Habitat Of Healing
From trauma to triumph, Krissy Spivey tells her story of growing up in the church and being faced with unimaginable choices that would change the course of her life forever.
At eighteen years old she was baited by a stranger online, raped, and exploited. Months later, when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, she chose abortion out of fear of judgement. She tells of her messy transition from religion to relationship after fourteen years of deep repression as a leader in the church. The Lord met her at her most vulnerable, unraveled her faulty identity of helpless victim, and invited her to dine with Him as a healed victor.
The Habitat of Healing is a gathering place for the broken to feast in the fullness of God. It is a fresh take on spiritual freedom that equips the reader with keys to unlock the mystery of the table that they were born to sit at. It is an invitation to be made whole in the Healer’s habitation.
Can I Be Forgiven 25 Pack
Everyone needs to be forgiven-and God provided a way for us to be forgiven through Jesus Christ.
All My Hope
Julie knew she could spend the rest of her life in prison if she were caught crossing the border with four pounds of methamphetamine duct-taped around her waist. But life had become so overwhelming, so painful, that she no longer cared if she lived or died. So she crossed over the border. And with her arrest as a drug smuggler that day, her years of running from responsibility–and from God–came to an end.
Through one miraculous event after another, God transformed Julie from drug dealer to Hope Dealer. Read her story now as Julie Seals unveils her extraordinary journey of overcoming a 17-year addiction to crystal meth and being transformed by the supernatural power of God.
Milagro De La Paz – (Spanish)
En El milagro de la paz, el autor de confianza Jack Countryman y otras personas dinamicas de fe de treinta a noventa aos compartiran inspiracion y esperanza sobre la paz milagrosa que solo Dios puede traer durante las temporadas mas tormentosas de la vida.
Dios nos ha instruido en la Biblia que no nos preocupemos por el maana. Suena simple, asi que por que es tan dificil de lograr?, por que no podemos encontrar la paz? Explora lo que la Biblia dice acerca de dejar ir la ansiedad y el miedo y abrazar una nueva forma de pensar que nos lleva a una relacion mas cercana con Dios.
Con El milagro de la Paz, te sentiras animado mientras descubres como:
*Entender los planes de Dios cuando nada parece tener sentido
*Encontrar la calma cuando todo a tu alrededor es el caos
*Confiar en que Dios te tiene en la palma de Su mano
Este hermoso libro incluye:
*Una pagina de presentacion para regalar
*Una cinta marcadora para mantener su lugar
*52 meditaciones sobre como encontrar la paz en un mundo turbulento
Dios no quiere que sus seres queridos sufran con preocupacion. A medida que te acercas a El, experimentas el milagro de la paz que esta disponible para ti. Solo tienes que pedirlo.
The Miracle of peace
In The Miracle of Peace, trusted author Jack Countryman and other dynamic people of faith from their thirties to their nineties will share inspiration and hope about the miraculous peace that only God can bring about during the stormiest seasons in life.
God has instructed us in the Bible not to worry about tomorrow. It sounds simple, so why is it so difficult to achieve? Why can’t we find peace? Explore what the Bible says about letting go of anxiety and fear and embracing a new way of thinking that brings us into a closer relationship with God.
In The Miracle of Peace, you’ll be encouraged as you discover how to:
*Understand God’s plans when nothing seems to make sense
*Find calm when all around you is chaos
*Trust that God has you in the palm of His hand
This beautiful book includes:
*A presentation page for gift-giving
*A ribbon marker to keep your place
*52 meditations about finding peace in a troubled world
God doesn’t want His loved ones to suffer with worry. As you draw closer to Him, you’ll experience the miracle of peace that is available to you. You only need ask.
Noble Servant
New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson beautifully re-imagines “The Goose Girl” by the Brothers Grimm into a medieval tale of adventure, loss, and love.
“When it comes to happily-ever-afters, Melanie Dickerson is the undisputed queen of fairy-tale romance, and all I can say is–long live the queen!” –JULIE LESSMAN, award-winning author of The Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, and Heart of San Francisco series
She lost everything to the scheme of an evil servant.
But she might just gain what she’s always wanted . . . if she makes it in time.
