Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
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Escandalo Del Cristianismo – (Spanish)
$17.99Arturo Ivan Rojas, en El escandalo del cristianismo, explica como el cristianismo actual atraviesa una crisis tan amplia como fue la Reforma del siglo XVI, con los enfrentamientos dentro de las propias iglesias y, a veces, sin argumentos ni respuestas solidas frente al pensamiento cientifico y secular del siglo XXI.
Con un contenido dividido en dos secciones formadas de la autocritica propia a la iglesia y el ataque al pensamiento secular, el autor hace enfasis en:
*La insostenibilidad del progresismo para mantener el equilibrio social.
*Las consecuencias del legalismo etiquetadas como sana doctrina.
*El radicalismo intolerante de nuestro tiempo que se pone en contra de las enseanzas de Cristo.
*La proclamacion de nuevos lideres de la iglesia y sus nuevos apostoles.
*La falsa teologia de la prosperidad.Scandal of Christianity
Arturo Ivan Rojas in El escandalo del cristianismo, explains how Christianity today is going through a crisis as wide as the Reformation of the sixteenth century and with confrontations within the churches themselves, and sometimes without arguments or solid answers in the face of the scientific and secular thought of the twenty-first century.
With content divided into two main parts based on self-criticism of the church and an attack on secular thought, the author emphasizes:
*The unsustainability of progressivism to maintain social equilibrium.
*The consequences of legalism labeled as sound doctrine.
*The intolerant radicalism of our times that aligns itself against the teachings of Christ.
*The proclamation of new church leaders and their new apostles.
*The false theology of prosperity.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
30 Dias Para Entender La Bibli – (Spanish)
$18.99Si alguna vez confundiste el arca del pacto con el arca de Noe, o Jerico con Jeroboam, el clasico de Max Anders, 30 dias para entender la Biblia, es para ti. En solo quince minutos por dia, aprenderas sobre las personas, los acontecimientos y las doctrinas de la fe cristiana mas importantes, para obtener mas provecho de la Palabra de Dios. Esta guia simple y facil de usar ha sido recomendada por maestros biblicos y pastores durante treinta aos, y ahora esta disponible en una edicion ampliada del trigesimo aniversario, con los temas mas solicitados de la edicion original revisados y actualizados para los lectores de hoy.
Las caracteristicas incluyen:
–El “Arco de la Historia de la Biblia,” para ayudarte a visualizar los temas generales de las Escrituras.
–La “Historia de la Biblia,” que resume desde Genesis a Apocalipsis en solo unas pocas paginas.
–Las creencias centrales de la fe cristiana, basadas en las enseanzas que han unido a los cristianos durante los ultimos dos mil aos.
–Un plan de trece semanas que proporciona a cada maestro todas las herramientas creativas y eficaces para ensear la Biblia en treinta dias.
–Contenido extra favorito de los fanaticos, que habia sido eliminado anteriormente y ahora esta restaurado de la edicion original.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Teologia Con Rostro De Ninez – (Spanish)
$13.99El presente libro propone un enfoque ideologico distinto. Argumenta que los ninos y las ninas deben ser considerados sujetos teologicos y que la ninez debe ser tenida en cuenta por la teologia cristiana, porque representa un enorme desafio social para la mision de la Iglesia. Tambien, porque de parte de las ninas y los ninos hay contribuciones insospechadas para el que hacer teologico y para la iglesia misma.
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Que Quiso Decir Lutero – (Spanish)
$16.65Si usted alguna vez ha tenido problemas para explicar algun termino teologico, !no es el unico! Encuentre explicaciones en Que quiso decir Lutero?, un lexico luterano que deberian tener todos los estudiantes de seminarios y universidades. Es especialmente util para aquellos que vienen de tradiciones no luteranas, pero tambien beneficiario a los que crecieron siendo luteranos.
