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    9781400239528 Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo - (Spanish)

    Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo – (Spanish)

    Lo eterno sin disimulo, es una recopilacion de nueve ensayos y varias cartas anteriormente publicados en los que Lewis hace un despliegue de su capacidad para razonar con rigor y escribir con lucidez sobre el cristianismo.

    Hablar de lo eterno, sin caretas, sin disimulos, sin trampas, esa es la tarea a la que se entrega Lewis en este libro sustancioso. Y para ello utiliza muy distintos medios: una conferencia docta, un coloquio, un debate, una conversacion entre amigos, un articulo de prensa, una carta…

    Toda ocasion es buena para dar testimonio de la fe y la verdad intemporal, para mostrar a todos una noticia inaudita de plenitudes, con un afan apostolico que nos interpela. Y Lewis lo aborda con su proverbial claridad, lucidez y agudeza.

    Timeless at Heart

    Timeless at Heart, is a compilation of nine essays and several letters previously published in which Lewis displays his ability to reason rigorously and write lucidly about Christianity.

    Talking about the eternal, without masks, without dissimulation, without traps, that is the task to which Lewis gives himself in this substantial book. And for this he uses very different means: a learned conference, a colloquium, a debate, a conversation between friends, a press article, a letter…

    Every occasion is a good one to bear witness to the faith and the timeless truth, to show everyone unprecedented news of fullness, with an apostolic eagerness that challenges us. And Lewis approaches it with his proverbial clarity, lucidity, and sharpness.

    9781400240067 Sobre Cuentos Historias Y Lite - (Spanish)

    Sobre Cuentos Historias Y Lite – (Spanish)

    Esta recopilacion reune nueve ensayos que recogen sus ideas sobre la ficcion, entre ellos Sobre cuentos, The Death of Words y On Three Ways of Writing for Children, asi como once piezas que no fueron publicadas en vida.

    C. S. Lewis, el gran escritor britanico, erudito, teologo laico, locutor, apologista cristiano y autor de best-sellers como Mero cristianismo, Las cartas del diablo a su sobrino, El gran divorcio, Las cronicas de Narnia y muchos otros amados clasicos– fue profesor de literatura en la Universidad de Oxford, donde era conocido por sus perspicaces y a menudo ingeniosas presentaciones sobre la naturaleza de las historias. Esta recopilacion reune nueve ensayos que condensan sus ideas sobre la ficcion, entre ellos Sobre los cuentos, La muerte de las palabras y Sobre tres formas de escribir para los nios, asi como once piezas que no se publicaron en vida.

    On Stories

    This collection assembles nine essays that encapsulate his ideas about fiction, including On Stories, The Death of Words, and On Three Ways of Writing for Children, as well as eleven pieces that were unpublished during his lifetime.

    C. S. Lewis, the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics–was a professor of literature at Oxford University, where he was known for his insightful and often witty presentations on the nature of stories.

    9781400241569 Mundo Del Fin - (Spanish)

    Mundo Del Fin – (Spanish)

    En un mundo que parece estar girando fuera de control, necesitamos la esperanza mas que nunca. Y si la esperanza que sostiene la vida que usted necesita se encuentra dentro de las paginas de la Biblia?

    Acompae al Dr. David Jeremiah, autor best seller del New York Times y maestro de la Biblia de confianza, mientras desglosa las Escrituras para revelar que los problemas a los que nos enfrentamos son de esperar, y de hecho aumentaran a medida que nos acerquemos al fin de los tiempos. Pero lo mas importante es que no debemos preocuparnos, ya que Jesus ha vencido al mundo. Y por ello hay esperanza para esta vida, pero sobre todo para la siguiente.

    Aprenda como:
    *La Biblia ya ha sentado las bases sobre como podemos vivir victoriosamente, incluso en tiempos dificiles

    *Jesus no solo llama a los cristianos a un estandar mas alto, sino que nos equipa con las herramientas y la fuerza que necesitamos para seguirle con confianza cada dia

    *Explorar los Evangelios mas de cerca para encontrar el consuelo que necesita para confiar en que Dios tiene el control y que su plan sigue funcionando hasta el final

    *Haga crecer su fe, profundizando, con el Dr. David Jeremiah.

