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    9798384513438 Senor Del Salmo 23 - (Spanish)

    Senor Del Salmo 23 – (Spanish)

    El Seor del Salmo 23 es un libro corto y una descripcion poetica del amor de Dios, la bondad y provision de Cristo mientras guia a sus hijos. Incluso los cristianos de toda la vida encontraran un estimulo fresco al estudiar de cerca estas palabras. David Gibson examina cada verso del Salmo 23, analizando a fondo sus tres representaciones de la union del creyente con Cristo como oveja y pastor, viajero y compaero, y huesped y anfitrion.

    Gibson proporciona contexto canonico para la hermosa ilustracion del Salmo 23, inspirando alabanza y admiracion mientras los lectores reflexionan sobre el amoroso Pastor que satisface todas las necesidades.

    Podras encontrar:

    *Una teologia rica: Adaptada de 3 sermones interesantes de David Gibson

    *Material expositivo: Examina de cerca la imagineria del Salmo 23 y lo que revela sobre la relacion entre Cristo y sus seguidores

    *Material edificante e informativo: Fomenta una reflexion profunda sobre la provision, consuelo y fuerza eterna de Cristo

    The Lord of Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words. David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host.

    Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.

    You will find:

    *Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson

    *Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers

    *Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength

    9781430083566 Al Borde Del Oscuro Mar De Las - (Spanish)

    Al Borde Del Oscuro Mar De Las – (Spanish)

    Habia una vez, en una cabaa al borde del oscuro mar de las tinieblas, tres nios y su fiel perro, Nugget. Janner Igiby, su hermano Tink, y su hermana con habilidades especiales Leeli, son nios talentosos como los son todos los nios, amados por su madre que es noble y su abuelo que era pirata. Pero necesitaran todos sus dones y todo lo que aman para sobrevivir a la malvada persecucion de los venenosos Colmillos Malditos, que han cruzado el mar oscuro para gobernar la tierra con su malicia. Los Igiby guardan el secreto de la leyenda perdida y las joyas del buen Rey Wingfeather de la Isla Resplandeciente de Anniera.

    Lleno de personajes con un gran corazon, inteligencia y coraje, Al borde del oscuro mar de las tinieblas es un cuento para que nios de todas las edades y sus familias pueden leerlo en alta voz y en grupos de lectura para poder disfrutar mientras descrubren las innumerables capas de significado de este libro.

    Once, in a cottage above the cliffs on the Dark Sea of Darkness, there lived three children and their trusty dog, Nugget. Janner Igiby, his brother, Tink, and their disabled sister, Leeli, are gifted children as all children are, loved well by a noble mother and ex-pirate grandfather. But they will need all their gifts and all that they love to survive the evil pursuit of the venomous Fangs of Dang, who have crossed the dark sea to rule the land with malice. The Igibys hold the secret to the lost legend and jewels of good King Wingfeather of the Shining Isle of Anniera.

    Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers’ groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning.

    9781430094357 Tras Los Pasos De Jesus - (Spanish)

    Tras Los Pasos De Jesus – (Spanish)

    Tras los pasos de Jesus provee una perspectiva clara sobre las diversas ocasiones en las que Jesus interactuo con mujeres en los Evangelios. Acompaanos a ver los pasos de Jesus y como las mujeres fueron tratadas con dignidad y respeto bajo su liderazgo. Jesus comprendio sus circunstancias y la realidad de sus corazones, y las transformo, no con simplemente elogiarlas por su fuerza, altruismo o comportamiento, sino con la profunda realidad de la redencion.

    Con la colaboracion de varias autoras y el estudio cuidadoso de las Escrituras, Tras los pasos de Jesus, es un libro que permite que profundicemos en la historia de mujeres que vieron cara a cara a Jesus y sus vidas fueron transformadas. La verdad de la redencion no fue solamente para mujeres en los Evangelios, pero para cada una de las mujeres de la actualidad.

    Esta es una colaboracion con Philos Project.

    The Footsteps of Jesus provides a clear insight into the various occasions when Jesus interacted with women in the Gospels. Join us to see the steps of Jesus and how women were treated with dignity and respect under his leadership. Jesus understood their circumstances and the reality of their hearts and transformed them, not by simply praising them for their strength, selflessness, or behavior, but with the profound reality of redemption.

