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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

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  • Trinidad – (Spanish)


    Esta Coleccion de Teologica Biblica y sistematica, por el reconocido autor internacional, Dr. Samuel Perez Millos, ofrece un volumen completo sobre la divina Trinidad de Dios siendo Trino y UNICO a la vez.

    Trinidad es el resultado de la investigacion amplia de mas de quinientos volumenes de teologia en la busqueda de las proposiciones teologicas doctrinales desde una vision actualizada del siglo XXI, tomando en cuenta la inerrancia y autoridad de la Biblia como elemento base y central de la Trinidad.

    En este libro encontraras:

    *Una teologia biblica y sistematica contemporanea enfocada en la Trinidad de Dios
    *La historia de las doctrinas
    *La exegesis del texto biblico desde los idiomas originales
    *Una extensa relacion bibliografica y referencias academicas
    *Guia para su aplicacion pastoral

    La afamada Coleccion de Teologia Biblica y Sistematica ofrece recursos de caracter divulgativo y practico, sin perder la profundidad academica del propio autor en temas de teologia, comentarios biblicos y discipulado.


    In this Theological and Systematic Collection, internationally recognized author, Dr. Samuel Perez, Millos offers a complete volume on the divine Trinity of God being Triune and UNIQUE at the same time.

    Trinity is the result of the comprehensive research of more than five hundred volumes in theology in the pursuit of doctrinal theological propositions from an updated vision of the XXI century, considering the relevancy and authority of the Bible as the basis and central element of the Trinity.

    In this book you will also find:

    *A contemporary biblical and systematic theology focusing on the Trinity of God
    *The history of the doctrines
    *The exegesis of the biblical text from the original languages.
    *An extensive bibliographical list and scholarly references
    *A guide for its pastoral application

    The popular Biblical and Systematic Theology Collection offers resources of an informative and practical nature, without losing the author’s own academic depth in topics of theology, biblical commentaries, and discipleship.

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  • Exclusion Y Acogida – (Spanish)


    Descubre como el plan de reconciliacion mediante Cristo Jesus brinda la respuesta a la erradicacion del repudio social en una obra galardonada con el Premio Grawemeyer de Religion de 2002 y mencionado como uno de los mejores libros del siglo XX por la revista Christianity Today

    Exclusion y acogida es mas que una obra literaria, es una exposicion sobre la plaga social de la exclusion, un acto que ha llevado al ser humano a rechazar de manera politica y academica a aquellos que son considerados diferentes, olvidando la bondad de Dios sobre nosotros.

    En esta edicion, Volf demuestra por que y como el libro es mas relevante en el mundo actual de identidades resurgentes y enfrentadas que cuando lo escribio originalmente. La verdad importa, la justicia importa, la paz importa, y no necesitamos sacrificarlas en el altar de nuestras identidades individuales y colectivas.

    En este libro el autor desarrolla diversos temas alrededor del titulo:

    *La sombra social producto de la apatia
    *Consecuencias del ciclo desesperado de la violencia por la indiferencia
    *El mensaje de la salvacion como fuente de reconciliacion y el perdon
    *Enfoque politico-teologico sobre la justicia absoluta de Dios y su amor sobre todas las cosas, para remediar las faltas de insultos y humillacion contra los hermanos

    Discover how the reconciliation through Jesus Christ provides the answer to eradicating social repudiation in a work awarded the 2002 Grawemeyer Religion Prize and named one of the best books of the 20th century by Christianity Today magazine.

    Exclusion and Embrace is more than a literary work; it is an exposition on the social plague of exclusion, an act that has led human beings to politically and academically reject those who are considered different, forgetting God’s goodness toward us.In this edition, Volf demonstrates why and how the book is more relevant in today’s world of resurgent and clashing identities than when he originally wrote it. Truth matters, justice matters, peace matters, and we need not sacrifice them on the altar of our individual and collective identities.

    In this book the author develops several themes around the title:

    *The social shadow of apathy
    *Consequences of the desperate cycle of violence due to indifference
    *The message of salvation as a source of reconciliation and forgiveness
    *Political-theological focus on God’s absolute justice and His love over everything to remedy the faults of insult and humiliation against the br

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  • Vida La Muerte Y El Mas Alla A – (Spanish)


    Alfonso Perez Ranchal en su libro LA VIDA, LA MUERTE Y EL MAS ALLA A TRAVES DE LA BIBLIA, enmarca esos terminos en el concepto de revelacion progresiva indicando con ello que Dios iba dando a conocer su voluntad y propositos conforme el tiempo avanzaba. En esta progresion, el pueblo israelita paso por momentos de gran importancia historica marcados por actuaciones y mensajes divinos. En ocasiones, todo ello significaba nuevas formas de comprender a Dios, en otras, los protagonistas o destinatarios debian hacer toda una nueva reflexion de la historia y de sus propias vidas ante lo que ahora conocian del Creador.