    The World of the End

    In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

    Join Dr. David Jeremiah, New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, as he unpacks the Scriptures to reveal that the problems we are facing is to be expected, and in fact will increase as we draw closer to the End Times. But even more importantly we should not worry since Jesus has overcome the world. And because of this there is hope for this life, but more importantly for the next.

    Learn how:
    *The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

    *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

    *To explore the Gospels more closely to find the comfort you need to trust God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

    *Grow your faith, by going deeper, with Dr. David Jeremiah.

    9781400241606 Lo Primero Y Lo Segundo - (Spanish)

    Lo Primero Y Lo Segundo – (Spanish)

    Esta brillante coleccion de las obras de C. S. Lewis sacudira toda tu vision de la historia, el trabajo, la oracion, el amor y la vida misma desde un nuevo patron; siendo uno de los escritores cristianos mas influyentes del siglo XX C. S Lewis conducira tu mente en una suave pero irresistible travesia sobre de la verdad.

    Descubre esta vibrante recopilacion de ensayos sobre la vida del ser humano y la apologetica cristina en contra de las corrientes de teologias modernistas. Un resultado de diversas publicaciones a lo largo del tiempo y en distintas obras del autor, esta lectura llevara tu mundo a pensar en algunas de las cuestiones mas desafiantes para el individuo y la sociedad de forma fresca y cautivadora.

    First and Second Things

    This brilliant collection of the works of C. S. Lewis will shake your whole view of history, work, prayer, love, and life itself into a new pattern; as one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century, C. S Lewis will lead your mind on a gentle but compelling journey through the truth.

    Discover this vibrant collection of essays on the life of the human being and Christian apologetics against the currents of modernist theologies. A result of various publications over time and in different works by the author, this reading will lead your world to think about some of the most challenging questions for the individual and society in a fresh and captivating way.

    9780785253303 Within These Gilded Halls

    Within These Gilded Halls

    Hidden treasures and betrayal mingle with unexpected love in Abigail Wilson’s latest Regency romance.

    After studying art under Miss Drake, a renowned painter, Phoebe Radcliff is certain she can finally move beyond the childish mistake that’s kept her away from home. She is thrilled when Miss Drake employs her to complete a complicated ballroom renovation, believing it will lead to a new, happier future.

    Everything changes, however, the moment Miss Drake is murdered. With her last breath she imparts the location of a clue to Phoebe. Can the biggest secret of Avonthorpe Hall be true–the rumored treasure real? Phoebe is tasked to finish her work in the ballroom by Miss Drake’s infuriatingly regimented yet all-too-handsome nephew, Lt. Graham Burke. Determined to fulfill the promise she made to her beloved teacher to find the treasure, Phoebe also works to uncover the truth about Miss Drake’s death–surely the two must be linked. If only she can do so before Lt. Burke leases the house.

    But dark shadows line the gilded halls of Avonthorpe and soon enough, Phoebe realizes she’s not the only person who knows about the clues. What’s worse, she’ll need Lt. Burke’s help to stay ahead of whoever is hard on her heels. If only she weren’t so attracted to him. And why is she? She’s always had far greater plans for her life than settling into marital bliss.

    Caught up in a deadly race for answers, Phoebe must find a way to breach the shroud of lies that surrounds every last resident in the house and, more importantly, face a past she’s been running away from for far too long.

    9780840709158 De Otros Mundos - (Spanish)

    De Otros Mundos – (Spanish)

    C. S. Lewis; el gran escritor britanico, erudito, teologo laico, locutor, apologista cristiano y autor de grandes exitos como Mero cristianismo, Cartas del diablo a su sobrino, El gran divorcio, Las cronicas de Narnia y muchos otros clasicos; presenta la importancia de los relatos y el asombro de la imaginacion, elementos a menudo ignorados por los criticos de su epoca. Tambien relata sus tipos de historias favoritas; cuentos infantiles y las fantasias de la mano con una vision de sus obras mas famosas: Las cronicas de Narnia y La trilogia cosmica.

    Of Other Worlds

    C. S. Lewis; the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics presents a well-reasoned case for the importance of story and wonder, elements often ignored by critics of his time. He also discusses his favorite kinds of stories; children’s stories and fantasies and offers insights into his most famous works, The Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy.

    9781640953925 Art Of DeStressing

    Art Of DeStressing

    The ability to manage stress and anxiety so you can live with more joy and success is not just a science…it’s an art!

    You can’t craft a life of purpose and fulfillment if you’re constantly stressed out. Yet in a world where we are always plugged in and burned out, it can be difficult to remember that you don’t have to be ruled by anxiety and burnout–nor do you have to live in a state of overwhelm to achieve success in your personal and professional life.

    In The Art of De-Stressing, Ray Hull, PhD walks you through practical life lessons that will teach you how to manage anxiety, build confidence, and cope with stress. You will learn expert tools and strategies that will help you:

    *Handle everyday stress with poise
    *Tame anxiety and take back control of your life
    *Maximize productivity and achieve more results
    *Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
    *Avoid burnout so you can actually enjoy your work

    Your toxic relationship with stress is bringing down your productivity at work, your happiness in life, and your overall self-worth. Don’t lose another day to the internal pressure that limits your potential and strains your relationships. A stress-free life is possible! Choose to practice mindfulness, eliminate overwhelm, and increase your confidence by finally learning The Art of Destressing!

    9781400238224 My Jesus : From Heartache To Hope

    My Jesus : From Heartache To Hope

    In My Jesus, Anne Wilson shares her remarkable journey through the loss of her brother and the surprising moment she heard God’s voice calling her to do the unexpected–sing and create music that would draw people to Him, which then birthed her #1 hit song, “My Jesus.”

    Growing up in Kentucky, Anne and her two older siblings, Jacob and Elizabeth, were surrounded by a faithful community and had abundant opportunities to play, learn, and create under the loving care of their parents. Big brother Jacob was beloved for his kindness, charm, and endless energy. Then tragedy struck, and Jacob died in a car accident. The family’s grief was all-consuming.

    At the funeral, Anne decided to honor her brother by singing in public for the first time. She chose What a Beautiful Name, the lyrics evoking the power of Jesus’ name. It was then that she heard God’s voice calling her to create music that would glorify Him and share Him with others.

    After family and friends urged her to create and post a video of her singing that song, it caught the attention of a talent scout who alerted a music manager, and the two of them worked together for several months before Anne received an offer for a record deal. Still deep in grief, Anne and her family sought God’s leading and decided to take the next step of faith. Anne signed with Capitol Christian Music Group and, without prior experience or professional training, began to write music. As she worked, she realized that God had been building a steady, deep faith in her for many years, which flowed into the song, My Jesus.

    Through the fresh, young voice of Anne Wilson, My Jesus weaves together Anne’s personal story, keen insights about her transition into the music industry, and an inspiring look at the power of faith. With touching anecdotes about her family and a realistic depiction of learning to trust God through the pain of grief, Anne describes her relationship with Jesus in the poignant, faith-building way that has moved people worldwide through her number-one song.

    9781645263586 Dakota Courage : Her Hero Is Closer Than She Thinks

    Dakota Courage : Her Hero Is Closer Than She Thinks

    Fear says you can’t. Love says you must.

    Elaine Kent hopes a new name, a new town, and a new job will help heal her wounded spirit. All she wants is a quiet life free from her traumatic past. When a battered female teen escapes into her store, Elaine has seconds to decide if helping is worth the risk. Helping the hurt teen lands Elaine in the middle of a human trafficking ring and back into a world of fear and danger.
    When Judah Demski walks into Elaine’s store with his daughter to buy a present, life takes a quick turn toward relationship land. But Elaine wants to remain in the friend zone. Her past and their presence threaten to unravel her a new comfortable lifestyle.

    To save herself, and Judah and his daughter, Elaine knows she needs a hero … or the courage to become one.

    9781641585569 Message Thinline Large Print Edition

    Message Thinline Large Print Edition

    ust over one inch thick, The Message Thinline, Large Print slips easily into your bag, your desk, and your life; it’s a high-quality reading Bible without being bulky.

    The Message translation awakens longtime Bible readers and welcomes new believers into the passion and personality that fill God’s Word.

    *A single-column layout lets you enjoy reading the Bible as much as your favorite book.
    *An easy-to-read type size allows for a comfortable reading experience.
    *”The Story of the Bible in Five Acts” shows you the big picture.

    The Message is a reading Bible translated from the original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures by scholar, pastor, author, and poet Eugene H. Peterson. Thoroughly reviewed and approved by twenty biblical scholars, The Message combines the authority of God’s Word with the cadence and energy of conversational English.



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