    With the collaboration of several authors and the careful study of the Scriptures,In the Footsteps of Jesus is a book that allows us to delve into the story of women who saw Jesus face to face and their lives were transformed. The truth of redemption was not only for women in the Gospels but for every woman today.

    This is a collaboration with Philos Project.

    9780593580769 Planted With Love

    Planted With Love

    A heartfelt picture book about one child’s experience in foster care that reminds all kids that–just like a garden–love from the right source will help them bloom.

    Lamar has lived in seven homes in three years and has never stayed anywhere long enough to put down roots. As he watches his new foster mom tend to her garden each day, he soon joins her with cautious curiosity. Together, they plant, they weed, they water . . . until one day Lamar’s anger and feelings of uncertainty lead him to destroy the garden.
    But through his foster mother’s love and care, Lamar discovers that just like her garden, he is wanted, he is loved, he has been planted, and he will bloom.

    Written by a licensed social worker, Planted with Love illustrates that a loving home and a loving adult can provide a safe place for any child to grow and thrive.

    9798400505904 Pharisees Wife : A Novel (Large Type)

    Pharisees Wife : A Novel (Large Type)

    From the beloved author of Love Comes Softly comes an inspiring work of historical fiction about a young Jewish woman, plucked from obscurity and thrust on a perilous journey, only to witness the world’s most life-changing story.

    Like most young women in ancient Israel, Mary has little control over her own destiny. When Enos, a rising Pharisee, sees her one day in the market–the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on–and determines to make her his wife, Mary’s fate is quickly sealed. His exorbitant bride price is the only hope her parents have of escaping abject poverty, but surely the fact that such a devout and esteemed man has chosen a girl of her station must be a sign of blessing.

    When Mary enters training to become the proper Pharisee’s wife, it is as though she has been abandoned in a foreign land, where one misstep could cost her greatly. That feeling only deepens when she discovers Enos is all she feared he might be, treating her merely as a prize he has won–and worse. Then rumors of a miracle-working, traveling Prophet change everything, and Mary and Enos are swept up in events that will challenge all they hold dear and forever alter both their futures.

    *Full-length standalone biblical fiction from the bestselling author whose novels have sold more than 30 million copies

    *For fans of historical fiction by Tessa Afshar, Mesu Andrews, and Connilyn Cossette

    *Includes discussion questions for book groups

    9781430095149 Eternity Teen Devotional

    Eternity Teen Devotional

    What Happens Next?

    Everyone who has ever lived has asked this question-and there are many answers. But which answers are trustworthy? Which answers are you willing to stake your life upon? How you answer this question impacts everything. Thankfully, God’s Word gives us answers. Compared to eternity, our time on earth is short. So, it’s wise to spend time now thinking about where we will spend forever. By looking at what will matter forever, we can know what matters today.

    In this 12-volume series, each 30-day devotional is framed by one simple word that speaks volumes about topics such as faith, relationships, identity, and culture. As they discover the depth and meaning behind each of these simple yet vital words, students will learn to walk confidently in God’s Word and live more like Jesus.?Reading through each book, students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

    *Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

    *Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

    *Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

    Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

    9781514007181 Fruitful Life : Discovering Jesus' Invitation In The Sermon On The Mount -

    Fruitful Life : Discovering Jesus’ Invitation In The Sermon On The Mount –

    Discover the Path to Spiritual Growth

    Jesus frequently used fruitfulness as a metaphor of growth and vitality in our faith. Just as a plant’s fruitfulness reveals its health, there are spiritual characteristics that reveal our own growth and vitality.

    But how do we get a life of fruitful obedience when we’re exhausted, anxious, and busy? Jesus tells and shows us the way in his most famous sermon, The Sermon on the Mount. Much more than a list of rules–we discover that it’s Jesus’ vision of a good and fruitful life.

    In their new eight-week Bible study A Fruitful Life, Ashley and Bryce Hales help readers dive deep into the Sermon on the Mount, and explore a life spent living and loving as Jesus did.