    Lamentablemente, esta revelacion progresiva es frecuentemente dejada de lado a la hora de realizar estudios biblicos o en la propia lectura devocional… pero esto puede significar una gran perdida en el entendimiento del texto biblico, y en otros momentos una “sobreinformacion” ya que se trae un conocimiento posterior y, por tanto, desconocido en esa epoca, y desde ahi se explica el pasaje escritural.

    El autor afirma que el concepto de la vida, la muerte y el mas alla que se va desplegando en las Escrituras es esencial en cada momento para comprender mucho de lo que alli se expone. Por tanto -nos sigue diciendo el autor- es absolutamente necesario conocer el progreso de las ideas sobre la otra vida para que sirvan de clave para discernir muchos textos del Antiguo Testamento y, como no, del Nuevo. Es mas, me atrevo a decir que estamos ante una clave interpretativa que sirve de llave para la compresion de las Escrituras. Como parte de este recorrido se incluira un periodo esencial como es el intertestamentario que conecta y alumbra al Nuevo Testamento.

    Life, Death and Afterlife Throughout the Bible

    Alfonso Perez Ranchal in his book LIFE, DEATH AND AFTERLIFE THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE, frames these terms in the concept of progressive revelation.

    He frames these terms in the concept of progressive revelation, indicating that God was making known His will and purposes as time progressed. In this progression, the Israelite people went through moments of great historical importance marked by divine actions and messages. At times, all this meant new ways of understanding God; at others, the protagonists or recipients had to make a whole new reflection on history and their own lives in the face of what they now knew of the Creator.

    Unfortunately, this progressive revelation is often left aside when it comes to biblical studies or in one’s own d

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  • Teologia Sistematica – (Spanish)


    Clie presenta una nueva edicion conjunta de los dos volumenes de la Teologia Sistematica de Hodge, con un texto revisado y actualizado. En esta gran obra maestra, Charles Hodge recoge y combina todos los hechos que Dios ha revelado para mostrar las verdades de la fe.

    Systematic Theology Clie presents a new two volume edition of Hodge’s Systematic Theology with revised and actualized text. In this masterful work, Charles Hodge gathers and combines the acts revealed by God to prove the veracity of faith.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia Cri – (Spanish)


    En las ultimas decadas ha surgido un nuevo movimiento que lleva las herramientas conceptuales de la filosofia analitica a la reflexion teologica. Llamada teologia analitica, busca traer una claridad de pensamiento y un uso disciplinado de la logica al trabajo de la teologia cristiana constructiva. En esta introduccion a la teologia analitica para especialistas y no especialistas por igual, Thomas McCall expone lo que es y lo que no es. La meta de este campo creciente y energetico no es la eliminacion de todo misterio en la teologia. Al mismo tiempo, insiste en que el misterio no debe confundirse con la incoherencia logica. McCall explica las conexiones de la teologia analitica con las Escrituras, la tradicion cristiana y la cultura, usando estudios de caso para iluminar su discusion. Mas alla de la mera descripcion, McCall llama a la disciplina a un compromiso mas profundo con los recursos tradicionales de la tarea teologica.

    En esta introduccion a la teologia analitica para especialistas y no especialistas por igual, Thomas McCall establece lo que es y lo que no es. El objetivo de este campo creciente y energetico no es la eliminacion de todo misterio en teologia. Al mismo tiempo, insiste en que el misterio no debe confundirse con la incoherencia logica.

    An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology

    In recent decades a new movement has arisen, bringing the conceptual tools of analytic philosophy to bear on theological reflection. Called analytic theology, it seeks to bring a clarity of thought and a disciplined use of logic to the work of constructive Christian theology. In this introduction to analytic theology for specialists and non-specialists alike, Thomas McCall lays out what it is and what it isn’t. The goal of this growing and energetic field is not the removal of all mystery in theology. At the same time, it insists that mystery must not be confused with logical incoherence. McCall explains the connections of analytic theology to Scripture, Christian tradition and culture, using case studies to illuminate his discussion. Beyond mere description, McCall calls the discipline to a deeper engagement with the traditional resources of the theological task.