The impossible was happening. She, Magdalen of Mallin, was to marry the Duke of Wolfberg. Magdalen had dreamed about receiving a proposal ever since she met the duke two years ago. Such a marriage was the only way she could save her people from starvation. But why would a handsome, wealthy duke want to marry her, a poor baron’s daughter? It seemed too good to be true.
On the journey to Wolfberg Castle, Magdalen’s servant forces her to trade places and become her servant, threatening not only Magdalen’s life, but the lives of those she holds dear. Stripped of her identity and title in Wolfberg, where no one knows her, Magdalen is sentenced to tend geese while she watches her former handmaiden gain all Magdalen had ever dreamed of.
When a handsome shepherd befriends her, Magdalen begins to suspect he carries secrets of his own. Together, Magdalen and the shepherd uncover a sinister plot against Wolfberg and the duke. But with no resources, will they be able to find the answers, the hiding places, and the forces they need in time to save both Mallin and Wolfberg?
My Bible Stories Activity Book Blue
Get excited about the Bible with this stunning activity book!
Packed with activities including beloved Bible friends, there are hours of fun to be had. At the back of the book are cool card press-outs to make and create.
Complete with your very own 3D puffy stickers to use in the book or wherever you want!
*Bright, bold illustrations and fun activities keep young children engaged and entertained
*2 pages of 3D puffy stickers with a Bible story theme
*20 pages of card press-outs to make and create
Paradoja De La Prosperidad – (Spanish)
La pobreza global es uno de los problemas mas grandes del mundo. Desde la educacion hasta la atencion medica, la infraestructura para erradicar la corrupcion, se han ofrecido demasiadas soluciones, pero que se basan en ensayo y error. Esencialmente, el plan a menudo es identificar areas que necesitan ayuda, inundarlas de recursos y esperar ver cambios a lo largo del tiempo.
Pero la esperanza no es una estrategia efectiva. Como es posible que naciones que reciben millones de dolares en ayuda sigan siendo pobres?
Christensen sugiere una mejor manera. El tipo correcto de innovacion no solo construye empresas, sino que tambien construye paises. La Paradoja de la Prosperidad identifica los limites de los modelos comunes de desarrollo economico, que tienden a ser esfuerzos de arriba hacia abajo, y ofrece un nuevo marco para el crecimiento economico basado en el espiritu empresarial y la innovacion de creacion de mercado, para analizar paises como Japon, Corea del Sur, Nigeria, Ruanda, India, Argentina… y Mexico.
The Prosperity Paradox
Global poverty is one of the world’s most vexing problems. For decades, we’ve assumed smart, well-intentioned people will eventually be able to change the economic trajectory of poor countries. From education to healthcare, infrastructure to eradicating corruption, too many solutions rely on trial and error. Essentially, the plan is often to identify areas that need help, flood them with resources, and hope to see change over time.
But hope is not an effective strategy. How is it possible for nations that receive millions of dollars in aid to remain poor?
Christensen suggests a better way. The right kind of innovation not only builds companies, but also builds countries. The Prosperity Paradox identifies the limits of common models of economic development, which tend to be top-down efforts, and offers a new framework for economic growth based on entrepreneurship and market-making innovation, to analyze countries like Japan, South Korea, Nigeria, Rwanda, India, Argentina… and Mexico.
Competir Contra La Suerte – (Spanish)
Las empresas saben como crecer? Como pueden crear productos que estan seguros de que los clientes quieren comprar? Puede la innovacion ser mas que un juego de exito? El profesor Clayton Christensen de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard tiene la respuesta. Hace una generacion, Christensen revoluciono los negocios con su innovadora teoria de la innovacion disruptiva. Ahora, el va mas alla, ofreciendo nuevas y poderosas ideas.
Despues de aos de investigacion, Christensen ha llegado a una conclusion critica: Los clientes no compran productos o servicios; ellos los “contratan” para hacer un trabajo. Comprender que hace que los clientes “contraten” un producto o servicio, hara que cualquier empresa puede mejorar su historial de innovacion, creando productos que los clientes no solo quieran contratar, sino que pagaran precios mas altos para llevarlos a sus vidas; por ejemplo: Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb y Chobani, por nombrar solo algunos. Pero este libro no se trata de celebrar estos exitos, se trata de predecir nuevos.
