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    • Letters To The Philippians Colossians And Thessalonians


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664213107ISBN10: 0664213103Editor: William BarclayBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 1975Daily Study BiblePublisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Gospel Of John


      254 Pages/John, Volume 1 (chapters 1 To 7)

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      THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, Volume 1

      “The Gospel According to Saint John is to many people the most precious book in the Bible,” says Dr. Barclay in this first of two volumes. In order to bring the tremendous wealth of this Gospel to the reader, Dr. Barclay has accompanied his unique translation of the text with a detailed commentary almost verse by verse. A comprehensive introduction presents additional material, for the author believes that “there is no book that gains so much from the background from which it emerged.” Throughout the book the deep meaning of “the spiritual gospel” and its fidelity to the inner truth of Jesus’ preaching is clearly and significantly brought home.

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    • Gospel Of John 2


      293 Pages/John, Volume 2 (chapters 8 To 21)

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      THE GOSPEL OF JOHN, Volume 2

      “The Gospel of John,” says Dr. Barclay, “is an amazing book. It can be read and loved without any commentary at all. But the more we study John, the more wealth arises out of it…. There is many a phrase in John whose greatness will not be exhausted in a lifetime, let alone in a single day.” In this volume, Dr. Barclay completes the intensive study begun in The Gospel of John, Volume 1 (covering chapters 1 to 7). His commentary brings to the reader a sharpened perception of the meaning of this Gospel in a new and personal way.

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    • Gospel Of Matthew 2 (Revised)


      378 Pages/Matthew, Volume 2 (chapters 11 To 28)

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      Do you know why the region of Caesarea Philippi was an especially appropriate place for Jesus to ask the tremendous question “And you-who do you say that I am?” Are you satisfied about the meaning of “You are Peter, and on this rock…”? Dr. Barclay clarifies these and many other interesting and perplexing matters in this second volume of The Gospel of Matthew. As usual in the series, the “lessons” are arranged for daily reading. The text comes first in Dr. Barclay’s own translation, followed in each case by his commentary.

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    • Gospel Of Mark (Revised)


      371 Pages/Mark (16 Chapters)

      Additional Info

      “When we study the Gospel According to Saint Mark,” declares Dr. Barclay, “we study the most important book in the New Testament, for in it we have the first life of Jesus ever to be written,” the one on which all other accounts are based. In his introduction, Dr. Barclay explains why the first three Gospels are called synoptic, how they came to be written, and how scholars have concluded that Mark was the first. Touching on Mark’s own life, he discusses the rift that Mark occasioned between Paul and Barnabas, Mark’s sources of information about Jesus, the characteristics of his Gospel writing, and the mystery of the “lost ending.”

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    • Basic Principles Of Biblical Counseling


      “The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative lives.” “If we are to hope for success in such immense and seriously neglected responsibility, pastors need to return to the biblical model not of ministering to their people but of equipping their people to minister to each other by using their spiritual gifts.” “Congregations need to regain that wonderful sense of ‘koinonia’ fellowship and pro practice true community.”

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    • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 2


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

      Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

      The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

      TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

      This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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    • Now That Youre A Deacon


      1. Understand Your Work As A Deacon
      2. Serve As Partner With Your Pastor
      3. Translate Qualifications Into Service
      4. Sharpen Your Skills For Deacon Service
      5. Become A Caring Witness
      6. Support Your Church And Denomination
      7. Grow As A Christian Steward
      8. Magnify Christ In Your Home
      9. Know The How And Why Of Deacon Work

      133 Pages

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      From the publisher: A combination of practical guidance and inspiration on character, relationship to church and pastor, stewardship, missions and more.

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    • Worship In The Early Church A Print On Demand Title


      The first Christians included several elements in their tributes to God, reflecting their Jewish heritage and their belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Martin examines the aspects of early Christian worship—prayers and praises, singing, creeds and confessions, preaching, offerings, and sacraments—to foster renewed interest in the life and worship of today’s churches.