    In this introduction to analytic theology for specialists and non-specialists alike, Thomas McCall lays out what it is and what it isn’t. The goal of this growing and energetic field is not the removal of all mystery in theology. At the same time, it insists that mystery must not be confu

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  • Doctrina Biblica – (Spanish)


    Como sabemos que la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios? Que es el pecado y de donde vino? Como es que Jesus es completamente Dios y completamente hombre? Que son los dones espirituales? Cuando y como volvera Cristo? Si se hace preguntas de este tipo, > no es un termino abstracto, solo es una forma de acercarse a encontrar las respuestas que todo cristiano debe saber. Este libro es un compendio de la sumamente recomendada Teologia Sistematica de Grudem, el cual abarca las mismas cuestiones esenciales de la fe, dandole una firme comprension sobre siete topicos clave: ? La doctrina de la Palabra de Dios ? La doctrina de Dios ? La doctrina del hombre ? Las doctrinas de Cristo y del Espiritu Santo ? La doctrina de la aplicacion de la redencion ? La doctrina de la iglesia ? La doctrina del futuro Al igual que Teologia Sistematica, este libro se caracteriza por su claridad, su fuerte enfasis espiritual, su minuciosidad en cada detalle y su referencia a temas actuales como la guerra espiritual y los dones del Espiritu. Sin embargo, usted no necesita tener varios aos de estudio biblico para obtener el beneficio total que brinda Doctrina Biblica, ya que es facil de comprender y cuenta con solidas respuestas biblicas a sus preguntas mas importantes.

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  • Obras Escogidas De Tertuliano – (Spanish)


    El presente volumen presenta las cuatro obras que se consideran basicas en su produccion literaria:

    1 Apologia contra los gentiles en la que defiende la fe cristiana contra las calumnias de los paganos que acusaban a los creyentes de la Iglesia Primitiva de rendir culto a un asno.
    2 Exhortacion a los martires, un mensaje de consuelo a los presos destinados a morir en el circo romano, y que contiene una de sus frases mas famosas: La sangre de los martires es la semilla de la Iglesia.
    3 La virtud de la paciencia, una serie de reflexiones intersantes que muestran la paciencia infinita de Dios con los pecadores y nuestra obligacion como cristianos de actuar de la misma manera con nuestros semejantes.
    4 La oracion cristiana, uno de los estudios academicos mas completos sobre la oracion que se hayan escrito a lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia.
    This work contains the four most foundational works by Tertulian.

    This volume brings to you the four works considered basic in his literary production:

    1 Apology against the Gentiles, in which he defends the Christian faith against the pagan slander, who accused the Early Church believers of “worshiping an ass.”
    2 Exhortation of the Martyrs, an encouraging message to the prisoners sentenced to die in the Roman circus, and that contains one of his most famous sayings: “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”
    3 The Virtue of Patience, a series of interesting reflections, showing the infinite patience of God toward sinners, and our obligation, as Christians, to act in the same way with our neighbors.
    4 The Christian Prayer, one of the most complete scholar studies about prayer, ever written in all of the Church history.

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  • Naturaleza De La Doctrina – (Spanish)


    La naturaleza de la doctrina es uno de los trabajos de teologia academica mas influyentes de los ultimos 50 anos. Publicado originalmente en 1984, este libro describe los principios fundamentales de un enfoque postliberal de la teologia, enfatizando una perspectiva cultural-linguistica de la religion y una teoria regulativa de la doctrina.

    Ademas de exponer la naturaleza de la religion, Lindbeck tambien aborda la solucion de los conflictos doctrinales historicos entre las diferentes comunidades cristianas, la relacion entre el cristianismo y otras religiones, y la naturaleza y tarea de la propia teologia.

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  • Obras Escogidas De Los Padres – (Spanish)


    Una seleccion de obras destacadas de los mejores autores conocidos como los Padres de la Iglesia o en terminos academicos como Patristica.

