Showing 47301–47350 of 48684 resultsSorted by latest
Ezra Nehemiah And Esther (Student/Study Guide)
$12.48Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.
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Called To Care
$30.00Treating the whole of Scripture, Robert Kysar forges the connections between the practice of social ministry and the biblical images undergirding and motivating that ministry. Social ministry is more than charity: It wrestles with the very structures and systems that deprive and oppress. This book examines not only the usual “justice” texts but also those that seem to counter this position and shows how the Bible addresses practical, contemporary concerns and fears.
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Thus Says The Lord
$31.99This is a comprehensive and astute interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel. Ward interprets the whole of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets, placing the religious/theological message of these prophets into its most probable historical context. But he also deals with the socioeconomic world of Israael’s prophets, so that readers are able to confront the message, the ideas, of the prophets in relation to the larger realities through which the people and the prophets were living.
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Disinheriting The Jews
$45.00Disinheriting the Jews is a scholarly work of great interest and significance for both Christians and Jews. Jeffery Siker shows how strongly the figure of Abraham has shaped our religious identities. He also uses the portrayals of Abraham by early Christians as a new means of understanding the dynamics involved in the church’s separation and estrangement from Judaism. Siker argues that the separation was precipitated by historical contingencies more so than by Christian identity, and in so doing suggests self-corrections that could mend the rift between Christianity and Judaism.
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Women In The Earliest Churches (Reprinted)
$85.32This book examines the roles and functions that women assumed in the early Christian communities from AD 33 to the Council of Nicaea. It surveys, too, the views about women held by various New Testament authors including Paul and the Evangelists.
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Theology Of The Second Letter To The Corinthians
$95.98The resonances in the dialogue of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians are difficult to detect unless the reader has some knowledge of the social, religious, and economic situation of the community to which the apostle was writing. In this lucid and clear survey, Father Murphy-O’Connor attempts to provide such background information, which he integrates skillfully into a flowing exposition of Paul’s thought. St. Paul’s theology thus comes to life as the complex interplay of factors that prompted him to write as he did to the Corinthians are examined and explored. In addition to providing a particularly accessible picture of the distinctive theological contribution made by 2 Corinthians, the author’s book prompts new insights into the relation of Christ to the ministry of the Church.
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Theology Of The Johannine Epistles
$46.65The Johannine Epistles have long been recognized as contributing a vital element to the theology of the New Testament. Usually it is to the Gospel that the reader turns first in order to explore that contribution; the First Epistle is treated as a supplement, while 2 and 3 John–because of their brevity–receive little attention. This book allows the Epistles to speak for themselves, and shows that they sound a distinctive note within Johannine theology, in particular, and the thought of the New Testament, in general. Dr. Lieu carefully outlines their most important theological themes which, when understood in their original setting, are seen to have rich potential for the continuing theology of the Church.
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Ezekiel : A New Heart
$27.99The prophet Ezekiel speaks passionately of God’s fidelity even in the face of his people’s infidelity, defending the destruction of Jerusalem as God’s judgment while promising a new experience of the divine presence that will bring with it “a new heart” for God’s people. Bruce Vawter and Leslie J. Hoppe illuminate the profound theological themes of Ezekiel, making him accessible to people today by stressing his proclamations of judgment and salvation as vital words for the people of God in every age.
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Matters Of Life And Death
$30.00Using a bioethical approach, John Cobb Jr. tackles some of the most controversial issues facing society and the church today–something theologians have often failed to do in the past. His four major topics are animal well-being, death with dignity, the moral status of the fetus, and sexual activity outside of marriage.
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Abiding Astonishment : Psalms Modernity And The Making Of History
$22.00This examination of the “Psalms of Historical Recital” reviews this portion of Scripture’s social-political intention and function. Focusing on Psalms 78, 105, 106, and 136, Walter Brueggemann considers these psalms on their own terms and then takes up two issues that move in opposite interpretive directions: the Psalms in relation to the historical writing of modernity and the Psalms in relation to the voices of marginality. Brueggemann attempts to enter Israel’s past as that past is experienced, voiced, and advocated in the Psalms both as liberating affirmation and as controlling censure. Contains notes, bibliography and indices. Walter Brueggemann is Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.