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    • New Testament Era



      I. Judah Under Persian Rule, 539-332 B.C.
      1. The Iranian Sphere Of Influence
      2. The Early Achaemenids
      A. Cyrus, Darius I, Xerxes, And Artaxerxes I
      B. Ezra And Nehemiah In Jerusalem
      C. Judaism In The Persian Empire
      3. The Late Achaemenids
      A. The General Situation
      B. The Samaritan Schism
      C. The Last Perisan Wars
      D. The Effects Of Persian Rule On Judaism

      II. Judea Under Hellenistic Rule
      1. The Hellenistic Sphere Or Influence
      A. Alexander’s Campaign
      B. Hellenism
      C. Diadochi And Epigoni
      2. Egyptian Hegemony
      A. Ptolemy I-III And The Rise Of Egypt
      B. Jerusalem Under The Ptolemies
      C. Ptolemy IV, Ptolemy V, And The Decline Of Egypt
      3. Syrian Hegemony
      A. Antiochus III, Seleucus IV, And Antiochus IV
      B. Religious Oppression
      C. Maccabeus, Jonathan, And Simon

      III. The Hasmonean Rule
      1. Rule By High Priests
      A. Simon As High Priest
      B. Hyrcanus I
      2. Kings
      A. Aristobulus I
      B. Janneus
      C. Alexandra, Hyrcanus II, And Aristobulus II

      IV. Palestine Under Rome And Herod
      1. The Roman Sphere Of Influence
      A. The Rise Of Rome As A World Power
      B. Pompey Occupies Palestine
      2. Triumvirs, Antipater, And Herod
      A. Antipater
      B. Herod I
      C. The Date Of Jesus’ Birth

      V. Palenstine At The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
      1. The Division Of Herod’s Kingdom
      2. Galilee-Perea And Northern Trans-Jordan At The Time Of Jesus
      A. Antipas’ Two Territories
      B. Jesus’ Homeland
      C. The Synagogues
      D. The Reign Of Antipas
      E. The Land And Rule Of Philip
      3. Judea And Samaria In The Time Of Jesus And The Primitive Church
      A. The Two Territories Of Archelaus
      B. The Reign Of Archelaus
      C. The Establishment Of The First Procuratorship
      D. Roman Government
      E. The Jewish Administration
      F. The High Council
      G. Sadducees And Pharisees
      H. Priests And Essenes
      I. Pilate, Golgotha, The Primitive Church
      4. Palestine In The Time Of James And Paul
      A. Agrippa I As King Of Judea
      B. The Second Procuratorship, The Zealot Movement, And The Church

      VI. The Roman Empire In The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
      1. The Empire, The Jews, And The Christians
      2. Augustus And Tiberius
      A. Augustus’ System Of Government
      B. The Provinces Under Augustus And Afterward
      C. The Status Quo Under Tiberius
      3. Caligula, Claudius, And Nero
      A. Disappointment Under Caligula
      B. Developments Under Claudius
      C. Disintegration Under Nero

      VII. The Roman Empire In The Subapostolic Period
      1. The Jewish War And The Civil Wars
      A. The First Jewish War
      B. The Roma

      Additional Info
      This volume by an internationally know New Testament scholar and historian offers a concise history of the complex and often obscure period, from the Jewish exile to the completion of the New Testament writings and the onset of the age of martyrs, which was of such crucial significance for Judaism and Christianity. The author’s attention is concentrated on the political, social and religious factors in this period. Beginning with the period in which Judea was under Persian rule, from which much of the religion and cultural heritage of Judaism derives, the author goes on to describe the process of hellenization that occurred after the conquest of Alexander the Great when Persian rule came to an end. The major portion of the book is devoted to the New Testament era proper, when Palestine was under Roman domination. Finally, the author traces the events which led to the ultimate divorce of Christianity and Judaism.