    Un compendio o seleccion de las obras mas importantes de diversos autores de renombre en el mundo evangelico, asi como tambien en el mundo catolico y secular. El lector encontrara – Contenido actual, en lenguaje contemporaneo y comprensible. – Breve seleccion de obras escogidas de cada autor, pero las mas sobresalientes. – Autores reconocidos. El autor es una autoridad reconocida universalmente en todas las areas, no solo teologicamente, pero tambien historica, filosofica y socialmente, y en otros campos de la cultura. – Una edicion de estilo con parrafos seleccionados que recogen en forma de sumario las ideas mas importantes de cada pagina de los libros, para una mejor interpretacion.

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  • Obras Escogidas De Justino Mar – (Spanish)


    Las Actas del Martirio de Justino constituyen uno de los mas valiosos documentos de la Iglesia Primitiva. Sus escritos genuinos, ademas de constituir una fuente documental preciosa para conocer la vida de la Iglesia cristiana en el siglo II y la apologetica propia de ese periodo, ofrecen la posibilidad de conocer y estudiar los primeros credos cristianos.

    Justino se consagro a la filosofia calificandola como el mayor de los bienes. Estudio con los estoicos, aristotelicos, pitagoricos y platonicos. Puso todos sus conocimientos filosoficos al servicio de la fe, abriendo en Roma la primera escuela de filosofia cristiana que se conoce; dedicada a exponer la verdad evangelica segun las Escrituras y conforme al testimonio de la razon.

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  • Obras Escogidas De Juan Crisos – (Spanish)


    Juan Crisostomo trata un tema polemico y espinoso: el llamamiento pastoral, para el cual -dice- muy pocos estan calificados. Crisostomo describe la Iglesia siguiendo con fidelidad absoluta a Pablo, pero llevandola a sus consecuencias mas pragmaticas: como un organismo viviente, del cual Cristo es la cabeza y los cristianos son los miembros.

    Juan de Antioquia es mas conocido por su apodo Crisostomo. La lectura de sus escritos pone de manifiesto una trascendencia de profundo significado para el predicador actual. Desarrollo en la capital del Imperio una ardua batalla contra el fasto y el lujo, ademas de una intensa labor social y trato de impulsar una profunda reforma del clero.

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  • Historia De La Antropologia Cr – (Spanish)


    En el presente estudio, el profesor Jesus Fernandez Gonzalez expone los procesos de relacion historica entre antropologia cultural y cristianismo, que supone un elemento de intermediacion con la filosofia de la religion o la llamada teologia fundamental. No hay que tener miedo a un cristianismo cultural o a admitir un evolucionismo historico en el seno de la teologia. Cuando la cultura habla de Dios (teologia) piensa en el hombre y cuando la cultura habla del hombre (antropologia) piensa en Dios.

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  • Gracia Fe And Libre Albedrio – (Spanish)


    This is the Spanish translation of Grace, Faith, Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation, Calvinism and Arminianism. In this work, Picirilli renews the discussion of issues that have divided Calvinism and Arminianism since the Reformation. Jacobus Arminius, a Dutch theologian of the 16th century, contested the dominant theological ideas advanced by the well-known Protestant reformer John Calvin and his disciples. Historically, Arminius has been frequently misunderstood and often reinterpreted by friend and foe alike. Though Picirilli present both classic Calvinism and Arminianism in order to help readers intelligently decide for themselves, he unashamedly advocates a very specific form of Arminianism as the best resolution of the tensions between the two doctrinal positions. In what he calls “Reformation Arminianism,” Picirilli reclaims the original views of Arminius and his defenders.

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  • Cinco Marcas De Un Metodista – (Spanish)


    Cinco marcas de un metodista confirman nuestra identidad como seguidores genuinos y fructiferos de Cristo: 1. Un metodista ama a Dios 2. Un metodista se regocija en Dios 3. Un metodista da gracias 4. Un metodista ora sin cesar 5. Un metodista ama a su projimo Este breve libro, disenado para ser compartido con otras personas, ofrece una meditacion sobre cada una de estas caracteristicas. Con oracion, apliquelos en su peregrinaje con Jesus. Si usted es parte de la familia metodista o wesleyana de todo el mundo, estas cinco marcas le otorgaran un mayor conocimiento y aprecio de por que y como seguir a Jesus. Si usted se encuentra en otra parte del cuerpo de Cristo, puede emerger con una base solida y fuerte para mantener su fundamento espiritual. Las personas cristianas que sigan estas cinco marcas, tienen caracter. Cada capitulo termina con preguntas para reflexion o discusion. Now available in Spanish! Five marks confirm our identity as genuine and fruitful followers of Christ: 1. A Methodist Loves God 2. A Methodist Rejoices in God 3. A Methodist Gives Thanks 4. A Methodist Prays Constantly 5. A Methodist Loves Others This brief book, suitable for sharing with others, provides a meditation on each of these characteristics. Prayerfully apply them to your journey with Jesus. If you are part of the worldwide Methodist or Wesleyan family, these five marks will grant a greater knowledge and appreciation for why and how you follow Jesus. If you are located in another part of the body of Christ, you can emerge with a solid foundation to keep your spiritual house standing strong. Christians marked by these five habits, when taken together have character. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion.