    A Fruitful Life includes:

    *Eight sessions for group or individual use that include access to video teaching.
    *Individual reflections for each day of the week for deeper study and sustained engagement.

    A Fruitful Life isn’t just about reading Scripture; it’s about fully engaging with the text and seeing how God’s Word can transform our daily lives.

    9780802434883 Disappearing Seat : A Novel

    Disappearing Seat : A Novel

    Book 2 in the Elita Brown series.

    December normally brings joy to Elita Brown’s heart with the coziness of winter and the anticipation of Christmas. But when Elita compares her life to others, her best friends seem to have it so much better. Margo hosts a fancy holiday dinner party; Joy discovers a hibernating bear on her family’s property, and Stephen shares his love of football with Joy. Even her little sister Cally has a seemingly perfect life with a special role in The Nutcracker. Every day, Elita grows more and more jealous.

    To make matters worse, the principal of Siler Middle School insists on a school-wide speech competition. Can Elita get over her fear of public speaking? How can her jealous heart heal? And where is her mentor Mrs. Burgley when she needs her most of all?

    In The Disappearing Seat, Elita discovers the secret to savoring the good gifts all around her. Through the wisdom revealed in nature and a loving spiritual mentor, Elita learns what it means to have access to the riches of God’s kingdom and how to enjoy the beautiful life God has given her. Readers will delight in what they learn about the bears, owls, and the frozen vernal ponds in the Pennsylvania forest (which all become symbols of Elita’s spiritual growth). With great discussion questions included, this book helps young readers on their journey with Jesus.

    9798887693637 100 Preguntas Mas Frecuentes S - (Spanish)

    100 Preguntas Mas Frecuentes S – (Spanish)

    Que quieres saber sobre Dios y la Biblia?

    A veces, la verdad puede ser dificil de encontrar. Vivimos en una era donde solo se necesitan unos segundos para buscar cualquier cosa que queramos saber. Pero, que tan confiables son las respuestas que obtenemos?

    Durante mas de dos decadas, S. Michael Houdmann y han despejado la confusion, respondiendo incluso las preguntas mas dificiles con claridad, gracia y amor. recibe mas de dieciseis millones de visitantes cada mes y es el recurso mas confiable y basado en la Biblia en linea. Este libro responde a cien de las preguntas mas frecuentes en el sitio de una manera compasiva, accesible y directa, cubriendo temas como:

    *La salvacion y como se supone que debemos vivir
    *El cielo y la vida despues de la muerte
    *El sexo
    *Pasajes dificiles de la Biblia
    *Los ultimos tiempos
    *Y mas

    Las personas tienen grandes preguntas, y las respuestas tienen consecuencias en el mundo real. Aqui esta la verdad biblica que todos necesitamos para entender mejor a Dios, a nosotros mismos y al mundo en el que vivimos.

    What do you want to know about God and the Bible?

    Sometimes the truth can be hard to find. We live in an age where it only takes a few seconds to look up anything we want to know. But how reliable are the answers we get?

    For more than two decades, S. Michael Houdmann and have cut through the confusion, answering even the hardest of questions with clarity, grace, and love. receives more than sixteen million visitors each month and is the most trusted, biblically grounded resource online. This book answers one hundred of the most frequently asked questions on the site in a compassionate, accessible, and straightforward manner, covering topics such as:

    *Salvation and how we’re supposed to live
    *Heaven and the afterlife
    *Difficult passages in the Bible
    *The end times

    People have big questions, and the answers have real-world consequences. Here is the biblical truth we all need to better understand God, ourselves, and the world we live in.

    9781506492094 Peg Gets Plucky

    Peg Gets Plucky

    “It’s foo far! I’m too tired! I’m too smaaaaaallll!”

    Peg the chick is bold and ready for adventure. But when she sets off on a hike with the other barnyard animals, she is quickly overwhelmed. Adventures are hard! “I can’t do it!” Peg declares. Or can she?

    In this follow-up to Jo Renfro’s story Peg Gets Crackin’, Peg follows in the footsteps of every kid who has ever gone on a hike–or a walk around the block. With a hilarious storytelling voice and adorable illustrations, Peg Gets Plucky is perfect for any kid who’s wondered if they have what it takes to keep going on an adventure.



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