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    • Religions Of America


      This fascinating new book reflects the results of the turmoil and change in the religions of America since Leo Rosten first wrote about them.

      The first section consists of nineteen articles by distinguished men, each one a recognized authority on the creed for which he speaks, setting forth the clear and candid stories of our own faiths and those of our neighbors. All religions are covered, from the major established groups to the “charismatic” cults. There are also chapters about the agnostic, the non-churchgoer and what he believes, and the scientist. A multitude of questions are raised and answered, such as: What percent of ministers profess they no longer believe in God? In which leading church can homosexuals be married? How many priests condone birth control devices? Abortions? Which faiths feel what way about intermarriage? Divorce? Have churches that participated in social activism in the 1960s gained or lost in their membership and their finances? Have the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches significantly changed their 400-year-old schism?

      Part Two is the Almanac, a massive compendium that is more complete and far-ranging than any other existing one, with the statistics, public opinion polls, basic documents, sociological resumes and psychological analyses of the role, conflicts, influences and trends that characterize religion in the United States today. These basic authoritative facts and figures are accompanied by the author’s own essays and comments on material that is rarely subjected to critical examination. There is also a Glossary of religious terminology.

      Those familiar with Leo Rosten’s A Guide to the Religions of America (1955) and his Religions in America (1963) need not be told of the extraordinary reception both volumes received from the reviewers and the public. They were acclaimed by theologians of all faiths. Each book sold hundreds of thousands of copies. But this new Religions of America renders those two volumes entirely out of date. There is no other book even remotely comparable to it.

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    • Books Of The Prophet Jeremiah Chapters 26-52


      Continues the commentary, discussing the composition of the book and giving an outline of its dominant themes.

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    • Christian Looks At Himself A Print On Demand Title


      What kind of self-image should Christians have? Should they see themselves primarily as unworthy sinners before a holy God?

      The biblical view, Anthony A. Hoekema argues in this brief and readable study, is that man, having been made in God’s own image, was the capstone of God’s creation. Even when he fell, God considered him of such worth that he gave up his only Son to redeem him. And in Christ, as Paul makes plain, men are made into new creatures. This does not mean that the redeemed live a life of sinless perfection; it does mean that what is most distinctive about them is the new life they have in Christ. And this new life entitles Christians to a self-image which is essentially positive.

      But accepting the biblical view of their worth can be difficult for Christians burdened with feelings of guilt. How can such Christians learn to see themselves in a better light? And how can others in the Christian community – preachers, counselors, teachers, parents – help fellow members to attain the positive self-image that is essential to the Christian faith? Part Two of The Christian Looks at Himself offers concrete answers to these questions and in doing so points up the social dimension of being in Christ. As the Christian accepts himself as a creature made new in Christ, so in love he must also fully accept fellow Christians as recreated in that same Christ.

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    • Holy Scripture A Print On Demand Title


      In this series rooted in the normative significance of Scripture, noted Dutch theologian G. C. Berkouwer examines great doctrines of the Reformed faith, developing and defending Reformed theology through interaction with a wide range of theologies and theologians. Berkouwer treats a broad range of topics related to the doctrine of Scripture, including the testimony of the Spirit, Holy Scripture as canon, the doctrine of inspiration, and the authority and interpretation of scripture.

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    • Poder De La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      Carothers brings to the reader an extraordinary way to face circumstances that seem hopeless.

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    • Como Vencer La Depresion – (Spanish)


      The problem of depression has provoked an alarming crisis in our society. Dr. La Haye presents a new method to have victory over this problem and writes about the causes of depression and also about the cure.

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    • De La Prison A La Alabanza – (Spanish)


      This is a surprising personal revelation of an attitude of gratitude toward God “in all things” no matter the cost or circumstances. The concept of chaplain Carothers is of praising God in all aspects of life. This book will lead the readers to evaluate their priorities in life.