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  • Manera Metodista Unida – (Spanish)


    Traduccion y adaptacion de *The United Methodist Way.** A traves de este librillo se ofrece informacion general sobre la historia, las creencias, la organizacion, y la mision de la Iglesia Metodista Unida.

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  • Teologia Para Discipulos – (Spanish)


    Christians who seek a better understanding of their faith will find clear instruction in Dr. Stafford’s book, which is designed for serious laypersons as well as college students and ministers. He believes that a confident grasp of theology should lead a Christian disciple to faithful practice in everyday life.

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  • Introduccion Al Pentecostalism – (Spanish)


    Introduccion al pentecostalismo nos acerca al origen del movimiento pentecostal y con palabras del prologo “en una forma muy marcada llama la atencion al afecto y el sentir humano con su enfoque Espiritu-centrico. Inclusive, en su acercamiento a la dimension dinamica espiritual del pentecostalismo aparecen rayos postmodernos y metafisicos.” Written in Spanish, Introduction to Pentecostalism provides a look into to the origins of the Pentecostal movement and gives a clear understanding of its law and its Holy Spirit-centered focus on the human condition. The book also provides a glimpse into the postmodern and metaphysical aspects that make up the spiritual dynamic dimensions of Pentecostalism.

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  • Como Entender A Cristo Y El Es – (Spanish)


    With clear writing—technical terms kept to a minimum—and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit explores Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man in one person.

    Topics include The Person of Christ: including the virgin birth—uniting full deity and humanity in one person while enabling Christ’s humanity to be without inherited sin—and the incarnation—the act of God the Son whereby he took himself a human nature; The Doctrine of the Atonement: the work Christ did in his life and death to earn our salvation; and Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension: affirming the goodness of God’s original creation of man as a creature with a physical body that was ‘very good’, and his rightful place in glory and honor that had not been his before as the God-man.

    Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.

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  • Introduccion A La Historia De – (Spanish)


    Introduccion a la historia de la iglesia es una obra formidable en la que de manera amena, entretenida y sin dejar de ser academica, el Dr. Justo Gonzalez repasa los acontecimientos fundamentales que sucedieron en la historia de la iglesia y que le han dado cuerpo. Este libro es fundamental como introduccion para entender el porque la iglesia tiene la forma que tiene en la actualidad, y servira de base para cualquiera que desee adentrarse en los detalles de tan extensa y a veces complicada historia.

    Written in Spanish by the renown Hispanic author Justo L. Gonzalez, this easy-to-understand and entertaining, yet academic introduction to the history of the church reviews the major events that happened in the history of the church and how they shape today’s church. This book is ideal for helping readers understand today’s church structure, and serves as guide for those interested in the extensive, and at times, complicated history of the church.

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  • Anabautismo Al Desnudo – (Spanish)


    Los cristianos anabautistas existen desde hace alrededor de 500 aos. Como se ve un anabautismo sin el ropaje de las tradiciones Amish y Menonitas? Stuart Murray intenta quitar las capas que se han acumulado a lo largo de la historia para llegar a los componentes centrales de la fe Anabautista. Intenta explorar lo que esto significa para su propio contexto y el nuestro. El seguimiento de Jesus nos desafia, nos inspira y nos anima a adorarle y seguirle con todo nuestro corazon. Lea este libro y contagiese de una vision de fe radical para su vida!

    Anabaptist Christians have been around for almost five hundred years. But what does Anabaptism look like when not clothed in Mennonite or Amish traditions? Writing from Great Britain, Stuart Murray peels back the layers to reveal the core components of Anabaptism – and what they mean for faith in his context and ours. It’s a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires us, summoning us to wholehearted discipleship and worship.
    This popular 2010 book – over ten thousand sold – is now available in Spanish.