Ademas de ofrecer un temario teologico, Que quiso decir Lutero? es una obra que ofrece aspectos practicos que sin duda iluminaran la experiencia de la vida cristiana. A traves de una lectura sencilla podra tener una comprension de los enfasis que hicieron posible la Reforma del siglo XVI.
If you have ever struggled to explain theological terms, you’re not alone! Find explanations in Que quiso decir Lutero? (What Does Luther Mean?), a must-have Lutheran lexicon for college and seminary student. It’s especially helpful for those who come from traditions other than Lutheranism, but likewise beneficial for those who were raised Lutheran.
In addition to providing a glossary of theological terms, Que quiso decir Lutero? offers practical enlightenment that will transform their experience of the Christian life. Short readings written from a Lutheran perspective provide insight into the emphases that characterized the 16th century Reformation.
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Angeles – (Spanish)
$14.99Una fascinante e inspiradora mirada a la funcion de los angeles en la vida de las personas: como nos guian hacia y a traves de la experiencia salvadora de Cristo.
Y si el cielo estuviera mas cerca de lo que pensamos? Y si sus fronteras se entrecruzaran con las nuestras? Y si los angeles entraran y salieran de nuestro poroso presente, este que nos parece tan real y solido?
Todo es cierto; la realidad puede parecernos oscura en este momento, pero para los primeros cristianos era resplandeciente. A traves de sus escritos, sermones, cantos y arte, los creyentes de la antiguedad confesaban una poderosa y vivida creencia de que los angeles nos ayudan a perseverar en nuestro trayecto hacia Dios.
Angeles se remonta a los primeros cristianos y presenta a los lectores modernos una perspectiva de los angeles a traves de los ojos y experiencias de aquellos: como entendieron los dominios angelicos, la guia y proteccion de los angeles y las luchas contra el espiritu maligno y sus demonios. Ya sea en la prueba o en la tentacion, en la alabanza o en la oracion, los angeles estan presentes, listos para ayudarnos y reconfortarnos, guiarnos y corregirnos, caminar con nosotros hasta el borde de la muerte y mas alla, acompaandonos hasta que estemos en los brazos de Cristo.
Explores the relationship between people and angels, through the eyes of the early church.
Heaven is closer than we realize. Its boundaries overlap our own, and angels move in and out of our porous present, this moment that seems to us so solid and concrete. If that reality seems dim to us now, it beamed for the early Christians. Through their writings, sermons, songs, and art, the ancient faithful confessed a powerful and vivid belief that angels help carry us on our journey to God.
Rooted in the Scripture and following this ancient understanding, Angeles reveals:
*the role that angels play in the lives of people and in God’s plan of salvation
*the different ranks and functions of angels
*how Satan and his demons fell from grace and plagued humans
*the functions of guardian angels and how God assigns them to fit our personal needs
*how guardian angels help us resist evil, temptation, and the devil
*the way angels join with us in our prayers, even adding their own to ours
*the service angels provide in worshipFeaturing examples of angels in ancient icons and frescoes and supported by extensive research on the early church and its pastors, poets, theologians, and artist
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Como Entender El Futuro – (Spanish)
$14.99With clear writing and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Future explores the fulfillment of Scripture—the bodily return of Christ. Topics include but are not limited to the primary views of the Millennium (thousand years): A millennialism—the reign of Christ is now being fulfilled; Postmillennialism—Christ will return after the millennium; Premillennialism—Christ will come back after the millennium. Whichever view the reader subscribes to, the end result is clear: there will be a sudden, personal, visible, bodily return of Christ. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
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Como Entender La Biblia – (Spanish)
$14.99With a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine—what the whole Bible teaches us today about a particular topic; clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum; and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Bible is required reading for understanding the relevant passages of Scripture. Topics include Canon of Scripture: the list of all books that belong in the Bible; Authority of Scripture: all words in Scripture are God’s words because that is what the Bible claims for itself; Clarity of Scripture: the Bible is written so that its teachings are able to be understood by all who read it; Necessity of Scripture: the Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel; and Sufficiency of Scripture: Scripture contains all the words of God he intended his people to have. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Bible helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
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Creada A Su Imagen: Ministerio – (Spanish)
$14.99Creada a su imagen, en palabras de la autora, responde a la necesidad de proveer herramientas biblicas y teologicas a mas de la mitad de las personas que asisten a nuestras iglesias. No hay iglesia que no testifique de la presencia, trabajo y teson de las mujeres en todos los ambitos de trabajo y servicio eclesial. Sin embargo, pocas veces nos preguntamos si nuestro ministerio es integral y pertinente a las necesidades y esperanzas de estas mujeres que son parte del cuerpo de Cristo. Esta obra pretende dar respuesta a esta necesidad y proveer una pastoral disenada para la mujer.
