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    9781424566464 Jesus First For Men

    Jesus First For Men

    When do you find time to connect with God? Even if we try to be intentional about it, everyday activities and responsibilities often find a way to take priority over our time with Jesus. Prayer can happen at any time, and of course it does, but there is value in setting aside a specific time to communicate with the Lord. The notion of getting alone with God to start the day was an example set by Jesus himself! He got up before daylight to pray in a solitary place. We don’t know what about or who for, we just know it was his way of connecting with the Father before doing anything else.

    As you quiet yourself before him and meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, experience the goodness of his presence, and be refreshed with his perfect peace. When you prioritize Jesus above everything, other concerns fade. Hope dawns with the new day. Tender mercies fall fresh. Boundless joy springs up from a well within. And you find the strength to walk through each day with grace for others and for yourself.


    *High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

    *Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

    *Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

    *Sturdy Smyth-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

    *Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

    *A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.

    9781400336937 Feels Like Home

    Feels Like Home

    Izzy Abbott had a crush on Evan King when they were teenagers but hasn’t seen him in years. Out of nowhere, they have a chance encounter on the beach in Galveston. She is excited to see him, but the circumstances are less than ideal since Evan had been through a lot recently. Izzy considered getting in touch with him after that, but in the end she decides not to.

    A twist of fate, an act of God, brings them together again over a year later. Izzy is convinced it is destiny this time. Thankfully, so is Evan.

    Evan had recently lost his older brother and was grieving and exhausted when Izzy found him. He had no idea it was Izzy who helped him, but the events of that evening stuck with him. When they meet in passing nearly a year later Evan realizes Izzy had been there for him the evening of his brother’s death.

    From that point on, they are inseparable. An ember of love suddenly bursts into flames, and the rest is history.

    Brooke St. James delivers a story of redemption with romantic sparks that could light up a room in the fifth instalment of the Bank Street Stories series.

    9781400339860 Lemons On Friday

    Lemons On Friday

    When your life is suddenly full of questions, how do you move forward in faith?

    After being married for less than a year, country music legend Alan Jackson’s daughter Mattie was faced with navigating a future that didn’t include her young husband and the life they dreamed of together.

    Ben Selecman passed away twelve days after suffering a traumatic brain injury–and three weeks before celebrating his first anniversary with his wife. Suddenly, twenty-eight-year-old Mattie had to find a way to reconcile herself with a good God, even when He did not give her the healing miracle she prayed for.

    In Lemons on Friday, Mattie Jackson Selecman invites you to walk with her during the first years of grief following Ben’s tragic death as she grapples with her loss and leans on a steadfast God.

    Mattie wrestles with questions that we’ve all faced in the midst of grief and loss, including:

    *How did I get here?
    *Will this always hurt?
    *Who am I now?
    *Where can I find the strength to keep going?

    Lemons on Friday will give you the encouragement you need to see life and love in a brand new light, no matter what you’re facing.

    9780834141278 1 And 2 Peter

    1 And 2 Peter

    The epistles of 1 and 2 Peter are written to a scattered people of God who have begun to lose their sense of God’s mission in the world. These letters are an attempt to help these churches reorient and realign themselves with God. The challenges facing the churches addressed in the Petrine epistles are not unlike some of the challenges the church faces today, so studying Peter’s words can help guide us into a more faithful expression of our mission as followers of Christ. Explore in these letters themes of exile, cultural assimilation, suffering, our identity as God’s people, and the return of Christ. A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

    9781400245451 Tu Hij At Puede Ser Millionari - (Spanish)

    Tu Hij At Puede Ser Millionari – (Spanish)

    La infancia es una de las etapas en las que los padres forjan el camino de sus hijos y que mejor momento para que ensee el habito del ahorro a los mas pequeos del hogar sin que esto necesariamente se convierta en una tarea complicada.

    De acuerdo con Ordaz Diaz, la transmision de conocimientos en una edad temprana permite evitar problemas a futuro, lo mismo en el caso de temas relacionados con educacion financiera. Existen tres pilares de solidez financiera que le ayudaran a forjar el camino para que sus hijos construyan su futuro financiero basado en el ahorro. El primero tiene que ver con ganar dinero; el segundo con saber administrarlo y el tercero en hacer que crezca el dinero. Se tienen las bases pero, como construir dichos pilares? En el caso del primero, que tiene que ver con ganar dinero, se necesita hablar con los nios todo lo que implica obtener recursos, como hacerlo y ensearle todo sobre dinero.

    La construccion del segundo pilar (saber administrarlo) tiene que ver, en gran medida, con las acciones que se establecen en casa, por ejemplo, cuando los padres realizan compras, destinan recursos para el ahorro o un fondo de emergencias o simplemente no cuentan con el habito del ahorro, son seales con las que los nios crecen y en ocasiones replican cuando son adultos. Respecto al tercer pilar, que se relaciona con hacer crecer su dinero, el director de Educacion Financiera en Citibanamex explica que en Mexico el tema de las inversiones aun es un reto ya que “eso generalmente no se ensea”, sin embargo actualmente con herramientas como las Afores o cuentas de Cetesdirecto para nios le permitiran construir a largo plazo una inversion que servira para afrontar momentos de crisis, por ello la importancia de que los padres pongan el ejemplo y acompaen a sus hijos en la construccion de su camino financier.