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    • Real Satan : From Biblical Times To The Present


      James Kallas presents the real Satan by examining who Satan is in both Old and New Testaments.

      Many will want to scoff at the idea that Satan exists at all, precisely because their image of Satan is relegated to the ways in which he is depicted, particularly in the New Testament. There, Satan’s presence caused people to be blind, deaf, lame, as well as to foam at the mouth, scream out obscenities, and roll in the fire.

      Others will take Satan’s power too seriously by making too much of his power, as if Satan is even more powerful than Jesus Christ.

      James Kallas presents a balanced study of the ways in which Satan is manifest in such contemporary places and activities as drug and alcohol abuse, atheism, and in satanic worship.

      The Real Satan uniquely and seriously addresses Satan’s presence and power, yet with even more seriousness this book points to the assurance that Jesus Christ is victorious over Satan and all evil powers.

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    • Reality Of The Gospel And The Unreality Of The Churches


      Writing simply for ordinary Christians “who must decide, in the long run, what will become of the churches,” Douglas John Hall offers a prescription for their survival.

      His belief is that the gospel is entirely pertinent to the problematic of our times, but an atmosphere of frustration prevails in places where Christian faith is taken seriously. Sensitive Christians experience a new openness to the basic elements of faith on the part of many “secular” persons. At the same time, there is the conflicting experience of an emptiness, an absence of reality in the churches.

      Reflecting on these two conflicting experiences, he asks: What lies behind the new appreciation for the worldly realism of the gospel? Why, at the very moment when the gospel begins to seem almost real again, does so much about the churches seem unreal? Can the churches be swept up into the reality of the gospel? What would it mean for the churches to be subjected to the scrutiny of a gospel which is ready for new dialogue with the contemporary world?

      His solution is that the churches can participate in the reality of the gospel only if they “disestablish” themselves. He indicates how they can do this by deliberately dissociating their witnesses and practices from the official optimism of our society.

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    • Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus


      If there’s anything you want to know about first-century Jerusalem, you’ll find it here! Jeremias discusses industries, commerce, foreign influence, economic classes, social status, and much more. His wide range of sources include Talmudic material, Josephus, Philo, Qumranic material, and recent archaeological information.

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    • Man In Demand (Teacher’s Guide)


      Harvest House Print On Demand Title

      Gives word-for-word class instruction, together with directions for special demonstrations, activities, object lessons, and skits. “Man in Demand” leads students from practical instruction in everyday concerns to spiritual instruction based on the needs of their age group.

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    • Man In Demand (Student/Study Guide)


      Harvest House Print On Demand Title

      This personal program shows that true manliness requires development of moral and spiritual as well as physical and social strength. Illustrated with cartoons, quizzes, charts, self-inventories, diagrams, and spritual challenges. Saddlestitch. “Man in Demand” has been used by many homeschool families to teach their sons good manners and Godly behavior. Includes guidelines for grooming, dress, politeness, conversation skills, and spiritual growth. This book will help your children integrate inner beauty with outer beauty. Geared for junior and senior high boys; step-by-step instruction.

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    • Interpretation Of Saint Johns Revelation


      SKU (ISBN): 9780806690001ISBN10: 0806690003Richard LenskiBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1975Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Night Preacher : The Story Of Meno Simons


      The author tells of Menno Simons, a Catholic priest who become an Anabaptist in the 1500s. The story of what happened as Menno went about preaching is seen through the eyes of his children, Bettje and jan. This story is one of suspense, action, and constant danger that Menno would be arrested. It tells how people lived in those days and how people began to read and study the Bible. It was the days of what we now know as the Reformation.

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    • Suffering


      A valuable contribution to the literature of theology and ethics, combining in a fascinating way biblical, theological, pastoral, and socioethic themes…The study is of immense value because it identifies the modern idolatry that views suffering as absurd and devoid of meaning…The book is marvelous exercise in cultural self-analysis that is prelimanary to any meaningful exorcism and redirection.