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Introduccion Al Pentecostalism – (Spanish)
$22.99Introduccion al pentecostalismo nos acerca al origen del movimiento pentecostal y con palabras del prologo “en una forma muy marcada llama la atencion al afecto y el sentir humano con su enfoque Espiritu-centrico. Inclusive, en su acercamiento a la dimension dinamica espiritual del pentecostalismo aparecen rayos postmodernos y metafisicos.” Written in Spanish, Introduction to Pentecostalism provides a look into to the origins of the Pentecostal movement and gives a clear understanding of its law and its Holy Spirit-centered focus on the human condition. The book also provides a glimpse into the postmodern and metaphysical aspects that make up the spiritual dynamic dimensions of Pentecostalism.
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Doctrina Metodista (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)
$23.99John Wesley distinguished between essential doctrines on which agreement or consensus is critical and opinions about theology or church practices on which disagreement must be allowed. Though today few people join churches based on doctrinal commitments, once a person has joined a church it becomes important to know the historic teachings of that church’s tradition. In Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials, Ted Campbell outlines historical doctrinal consensus in American Episcopal Methodist Churches in a comparative and ecumenical dialogue with the doctrinal inheritance of other major families of Christian tradition. In this way, the book shows both what Methodist churches historically teach in common with ecumenical Christianity and what is distinctive about the Methodist tradition in its various contemporary forms. Documents examined include The Twenty-Five Articles of Religion, The General Rules, Wesley’s Standard Sermons and Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, The Methodist Social Creed, and the Apostles’ Creed.
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Pensamiento De C S Lewis – (Spanish)
$13.99C.S. Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably the most influential in Christian apologetics of today. Author Manfred Svensson attempts to help us get a better understanding of C.S. Lewis and discover aspects of his writings that we could not imagine.
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Idea De Comunidad De Pablo – (Spanish)
$16.99Robert Bank’s widely read Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Cultural Setting is once again available to laypeole, pastors and scholars alike. In this extensively revised edition Banks has rewritten chapters for clarity, taken into account recent scholarship on Paul’s writings, updated and expanded the bibliography, and added an index. This new edition retains, however, all the freshness and vitality of the original.
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Fe Desechada – (Spanish)
$17.58Proponents of the emerging church say it is not a church at all-it’s only a dialogue or conversation. Some say the emerging church is about reinventing Christianity for the 21st century. So what does that mean? Is it possible for Christianity to be reinvented and still be Christianity? Faith Undone answers these questions and shows how this movement is opening the doors for apostasy and deception within Christendom through mysticism, interspirituality and a denial of the very gospel message itself. Some of the issues Faith
Undone addresses:
* Contemplative spirituality and mysticism: The “life” of the emerging church
* The new missiology of the emerging church: “You can keep your own religion; just add Jesus to the equation.”
* Eucharistic evangelization and the road to Rome
* An Emergent View on the Future of Planet Earth
* Purpose Driven Ecumenism: Part of the emerging church’s new reformation
* How to tell if the emerging church is emerging into your churchAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase