Philippians : Joy Under Pressure (Student/Study Guide)
1. Building A Foundation – Philippians 1:1-11
2. When Bad Things Happen – Philippians 1:12-30
3. A Good Attitude – Philippians 2:1-11
4. True Partners – Philippians 2:12-30
5. Passionate Living – Philippians 3:1-4:1
6. The Bottom Line – Philippians 4:2-23
48 Pages
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Stress. Deadlines. Commitments. How can we find joy when life feels like a pressure cooker? Or display lifestyles of love despite the imperfections of ourselves and others? Paul’s letter to the Philippians shows what it means to follow Christ when the going gets tough. This study guide will help you see how Christians can experience joy that is authentic and enduring — even when life turns up the heat.
Revelation : When All Things Become New (Student/Study Guide)
12 Chapters
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The book of Revelation is full of imagery that challenges even the finest Bible scholars. Its symbols and prophecies can be difficult to grasp, but they hold rich meaning for us today. Studying Revelation will give you confidence, courage, and an assurance that God is in control. In the end, he will reign eternally and Christians will know the joy of his presence forever. As you see the glory of his kingdom and the joyous worship of those he has redeemed, your own commitment to him will deepen.
Hope Beneath The Surface Cycle A
On these pages one encounters the moving image of the holy God with Isaiah in the temple, the powerful call to justice through the thundering voice of Amos, the depth of despair in the heart of Jeremiah and the struggle for faithfulness in the prophetic work of Hosca, Elijah and others.
Underlying every page is the presence of Jesus of Nazareth, who is constantly uppermost as each sermon unfolds. Robinson’s writing. Like his preaching, reveals a person who is in close touch with the common ventures of life, More significantly he is in touch with the common people of the working, playing and suffering worlds. And he is in touch with the verities of the Christian faith.
Reverend Vernon Bigler
Buffalo, New York
The gripping illustrations in this book are worth the price alone.
God In Flesh Made Manifest Cycle A
The old saw, that the preacher’s task is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, proclaims a profound theological truth. For when we are afflicted, that is when God comforts us. If we are comfortable, God must first penetrate our false security. Only then can the news of the Messiah’s coming strike our ears as a word of comfort. From sermon for the second Sunday in Advent.
Mark Radecke has the ability to do both — comfort and afflict — through his provocative treatment of the lectionary texts for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany and the Transfiguration. His illustrations are often electrifying in their capturing of the Gospel kerygma.
Sermon titles include:
Come, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come!
Would We Rather Be Comfortable Or Comforted
Holy Love And Herod’s Love
Light In Darkness, Speech From Silence
Jesus’ Counter-cultural Sermon
Don’t Sweat The Numbers
Main Features And Coming Attractions
Biblical Words And Their Meaning (Expanded)
When first published in 1983, Biblical Words and Their Meaning broke new ground by introducing to students of the Bible the principles of linguistics, in particular, on lexical semantics — that branch that focuses on the meaning of individual words. Silva’s structural approach provides the interpreter with an important lexical tool for more responsible understanding of the biblical text and more effective use of standard exegetical resources. This revised edition includes a bibliographical essay by Silva, “Recent Developments in Semantics,” and an appendix by Karen H. Jobes, “Distinguishing the Meaning of Greek Verbs in the Semantic Domain for Worship,” that provides the reader with a substantive example of lexical study.
What You Need To Know Before You Fall In Love
1. Are You Looking For The Love Of Your Life?
2. Why People Fall In Love
3. Love Lies: Myths About Engagement And Marriage
4. But You Didn’t Hear It The Way I Meant It
5. A Blueprint For A Healthy Relationship
6. Choosing The Love Of Your Life
7. True Intimacy: It Don’t Come Easy
8. Is That A Monkey In Your Family Tree?
9. Marriage: Straight From The Heart Of God
Appendix A: Communication Is Vital
Appendix B: Premarital Communication
About The Author
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There are many reasons for falling in love and getting married and its not always easy to sort out your feelings, much less identify the signs of a healthy relationship … before you fall in love.
Using personal and professional examples, David Nicholson offers advice on how to:
* Recognize and deal with your motives for entering a romantic relationship
* Identify a healthy relationship: what it looks like, what it feels like, and how those involved in it should relate to each other
* Understand how family background plays an important role in the future of your relationship
In What You Need to Know Before You Fall in Love you will also discover how to make a good relationship better, how to improve a relationship that isn’t as good as it could be, and when to turn and run from a relationship that’s not working.
Calling America And The Nations To Christ
Calling America and the Nations To Christ, is the autobiography of Luis Palau. Luis Palau is a world renowned evangelist, having proclaimed the Gospel to millions of people around the world. Luis Palau’s ministry began in Latin America, then moved to Britain. Since then, Palau has proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ to hundreds of millions of people via radio and television in ninety-five nations, face-to-face to more than 11 million people on six continents. In addition to his dynamic speaking ministry, Luis Palau is a prolific author. His three dozen books and booklets include the powerful What Is a Real Christian? evangelistic booklet which has been published in thirty-one languages worldwide. Luis also has contributed articles to more than a dozen and a half books and scores of periodicals. Calling America and the Nations To Christ is Luis Palau’s story as it’s told best, in his own words.
Voices Of Diversity
The ideal of a harmonious and diverse workplace has been given much lip service, but the daily realities of working with people who are not like you have proven to be difficult. Featuring “voices” (actual comments from members of diverse groups), this book reveals how individuals feel about their treatment and their relationships on the job. By listening to the “voices,” readers will learn to understand what it means to be “the other” and so improve communication, morale, and productivity. The range covered is extraordinary: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinos, recent immigrants, disabled workers, gays and lesbians, young and old workers, women, white males. For each group, the book provides: (1) background on the culture and values of that group (2) honest comments from members of the group and a synthesis of the group’s most common problems (3) typical scenarios where supervisors and co-workers from diverse groups often hit communication barriers (4) explanations of what went wrong in each situation and how to correct it Many people want to communicate with others, but don’t know how. Voices will help them understand diversity not as an academic concept, but as a human reality.
Jesus Reflects
O Lord, thank you. Thank you, for delivering the baby safely. I was afraid we would not make it to a place of shelter. I am so grateful that Mary can now find a few moments of rest. These last days have been so difficult for her.
— from “Joseph Ponders” (Advent 3)
Jesus Reflects is a book of eight dramatic monologues on the Advent/Christmas theme, coupled with a children’s sermon with each monologue. The series begins with Thanksgiving and concludes with Epiphany Sunday.
Edward G. Hunter writes that the monologues enable the worship to “be there” at the event. Some of the monologues grew out of Sunday morning or evening services where an attempt was made to present a different approach to the Christmas season.
Sample chapter titles include:
* A Shepherd Returns
* The First christmas Tree
* Mary Remembers
* Simeon Recalls
* A Brand New Page
Relics : A Medieval Knight Sets Out On A Holy Quest And Finds Intrigue Betr
SKU (ISBN): 9780840767356ISBN10: 0840767358John DesjarlaisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1993Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product