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  • Introduccion A La Unidad Crist – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687660636ISBN10: 0687660637Language: SpanishCarmelo AlvarezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2011Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Estudios De Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    A brief summary of all the doctrine of the Christian faith from Anthropology to Angelology, to Bibliology and Eschatology.

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  • Siloh Puente A Dios – (Spanish)


    Desde muy temprana edad senti el llamado de Dios, pero los afanes me dominaron hasta convertirme en Su enemigo. En 1980 cometi una falta tan grave, que ocasiono lo siguiente. Concluida la transgresion, escuche cuando una voz masculina y profunda me dijo: “Ya me perteneces”. De inmediato, la esencia de vida fue succionada por la corona de mi cabeza. Entonces comence a caer por un abismo, sin llegar a tocar fondo.

    Desatendi mi familia, solo me importaba satisfacer el deseo carnal que habia tomado control de mi. Mi angustia fue tal, que en 1982 tome mi revolver, lo martille y coloque en mi cabeza para terminar con la angustia que vivia. De inmediato vino a mi el recuerdo de Jesus y le dije: “Si verdaderamente eres el Hijo de Dios y tienes poder para dar vida, te pido que me devuelvas la esencia de vida que perdi. Pero si lo haces, te suplico que no sea para solo respirar; dale sentido a mi ser, utilizame”.

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  • Preguntas Claves Sobre El Nuev – (Spanish)


    SPANISH EDITION: The New Testament is the foundation of the Christian church, but some question its historical accuracy. Others have claimed that Paul’s teaching differs from that of the Gospels. How can we reconcile the seemingly different messages of Jesus and Paul? What is the relevance of the New Testament in our world today, in cultures far removed by time and space from the first-century Mediterranean world? What principles can we use to make appropriate applications? In Making Sense of the New Testament, Craig Blomberg offers a reasonable, well-informed response to these crucial questions encountered by Bible readers. Grounded in sound scholarship but written in an accessible style, this book offers reliable guidance to pastors, students, and anyone interested in a better understanding of the New Testament.

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  • Trabajos De Investigacion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829755718ISBN10: 0829755713Language: SpanishNancy VyhmeisterBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2009Biblioteca Teologica Vida # 12Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • Monoteismo Y Cristologia En El – (Spanish)


    Contains the information necessary to understand the Jewish monotheistic belief system. The idea of Jesus as God was perfectly matched to this belief. You will see that the earliest study of Christ was the highest – Jesus is God.

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  • Teologia Del Nuevo Testamento – (Spanish)


    Covers the theological study of the entire New Testament. The 1993 revision includes two new chapters: one by R.T. France titled “Matthew, Mark and Luke” and another by David Wenham titled “Unity and Diversity in the New Testament”.

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  • Doctrinas De La Gracia – (Spanish)


    Biblical teaching about salvation and freedom from the spiritual slavery of humankind. Even though we are imperfect and corrupt, we can stand justified before God and reconciled to Him through the plan carried out by Jesus.

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  • Postmodernidad – (Spanish)


    Special edition for the Latin American Fraternity of Theological Studies. Includes questions, a teacher’s guide and student guide.

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  • Dios En Tres Personas – (Spanish)


    A comprehensive study on who God is through the revelation contained in Scripture.

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  • Iglesia Cuerpo De Cristo – (Spanish)


    Roman Catholicism overemphasizes the priesthood while protestantism focuses on personal salvation. In the 20th century, the topic of the church has acquired special theological revelation regarding Christian confessions.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia – (Spanish)


    The understanding of who God is is the backbone of the Christian life. It is what gives consistency and balance to every person and ministry. Covers characteristics of theology, theological systems, general revelation and special revelation.

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  • Pablo El Espiritu Y El Pueblo – (Spanish)


    In Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, this Pentecostal scholar has redefined the terms of the discussion about the Holy Spirit in a way that transcends today’s paradigm of ‘charismatic’ or ‘non-charismatic’ orientation. His words are a strong reminder of what God, through his Holy Spirit, intends the church to be. . . . His work is an attempt to point us back to the Bible and reinvigorate our own vision of how the Spirit mobilizes the community of believers in the local church.

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  • Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    There are certain areas of doctrine that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking for a quick brush-up on basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs is a condensation of Wayne Grudem’s award-wininng book on systematic theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere.

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  • Deleites De Dios – (Spanish)


    “You really don’t know somebody until you know what makes them happy.” From a theological view, Pastor John Piper shares the Biblical evidence which will help us see and feel what the things that please God show us about Him in order that we may become more like Him. What the church and the world need today more than anything is to know and love the great, glorious, sovereign and joyful God of the Bible.