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    • Reflections On The Crucifixion


      Reflections On The Crucifixion is a Service of Tenebrae, written for either one hour or three hours, reflecting the thoughts and feelings of Jesus’ disciples on that original Good Friday.

      Reflections On The Crucifixion is taken from Dr. Orso’s successful book, As We Love and Forgive. The tenebrae provides a lot of congregational participation and is a moving worship experience for every congregation.

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    • Secret Church : The Story Of The Anabaptists


      The author recounts the story of the Anabaptists during the Reformation. The main characters are two teenage girl whose mother is dead and whose father is the most hated man in the community. This story is about their involvement in a church considered heretical.

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    • Overcoming Worry And Fear


      This simply-written book offers practical techniques for relaxing feelings of worry and fear and taking problems in easy stride. We have worries and fears partly because we have been trained to be afraid. Under stressful conditions, this training takes over. In easy-to-understand terms, Paul Hauck explains the Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) appraoch used in this book–that our fears and worries are generated by our irrational beliefs.

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    • Lost Books Of The Bible And The Forgotten Books Of Eden


      Suppressed by the early Church fathers who compiled the Bible, these Apocrypal Books have for centuries been shrouded in silence. Now, for the first time in paperbound book, the reader can discover the hidden beauties of the Lost Books. To be found in this volume are the Apostles’ Creed, the Psalms and Odes of Solomon, and other Apocrypal writings that have become part of our religious heritage. The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, of Adam and Eve, of the girlhood and betrothal of Mary, of the childhood of Jesus, are here in all warmth, intimacy, and humanity of their first telling. –

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    • Story Of American Methodism


      This comprehensive one-volume history of American Methodism, the first in many years, trace sthe development of a new church in a new nation from its new beginnings with the Wesleys in England to the changes and challenges of later twentieth-century America. Th includes–as no other Methodist history has done so far–the story of Evangelical United Brethren Church as part of Methodism. The cultural and religious pluralism of the country today: Black Methodism, the cotnribution of women, the theological trends across 200 years–all emerge in clear detail. The story of the various branches of Methodism is followed through the years.

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    • Isaiah 13-39 : A Commentary


      Internationally renowned scholar Brevard Childs writes on what is arguably the Old Testament’s most important theological book-Isaiah. Childs provides a fresh translation from the original Hebrew and discusses questions of text, language, historical background, and literary architecture. His critically informed, theological interpretaion of the text provides a creative and reading of Isaiah.

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    • Human Liberation In A Feminist Perspective


      Today, women are joining other oppressed groups in a search for liberation. Human Liberation in a Feminist Perspective–A Theology
      is an attempt to wrestle with this challenge by making a contribution to the Christian understanding of human liberation from the feminist perspective.

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    • Escalera De La Predicacion – (Spanish)


      The biggest problem beginning ministers face is acquiring the right technique to do their work right. This resource will help you carry the important task of preaching the Gospel.

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    • Thomas Merton Reader (Revised)


      This edition brings us Thomas Merton is all his aspects: spiritual writer, poet, peacemaker, man among men, servant of God — a one-volume synopsis of his quest for truth, drawn not only from his major works but from his lesser-known writings as well.

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    • Philippians Everymans Bible Commentary


      It seems unlikely that a chained prisoner would write a paper on triumph, but in his letter to the Philippian believers, the apostle Paul did exactly that.

      John F. Walvoord’s refreshing analysis of this popular New Testament epistle combines an unusually fascinating style with a careful exegesis of the original Greek text. After discussing the epistle’s authorship, date, character, and relevance to modern Christianity, Walvoord moves to a consideration of prominent phrases in the Pauline writings. Additionally, cross-references and historical background help to explain the text to the layman or student.

      Learn how the principles expressed by the apostle Paul can help Christians today to consistently experience peace in Christ.