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Christian Faith
$48.33Preface To The Translation
Introduction To The English Edition By Garrett E. Paul
Foreword By Marta Troeltsch
Prefatory Remarks By Gertrud Von Le FortINTRODUCTION AND PRIOR QUESTIONS
1.The Concept Of Glaubenslehre And The Task Of The Dogmatic System In Relation To The Principles Of The Philosophy Of Religion
2.The Sources Of The System
3.Revelation And Faith
4.Faith And Knowledge, Theology And Philosophy
5.The Christian Principle And The Organization Of GlaubenslehrePART ONE: JESUS CHRIST AS THE OBJECT OF FAITH
6.Faith And History
7.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Israelite Prophetism
8.The Significance Of Jesus For Faith
9.The Religious Significance Of The History Of Christianity As The Development Of Revelation
10.The Doctrine Of The Trinity As The Link Between The Historical And The Religious Elements In ChristianityPART TWO
1. The Christian Concept Of God
11.The Place Of The Concept Of God In The System
12.God As Will And Essence
13.The Holiness Of God
14.God As Love2. The Christian Concept Of The World
15.The Place Of The Concept Of The World In The System
16.The Concept Of Creation
17.The Divine World-Governance
18.The Inner Life Of God, Or Miracle3. The Christian Concept Of The Soul
19.The Place Of Anthropology In The System
20.The Infinite Value Of The Soul
21.The Image Of God
22.Original Sin
23.The Religious Vision Of History: The Struggle Between The Good And Evil Principles In The History Of The Human Race4. The Christian Concept Of Redemption
24.The Place Of The Concept Of Redemption In The System
25.Development And Redemption
26.Redemption From Sin, Guilt, And Moral Impotence
27.The Character Of Redemption As A Whole: Grace And Rebirth
28.The Connection Between Redemption And The Historical Personality Of Jesus Christ, And The Accomplishment Of Redemption Through The Work Of The Holy Spirit5. The Christian Doctrine Of Religious Community (Fragment)
29.Religious Community, Or The Kingdom Of God
30.The Church
31.The Word As The Means Of Grace
32.The Sacraments And The Cultus
33.The Task Of Missions6. The Consummation (Fragment)
34.The Place Of Eschatology In The System
35.The Essence Of The Consummation
36.The Universality And Particularity Of GraceIndex
Additional Info
The first English translation of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre. The first attempt to do systematic theology from a deep Christian commitment with full awareness of Christianity’s social and historical relativity.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Reformed And Feminist
$30.00Can one be a feminist and still remain true to the Reformer’s cry of “sola Scriptura” and Calvin’s Institutes? Part autobiography, part exposition, part theology, this title challenges the church to be more inclusive of women and find roles and functions to take advantage of their newly won equality.
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Jesus Christ In Modern Thought
$26.00‘An important and significant book, which provides a clear, critical and comprehensive analysis of the history of Christology and a balanced and compelling argument for one approach which should help make the classical creeds more intelligible and the idea of the incarnation more probable in a secular culture.
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God With Us A Print On Demand Title
$39.99“God’s dynamic initiative” is the main theme of biblical testimony, says Christoph Barth. Here he expounds the message of the Old Testament in a manner that is faithful to the Old Testament itself – as an account of the mighty acts of God rather than a series of abstract doctrines.
A theology of the Old Testament is not simply a study of God, however. Old Testament theology also encompasses teaching about the world and humanity, about life and death, about origin, nature, and destiny. And Old Testament theology must also take into account the New Testament, which confirms what is announced in Israel’s Scripture and thus is part of it.