    Childhood is one of the stages in which parents forge the path of their children and what better time to teach the habit of saving to the youngest members of the household without necessarily becoming a complicated task.

    According to Ordaz Diaz, the transmission of knowledge at an early age allows avoiding problems in the future, the same in the case of issues related to financial education. There are three pillars of financial strength that will help pave the way for your children to build their financial future based on savings. The first has to do with making money; the second with knowing how to manage it and the third with making money gro

    9780593192795 Please Sorry Thanks

    Please Sorry Thanks

    Strengthen your spiritual, mental, and emotional health and reach your most audacious goals with three simple but power-packed words–from the New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day.

    The best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks. Those three words are the foundation of all healthy relationships and successful careers. Those three words are the only ceiling on achieving your dreams. Those three words will determine how happy you are.

    With his trademark blend of personal stories, scientific and historical references, and biblical insight, Pastor Mark Batterson shows how you can change your world with your words:

    *A timely please can help you unlock the rule of reciprocity for greater results, discover the power of “we is greater than me,” and honor others above yourself.

    *A sincere sorry can lead you to mend broken relationships, strengthen connections through being radically vulnerable, and better understand the degrees of forgiveness.

    *A heartfelt thanks paves the way toward a resilient mindset of gratitude and an expectancy to see God move on your behalf.

    Whether you’re launching out into a new phase of life or navigating long-established complexities, it’s time to harness the power of those three transformative words and let them propel you wherever God leads you to go.

    9781636091822 Say And Pray Gods Word

    Say And Pray Gods Word

    What could be more important
    to a child’s spiritual development
    than learning to “say and pray” God’s Word?

    Here is a devotional adventure for 3- to 7-year-olds, combining the idea of prayer with Bible memorization-the say of the title.

    Early readers and younger children, being read to by parents, will be encouraged to “pray God’s Word” by first memorizing an important Bible promise and then saying it back to the Lord.

    More than three dozen entries include:

    *a key Bible promise from the easy-to-understand New Life Version
    *a brief, explanatory devotional
    *a prayer starter that ties everything together

    Age-appropriate text and colorfully designed pages make this book educational and entertaining for young children. And parents will love what they’re learning!

    9781433590276 Gift And Award Bible

    Gift And Award Bible

    Special occasions call for a special Bible to celebrate them. The affordably priced Gift and Award Bible makes bulk-buying convenient, so that a church or group can honor everyone who is graduating, being baptized, or being recognized. This Bible includes a presentation page, introductions to each book of the Bible, gold-stained edges, and rounded corners. It is a Bible that will not only commemorate important moments in people’s lives but that they will cherish for years to come.

    9781540903044 Raising Healthy Teenagers

    Raising Healthy Teenagers

    Our kids are experiencing an unprecedented sense of isolation, interacting virtually in a world that seems ever more fearful with each news cycle. They absorb and internalize the stress and anxiety they see on their parents’ faces and on the phone, laptop, tablet, and TV screens that are ever before their eyes. Not surprisingly, their mental and physical health are suffering. As parents, we want to know how we can help.

    Practical and encouraging, Raising Healthy Teenagers helps you understand the mental, physical, and social toll the past couple years have taken on your kids. Then it offers proven strategies to help your teen get back onto a healthy path by:

    – reducing screen time and increasing green time
    – learning how to be a social being again
    – developing strategies to deal with disruptions in schooling
    – reclaiming a structured day
    – breaking the cycle of anxiety and depression
    – and much more

    9780785218111 Fully Alive : Lighten Up And Live - A Journey That Will Change Your LIfe

    Fully Alive : Lighten Up And Live – A Journey That Will Change Your LIfe

    The glory of God is man fully alive. – St Irenaeus

    That’s exactly how you were wired to live. Yet sadness, depression, and feelings of apathy and helplessness often characterize your life. You survive but not thrive. This book is a treasure map that leads from monotony to adventure, from boring mediocrity to thrilling risk. Here are detailed directions to take hold of the power to live the kind of life you were created for and your soul longs for.

    Fully Alive uncovers signs of life that lead to physical, mental, social, and spiritual empowerment in Christ.

    *Discover the adventure hiding in the middle of the mundane.
    *Exchange the pain of unmet expectations for the joy of living with expectancy.
    *Get unstuck and take the first step that leads to a new body, mind, and spirit.
    *Kick guilt to the curb and experience real freedom.
    *Drive a stake into the heart of your everyday fears and dare to live again.
    *Tap into a power that will protect you whether you’re crawling through the valley or standing on the mountaintop.

    Henry David Thoreau is credited with saying, Most men live lives of quiet desperation. Not you! Not today! Not ever!



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