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    • Baptism And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit


      1. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Charismatic Christianity
      2. The Baptism Of The Spirit Misunderstood
      3. The Baptism Of The Spirit In The Gospels
      4. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Pentecost And At Samaria
      5. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Caesarea And Ephesus
      6. The Baptism Of The Spirit In I Corinthians, Romans, And Galatians
      7. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Ephesians, Colossians, And I Peter
      8. The Baptism Of The Spirit And The Gifts Of The Spirit
      9. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Power
      189 Pages

      Additional Info
      The charismatic movement, with its emphasis on Spirit baptism and the manifestation gifts of the Spirit, become one of the most prominent features of twentieth-century Christianity.

      Dr. Unger traces the doctrine of the baptism of the Spirit through the New Testament. In the final two chapters he puts the doctrine into its proper place with respect to spiritual gifts and the experiences of the Holy Sprit’s power for Christian living.

      Since a great danger of the charismatic movement lies in its understanding of the nature of Christian maturity, Dr. Unger points out that true maturity is achieved only in day-by-day obedience, Bible study, and prayer.

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    • Stuart Little : 60th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      A paperback edition of E.B. White’s classic novel about one small mouse on a very big adventure! With black and white illustrations.
      Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he’s shy and thoughtful, he’s also a true lover of adventure.
      Stuart’s greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend?

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    • Katy And The Big Snow


      Katy is a big bulldozer that plows in the summer when it’s nice out, and plows snow in the winter. But when winter comes and there isn’t much snow, all the other plows are put to use and Katy is kept in. Until one day, a great snowstorm hits and everyone in the town, including all the other snow plows, are stranded! Now, it’s up to Katy and her “chug, chug, chug” endurance to get the town moving again. Includes snowy stickers to decorate the story!

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    • Where The Red Fern Grows (DVD)


      Where the Red Fern Grows is a timeless and poignant coming-of-age story you won’t forget. Set in the Ozark Mountains during the Great Depression, the film follows Billy Coleman, who works hard to save his earnings to achieve his dream of buying two redbone hound dogs. Billy’s grandfather (James Whitmore) promises him God will meet him halfway if he believes in himself and his beloved dogs. When Billy’s pups finally arrive, he christens them Old Dan and Little Ann, and the trio become inseparable as they roam the river bottoms of the Ozarks in search of the elusive ghost raccoon.

      In this unforgettable classic film every family should own, Billy realizes the meaning of true friendship, loyalty, and sorrow. Based on the novel by Wilson Rawls, Where the Red Fern Grows is a story for all ages, and for all time. Also available on DVD from Bridgestone Multimedia Group are Where the Red Fern Grows: Part 2 and Where the Red Fern Grows: Two DVD Set.

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    • Book Of Exodus


      Taking a pioneering approach to commentary writing, Brevard Childs gives an entirely original treatment to the book of Exodus. Apart from the philological notes and translation, this commentary includes a form-critical section, looking at the growth of the tradition in its previous stages; a consideration of the meaning of the text in its present form; and a consideration of its meaning in its total Old Testament context.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Lausanne 1974 Ralph D. Winters Writings With Responses


      Lausanne ’74 chronicles Ralph D. Winter’s impact on North American mission efforts. Some would expand that globally. Many see his presentation at the Lausanne Congress as the starting point-or tipping point-of that impact. Certainly, the Lausanne stage helped catapult the idea of the “unreached” into mission planning and board rooms around the world. This book puts together Winter’s thinking leading up to and including that July day in Lausanne Switzerland and seeks to show how Winter’s own presentation impacted his work and future. It also attempts to demonstrate how the ideas were and are understood, and how they impacted our strategy for Kingdom service today. This book is a foundational reference for understanding strategic mission considerations, now and in the future.