Barth elucidates the importance of the Old Testament for the New Testament and hence for Christians, surveys God’s redemptive acts as recorded in the confessional summaries of history in the Old and New Testaments, and offers contemporary applications of these biblical themes.
Working his way through the Old Testament, Barth treats nine key topics, each of which deals with one of the divine acts that are the essential subject matter of Israel’s Scripture: creation, election of the patriarchs, exodus, wilderness wandering, Sinai revelation, gift of Canaan, election of David (kingship), election of Jerusalem and sending of prophets. He has divided each of the nine chapters into sections on one main aspect of the topic, considering theological, anthropological, soteriological, and eschatological points as well. Throughout his examination of each theme Barth pays special attention to its scriptural context.
God With Us is an excellent textbook for introductory or survey courses in the Old Testament: each section begins with a thesis statement, summarizing its contents, and details are treated in small-print sections.
Barth originally wrote his Old Testament theology in Indonesian and later rewrote the entire book in English; Geoffrey Bromiley has condensed the original four volumes in this edition.
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Behind The Masks
$28.00A leading pastoral counselor describes in everyday language eight common personality disorders that result in destructive religious behavior. Dr. Oates discusses how the Christian faith can ”unmask” disorders so the real person can emerge. Recommended for pastoral counselors.
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City Of God City Of Satan
$26.99Why is the city a battleground of hostile principalities and powers? What is the mission of the church in the city? How can the church be supported in accomplishing that mission? These are the questions that Robert Linthicum treats in his comprehensive and probing biblical theology of the city. In the Bible the city is depicted both as a dwelling place of God and his people and as a center of power for Satan and his minions. The city is one primary stage on which the drama of salvation is played out. And that is no less the case at the end of this pivotal century as megacities become the focal point of most human activity and aspirations around the world. This is a timely theology of the city that weaves the theological images of the Bible and the social realities of the contemporary world into a revealing tapestry of truths about the urban experience. Its purpose is to define clearly the mission of the church in the midst of the urban realities and to support well the work of the church in the urban world.
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Conflict In Luke
$36.66Intertwined with Luke’s story of Jesus are two other story lines – the story of the authorities, who come into conflict with Jesus over the crucial issue of whom God has chosen to rule Israel, and the story of the disciples, who are both loyal and uncomprehending. Kingsbury leads the reader into the dramatic narrative of Luke’s Gospel by tracing and interpreting all three stories. An introductory chapter provides orientation to basic features of literary analysis.
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Works Of John Wesley 20
$77.99This is the third volume of Wesley’s Journal to appear in the critical edition from the period of The Works of John Wesley. Covering the period from late 1743 through 1754, it contains four “Extracts” from Wesley’s Journal (6-9) which documents in Wesley’s own words, an important period of expansion and organization in the Wesleyan revival.
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From Father To Son
$40.00The family narratives in the book of Genesis are important in understanding the meaning of the book and are fundamental to the unfolding story of the birth of the Israelite nation. Devora Steinmetz sees kinship in ancient narratives as a symbolic structure representing the ability of the emerging culture to survive despite conflict that threatened society’s existence. The family narratives in Genesis reflect a culture’s capacity to survive as a united people.
The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.
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Guide To Prayer For Ministers And Other Servants
$19.99A bestseller for nearly two decades! You’ll like the way this classic devotional and prayer book arranges material thematically for each week of the year. Stay grounded in the Lord through daily invocations, Scripture readings, reflections, prayers, hymns, benedictions, and psalms. Includes themes and schedules for 12 personal retreats.
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Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechisms (Revised)
$11.3322 Chapters
Additional Info
THINK – how much Our Lord must have loved me to
suffer those nails, those thorns, those bleeding wounds,
such humiliations, such heartbreak. Think about this for
at least a minute.
New and modern format and design
Explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features.