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  • Apuntes In Honor Of Justo L Go – (Spanish)


    Brings together an impressive array of Latina/o scholars from across the disciplines to articulate a comprehensive construction of Latino theology.

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  • Introduccion A La Etica Cristi – (Spanish)


    El estudio de la etica no solamente nos lleva a entender mejor las complejas situaciones que hoy dia enfrentamos, tambien nos ayuda a discernir lo que subyace tras nuestras decisiones. La etica nos ayuda a descubrir, aclarar, afirmar, cambiar, reformar o trasformar valores y fines que motiva nuestra conducta.Este libro nos proveera con las herramientas teoricas necesarias para conocer, describir y analizar los retos etico/morales que hoy dia enfrentamos los cristianos.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia Cri – (Spanish)


    Una clara, concisa y atrayente introduccion a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interes en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradicion eclesiastica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introduccion a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una resea de las raices, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teologia, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza

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  • Caso De La Fe – (Spanish)


    In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his tenacious investigative skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief – the eight “heart” barriers to faith. The Case for Faith is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with formidable intellectual barriers standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. In The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel probes the most thorny of questions, what he calls “The Big Eight”, including: If there is a loving God, why does this world groan under so much suffering and evil? If God really created the universe, why does science compel so many to conclude that evolution account for life? If God is the ultimate overseer of the church, why has it been rife with hypocrisy and brutality through the ages? If God truly cares about the people he created, how could he consign so many of them to an eternity of torture in hell just because they didn’t believe the right things about him? As a seasoned journalist with Yale Law background, Strobel methodically tracks sown his leads and asks the gritty, gut-wrenching questions you would want to ask questions that can make or break the Christian faith. He refuses to patronize or offer cliched, glib answers. Instead, he pieces together heard facts trough interviews with nine of the country’s top scholars and experts. The result? Solid, persuasive, engrossing, and smart answers to your deepest questions. The Case for Faith will set you on the path to belief, renewed, restored – or discovered for the very first time.

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  • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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  • Todavia Remueve Piedras – (Spanish)



    Written In Spanish
    17 Chapters In 209 Pages

    Additional Info
    Dios todavia esta dispuesto a repetir las grandezas y milagros de los tiempos biblicos.

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  • Hacia Una Teologia Del Antiguo – (Spanish)


    Discover a new the panorama of the Old Testament as Walter Kaiser explores the theology that grew and developed from Genesis to Malachi. Kaiser bares the bedrock of our faith by examining what the texts themselves say without the superimposition of philosophies, pre-suppositions, or theological systems. Instead he shows the actual theological world that each writer inhabited and how they combined their theological inheritance from earlier writers and prophets with the new and sometimes surprising revelation they received for application to the circumstances and needs of their own epoch. This is a book with theological meat that should have a place in the library of every serious Bible student, seminarian and pastor. This book is the cornerstone for developing an exegesis, an exposition, a proclamation and a systematic theology. Here are the issues, the conflicts and the possibility of a real beginning for a genuine biblical theology. Dr. Kaiser tests his approach by chronologically discussing the texts from each of the Old Testament eras from creation to the postexilic period. A special section examines the connections between the Old and New Testament theology.

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  • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


    What is false and what is true today? Based on 16 fundamental truths of the Bible, this study offers you an opportunity for growth and stability in the faith. It will help you discern who is for Christ and who is not by the message they bring.

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  • Cual Camino (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This handbook satisfies two needs: that of knowing what false doctrie is so as to remain firmly in the truth, and that of learning to reclaim those who are held captive in darkness by solid arguments and large doses of love.

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  • Teologia Biblica Y Sistematica – (Spanish)


    The nature, value and classification of doctrine, as well as a system of studying doctrine, are here analyzed.

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  • Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)


    This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.

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  • Por Que Creo – (Spanish)


    Here is a compelling, powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why. Dr. Kennedy offers intelligent, informed responses to common objections to the Gospel.

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  • Evidencias Cristianas – (Spanish)


    Alice E. Luce, an English preacher, dedicated her life to preach the word of God to the Spanish-speaking people. She was a teacher and a great writer. This is a book that talks about the history and the truth that God has given to his people. It is a book that will give faith and value to the believer, and readers will be capable of answering those that ask them about their faith.

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