Denominational Concerns
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Recibiendo A Jesus – (Spanish)
$22.60Formas practicas e inspiradoras de practicar una vida centrada en Jesus A menudo pensamos en la fe cristiana como una obligacion o como un conjunto de creencias que debemos seguir. Si seguimos esta idea podemos perder de vista lo mas importante: la invitacion a experimentar una relacion amorosa y personal con Dios. Esta es una relacion en la que podemos confiar, en la que podemos encontrar proteccion y tierra segura sobre la cual pararnos. Mariann Edgar Budde comparte sus pensamientos sobre como el lector puede llegar a conocer – a recibir – a Jesus mas profundamente, practicando el Camino del Amor. Ella comparte historias biblicas, la sabiduria de la tradicion cristiana y sus propias historias personales de crecimiento espiritual a traves de las siete practicas que nos han sido dadas con antelacion: cambiar, aprender, orar, adorar, bendecir, ir y descansar.
Mariann Edgar Budde shares her thoughts on how the reader can come to know–to receive–Jesus more deeply in practicing the Way of Love. Through the seven practices that have been put before us: to turn, to learn, to pray and to worship, to bless, to go, and to rest, she shares biblical stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition, and her own personal stories of spiritual growth.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Vision Compartida Del Liderazg (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)
$12.99How does your church work with leadership issues? How do you make decisions about calling church leaders? Are your models of leadership consistent with Anabaptist Mennonite belief and practice? A Shared Understanding of Ministerial Leadership, a revision of an earlier book, A Mennonite Polity for Ministerial Leadership, provides a common understanding of how the church approaches leadership. It is an effort to build lasting relationships of respect and integrity between congregations, area conferences, and their credentialed leaders. For use by pastors and congregational leaders, this book can also be used for leadership training, churchwide discussion, and study in seminary courses.
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Accion Social – (Spanish)
$12.99Algunas personas ven el trabajo social de la iglesia local como el patito feo de nuestra fe; como algo que se debe hacer pero que nadie quiere hacerlo. Aun mas, hay quienes consideran que este tipo de ministerio no es necesario y que eltrabajo de ofrecer ayuda social le corresponde al gobierno y a otras agencias no gubernamentales pero nunca a la iglesia. Por estas razones, en este libro presento las bases y los fundamentos necesarios para responder a estas formas de pensar y tratar de cambiar la percepcion de que el objetivo de la iglesia es solamente espiritual, sin ninguna implicacion social. De la misma manera, espero que las sugerencias y metodos aqui presentados sean utiles para desarrollar ministerios de accion social que sirvan para aliviar las necesidades y sufrimientos de nuestro pueblo hispano y de la gente pobre y vulnerable que se encuentra en las comunidades a las cuales ministramos.
Some people see the social work of the local church as “the ugly duckling” of our faith; something that should be done but no one stepping forward to do it. Others look to our state and local governments handle this work. Written in Spanish, this book presents the basics to respond to these methods of thinking, and to attempts to change the perception that the objective of the church is only spiritual, without any social responsibility. Suggestions and methods are presented to equip social action teams to aid the needs and sufferings the Hispanic community and the vulnerable and poor of our communities.
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Adoracion Cristiana – (Spanish)
$12.99Este libro examina el tema de la adoracion cristiana desde el punto de vista del protestantismo y la diversidad dentro de este. Es en esta diversidad que se han configurado modelos distintos en la organizacion eclesiastica y ha resultado en una adoracion marcadamente creativa y flexible. El autor nos guiara por el desarrollo historico de esta adoracion y expondra algunos de los modelos basicos.
Written in Spanish, this book examines the topic of the Christian worship and its diversity from the Protestant perspective. This diversity has contributed to the configuration of different worship models in the ecclesiastical organization that results in a flexible and creative worship. The author will guide us for the historic development of Christian worship and discuss some of the basic models.
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Introduccion Al Pentecostalism – (Spanish)
$22.99Introduccion al pentecostalismo nos acerca al origen del movimiento pentecostal y con palabras del prologo “en una forma muy marcada llama la atencion al afecto y el sentir humano con su enfoque Espiritu-centrico. Inclusive, en su acercamiento a la dimension dinamica espiritual del pentecostalismo aparecen rayos postmodernos y metafisicos.” Written in Spanish, Introduction to Pentecostalism provides a look into to the origins of the Pentecostal movement and gives a clear understanding of its law and its Holy Spirit-centered focus on the human condition. The book also provides a glimpse into the postmodern and metaphysical aspects that make up the spiritual dynamic dimensions of Pentecostalism.
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Doctrina Metodista (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)
$23.99John Wesley distinguished between essential doctrines on which agreement or consensus is critical and opinions about theology or church practices on which disagreement must be allowed. Though today few people join churches based on doctrinal commitments, once a person has joined a church it becomes important to know the historic teachings of that church’s tradition. In Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials, Ted Campbell outlines historical doctrinal consensus in American Episcopal Methodist Churches in a comparative and ecumenical dialogue with the doctrinal inheritance of other major families of Christian tradition. In this way, the book shows both what Methodist churches historically teach in common with ecumenical Christianity and what is distinctive about the Methodist tradition in its various contemporary forms. Documents examined include The Twenty-Five Articles of Religion, The General Rules, Wesley’s Standard Sermons and Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, The Methodist Social Creed, and the Apostles’ Creed.
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Libro De Concordia – (Spanish)
$48.31” Nueva Edicion! – Los escritos confesionales de la Iglesia Luterana. Incluye La Confesion de Augsburgo, La Apologia, Los Articulos de Esmalcalda, el Catecismo Mayor y el Catecismo Menor. Encuadernacion de lujo. 6 x 9″. 760 paginas.
New Edition! The confessional writings of the Lutheran Church, including the Augsburg Confession, the Apology, the Smalcald Articles and the Large and Small Catechisms. Hardback. 6 x 9 “. 760 pages. “
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