Combines modern outlook and language with a solid time-tested exposition of the teaching of the Church.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Continuing Voice Of Jesus
$50.00Here, M. Eugene Boring traces the role that early Christian prophets played in the transmission of sayings of Jesus and in the way these sayings were taken up into the canonical Gospels. He also examines Jesus’ sayings to uncover the imprint that any might bear of having been handed on by early Christian prophets. Convincingly, he shows that early Christian prophets re-presented authentic sayings of Jesus, or modified Jesus’ sayings, or even uttered new sayings in the name of the exalted Jesus. Clearly written and closely reasoned, this book sheds light on a much neglected area of Gospel research.
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Conflict At Rome
$36.66Utilizing archeological evidence and an analysis of two early Christian texts related to the church at Rome, James S. Jeffers offers a penetrating glimpse into the economic, social, and theological tensions of early Roman Christianity. Clement and the Shepherd of Hermas are shown to represent two decidedly conflicting conceptions of Christianity and hierarchy: Clement represents the social elite and a more structured approach to church organization, and Hermas displays a tendency toward sectarianism. Photographs and line drawings illustrate archeological evidence.
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Secret Communion With God
$16.99Introduction By Sherwood Wirt
Note To The Reader
Discourse I. How To Begin Every Day With God
Discourse II. How To Spend The Day With God
Discourse III. How To CLose The Day With God P. 81Additional Info
As Matthew Henry himself says,”Great is the mystery of serious godliness”; and it is the cultivation of godliness that makes up the burden of this book. The person who reads Matthew Henry without seeking to seriously examine his personal devotional life would be hard to find.
As the reader persuses the pages of this classic look at what is involved in a daily walk with God, he will encounter such pity thoughts as these: “If ever we be good for anything, it is in the morning.”
“The conclusion of every day should put us in mind of the conclusion of all our days.” “God is more willing to be prayed to, and more ready to hear prayer, than we are to pray.” “Those that touch the top of the golden scepter must be ready to tell what is their petition and what is their request.”
“God understands the language of the heart.” “Let us lie down in peace with all men.” In the secret of Communion with God, Henry tells us how to: Begin the Day with God, Spend the Day with God, Close the Day with God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Exodus : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching
$52.00This new volume in the helpful Interpretation series competently steers preachers and teachers through theological and literary difficulties in the second book of Moses. Fretheim begins by reviewing issues of faith and history, drawing out ways in which the Hebrew story of redemption can be applied to modern Christian experience. In his commentary, he pays special attention to the significance of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, the relationship between law and narrative, and the shaping of literature by liturgy.
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Bold As A Lamb
$18.99You cannot understand China without meeting heroes like Samuel Lamb! In an age when secularism and materialism numb the human spirit, China’s amazing Christians demonstrate the power of living faith. In 1950 China’s Christians numbered about a million. Today, estimates range between 30 and 70 million! How did this body of believers grow so rapidly under atheism and materialism? Bold as a Lamb is the true story of Pastor Samuel Lamb. Imprisoned for more than twenty years for preaching the Gospel, he became the beloved secret pastor to hundreds of fellow inmates. After his release in 1978, he built a phenomenal “house church” congregation of more than a thousand. Soon, however, he became the special target of those determined to destroy the mushrooming house church movement in China. His church was closed and his ministry tools were confiscated. Yet this man remains undaunted, standing boldly — and with spiritual grace, against fierce opposition. This is the fascinating, eye-opening account of one of China’s best-known pastors, his dauntless congregation, and how they found joy and optimism in the face of relentless persecution.
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Day Christ Died
$16.99“This is a book about the most dramatic day in the history of the world, the day on which Jesus of Nazareth died. It opens at 6 P.M.-the beginning of the Hebrew day-with Jesus and ten of the apostles coming through the pass between the Mount of Olives and the Mount of Offense en route to Jerusalem and the Last Supper. It closes at 4 P.M. the following afternoon, when Jesus was taken down from the cross. . . . The fundamental research was done a long time ago by four fine journalists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The rest has been added in bits and pieces from many men whose names span the centuries.”