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    • Thunderstorm In Church


      Martin Luther’s son has a problem. What should young Hans Luther do when he grows up? How can he ever do anything important when he is constantly overshadowed by his famous father? Hans struggles with his Latin lessons. He fights with a peasant boy in the marketplace, listens to the wise advice of his Aunt Lena, observes his father lecturing to university students. Hans plays with his brothers, little Martin and Paul, and has thoughtful conversations with Lenchen, his sister. Gradually he discovers who he is and how God wants him to live. Through Hans’ eyes you will learn to know Martin Luther – not only as the great Reformer/Preacher, but also as a father with a sense of humor and as a friend.

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    • Overcoming Frustration And Anger


      How do you handle frustration? With irritation, anger, hostility, rage? By blaming the person or event bothering you? If so, your reaction will backfire and make you ill, prevent you from handling the problem at hand, and make you an unhappy person. This book shows you a better way to manage frustration and anger.

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    • Biblical Ethics : Ethics For Happier Living


      SKU (ISBN): 9780892650149ISBN10: 0892650141F. Leroy ForlinesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1973Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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    • Bible And Future Events


      This complete and compact reference volume to the future events of the world is an excellent introductory text for school, church, or personal use. The first two chapters of the book are given to introduction — presenting the key concepts and establishing the importance of prophetic study, a detailed and chronological list of eschatological events, and a complete definition of terminology. Following in seven successive chapters, the author considers each of the major eschatological events of the Bible, including: – The Rapture – The Great Tribulation – The Antichrist – Israel in the Tribulation – The Close of the Tribulation – The Millennium — The author enhances his study with a thorough, up-to-date bibliography and informative footnotes.

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    • Book Of The Prophet Isaiah 1-39


      Comments on the oracles of a prophet who lived in the closing half of the 8th century B. C. and whose interest in contemporary politics and international affairs was the product of his faith in the Holy God, who rules in and over all history.

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    • Practicing His Presence


      110 Pages/29 Chapters

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      Practicing the Presence of God

      If you wish to know your Lord in a deeper way, you are invited to join the vast host of Christians who, over three centuries, have turned to this book more than any other–except the Scriptures–in order to begin that journey to the depths of Christ.

      Imagine a book that is 300 years old and has never been out of print! Such is the book you hold in your hands. Other than Pilgrim’s Progress, there is probably no other piece of Christian literature that has stood the test of the centuries so well. An estimated 22 million copies of the original The Practice of the Presence of God have been printed in the English language alone. In recent years, however, interest in this book has waned as the original English edition became so outdated that it was virtually unreadable. The publishers have now revised and reissued this book under the title Practicing His Presence and the profundity, depth, and beauty of Brother Lawrence’s masterpiece lives again!

      We have included in this edition, not only the letters of Brother Lawrence–from the 17th century–but also those of Frank Laubach–from the 20th century–who, like Brother Lawrence before him, wrote a series of letters chronicling his experiences in practicing the presence of Jesus Christ.

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    • Handbook For Deacons


      SKU (ISBN): 9780892650118ISBN10: 0892650117J. D. O’DonnellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1973Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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    • Genesis : A Commentary (Revised)


      This volume, a part of the Old Testament Library series, explores the book of Genesis.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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    • Message Of The New Testament


      This is a companion volume to H.L. Ellison’s The Message of the Old Testament. It is a book that can be understood by the beginning Bible student and still be valuable for those who have studied the Scriptures for years. F.F. Bruce begins with Mark – and proceeds to the earlier epistles, the prison epistles, the pastoral epistles, Luke and Acts, Hebrews, Matthew, the general epistles, Revelation, and finally the Johannine epistles and gospel. He looks at the distinctive contribution of each book or group of books. The contents are: This was the Son of God, It is God who Justifies, The Eternal Purpose, God’s Firm Foundation Stands, A Faith for the World, Jesus Christ the Teacher, Unchanging and Onward-Moving, This is the Victory, The Church in the World, and The Word Became Flesh. Contains brief bibliography and subject index.

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