Este libro establece cuidadosamente el marco provocativo de Christensen, que proporciona una explicacion completa de la teoria y por que es predictivo, como usarlo en el mundo real y, lo mas importante, como no desperdiciar la informacion que proporciona.
Competing Against Luck
Companies know how to grow? How can they create products that they are sure customers want to buy? Can innovation be more than a successful game? Professor Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School has the answer. A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation. Now, he goes further, offering powerful new insights.
After years of research, Christensen has come to a critical conclusion: Customers don’t buy products or services; they “hire” them to do a job. Understanding what makes customers “hire” a product or service will help any company improve its innovation record, creating products that customers not only want to hire, but will pay higher prices to bring into their lives; for example: Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb and Chobani to name just a few. But this book isn’t about celebrating these successes, it’s about predicting new ones.
This book carefully lays out Christensen’s provocative framework, providing a comprehensive explanation of the theory and why it is predictive, how to use it in the real world, and most importantly, how not to waste the information it provides.
David : Characteristics Of A Spiritual Leader
Just like pouring out precious ointment, our dear brother Stephen Kaung ministered these five messages on being a spiritual leader as shown through the life of David, the man after God’s own heart. He uses David’s experiences to show four essential qualities necessary for spiritual leaders in the church-those who are fit for kingship and capable of leading and helping others.
Spiritual leadership is of vital importance in the church today. As our brother shares: What the church lacks today is a group of individuals fit to be spiritual leaders. Today, many are saved, but the church is scattered, weak, and unable to fulfill God’s will due to the lack of spiritual leadership. Therefore, the one great need is to have spiritual leaders who have a personal, spiritual walk with the Lord, and are ready to be used by the Lord to fulfill His heart’s desire to prepare His bride ready for His soon return.
The heart-felt burden of our dear brother was for God’s church to be a healthy church. May the Lord be pleased to use this book to raise up spiritual leaders to carry out His will in His church in these last days. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Just like pouring out precious ointment, our dear brother Stephen Kaung ministered these five messages on being a spiritual leader as shown through the life of David, the man after God’s own heart. He uses David’s experiences to show four essential qualities necessary for spiritual leaders in the church-those who are fit for kingship and capable of leading and helping others.
Spiritual leadership is of vital importance in the church today. As our brother shares: What the church lacks today is a group of individuals fit to be spiritual leaders. Today, many are saved, but the church is scattered, weak, and unable to fulfill God’s will due to the lack of spiritual leadership. Therefore, the one great need is to have spiritual leaders who have a personal, spiritual walk with the Lord, and are ready to be used by the Lord to fulfill His heart’s desire to prepare His bride ready for His soon return.
The heart-felt burden of our dear brother was for God’s church to be a healthy church. May the Lord be pleased to use this book to raise up spiritual leaders to carry out His will in His church in these last days. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Whos Who In The Bible
While many books exist on the subject, Who’s Who in the Bible Made Easy offers a more concise, easier-to-read format than most. Alphabetical entries cover important information about main characters from the Old and New Testaments, from Adam to the apostles. Makes an excellent Bible-study aid for looking up key facts about the patriarchs, prophets, important kings, and other major players in the Old Testament, as well as who’s who in the Gospels and Epistles.
Sample entry:
Titus Recipient of the epistle of Titus; 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:6-7, 13-15;8:6, 16-24; 12:18; Gal. 2:1-3; 2 Tim. 4:9-10
Titus likely became a Christian through Paul’s preaching and accompanied him to the Jerusalem Council, where he served as an example of an uncircumcised gentile believer. Later he joined Paul on his missionary journeys as a faithful and trusted companion. Paul sent Titus to Corinth when it was reported there were divisions within the church. When Paul and Titus reunited, Titus brought the good news that the Corinthian believers had repented. Titus later returned to collect an offering for the Christians in Judea. Paul took Titus with him to preach the gospel on the island of Crete and later wrote the epistle of Titus to encourage him as he oversaw the church there. Titus went on a mission to Dalmatia, located northwest of Macedonia, but according to tradition, he returned to Crete and served there for many years.