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Holy War In Ancient Israel A Print On Demand Title
$21.99From the earliest days of Israel’s existence as a people, holy war was a sacred institution, undertaken as a cultic act of a religious community. The concept of holy war, an intriguing and sometimes disturbing theme in the Old Testament, is given its most articulate expression in this classic study by the distinguished German scholar Gerhard von Rad.
For Israel, the most important feature of holy war was the demand for faith in Yahweh’s saving acts. However, von Rad argues, it was not Yahweh alone who acted; rather, because they envisioned Yahweh fighting in their behalf the Israelites themselves were inspired – and obliged – to fight even harder.
In this regard, the actual events differed vastly from the picture given by the biblical narratives, which downplay and often exclude the human factor and stress the exclusive warlike action of Yahweh, thus equating holy war with absolute miracle.
So persuasive was von Rad’s work on the Old Testament understanding of holy war that it set the standard for all subsequent work on the subject. Appearing here in English for the first time, this definitive study will prove valuable not only for students and scholars, but for anyone interested in the theory of holy war and its development throughout biblical history.
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Interpretation And Obedience
$36.66Brueggemann demonstrates the essential connection between faithful reading of the biblical text and faithful living in a world ordinary yet threatening values. He assesses the nature of obedience today in such areas as ministry, justice, education, hospitality, and the contemporary imagination. Walter Brueggemann is professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.
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Calvins Ecclesiastical Advice
$34.00“From the Publisher:” The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. Volumes in this series are intended for scholars, theologians, pastors, and lay people who are committed to faith in search of understanding.
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Studying Classical Judaism
$39.00What do we know about early Judaism? And how do we know it? Using the same scholarly methods usually applied to documents of the early church, Neusner investigates early Jewish literature to produce an astonishingly full portrait of Judaism in its formative years. Since Christianity was developing at the same time, Neusner’s outline suggests some intriguing comparisons.
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What Paul Really Said
$19.991. Where The Idea That Women Are Inferior To Men Really Began
2. New Roles For Husbands And Wives
3. Women As Leaders In The Church
4. Educating Women
5. The Question Of Dress And Hairstyles
6. Is Celibacy Holy?
7. The Slandered ApostleAdditional Info
This book presents a convincing case for equality of the sexes based on the very passages that are all too often used as proof texts to uphold male dominance and female subordination. This book is of value to the person who reveres Scripture but who struggles with traditional interpretations of passages concerning women and who fears that a desire for equality between the sexes is a violation of biblical principles. The author acquits Paul of misogyny and restores him to his rightful stature as a great architect of human liberation.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
In Gods Care
$18.95The books in the Hazelden Meditation Series have guided millions as they search for the wisdom and understanding they need to live one day at a time. Originally developed for people recovering from alcoholism and other addictions, these books will also appeal to anyone interested in personal and spiritual growth.
In God’s Care guides readers in understanding and strengthening their connection with a Higher Power, however they choose to define that presence. With the inspiration and support unique to Hazelden meditation books, In God’s Care offers encouragement and guidance for “practicing the presence of God” in daily life.
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Proverbs And Ecclesiastes
$27.99The “wise” of ancient Israel were concerned primarily with the nature of goodness and the character of faith: What is “good” for humankind, and how should people live their brief lives on earth? Although the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are generally regarded as two distinctly different types of works, Kathleen Farmer demonstrates that they belong together and should be read in light of each other as guides enabling and encouraging us to act in life-enhancing ways that are fully in accord with the teaching of the Lord.
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Paul And Perserverance
$55.00Does Paul assume that Christians will remain in salvation? If so, on what basis? What, if anything, can disrupt this continuity, and to what extent can it do so? Using detailed exegetical analysis of the relevant texts, Judith Volf addresses what Paul believed about continuity in salvation and the importance of this theme for subsequent Christians.
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1-2 Timothy And Titus (Student/Study Guide)
$12.48Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.
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Proverbs : A Self-Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$12.48Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.
