes.

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  • Justification And Variegated Nomism Volume 1


    An illumination of the complexities of the Judaism of New Testament times, specifically the relationship between Christian faith and Jewish laws.

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  • Roots Of Rabbinic Judaism


    In a bold challenge to the long-held scholarly notion that Rabbinic Judaism was already an established presence during the Second Temple period, Gabriele Boccaccini here argues that Rabbinic Judaism was actually a daring reform movement that developed following the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and that only took shape in the first centuries of the common era. Through careful analysis of Second Temple sources, Boccaccini explores the earliest roots of the Rabbinic system of thought in the period from the Babylonian exile to the Maccabean revolt, or from Ezekiel to Daniel. He argues convincingly that a line of thought links Rabbinic Judaism back to Zadokite Judaism through the mediation of the Pharisaic movement. Roots of Rabbinic Judaism is sure to be widely debated by all interested in the origins and development of modern Judaism.

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  • Philo And Paul Among The Sophists A Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


    In this highly acclaimed work, Bruce Winter gathers for the first time all the available evidence on the first-century sophistic movement from two major centers of learning in the East. Together with the writings of the contemporary Hellenistic Jews, Philo and Paul, he discusses all the protagonists and antagonists of this movement in Alexandria and Corinth. This study provides important insights into the problems that this elitist movement created for Diaspora Jews in Alexandria and for Christians in Corinth. It also traces the origins of the Second Sophistic in the reign of Nero.

    Substantially revised and including a new foreword by G. W. Bowersock, this volume is also supported by a web site – www.s – featuring additional archaeological evidence and photographs.

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  • Irony Of Galatians


    Though he was transformed by Christ, Paul retained his identity within the Jewish community. Nanos challenges traditional views of the apostle as rejecting his heritage and the Law, reclaiming him in a Jewish context. He explores the issues of purity; insiders/outsiders; the character of “the gospel”; and more in this innovative interpretation of Galatians.

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  • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


    In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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  • Paul Beyond The Judaism Hellenism Divide


    This volume does away with the traditional strategy of playing “Judaism” and “Hellenism” off against each other as a context to understand Paul. This aim is reached in two ways: (1) in essays that display the ideological underpinnings of a “Jewish” and “Hellenistic” Paul in historical and modern scholarly interpretations of him, and (2) in essays that use case studies from the Corinthian correspondence that draw freely on “Jewish” and Greco-Roman” contextual material to illuminate this Pauline phenomena.

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  • God Of The Gospel Of John


    247 Pages

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    Some scholars approaching John’s Gospel emphasize the “signs,” the “I” discourses of Jesus, or the method of organization that is so different from the other Synoptics. Thompson, however, makes a full-scale investigation of John’s view of God compared to other Scripture.

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  • Water For A Thirsty Land


    Rather than artifacts of a former generation, these essays are as fresh as ever in their perspective. To make it more helpful for students, each essay has been supplemented with additional notes and bibliography to show where the discussion has continued since Gunkel. This work will provide an excellent supplementary textbook for courses in the Old Testament or Bible.

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  • Jesus In Johannine Tradition


    Twenty Eight authors from a variety of backgrounds contribute essays concerning the distance, historically and theologically, between the Historical Jesus and the Gospel of John. Part 1 of this book discusses the issues related to the historical and ideological context in which the the 4th Gospel was produced. Part 2 explores the possibility of oral and written sources that the 4th Evangelist may have utilized. Part 3 compares the 4th Gospel with early noncanonical literature to identify various ways in which Jesus traditions were appropriated by early Christians.

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  • Historical Jesus Question


    A natural sequel to The Historical Jesus Quest, The Historical Jesus Question offers commentary on the work and significance of the classic writers presented in the earlier volume–Spinoza, Strauss, Schweitzer, Troeltsch, Bultmann, Kasemann–and some additional comment on the work of Pannenberg. Not merely a summary discussion of these important writers, this book goes beyond to follow the implications for theology of the ongoing challenge history presents to biblical authority.

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