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How To Train Volunteer Teachers
$20.99Explores the purposes of teaching in the church, and offers specific advice on how to recruit, train, and support volunteer teachers. 20 workshops to enhance and empower educational programs in any church.
These twenty stimulating, thirty-minute workshops show how to train volunteer teachers in a way that will dramatically increase the effectiveness of your Christian education program. After exploring the purposes of teaching children, youth, and adults in the church, Delia Halverson offers specific advice on how to recruit, train, and support volunteer teachers. Sunday school superintendents and education chairpersons will find this information invaluable as they recruit teachers, affirm them in their ministries, and plan training events.
Workshops offered in the book include: planning a session; keys to motivating students of all age groups; developing Bible skills in all age groups; storytelling in the classroom; creativity for you and your student; worship in the classroom; teaching prayer in the classroom; caring for students; teaching with questions and discussion; music in the classroom; and developing a learning center. Each workshop outline shows you which materials you will need for the workshop. One or more handouts for use in the training event are included. The book also features a bibliography of additional materials to enhance the workshops.
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Christian Basics A Print On Demand Title
$21.99A critically acclaimed resource perfect for your membership classes—and a lively refresher for long-time believers. The Fackres begin their introduction to Christianity by answering the question “Who is God?” From there they explain—in clear language—the creation, the fall, the covenant, Jesus, the church, salvation, and consummation. Includes a study guide, challenging questions, and more.
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Billy Sunday And The Redemption Of Urban America A Print On Demand Title
$27.99The greatest of the tent and tabernacle revivalists, preaching to over 100 million people from 1908 to 1920, Billy Sunday stands as one of the most significant mass evangelists of the twentieth century. In his full-length biography of Sunday, Lyle Dorsett makes a fresh and original contribution to our understanding of this pugnacious baseball player turned preacher with his use of the Sunday daily papers, a source previously unavailable to biographers.
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School Of Charity
$23.93These meditations, based upon the principle articles of the Nicene Creed, were originally presented by Evelyn Underhill (1875 – 1941) at a retreat she conducted at her beloved Pleshy, a small village in England that was the site of her conversion to the Christian faith. The renewed interest in mysticism and spirituality today among Christians of all communions draws heavily from her work.. Evelyn Underhill’s other books include Mystics of the Church, and The Spiritual Life, both available from Morehouse Publishing.
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There Is A Balm In Gilead
$43.33The sources of Martin Luther Kings’s Jr’s phenomenal and prophetic impact on life in America and beyond have never been adequately understood. In this path-breaking volume, Lewis Baldwin traces King’s vision and activism not to his formal philosophical and theological development but directly to his roots in Southern black culture, where King spent most of his 39 years. King’s appropriation of the Bible, Gandhi, American participatory democracy, Boston personalism, and the theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and the Social Gospel makes sense, Baldwin argues, only against his visceral and abiding identification with black culture and the black Christian tradition. Working directly with the trove of King’s sermons speeches, and unpublished papers, Baldwin has reconstructed the pain and joy, the defeat and triumph King experienced in his formative family relationships, in the black church, in his childhood and education, in his marriage and children, in segregated black Atlanta, and in his leadership of America’s civil rights movement.
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Ecclesiastes And Song Of Solomon
$12.48Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.
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Pagan And Christian In An Age Of Anxiety
$66.65Drawing on the abundant material available for the study of religious experience in late antiquity, Professor Dodds examines the personal religious attitudes and experiences common to pagans and Christians in the period between Marcus Aurelius and Constantine. World-hatred and asceticism, dreams and states of possession, and pagan and Christian mysticism are all discussed. Finally, Dodds considers both pagan views of Christianity and Christian views of paganism as they emerge in the literature of the time. Although primarily written for social and religious historians, this study will also appeal to all those interested in the ancient world and its thought.
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Haggai Zechariah And Malachi
$12.48Exploring the Bible’s message is easy and exciting with these complete do-it-yourself Bible study guides. Each study includes helpful outlines, charts, maps, diagrams and explanations. For personal, group or classroom use.
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